DemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTerrorismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal 1000 New Subscribers By April 15th!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 19 TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1939 375 per copy WORKERS CAN DEFEAT HITLER They Can End the Threat of Fascism Nazis Established By Crushing the Capitalist System On Soviet Border 19 CM ما به ایرانه 96 FASUSTS Every worker in this country and in If Roosevelt is so pugnacious against colonial and semi colonial slaves and the own country by destroying the capitalist Pact With Rumania Gives Hitler New other countries, where fascism has not yet Hitler it is not because Hitler has made workers in the home countries.
system and they will then find it easy to Outpost; Stalin Still Playing succeeded in destroying every bit of free virtual slaves out of the German workers, It is not worth a single drop of the get rid of Hitler in Germany.
dom possessed by the working class, is For Deal With Reich but because Germany threatens to take blood of any worker to stop Hitler for Let the workers take over power in anxions to stop Hitler at all costs. That is away much of the South American trade the benefit of the capitalists the demoas it should be. There is nothing more which is now in the possession of Amer cratic countries. It is worth everything Let them abolish the capitalist system IN PERILOUS SPOT urgent at the present moment than to ican capitalists.
to destroy Hitlerism throughout the which is the mother of all fascist moveThe democratic capitalist governments world.
stop Hitler.
ments. Let them establish a Workers By establishing German economic domination over Rumania, Adolf Hitler last week had virtually planted his pirate flag on the But the all important question re are interested in fighting Hitler only to The workers can stop Hitler in only Government which will give the factories borders of the Soviet Union.
mains: How can the workers stop Hitler? protect their right to rob and exploit the one way. They must begin the job in their to the workers and the land to the workHitler, gobbling up Memel in his stride, forced Rumania to sign The workers must absolutely clear ing farmers. Under such a government an agreement which virtually establishes full German control over about the answer to this question. OtherThe Principle of the Thing the great masses of the people will fight Rumania rich resources, yoking them to German needs and placing Hitler and Hitlerism to the bitter end.
wise, they will struggle in vain and like the whole of Rumanian economy in subordination to the Greater tens of thousands of Austrian and SpanAnd a Workers Government will call Reich.
ish workers they will sacrifice their lives upon the German workers to revolt The hesitation and uncertainty that existed earlier in the week without accomplishing their purpose.
against Hitler and the German workers over the precise status of this German Rumanian agreement apparentTo struggle to the death against fascan be counted on to answer such a call ly arose out of the Rumanian government uncertainty as to the cism is absolutely necessary. But we must without hesitation.
course British and French imperialism would pursue.
win in that struggle.
At present Hitler can tell the German There appeared every reason to believe that Rumania waited to see if it could count on British, French, or Russian aid and when it Chamberlain, the prime minister of workers that England, France and the saw that no such aid would be forthcoming, it signed on the dotted England, Daladier the premier of France United States are preparing for war line. Whether this would save and President Roosevelt are threatening against Germany because the capitalists FRANCE SPEEDS from aetual Invasion only Adolf Hitler knew.
to fight and stop Hitler. Should not, then, Hungary Moves the workers back the heads of these German people. And the German worki TREND TOWARDS For while the Rumanian agree democratic governments and try to ment was being crammed down stop Hitler in that way?
Daladier are not fighting for democracy.
the thronts of King Carol and his DICTATORSHIP friends, Hungary continued moThat is what the Stalinists and socialTHE ONLY WAY OUT bilizing troops on the Rumanian democrats, the liberals and conservative border and late, Thursday made But when the German workers will see trade union leaders advise us to do.
Foretaste of Wara provocative foray into Slovakia, that the workers of England, France and THAT WAY LIES FASCISM the tremulously independent Time Regime in the United States have thrown the capistate over which Hitler has asWe can say with absolute certainty talists out of power it will be impossible Decrees sumed a protectorate and which that if the workers follow such advice, keep Ruma for Hitler to fool them. They will do to he is using as bait they are doomed. Like their brothers in Hitler and to the German capitalists of democracy. the former Peo points Preparing for war in the name nia and Hungary at swords Austria and Spain they will sacrifice their what the workers of France, England and ple Front Government of France Hungary presumably invaded lives in vain.
the United States did to their capitalists. is swiftly converting itself into Slovakia to secure an extension of In any war by the democratic capitalist This is the hard way but it is the only totalitarian dictatorship.
Acting with the powers granted land. The Slovaks Thursday night countries against Germany, Hitler might way out for the workers of the world. him by Parliament, Premier Edou were offering considerable resistbe defeated and stopped. But Hitlerism, There is no other way to stop Hitler and ard Daladler last week began the ance, creating a perfect set up for fascism, will remain, will become the preHitlerism.
process of lacing the workers of Hitler to move in with his army France into a totalitarian strait if it suits his needs.
vailing system in the democratic counThe whole program of the Socialist Jacket and at the same time beMeanwhile London and Paris, tries as a result of the war.
Workers party for stopping Hitler can san mobilizing the French army more uncertain than ever of what on the frontiers, For if Chamberlain wants to stop Hitbe summed up as follows: See article on page for a ler, it is not because Hitler crushes the Under the decrees issued last To stop Hitler the workers must Tuesday, labor in all heavy indusdiscussion of the possibilities working class of Germany, but because of agreement between Hitler destroy Hitlerism.
try found itself saddled with a and Stalin in the present world Hitler threatens England colonies. If To destroy Hitlerism the workers co hour week at greatly reduced midis wage rates. Tabor is faced with Daladier wants to stop Hitler, it is not must depend upon their own united prosecution for treason if it ob because Hitler has destroyed the liberty Soviet Union position actustrength. They must take over power and jects. The French unemployed of the German workers, but because he is carry on a revolucionary war against Hitwere made subject to governmentally is, groped fearfully for a afraid to lose some French colonies.
al conscription for national de way of checking the Hitlerite lerism throughout the world.
drive. In both western capitals fense purposes, The New Regime there was much verbal indignaand France moved ahead According to the New York speedily to convert itself into a Times report, nearly all of the totalitarian regime, geared for labor system now in vogue has war, but they still seemed to be been temporarily. set aside hesitating before taking the plunge and a completely new regime will into a war that the French and be established. This new regime British bosses know will mean the The surrender of central Spain to Franco is practically means the whittling away and end of their empires as they now Rifles, Revolvers, Tear Gas, Shot Guns arranged, and former Premier Negrin is working closely to Congress Appropriates Huge Sums for this end with the Madrid Junta Paris sion of the meager rights that exist Used By Employers, Says Senate into a dispatch from Paris to voresentative, accord Army and Navy as Propaganda London asked Poland and Mosthe workers and their organizacow to sign a common declaration Popular Frontist daliy in New York, March 23.
tions still possess.
Civil Liberties Committee On the 22nd, conversations between the Junta and Burgos Machine Works Overtime against Hitlerite aggression. PoThe first set of decrees applies and wanted an immediate comhad been proceeding for three days, according to Trifon Gomez, President Roosevelt has pumped into the war machine more to the national defense Indusmitment from the French and (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Spanish Socialist leader and Paris representative of the Junta.
money than any previous peace time president in the history of the Everything will be concluded favorably, he said, for WASHINGTON. While the well greased machinery of tries. This does not merely mean British that they would fight. This United States. His propaganda machine has taken over the head do not expect differences to arise which will oblige us to Congress continued to grind out armament appropriations, the Roose planes, and munitions, but to the offend the Nazi colossus they lines of the entire capitalist press in his drive to ram down the suspend negotiations. The main point being worked out is velt administration, supported by the Republicans, instituted several mines, power plants, the oil and kept out of the joint declaration throats of the workers the idea that they will presently be fighting evacuation from Spain of the Popular Front leadership.
new moves on the road to war.
fuel a glorious cause, saving democracy once again for the world, dying Naturally we are trying to evacuate only those persons 358, 000, 000 arms bill, authorizing the army Air Corps to Port Sstries, the entire trans For several days Moscow remained and ah other phases equally coy, first proposing a confor freedom of speech and the Star Spangled Banner.
who have been included by Burgos among those guilty under And while Roosevelt launches the imperialist offensive on of French industrial life that a ference and, when this was rejectthe Law of Responsibilities, and not those who may have com.
build up to 6, 000 airplanes, secured final approval on March 22, rectly affect the war machine.
world wide scale, the industrial leaders of his own class are waging ed by the British, finally when mitted common crimes, with whom we have no solidarity while the House, the same day, voted an additional 116, 000, 000 These industries are placed un Rumania capitulated agreeing to an armed conflict against the workers who will presently be sent whatsoever. All compromised Spaniards will depart by agree to the army for critical items, including semi automatic rifles, light (Continued on Page 3) the proposed common declaration abroad to die for their bosses ment with the Junts and with Burgon wishes.
and heavy artillery, tanks, antiCivil Liberties Committee, which At the same time the Russians profits.
has studied industrial disputes aircraft guns and gas masks.
have made it plain that they will On the front pages of the major for two years and a half under Paving the way for still larger still entertain any bid from Hitler newspapers headlines about the the chairmanship of Senator La appropriations along the same that will turn the edge of the new fight for democracy. Buried Follette, and which is now asking line, the Appropriations CommitNazi sword westward. Water Duin recommending the latter port from the La Follette Civil for legislation that would forbia the sale of gas or firearms to inbin to the House reported that, every day in the pages of the New Liberties Committee that shows dustrial concerns for use in any after the expenditure the ap. Special to the Socialist Appeal) scene. Members of the Socialist York Times. It is virtually certain exactly the story of the real war: kind of labor dispute. Special to the Socialist Appeal) progressive office workers to join proved sum, the army would stiu PHILADELPHIA, March 23. Workers Party and the Young that Moscow agreement to the fare being waged by the present NEW YORK, March 21. Five the American Federation of La be deficient 67 in these criti. The militant threat of Peoples Socialist League went in British. proposed declaration is owners of industry against the lette Committee are as eloquent ist dominated United Office and whelming majority while a small outlnys.
The facts bared by the La Fol hundred members of the Stalin bor. It was carried by an overal items, indicating future huge working class picket line and to various sections of the city. one step in the attempt to extract workers.
as a swed off shot gun in the Professional Workers Union, Logroup of hoodlums from the Stacounter demonstration forced a making short agitational speeches a bargain out of the German Nazi Private Arms hands of a high paid company cal 16, affliate, met last linist fraction, who had gained Educational Orders Fascist outfit here parading under and arousing the population Fuehrer.
From 1933 to 1937 tremendous guard in exposing the brutality, night in Manhattan Center and entry into the meeting by forged proval included a 34, 600, 000 item fense of Constitutional Rights to The bill which secured final ap the name of Committee for De against the fascist meeting.
Situation Is Fluid The news of this rising wrath In other words, the situation to arm their own private troops lence and terrorism and blood with the organization and to join up the meeting by shouting and money de primarily oreksperided by take place tonight at the Metroto scatter the fascists back to the have been during the last 14 days.
This cancel a meeting scheduled to of the working class was enough remains as fluid as the borderlines for war right at home. They shed by America corporate in the of union, the Book starting fights. Union ushers were private manufacturers, not on ac politan Opera House.
gutters from which they came. The Stalin government in the bought more tear and nauseating terests.
keepers, Stenographers and Ac on the job, however, and one ad tual war materials produced, but gas than all the regular law enEarly on Wednesday morning. weakened by two years of Company Terrorism countants Union.
ministration stooge was quickly on making new dies, tools and The workers, aroused as they March 22, their leader, Thomas frightful purging that has forcement of the United Eighty corporations and assoapped The meeting, called by the Projected from the hall, and more machinery, that is, on expanding stirring leaflets issued by the so meeting was unavoldably post in particular, is still hoping to neve: been before by the Blisard, Jr. announced that the morale in general and in the army States combined.
ciations during the year studied gresive Group of Local 18 than a hundrede, others were re the means of production of armor cialist Workers Party and the poned.
One outit alone, the Republic purchased more than 1, 000 worth adopted a resolution denouncing fused admittance.
buy Hitler off with a deal. On the Steel Corporation, bought four of tear and sickening gas and the rule or ruin tactics used by The resolution called Local 16 eventual expenditures of a billion threatened to pour by the thouThe workers of Philadelphia other side of Europe the British times more poison gas equipment there corporations form the than the largest law enforcement backbone of large scale industry the gag rule employed to prevent it bad been captured by an or lion expended in thus preparing Metropolitan that night.
the Stalinists to keep control and a sorry failure and declared that on war materials for every mit sands into the streets around the are not stopping here. huge and French are apparently makopen air demonstration will take ing another stab at trying to purchaser in the entire United of the country, says the report. progressives from expressing ganized machine which violated for more production place tonight at P. to cele wean Mussolini away from Hitler The single largest purchaser of Opinions within the union. ite oath to serve the membership Munitions Expansion Bill Several trade unions officially brate the victory of the working before concluding that they have These are sober facts, made tear and nauseating gas listed as Hoodlums Ejected by placing the political interests Prepared for by weeks of bally to be established and promised to spot where the fascists were to In elther case the initiative 15 endorsed the picket line that was class. It will be held on the very no alternative left but war.
publio on March 20 by the Senate (Continued on Page 8)
The resolution called on all (Continued on page Continued on page 3) send scores of workers to the have held their meeting. Continued on Page 3)
tion Carlo Democracy Madrid Surrender Near; Pittman Bill Frees Bared In Report Negrin Works With Miaja Hands for War Office Workers Quit CIO; Protest Union Bureaucacy SWP Picket Threat Stops Philadelphia Fascist Meet States