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SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol No. 18 March 24, 1989 SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 24, 1939 Japan Tries to Conceal Unrest THEIR In Korea and Formosa Colonies GOVERNMENT Overlords Fear Repercussions In Other Colonies As Korean Movement for Independence and Unity With China Gains Adherents Despite Repressions Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8517 Subscriptione: 00 per year: 00 for six months Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six months: 00 for one year. Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1939, at post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1870.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factories. operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage. 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
Defend the Soviet Union!
Stalin is trying to balance himself on the cazor edge We Don Have Spies Saga of a Liberal Publisher How He Got There of He thinks he is going to save the Soviet Union in its hour of mortal peril by playing off Hitler Mussolini against Chamberlain Daladier.
That road, followed without basing the main de fense of the Soviet Union on the bulwark of a revolutionary policy designed to arouse the working class of the entire world against its own masters, is the road to disaster.
The revolutionary might of the international working class is the only power in the world that can save the Soviet Union.
It will do so not by allying itself with the Chamberlains, Daladiers, Roosevelts, Hitlers and Mussolinis, but by overthrowing them all and replacing their governments with the power of the working class.
The Soviet Union is in mortal peril. Despite the ravages of the decadent Stalinist bureaucracy, the socialized means of production created as a result of the October revolution remain the most precious possession of the international working class.
The Fourth International is the only force in the entire world that calls upon the workers to organize the revolutionary defense of the The Fourth International is the only force in the entire world that calls upon the workers to break the shackles that bind them to their war making masters and when war comes to transform that imperialist war into a revolutionary war for the emancipation of al mankind from capitalist thraldom.
An end to all the cowardly policies that would engulf the workers in the democratic and fascist war machines!
Forward toward the workers revolution and a workers peace!
There is no other way to save the Soviet Union want to try them out on their workers without fear of losing a juicy government contract?
By James Burnham The Walsh Healey Act has been amended. The Act originally provided that munitions makers and other government contractors should pay the prevailing rate of wages and work their men a maximum of 40 hours a week.
But Congress amended the Act, striking out just In the March 13th Issue of the magazine, Time, there these provisions and no others. Congress has become is a long article on Hearst. It is an excellent plece of so economy minded that it is guaranteeing all the Information seeping through trolled areas in Chine, but the nounced the formation of a Ko journalism, summarizing the career of Hearst and his manufacturers who get fat government contracts that the rigid censorship to the out Korean movement has refused to rean Legion which pledged loy enterprises. It sketches the great expansive days that reached their zenith in 1922. It shows how, during the they shall also get the privilege of driving their work of the unrest that has now persistence born of undying ha Recently the Korean People 20 s, Hearst kept up what had become the husion of ers for any number of hours and at any rate of pay.
spread, and continues to spread, tred for the Japanese rulers. Party issued a defiant manifesto, expension through huge borrowings; how even in 1980 Recent Japanese propaganda pledging full support to the ChiNaturally this is all done in the name of National through Formosa and Koren.
was able to sell 50, 000, 000 of preferred stock Defense. For the workers, National Defense means to the public.
The relative mildness with efforts have sought to conceal the nese in the fight against their this continuing move common enemy. The manifesto But Hearst gross extravagances, the top heavy slavery, sweat, terror, death. For the employers it ties against Pukien Province, in ment. Government sponsored del states in part (China Weekly Re financial structure, the complexity and internal Inmeans enormous profits, luxurious living, government China, just across channelegations returning from Korea view, Jan. 21, 1939. stability of his empire, were sapping the foundations.
from Formosa, tends to lend con have brought back glowing re DEFIANT MANIFESTO definite crisis of the entire Hearst system came to aid in wielding the steel tipped whip on the backs of firmation to the reports. With ports of the patriotism that It has been 29 years now since a head in 1937. Application to issue 35, 500, 000 in detheir workers.
bentures was filed before the Objections were But these Congressional enactments are just pleas. Amoy in May, 1988, strategic tatives report evidences of this During these 29 years, under the of. made to the issue, and it became clear that it would necessity. Fukien has been vir same patriotism and devotion principle of interior extension, not get approval.
ant little teasers compared to what is in store for the workers when the guns of war begin crashing on tually free from attack. There to the Japanese sovereign the 23, 000, 000 Koreans have been Enters the New Regime may be other reasons for this, amongst the Koreans living in forced to live like animals. The the battle front.
sufferings and oppressions we In this crisis, Hearst, like hundreds of other capibut it is safe to say that one im China.
When that time comes the Industrial Mobilization portant deterrent has been Ja BACK CHINESE STRUGGLE Koreans have been receiving are talists in hundreds of similar crises, was faced with choice between two alternatives only: to continue But the rulers of Japan, them beyond imagination.
Plan, already carefully outlined by Army officials, will pan well founded fear that the ruthless spoliation of Fukien selves, give no credence to these Since the beginning of the along the old lines and in a few months to lose everyclamp an iron muzzle upon the entire labor move would have repercussions in her propaganda reports. Instead they present war, the Japanese mili thing ownership, control, Income, everything: or to institute a drastie, savage reorganization which would ment. All limitations of whatever nature upon hours Formosan colony.
are resorting to friendly gestures tary has had severe lesson.
the Korean Peoalso mean giving up a good deal but which would have of work, wages, collective bargaining will be wiped Cultural, racial and economic to mollify the angered feelings Comrades of a chance of saving something some income, priviout at one stroke.
ties between the Formosans and of the Koreans. Japanese re ple Party have all risen to this particular area of the Chi Review of January 21, spoke of 29 years, and to fight for justice, the China Weekly avenge the grievances of these leges, rights for the present and the future.
Hearst chose, not unnaturally, the lesser evil On military dictatorship will rule the labor movement nese mainland are extremely a movement for the complete peace, and the mother country June 27, 1937, he turned management of his affairs in a fashion that will make Hitler and Mussolini look close, despite efforts since 1895 assimilation of Koreans with Only the lack of strength has over to a regent, Clarence John Shearn, a hardened like peanut snatchers. Any union leader who calls New York attorney closely associated with the Chase of kinship between the peoples Japanese so as to eradicate the made large scale rebellion impos Bank.
strikes for higher wages or union recognition, autoliving on either side of the dice existing between them. Ko have never ceased for a single slight barrier of racial preju sible. But anti Japanese activities matically becomes a traitor and is liable to arrest under Straits of Formosa are far deep reans would henceforth be called day.
The regent got ruthlessly to work. Unprofitable units of the empire were sold. Many luxuries, such as the charge of treason.
er than the love of the Formo compatriots and be regarded China and Korea sans for the Japanese imperial by the Japanese as their own ically related. Both nations have histor the grotesque Hearst art collection were dumped.
The war guns are rolling and Congress is doing its Hundreds of individuals, from workers to bigh execubit to prepare the unemployed and the workers for and drained their country of its concern, occurring just at this gression in the past scores of ists who have oppressed them Hesh and blood. This delicate been subjected to Japanese ng: tives, were fired. Wages and salaries, including Hearst own salary, were sharply cut. Rigorous fithe slaughter.
nancial control was instituted. drive (though this FIGHT FOR FREEDOM time, for people who hitherto years. The Koreans believe have been exploited with bestial that when China wins in her war is left delicately unnoticed by the Time article)
The Supreme Court decision declaring sit down In Korea, evidences of ferment ferocity, is eloquent of Japan of resistance, all the weak and against the wages and working conditions of employ ees was conducted by all necessary means Including strikes illegal and denying participants protection of and of an attitude of watchful anxiety over conditions in Koren. small nations will be benefited, the Wagner labor relations act, was expected to mark waiting are even more evident Connections are still close be emancipated, and can return to the thugs and gangsters used in the strikes at Milthe diappearance of that technique in labor disputes. than they are in Formosa, This tween the Koreans living in Chi a state of freedom and equality.
waukee, Chicago and on the Pacific Coast.
They mean, hope.
is readily understandable. Ruth na and those living in the home The fat, rich old days are gone. But the empire These are hardly the words of less as the Japanese bave been tond. The actions and declara patriots who are consumed desperate, stripped and shaken, stul stands; still, at in Formosa, they have been even tios of the exiles are a reflection with a growing feeling of devoany rate, today.
more vicious in their enslavement of the feelings animating those tion to their imperial soverThe Scale Drawing of the Koreans and even more still living under the heel of Ja eign. They are a clear indication brutal in their efforts to stamp pan.
that the Koreans, enslaved, deThe story of Hearst is interesting in itself. But what Asked by the Senate what it knew about Japanese struck me particularly, once again reading It is the out Korean culture and customs. On October 10 last year, anni graded, hounded and persecuted astonishing fullness of the analogy which it, and fortifications on islands adjacent to Guam, the State cuted Korean nationalists and tion, a manifesto by a group of only awaiting an opportune mo For decades Japan has perse versary of China first revolu by their Japanese overlords, are the so frequent businesa situations comparable to it, Department replied that it had no knowledge.
revolutionists wherever they re Koreans in Hankow (then still ment to rise up against their vibear to that more generalized drasle, sayage reo ganization of capitalist enterprise to fasciem.
The smug hypocrisy of this irked the well informed sided, not excluding foreign con in Chinese porscusion) an cious masters.
What happens in fascism? Not Herrst, or any individual capitalist, but the capitalist class as a whole Drew Pearson and Robert Allen, the Washington writers of the syndicated column, Merry Go Round.
comes face to face with Hearst choice between two alternatives only: continue along the old lines and In tht Daily Mirror, March 17, they call the in a few months to lose everything ownership, conState Department denial an all time record of trol, income, everything; or to institute a drastie, mydiplomatic equivocation.
age reorganization which would mean giving up a good deal, but which would have a chance of saving In the files of the State Department, they write, is a something some Income, privileges, rights for the By SOL. BRODWIN copy of a report by an American spy, describing the for trade unionism but frowns liam Fox, movie magnate; Sam present and the future.
manufacturer Japanese fortifications on these mandated islands. It One of the shining knights of upon trouble making, militant uel Fels, soap class evil. liberalism is David Stern, pub unlonism, and considers that the George Earle, former Philadel stewart, st regent the fascist party and its anter was secured by the Navy, which sent two officers lisher of the New York Post, the Guild units of his papers exist by phla Governor: Joseph Guffey, is brought in. He gets ruthlessly to work. Many luxto get it in 1932. They spent months learning the Phlendelphia Record, and smaller Tare do you think yosteren Datenmenganta videntor Ast Semana uries are stripped away: Anancial control and coordsMalay language, stained their bodies brown, and nation is instituted; unprofitable units dropped or abshipped as Kanaka seamen. One of them never came All the necessary qualities are presume on the good will of a Bernard Gimbel.
sorbed. Above all, the thugs and gangsters, now with allegedly his independence, friend? he once remarked at a BE NICE TO STOCKthe legal sanction of state power, smash the organiback, probably shot by the Japanese. The other wrote courage, principles. am not in heated conference of the man HOLDERS zation of the masses, and drive down wages and the report which the State Department has.
the business to make money, he agement and the Guild represen. Stern has been anti Wall Street, working conditions.
has said, but to get a kick out tatives. Elsewhere he said, There pro inflation and liberal spending Spies are an integral instrument in the mechanics of But the analogy is even more illuminating. For it of it.
is a growing suspicion that the by the government and not shows how and why the capitalists themselves have imperialist war preparations. They all use them. The in is without good to pay a hravy cost for fascism. Thelr own income, spy scares engineered by the Roosevelt administration Digest, entitled The Renais leaders who are more interested in America 60 Families has privileges, freedom are decreased. It shows why caplare also part of the war preparations. The usefulness ance of the Editorial Page, in breeding friction and ill win pointed out that Stern organltalists, most of them, do not like fascism any more than a business man likes those measures neces of these spy scares, however, depends on duping the mission. Who he says, to In June, 1935, he asked the goods industrialists, motion pic sary to save his business from immediately threatAmerican people into believing that only the wicked take care of the big bank of the New York Post Guild to conduct ture companies and real estate ened bankruptcy. Observing the limitations which nations use spies. Pearson and Allen revelation. utility company when it steps a school of Journalism for copy holders, heavily in debt to the capitalista in Italy and Germany have accepted, our which of course is not denied by the State Department over the line, if the publisher be boys and other employees who banks, and that the above policles liberal nincompoops try to tell us that the capitalists. serves to bring home the point that the American there were mistaken as to their own interests when not at hand. have never want to learn newspaper work are in line with their interests.
After the purchase of the they put fascism in governmental power, or even that government is as guilty of this method of preparing of money for editorial support, aim of the Guild. He urged the New York Post, Stern fired capitalism has disappeared in Germany and Italy. It for war as is any other imperialist regime.
nor has any banker to whom Guild not to take the attitude Ernest Gruening, his editor, has no more disappeared, they were no more mistaken.
owod money ever attempted the simply of a labor union found who wanted to conduct a cam than in the case of the individual enterprise, like squeeze play.
you get as much as you give. It paign against the slum proper Hearsts, striving to keep alive through frantic toAsked whether he would bear arms against Soviet PRACTICALLY NONwould raise the dignity of the ties of Vincent Astor, a stock talitarian reorganization. Fascism is the politics of Communista, in the event of a war between the United PROFIT MAKING Guild. It would be good window holder in the Post.
bourgeois desperation. The fat, old rich days are gone States and Soviet Russia, Carl Winter, Minnesota It is Stern claim that he is dressing. something else than Margiotti, former attorney But the empire, desperate, stripped and shaken, stil Communist Party state secretary, declared: My running what is practically the Guild slapping down a con. General of Pennsylvania, charged stands answer would be yes. Winter quoted Earl Browder non profit making institution de tract without giving anything in that Stern sold support for The Analogy Strikes Home and the tenth party convention platform as authority, voted to the interests of the return. The effect on the publication for Sunday movies in PhilEvery time these scissorbills open their mouths, we people and high ideals, and not is not good. It makes your mo adelphia to movie companies. And for the United States? The great expansive think that the final depth of Stalinism has been for the interests of himself and tive look definitely selfish. Stern denied this, but the presi days reach their zenith in 1929 (Hearst 1922. The 11 lusion of expansion is then sustained through huge plumbed, but additional utterances on their part prove his backers. Hence he claims the Stern married Julia Lit, whose ence of Louis Kolb, Philadelonly that the depths have not yet been reached. support of his readers and sac family owns the big Philadelphia phia theatre owner, Warner Bros.
borrowings. The gross extravagances, the top heavy rifices from his employees. Re department store. Buying run and Albert Greenfield, financial Anancial structure, the complexity and the internal fusing a raise in wages to the down papers and making suc agent for both Stern and War instability of the empire, sap the foundations. The New York Post employees in 1936, cesses of them, Stern made the ner Bros. among his backers, definitive crisis of the entire system comes to a head he pleaded, besides the financial big time in 1929 with the pur lends some credence The United States approaches swiftly Hearst 1937.
condition of the paper, that, No chase of the Philadelphia Record. charge Albert Greenfeld, of the Bank LIBERAL WHEN IT Before the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, ought to jeopardize it. am ers Security Corporation of Phil DOESN HURT New York Mayor LaGuardia spoke his indignation justified in being adamant be adelphia, became the financial The blackest episode in Stern over the Nazi barbarities and over German competi cause am fighting to preserve an guiding hand for all Stern ven career is his eapitulation to the The Press tion with American business in Latin America institution which ought to be pre tures, managing the purchase of Catholic Church over the Spanthe Record and The Post andish civil war. After an editorial By ARTHUR HOPKINS Americans, said LaGuardia, must fight the menace Stern attitude towards the securing the necessary financial friendly to the Loyalists in the Says a Minneapolis Tribune editorial: The democof German fascism, even to the point of waging war. unions of his employees is the support. And these backers are Record the Catholic Church racy versus dictatorship theme is an entrancing one, best commentary on his liberalno pikers. They are millionaires called for a boycott of the Rec but there are occasional sour notes. the United They must stop at nothing to oppose the fascist invaism. He has fired employees for and near millionaires: Warner ord. Stern then crawled to Car States, for example, pretending that Latin America is sion into American life, and profits.
union activity like any Tory em Bros. Louis Kolb, director of dinal Daugherty, writing, At a stronghold of democracy, when it has more blownployer. In Camden, New Jersey. General Baking Corp. and owner the time we did not know as in the bottle dictators, of the European variety. than But it would appear that His Honor is somewhat with Stern knowledge, a strong of theatres in Philadelphia; wi admitted we should have known Mr. Hull could shake stick at. Why this got passed, limited in his opposition to fascism. For as we recall, arm man was hired by the editor. that the Catholic Church was DEBATE dunno, unless it is the fact that it must be devilishly the very man who so boldly affirmed his readiness to of the Camden Courier to find involved in this uprising. Then tiresome to tell lies all the time yield every last workers life to safeguard Wall Street out who the unionists were and came an editorial denonucing Loyalist action against the profits, was a wee less indignant when the Nazis to slap down anybody who got An 83 year old American woman accidentally meets snotty. This whole story was Church brazenly met in Madison Square Garden under his told in the New York Post Guild Circulation the King and Queen of Engand when they attend the still unrestored, British industries fair. All spectators had been asked protection. At that time, His Honor used every means shop paper of Sept. 1986.
Stern implored His Eminence for to leave when royalty had arrived, but the American at his disposal not to prevent the fascists from meet The wage scales of the New advice as to what should or was deemed too old to be removed. When the Queen York Post have never equaled ing, but to guarantee the fascists the rights of democshould not do in this matter.
saw me she held out her hand and kissed it, said those of the News, World TeleFinally the matter was ended racy by very undemocratically denying New York the aged woman. She is so sweet and dainty. Sweet gram or Sun.
JOSEPH SHAPLEN with a reprimand to the penianti fascist workers the right to picket. Some 1, 700 FOR UNIONS WHEN Social Democrat and dainty! But she and the King and the other tent Stern!
royal parasites feed on the same fuod ius Cimex lec police were called out, we remember, to club the THEY RE NOT MILITANT Stern has described himself as Says Yes!
tularius (the bedbug. the blood of the working class, demonstrators. And we further remember that his Stern cutest trick wus to se(Social Democratic Fed. a practical liberal which means handling of the anti fascists won for the Mayor the cure a loan of 10 per cent from that like any bourgeois liberal the New York Post employees MAX SHACHTMAN and capecially one who is a Denver psychiatrists are now working on John plaudits of the Nazi spokesmen.
Bollinger, 35 year old dishwasher, who lost his job salaries in September, 1938, to be Trotskyist moderately large capitalist, he repaid at per cent interest (beHis Honor game is transparently clear. We want Says No!
is a liberal only when it does not and immediately started walking backwards. Physihurt.
low savings bank interest) whencians state that he has a rare disease, caused by a no part of his anti fascism. That is to say, we want (Socialist Workers Party)
ever the paper would make moInevitably as a capitalist he maladjustment of the inner ear. It is no part of any boss war, fought with our lives, to Friday, March 31 ney. At first the Post Guild oblines up in basic situations with that such a disease is rare in this world where everyenrich the idlers; nor any part of the sugar coated jected, but a frantic plea to thing is run backwards and upside down where every 8:30 his class. He condemns sit down fakery under which boss politicians push their war Roosevelt was relayed to John in Auditorium of strikes, anti Nazi demonstrations day captive good attends captain 11.
Lewis, who put pressure on the RAND SCHOOL and indulges in red baiting and Guild to accept. The paper, bav East 16th Street patriotic flag waving just like Mrs. Dorothy Barber, 20, wife of Kansus City Fascism must be fought by every means. But it is ing lost even more circulation Elias Tartak, Chairman any reactionary worker, is slowly eating herself to death while we who will do the fighting, and with our own instra and advertising. a few Sponsors: Now that capitalism months ago tried to put through RAND SCHOOL FORUM the screws on liberalism in physicians puzzled over her strange case which indiments. Against the fascists we will hurl, not the cates that there is some disturbance of the pancreas another loan but failed.
and MARXIST SCHOOL of the Stern type will more and causing a low blood sugar count and an abnormal flow phoney speeches of politicians, but the organized Stern adopts patronizing Admission 250 more in the future conform to of digestive Jules. How truly horrible to have an might of Workers Defense Guards.
manner to the Guild. He is all its necessarily reactionary line. appetite on a Income! While Congress argues with President Roosevelt over the precise mathematical point to which relief Defense Means Slavery appropriations can be slashed without becoming out His Anti Fascism is Suspect to the Labor Looks Through served.
stream of money pouring into the war machine to Alood proportions.
No mechanical or chemical contrivance ingeniously designed to wipe out the greatest number of victims in the most horrible manner is too expensive for the gentlemen who sit in the halls of Congress.
It will doom the women, children, and workers of a whole city? destroy at one blow the heritage of 3, 000 years civilization? Good. We will appropriate money for it.
What irony in this sordid scheming for war, these back stage agreements over future profits! The poor worker who must endure a relief cut for the sake of economy and starve until his backbone meets his belt buckle is exactly the same person who will die in all the splendor of a modern bomb paid for with money from his relief allowance.
Yes, the Congressmen are as ingenious in their way as the dealers in machine guns and poison gas.
It a neat plan, taking the money away from the unemployed in order to make a bright shiny butcher tool with which to kill him.
But the unemployed are not the only victims of Congress.
Listen to these pretty details of what the honorable gentlemen in Washington are arranging for those who come under the classification of workers: The Barkeley amendment to the Air Corps Expansion bill has been rejected by Congress. The Barkeley amendment would have denied any government contracts to munition makers convicted of intimidating workers from joining unions or refusing bargain collectively.
Why did Congress reject this amendment? Can it be because the makers of machine guns, for example, Has Bolshevism Failed?