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Workers of the World Unite!
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Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Socialist Appeal HOW CAN WE FIGHT HITLER?
VOL. III No. 18 FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1939 375 34 per copy Lesson for the Workers, Too!
War Plans Pushed By Roosevelt Boss War Will Mean New World War Again Spread of Hitlerism Threatens Stop the Kaiser HITLER Democracy Vis. Autocracy FASCISM Poor little Svrbrá (ZECHOSLOVAKIA MAKERS CAPITALIST PRESS Carla STALINISTS SILENT Stalin Waits For Nazi Reply to Bid an The first is the proposal of the pagrige MADRID LEADER Workers of the United States! The Only Way to Pittman Rips Mask Fight Against War and Fascism is to Overthrow Bosses Prepare to Off Military the International System of Capitalist Slavery Hurl Masses Into Program Slaughter The latest events in Europe once again, many this time but spread throughout in the most acute form, raise in the minds the world.
MOBILIZE INDUSTRY ARMIES ON MOVE of every worker the questions: Can we stop Hitler? How can we stop Hitler?
Germany Hitler may be prevented The Roosevelt administration, The peoples of the world were from getting the colonies which he seeks.
with the approval of Republican How can we prevent this monstrous jug.
gernaut from enslaving the world? The colonial peoples will be no less hor being dragged this week at a leaders, has moved swiftly day by ribly oppressed by the Hitlers of Eng frighteningly swift pace toward a new world war.
day during the European crisis to Let us reply at once to the first of land, France and the United States. The On half a dozen fronts mil.
utilize it for the American gov.
these questions: We can and we must fascist yoke around our necks in Englions of menthe workers of all ernment own war preparations.
stop Hitler. His appearance of unbeat land, France and the United States may lands were once more being Intensifying the crisis atmosable strength is in reality a deception. not wear a label, Made in Germany. prepared for the mutual slaughter.
phere by a series of moves against What strength he has is the strength of but it will bear down no less heavily The desperate world struggle Nazi Germany, the administration desperation, like the frantic strength of as a home product. having thus presumably created of the capitalists for markets and the necessary hysterical atmosraw materials was again reaching a man in his death throes. He seems phere moved to expand the strong only because of the disorganiza RULERS LOOK TO FASCISM the point where, as in 1914 1918, American war machine by wiption of the forces opposed to him.
it was passing over to the stage The rulers of England, France and the of armed conflict.
ing out existing neutrality legislation.
ONLY TWO CHOICES United States do not like Hitler, because They almost reached the point The role of exports of munihe threatens their own possessions. But of war last September but tions as a method of expanding The crucial question is the second: they have no objection, in spite of their managed at the last moment to American war industries was er emreach compromise the Muphasized by Senator Key Pittman, How can we stop Hitler? This is what present demagogy, to Hitlerism. On the nich accord and now, after a chairman of the Foreign Relawe must answer, with absolute clarity. contrary, they know that the totalitarian brief six months the rival capitaltions Committee, in a radio broadist powers face each other once We must stop him, and we will, but we organization of their own nations is now more on the edge of the precipice cast Sunday night: must know exactly how to do it. If we the only method they have for preserving of war. The emergency demands of our government an expeditious do not, we may fail; or we may succeed their own powers and privileges.
Little Room for Deal and enormous increase of the cain stopping Hitler only to end up with much slimmer base exists pacity in this country for the prosomething as bad or even far worse than The first proposal for stopping Hitler, now for a compromise than exduction of materials and InstruHitler. then, adds up to just this: for the sake isted at the time of Munich. But ments of defense.
of defending the possessions of the ponement will be only for weeks It is totally impracticable, if not impossible, for our governAll proposals for stopping Hitler sift finance capitalists of London, Paris and or for months. World capitalism ment to suficiently increase the down, on analysis, to two. Realistically New York, to guarantee the victory of can no more control its convulsive thrusts toward war than a dying capacity of government works to considered, our choice is between these fascism throughout the world.
man can control his convulsions meet any such emergency. Our government must rely upon the two, and between them only.
as his end draws near.
expansion of the capacity of priON SHOOTING OF The second proposal for stopping Anglo French efforts to keep vate industry. Private industry Hitler is that of the revolutionary social the hungry imperialisme of Ger will not expand if It Is denied the and. of Roosevelt and the ists, of the Fourth International. many and Italy in check are failright and power to export its ing fast. The British and French Stalinists and the social democrats. This products.
colonial empires, ereated over the Duranty Quotes Bismarck to Support Idea is, Pittman Moves Fast brief, to reconsolidate the anti MAIN ENEMY AT HOME mangled bodies and with the Pittman first statement, on Miaja Executes His of Soviet German Friendship stolen werlth of hundreds of milGerman alliance of the World War, and Saturday, proposed to permit the Fellow Communist, lions of subjected slaves, are This proposal declares: Workers of to have the allied powers, headed by export of arms to belligerents in Despite its bombastic note about the invasion of Bohemia and war on the so called cashtime Barcelo Moravia, the Stalin government of the Soviet Union is still leaving England, France and the United States, every imperialist state, of England and now directly threatened by the strived imperialism of Germany and carry basis that is, all right, its door wide open to a deal with Hitler.
go to war against Germany. The masses France and the United States no less than and its satellite, Italy, title and interest in the consignBritain and France only Lieutenant Colonel Lauls Barcelo, ment would have to be trans a leader of the troops who e Soviet Ukraine to Hitler tendsterday were ready to throw the of workers and farmers are asked to supGermany, the main enemy is in your own The World War of 1914 1918 country! It is the bosses of your own was fought by the capitalists of France, Britain, and the United ferred to come foreign govern volted against the Popular Front mercles if in return he would Ukraine. He was merely clearing port these powers in the war.
country who throw you out of work, States to crush the rising ecoment before export, and the arms Junta plans to capitulate to only let them alone. That was his tall from possible complicabe carried in vessels of foreign Franco, was shot by a firing squa the meaning of Munich.
drive down your wages, send their police noruic might of the Kaiser Ger registry.
But by Sunday night he went ing after Julian Besteiro, as Min realize that Hitler will not, can powers. In other words, despite in Madrid on March 19, the morn. But now London and Parising an attack upon the Western WAR BRINGS REPRESSION and troops against you, and who plan many. The vindictive post war What will be the result of this propo in their war and forever after to impose suffocate the conquered foe.
further, foreshadowing provisions ister of State of the Junta, had not leave them alone and they Hitler unmistakable threat to in the new law permitting Amer radioed an appeal for peace to are preparing for war as swiftly, the Soviet Union, Stalin was keep. sal, if it is accepted by the masses, and dictatorship on you to drive you to the Thanks to the treacherous failures acted upon?
of the Second and Third Internationals, the German revolution als of war. Recalling that it was But this bloody merifoe dia these preparations is a fresh offer while at the same time coyly hold nation to fight for not appease the Spanish Batcher, of a bloc the threatened states ing Britain and France of at We see the beginning of the answer Your first job, therefore, is to get rid was beheaded and the result was our rights as neutrals on the high any more than aid Gen. Minja of Eastern Europe, Poland, Ru erms length. Hitler.
seas that forced us into the suppression of the troops who the Duranty Dispatch of these bosses and their government in already, in France. The dictatorial Hitler Stages World War, he added: Waiting to see The middle position was stated powers granted to Daladier will swiftly your own country, to free yourselves, to Hitler took as his task the re The existing Neutrality Law wanted to continue the fight answer to British diplo most openly bude most explicity result in the wiping out all the gains and take over the factories and mines and constitution of the German Emconstitutes surrender of those resources of your country for yourselves pire. First crushing the workers, he then proceeded systematically in the northwes we fought for nas prepared and sem which was ernment proposed a nine power Kremlin spokesman, in a dispatch rights of the workers: the 40 hour week and administer them through your own with a program of rearmament from will be changed to 50 hours and then government. a workers and not and conquest that now brings him 60 hours; strikes will be prohibited; the proposal by the realistie argu The Russians do not believe bosses government.
into direct collision once more ment that it serves to secure a peace obtained by arms, the because Stalin is still waiting to rights of free assemblage and free press (Duranty wired) as Stalin has with the rival capitalist empires substantial balance of power in Burgos radio announced, in inter see what Hitler will do. In his done away with; all militants in the the world. That is the source Europe, so that no European preting the direct answer to Bes speech at the Russian Communist said that the Germans will be so silly as to play Mr. Chambergroup will be free to interfere telro by Rammon Serrano y Suner: pointed out in these columns labor movement will be hounded, jailed UNITE AGAINST TYRANNY! of the threatening conflict.
Lain game or Bonnet game swift succession Hitler rewith American interests any. Franco brother in law, that or shot; the working class political parwhere Nationalist Spain can only accept Stalin openly invited Hitler to by attacking the Inspired and learning from your strug established German power in the ties will be outlawed; the unions will be We have sufficient power a victorious peace.
fighting him.
gle, the workers of Germany will once rebuilt the German Army and of Russia and Germany, rather illegalized or reduced to obedient parts through our navy and through Will Massacre Workers few days ago Pravda, Stalin like what Bismarck said and our tremendous financial and again take hope and courage. They will Navy. nelzed Austria, annexed of the dictatorial state machine.
No mercy would be shown to official organ, denied that in tak played as a major policy, that turn their anger and their weapons, not economic resources to resist any the red militiamen who alleging over Czecho Slovakia Hitler the Sudetenland, and last week both of them ought to be encroachment upon our rights, bloodlessly conquered the rest of against their fellow workers of France (Continued on Page 3) was driving toward the Soviet friends, because they are com Exactly the same measures are fully Czecho Slovakia and now looks said Pittman.
plementary, meaning useful to prepared in both England and the and England and the United States, but hungrily toward the oil and wheat each other.
United States. Totalitarian military dic against their own main enemy, against of Rumania and the Soviet ir seeing that there is maintained in Europe a substantial balance This was published on the same day as the Soviet note to Ger tatorships will be imposed in both coun their own government, against Hitler.
Last Fall Britain and France of power because if any one many, condemning in officially tries the moment war starts, or even, as Hitler will be swept aside, and this time deemed themselves unprepared to group obtains absolute power violent tones, the annexation of over Europe and Asia, then we not merely Hitler but Hitlerism; and go to war immediately. They Bohemia and Moravia.
in France, begun before war starts.
are faced with the defense of the (Special to the Socialut Appeal)
Two Positions Hitlerism not merely in Germany but calculated that if they could turn erstward by Monroe Doctrine in Latin Amer DETROIT, March 17. From all present indications the Cleve The official not represents the Universal conscription laws, already throughout the world.
giving him a free hand in the land convention of the United Automobile Workers will be no love transiated into acceptance of the young workers and farmers into armies.
on the books, will draft the finest of the Danube Basin, and against Rus Frankly Imperialistic The German workers are our brothers sia, they would save their own Pittman statements as chair feast of harmony, tolerance and unity.
Anglo French flirtation in case and comrades, not our enemies. Shall we man of the Foreign Relations Tens of millions, literally tens of milskina, at best, and, at worst, give The rumblings of a scramble for power become louder every Hitler does not respond to the devote ourselves to killing them and be which to complete their war prepthemselves further period in lions, will be slaughtered combatants for the majority in the Senate threats can parcel out the posts, at least to the temporary satisfaction charncteristie crudity by Stalin and non combatants alike.
ing killed by them, because Roosevelt arations. That was the essential cirche differed from the stream of the contestants, the trouble now brewing in the Executive Board aptly by Duranty in his dispatch HITLERISM WILL SPREAD last week, and somewhat more asks us to do so in order to safeguard meaning of the Munich pact, of dealistic propaganda with will boil over in Cleveland during the week of March 27.
on Monday.
the profits of the Sixty Families?
Pace Too Fast which the American people were Hitler has moved however, at a flooded throughout the week, in Three major tendencies have come to the front. First, the In other words the Soviet Union under Stalin, No! We must mortal peril of And what will be the final outcome?
with them, help far sitter pace than Chamberlain and Daladier calculated upon.
its frankness in expressing Amer Frankensteen Addes combination the Dodge, Plymouth, its very existence, is banking its Hitler. Hitler, the individual human them to join with us in the common They see developing a coloasus Like a loyal Rooseveltian he by the Stalinists and probably Packard and Murray Body dele life on the momentary shifts struggle of all workers of every country, which threatens to become strong interspersed his points with in directed from behind the scenes saten in Detroit, most of Toledo among the imperialist blocs. That being will lose out, will be defeated.
dignant references to aggres by the Communist Party commis South Bend. It has no indepen every possible advantage of such the world wide struggle to wipe out the enough to tear them down almost and most of Cleveland and all of the Soviet Union should take But Hitlerism, the barbaric and inhu rotted system which condemns all work at will. Under conditions of norsors, totalitarian regimes, etc. sar.
but concentrated mainly on exdent program at least none vis. shifts goes without saying. But ers to tyranny and starvation, and to Anglo French bloc could hope tp man system of which Hitler the individThis faction controls a sizeable ible to the naked eye. It is per Stalin crime is that he depends ual is only one expression, far from replace it with the free socialist society. Sheckmate Hitler to some extent men just what the government bargaining power in Cleveland. It from Lewis and Roosevelt, es since abandoned this links to the being overthrown, will only be a thouof free men in a free and peace assured disappears Hitler goes far ben (Continued on page 3) will control the large Flint dele (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
sand times reinforced, not merely in Ger world. Continued on Page 8)
In Pittman further justified bis the only peace which is honorabistances this is nothing but a stat Moscow on March 19: a en ser ut interested more on Auto Union Groups Shape Up for Coming Convention ica.