BolshevismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismHitlerMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, March 21, 1939 LEFT Martin Convention Ends in Fiasco APPEAL ARMY JABS RED BAITING TONE State Moves to Curtail ELECTION VICTORY DOMINATES; TIDE Aid to Job Seekers ELECTROLUX. CO. TO PROGRESSIVES should Ohio.
FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS FL CIO Negotiations com ele emad the back to only period Heiling Stalin 1800 WORKERS My friends certainly do like to results are more than pleasing Last week Stalin called in the read the paper. They honestly and we feel confident that if it is coming year quota of cutthink it is very good. reader kept up for the next few weeks thronts gangsters of the pen.
in New Castle, Penna.
of our drive for 000 new Appeal double dealers, Fascist spies. Special to the Servatist Appeal. Trotskylst. Bukharinist scum, style, and improved contents of Special mention etc. for some boot licking prac the semi weekly APPEAL make given Boston, Minneapolis, New. Local 1002, United Electrical, tice in preparation for the fall In Agency Staffs; Youth Hardest Hit Radio and Machine Workers it possible for us to sell more York City, Chicago, Los Angeles (Continued from Page 1)
confessionals. After reading the NEW YORK new blow was reduction of staff has forced the Union, today struck the Serve Bloc Wins Four Seats coples. agent of East Chl and Newark for their splendid of reports in the and else. Muncle, Indiana. Cadillac is ove.
cago, Ind.
forts this past week. Over the top where we are ready to predict whelmingly for the In Defeating CP struck at the unemployed when it youth to compete for the same Electrolux plant. 1800 workers on the 1, 000 new readers com that if the boys do as well in the Exaggerated Claims was announced this week that Jobs with more experienced adult have quit work and thrown a Thus real figures already prove mass staff frings and the shutting workers.
picket line around the factory.
Slanderers In the past weeks we have sys paign!
finals as they did in practice, we tematized the sales of the Appeal.
are due for some of the crawling that Martin following accounts down of local offices of the Divt. In the Bronx all Junior Division the representatives of the union, The company refused to meet Here the list: Ench active comrade in the St.
ist confessions staged since Stalin for less than one third of organ, son of Placement and Unemploy offices have been shut. Youth are Joe Hood, strike chairman, and By FERGUSON Louis branch takes at least MINNEAPOLIS put frame ups and murder on a ized workers, and that every ment Insurance, New York free asked to apply for jobs and unem. Arthur Meloan, union organizer. Spector to the Socialist Appral) copies of each issue. Comrades New York City mass production basis.
day reduces this figure substan. employment agency and unemployment Insurance in the adult and also refused to meet the govAKRON, Ohio, Jan, 15 Point have been assigned to cover imtially ployment insurance office, would offices. All youth who have for ernment labor conciliator.
Los Angeles ing out that all unionists portant streets with the Appeals.
The Leader Spoke Similar estimates can be made result from a recent slash in merly applied to the East 149th Boston must smash the reactionary influ. Carter, St. Louis, Mo.
Newark The occasion for the orgy was a for the Chrysler workers.
Only the state budget.
ence of the Stalinists in the trade ering humorously referred to Plymouth was officially represen The harshest out was made on to the office at 80 Lafayette St. in Foreign union movement, the Akron In MAY DAY APPEAL PLANS: as the 18th Congress of the Comted in the original credentials re the junior division of the employ downtown Manhattan. In Brookdustrial Union Council hag de Preparations are now under way St. Louis cisively defeated the anti progres for the special May Day issue of The place, Moscow. Of course the ship moetings of Plymouth works tempting to assist the jobless similar crisis is in existence.
sive Stalinist slate in its annual the Appeal. This issue will be an Philadelphia St. Paul great Shift Staff to Insurance Work delivered an oration arvision werd op de proelwete a youth under the age of 21. The elections at the last two meetings. extra large paper, containing Missouri and all the speakers that followed in and the Neither Dodge, stashed by more than 37 per cent which formerly handled all types The Central Placement office, The progressive bloc, represent. many features. We are planning New Jersey hung around that speech like flies Dodge Truck, Dodge Forge, Chry in New York City, and of the of placement work is being closed ing all the large rubber locals and to have it in the hands of each California around a manure pile.
many miscellaneous unions, and every branch before May Day sler Local nor Chrysler High. 18 juntor division offices have been except for professional and tech.
Connecticut land Park were officially listed. shut down.
Unification of Two swept to victory in the elections and in sufficient time to sell at Minnesota nical job placement. In some of Stalin the Historian of the independents, neither by placing four out of five candl. all demonstrations and parades.
Washington Atrendy, 197 placement and in. fices the entire interviewing staff a veteran bootlick the large Briggs body local, Hud surance interviewers have received has been transferred from place Locals Seen as dates in the Council offices, five Instructions are now going out are paying Pennsylvania er, still out of six members on the Execu to all branches about greetings, fring squad, praised Stalin as be: Body, nor Nash were accounted are slated to go on March 15, Persons entitled to unemploy.
Urgent tive Board, and one trustee. prices, etc. The time to act is now Total ing responsible for a veritable for in the first report. Only Pack while the remainder will be fired ment insurance have been obliged This great victory came only in advance. Let make this about face in the science of his ard and Seamen Body of Wiscon on March 31. All of those fired to wait months for their checks. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
after the first elections had been May Day issue of the Appeal a tory and for directing the new sin were listed. But the true fig. because of the budget cut are the present reduction in staff Manhattan and the Bronx organ Progressives on the grounds of NEW YORK The plumbers of challenged successfully by the real success!
We have a new bundle order party history which gives Stalin ures would show a 500 division civil service appointees.
agent in England. Ploneer Bookcredit for all the accomplishments in Packard and a decisive majorwill delay the issuance of checks ized in Local 463 of the United election irregularities, wherein ALL TIME RECORD HIGH shop of London which takes 10 Virtual Shutdown Association of Plumbers and improperly of the men he murdered, exiled ity for the in Seamen Body. One of the most important func on top of this it was announced Steam Atters, voted on March had voted and the Stalinist slate This week, just as we had pre.
delegates FOR APPEAL SUBS!
copies of cach Issue.
or jailed.
Also, our agent of Kent, Ohio Naturally large claims were tions of the Division of Placement that work on unemployment in to strike for the hour day. This had gained a temporary victory, dicted, we hit an all time record has already doubled his order to made of support at the Ford Mo and Unemployment Insurance was surance formerly done in Albany is the second time within recent He Built Khabarovsk tor Co. But so negligible are the to visit employers in New York will now be shifted to the under months that the plumbers are high for new subscriptions. The 10 per issue.
Oppose Slanderers Adelegate from Khabarovsk actually organized here, it is fuState for the posployed. It is backlog of 350, 000 claims forgle for the hour day.
of solicit staffed offices in New York City. faced with a strike in the strugtold of the building up of that, tile to devote even an extra sening jobs for the The significance of this victory for progressive unionism can region stopping at every para tence to these claims. If the IO. admitted by the Division admini unemployment insurance has been JUST PUBLISHED For almost a year the Plumbers hardly be overestimated. But, if graph to praise Allah we mean makes claims of a similar nature stration that less than per cent sent from Albany to the local of and Helpers like several other it accomplished nothing else, it Stalin as the creator, founder they will be just as false.
of the employers have been visited fices. This work, which needs caro crafts in the building trade, had has first of removed the fear and perpetuator of all that is Small Unions Represented during the last year because the ful checking, actually demands an enjoyed the hour day. Towards of the slander campaign good in Martin convention? Only the staffed. The present cut in state in the staff.
Who then was represented at Division office has been under increase rather than a reduction the end of last year however, the from the workers. In fact, the employers confronted the Loont progressive bloe gained wide supBY Manuilsky Goes to Town smallest local unions, unimportant means a virtual shutdown of the The administration has offered with an ultimatum setting Jan. 15, port by virtue of its opposition to Manulleky next knelt by the parts and accessory plants which job service for the unemployed to keep 98 of the civil service 1989 as the date when the plumb the Stalinist methods of labelling DANIEL GUERIN boots of the father of all man carry no decisive weight in the Because the youth have added workers if they agree to take a ers are to start working hours any opponent either a fascist or kind and he really went to town. automobile industry. For the most handicape to face when it comes salary cut of from 300 to 1800 per day with a 25 reduction in a trotskyist. The labor move An American edition of the French book, Fascism et Grand He heiled Stalin drivel as an part, these were legitimate dele to finding work, the Division had a year. The Local 28, pay. This ultimatum was rejected ment is now in a position to dis historic report a valuable con sates, even if their membership maintained a Junior service. The is lighting against the staff and by the unanimous vote of the cuss questions on their merits.
Capital by the same author. Translated, edited and brought tribution unsurpassed in its Agures were padded to a greater present shutdown of offices and salary cuts.
up to date for the American reader with an introduction by membership and on Jan. 15, the the election landslide, although profoundity. etc. etc. Quotations or lesser degree.
men were locked out.
some individual candidates won With this tiny minority Martin from Stalin and no one else studDwight MacDonald On the third day of the lockout, by only small margins, culminates ded his speech. It was published could not justifiably maintain his in ful in the Daily Worker. wild statement that this convenapplying the lessons of the book to the American scene of tion represented percent of the the International Union, Mr. Mas the rule or ruin policy of the Stal 1939.
terson, came to New w York to lend inista, Rebellion against the s The Holy Father suto workers organized in the Manuilsky continued.
An invaluable guide manual for all who would turn America nor could he hope to. The Spanish People enjoyed the sup bona fide auto workers organiza two hour conference Inst night at ing the next ten days.
have his union respected as the NEW YORK, March 15 After a prevent them from meeting during the hour day. He together age the militancy of the In away from the road to Rome and Berlin.
port of the father of all working tion after the convention.
the Hotel Biltmore, the joint unity Both John Len Lewis and Philip and the Local President Dodd in opposition to their stooges efforts Pierre Mille (editor of Le Temps, conservative French news people, Comrade Stalin. Loud Hence it was necessary to ring committee representing the Amer. Murray are now negotiating with the most remarknational Brigade as men and into the convention the so called tean Federation of Labor and the coal operators for a new contract contractors agreed to bring the smash smalt unions instead of co paper. FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS women of the stalin era. of rank and fle delegations as au Congress of Industrial Organiza and Sidney Hillman, third mem. sittons: one, the hour day for the do nothing policy of the Workable and complete analysis know of the development, the evolution, and the probably downfall of the black and brown marched into the battle at Lake Ale was alleged to represent the publie the results of their discus ferences in Washington scheduled. 57. 80 for helpers: two, the hour diction over laid off unionists and fascist regimes.
Hasan with the battle cry: For majority of workers in Dodge. sions and agreed to meet again at The two hour conversation last day with 12. 60 the Fatherland, for Communism Dodge Truck, Chrysler, Chrysler the Department of Labor Build night, it was reported, covered Severac in Le Populaire: The list of works analyzing 35 for helpers. their interests; resentment against fascism is already long but this book of Daniel Guerin de Both propositions represented a the Keller boys fake shouts for for Stalin. Applause. All dele Highland Park, Chevrolet Gearing in Washington on March 24. rival jurisdictions of unions in the nice and per day for mech yet refuses to fight militantly for gates rise to their feet. Shouts of and Axle, Hudson Motor, Briggs Harry Bates, spokesman for and the serves a high place among them. Long Live the Great Stalin! Hur de Corrty Body. the the joint committee, stated that it is the general impression was cut and an increase in our unity and democracy in the rehas stormy Capplause. Long West Coast, Fisher Body of Cleve the committee adjourned in order among labor bureaucrats that lit. der which the plumbers have been sistently and ruthlessly violate 340 pages. 00 live the Great leader! etc. etc. land and every other local where that representatives might tle progress has been made to Martin following only a tiny confer with William Green. Cho wardro program obe unity and come to receiving 12. 00 per day for the elementary principles of light Order Now!
portion of the membership. hour day, and the helpers for ing labor unity or slander their Gannes on the Stalin Speech committee members had other im able to the delegates from the the same work day. In presenting opponents most democratically The delegates in large part rep portant engagements which would two labor camps.
Just to show that 20th Century resented nobody but themselves.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS Americans can outplay even the Many of them were picked off unlikely that the original pro this atmosphere which was creat ship of the Union, these officials Browdermen blustering threats 116 University Place New York City Russian Stalinists at this game the street. Others had not worked posal was only a come on for the ed by Martin in a manner not un ruled out the hour day as some against certain leaders and no doubt with an eye on the in their plants, eg the Murray real proposition. a compromise like that of Gerald Smith or Fathing unattainable, intimating which might have disrupted the editors job, Harry Gannes took Body delegation, for upwards of followed in swift order. ther Coughlin. No speech, no res that the fight for the hour day excellent cooperation that exists up in the Dally Worker where a year. But Martin needed them to The Manuilsky left off. After a thor maintain the Aetion of his ma the election of board membelor olution, no token of tribute was would not be backed by them or here all these responses, and a compromise allowed but complete without a virulent attack by the General Office. hundred others, can be cited as ough slobbering over the fuehrer Local officials with the notable the underlying causes for the boots, he lleked his way to higher Sority support in the union. And stipulated the appointment of ro on reds and communists. The April Fool Masquerade to Greet the gional directors. The board mem press has already reported the exception of delegates Tobin and growth of the Progressive group places as he went into a twitter whatever struggle there was at bers are to be paid only per diem clause in the constitution barring Heckter and Vice President and its victory.
Party New Members!
Now, seeing in practice that the Historic speech. Most lucia the seating of the rank and fle sessions but the regional directors Communist Party, Nazi or Fascist The Rank and File speakers Stalinists are not invincible, the Entertainment Games possible manner. Stalin re and the inevitable consequences are to be paid per annum. Thus organizations. How far reaching stood solidly for the hour day Progressives can turn their faces SATURDAY, APRIL P.
port is making history. Mus of this action. It took place behind the real power in the localities is this clause is can be seen from in accordance with the sentiment towards the reconstruction of the terful simplicity. How con. Closed doors in what was called in the hands of Martin appointees the Inst words: cor members of of the bulk of the membership old union movement of the hero Irving Plaza (Irving Pl. 15th St. fident and powerfully calm was a conference of the whole. who need not be board members any organization) which makes But Mr. Masterson was deter ic days of the C.
Music by: TOBY WOOD SWINGSTERS Stalin. How sharp and pre Lovestoneites fearful of their int Martin so chooses.
its interests and polices on union mined that the mandate of the cise were Stalin thrusts of Irony evitable displacement and cru.
smash the hour the Local however, in a very highmatters binding upon its mem employersSubscription 49 Without Fool Attire 60c Tightens Machine and wit. Breath taking in its cifixion united with representa Martin personal machine was bors irrespective of the decisions day be carried out. He painted a handed manner refused to enter Auspices: Socialist Workers Party (Local New York)
brilliance. work to be lives of small locals, jenlous of finally tightened against any even interests and policies of the unslowing picture of a bright future tain any such motion.
treasured. Its clarification is their democratic rights and their tuality by the elections to the Exion.
for the industry and for the men After March 1, when the hour joy. And all this about a power at the convention, and ecutive Board, One contest took and stupid lying, whose high and fought bitterly against the seating place between the same forces der this axor bury his dels given up. He attempted to among the plumbers grew more frighten the membership of the and more uncontrollable. This ro of the rank and file. They that had battled over the other is.
also low point was its whining were foundly trounced by the sues. Martin stooge, Jerry Al.
under a bushel. Every progres Local with the threat that their volt was accentuated by the arMonday, March oth at 7:15 sive will be charged with mem charter would be lifted and given rogance of the employers, who, appeal to Hitler for a deal.
SAM GORDON The role of Progressive Bloes in Trade well oiled Martin machine. dred of Flint, ran against Anthony bership. In a radical organiza to another Local existing in the not satisfied with the increase in Unions.
Dispute Martin Powers Doria of Milwaukee for the post of tion if he differs with the same trade in Manhattan and the hours and the reduction in the Glory Road Monday, March 20th at 8:50 These padded rolls were soon Secretary Treasurer. At best Doria machine.
Bronx, Local 463 Auxiliary, whose have MAX SHACHTMAN Changes in America Political StruieThe program for Earl Browd to have their effect at the conven was an honest conservative but er talk on Religion at Bostonation. The first major dispute, in he did represent most of the legit. Another resolution was introduced to jobbing and alteration work. dragked the negotiations for the Community Church was as fol closed session also, concerned the imate delegates at the convention and passed affirming allegiance to and which has a wage scale of other concessions.
As if this was not sufficient jurisdiction at present is confined hourly rate of wages, Tuesday, March 21st at P.
JOHN WRIGHT The Sixth World Congress of the lows: Hymn, One Holy Church extension of Martin powers as He was defeated according to of President Martin philosophy for an hour day.
of God Appears. Prayer. president. The original proposal facial count by 620 to 387. Almost which condemna At a special meeting, March 8, Tuesday, March 21st at 8:50 Offering. Hymn. The Voice of was to give Martin power to ap 220 of Aldred votes came from Nazism. Fascism and all other 463 will be able to share in the the membership yoted five to one DELMORE SCHWARTZ Contemporary Poetry. Communist speaks to Protes Board members. This was too votes were thrown to Oliver Ham ernment delegate rose at this has been under the jurisdiction of other special meeting, March 11, Wednesday, March 22nd at 8: 8:00 GEORGE NOVACK The Role of the Working Class In tants, Catholics, and Jews. much for even many of the rank el, a dark horse from the Dodge point and wanted the resolution Locales of Brooklyn and Queens, the conference Board negotiating the Civil War.
Hymn, Arise Democracy. file delegates to swallow and Local ALL CLASSES HELD AT TRVING PLAZA Benediction.
it was voted down by an over to whose candidacy was used referred back to committee in or if the men would see eye to eve an agreement with the employers, sidetrack votes from Doria.
der that the ILLA. the Love with him. This carried weight, was removed from office and dele Irving Place and 10th St.
whelming vote. But and it is not of the fifteen of the Executive stoneites) be included in the res. Since there is severe unemploy sate Heckler was elected Chair ADMISSION TWENTY FIVE CENTS PER LECTURE at World Fair The is to have an ex SHACHTMAN WILL Board, only two might be classi. olution. Martin reply for the ment in the trade. To top it om man of the new committee to ne hibit at the New York Worlds DEBATE SHAPLEN Stoneites Lester Washburn and past Martin had always uphelaager of the Loon, the two highest was set as the deadline for strike DON BE FOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS Irving Brown. The remainder, Ir the Lovestoneites as good union ranking officials submitted their action.
the American Way Out of Unem The membership also voted un NEW YORK, How many PATE DE FOIE GRAS? IT ployment. It is not likely that Shachtman, editor of the Socialist Aldred, McCartney. Dewey Smith, entirely stating only that the res membership upholds the hour animously to approach Local 463 times have you heard someone NEW YORK, March 16. Max von Carey Vice President, Jerry ists. This time he ignored them resignations, to take effect if the FREE! at UN SOIREE DANS ANT featuring recordings by the fring of 1, 000, 000 work Appeal, will represent the position Fred Durrance, Jack Little, olution covered all other philos dny.
Auxiliary, the jobbing and altera say to you. Don be a fool. swing artists. Skits by our own era while employment declines Wash. Hght. Fellow Travelof the Socialist Workers Party at Frank Tucci, Elmer Davis, Peter ophtes opposed to democratic gov. The vote taken at this meeting. tion Local, to prevail upon them Hundreds, perhaps thousands of will be depicted in the exhibit.
lers, Games. Refreshments. Bat.
a debate on the question: HAS Noll, Eral Heaton, George Klebler, ernment at work in our Interna Jan. 18, carried the hour day to carry on joint negotiations with times? Well, before complete BOLSHEVISM FAILED?
near, both St. Admission, Ave Shachtman will maintain that they are elther outright and nation. Like Caesar, the Love wages. But despite the pressure agreement that will include all sense of humor, your desire to be Bolshevism has not failed and cious reactionaries of the Pat Mc stoneltes must have sighed at upon the membership, 40 of the plumbing in the city.
yourself and your ability to win FIRST ISSUE OF WALKA, This motion was intended as a friends and influence people you The National Office of the that only through the program Cartney Tucci strlor or Martin this, the unkindest cut of all: Et votes cast, favored the hour day.
Polish Monthly, now available Socialist Workers Party announc Bolshevism can scism be de hand raisers of the Carey Dowell tu Brute?
It must be pointed out that the step towards the unification of had better attend the An Fools at: Labor Book Shop, 28 12th description, or both. In any case, es that upon the request of the Cented and socialisin achieved.
whole vote was Irregular. It was the two locals, which is the need day masquerade at Irving Plaza St. 22 81 86th St. Astorta; Political Committee of the Party, Joseph Shaplen of the Social Martin can expect little difficulty SHERIDAN SANDWICH News stands in Polish speaking not taken at a special meeting of the hour. There is no concelv. at PM on April SHOPPE Trving Rosenburg, of Newark, Democratie Federation will oppose in holding his board in line. Most provided by the constitution, but able reason why the amalgama Let yourself go be yourself areas in Manhattan. cente per J, submitted his resignation from him, taking the position that Bol of them, beginning with Carey, 114 University Place at a yegular meeting of the Local tion of the locals which everyone act your mental age all for the copy. Subscriptions: 00 per year.
can even make a coherent next to headquarters and the membership books were claims to favor, should not take small sum of 19 cents (without STUMP THE EXPERTS! If you the party in a letter declaring shevism has failed.
Special 25e Lunch!
Sponsored by the Rand School speech. The Martin convention that the public effect of his preSoup, 150 Sandwich, Coffee or not checked.
Milk with Pastry!
sent commercial activities has Forum and the Marxist School, was a big day for little men.
Following this vote, which end of the Rank and File in both of the funds are for the stump some of our brightest big shots with your ques tended to have an injurious result the debate will be held Friday Reactionary Tone Union Food at a Union Place led the lockout, efforts have been these Locals to press for immeditions, the US ON nis, you ll receive a prize at for the party and its name. The evening, March 31st, at 8:30 As has already been reported in resignation was accepted and a in the Rand School at East 15 the Appeal, the tenor of the con Get Your APPEAL declare the vote illegal on consti antee victory for the hour day Subscribe to DANCES March 916 9th Ave. Send in decision adopted to make it Street (Auditorium. vention was viciously reactionary.
tutional grounds, and to have a not only on new construction but your questions. Refreshments, Socialist Appeal Admission will be 25 cents.
At Your Local Newsstand new vote taken. The President of for all plumbing work.
public Good progressives suffocated in eats, etc. Admission, 30c.
This Week at the Marxist School ture.
Rosenberg Resigns 21