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Workers of the World Unite!
Socialist Appeal 1000 New Subscribers By April Ist!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. 111 No. 17 TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1939 375 34 per copy HITLER MARCHES EASTWARD Auto Progressives Move Brings Bandits Confer on Program Nearer Soviet Union The Champions of Democracy at Work!
Martin Meeting Ends In Fiasco BALLOT BOX 6, 000 Workers Organize to Save Auto Spurs World Crisis as Democracies Union; Martin Finishing Touch Wail and Mussolini Is Left HoldIs Red baiting ing the Bag DEMAND UNION STAY IN CIO WORKERS, DEFEND THE USSR!
BULLETIN the Socialist Appeals In a series of lightning blows that left both his rivals DETROIT, Mar. 13 Delegates representing five locals and his victims stunned and helpless, Adolf Hitler last of Detroit and Cleveland and groups of a dozen additional local TO CUT 400, 000 wecke established German rule in Czecho Slovakia.
unions of Cleveland, Detroit, Flint and Saginaw met at the Tuller Hotel in Detroit to discuss policies and preparations for the Cleveland FROM WPA LISTS inhabitants, and Slovakia, with its 2, 500, 000 Slovaks, be convention, scheduled to meet on March 27.
came protectorates incorporated into the Great Reich.
The spearhead of German imperialist expansion, Representing approximately 6, 000 automobile workers, who have declared themselves for the third or rank and filc group and Harrington Outlines pointed toward Rumania, Poland and the Soviet Union, SECRET who have endorsed the militant open letter to all members TRENTIES Slashes Set for advanced 500 miles eastward. The new German advance PLANS calling for One Convention One Union One fight against the April post is only 150 miles from the border of the Soviet Ukraine.
Employers. these delegates spent a whole day in conference, soberly analyzing the causes for the decline of the Automobile Workers (Special to the Socialist Appeal) This was Hitler answer to Stalin, who only a few WASHINGTON, March 16 days earlier told the Communist Party Congress in Moscow Union and adopted a series of resolutions and proposals calculated to hånd back the union into the hands of the rank and file.
charge of the Works Progren that Hitler had turned his face westward, and that only Britain and France were An organizing program was also a plan to the House appropria LATIN AMERICA trying to foment a needless presented and adopted designed against anti unlon legislation, conto rebuild the union into a powers teeing rank and file control of stitutional amendments guaranfirst major slash in relief rolls on ful Instrument for the protection the unton machinery and other vi April of the automobile workers.
WILL GET GUNS IN Prime Minister Neville tal resolutions will be presented to If Congress does not grant the The resolutions calling for the the Cleveland Convention for the 150, 000, 000 requested by Rooseabolition of unemployment in the consideration of all the delegates.
velt, then Harrington will proceed CONGRESS BILL wail that Hitler has violated automobile industry, a closed shop The Conference took the further to immediate execution of his the spirit of Munich, by in General Motors, great organi step of authorizing the issuance of zational drives in the Ford Motor ten thousand coples of its union employing 400, 000 rellet reciplenta. Aim Is Full Yankee which they only mean he has struck his ruthless blows Co. and the parts plants industry, program for the education of the On May 600, 000 more will be Hold on Nations organization of the work union membership, calling upon cut from relief rolls, and on June without first asking their ers, establishment of unton de all automobile workers to Join 200, 000 more. Roosevelt plans to South permission. For actually, by fense guards against the attacks with us in Support of the Union call for the elimination of 150, 000 of the corporations, a bold Aght Building Program.
making another thrust eastWho is General Jose Miaja?
per month from rolls. He is opposed to greater slashes at the (Special to the Socialist Appeal) ward Hitler is carrying out He is head of the Madrid Defense Council which is organizing the final present time, fearing that it would 16 Plans of the administration the tacit understanding Sead to demonstrations and masa 16 enforce absolute domination of Munich that his future field betrayal of the Spanish workers and peasants to Franco.
He is the organizer of the massacres of militant anti fascist workers comprotests which would arouse the Latin America moved a step fur of expansion would be in unemployed movement. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
DETROIT, Mich. Homer Martin personal caucus meeting in munists, anarchists and socialists who want to continue the fight against Franco ther today with the presentation Central and Eastern Europe, Wil Eliminate Projects this city, bonstrully termed an auto convention, was the biggest fiasco in Central Spain and who are mowed down by Miaja machine guns and artillery. Harrington plan, according to the House which would allow the and not in the West.
The Daily Worker says that Trotskyists are in this Council of Treachery projects rather than on the basis seker mantear you equipments for French and British leaders realize in recent labor history. Neither in numbers nor in polley did it rep reeont the interests or the strivings of the nation organized automobile workers. It was Homer Martin swan song as a progressive The Scalinist liars say this in the hope that we will forget the answer to of Individual needs. Wherever Latin American nations.
labor leader, the question so embarrassing to themit was necessary to cut in any that a Reich expanding, even to The proposal, which is sponsor the East, represents an increasing.
particular region, entire projects ed by Senator Pittman and ReA careful survey of the official Fisher Body tool and die or TurnWho is General Jose Miaja?
representation reported at the stedt in Detroit, to the big Here is the answer the official answer: convention reveals that some plants in Canada, to the them the unemployed who had presentative Bloom is the broadly urgent menace to the status quo where loes than one fourth of plants on the West Coast, to Fishest of its kind yet to be put be in the British and French Em The President of the famous Madrid Defense Commission, Comrade Miaja, been working on them.
the United Automobile Workers er Body in Cleveland, to the is a member of the Communist Party. His work, with that of the other delegates, Harrington had provided wheabile ed as a measure to facilitate the stant threat of German pressure It was not certain whether fore Congress, Technically label pires. They shiver under the con Union sent delegates to Detroit. Chevrolet transmission works in will go down in history.
If we grant that the Toledo. Thus it Martin figures giving state by State cuts on a viously of the deepest political Germany gets the less able they dropped 100, 000 in its dues paying were to be accepted at face value This answer is to be found in the official organ of the Executive Committee percentage basis, or whether he membership, from the estimate for General Motors, more than of the Communist International, the International Press Correspondence (Inprehad only promised such a break significance, one in which sale. will be to resist its demands of 375, 000 reported at the Milwau one third of the workers would be That is why the past six months down for the next hearing. Re that is payment, is admittedly of corr) of February 6, 1937 (Vol. 17, No. 6, page 121. It is contained in a Madrid ports of Committee members con no importance.
kee Convention in Aug. 1937, the aligned against since Munich have been characnicted on this point.
Senate hearings on the bill have terized by an unprecedented redispatch, dated Jan. 28, from the English Stalinist correspondent, Hugh Slater.
Martin following would still be But his estimates are highly less than 60, 000 misleading Ever since Martin Miaja the Traitor, the assassin of communist, anarchist and socialist work To Eliminate 1, 000, 000 already begun. Various army and armament program, especially in Tide Against Martin navy officials have appeared be. Great Britain. That is why Roobroke from the the tide has ers a member of the Communist Party of Spain!
Last week Harrington announc fore the Senate Foreign Relations sevelt, fully aware that American More important however is the been daily turing against him Have the Stalinists even bothered to expel him? In any case, they have ed that it would be necessary for Committee to urge adoption of the capitalism will have to intervene specific gravity of these local both in Flint and in Pontiac Yel.
maintained a discreet silence about his membership.
third, that is 1, 000, 000 persons, to adopt it, and its passage is division of the war spoils, has unions in the automobile industry. Low Cab and Fsher Body of PonIn the original report of the cre tiac are now definitely on the His work. will go down in history.
ginning the cut If the dentials committee, General Mo lists. Chevrolet, Spark Indeed! And so will the work of the whole Stalinist machine.
present appropriations were not almost certain in the Senate. The horled this country into an arms tors workers were accredited with Plug and Buick of Flint have Increased by that date. But he same is true of the House program of equal magnitude, did not specify the exact procePurpose Clear Drops Pretense representation from Pontiac Mo hopped on the bandwagon.
dure he would use in reducing The pupose of the resolution is tor, Fiber Body and Yellow Cab The remaining General Motors Hitler accomplished his coup of Pontiac, from Fisher Body, plants in these cities are divided the relief rolls to the level de as clear as day. Administration with ah the characteristic feamanded by Congress.
spokesmen said it was intended tures of speed, surprise, and Chevrolet, Buick and Spark at least in half, with the Plug of Flint, from Cadillac in De holding a slight and increasing troit, from Oldsmobile in Lansing edge. Actual count will show that ment, he will begin by cutting erican nations (including Bloody customed the world during the Now according to his announce to build united front of Am: thoroughness to which he has acand from various General Motors whatever remains of a union in 400, 000 from various projects as Batista Cubs and Varg Bra past three year Little pretense plants in Bey City, Saginaw and Lansing General Motors is with By FELIX MORROW te were published by La Voz ers prolong the rebellion, al 000. 000 from the rolls. Congress 100 tot step in the plan to slash state what penne ante literinn was made this time that he was other assembly plants in Indiana tho that the Chevrolet transmission in Saginaw is with The Spanish Communist Party Spanish language Popular Front though, we would have been has already signified to the Pre ple language is Roosevelt deter across the Reich, borders. The Moolaima were made to Chev. the Ditto for Anderson and has made its peace with the dispatch, March 16. It was an in able to increase our forces, be read, mass demonstration) then Yankee wil on each of our south sure about anti German atrocirolet Gear and Axle, Fleetwood. Continued on Page 8)
pear from a Valencia dispatch to terview with Antonio Mije and side those fighting for we had Congress will immediately grant ern neighbors. Specifically, Roo ties. But in fact Hitler aimed more funds to appease the unsevelt aim is to oust from Latin straight for the absorption of The Communist morning news Central Committee of the Spanish Central zones that would have employed.
America European business In nearly 10, 000, 000 non Germans paper Verdad appeared today for Communist Party obeyed our orders to fight; we Roosevelt Program terests in favor of Wall Street who only six months ago were the first time in ten days. It leid Anton, as Political Commissar preferred, nevertheless, not to The reduction of relief appro brand of brigands.
dominant rulers of the polygot great steat stress on the assertion that of the Army of the Center, was benefit intending the field of priations is one of the major The arms sale is only one in a monstrosity of a nation created Or Their Lives!
points in the Roosevelt program long series designed Ty Roosevelt at Vereailles.
an honorable pence, the same that ing the siege of Madrid. We wished to continue unit to increase profits for business. to make the Montoe Doctrine The legalities were observed other parties are striving for, and This could have been avoided ed, resisting (Franco) as well as we coula, in order to obtain an The administration hopes not only clear beyond any possible doubt. only by having President Emil pointed to the number of Com sald Anton, speaking of the Twenty five Sudeten. German, Jewish, and Czechoslovakian to lower taxes for the higher Part of the same series were the Hacha of Czechoslovakia come anti fasctests are waiting to hear our answer. For months they munists who had fallen on Span fighting in Madrid, because honorable peace, because we bracket incomes and the big correcently concluded naval maneu to Berlin and ask for German have been living under permanent threat of arrest by the fascistish battlefielde in the fight for there were legal methods avail know that fascism does not par porations at the expense of the vers in South American waters, protection. Like Schuschnige, he able for ousting the Communists ley with the weak, and we were workers, but in addition believes and the trade agreement signed had a gun put to his head and minded authorities. The American Fund for Political Prisoners our common ideals.
and Refugees had almost completed arrangements for their rescue.
able to offer at the least three This development appears to be from the government. We are that relief appropriations can be by Brazil and this country which like a wise bourgeois politician The work was carried on under almost insurmountable difficulties. the explanation for the sudden not intransigeant, but the vio months of resistance with the greatly reduced in view of the gives Yankee profiteers stran be reached fast for the celling.
lence employed against us fore materials at our disposal. Mean disorganized state of the unem gle hold on the economic, hence Slovakia, the second section of Now Hitler conquest of Czechoslovakia threatens these arrange cessation of the anguished outed us to defend ourselves. The while many men could have left ployed movement.
political Ne of Brazil. Before the hyphenated state, proclaimed mente and their lives.
cries against the Minja junta utcoup etat was avowedly anti Spain who are now going to fall The question as to whether im that, the administration had an its independence and immediImmediately after the Fascist march into the Sudeten territory tered last week the Stalinist Communist. Our people were last October, thanks to the generous response of its friends, the press. Since Monday, no ant. arrested and in some places, into the hands of the enemy, mediate reductions should affect nounced an addition above those ately after Hitler marched into because of lack of military no more than 150, 000 a month as already there of spies and military Prague it in turn asked for his American Fund sent an envoy into Czechoslovakia. He was able to Junta material has appeared in the Daily Worker. On Wednes. the Communist party were aslike Valencia, the buildings of strength to continue resisting. Roosevelt advocates or 1, 000, 000 Attaches in Latin American protection which the Fuehrer, save four anti fascists from the Nazis by transporting them to day and Thursday Spain dianp saulted.
In conclusion, Anton said: within the immediate future as Embassies.
safe places of refuge without displaying any particular To negotiate with Franco to Congress advocates is merely a peared from its front pages el It is now necessary to do this again, not for four, but for The Pittman Bloom bills are reluctance, immediately granted.
now more difficult. We wish tactical question as to the best intended to bring the nations of Did Not Prolong Fight together. Nor has there been any Hungary Rushes Troops twenty five people. The American Fund has already set in motion editorial comment or any other To these aggressions, con ed to continue the war because way of accomplishing the reduc Latin America closer to the Unit Meanwhile Hungary rushed the necessary machinery for getting at least Afteen of these peo material seeking to explain the tinued Anton, the Communists our resistance was efficacious tions without arousing a militanted States by force of any means, troops Into the Carpathian Ukple out of the hands of the Gestapo. We must not fail them now.
answered by Spanish events. This studied sitaking up arms for obtaining pence. But they response from the unemployed. military or economie, that may be raine to secure the common borWe count on you to help us save them.
lence of the Stalinist press seems But we did not break up any against the Defense Council. the rest of the Popular Front) Members of the Appropriations necessary. Such Latin American der with Poland, which, it is fonddid not know how to understand Committee told reporters imme countries as resist Yankee interly believed in Warsaw and BudaA minimum of 2, 500 must be raised within one week. Show to indicate a change of line tothis appeal to your friends, your fellow trade unionists, your fellow ward support of the Miaja Junta.
front, we did not draw off diately after learning of Roose vention will find their neighbor pest, will offer some slight bul students. Set yourself a quota to raise within one week foroes from any firing line to What It Means velt intention to ask for 1150. ing countries armed to the teeth wark against the expanding Nazi First Direct Statement extend our protest. We comThis significant statement of 000, 000 more for the unemployed and politically directed by the colossus. In this they may have IT IS QUESTION OF LIFE OR DEATH!
The first direct statements by munists used only those forces the Spanish Stalinist leaders clar that they would not vote for this United States, ready to move in the tacit support of Mussolini, who Send all funds to the American Fund for political Prisoners Communist Party leaders on the that we had in reserve.
ifies a number of important unless an investigation showed at a moment order to execute was certainly both surprised and and Refugees, George Novack, Secretary, 100 Fifth Ave. Madrid fighting against the Jun. Nor did the Communist lead. Continued on Page Continued on page 8) Roosevelt will. Continued on Page 3)
hinter Spanish Leaders Seek Peace With Madrid Junta It Your Money us.