AnarchismAntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLiberalismMarxismMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 17, 1939 THEIR GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST APPEAL Yol No. 16 March 17, 1839 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8947 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months Foreign: 13. 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: centa, Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six months: 00 for one year. Reentered 28 second class matter February 16, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY CONENTUTION Monahan Campaign FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 woolly minimum wage 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pen.
sion. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the complayed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
To be Coughlin Spain Film Showing Is Gathering for Fascist Gangs Join the Pledge Fund The Socialist Appeal has been making great strides towards becoming the voice of militant labor in America. Not only did the Appeal successfully complete its campaign for funds necessary to launch the new Appeal, but the semi weekly paper is now an established, solid reality. It is here to stay that is, until our next great success demands inore frequent publication Dozens of letters are received each week praising the appearance and contents of the Appeal. Our subscription list mounts steadily: mass bundle order circulation is growing; the appeal is being sold wherever labor fights. In the organized labor movement the voice of the Appeal is increasingly heard.
But we must confess that there is still one stumbling block in the path of our continued progress. The Appeal now runs at a deficit each week. This deficit arises from greatly increased costs of printing, mailing, labor, etc. It is a drain on our reserve fund. We have been reducing the amount of the deficit steadily, but without the help of our readers we cannot expect to Cut it down to zero.
This week we are writing to all regular Appeal subscribers urging them to join our Monthly Appeal Pledge Fund. We request our readers to give this letter their careful and sympathetic attention. We are counting upon a real response in organizing this Pledge Fund. Especially with present needs, a small in laborer all those who will be shot down first in the approaching war are not reflected to any considerable Short History of Liberalism By James Burnham extent in the polt.
If the Gallup survey shows a majority favoring a referendum, then we may be sure that all those who WE MUST GUARANTEE OF FREE SPEECH will lose the most in the coming world blood bath, THE RIGHTS.
those who will die in the field, those whose homes will be shattered by tragedy, are absolutely opposed to war and want somehow to prevent the coming was in Chicago at the time when the Fransteel carnage.
sit in strike was being smashed. remember talking about it to a brilliant and thoroughly reallstie young Nevertheless, despite this overwhelming public corporation lawyer who was a friend of the attorney sentiment against war, Roosevelt last week came out for the Fansteel company. During the conversation against any kind of war referendum, however mild.
remarked, suppose that with this wave of alt downs Roosevelt does not want so much as the disemupsetting the bosses there will soon be some new laws boweled shadow of a referendum to lead the American passed to declare types of sit downs llegal?
workers and farmers into believing that they have the His reply showed an admirable lack of illusions final word on going overseas to die.
about the function of law in capitalist society. Ho put it in more or less these words: There isn any need Their shock at discovering that they did not exerfor new laws. There are plenty of laws on the books cise that right, Roosevelt believes would overthrow already that prove sit downs illegal. How could it be his regime. That is why he opposes even this year otherwise? But when the workers by hundreds and version of a war referendum as proposed by a group thousands occupy the factories, the letter the law doesn settle anything. We would have to bring in of 12 in the Senate.
machine guns to clear them out, and under the present The tremendous war machine constructed by Roose4 circumstances we can do that. Wait until the workers velt is almost finished. All it lacks is the steelquiet down again, and then you ll see the law get helmeted rows of American workers and farmers to into action.
march through its bristling maw to die for profits. DEMOCRACY!
What the Law Is For Roosevelt can permit nothing to stand in the way IF WE ARE TO PRESERVE This young man, who has cynically rented out his of that death march. He and the small minority of talents to the highest bidders, understands the task economic royalists he represents cannot let the people of the law that is, of the statutes, legal theory. tbe decide. That is why he opposes a war referendum!
courts, police and jalla. He knows that the law is an integral part of the state, and that the central busines of the state, to which all else is subordinated, is to defend the property rights of the bourgeoisde in the instruments of production. Consequently, in private CAMP NO. conversations he does not bother with any hokum Senator Reynolds speech in the Senate against Mexico, reported elsewhere in this issue, is part of a 1776 about abstract Justice.
The bourgeoisie, in general, is perfectly clear in systematic campaign being conducted from the law its own mind about the nature of the law. It uses the offices of Roy Monahan at 49 Wall Street. Mr.
CONSTITUTE law as an instrument in the class struggle, an imMonahan heads a committee which, according to the mensely effective instrument in maintaining its dominN. Times Jan. 22, demands use of our whole ance over the masses. The bourgeoisie cannot afford to tool itself with high sounding phrases.
armed might to bring about restoration of American Most workers, unfortunately, are not clear about properties in Mexico and the elimination of Nazism Carlo 19 the law. Never ending propaganda assures them that from that state.
the law administers impartial justice to all members Mr. Monahan makes a crude attempt to link up the of society. An anti strike injunction or a Faneteel defight of the oil corporations against Mexico with the cision comes as a puzzling shock and disappointment fight against Nazism. Too crude you might say? But And, not being clear about the law, pat realizing that the law is not society law or worker law, but Mr. Monahan dresses up his anti fascism. As solely and exclusively the bosses law, the workers chairman of the Americanism committee of the Disare handicapped in their unavoidable fight against abled American Veterans, the Times goes on to report, the law Mr. Monahan was the complainant against the (Continued from Page 1) that, forces similar to the ones Hit Refugee Admission The Law and the Factories German American Settlement League, six officers of erence to St. Patrick Cathedral just shown, forces like the soAttacking the refugees and For a capitalist, the right to private property which were recently tried for violation of the State as the Shrine of St. Bingo has called Loyallets, socialista, com making humorous remar rks means Arst and foremost the free and untrammelled Civil Rights Law.
come to the attention of even the munists, anarchists are organizing about the recent pogrom in Ger ability to own and use in any way he may see it Thus Monahan, aided by the publicity of the Times, Christian Front. here in America under the names many, one speaker pointed with the instruments of production. It means that he shall makes a cheap gesture against the Nazis in order to Play on Prejudices of American League for Peace glec to the fact that although have at all times free access to these instruments, and Democracy, the Socialist the President of the feels Mr. Walsh then introduced and justify a campaign of intervention against the Cardenas that he on his own decision shall be able to grant or speakers who in turn played on Workers Party. the Friends of the sorry for the Jewis, no one in refuse such access to others: government.
he himself shell the prejudices of the audience by International Brigade, the Jew. Russia has invited the victims of decide whether or not to employ the Instruments to But not only the Times aids him in this crooked fantastic stories of nuns being ish War Veterans, and the United Hitler rage to that country turn out goods; that the entire product of the instrumaneuver. The central organ of the Communist Party, openly raped in the streets of Hebrew Trades and that all Chris where international Jewry rules. ments sball belong to him.
the Daily Worker, also endorses Me. Monahan Madrid and Barceloney hero he these groups before it is too late. write to the President and to He and his fellow capitalists have constructed their state to defend this right by all necessary means.
credentials as an anti fascist. In a front page story, and Stalin and of willful de March 8, headlined, Bund Menace Lashed by However, in the course of the development of struction of private property and commentator and stamp out scum of Europe be allowed to capitalism, the original right to private property suffers Vets Leader, Mr. Monahan is copiously quoted by works or art by hoards of Anarthese people while they are still enter our country.
some modification and limitation the Daily Worker in a patriotic attack on the Nazis. chiats, Socialists, Communists and small and unprepared Again the chairman attacked These limitations are roughly of two sorts: one Like the Times, the Daily Worker retells the story of other kinds of atheists. Urging Attacks s, the and he made no distype is a concession forced on the state by the strength Monahan haling the Nazis into court.
the crowd to watch the film care Immediately following the sim tinction between members of the of the workers (for example, the workers right to fully to observe the faces of the the chairman rushed to the plat. Communist Party, Socialist Party, strike and picket, both of which are limitations on In their mad hunt for democratic allies the Loyalists, speakers thus tried to form and announced that, we Jewish War Veterans. He lumped the capitalist right to private property. the other Stalinists take anybody who will give lip service to prove that only Jews opposed have been informed that an agent all together and heaped abuse and more frequent type is imposed by the bourgeois anti fascism. That the anti fascist language nothing General Franco in Spain. of the Socialist Workers Party is especially upon those groups state itaelf, acting as representative of the entire capbut idealistic justification for reactionary politics, completely by the film itself, This le and others were refuted in our midst. Whereupon the which hide behind the American italist class, in order to protect the system of private Christians began to look all flag and sing the national anproperty against being undermined by the too anardoes not repel the Stalinists.
which, although partly taken by about and yell, Kill the o them. The Jewish War Veter chic practises of Individual capitalists (for example, Their build up for Monahan will help him in his fascist cameramen, was captured. Where is he? Let get ans can denounce Communism all blue sky laws, fair marketing agreements, laws campaign against the Mexican government, just as day and night and they can call governing fulfillment of contracts, etc. Stalinist build ups have helped the Daladiers, Azanas, Loyalists at Teruel and showed the chairman, before introduc themselves Americans but we Capitalists, as individuals, usually resent both of Miajas, etc. to cut the throats of the workers to whom ing the early days of the uprising ing, then went on to attack the are not fooled we will deal with many scenes of the activity during the main speaker of the even members of the Christian Front these types of limitation, but it is only against the first that they carry on and must carry on a bitter and dethey were recommended by the Stalinists.
in Madrid and Barcelona.
Socialist Workers Party, the 4th these people when the time comes cisive struggle. The second type is in the Aral analysis mode of self preservation for capitalismo In its the Stirring and inspiring shots of International and Leon Trotsky and we will pay special attention last stage taking the form of fascism. The first means and FAI. troops and tanks, having attempted to break up the gled Banner don worry, we will a direct invasion by the class enemy, means that the young Socialists marching to the meetings of the German American take care of them. He said workers are stretching their hands toward the sent few readers of the Socialist Appeal have asked us front, mass meetings in the huge Bund all over the country and he that the Socialist Workers Party why in our articles and editorials exposing the role of bull rings and the arrival of the ing organized not only the Red Guard beeruse it was evidently of power, toward control over the factories and machines and mines which, it really won, would give the Roosevelt administration as the instrument of first contingent of foreign volun.
them control over society as a whole.
American imperialism we have not more sharply teers, were deliberately discriticized Franklin Roosevelt as a man and analyzed Sit Downs and the Law torted in the running comments tional Brigade which fought in of the German American Bund of the editor of the Alm, to make Spain. He went on and and the Christian Front.
In a sit down strike, the workers do not merely the personal qualities which have pre eminently fitted it appear that international Jew. Trotsky of having conspired with The Old Rape Story limit but indeed negate the property right of the capithim to act as President of the United States.
alist. It might be said that, in a passive way, they ery conspired to destroy beauti. bring what was left of the Inter Stooping to such cheap trickery establish control, direct physical control, over the These comrades point to his oratorical skill which ful and peaceful Spain.
national Brigade to Mexico where as. How would you like your instruments of production. From this it is really only hypnotizes the workers and farmers, his remarkable Mum on Franco Butchery he Trotsky) and Prieto had built sister openly raped on the street a small step to active control, to the workers going finesse in telling the lies which delude them, the ruth The destruction of churches a fortress and were preparing to in Brooklyn? and, Do you want on to start up the machines again, but as masters, not lessness with which builds his war machine and and palaces, the desecration or invade the United States when to see your poor old father and slaves, of the machines. And that, of course, would be mother taken to Ebbets Field and slashes relief rolls. other personal traits which make blamed on the Reds and Jews. the socialist revolution.
Reveaz Ignorance mowed down by machine guns in him probably the most skillful agent the capitalist class but not one word on the cold This is why the law, the bourgeois law, would not.
The of the United States has yet played in the White blooded murder of women and the speakers were revealed in the main speaker, attempted to ignorance and bigotry of the hands of Reds? Mr. Kelly, could not, will not ever recognize sit downs as legal.
children by Franco bombers And this why workers, if they are ever to achlove Why doesn the Socialist Appeal debunk Roosevelt from Italy and Germany. The each violent attack on the labor recruit for the Christian Front their own emancipation, must throw off the shackles of bourgeois law, to replace it with the workers law.
bombing of Guernica was denied movement and on the Loyalist from the audience. The Christthe man and show him for what he is?
by the Alm editor who claimed Government of Spain. One speak tan Front needs men. said Mr.
To a Marxist, no leader can do more than express that the city had been destroyed e claimed that 10, 000 Spanish Kelly. But there were few willing shot their own children and woology and then sent to South where they are to be taught ide ushers.
All the speakers lauded Father men in order to win sympathy America to foment rebellion!
particular circumstances and perhaps alter the time Couglhlin and asked everyone to The Press from the unsuspecting people in sequence of events. But he cannot change the basic Another roused the crowd to attend the picket line at radio By ARTHUR HOPKINS every Sunday until direction nor drive of the forces he heads any more There were no pictures of the Aghting pitch by saying, have the station officials allow Father than a headlight on a locomotive can prevent the Moors who many a battle been informed that the Jews are America is askoop at the switch while democracy for General Franco and who were about to plunge America into a Coughlin to spew his anti Semitic freight train behind from rushing through a tunnel.
is threatened in China. Japán is inoving south in China where the democracles hold stakes. The only responsible for the Fascist victory war with Hitler and Mussolini lies and slander over the air.
One might speculate at times as to what decaying along with the Nazi and Italian and that Madame Perkins and Scores of ushers wearing badges course open to the democracies is to band together Fascist troops. Instead the whole President Roosevelt are in on the of the Christian Front patrolled against the aggressor nations, not social forces could bring an intelligent person to be with arme, but lieving in or fighting for private property ard the acbutcher of Bur. deal. Playing on the anti war the aisles and entrance to the with economic sanctions. Let do campaign of it. pleads Anna Louise Strong, in Mindes for a about cumulation of profits in this day and age. But it is gos was called, the greatest re sentiments of the people, each hall during the meeting and at ligious crusade against atheism in speaker in turn blamed the war cast 200 police and detectives series of lectures. It looks like the lady Stalinist the task of the party organ to avoid speculation. Its history. And there were crisis on the Jews.
were on duty at the hall. wants to defend our atakes to the last drop of the columns must be devoted to analyzing the concrete many scenes of bishops and workers blood forces and events through which Roosevelt maneuvers priests blessing the soldiers of relief stations and handle comand to fighting with all its energy against the war, the General Franco and everywhere plaints of their members. It is very significant, said The Supreme Court rules in the Fapstoel Corpora welcoming the Fascist offic hunger, and the tragedy which he as the head agent of who were officials of the Vatican George Breitman, militant section case that the employes had the right to strike capitalism is organizing.
retary of the Union, that the but they had no license to commit acts of violence to We know that if any other agent of capitalism were Many feet of Alm taken by Municipal Assistance Board, while seize their employers plant. To justify such conduct bein the White House his agenda now would be sub cause of the existence of a labor dispute or of an unFranco photographers, were dethey were handing down this decl(Special to Socialist Appeal)
voted to showing prisoners capsion, all had in their hands copies fair labor practice would be to put a premium on restantially the same as Roosevelt s, geniality or no NEWARK, NJ. Mar. 11 Plans of a mimeographed bulletin, titled sort to force and to subvert the principles of law and geniality. Not all headsmen are alike. Some are dour, doomed to death or worse, were were being made by the newly Retrenchment Program of the order which lie at the foundation of all society.
some pleasant and sympathetic, but all lift the axe in evidently divided into two groups formed Workers Relief and WPA Newark Relief Administration! The United States will eventually recognize General Franco regime in Spain, officials in Washington in conformity with their orders and skillfully or unskill and the cameramen were careful Union this week to answer the The reason that Am The Law licate line with olicy of recognizfully bring its edge down upon the neck of the victim.
to show only those whom they attacks of the reactionary New Malady, Newark Overseer for the ing governments acheived through revolution. This One headsman or another what difference do his the uniform of the Loyalist standards of the unemployed, and reliel station is that he knows Thomas Jefferson Moral for workers: If you have the personal qualities make to the one who dies under armies.
to launch a series of demonstra that we alone are capable of stop force and know you have the force, and are willing to his blade?
Whenever such picturos appear. tions against the coming mass ping his proposed 3, 000, 000 cut in use your force, then anything you do is legal.
Our task does not analyzing the distortions ed on the screen, the audience ley offs on the Newark relief budget. But if and limitations of the minds of the enemies of world would react by cat calling and Only weeks old, the Unem Malady and the other Hague DAILY DOUBT progress except insofar as such an analysis might help melking tom chord Lock at the ployed Union was served with an stooges thought that they had Kikes! The Christ killers!
Foreign office experts of England believe General in the struggle to free humanity. Our task as mem ies!
icipal Assistance Board that they fore, they re going to realize soon issimo Franco in behalf of achieving unity of the bers of the working class lies in action on the road Calls for Organization would no longer be permitted to enough that they haven seen people of Spain will be generous toward the great to the socialist revolution.
The film ended with a warning have their committees enter the anything yet!
mass of his former foes.
the Monthly Appeal Pledge Fund and help raise the The President voice of militant socialism in the four corners America!
America Stalin and Non Intervention very short dispatch from Moscow to the press on March 4, reported the withdrawal of the Soviet government from the Committee on Non Intervention in Spanish affairs, because the London committee has not functioned for a considerable period of time and has lost the reason for its existence.
That the committee lost the reason for its existence with Anglo French recognition of Francois true; but that it did not function for a considerable period of time is not true. On the contrary it functioned systematically, precisely for the purpose of paving the way for recognition of Franco, and Stalin endorsement and participation in the committee immeasurably facilitated its work against the Spanish people.
We predicted upon its formation that the committee would serve Franco. This was quickly verified. But when revolutionists therefore demanded that the Soviet government resign from it, continued support of the committee was justified as a way to fight fascism!
The Stalinists will not like to be reminded of such gems as this from Harry Gannes How the Soviet Union Helps Spain. Rather than to allow collusion between the Nazis and the Tory ministers to confront Spain, the Soviet Union strove to do all it could within the non intervention committee to stop fascist arms from being shipped to Spain. Rather than to allow such collusion, Stalin preferred himself to be in collusion with the Tory ministers right up to the recognition of Franco by Anglo French imperialism Let the People Decide!
The American Institute of Public Opinion, of which Dr. George Gallup is director, has just released the results of a nationwide poll on the war referendum.
According to Gallup report 58 per cent of the American public favor an amendment to the Constitution which would require Congress to obtain the approval of the people by referendum before the United States can be plunged into a war overseas.
The Gallup poll reflects the sentiment of the middle layers of the American population, the professional occupations, highly skilled workers, and small business men. The lower layers of the population, such as unskilled labor, the ordinary factory worker, the farm NEWARK JOBLESS SET FOR ACTION