AnarchismAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Friday, March 17, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL IN THE WORLD OF LABOR By Paul Stevens Stalin Offers Olive Branch To Hitler In Apologizing For Fascist War Mongers ATTACK PICKETS (NIOW LA. COPS HELPED FASCISTS Wave of Persecutions Hits the Polish Trotzkyists On February 14, the French news agency Havas carried the following dispatch over its wires from Warsaw. wide spread police action has been under taken against illegal political groups. More than a hundred persons have been arrested and forty seven are still being held. The police action appears to be directed against Trotskylst elements in the main. In the course of the raids, leaflets and proclamations of the Fourth International were seized in large quantities.
This reign of persecution unleashed against our Polish comrades is of particular significance in view of preceding events. As reported in these columns, Moscow dissolved the Polish Communist Party last July.
The formal dissolution of this Comintern section followed the physical extermination of scores of Polish leading militants during the Stalinist purges in Russia since 1936.
Immediately after the dissolution of the was announced, the Polish Trotskyists issued an appeal for the reconstitution of the Polish Com.
munist Party on the basis of the platform of the Fourth Fourth International. They undertook this step under the most dangerous circumstances, The fascist police of Poland was constantly at their heels, aided by the Stalinist agents who openly denounced our comrades to them in the press.
Nevertheless, the Polish Trotskyists carried on widespread activity with excellent results.
Several weeks ago they were able to hold a successful conference at which a whole series of important documents were adopted. It was shortly after this conference that the police, encouraged by reports from Stalinist stool pig.
ons, launched the drive reported by Havas.
How hard the organization has been hit cannot be said as yet. Reports are too scant. But, although a large number of leading comrades have been jailed, the Polish section of the Fourth International has already established a name for itself as the revolutionary organization in the country. Its growth can be impeded by police persecutions, but it cannot be stopped Our most heartfelt feelings of solidarity to the brave illegal Bolshevik fighters in Poland! The victorious revolution of the Eastern and Central European working class will avenge the dastard ly murders of their leaders and the stool pigeon.
ing betrayal of their militants by the Stalinist agents!
Revolutionary Socialists of Ceylon Show Way to Fight Fascism Particularly gratifying these days is the fact that the oppressed of the colonial countries refuse to be fooled by either Stalinists or social democrats in the so called Mother countries regarding the line up of the democracies against the totalitarian states for the coming war.
Among those most clearly outspoken against the fraud of the democratic front are the militants of the Ceylon Socialist Party. This party has been carrying on a persistent struggle HEROIC MILITANTS SPAIN, YESTERDAY AND TODAY Muniz Describes FACE GREAT ODDS IN THE DAILY WORKER COLUMNS Role of Loyalist IN MADRID STAND Army Command On the Line. with Bill Morgan against the British ban of trade unions on the island, against the pussyfooting of the Ceylon National Congress in its dealings with the (Continued from Page 1)
British colonial office and for democratic rights. Continued from Page 1)
the Bolsheviks and then everything will proceed nicey. It must Recently the party held its annual conference, way in Stalin report to an extremely soft and restrained com be admitted that this too looks very much like egging on, Hike provoke a disturbance by Josting at which 500 delegates were present. Among ment on the activities of the Axis powers. But his change in front and pushing the demonstrators encouraging the aggressor.
other resolutions adopted was one on the Munich is far more drastic than that. In actuality, he offers an apology and by attempting to rip down peace. It is in this resolution especially, that for them and their activities.
Warns of Bargain With Germany banners carried by the pickets.
The workers tried to avoid clashes the Ceylon revolutionary socialists speak out in For the first time in years, we hear from the lips of a Stalinist Stalin means to say anything by this, it can only be that it with these provocateurs until the a voice which cannot but arouse the attention a very careful explanation of the reason for the fascist aggres is the democracies who are trying to drive the fascist powers fascist youth made an effort to of the workers misled by Stalinism and social slon. It is all due, we now learn (rather, the Stalinists are in. Into a war!
push the pickets off the sidewalk.
reformism in the imperialist countries. The structed to learn to purely imperialist rivalries between the To make this point even clearer and more emphatic, Stadin democracies and the Axis powers. These rivalries, we are fur.
resolution concludes by proclaiming to all coloThe demonstrators began to re.
points out that the democracies, the supporters of the nonsist this attack and were succeednial peoples and to the international working ther enlightened, go back to the unequal distribution of the loot Intervention policy have as their alm class, that in successful colonial struggle against ing in quelling the disorder when taken in the last World War (in the case of Italy and Japan) and not to provent, say, Germany from becoming entangled Imperialism lles not only freedom to colonial to the iniquitous Treaty of Versailles which was imposed upon Into European affairs, from becoming involved in war with police, who had been standing close by until this time without peoples, but also the main attack against fascism; Germany. Germany, which suffered severely as a result of the the Soviet Union. but rather) to allow all the belligerents for finance capital draws its greatest strength Arst Imperialist war and the Versailles Peace, solned with Japan intervening, entered the fray.
to sink deeper into the mire of war, to encourage them from the exploitation of colonial peoples. and Italy and demanded extension of her territory in Europe and steathlly to follow this line, to allow them to weaken and Black jack Youths Daladier Hits at French Revolutionists the return of the colonies which were taken from her by the exhaust one another, and then, when they have become They black Jacked two young victors in the first Imperialist war, Stalin says now.
sufficiently weakened, to appear on the scene with fresh members of the One of While Chamber Talks of Amnesty Democracies Are Now the Aggressors forces, to come out, of course, in the interests of peace. them, 14 years of age, was beaten While the French Chamber of Deputies is preand to dictate their terms to the weakened belligerent unconscious and the other, aged nations.
In other words, the conflicts of the powers have not been occupled with debates regarding the granting of 18, received a scalp wound, neces based upon the noble idealism of the democrats on the one side Stalin is saying to the Democracies. Don think that inamnesty to all those arrested during the general sitating his removal for medical and the aggressors on the other, but upon such classic Imperial tend to pull your chestnuts out of the fire. If you do not string attention.
strike last November, the Daladier government, ist consideartions as a new redivision of the world. But was not helped into power by the disastrous Popular along with me, can always make a bargain with you rival, The demonstrators nevertheless this idea the sheerest Trotskyist Fascist heresy up to yesterday? Germany.
held their ground. The police Front, becomes particularly vicious in its attack against the revolutionary press.
But Stalin goes still further. The real aggressors, the real war drew back. In a few minutes, as To Hitler, he says: am by no means wedded to London, Paris. out such On February 7, comrade Suzanne Charply, and Washington. There is no reason why we should go to war the pickets continued their penceformer editor of Revolution, the organ of the powers as Germany, but rather. the Democracies! Unbelievable, against each other until we are both worn out and the Democ ful picketing, police threw tear Fourth Internationalist youth in France, was conyet true.
racies come in and squeeze us both out of the picture. Instead of gas bombs into their ranks, fore.
How? Very simply. Nobody in Russia is thinking of a war demned to ten months imprisonment and a allowing yourself to be exged on against the Soviet Union, let us ing them back from the entrance 2, 000 franc Ane. The charge was that an article with Germany, it goes without saying. But what more important, get together, so that you can turn your attention to retrieving the of the theater.
nobody in Germany except for a few lunatics, is thinking of war colonies which were taken from her (Germany) by the victors in in the paper incited the military to disobedience.
Fascists Threw Bombs against the Soviet Union. All the talk about Hitler seeking to con the first imperialist war.
Several of the bombs were On Feb. 13, comrade Loret, editor of La Lutte Ouvrlere, the weekly paper of the Internationalist quer and annex the Ukraine is so much nonsense. Who invented To his League Nations allies of yesterday, Stalin offers the thrown by fascist youth and at this myth? THE DEMOCRACIES! So says Stalin.
Workers Party (P. French Section of the threat of a new turn in foreign policy.
the protest meeting before the Fourth International, was hailed into court for It was the Democrats who, according to Stalin, began urg To Hitler, Stalin offers a hand at least half way outstretched.
Mayor, the police were accused of ing the Germans to march further East, promising them easy Which, boiled down to essentials, means that Stalin has turned having given them to these youth an article giving the revolutionary defeatist pickings and prompting them on: Just you start a war against over the initiative for the next step in world politics to Hitler position of the in the course of the frenAs soon as the gas drifted away, zied, social patriotic days of the September crisis.
the entire picket line reorganized His case is yet to be tried.
and again began marching in Daladier, the hero of Popuar Front and front of the theater. bottle thrown from the balcony of the the conqueror of the general strike, knows whom theater struck a woman picket in French capitalism French Fourth Internationalists, under attack to fear. All aid to the the face. The Daily Worker, both in its news and in its The fascists began taunting the from the capitalist government, in the front ranks of the working class struggle!
headlines, seeks constantly to present objective facts.
marchers but this time their ef. Clarence Hathaway, editor Daily Worker, Feb. 28, forts to provoke a ftght were Winston Churchill as Guest of 1939.
quickly stopped. Continued from Page 1)
Soviet Ambassador Maisky Feb. Why Spain Will Never Be Conquered by Invaders. Continued from Page 1)
Second Barrage olini than would have been the Spain was cut in Two Just as Now, But It Triumphed.
On Tuesday, February 21, that arch jingo of No sooner had the demonstracase two weeks ago, it will be Feb. Negrin Rejects Mediation; Loyalists To Continue The Negrin government was comBritish imperialism and carliest of enemies of because the National Defense War Against Invaders. Azana Policy Rejected by Government pelled to bring Borribar to trial tors again resisted the fascist the October revolution, Mr. Winston Churchill, Council has cleaned house and and Cortes. Miaja Calls War Council For Defense. Minja, known attack against their picket line but it was never completed.
was an official guest at a dinner given at the showed the world that Loyalist as the savior of Madrid, has nearly 400, 000 well trained troops Another example occurred at than a second barrage of tear gas Soviet Embassy in London by Ivan Maisky, Spain is not Stalinist Spain. under his command for the defense auch important cities as Bilbao. The two commanders of was fired against them. By this former White Guard and present incumbent in In other words, the local Social Madrid, Valencia, Cartagena and Alicante. The tales about the famous ron belt of fortin time the ranks of the police had the ambassadorial position.
Democrats, running true to form, Miaj icapitulating) are fabrications out of the whole cloth.
cations around the city went over swelled to 80 uniformed and plain to Franco, who thus knew the clothes policemen, several radio Apparently there was some confusion as to are servitely solidarizing them Feb. Madrid Vows Finish Fight On Franco Central Army selves with the butchers of the whether Mr. Churchill had turned left or whether Chief Cites High Morale of Forces. Colonel Segismundo Casado, plan of the city defense far cars, state police cars and motorMr. Maisky was merely renewing acquaintances. workers in Madrid. How vain are Chief of the Central Army. declared today that the Loyalist with better than the government com. cycles.
When the pickets made a third commentator in a rather conservative Brit their hopes and their illusions drawal from Catalonia had only strengthened the desire of the labor paper reassures his readers with the Franco will once more demon.
During the Zaragoza offensive effort to resume the demonstraCentral Army to fight. As Chief of the Army state that we following contribution on the subject: strate when his legions tramp into whole section of the government tion, tear gas shells were fired at Churchill visit to the Russian Embassy are giving a unique demonstration of cooperation of the military the doomed capital.
al staff belonging to the Com them again, this time enough to power with the people without friction.
must not be taken as confirmation that he has The Spanish Communist Party MIAJA NAMED CHIEF BY NEGRIN munist Party went over to Fran choke the entire area with gas.
joined the Communist party. He is regarded as has not uttered single word co. That is how the Belchite cam Police continued firing tear gas Feb. 10. Negrin Names Minja Supreme Chief; Central Front paign was lost after terrific losses until the demonstrators were combeing too far to the Left for that yet.
on the developments in Madrid.
Unites For Resistance. Madrid Hero Given Rank of Gov Minis.
Its leaders, who fled like a bunch ter. General Jose Miaja in men and equipment.
pelled to retreat.
named Supreme Commander of all The Position of the of the Army Hear Speaker of rats as soon as the generals armed forces of the Spanish government on land, sen and in the took power, have lapsed into comWhat happened in the army was large numbers of the pickets air today on the Central and Southern fronts.
plete silence. They have refused only a reflection of the general gathered at vacant lot across the Feb. 11 Negrin Arrives in Valencia: Calls Army Chiefs to situation in the country, of the street from the theater to Isten interviews to the boss press and Map Fight to finish. Catalonian Army Now In France Ready relationship of forces which ex to a speech by Dave Stevens of no statements from them have to Join Minja at Front. General Jose Minja, Government com. isted between the classes. Without the who pointed out that The valiant Italian antiFascists who carried on appeared in their own prese here, mander in chief, indignantly denied reports abroad that the Re. class base the army could not the united front between the dem.
the struggle against Mussolini from Paris garrets the Daily Worker.
publican General Staff was negotiating with the fascist rebels.
and basements welcomed the raw recruit and exist as a stable force. Despite allocratie police and the fascists In Spain itself only a few sec. Feb. 13 Loyalists Continue Fight from Madrid. Government its efforts, the People Front was made necessary the organization made possible the desire to participate in the ond rank leaders and a host of Fully set to Battie Until Victory, Says Negrin. The newspaper unable to win the confidence of of Workers Defense Guards.
active movement.
unknowns joined in the fight. The Informaciones told the Madrilenos that the government is in The Rossie brothers. since murdered by the national and international most prominent remaining Stalin Madrid, Misja heads the army and these are two happly omens.
Many Groups Protest bourgeoisie. Its army therefore agents of Italian Fasciam were good teachers.
ist, Col. Antonio Ortega, took a decree was published reaffirming Negrin appointment of the The L, American They were tireless workers and hardened revonecessarily reflected the inconsis. Fund for Political Prisoners and lutionists. They insisted, after a period of initia keeping his own troops out of demonstratively neutral position, 60 year old Miaja the Savior of Madrid. as supreme Generalissimo of the Loyalist armies. This (the central army is comtency that derived from its lack Refugees, the American League tion and experience, that the youth return to of a social basis, since it was for Peace and Democracy, the the fight and helping to get the manded by Colonel Casado, one of the most brilliant officers of neither the army of the capitalists North American Committee to Aid America where comrades were needed and where rest to surrender, according to the old Spanish army.
nor the army of the workers.
the danger of a knife in the back from an unseen Spanish Democracy, the Civil Libpress reports.
MADRID HAS FORCES TO CARRY ON hand was less likely.
The superiority in armaments erties Union, and the Municipal Back to the and depression and Feb. 14 Negrin Saya City Can withstand Long Siege. Miaja of the Franco forces was incontes League sent representatives to the In Moscow the Central Commit Will Soon Have 500, 000 Trained Men to Hold Area.
table but the underlying causes Mayor today protesting the police the youth began his search for work. From tee of the Communist Party met Feb. 20 Franco officials were not a stock boy in a shoe store to bus boy in a cafefor the debacle in Catalonia, like brutalities at the demonstration even satisfied with British amid much fanfare. Stalin issued and French promises of pressure on President Manuel Azana, beterin to clerk in Wall Street to truck driver for the causes of all the government last night. report on the international situ. cause the Madrid government had consolidated its forces to an department store delivery service, to unemdefeats in the civil war, were to The representative of the Mediation without so much as mentionployment and Night school and organizextent where it can carry on in the Central Zone despite maneuv. be found in the policy pursued by cal Bureau for Aid to Spanish ing locals of the unemployed followed job after ing the street fighting in Madrid. ers outside of Spain.
the People Front Democracy brazenly injected a job. Street corner meetings, mass meetings, disAfter him came Manuilsky of the Feb. 27 Loyalists Remain Firm for Defense. all poThe Army Regime disruptive note in the protest meetlitical leaders of parties in Madrid adhering to the Popular Front Comintern who was similarly sil.
tributing endless bundles of leaflets, picketing Com ent on the events in Spain which have agreed on the necessity of increasing the activities of the This policy consisted from the ing by accusing the of and speaking for the trade unions in and out beginning in weakening the con joining with the Fascist youth in of work all combined with periods of hope and are driving straight to the heart Popular Front to meet the more difficult situation created by the quests of the working class. Mil. attempting to disrupt the demoncloser alliances between London and Paris and Burgos. Direct of every working class revoluenthusiasm and discouragement and fear for the tarily, despite the People Front stration and encourage clashes future.
tionist in the world!
news from Madrid again blasts the renewed stream of now famil propaganda, this policy led to the with the police. His story was Most pitiful of all is the local iar les about imminent capitulation. Spain Popular Front is establishment of discipline in spiked as a lie by several of the Learns Need of Revolutionary Party Daily Worker. The first day of tightening its rantes. Gannes. the bourgeois sense of the term, delegates who gave the actunl Once again, restlessness and the desire to the revolt it was completely silent. Mar. Negrin Girds Forces to Defend Madrid, Army, Press mechanical and repressive, with facts of the event.
shake off the feeling of confinement, the youth On Tuesday it appeared with an Determined to Resist. Gen. Segismundo Casado, commander of out providing the soldiers with or Madrid, said that the military situation is magnificent. Complete Stalinists Disgusted set out. This time to meet and talk with the hysterical editorial accusing ganization or technical capacities workers in other parts of Amerien. By hitch Tory Trotskyits traitors with tranquility continues along the fronts, but the situation depends The delegate explained nor the solidarity of a bourgeois our efforts to enter a united front hiking and riding freight cars he travelled being behind the coup and care upon the action of the Cabinet. At Valencia, the Communist morn army. The concrete result was the with the North American Commitacross the country with the jobless youth who fully ignoring the fact that every ing newspaper, La Verdad, devoted its entire front page to a monopoly of all commanding posts tee and our conduct in the picket were in search of work. From New York to New party in the People Front had resolution passed by the Political Bureau of the of Sprin de Mexico, from New Orleans to Chicago he walked by careerists entirely without mill line. Several of the Stalinist obalready publicly solidarized with claring that the people army can and will continue to Aght. tary ability who maintained dis servers expressed disgust at the and rode and slept in jungles with every kind the Minja junta in Madrid. The Mar. government radio broadcast, meanwhile, stated cipline over the soldiers only in dishonest tacties of the Medical of worker from every section of the United only fact adduced in the article that the spirit of the troops and population in Loyalist teis order to preserve their own privBureau representative.
States. Odd jobs in gas stations, on wheat fields, to bolster up the Tory Trotsky one of unbreakable resistance, marked by a powerful of ileges. The true proletarians who in packing plants and canneries provided conMayor Bowron made a short ite headline, was a characteriza unity and determination against the fascist invaders.
had fighting experience and had speech declaring that he was for tact with many active workers in the revolu.
tion of Carillo, the repre MIAJA TURNS TRAITOR acquired military ability remained civil liberties but that he was also tionary movement.
sentative in the Junta and a So Mar. Army Conspirators Seize Madrid; Miaja Joins Plot: simple soldiers or were relegated for law and order.
This trip, above all others, established once cialist Party leader, as pro Trots said nothPlan Surrender. Besteiro, a permanent leader of the capitulation to inferior posts ing about stopping future Mega!
and for all in the mind of the youth, the firm kyist. But Carillo, they fall to elements, was accused in 1936 of being an agent of the British The soldiers soon got the feeling activity of the police except that belief in the future of the working class and the say, actually was one of the clos Intelligence Service. He shares leadership with Colonel Segismundo that the famous People Army he understood the organizations necessity for a revolutionary party to carry on est collaborators of the Stalinists Casado, professional soldier of the same political kidney. The was organized only to guarantee present had the right to picket.
and direct the activities of the thousands of in the right up to the present tragedy of Madrid is but the delayed act begun by Franco the privileges of the careerists and workers who were preparing to take up the fight. coup etat of last Sunday night and Trotskyite rearguard agents, working under the protection of Build Workers Defense Guards caste and at the same Back again to New York in time to assist in Afraid to Speak Caballero from the very outset of the resistance to fascism in the micheck and abolish polititime The has made clear its the building of a new party out of the ashes of For the rest, in dwindling head.
1936. Gannes cal activity in the ranks.
position on anti fascist activity.
the moribund Socialist Party which was bogged lines, the Daily Worker confined Mar, Miaja Turns Bombers on Madrid Troops, People Chaos Resulted Police support of the fascist youth down with petty reformers and lawyers and itself to United Press dispatches Front Forces Combat Traitor Council. Azana has direct links At every dangerous and deci in their attacks on the picket lines lady sympathizers in big hats. And all the Finally by last Saturday it abdiwith Miguel San Andres, who is a member of the new dictatorial sive moment this led inevitably to proves that the only real defense years of experience with reformers and dilet cated completely any attempt to council. General Jose Miaja, President of the new council, poured troop reinforcements into the city as the peace regime battled to the flight of the command, or its for the workers against the fastantes, all the years of experience with semi. explain its own position and acdesertion to the enemy. panic cists is Workers Defense Guards.
socialists and careerists, only sharpened the companied the United Press dis crush opposition to its efforts to achieve an armistice with the fascists.
youth ability and experience and made possible patches with a warning that the among the troops who felt they The Los Angeles section of the had been betrayed, a chaotic re is directing all its energy the quick understanding and acceptance of the capitalist agencies were inaccur.
Mar. (Interview with Negrin representative. page 1) wish treat, heavy losses in equipment to carrying out this slogan in need for a revolutionary party based on the ately using the label Commun to tell you also that the report of the resignation of the Republic all que more to the incapacity or Southern California.
program of Lenin and Trotsky ist in dealing with the Madrid an government is entirely false. They would certainly not resign fereatism of the commanders than The jump from a Connecticut class room and events.
to a rebel head. If the government had decided to give its resigna to the actual advance of the enemy. las and shot him. They passed the dull meaningless life of casual contact with In other words, the local Stal. tion it could have given it to the new president of the Republic, the outside world to an active worker in the inists do not know yet what to Martinez Barrio. With him Negrin knew himself to be in perfect To show the characteristic at the same verdict on Rojo, but he le of the professional Nitar was able to escape ranks of the Socialist Workers Party is still to say about the debacle their poll accord after the conversations he had had with him several days be made by many young students and workers.
ists, we can cite the case of Gen. self under the protection of larcles have led to in Spain. The previously. Moscow dispatch of charges made by foreign corIt is a difficult jump for many but the time is Vicente Rojo, commander at the go Caballero in the war ministry.
militant, herole stand of the respondents of Izvestin and Pravda, page 2) Col. Segismundo short and the distance is growing ever wider as beginning of the war, and directly He emerged to become Chief of fighters in Madrid smacks too Casado and Julian Besteiro, the leaders of the conspiracy against events pile upon each other. The coming war and responsible for the defeats of the General Staff.
much of resolute struggle to flt the Negrin government, acted in collaboration with former Presi. Borox, Iliesce, and Getafe, átong Innumerable other examples like in with the present day Commuthe decisive show down between the workers and dent Manuel Azana and Cortes President Diego Martinez Barrio.
the bosses cannot be long postponed. Fascism is nist Party policy of peaceful col Mar. 10. Because these capitulators (Miaja and Co. in a with General Puydengolas. The this could be cited to show the militia committeos judged both attitude of the professional sol ruthless destroyer of the calm, detached life. laboration and sycophantic snivmost difficult hour, were in strategie military posts, they were men responsible for deliberate diers who remained faithful to cholce must be made and made soon.
elling before the capitalists. able to seize decisive political positions. Editorial. treason. They arrested Puydengo the Republic.
Eight years ago this month a young student walked out of a class room in a Connecticut high school and hitch hiked to New York City and hung around the waterfront for a week trying to find a ship which would take him around the world.
The first three or four days were wasted in trying to get aboard some liner to apply in per son for a job. Then, after sleeping in Battery Park and talking with friendly workers, a sympathetic seaman showed him the ropes. After acquiring the necessary papers. a life boat ticket, copy of birth certificate, etc. the shipping office of a steamship line was the next step.
Then, almost before the young man could catch his breath, he was signed on for a round the world trip. The first leg of a long, long journey nad begun.
The sudden change from a dull, dreary class.
room to an active, exciting and entirely now life aboard a ship was hardly noticed by the youth in his a new life of adventure and association with his anxiety to forget the past and begin fellowshipmates. New faces, new lands, new customs, and above all, new ideas! This was the life and nothing could ever take its place.
Class Struggle Unfolds Before His Eyes That journey around the world and the new friends made and the new ideas acquired changed the whole life of the young man. The great class struggle was unfolded before his eyes and each event was translated to the student by veterans of every land, of every color and every description. The older workers were ever ready to ten and retell endlessly the story of the working class and its history to the youth, who listened with increasing interest and curiosity, Endless hours of discussions and questions were followed by the reading of every available book, Working hours were spent in observing intently cach habit and characteristic of the workers and planning questions for the all night gab fests which followed.
Trade unions, socialism, anarchism, religion, syndicalism, and world politics were the subjects with which, for the first time, the youth found himself at gripa. And the various views and conflicting theories only made the new life the future life and activity of the former school boy.
The conditions of the working class under Fascism were vividly and indelibly engraved on his memory after visits several Italian sen ports. The small and seemingly ridiculous begin nings of reaction in Germany Hitler was con.
sidered a foolish and idle threat the time where the short sighted and fat beaded Social and the make believe Socialism in Vienna were Democracy was drinking beer under the trees all examined with conflicting doubt and enthus.
iasm of youth.
Italian Anti Fascists His Teacher Paris at the time was, for most Americans, haven of refuge against the harsh and painful problems of a capitalism in the early stages of an incurable disease. unemployment. But for the youth it was no bohemia, no escape. It was in Paris that first contact with revolutionary work and revolutionary fighters was established.