EnglandFascismImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 17, 1939 AFL Balks at CIO SWP AIDS GUILD Shoe Workers Organize Unity Proposals Fight Against Stalinists APPEAL ARMY PICKET HEARST In the Trade Unions MINNESOTA BILL convention of the are often, the cracyat fears unters Laptopobalsecut del teatro da bolna Bevert sigurante WOULD OUTLAW Angeles. John Nolan, areas Union. Many of them were talke UNION ACTIVITIES Housing Plan Is Faced With Oblivion (Special to the Sociale Appeal. Continued from Page 1) tries excepted. Green plans to Socialist Workers Party and the marched in the ranks of the Progressive Groups Form on Nation wide THE MINNEAPOLIS RED to go on the Appeal sub drive for Basis to Oust Reactionaries from Control BUILDERS AT WORK: 1, 000 new renders. So far this was much milder than who Young Peoples Socialist League ments he actually made comize the industrial unions so that they can be absorbed into During February, Minneapolis week things are so good that it on Saturday, March 11 In prois the President eager to bolster the of craft structure (Special to the Socialist Aral) position. But the most amazing sold 1, 089 copies of the Appeal looks like another record busting test demonstration before the the New Deal forces for the 1940 without endangering the control NEW YORK. Progressive development, during the past two the best record ever achieved by sub week!
Hearst Building. The demonelection by uniting the labor of the reactionary clique now in stration was organized to pro.
groups in the union over the en weeks, has been the growth of a the Party branch. The Appeal Youngstown, Ohio is stepping movement and tying its bureau control tire nation are organizing to fight large progressive group in New Brigade was responsible for the ahead to first place for the No. teat the injunction against the crats closely to his machine, but Green stated at the banquet Newspaper Guild pickets pow the Stalinists and other reaction York City.
showing. We want to do better prize (a set of Lenin works) with ary forces who have been conthe fast approaching war makes that we will never liquidate the Situation in By WIDICK during March. We have set up New York City runnnig close on strike against the Heart it imperative that the labor move. American Federation of Labor for newspapers, the Chicago Amer ducting a rule or ruin polley in the The New York City Shoe locals charts in the headquarters with second.
Conspicuous by their absence ment be chained to the capitallet anybody.
United Shoe Workers of America are under the complete domina scores of individual Brigade memican and the Herald and ExBut there are still three good from the LO. proposals to the war machine.
He declared that the of (C. tion of the Stalinists. The workers bers. Martin Nelson is our star weeks to go on the drive!
aminer. of were two important If the present unity conference was a part of the fabric of our Although in many sections, have seen, over a period of time salesman, selling about 10 of MAY DAY PREPARATIONS After marching for more than considerations.
civilization, and continued as tails, it is very probable that the an hour in a drenching rain, the members of the General Execu that the bosses gain concession the total 1, 089 copies. Brigade UNDER WAY: In the first place, the pro President will take drastlo steps illows: demonstrators paraded down tive Board are to be elected the after concession from the leaders report is made at every branch the Union. Only a few days meeting. Freed, Appeal cam full information about the Special main Aght will center around the This week branches will receive posals threatened to create a new in the direction of restrictive labor Won Liquidate AFL the streets shouting slogans in forgotten man in in the labor legislation. The outlawing of sit We find men who propose that favor of the strike and denounc key position of General Organizer. so the leadership permitted a paign director.
May Day issue of the Appeal almovement. None other than Dav down strikes, the business ap this organization be wiped out ing the Hearst thugs and the The post is considered to impor ten per cent cut to go through in The Appeal is just splendid. ready in preparation. Branches injunction. The parade then retant that the Stalinists are not a large number of factories.
imagine that it means very hard should begin preparing to send in ternational Ladies Garment Work schemes to lower taxes on bis Who is there here within the turned to the headquarters of Secretary Treasurer in order to weeks before the cuts are forced putting out a first rate revolution Alled out, etc. More information It le matter of only a few work for all of you, but you are greetings, collection lists that are ers Union. John Lewis probably business and high incomes as sound of my voice who will agree the took great personal satisfaction in well as the drive to reduce relies the American Federation of Laconcentrate their fight on winning onto the entire industry. The pro ary paper. Dr. Konlkow of later on.
snubbing Dubinsky in the pro appropriations are steps in this bor shall be liquidated tomorrow?
the General Organizer position. gressive shoe workers had become Boston, Mass.
posals for peace in the union direction.
back We are willing to go a long way The Stalinist ate is one passive, and were REMINDER: McGrath. The progressives are walting, knowing that the Stalin. THREE WEEKS TO GO: movement. Dubinsky feelings Green Plan to assure good will and peace in Have you made your regular when he rend about the proposed That the of top bureau American labor. But of Los ruin the solemnly There are still three weeks left! Appeal bundle order payment? and the railroad unions any kind except on their own dic the American Federation of Labor tionary red baiter has been pushed ing of splitting and going back without mention of his powerful tatorial terms was clearly shown for anybody.
in at the last minute in an attempt into the notorious Boot SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL and Shoe. The workers were so independent union can easily be by assertions af William Green at to split the progressive voter It remains to be seen whether McGrath Qualification Washington banquet fast the President open threat to slok, disgusted and demoralized at Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands imagined.
However, Dubinsky and the LL Saturday CHICAGO cannot be counted out as The Ar of plan for unifica. ist with succeed in composing the Vicious Oregon Law was picked for his name and hot chine, that they disliked even vot: MANHATTAN herine Sta. Monroe Madhis ability as a shoe organizer. ing in the coming elections. It Knickerbocker Village Villard General 160 Wells, Rm. 90 easily as Lewis would like. Any tion of labor is the return of the jealousies and the thirst for power Is Pattern for The original candidate of the Stol. was when they saw the other secciones Me Delancey Surdouston Cor 12. Backstone peace between the and the original of unions now in among the labor bureaucrats News, 37 Monroe Measure of Li in regard to the doth the to the of and which have so far defeated all BALTIMORE, MD, inists was Rosenthal of New York, tions of the country slugging torneys Clinton che dwaasch Sam Wenders. 1113 Baltimore ing industry that doesn includeſ division of the 20 new unions upon attempts uniting the labor against him and if the provinces gained confidence, and plunged in store Services Aud. 20. Asel Frigate Book Series North Toward St. simply won mat a craft basis with certain indus movement.
the Sperial to the Socialist Appeal) were to vote Stalinist and Ar to the middle of the fight. San Robert Zettlemayer 07 Hamilton St ter.
Ave. 12th St. near Cale Roy.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 10 The yan had to be found.
Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton St No Guarantees reactionaries who now control the PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Michael Padgett, at the present had been developed a few months we were blonde bww Ried state of Minnesota are trying to. 14 dway Ich sc. 4th Ave.
1806 North Pranklia Si Cor. 11th and Market St, for Industrial Unionism force through a labor Inw, pat member from the west coast, has a position to day to win the com. th. Sub NE IS 40th St. and Girard Ave.
terned after the notorious Oregon done a good job as an organizer ing clections with case. But each fth Ave! Stand St. 4th In the second place, the Bh and Arch St.
QUAKERTOWN, PA committee did not ask for any bill, which would put the curb out there, and the reactionaries group thought it was fighting 3rd Aven. la St.
guarantees for industrial unionand bit on the organized labor are at a loss to find some weak alone, and did not realize that. 13th St. Ave. Mch St.
Front West Broad Su.
ism in the mass production in Realtors Urge Senate to Act Against movement here.
ness in his work in order to sway others in their union were faced Bh Ave. Labor Bookshop Andelman Tremont St. Copp. Hotel dustries. Since this was the origHouse File 352 if passed would a few of the progressives. Padgett with the same problems against St. 6th Ave. 42nd Sex Sth Ave.
inal bone of contention in the la Crying Need of Workers outlaw closed shop agreements. has consistently fought the stal the same cliques.
Nevertheless. Week Felix MCAMBRIDGE, MASSarvard Sq.
bor movement, the omission is very revealing on how the nature By GRACE SAUNDERS Lynn Labor Lyceum, New York City Housing Author. gent regulations, secondary boy was instrumental in having the thusiasm with which the pro 131 33rd St. Rm. 704 75 Greenwich Ave, Bth St. 6th Ave. of the struggle and the split in Sam Cornerford St Square (Special to the Socialist Appeal) ity, who certainly should be con cotts, and would open the way for and the other bona fide gressives in all areas are greeting University, Place. Rand Book Store ROXEER Olymph the union movement has changed NEW YORK New York State versant with present housing the besede social, focordis.
corres rouens hem hague stories to heal the news ishe thing the starihtists Sample riendly variske spolu drove Hall)
housing Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette Lewis did not leave that out be gram is in imminent danger of Opposed to the allocation of the pondence and all other evidence Angeles Council, leaving the Stal. the biggest headache that they 7th Ave. til st. 6th St.
inists and their paper unions in have had in a long time.
cause he is going to give up in being shelved. Last fall the voters entire sum now are real estate of any union at any time.
Shinder. Sixth Hennepin: Ridway. 2nd W dway. 93d S, Kroman Fourth Nicollet.
Sets Up Board Columbus Ave. 6th St. Cent Pk. West.
410 Washington Blvd.
dustrial unionism. Not at all. In of this state overwhelmingly ap organizations from all over the complete control of themselves.
10th St, Columbus Ave. 1818 Si.
dustrial unionism is an accepted proved a 300, 000, 000 bond issue State. New York Times, Mar. Foster Book Company The Book No. Meramse ary of negotiator would ton of low cost housing projects. sentatives, Mayor La Guardia, appointed by the Republican Gov. Bridges and his unton busting tac ON FIGHT AGAINST BRONX Madison Ave. 9th St.
fact. Not even the most reaction. For slum clearance and the erec a number of senators and repre Relations Bocorides hlich wolna bore the Padgett again exposed BURNHAM SPEAKS. Nos Rubia Drue Store (arch a resolution.
ernor Stassen. This board would tics.
Longwond Ave. Southern Boulevard Nolan Progarm for the mass production unions. troduced into the Senate callingThe most progressive sugges, be empowered to hold clections in FASCISM IN 171 Si Fulton Ave. 1701 Afr07th Street 16 din. Room 214 The of committee already for the deferring of this under tions, and the ones which should any place of business where any John Nolan is the former Jerome Ave. Jerome Burnside Aur, 1611 Schroeder Book Shop Poble Square 1Special to the Socialist Appeal)
St. Prospect Ave. Freeman St. South bas stated its willingness to rec taking until next year. This reso be insistently demanded by every group of workers wanted to go president of the Shoe Workers ern Boulevard. 174th St. Boston Road, Nick s, Wick and Commerce ognize industrial unionism in ma nution is backed largely the police retend why the core housing condition strike They would not only be with the u. He is at the spite exceedingly bad weather stellen er contre Setemiek Ave NEW YORK, March 13. De Kingsbridge Rd. Jerome Ave. East Mosh Church St. bet. Chapel Center South Side of Market St.
Dan Tobin, as we polnted out in of the money grubbing realtors tions, wero voiced by the clotion but would have the full au present time one of the organizers 150 persons turned out last night BROOKLYN MacDonald Bookstore, 63 6h St.
the previous column, helps indus who care not a whit for the ex representative, Gustave Strebel. thority to say just who in the jailed in Maine. The boss press to hear James Burnham deliver Strackin Ave. Tompkins cor trial unionism in this respect pressed will of the people, Fillmore Hookmore secretary treasurer of the New plant could vote. In other words, in all the shoe centers is playing the Inst of three lectures organ. Stet cor van Senderen. Rockaway, cor: Golden Sutter. Fillmore Sts.
The o. wants equality with the proposal to do precisely York State Industrial Council, at it the truck drivers from a depart up Nolan candidacy, referring to ized by Local New York of the Pitkin der Burkey erald News Agency, 21 fth St the of In the new union nothing about housing, despite the time of the Albany hearing ment store wanted to strike for him as another Mooney. He is on how to Aght fascism money in Analyzing the economic crisis Utrecht Ave. 1510 Kinesthest New Ray Smoke Shop. 130 Stre the crying need, is not new. It has While endorsing the proposal for higher wages or better working spending a barrel movement. Or to be more specific, Donald Daimar Alesh Mishwa Mo.
Room (SWP)
Lewis wants to dominate the new been heard for months, and was making the full bond issue, avait conditions, this board, hand pick advertising through circulars and of American Imperialism, com QUEENS Cigar Store 1952 Polk Bookstore 502 Haight (nr. Filluare)
American Congress of Labor (it volced most recently before the able this year, Mr. Strebel like ed by the labor hating governor. pamphlets emphasizing his hatred rade Burnham traced the devel. Grand Ave. 31. 10 Broadway Cedar Cale Cigar Stand 36 Larkin St.
of all radicals and militant poli opment of the fascist movement ROCHESTER, his proposals are carried through legislative hearing in Albany on wise advocated the writing of the LOS ANGELES following 433 Clinton St.
the friendship of the railroad March by Clarke Dalley, vicebrotherhoods who would hold the chairman of tho Real Estate Tax. ing bin. Measures into the hous could allow the entire personnel cies. He is being supported by all and influence in this country.
of the store, from the management the narrow backyard unionists The American bosses, said Burn 233 Clinton St 233 Broadway. Roome 512 tenance of the standards of labor down, to vote on whether or not who were opposed to national affil ham, will turn ever more to the provision for the main Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn payers Federation, Inc.
SE: Bart Chestnut St.
balance of power.
Candy Store, 223! Brooklyn Ave.
iation of shoe workers. Nolan brutal methods of fascism in or CorMon Clinton Sts.
Candy Store, 2141 Brooklya Ave.
cffort on the part of the insurance of the five day. forty the truck drivers could strike Of course, the of leaders realtors and the moneyed inter hour week, prevailing wage rato, The only strikes which would be policies, if he were elected, would der to keep the workers in subSweet Shop. 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
Main Street Eau Clintova also want to control the united South, southeast Coton Ave.
Main Street East, front of Edwards labor movement. That is why they losts who grow fat at the expense and collective bargaining on all legal would be those called for be as disastrous is those of the jection, UniveSAN DIEGO CALIE.
News Co. 242 Broadway higher wages or better working Stalinists.
SW. 1166 13th. The workers in this country rejected the proposals. The And it can be stopped. Hitherto In view of the miserable condi conditions.
Strikes for union recAKRON, OHIO The progressives are gaining will not, however, give up without 208 Clinton Ave. North at Cumberland St.
Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Ave.
News Exchange, si Main St.
ground daily. Although Padgett a fight. They have already demquestion of which bureaucracy the workers have been all too tione in which the poor of this agnition would be outlawed, North at Westcott shall dominate is playing a very sitent on this important issue rich State are forced to Carli Brothers, 433 Clinton Ave. North Next cor. Bartgen Maia St.
live, it is The secondary boycott would was originally nominated by one onstrated their willingness to de NEWARK, NJ OAKLAND, CALIF.
large role in the present negotia Representatives and senators are imperative that the Legislature be also be illegal. Any union which Local in California, eventually a fend their hard won positions. But tions.
Reitman Broed William elected by the people, and can be compelled to pass a housing bill petitioned a central labor body for whole series of Locals throughout the only guarantee they have for 7th and Washington 12th, Lt. Bway and Washington susted from office by the people. immediately. And more, they must the placement of any firm upon the entire country came out sol Iinal victory over the fascist Lorem where a les Ils. Broadway, near 19th torces is a solidly organized party They were told in no uncertain also be compelled to pass a bin the unfair list would be guilty of idly for him.
Broad Market Sts.
DETROIT, MICH with Stalinists terms Inst fall that the citizens that provides the maximum, not violating the law, and punishable.
In many sections where the of the working class whose proPATERSON, Club, 3513 Woodward Ave, Rooms Gushello Stationery Store It is tragic that the We desire a serious attempt at slum the minimum, Improvement. The Aimed at 614 Stalinists have been unopposed grain is that of revolution the Ryme not able to sweep forward to clearance, but apparently they are people, and particularly the work Another viclous feature of this and have held full sway for years, Socialist Workers Party. In the Eckhart News Agency, 10i Washington St. Book Store, 905 3rd Avenue NEW HAVEN, Conn, Roth Cigar Store 07 First Ave.
greater victories after the auto now inclining toward the viewers, must again make their voice completely vicious piece of legis progressive groups are beins immediate fight against fascism, Nodelman Newsstand University Way strikes and the signing of the that the issue is no longer a live heard. We demand: lature is the clause making it un formed. In Boston, for example, it is absolutely imperative, that Sunday Forum a: lodependence Hall, steel contracts. Replacement of one, and that they can with im Immediate authorization of the lawful to interfere in any way the workers are no longer swal workers organize their own the of by new and larger punity override the clear man. 900, 000, 000 already sanctioned in with the movement of articles of lowing the sell out lineo of these fense guards.
union movement based on the date given them. They must be the November elections.
Announcing Publication commerce by motor vehicles or wentieth century pilgrims, and one worker in the audience mass workers would have been a told again in emphatic terms Use of the entire fund for low teams upon the public roads, alleys the next Boston elections will re joined the party at the conclusion OF great advance for the American what they are seemingly too cost housing, and for nothing but or highways of the state. This is veal it. At Lowell, in the same of the meeting, thus bringing to workers. Unfortunately, this diaprone to forget under the prod low cost housing.
not happen. Between Lewis and dings of their financial backers. Raising of the requisite money Teamsters International.
way out. Philadelphia has the ele the party during this series of his Stalinist allies enough mis The people of this state demand without consumer taxes.
ments for a strong militant op. three lectures.
According to the carefully preBY takes were made to slow down decent housing! They have ex taxes.
and anally stop the growth of pressly endorsed the spending of Categorical rejection of the lowed to leak out of the Capital DANIEL GUERIN the 300, 000, 000 for this purpose. They realtors schemes to provide State about this bill, it is sponsored by Lewis proposes the inclusion of did not endorse the spending of a aid for modernizing privately a group known as the Farm (Continued from Page 1) the Congress ranks. They have An American edition of the French book, Fascism et Grand Bloc. It is almost an established sants? The 500, 000 workers, peas pinned their hopes on a false lead.
Capital. by the same author. Translated, edited and brought new set up. This indicates he is Joseph Clark Baldwin, New York Erection of homes that can fact that Stassen intends to veto ants, students and middle class er who differs in no respect from up to date for the American reader with an introduction by keeping faith with his Stalinist City Councilman. Nor did they rented for not more than per the measure when it comes to klm, Indians who are attending the friends of labor who always end allies who control those unions endorse the meager 120, 000, 000 room per month.
low cost but the ground work for passing open air Congress impatiently Dwight MacDonald and want to enter the new union advocated by the great humant. Construction of all up by going over to the other side.
movement on the ground floor, tarian mayor, La Guardia, who, projects by union labor, working it over his veto has already been await the answer.
Early reports indicate that a Subhas Chandra Bose, newly applying the lessons of the book to the American scene of Only Labor Can Achieve tion, is nevertheless pleased to ing prevalling wage rates, five crnor can claim that he had noth: sharp and bitter struggle between elected Congress President, is a 1939.
Its Own Unity state sunvely that he is in com day forty hour week, and collecine to do with the bill but that the conservative followers of liberal, cloaking his vacinations the farmers of the state passed it Gandhi on the one hand and the body can expect a revolutionary plete agreement with the ulti tive bargaining An invaluable guide manual for all who would turn America Perhaps the most popular and mate objectives of housing (N.
away from the road to Rome and Berlin.
The Farm Bloc is supposed to on the other hand is now going on. Icad from him. This friend of lamost dangerous part of the Times, Mar. recent issue of The argument the realtors are be composed of genuine dirt Gandhi. who is now held in high bor wrote in proposals was that President Pierre Mille (editor of Le Temps, conservative French newsRoosevelt be chairman of the most fond of is that the rents sin farmers who are sick to death favor by the British imperialist the Indian Stalinist paper. The paper. FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS is the most remarkunification convention. In its own the so called low rent projects are of listening to the dictates of circles, and who is looked upon unity of the national fight for way it is a confession of bankrupt too high for the lowerin able and complete analysis know of the development, the er Income labor. Actually the bill is the (with complete justification. as Independence must be maintained.
union leadership to ask for out groups anyway, and besides the evolution, and the probably downfall of the black and brown brain child of the rank reaction England best friend among the let this be clearly understood that side Intervention. It would give proposed housing bills would vir fascist regimes.
aor do (addy og ojos)
sors to Roosevelt an unparalleled opportually setup state subsidized Citizens Alliance. The the Congress shall not pursue rev. poaltions, we do not want to capMINNEAPOLIS, March 10 The Citizens Alliance has tried, unsuie olutionary methods. Apparently he ture the Congress and to oust the tunity to swing the entire labor real estate market which would strike of the Building Service cessfully, for many years, to des has succeeded by his recent dem Right. We want to retain them, Severac in Le Populaire: The list of works analyzing movement behind his war pro unfalrly compete with private workers ended on March with troy and liquidate the labor move agogic fast in strengthening the even at the very front of our fascism is already long but this book of Daniel Guerin de serves a high place among them.
gram. Although we haven seen enterprise.
the Daily Worker because it is strikers won several points Forces Favoring Whole Sam not obtainable in the backwoode. It is true that even the maxi.
Debate on Bill The new contract calls for two The furthest thought from Gan for leadership is equivalent to 340 pages. 00 we are confident that this pro mum housing program at present week vacations, instead of the The joint Minneapolis and St. ahl mind is to embarrass the going into battle with hands tied posal was hailed with great hoz. envisaged is woefully inadequate. one week the men were getting. Paul Workers Defense Leaguo British by launching a direct and eyes blindfolded.
Order Now!
But only to greedy realtors and There will be a payday every 14 held a dinner meeting on March mass struggle for power. It is The proposal to have the their henchmen could the inade days instead of twice a month as 10 at which the Minnesota State with little wonder that we learn ANNOUNCEMENTS PIONEER PUBLISHERS Department of Labor act as quacy of the program appear as heretofore the men will receive Federation of Labor president of his nomination as Britain Indir PATE DE FOIE GRAS? IT 116 University Place New York City mediator on all controversial a reason for just calling the whole compensation for four of the six George Lawson debated the bili best policeman questions affecting overlapping thing off. To any individual whose days they were out on strike. with an attorney named Elmquist along with his middle class and FREE! at UN SOIREE DANSANT featuring recordings by jurisdiction or other matters be chief joy is not the carressing of Had the strike been better man who has represented the bosses in capitalist following, do not oppose swing artists. Skita by our own Wash. Hght. Fellow Travel DETROIT tween the constituent unions of coins the solution of the inade aged there is no doubt that the the legislature for the passage of the Slave Federation of Britain, SHERIDAN SANDWICH lers, Games. Refreshments. Sat. WORKERS Discussion Group provided certain milk and honey the Congress, is a dangerous at quacy of the program is its ex terms of settlement would have the bill. March 18 at 916 9th Ave. Every Sunday night, PM been far better. The Stalinists tempt to hog tie the entire union tension, not its curtaiment.
Minnesota labor does not intend reforms are adopted.
114 University Pince Socialist Appeal Hall, 3613 near, 50th St. Admission, 15c.
Liberal Lends Left next to headquarters Woodward, Room Adm. free.
It is interesting to note the who had a share in the leader to allow this bill to pass without movement to the government. It As for the Congress left wingers, FIRST ISSUE OF WALKA, Special 250 Lunch!
would place a chain around the line up of forces who favor the ship of the strike interfered with a most aggressive fight against it.
Soup, 15e Sandwich, Coffee or free and independent action of immediate appropriation of the the proper conduct of the strike 1934 is remembered here as a no doubt many of them are put new Polish Monthly, now available GALA SOCIAL by the Socialist Milk with Pastry!
for the benent of the New In Union Food at a Union Place the unions, and should be rejected. entire sum for housing. These They were more interested in bloody year. Should House File ting up a the compromisers. St. 22 81 36th St. Astoria; ternational, Entertainment. ReLasting labor unity with benefit forces include the State Federa sniping at Local 1514, the militant 352 pass and become a law of the strugrle a serious and militant at: Labor Book Shop. 28 12th to the workers can come only tion of Labor, the the teamsters union, than in prepar state, 1934 will be remembered, by But they too suffer from the false News stands In Polish speaking freshmente: Saturday, March Get Your APPEAL through the unions ironing out American Labor Party, and Aling and organizing the strike ade comparison to 1939, as a very mila notion that national unity at any areas in Manhattan. cents per At Your Local Newsstand fred Rheinstein, chairman of the quately.
their own differences sortee price is preferable to a split in copy. Subscriptions: 00 per year.
Admission, 26c.
the ment.
SHOPPE 18. Areedom. 200 PM to