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We Must fight the Socialist Appeal Cuts!
1000 New Subscribers By April Ist!
375 per copy Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly AN EDITORIAL Demonstrate or starve! That is the alternative the Roose VOL. III No. 16 FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1939 velt Administration has placed squarely before the unemployed. Harrington, Army Colonel in charge of announced last Thursday that unless Congress grants the an additional 150, 000, 000 by April 1, he will be forced to reduce relief rolls from 3, 000, 000 to 2, 000, 000. On April the will throw one out of every three now on relief into the streets to starve between the gutter and the garbage can.
Colonel Harrington stated that even if Congress votes the 150, 000, 000, as suggested by President Roosevelt, it will still be necessary to reduce rolls approximately 150, 000, 000 He added most significantly that President Roosevelt planned this reduction from the first when he originally asked Congress for only 875, 000, 000 instead of the much larger sum a month.
HITLER IN NEW GRAB Miaja Paves Way for Capitulation Stalin Offers Olive Branch to Hitler in OF NEW CRISIS IN Apologizing for the Fascist War Mongers SLOVAKIA FOCUS eshte no more to maintaining reliant les present HEROIC MILITANTS FACE GREAT ODDS Now, most significent statement of all the Colonel explains IN MADRID STAND enrollment. The President himself from the very beginning has deliberately planned to throw unemployed workers on the streets at the rate of 150. 000 a month.
that made clear that if an emergency arises the President can come back for more money. In plain language. IF THE UNEMPLOYED STAGE MASS Stalinists Vie With DEMONSTRATIONS OF PROTEST AND REFUSE TO ACCEPT By MAX SHACHTMAN THE CUTS. THEN CONGRESS WILL GRANT MORE FUNDS Others to Unload The text of Stalin report to the 18th Congress of the ComTO APPEASE THEM.
Responsibility munist Party of the Sovlet Union is as yet available only in abridged form and there has not, at this writing, been enough On Friday, the day following the Army Colonel announce time to give the report the detailed and thoroughgoing analysis it ment, President Roosevelt told the House Appropriations Com. SEEKS LINE merits.
mittee that in a special message to Congress Monday he would Even the condensed version, however, is important and clear renew his request for 150, 000, 000 in order to stave off The Popular Front Junta had enough for a number of preliminary observations, both with refthrowing more than 150, 000 unemployed workers on the streets apparently succeeded by Monday erence to what it omits as well as to what it contains.
April morning in crushing, at least in suffered by the policy of the Communist International which is He stated that a survey of relief needs by Colonel Harring Madrid, the widespread revole another way of saying the Political Bureau of the Russian com ton had determined him on this course.
against its preparations for peace manist Party, for that matter, ever suffered by the working Members of the Appropriations Committee told reporters with Franco.
class in Europe, namely, the collapse of the People Front in after hearing Roosevelt intention that they will still vote against The revolt had lasted a week, Spain, Stalin dellvers a report to a PARTY Congress without so appropriating the 150. 000. 000 unless an investigation shows despite daily reports that fighting concerned, the Spanish civil war never existed.
that it is necessary. THAT IS, UNLESS SENTIMENT AMONG Moreover, the polley and movement of the People Front THE UNEMPLOYED THEMSELVES IS STRONG ENOUGH TO With the exception of one in general, Stalin main contribution to the labor movement in BREAK INTO MASS DEMONSTRATIONS OF PROTEST, THEY short artillery bombardment, the recent years, goes entirely unmentioned. Its existence and the WILL NOT VOTE FOR EVEN 150, 000. 000 MORE.
fascists outside Madrid remained course it has followed is simply not referred to, much less ro In order to determine if possible whether the unemployed inactive during the fighting be viewed and analyzed, so far as a close examination of the rather extensive report summary in the Dally Worker reveals.
will protest energetically they proposed to call in state and local tween the Junta and the dissiThere are some things it is better to be silent about!
dents. Frans was clearly waitrelief administrators for questioning. In plain language, they want ing for Miaja to finish the bloodangry, militant, determined unemployed who will protest at their.
offices against the cut.
CENTRAL EUROPE Nazis Step In To About the work of the sister parties remember, he is Assure Their speaking, after all, to the Russian section of the Comintern not Hegemony one word. About the Jewish refugees from fascist barbarism and the Soviet attitude towards them, not one word. About the collaps of his whole foreign policy, not one word. About the physical ex MANY RIVALRIES termination of the entire Old Guard of the Bolshevik party, of hundreds of leading officials of the government, the party, the army and navy, the police a passing reference, as to a trifle.
The thin fabric of the At least as significant as the ommission of reference to hi past forelgn policy, is the series of statements concerning th. peace established at Mupresent forelgn polley. It would be more accurate to say that nich six months ago was Stalin did not state NEW foreign policy, except in such tentitive and cloudy form as to enable him to make another strategic this week with the develop again ripped into shreds retreat to the old one. But even in its tentative form, it is already a complete condemnation of the policy that has hitherto been con ment of a fresh crisis, once sidered sacred and inviolate in all official Stalinist circles.
more over Czecho Slovakia. The democratic front on which all Stalinist foreign policy In a swiftly executed ham.
hinged the united front of the democracies against the fascist aggressors and war mongers Stalin has dropped overboard with mer blow, Hitler destroyed out a splash. In its place, is something so new that it must have the remnant state of posthad a stunning effect upon the Stalinist parrots all over the world.
Munich Czecho Slovakia, Stalin holds out the olive branch to the fascist powers, to Germany primarily. The thunderous denunciations of fascism breaking it up into three which, up to now, have filled the pages of the Stalinist press, give tiny states whose independ(Continued on page 3)
ence was scheduled be underlined late Tuesday se od leta in completed likes BALKS AT Attack Launched In Senate COUGHLIN RALLY wider die onlange Trending In Burgos ít was made plain PROPOSALS tives of big business they intended their reduction in relief ap pared to accept the capitulation FOR UNION UNITY Against Trotsky and SWP GATHERS LABOR Groupe de maintain peace HATING RIFFRAFF Thus, although Hungary Reynolds Blames Mexican Expropriations under the Role of Loyalist Army Command propriations not as a slap at the president personally, but as of the generals. The Burgos radio at declared La gesture of economy designed to encourage business.
invade the Carpathian The conception that the Com Roosevelt Seeks to On Trotsky; Demands Intervention Froth at Anti Nazi Ukraine and achieve a comWhile these maneuvers were being carried out, circles munists are our only enemy is Assure a Unified (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Actions Led By mon frontier with Poland, tle plotter upon conditions in Mexclose to Secretary Hopkins, who is in charge of Roosevelt busi too simple. Nationalist Spain com bats equally all four internationals Hitler has taken another ness appeasement program declared that they were bitterly without distinction.
War Front WASHINGTON demand forico, has the government of the Trotskyists punitive action against Mexico United States subsidized and sup long stride forward in the disappointed at the move to demand 150, 000. 00 more for the So far as the fragmentary press (Special to the serialist Appeal) oil well expropriations was coupported the Cardenas government?
reports indicate, the revolt against By THOMAS OREILLY unemployed. As one of the major points on their big business direction of Rumania and NEW YORK, March 11. Repled with an attack on the Socialist In concluding, Reynolds said: the Junta was limited to uni resentatives of the American Fed. Workers Party and Leon Trotsky (Special to the Socialist Appeal. desire to emphasize the fact NEW YORK. Father Coughthe road eastward toward appeasement program, they hoped to reduce not only taxes on formed troops, with the civil poperation of Labor and the Congress by Senator Reynolds of North that the present government of sins gang of labor haters and ants: the Soviet Union.
giant corporations (whose profits in 1937 ran into the hundreds ulation taking no part of Industrial Organizations failed Carolina, during the Senate ses Mexico, by its acts, seems to Semites, operating of millions, but also to reduce income tax rates in the very Events were precipitated highest income brackets, so that the exploitive leeches in the press continues to heap denunc. and adjourned unth tonight when Senator Reynolds is the gentle. Trotsky communistic Fourth In held a large meeting on March over the week end by the economic system will have more money at their personal disposal. which it now blames for all past sion since last Tuesday when Pres recently singing the praises of oning for the Mexican government picture. Spain in Flames and in Slovakia, the eastern half ations upon the Communist party, they win meet for their afth ge man who came back from Europe ternational. The time of reck in Prospect Hall where a motion discovery of a separatist plot Naturally, there is not the slightest hint to economize by Echoing them, the New Leader, to put an end to the struggle bet. become the principal unofficial does arts in Mexico and rescue audience into the herove workers which is the object of rival reducing the 2, 000, 000, 000 appropriation for war.
organ of the Social Democratie ween their groups.
In a few short words, the whole program of Roosevelt and Federation here, says under the The of representatives Washington political circles.
ing complications occur, it may and peasants headline, All Loyalists united in his henchmen, Hopkins and Harrington, as revealed by their own Spain, the Jews, appetites in London, Paris, on the joint unity committee inouster of Communists. Previously Reynolds, in a radio well be laid at the door of Leon the trade union movement of the incriminating statements is: 10) No reduction of the 2, 000, 000, 000 war program. If peace is obtained upon terms Matthew 11. Teatricher and speech, hnd charged that Trotsky Trotsky, nee Bronstein, who so United States and the Socialist Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest, and indirectly, in Rome.
less beneficial to Hitler and Muss. Daniel Tobin. The was was the instigator of the Mexican hostilely states that am mis: Workers Party.
The meeting was opened by the (2) Slash relief appropriations until the point is reached (Continued on page 3) represented by John Lewis, government expropriation policy leading the public of the United chairman, a Mr. Harold Walsh, When the Czech govern.
where the unemployed rebel and protest with mass demonstra.
Philip Murray and Sidney Hill. and had waved aside Trotsky States. am happy to be able to state, who at once launched into a bit ment at Prague moved to tions.
Muniz Describes Senator Reynolds assertion Mr. President, that the gentleman ter and slanderous attack on the (3) Give the money taken away from the unemployed to As spokesman for the joint the rich by cutting corporation taxes and by cutting income taxes committee, Bates yesterday stated means that he holds my categori. to the south of us, Mr. Trotsky, workers who had folned the picke prevent the further dismemto the press that the committee cal statement is a le. Trotsky not today being permitted to et line with the Trotskylstaaf the berment of the already manMed answered in a statement to formulate a revolution in the German American Bund meeting gled state its first attempt in the higher brackets.
discussed the proposal to the Mexican press on Feb. United States.
two weeks ago. was at that to act independently since it It is as clear as the million dollar figures in the high bracket American Congress of Labor, Reynoldoet misterdings hapublic advance American intervention in Food American citizen should passed into the German orincomes that the unemployed are faced with the alternative: which would include the railroad Opinion in the Te is bad Mexico is part of a widespread have been there with me. And bit after Munich Ktler imMilitant mass demonstrations before all local relief headbrotherhoods as well as the quarters on April OR slow death by starvation.
to lie and doubly bad to lie if campaign for armed intervention he went on to point out the many mediately stepped in. Joseph The seizure of power in of and the one is a senator, and even worse being carried on from the Wan empty seats in the balconics of Tiso, the premier ousted by Opposes Unity There is only one answer Congress and the Roosevelt Madrid by the General Staff of The discussion then shifted to of the Senate.
if the lie is uttered in the tribuno Street offices of Roy Monahan, the hall and remarked, If we Administration can understand: DEMONSTRATIONS!
the People Front Government the of proposal that the head of a committee which is were running a Bingo game to Prague, was invited to come Refers to Anti Nazi Actions armed might against the car would be here.
demanding use of our whole night every Catholic in Brooklyn to Germany. Goering cut All unemployed down to the local headquarters on was only the logical develop. return to the of un.
April 1!
ment of the role played by the der the provisions of the of (Evidently the often heard ref short a vacation in Italy In his Feb. 27 speech to the denas government. 1937 proposal which had been Senate, Reynolds indignantly remilitary throughout the conrse ejected by Lewis. Other propor ferred to the Socialist Workers (see editorial Continued on page 4)
Demand all war funds to the unemployed! jobs at and rushed back to Berlin.
union wages for all unemployed; a blanket 30 weekly minimum The independence of the functioning of the Loyalist Brotherhood of Railway Train. Nazis at Madison Square Garden 2, 000, 000, 000 public works program; opening of all idle facHigh Command is given below men, were to be considered at on Feb. 20 and then went on to the fiction thinly concealing tories to be operated with government subsidies under workers in an extract from an interview later sessions.
read into the record Los Angeles control.
with Fernando Grandizo MaSpokesmen for the of news reports of the picketing And no cuts whatever not a single worker taken from niz, leader of the Spanish Bol are reported to have said that Mr. there of Nazi meeting by the Central.
the rolls!
shevik Leninists, which ap meeting implied that the proposal Young Peoples Socialist League Bates statement after the Friday Socialist Workers Party and the By SHERMAN STANLEY they have resulted in hundreds Hitler has met with certain There is no other way to save yourselves from starvation! peared in La Lutte Ouvriere, of Lewis to form one big union on Feb. 22.
The 52nd Annual Convention of ed in some of India major een land, Rumania, and Yugo of deaths and thousands of wound resistance, especially in Poorgan of the Fourth Interna had been definitely rejected. He was particularly trked by a the Indian stanno cercoralis ters Lahore, Cawnpore, Calcutta, Slavia, to his drive toward Police Gas Pickets tional in France. Moniz was Republican party are deeply op de man in a silver shirt uniform, India Is now in session in the beld prisoner by the Negrin posed to any plan which would and by the slogans carried by the tiny village of Tripuri In Central stigating these riots between men tral Europe. He has reason The action of the British in in undisputed mastery of CenGovernment in Barcelona until unite labor at this time. Unifler pickets. He singled out for read. India Barcelona, when he succeeded bureaucracy to the Roosevelt ma logans: India are openly sikerolity in the the ora, reveals the desperate position Mussolini. of having a hand (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
LOS ANGELES, March Los the approached the North Ald Spanish Democracy. Although in escaping from the doomed chine and hinder their swinging Fight against anti Semitism!
Angeles police last night used tear American Committee in advance city. circles, nevertheless, in Repeal criminal syndicalisin country their brutal military die of the imperialist overlords. They in the development of this tatorship which they disguise un are determined to hold on to India resistance, because Mussolini as to help fascist youth break up seeking to prepare a unified demsisted that the one big union plan law!
a picket line which was protesting onstration, the Committee refused By GRANDIZO MUNIZ was still under consideration.
PARIS, Feb. 21 Despite the They are anxious to swing the enanti a meeting at the Wilshire Ebell the offer for a united front and Linlithgow, the Chamberlain ap and bloodshed is required. In the Club where Aileen Brien, Franco the and the made stifling censorship and Stalinist tire labor movement under the Build workers defense guards: pointed viceroy of India, openly next few monthie even the most a little too lukewarm in an States his intention to impose the cynical bourgeois will be unable to tive support of Italy Medisupporter, the principal independent preparations.
propaganda, the incompetence and wing of the New Deal.
Anti Semitio Note new Slave Constitution upon the surkish British commerce pe The terranean aspirations.
About 250 persons marched in Staff was long obvious to every outright disloyalty of the General May Intervene Reynolds then launched into a country within the next few His Majesty Colonial Army will Today a delegat including the picket line, a majority of them one.
In Washington. well informed long diatribe It is certain in any event representatives from the Socialist with the militant and colorful persons close to Perlins and the whom he called, after emphasiz prior to the Congress sessions bedriving lessons in pilaser and that the swiftly changing Workers Party, the Young Peo sw. and contingent. that of Antonis Cuerra, come and the core of the date not come to increases were mintated the Senate of bloody religious and communal Ghandi Strengthens Right Wing map of Europe is again to us case conference said that ing his Jewish birth, Bronstein the country was swept American Fund for Political Prisists graphically depicted Franco the south, member of the Com will intervene, either personally with Lenin, organized the bloody Moslems. These riots are the most distant corners of British certain that the development Over 6, 000 delegates from the be re drawn but it is equally oners and Refugees appeared be: slaughter of the Spanish working munist Party, and Borribar, or through a Cabinet member in Russian Revolution of 1917.
fore Mayor Bowron to protest class.
clearest possible symptoms of the India 11 Provinces are assembled of the Slovak crisis will communist deputy, the two men order to bring about a settlement the police brutality in breaking Fascists Begin Provocation up the picket line. The doctrines of the Fourth major battles that approach. Their at Trpuri. They are meeting on a chiefly responsible for the fall of before the 1940 election.
The demonstration had con Malaga. The former remained in it was reported that the official long strides in Mexico since Car falling barometer at sea. They are village of bamboo huts has been development of the major International appear to have made meaning is equivalent to that of a rough plain where a temporary come in a minor key to the Stalinists Reject United Front by the the and youth and students attempted to the repression of the workers he spoke to the joint committee, knowledge of the background, the effort to relieve the powerful pres sought by the workers and peas rope toward a new bloodThe demonstration was called hours when a group of fascist man of the Franco inquisition in Gent after the conference in which man save way with intimate and provoked by the British in an revolutionary louderahip eagerly antagonisms leading in Eu the North American Committee to (Continued on Page 3)
Conti (Continued on Page 2) policies and influence of this sub sure of mass discontent. Already (Continued on Page 2)
bach, a new world war.
India Congress Meets as Slovakia is of course only British Begin New Terror the interplay of capitalis Protesting Fascist Meet a few home before the fall of the bany Poet moutate the mindsor paletto e telefonom sled British slavo masters of formules cores onterest to suspect his axis partner. Socialist Worker Party leads der the name of Federation. Lord ter how much slaughter may feel that Hitler has been was speaker.