AnarchismAnti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismFifth ColumnFranceHitlerLeninMarxMarxismNazismPopular FrontsPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Tuesday, March 14, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald OFF THE THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT AGAINST FASCISM IS TO ORGANIZE WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS RECORD Calling in an Expert The Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration is not to be confused with the Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration. The former better known as the Harvard Business School was founded years ago and has expanded into a long serica of handsome Georg ian buildings along the bank of the Charles River. The latter is comparatively recent, and by no means a large and resplendent. The Business School is by now one of the key institutions of American capitalism. The Government School has yet to win its spurs. But business men are rapidly learning that politics, and not economics, the master art in the world of today. They are more and more coming to face the problem of how best to manage the rather awkward transition from democratic capitalism to fascist capitalism. Last week the Harvard Government School stole a big march on its older rival when it hired the greatest living expert on this delicate proces It announced the appointment permanent Professor of Government: Dr. Hein.
rich Bruening, Chancellor of the German Republic from 1930 to 1932.
Footnote on the Late Dr. Coster present for what it is worth an odd item in last week financial pages, an item whose precise social significance confess am unable to determine. It seems that the sales of McKesson Robbins, Inc. for January, 1939, were 12, 070, 000, as against 12, 132, 000 for the same month of 1938. This seems to indicate that public opinion disapproved of the late Donald Coster Musica by just 62, 000 worth out of a 12, 000, 000 gross.
It is also confusing to learn that, although one element the scandal was that McKeason Robbins had gotten into repeated trouble with Federal agencies because its drugs were impure or adulterated, yet its drug sales this January were actually a little bigger than they had been a year ago. Is the old saw actually true that any publicity is good publicity?
The Customer is Never Right Sheets are as scarce in the Third Reich as everything else except guns. The story is told of a housewife who managed to persuade a shop keeper to sell her single sheet. When she got home, she found a tag on it stating that boiling would have a disastrous effect. She took it back to the shop and asked to exchange it for one that could be laundered. Certainly, said the shopkeeper, but you must first sign this. And he gave her a paper bearing the words: AM AN ENEMY OF THE FOUR YEAR PLAN. The lady changed, not her sheet, but her mind.
Non Sectarian Stalinism Last week received in the mail a moving appeal for funds from a Mrs. Guggenheimer, who is treasurer of the Non Sectarian Committee for Political Refugees. Dear Friend. be gun, We are asiding you to help save a life a life that is in imminent danger at the hands of uscate the police demonstrated Madrid Workers Fight Repression MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR Out of the Past The Daily Worker Cries About Provocation and Trotskyite Fascists Will Not Go Over With Those Members of the Who Joined in the Demonstration and Realized How Fascism Must Be Fought ARTICLE TWO Hitler executioner. The extradition of 1300 men Even the New Republic feit im which would presumably not be the Jewish bourgeois press. motives of those who called the and women, German and Austrian Fossechoslo By FELIX MORROW pelled to publish James Far led by provacateurs would have STALINIST ROAD LEADS anti Nazi demonstration. It is a before Munich had found asylum in In our first article dealing with rell letter to LaGuardia, testify incited a direct collision not only TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS literal fact, saya Jerome and vakis, is being demanded daily by Gestapo the Communist party explana ing as an eyewitness to the police with the Bund, but with the city But this is a lie! The whole de that use of literal reveals that agents in Prague. The enclosed folder will extlon, in the Daily Worker, March brutality. The Nation, consistent administration and the police who velopment of fascism in Europe what he is going to say la so plain their plight, proven by the fate of Peter Nazi demonstration of Feb.
20. ment, nevertheless declared edi: cision of the city administration. Out by the Stalinists ends up in sy It is a fact, but must ada of why it boycotted the anti ly hostile to the Trotskyist move. were present to enforce the de warns us that the road pointed preposterous that he cannot just we dealt with two important torially ber 21, 1938. The folder detailed some heartTHE POLICE ALWAYS the concentration camps. Hteral as underpinning that points: That the Popular or rending facts about these anti fascists, caught in But the sinister aspect of the AGAINST THE WORKERS The only way to fight the fathe Trotskylte pickets were part city Democratic Front policy of the Bund affalr is that the steadily contracting net of a Czechoslovakia Jerome and the Communist par. cists is by mass struggle, by bring and parcel of the Bund pan for going fascist. Foerster case was especially Staliniats always gives the pro police not only protected the gressive capitalist democrat the Nazis in the right of tree ty leadership know that every in the workers out into the provocation; the Trotskyite pick. e auxiliary tragic: he had escaped to Prague from a German concentration camp. After Munich, the Nazis de final say in what the workers do speech: they interfered with the France the police, no matter where the fascists rally, by thus the Bund within the Garden.
manded his extradition, and executed him the or do not do, and That the rights of the demonstrators out who is at the head of the capi. organizing the power of the work. Who believes such vile nonsense?
day after he was put back across the border. progressive capitalists have a side and inside to volce their talist government, always concen ing class in direct conflict with certainly not the cynical hireling, Not one of the democracies would give him a waya, everywhere, and continue opposition to the Nazl doctrine. trate their fight on the workers the fascists. Once this is under Jerome, who writes it.
visa. Nor would the Soviet Union, which has, as now in America, to oppose the use We are all too familiar with instead of the fascists. The stood, the best of the workers LET THE MEMBERS DISevery one knows, refused to allow a single refuof militant methods of fighting the actions of the police bent on police occupational antagonism must be organized into Workers CUSS THE DEMONSTRATION!
gee to cross her heavily policed borders. Even fascism. number of other points law and order. the alarming and The cry of Trotskyista fascista to all picket lines. thing in this case is that the mental loyalt. and the funda. Defense Guards, prop fascist will certainly not go far with the are equally important: members of the Czech Communist Party, accord of progressives trained to smash ing to all reports, have been refused Soviet EVIDENCE PUNCTURES city administration, for all ita to capitalism lead them inevitably gange. There is no other way. The thousands of Communist party visas. Russia attitude on these 1500 anti fascist ALIBI FOR COPS anti fascist convictions, gave to side in action no matter what fascist gangs do not believe in members and sympathizers who refugees trapped in Czechoslovakia, in fact, is The workers who demonstrat. sanction to the police in what they say. with the fascista abiding by the results of the bal. defying their party orders, join ed on Feb. 20 had it proved on has become their cocupational against the workers so scandalous that even the New Republic ven.
lof box, or by any other peaceful ed us in the Feb. 20 demonstratheir heads and backs that the antagonism to all plcket lines. Every result since tured a mild editorial reproof in its February the procedure. On the contrary, the tion, and side by side with us issue: Russia has done nothing and promised progressive capitalists are op Newbold Morris, acting mayor, meeting confirms the wisdom of fascists plan to come to power by stood up against the cops and the nothing (though Foerster life could have been posed to anti fascist demonstra issued a statement asking the the Communist position, says physical violence against the la Nazis. But they must also learn saved by a Russian or any other visa. tions. LaGuardia police, not publlo to show their support of Jerome. The Bund is far more bor movement and anti fascists to understand why the Stalinist All this is familiar enough. What gives Mrs.
losing their heads but cooly democratic institutions by shun exposed now after the meeting generally. To appeal to democ leadership uses name calling to Guggonhelmer letter a certain news value is and deliberately attacked the ning the assemblage as one than before it; even notorious racy against the fascists is like cover up its inabllity to answer that her Non Sectarian Committee for Political ists, ready to defend their Demo is not overcome by shunning it; demonstration. Why? The Stalin would a pestilence. pestilence reactionaries and pro fascists trying to stop bullets with the our indictmen. class course of of the cowardly Refugees has for its chairman the Hon. Vito are trying for the moment to biblical edict that Thou shalt and Marcantonio, and bears as its subtitle, in smaller cratic front alliance with the only effective popular an disassociate themselves from its Not Kin.
the Communist party. We were letters: International Labor Defense. Thus the Guardia and his cops, foully ae swer to such meetings as that activity. This will make it more But the road of struggle is driven out of the Communist par Stalinists appeal for funds to save refugees use the workers of provoca of the Bund is counter demon difficult for the Bund to organ barred to the members and sym ty because the lackeys of Stalin whom the Kremlin is delivering over to Hitler tions. The workers, we are told stration. The two left groups, ize such meetings in the future. pathizers of the Communist par could not debate the issues with executioners. have written a naive and worried to believe insisted on running the Socialist Workers Party and Exactly the opposite would ty by their leaders. Tied hand and us, and they will drive out of the their heads into the cops clubs, the Young People Socialist note to Mrs. Guggenheimer asking for an explanhave been the result had the foot to the LaGuardias and Roose Communist party every sincere ation of this paradox, but so far she has mainand on rolling themselves under League, who insisted on exer Communist Party ignored the velts, they prefer unity with these worker who raises these vital tained a discreet allence on the subject.
the horses hooves. The Trotaky. clsing thelr right to plcket, dis welfare of the whole democratic fake progressives to uniting the questions.
ista, presumably, hypnotized fifty covered that they and not the camp and mobilized its tens of workers against the fascists. We do not ask the Communist The Penalties of Wealth thousand workers to point Nazis were the enemy. They thousands of members and DARE NOT BARE party members to take our word where they enjoyed being beaten were dispersed by force and friends around the Garden on THEIR FULL LINE for it. Let them opon a discussion These are uneasy, dangerous times, when any and kicked thing may happen. The unemployed worry about the police become the heroes of Monday night.
The Stalinist leaders do not, of the Feb. 20 demonstration in how they will feed themselves if is cut The Stalinist allbl for the cops, the newspapers, of Mayor La By this stalinist logic, there however, dare to bare their full their party units, let them fight again. The employed worry about the rising tide however, is punctured by authori. Guardia, and unquestionably of fore, the way to end the fascist line, for it is so alien to the mili for a militant policy in the strug of anti unionism and the dubious political futuro tative testimony from many the German American bund. movement is for the fascists to tant instincts of the workers that gle against fascism, let them de of the Wagner Act. All of us hold our breath as quarters that the cops asaulted (The Nation, Mar. 4, 1930) hold more meetings at which they the Communist party would be mand an end to the policy of ser the explosion of a second world war averted the picket lines. Even the Jewish As a matter of fact, Jerome un expose themselves and for the stripped of every real anti fascist vile obedience to the LaCuardias Morning Journal and Jewish consciously reveals that he takes workers not to mobilize against if the meaning of this Demo. and they will learn in the course Seems, have their worries. This season, there Daily Forward were constrained for granted such behavior of the the fascists. The same conclusion cratic front became fully clear. of the discussion that they belong are a dozen uncertainties! exclaims a current to report the police unprovoked when he says that Com. WAS drawn by the forward and use the issue by impugning the Party.
Social Hence the Stalinista seck to con with us in the Socialist Workers ad for VOGUE magazine, and proceeds to list them: Will you wear a starched, Airtatious petticoat? Or will you turn gypsy in plaids and stripes and jingling jewelry? Will you do your hair in a chignon and tie an 1860 bonnet under your chin? Or will you crop your curls in a baby cut and tuck them under crisp white sailor? am not up to some of the technical terms chignon suggests nothing at all (Continued from Page 1) to me, derstood where Negrin going ulators ended up before firing up a secure Ilfe!
that the Socialist and anarand crisp white sailor suggests perhaps too viously the Junta had claimed Mlaja Main Purpose squada.
Casado referred to Communista chiat leaders were not passive much. But gather that even VOGUE clientele suppression of uprisings In Alba If further proof of were This cynical and treacherous trying to stage a daring coup, partners in crime of the Stalinista!
finds modern life terrifying and confusing. We cete, Valencia, Cuenca, Guadala needed, the Stalinist press treat maneuver of the Popular Front while their despicable leaders, Cover Up Butchers should never forget that the rich have their jara, Alcala Henares, Jaen and ment of Azana maneuvers in Junta found the Communist party with La Pasionaria and Jesus One would think that the coun.
troubles, just like all the rest of us.
Paris gives the show away. The defenseless.
Hernandez are in shameful fight ter revolutionary course of the One can only conclude from the Stalinists covered Azana up until Not actually, physically defense to Oran (Algiers. and leadership extent and the scope of the up the day of his formal resignation. less, for the ensuing resistance of Borrow from Stalinists would now be the object of bitter rising that it has deep roots in the situation, far deeper than of the Popular Front Junta, iden that a boldly led and well organ had been misted into believing denunciation by the Communist those available to be tapped by tical in essence with that of Neized fight against the Junta might that the air fleet was under Com the Stalinists have set themselves the Communist party leadership grin, could scarcely have repelled have won overnight.
munist control, the Junta lasued the fantastic task of denying that after, contrary to all its expect the Stalinist leaders. Could Not Fight a communique asserting that the these organizations are supporttions, it was suddenly expelled Nevertheless, they were expelled But the Communist party could only planes in the hands of coming the Popular Front Junta!
from the Popular Front on Sun from the Populer Front. They not possibly make that night. It munists were planes which The line is set in a dlapatch day night.
were expelled, not because they was politically defenseless against communist leaders had used to from Moscow in the Daily Worker, That expulsion was a bolt out because the Popular Front would Front. For to actively resist this in its violent language against Firth Column it proceeds to BY EMANUEL GARRET of the blue to the Communist not keep them on any terms at expulsion would mean to present the Stalinst scapegoats, the Pop, belittle the composition of the But they did prove the ability of the working party. It was riding higher than all. On the contrary, the primary the world with a picture of the ular Front Junta, having observed Juntale Ane hones Socialists have class to take the reins of society, an ability ever. Negrin had just abolished function of the assumption of Communist party alone (alone Stalinist methods at close range long since repudiated Bestelro, a which was again to be proved by the Russian the existing army and navy com power by workers, and which will some day soon be again mands and was turning them over the Popular Front, was for the though undoubtedly backed by a them: identify your rival with schemer and old friend of the British secret service.
tested in France. Crime, murder virtually disapto generals adhering to the Com purpose of expelling and outlaw great section of the masses, in the hated enemy: Franco never peared; the motives of inequality and injustice True enough, but when did the munist party. Never was a party ing the Communist party, spite of all its previous crimes had a better ally than the Com. Stalinista discover it? Not when gone, crime ceased. Provisions and food were caught off guard more than that Grenter Good fighting combination of all its munists, the Junta declared in they were voting in the cabinet, parcelled out to all.
night when the Stalinist leader Why? In language discreet allies of yesterday.
Thursday noon broadcast, reminNight work in bakeries stopped; illegal traffic to gend Besteiro as the Spanish ship learned that the non Stalin: enough to get past the censorship, Precisely this picture of the iscent of the Communist party government representative to ist generals with the support of the in bread was punished. moratorium on rent every other party and group of cis, Getimes reporter at Valen Communist party fighting alone campaigns against Trotskyist King George VI coronation!
was declared. Shops abandoned by their own the Popular Front, had decreed clue: Axelsson, provides the against the enemy even when militante, Having created the necessary Who are the other inembers of era were to be taken over by the cooperative the enemy is not the democratic association of the workers employed in them.
the expulsion of the Communist People outside Spain may say Popular Front of Spain, but the hateful atmosphere, the Popular the committee of traitors: WenReorganization of the disorganized and undemothe Communists were thrown to vilet fascist group, like the Nazi Front Junta could be ruthless. ceslao Carillo, a friend of Largo cratic school system was begun. An eight hour In terms of its own objectives, the lions or offered up as a sac Bund at Madison Square Garden Nineteen Communists were shot Caballero, a friend of the POUM day for all workers was the goal. In the arms factory, the workers had a ten hour day, but the had no alternative except to fleeing this is true which is by no leadership the world over is deter blood, not to speak of the hun. Without their Trotskyist agent?
director, foreman, and other officials were all the country the next day, when it means sure editorials hereabouts mined shall not appear anywhere. dreds already killed in the fight. The descripion, of course, is in elected by the workers; factory council met ble herehe ich der the whole Por: are unanimous in asserting that Unity of the democratic forces onc. More than 2000 Communists vented for the occasion: the Stal every evening to discuss the conditions and work in the shop. And much else some actually put cepted, was backing the Junta. greater good or the greater pare dent camp is the most funda and Valencia, and great numbers yesterday sheeka by Jowle in the into effect, others aimed at.
The final blow was Minja agree of the Spanish people.
mental goal of the Stalinist lead of others are being held at Mad. which Towards the end of May, the Versaillese, the ing to head the Junta, for so far rid, Alicante, Murcia and other designated Garcia as its repThe second clue is provided by erahip.
army of the capitalist state officials, began concerted attack on Paris. For seven days, from Communist party had taught the the British Tory press, which with roughly a third of Spain points, Minja, the savior of Mad resentative in the Junta. Also two petty anarchists and masses not only to put all faith warmly praises the establishing population and land still uncon rid is saving Franco some of his May 21 to May 28, the flercest fighting raged.
quered by Franco, the masses work.
one Left Republican of secondary of the Junta and Miaja states know that resistance could be and trust in the Popular Front, manahip. and predicts that now continued, for Franco hold on No Allbi Now importance joined the committee.
The resistance of the Commune finally cracked.
Among the butchers are all the Not word about the fact that The Versaillese swooped down on Paris and tioning obedience to General Mi the forthcoming peace negotia the rest of Spain is purely mili heroes of Popular Front, the left republican parties headmassacred the defeated Communards. Some thir aja, whom the Communist party tions will be an officers club tary and vulnerable to revolts whom the Stalinists taught the ed by Barrio, Azana, and Aguirre ty thousand were shot down in cold blood. Those had christened, the savior of from within.
Putting these two clues together who were allowed to live were exiled to fevermasses to revere: some of them, of the Basque Nationalists supridden penal colonies, or locked for years in the answer is obvious: the Stalin. This mass opposition had been butchery and sanction it from The petty anarchists, it now Peace Was Sought dungeon cells.
ists, despite all their servility to developing against the Nogrin: afar Azana, head of the Left appears, are to be joined by MariThroughout the Commune, the capitalist agents Apparently the Communist par the democratie capitalists, their stalinist regime; the Junta merely and press had howled about the terror of the ty, between Sunday night and strangling of the Spanish revolu. inberited it. But the flight of the Republican party: Martinez Barano Vasquez, General SecreMonday afternoon when Its leader tion, their yoking of the Frenen Communist party leadership prorio, head of the Republican Union tary of the who on WedCommune. Actually, the Commune had sinned in the reverse respect. The Commune was over its peace with the new Junta. An ine, etc. are still considered sible propaganda against the op. sage of the right wing of the So ing from Paris.
ship fed, had attempted to make workers to Daladier war mach vided the Junta with the best pos party: Ambassador to United nesday wired his support to the States Fernando de los Rios. Junta, adding that he was returntolerant to its enemies, only in its last few days early Monday United Press dis Reds e. the agents of Mos position.
did it try seriously to root out the traitors in its midst. Far from being cruel to private property list party as among the organipatch actually listed the Commun cow. The Popular Front there identifying all opposition with cialist party, who on Wednesday The Stalinists are driven to owners inside Paris, it erred mortally by being zations tendering their allegiance fore served these reds up as the Communist party, the Popular cabled his support to the Junta. this fantastic move of covering up over considerate of the parasites. Yet, no sooner to the Junta!
sacrificial offering to Franco, hop Front Junta skilfully appealed to on the spot directly leading the the crimes of their allies of yenhad the Communards been vanquished than the butchery, are other saints haloca terday, because above all in Amer Monday Daily Worker and ing thereby to mollify him suffie the opposing masses.
in the Stalinist press until yesterica they propose to repeat the atrocity story tellers unleashed an unrestrained Frelhelt, appearing on the streets ently to secure amnesty for the The members of the Negrin day, above all of course, General experience of the Popular Front.
ferocity and bestiality against the Communards. long after the tabloids had scream non Communist Popular Front government are in France, said Misja.
They dare not, therefore, admit a Junta broadcast. The governHarbinger of a New Society ingly reported the coup, had not a word to say on the subject; at When the Barcelona workers that it is the Popular Front as a Franco Move Next ment betrayed the people and the same who had smashed the whole e. all the corrupt leaders In their mistakes and failures as well as in tempts were still being made to With the Communist party not the directors of the Communist fascists on July 19, 1936 were who worked with them yesterday their victories the great teachers of socialism, party have betrayed their own secure toloration for the Commun only eliminated from the governbeing shot down by the police and. which is butchering the workers Marx, Engels, Lenin, saw lessons to be learned ist party.
ment, but also condemned in the party.
troops on May 7, 1937; when in Sprin.
how the working class must organize in a revo The Communist party press dur most violent terms by every sec Under these conditions who scores and hundreds of the flower Honor Their Memory!
Lutionary party, how the proletariat can only ing the last few weeks has tor of the Popular Front, Franco has the right to speak to the of the working class were asassin And while the Stalinists play succeed if guided by a consistent socialist pro sought to picture Negrin as deter can now, if he so desires, conclude soldiers, not alone in the name ated or formally executed, and this insane and impotent politics, the state machinery of the bosses, and substitute mined on a last ditch fight, in the an officers club peace without of a government which does tens of thousands of others were the best militants of the civil war being imprisoned during the last against fascism are falling under their own.
denied by Negrin, authoritatively having repented of their liason name of a party whose principal two years the and the artillery, warplanes, tanks and Working men Paris, with its Commune, will describing his readiness to make with the Communists, he can say. chlefs have taken flight?
Socialist leadership whined: It is machine guns of the Popular be forever celebrated as the glorious harbinger peace, if only Franco would guar. he is justified in being generous Communist comrades, you not our fault. It the work of the Honor their memory!
of a new society. Its martyrs are enshrined in antee the hides of the Popular to them, stiu love Spain. Comrades, there Communists and their Above all, the only kind of honor the great heart of the working class. Its ex Front leading elements. But these Whether Franco will actually are no planes at your disposal But now the Stalinists are gone. that counts: to learn from their terminators history has already nailed to that fairy tales the Stalinist press do so, however, is another matter. to take you to France! Com What alibi now for the corrupt defeats, avenge them, against eternal pillory from which all the prayers of were designed to let the faithful If Franco now smashed the Loy. munist comrades, there is no labor bureaucrats who are sanc Franco, against the Popular Front, their priests will not avail to redeem them.
down easy, certainly the Com. alist army by force, it will not be place reserved for you in a dis tioning Minja slaughtering of against the Stalinists who led (Karl Marx. munist party leadership has un the first time that woud be capit tant country where you can take the workers? It is now clear them to the slaughter.
THE COMMUNARDS (March 18, 1871. May 28, 1871)
They stormed heaven. They charged the gates of bona class security. They proved the strength and the solidarity of the oppressed They lived for ten weeks as conquering, selfdisciplined proletarians, organizers of their own society. And they died, thousands upon thou.
sands of never to be forgotten martyrs in freedom cause.
Who were they? Bakers, cobblers, teachersradical intellectuals, and proletarians of all trades. few of them are known by name: the clerk Jourde who carefully guarded the finances of the Commune; the German Marxist Leo Franckel who as head of the Commission of Labor and Exchange was responsible for the propagation of socialist ideas: Delescluze, who was Civil Delegate for War; Louise Michel who organized and led the revolutionary women.
These and some others are known. But the great, great majority are known only as anonymous fighters for liberty who struck the first staggering blow at capitalism, who sought to build a society of equality and freedom, and whose blood spattered the barricaded streets of Paris.
Raise the Red Flag of the Commune For months they had withstood the Prussian siege of Paris. The Franco Prussian War of 1870 was drawing to a close. Lacking faith in the capitalist ministers who were preparing capitulation to Bismarck, they had placed the de fense of Paris in their own citizens army, the National Guard.
Food was short; want was great. They had begun to demand that government be transferred to them; revolutionary committee sprang up in all sections.
All they hated was epitomized in the head of the capitalist republic that had been proclaimed some few months before: Thiers, that mon.
strous gnome. the most consummate intellectual expression of their (the bourgeoisie s)
class corruption (in the words of Karl Marx. And when Thiers, who had not dared enter Paris for weeks, organized a raid in the early morning hours of March 18 to seize the arms held by the National Guard, all Paris rushed to the defense.
Barricades were thrown up quickly. Soldiers sent to attack the barricaded workers, frater nized instead. The red flag of the Commune was that day raised.
Begin the Work of Socialism The Communards were improperly organized.
They had no group of leaders with a clear program of what to do, no party. They committed mistake after mistake: they allowed the Bank of France to continue unmolested: they did not expropriate the property of the financiers and industrialsts; they falled above all to make a clean sweep of the state machinery.