AntifascismBolshevismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyKirovLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, March 14, 1939 LEFT. CIO AFL Open New Unity Talks APPEAL ARMY JABS PLAN FOR UNITED Grave Crisis Threatens California FLINTS. Piers OFFERED BY cio Unemployed; Olson Favors Bosses OF LABOR HATERS Buckets of Blood DOCTOR BULLETIN: borhoods. We have divided the The Academy of Medicine urged Ruth Querio of Allentown, Pa. branch into two teams for the the French government to set is back on her feet again and sub drive and we have a good aside reserves of human blood for completely recovered. And the chance of making our quota from transfusion operations in the indications. George event of war. Of course, of course, lief now! Our star saleslady is Clarke of Detroit, Mich still with us!
everything must be ready. Barrels YOUNGSTOWN BRANCH of tin medals and gold stars, By NORMAN MINI Face Starvation ists and masses to support re AT WORK: wooden crosses by the million. Continued from Page 1) SACRAMENTO, Mar. A de Unable to meet any of the strict lief program at least as large as For special mention we have se piles, of crutches, lunatic asylums, going Blong with the other termined drive to cut the relief residence requirements these mi that put through by the late Mer Stay Away Is am happy to enclose my conschools for the blind, Aring squads groups if they wanted to set up standards of the unemployed is gratory workers are forced into riam governmont.
Counsel to Antitribution to the Appeal Pledge lected the Youngstown branch.
Fund for this month.
We do this not only because of the for those unwilling to die, and a cooperative program. gradually assuming serious pro the most degrading forms of re Thus the Production for use Fascists think the March Issues of fine work this branch is doing, buckets of blood.
War Program Behind Move portions in California.
lief and charity. Huddled in Althy Plan is an attempt to invoke the the paper exceptionally fine. but also because we have neglectWashington observers were Speaking before a legislativo camps up and down the agricul radical ghost of Upton Sinclair Among other things, was es ed and for this we apologize (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Infringe on Free Speech?
skeptical of the possibilities of committee last week Dewey An tural valleys many are facing slow Eple following: and clouds of po FLINT, Mich. March Social pecially glad to see the article on in the past to give the Youngsuniting the of and the dorson, Relief Administrator, de starvation. At the committee litical ballyhoo have so far ob Palestine, giving such a simple, town comrades full credit for Never! Conflicting jurisdictional clared bluntly that bankruptcy hearing a Workers Alliance offi scured the concrete details of the ist Workers Party members of clear and direct explanation. their work.
Acting Secretary of the Nawy: claims between the two groups faces the state of present reliet cial charged that in one Tutare scheme. Although there has been Flint brused bitter blizzard to equally good and equally importFirst, they have already gone Charles Edison, submitted BILI to Congress, which provides for constitute an extremely dificult conditions continue. This is but camp babies are dying at the ratel vague talk of survey of idle day to pieket the meeting of laborant was the article on the war over their quota in the sub drive.
a Sarrier to surmount does the one of many recent moves by the or two a weck from undernourish factories and a bond issue of nating Gerald K Smith, self. Peferendum question.
12 subs obtained so far, which is fine of 000 or two years im fear of trade union bureaucrats Democratic state administration ment. 100, 000, 000 to finance the iden, appointed candidate for the stel consider whatever money 12 over their assigned quota. This prisonment for any person or per that their posts would be cop to convince the public at large The hypocritical Agricultural most of the energy expended by lar role of Fascist dictator of lam able to send in to be money puts them directly in line for one or solicita soldiers or sailors to The president demand for un in the relief setup.
smoke screen around this condi the form of assuring industrialists the so called Committee of One sooner or later shall be able to disobey orders of superiors or ity is ascribed to his wish to con short time previously Ander tion by shouting loudly of the and corporation farmers that the Million.
Secondly, because they have inThe cowardly leaders of the Marjorie Balamuth, New York creased their bundle order from military and naval regulations or solidate labor forces behind the son had presented to Governor permanently unemployed and scheme will not compete with send the paper much more.
who publishes or distributes any Democratic Party for the 1940 Olson with a great deal of pub homeless migrants. But these private industry, and that it communist Party did not utter a 35 to 100 copies per eseue! 50 copies City.
of this bundle are placed on book pamphlet paper, print, ar elections, serious lorees having licity Production for use interests deliberately encourage would be a sure fire way to slash Word of protest to the brazen newsstands. Youngstown has beticle, letter or other writing constfected the New Deal during the Plan designed to reduce relief migration to the agricultural re the relief budget.
challenge of the would be Hitler THE BRANCHES AT WORK: Neither Lovestoneltes taining such advice. Under this last election because of the war costs. This was closely followed sions in order to ensure a large In this political sham battle the meeting We have begun to sell Appeals come another of the Appeal pacebill which Mr. Edison said was Pare in labor camp.
by an announcement from Presi: supply of lowly paid harvest la stalinists are playing a particular nor the defunct Socialist Party to a number of union meetings, setters and deserves tun recogdirected against Communista, the Another vital consideration modent Roosevelt that California bor.
authorities would be authorized tivating the president is his de would receive federal aid to help Here the list of new subs for To reduce wages to the barest They completely dominar Both leadership in the fight against the we have an Appeal Brigade that nition!
is concentrating on several of the to solze subversive literature. Mr.
solve the migrant problem. And subsistence level the overlords of the Workers Alliance and the Fascist meeting.
large unions. We plan to broaden this week: Not bad, but we need Edison said: It does not infringe for the past month a legislative the huge corporation farms at agricultural workers union Call Workers to Picket upon the rights of free speech or this selling to include other many more to complete our camsub committee has been holding tempt to force the state to bear which have a certain following Only the Socialist Workers Par unions. Eric Lund, literature paign: New York City 18 free press. We thought, for open hearing on unemployment most of the expense of keeping in the rural areas. Instead of us determined to reply to the agent of St. Paul, Minn.
moment, that there was a slight in the larger cities.
Ohio California infringement, but of course a govBosses Demand Outs allve. Thus their appeals for fed the rest issue militantly in its Meeting. by the labor hating ing we were able to sell more ernment so devoted to the de Detroit Originally announced as an at eral aid are nothing more than twin aspect of unemployment and Smith, called upon workers to than 100 copies of the Appeal con Minneapolis fense of democracy is ours is, tempt to win business, industrial an attempt to shift this burden agricultural working conditions, picket, and carried banners wbloh taining the report of the antiPhiladelphia would never think of infringing and farm lenders to support the little more upon the govern the is directing the energies read, Smash Fascism. Build Nazi demonstration. Paul Fieldon any democratic right.
Newark, NJ. Production for use scheme the ment and to open the way for of both these organizations into a Workers Defense Guards, Smith Ing. Akron, committee meetings have rapidCurther wage cuts.
Youngstown polite game of leglolative log and General Motors, the Commit. The setting up of our Central rolling tee of Millionaires!
ly developed into field days for Political Crisis Chicago Maybe in King Arthur Time Branch in Chicago means a whole St. Paul reactionary attacks upon the un But such conditions have existThe Stalinist. dominated io. lot to literature work. First of Militant Action Needed Major Attlee, leader of the BritForeign employed. In practically every in ed now for several years and they Entirely subservient to the issued a leaflet which correctly all, the comrades will take a col1sh Labor Party, made, according blasted Smith as a would be Fas lection every time it is necessary Massachusetts stance the spokesmen of the boss will continue to exist until drastic Democrats, with whom they ento the Times the following cist, but which urged workers to to keep payments on current bills.
Pennsylvania statement in the House of Comes organizations have put forward action by the workers change soy a certain unofficial standthe stern demand. cut relief them. The fact is that the present ing. the Stalinists tack and veer demonstrate against Smith by So you need not worry about Connecticut mons: There was a time when coats!
Nebraska crisis is a political rather than an with every minute change in the staying away.
Chicago bin. That will be paid.
this country (he means Britain, Leo Shapiro, representing the cconomic or financial one. The Olson policies. latest outrage Treacherous Policy mind you. wis universally known Karl Shler, retiring literature.
Total. as the friend of liberty and the San Francisco Trade Executives Olson state government, coming along this line came last week. This leaflet demonstrated how director of Chicago. Incidently, Association, declared: vast re into office after 14 years of when a a. official issued a treacherous the policy of burying we welcome to the ranks of Ap In addition, the following bundle freedom of peoples and as the sire for a united labor camp in ductions could be made in this domination, is finding itself com warning to all workers to stay your head in the sand at the first peal agents a new comrade Sam order increases have come in: lee, on behalf of myself, a couple support his leadership when the the problems of the truly needy. Most of the State Bureaus (At keep the homeless from entering Sive resistance was incomprehen the twice a week Appeal make it creased its order to 18 coples per enemy of tyrants. Now, Mr. At which the labor officialdom will reliel) outlay without neglecting pletely surrounded by the Repub away from California. Aitting in sight of danger can be. To auto Richter of Chicago. 1) Youngstown, Ohio, from 35 Hican machines. The State Senate with the reactionary attempt to workers with a background of militant action this plen for pas style and improved contents of The fine appearance, militant to 100 copies per issue, a few Indians, will you please read rapidly looming war he is enter Harold Pomeroy, former elker Moost (2) East Chicago, Ind. hos ining breaks.
us when that time was?
Administrator and now executive torney General, Treasury, Secre the state The administration hopes too secretary of Associated Farmers, tary of State, etc. and the State Unpromising as these developsible.
possible for us to sell more copies. issue.
that, by taking the initiative in said: Production for use would Personnel Board are completely ments appear on the surface they Some union leaders, sensing the the national publicity given our (3) Paul Fielding of Akron, Ohio Oil Workers, Attention! unifying the labor movement in prove only a disappointing fail dominated by the old machine and actually foreshadow the rebirth of unpopularity of their admonition anti fascist demonstration in New now takes 50 per issue an toCount Ludwig Salm has arthri response to the intense desire of ure.
tis, expensive tastes and no money the rank and file membership for to speak of. So, he wants to draw unity, they can be regimented ious relief crisis exist in Califor consent of these ultra reaction ers can maintain their present to jeer and boo. 4) New Brunswick, NJ. has Actually the elements of a ser the simplest proposat without the movement. WPA and relief work told workers to attend in order up the good work at your end and we will do our best at our increased its order to coples. 30, 000 ers of America. You see, the drive to help big business through problem is a rural conditployedaries. In the meantime members meager standards only by ciampyear out of the oil work more easily behind Roosevelt nia. Primarily the Bulld Workers Defense Guards end in the selling of the Appeal. This is a new unit of the Party Vast of the loosely organized Demo ing an unremitting organized These tactics proved utterly Indiana. 5) In Tulane, Callf, we have Count married Milicent, daughter outlawing strikes, slashing relief numbers of migratory agricultural cratie Front that elected Olson pressure upon the relief apparatus hopeless. Smith delivered vicin Herbert Martin of Chicago, and is already making good grains.
and begat a son, Peter, now four so as to take a bigger cut out of tently during the harvests, are the exception of the Stalinists and gave themselves from a terrible references to God and country. Appeals on streets downtown. Be. who starts out with a modest Comrades have been selling a new agent comrade Osborne and.
teen years of age. Col. Rogers the worker pocketbook. thrown onto the relief rolls dur. the labor bureaucrats, of course. Future only by laying hands on and the disorganized efforts of sides sales and distribution almost but promises a rapid increase.
couldn take it with him, so he ing the off seasons. Within the and Democratic henchmen who the demagogic promises of the scattered union men could not every night there is regular mobil REMINDER: left sixty million bucks of which last few years the number of these have thus far failed to get jobs Production for use propaganda and did not succeed in stopping ization for sale on Sunday morn Only four weeks left on the transient workers has increased have started to criticise.
and pushing to realize them in him.
inge in specially selected neigh Campaign for 1, 000 bew readers!
Peter. Now the Count, divorced considerably due to the influx of Ghost of Epic Plan action. The original successes of Unless the workers learn how from Mllicent, is badly in need of dispossessed and homeless farm The Republicans intend to dis the Relief Workers Protective to fight such a movement by their cash. Both he and his mother, ers and sharecroppers from the credit Olson further by putting Union in Los Angeles and the for own organized power and by conLAST CHANCE. the aged Countess (pardon these South and Middle West. recent pressure upon his government to mation of the Union of Progreso dueting an aggressive, Intelligent Special Combination Offer!
tears) are threatened with evic estimate places the number de cut relief standards. The Demo sive Workers in San Francisco campaign to smash the Smith tion from their home in Monte pendent upon relief in California crats, powerless to fight this are the first healthy indications sang, Michigan will witness the SOCIALIST APPEAL THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Carlo and all that he asks, is that at the astounding figure of 560. maneuver politically, have started that this new movement will not devastation of its labor move America leading socialist and Outstanding theoretical monthly he be given a paltry 30, 000 (Special to the Socialist Appeals 000.
a campaign to rally both capital fall short of its goals.
ment. This is no time to demonrevolutionary paper of the Fourth International year out of the millions which his COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 10 strate by staying away. Militant PARTISAN REVIEW son sucks out of the oil workers. Atkinson, shrewd repreannounced their intention to pickunionists must organize, now to think Partisan Review is the best literary magazine in America It a wise child that knows sentative of big business and one et. The Nazis cancelled the meet LA VOZ BREAKS crush fascism by building Work and is keeping up its standards damn well. John Passos own father, but young Peter of the first of its henchmen to ing in the face of the picketing ers Defense Guards.
All Three Together for a full year 94. 00.
seems to have the straight dope discover that the Trotskyists are WITH STALINITES preparations. Several hundred on the Count, and he says to the genuine revolutionists, has workers turned out that evening OVER SPAIN WAR STUDENTS HEAR Or else the following combina. 3) The New International and to make sure the meeting was not dear pappa Scram, never want been appointed administrator of MORGAN ATTACK FASCISTS tlona: Partisan Review together for one to see you again. If the workers the Ohio Unemployment Compen hela. La Voz, Spanish language of America would only learn from antion Commission.
In view of the Communist parSpecial to the Socialist Appeal)
Popular Frontist daily of New (1) Socialist Appeal and the year. 2, 50.
that fourteen year old brat how He will have control over the ty boycott of the picketing of the York, so closely associated with NEW YORK. The Philosophy New International together for (Continued from Page 1)
to deal with all their parasites. pensation reserve which both the auspices of the Catholic The Garden Feb. 20 the subsequent Art now! This generous offer Nazi meeting at Madison Square the Communist Party since its Club of City College held well. ono year 00.
attended forum on Monday, March (2) Socialist Appeal and Parth expires on March 15th.
founding after the outbreak of Roosevelt and Hopkins and Brow. of and state leaders atrical Union. with Bill Morgan of the san Review together for one year der restore confidence to busi admit is being converted into a The pickets had mobilized be ifying its policy of boycott, and its the civil war in Spain that it Send all payments on the above has been considered Stalinistas speaker The subject was. 50.
to the Socialist Appeal ness and as everyone knows war chest for a fight against fore the meeting opened. Among failure to report the West Coast controlled, has broken with the Shall Fascists Have the Right to that what all progressive mind labor.
the signs carries were: Down picketing demonstrations, it is not Free Speech. and following the Staliniats since the news ar ed people must do today if we His appointment came as the with Franco, The working class clear just what took place when lecture the floor was opened for rived that the Spanish Popular are to keep Pascism and Reac direct result of the trade union wil destroy fascism, and Fas the capitalist press reported that questions and discussion.
tion away from our door.
Front had expelled the Combureaucracy repractical politikecist meetings today symbolize con staliniat controlled organizations munist party.
Comparing the fascists to scabs Monday, March 13 at 7:15 La Voz has avoided editor who cross union picket lines and supported capitalist party candiA Letter a Day SAM GORDON Strike Strategy and Handling Negotiations Police Aid Fascists Friends of the Abraham Lincoln dates instead of running their ial comment on the latest take jobs away from striking Monday, March 13 at 8:00 PM The pickets were peacefully Brigado supported the picketing Writing to your Congressman is own ticket. The appointment of workers, Comrade Morgan urged events, but is giving promithe students to unite with the Changes in America Political Structure the favorite indoor sport of the Atkinson is the opening run of parading before the entrance to in San Francisco and Los Angeles while the Communist party itself nence to the United Press disworking class and to join with the Tuesday, March 14 at P.
patches reporting the represS. in building Workers De WRIGHT Program of the Left Opposition sions against the Communists.
titions, their chief outside activi destroy what little relief the prealme out and attempted to halt boycotted.
ty. One correspondent to the sent Whether the local units of the fense Guards before it is too late.
unemployment Tuesday, March 14 at 8:50 Face Saving Gesture insurance the police ordered the pickets to organizations involved actunlly Daily Worker raises the slogan offers. DUPEE Two Political Novelists Malraux and Asked why La Voz was not Describing the rise of fascism Silone letter day keeps reaction Already rubber companies are leave the street. Apparently some joined the picketing in spite of commenting editorially. staff in Germany, Italy and Spain, members said the issue was Comrade Morgan pointed out that away. On Feb. 28 another, Sam falsifying their payroll accounts one attempted to lead the pickets the Communist party edict, or Wednesday, March 15 at P.
Latner, complains, have frein order to offer lower weekly away whether the Communist Party dynamite. We re all sorry the workers must act quickly be GEORGE NOVACK Secession and Civil War in Americaquently come home from work, benefits. This is done by arblBut the pickets soon returned, was compelled to yield ground to for the poor Communists, but fore the home grown varieties of 1860 had some spare time and won trarily increasing the record of accompanied a multitude that the insistence of the non party we don dare say so because Hitler and Franco destroy the ADMISSION TWENTY FIVE CENTS PER LEOTURE dered whether ought not to number of weeks worked without protested against the police ac organizations on picketing, is not they re bitterly hated in the trade unions and the student ALL LECTURES HELD AT IRVING PLAZA Spanish colony here. Most of movement here in America.
write certain letters that ought to increasing the total yearly wage tion. The tear gas attack fol as yet determined.
Irving Place and 25th St. NYC be written. remembered several of the worker. Thus the weekly lowed, when the reserves arrived the Spanish speaking workers Many ers attended the urgings to write certain letters but average which should be paid at the call of the chief of police. ANDREWS AND BIRCH here are pro and hate meeting and asked questions con could not remember just to whom. over 16 weeks is reduced to starv.
The Los Angeles branch of the TRIAL SET SATURDAY the Communists so that they cerning the failure of their party FASCISM CAN BE. think it would be a good ation figurea, BOOKS BY Socialist Workers Party had isto take action with the at don care who represses them (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
idea to run a column listing the Hundreds of workers have been sued a call for the anti Franco just so long as they re supthe Madison Square Garden meet. STOPPED! LEON TROTSKY NEW YORK, Mar. The letters that any progressive por thrown off because they demonstration several days before.
pressed ing of the Nazis on Feb. 20. Many History of the Russian RevoluSpeaker: of these ers were present on son ought to write in order to are eligible for compensation at Dally Worker Mum Case of Chris Andrews and Ar. Also General Minja is a very tion( 98)now 75 make his is or her influence felt for the rate of from two to eight The Daily Worker, central or thur Birch who are charged popular figure, praised up to the picket line with the Trotsky.
MAX SHACHTMAN Third International After Lenin good in the proper places. Ah, if dollars a week. Thousands more gan of the Communist party, carists at this meeting and were with disorderly conduct will yesterday by the Communists Editor Socialist Appeal. 00. now 880 only the German Communists had will follow when the campaign to ried no story on the Los Angeles be heard Saturday, March 11 themselves, and that adds to anxious to hear about the Stalin School of Falsification had this line in 1931 wouldn cut is completed.
Wed. March 15, at 9:30 in Magistrates program.
events in its Thursday issue, nor the confusion. 50) now 50 Hitter have been stopped in his The fight against Governor any previous story on preparations Court at 311 West 54th St. The concensus of opinion in AT PM Bolshevikl and World Peace tracks Bricker and his henchmen must for picketing.
Birch and Andrews were arANNOUNCEMENTS the anti fascist Spanish colony 28. BILL be launched immediately with Likewise the Daily Worker has rested during a distribution of here is that the Stalinists were SOCIAL ALL INVITED. 231 WORKERS CULTURAL Revolution Betrayed. 50)
mass meetings and demonstra carried nothing on the fight leaflets by the Socialist Work expelled from the Popular now 00 CENTER SHERIDAN SANDWICH tions against his anti labor policy. against Nazi meeting in San ers Party at the Communist Front not because of any real night, March 11 at PM. Funds 131 West 33rd St. 6th My Life( 00) now 50 SHOPPE The fight to preserve and Francisco on Feb. 24, although the Party rally in Madison Square differences, since Negrin was to White Collar Locals CommitAuspices: 114 University Place increase unemployment benefits San Francisco Chronicle reported Garden, February 27.
also seeking peace, but to pronext to headquarters tee Fighting Against WPA Lay Needle Trades Branch.
PAMPHLETS vide Franco with a face saving Special 280 Lunch! must be linked with a general that, in addition to the Socialist The American Fund for PoSoup. 156 Sandwich, Coffee or campaign against the anti labor Workers Party, the Maritime Fed litical Prisoners and Refugees device to justify his making a Literature and Revolution (laat SING AND SWING! Community DETROIT laws which are pending before eration and the local veterans of has provided legal assistance soldierly peace with Miaja Union Food at a Union Place three chapters) 150 the state legislature.
the Abraham Lincoln Brigade had for the defendants.
and Casado.
Side headquarters, 163 Norfolk WORKERS Discussion Group: Gernany The Key to the InStreet, Saturday, March 11, at Every Sunday night, P.
8:30 Entertainment, Dane ternational Situation 150 Socialist Appeal Hg. 3513 Stalinism and Bolshevlam 100 Ing. Refreshments, Speaker: Woodward, Room tionthe New Inter Whither Britain 00 IT NEED NOT GALA SOCIAL by the Socialist In Defense of Terrorism 28 IRVING PLAZA PATE Workers Party, Detroit Branch Soviet Economy in Danger at UN SOIREE DANS for the benefit of the New In 250 Auspices: Irving Place and 15th St. ANT featuring recordings by ternational, Entertainment. Re The Kirov Assassination 250 SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY swing artists. Skits by our own Admission 25. Ticket for sale at the freshments. Saturday. Marth Wash. Hghts. Fellow TravelLABOR BOOK SHOP Fourth International LABOR BOOK SHOP, 28 East 12th St.
lera, Games. Refreshments. Sat.
18. Arcadla Bldg. 8613 Wood28 East 12th St. March 18 at 916 9th Ave. Ward, Room 8:00 to? Add ac per book for postage near. 59th St. Admission, 16. Admission, 250.
Sunday, Mar. 12 P.
James Burnham national Form AFREES FOIE GRAS? IT