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Socialist Appeal Get the Appeal At Your Local Newsstand Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 15 TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1939 375 34 per copy FIGHT REPRESSIONS IN SPAIN HAIL THE FIGHTERS Workers In Madrid Battle New Junta Over Unity CIO Heads Meet AFL The Gravedigger of the Revolution OF MADRID. NER CZECHO SLOVAKIA AUSTRIA FRANCE Carlo Roosevelt Attacks WOULD RESTORE ide AN EDITORIAL The revolutionary workers and soldiers of Madrid fought this week with their backs against the wall.
Against overwhelming odds, abandoned by their own Communist Party Leaders Abandon Fight Warring Camps May leaders and their own organizations, they fought with imForm One Big measurable courage against the agents of Fascism who At Critical Hour; Miaja Seeks Franco Union sprang up behind them in the government they had been Favor Through Blood Bath taught to regard as their own.
PEOPLES CONSIDER CIO PLAN WAGE HEROIC STRUGGLE FRONT The boss press has tacked the label Communist to these heroes of Madrid but the men and women fighting today in By FELIX MORROW Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Madrid are the workers, and soldiers of all parties, Communists, Battles in a dozen cities between the forces of the WASHINGTON, March The joint committee representing the Socialists, Anarchists, and non party workers who would fight on to Madrid Defense Junta and troops opposed to surrender Congress of Industrial Organizathe death rather than accept the enslaving yoke of Fascism.
to Franco were still going on late Thursday night, in spite tions and the American Federa Labor, which was initiated Now, as before, we salute them and pledge our undying of two previous announcements by the Junta that it had at the request of President Roosesolidarity!
succeeded in suppressing its opponents.
velt to consider the possibilities of peace between the of and Death rather than Fascist slavery! This is the heroic spirit that the recessed yesterday, has characterized the Spanish masses throughout these bloody 32 lar Front junta, the resisting troops definitely included Labelled indiscriminately Communists by the Popuagreeing to meet in New York months of civil war!
again Friday to continue discus.
If they have been backed against the wall now, the responsi regiments never identified with Communist party leaderAt the end of the White House bility lies with their cowardly and treacherous leaders who have ship. Moreover, the fighting broke out Tuesday, whereas conference last Tuesday, John known only how to lead them into a blind alley.
the top leadership of the Communist party and the Negrin cabinet Lewis, one of the members had fled the country the previous day.
of the joint committee, handed Gen. Jose Miaja, Casado and the other generals only yesterday Paris dispatch dated Tuesday to the Stalinist Daily Worker the other representatives and the heroes of the People Front seized power in Madrid, begged already reported that More than 400 Loyalists, including many President Roosevelt copies of a proposed plan to form new or Franco for an honorable peace and turned their guns on the Communist leaders, escaped y plane and boat to Oran and other ganization, the American Conrevolutionary workers and soldiers.
French North African ports.
gress of Labor, which would em Furthermore, the Communist Among the Stalinist chieftains party press here, serviced by Combrace both campe, and the inde Premier Negrin, Del Vayo and all the other ministers fled back pendent Big Four railway brothto France. With them went the leaders of the Communist Party, who fled were La Pasionaria, vice intern cable service, gives no inerhoods The of promptly rejected headed by La Pasionaria, who only a few days ago pledged to keep president of the Cartes; Vincente alcation of accepting responsibil the proposal, stating that it did SPAIN up the fight as long as there was an inch of soil left to defend. Since Uribe, Minister of Agriculture; against the Junta. It describes their arrival in France, La Pasionaria and the other Stalinist bureau. Jesus Hernandez, Minister of the resistance na spontaneously not offer many possible solution to the problems facing us. We are crats have crawled into their holes and have not even expressed soli. Education; Col. Hidalgo de Cis developed.
convinced it was not even de darity with their abandoned comrades!
neros, Negrin air force chief; Had the Communist party actu signed for serious consideration.
Upon the following day, how But the workers and peasants cannot run away. They cannot Lister, Gen. Antonio Cordon, it would have arranged, it seems Gen. Juan Modesto, Col. Enrique Ally planned to resist the Junta ever, the of Lannounced that it would consider the plan and any other suggestions that may be laid before it.
and all unions of the workers. For the workers it is a choice of With the main leadership of necessary in hiding. Instead of Would Preside The plan calls for special stand in Madrid have made their choice clear. How worthier of country before the outbreak of soit.
conventions of the and the Certainly the allegation of the Gallup Poll Shows Boss Gov Does Not better leaders are these heroic fighters! of to pass upon and apfighting on Tuesday, it is difficult Popular Front Junta that the reprove the plan for forming a new Tickets for Buying to credit the Junta claim that aisting troops are fighting at the Represent Will of People This, then, is the tragic, final chapter of the People Front their opponents are exclusively behest of the Negrin cabinet is organization. convention would then be onlled with delegates from Food Is Latest the organizer of defeats and new catastrophes for the working class. Communists.
nonsense, for Negrin himself has the of L, the and the In brutal disregard of over cannot possibly have any hesitaAll the People Front heroes. so loudly hailed by the Communist Communist Leaders Defled refused Plan four brotherhoods in the railroad whelming popular sentiment, the tion about Jaying its proposals support the opposition transportation field.
Party have today either abandoned the fight or gone over to the Moreover, such leaders as re to the Junta.
administration war mongers, before the people through popu.
other side, to the side of the Fascists.
main appear nowhere in the re Negrin Reconciled Special to the Socialist Appeal)
This convention, at which Pres headed by President Roosevelt, lar referendum.
ports by names active figures. In an interview while on the ident Roosevelt would preside, continued this week to lash out The argument that a popular WASHINGTON, new And today the Communist Party whines that it has been on the contrary the United Press way from Toulouse to Paris on would organize the American against the new proposal for a referendum is in conflict with a plan openly to brand all unem stated Thuraday afternoon that it Tuesday, Dr. Negrin expressed Congress of Labor designed to su constitutional amendement to re representative form of govern ployed and relief workers as paup betrayed.
was reported the Communista de himself as reconciled to the fallare persede and embrace the IO. quire a nation wide referendum ment is in reality a demonstration ers was announced this week by But who really are the betrayers? For two and a half years the ed orders of thetr leaders to sur of his long effort and hopeful that and the of and to include before the United States should that what the exising government the Administration, the peace could now be made between the railroad unions. enten Wednesday, the American people, that on the contrary the other relier agencies represents not the will of the Department of Agriculture and People Front in Spain has been carrying out the orders of French reader and renewed the revolt.
the generals in charge of Spain.
Neither Wm, Green nor John Times, Mar. 9)
the president being selected from Later attempts to get Negrin to Gallup poll. released the results great masses of the people and the carried out the plan will be crushed the magnificent revolutionary movement of the Spanish declare himself proved unavalling The most that was published was Green and Frank Morrison ton of the war referendum. These corporations which are April a statement by a person near Nereceive a life long pension at their showed the decisive majority of war of imperialist aggression in the plan calls for the issuance talist politicians. Now Britain and France seek and demand liquidagrin duly authorized to speak.
present salaries.
And this published in the Daily The plan calls for equal repre Significantly enough the most expense of the people blue orange are mentioned Casado, the others are their Worker under the misleading sentation from the and the frequent reason given for support Many Loopholes to A, workers and relief cliA. of with proportionate rep ing the referendum was, according war referendum, as now ents. These stampe would be used No, the betrayers those who said the People Front would. Negrin alde gives facta Onbeding, resentation from the Brother to the release, that the politi proposed by the La Follette bloc to purchase food in privately or could defeat Fascism. The betrayers are those who destroyed the tops Use Tear Gas only did not denounce the Junta Cuando betrayal. not hoods, which would give these cians should consult the people, in the Senate, is so Alled with owned stores, Additional stamps To Guard Nazi in any way but made no bones conservative organizations the because the people have to do the loopholes that it could not of would be issued for use in the mass movement and crushed the Spanish revolution and made it about the fact that Negrin himbalance of power. For a year after fighting.
course, stop the war. Nevertheless, Government Surplus commodities possible for the Fascists to sweep across the country and have now Meeting self was seeking to make peace the new organization was formed Indicates Distrust it offers some hindrance and ob Stores.
made it possible for the generals and politicians on the Loyalist with Franco.
The present Gallup majority of stacle, some chance for the masses Second Class Citizens side to seek salvation for their own skins by making a blood sacrifice Only half of the workers wages of the revolutionary soldiers and workers.
Ten persons were beaten and The Negrin ministers, it said, conciliation bureau would medi 589 is considerable drop from to express their true opinion. The hundreds tear gassed in a battle were mainly concerned with one ate all controversial questions at the really tremendous majorities war mongers are therefore out would be paid in cash. The tickets, The Communist Party betrayed the masses of Spain by butcher police and funciats in Los Angeles thousands of their comrades, Refecting overlapping jurisdiction (ranging up to 71. shown in to smash it to bits because, in of course, would mark the worker pickets and task to save the lives of tens of among the member unions.
Tobin Attends kept in mind that during the past war, they cannot endure the ent and many will recall the ing the revolution. Now its own best militants are reaping the Wednesday night, according to a publicans, Socialists and Commun treatment given to such custo reward: they are being butchered on the streets of Madrid, Valencia, special dispatch Thursday mornists, who would become victims of Following the White House con two years an almost unpreceden silghtest brake on their plans.
ference, Daniel Tobin of the ted campaign against the refermers when home relle vouchers and half a dozen other cities in the remaining Loyalist zone. ing in La Voz, Spanish language reprisals from Franco if peace teamsters, who has been strong endum has been conducted by the POLICE GIVE NAZI the relief administration. Interior anti fascist daily of New York. were to be signed without guar In Shanghai 12 years ago on the bloody day of April 12, Pickets In other words, the Negrin minadvocaten Sandales nongrele presa of the country, and that the PERSONAL GUARD regenbeles, necond grade centre and playing today in Madrid. He transformed himself overnight from tired in the dispatch is members really binding guarantees of home to reconsider his resignation from leading supporters of the referthe joint committee and attended endum have replied in the most rSpecial to the Socialist Appeal)
butter were traued to workers the hero of the People Pront of that period into the brutal of the Social Workers Party, nesty, and at most Justified their the next meeting of the committeeble and weak kneed fashion, NEW YORK, March had relief butcher of the working class. Like Miaja, he too took as his chief coln Brigade, the North American would precode the peace by evac offer for food.
tee which discussed some of the the 58 figure is a remarkable personal guard for Fritz issues with Secretary of Labor expression of the distrust felt by Kuhn, fascist leader of the Here is an example of how this victims the same Communist militants who had been taught to follow Committee and the American wating from the country to popa the people toward the Roosevelt Perkins.
German American Bund, has plan would work him so blindly. And like those heroic Chinese workers, the revolu League for Peace and Democracy, ular Front leading elements.
The of committee is war plans been established by LAGuardia worker Smith, who at tionary militants of Madrid fought back in a desperate, heroic rear shire Ebell theater where Aileen of difference. there is even a It is clear, then, that this shade present receives 50 a month on guard battle.
composed of Harry Bates, res The hypocritical character of police, Inspector Charles Moon ident Brien, fascist nurse was prop shade between the Negrin gov project would, under the new ey announced today.
the Bricklayers, Masons, the Roosevelt pretense that his and Plasterers International, Mat war is to be fought for democ Police will guard Kuhn plan, receive 30 cash and 20 in The People Front weapon of the anti Fascist struggle. agandizing for Franco.
orange stamps. These stamps are thew Woll, of vice presi racy could not be more openly ernment and that of Mlaja can home at 33 42 73rd St. JackFascist students from the Saint scarcely be the insue over which dent, and Thomas Rickert, shown than by his attitude toward son Heights, until the Nazi to be exchanged for food at any has broken like a reed once more in the hands of the workers. Now president of the United Garment the war referendum. If the war is leader no longer wishes them, grocery store. He would also re all the traitors and cowards and head shakers want to say that their nations of Layola school, acting tens of thousands of trooperare as ushers at the meeting, at refusing to yield to the Junta.
ceive 10 in blue stamps which he struggle, their sacrifice, their heroism, has been and is futile.
tacked the pleket line but without Workers Union. Daniel Tobin, to defend democracy, then why stated Inspector Mooney.
president of the International should not the decision about encould exchange only for food at Fighting Widespread ordered it on my own reBrotherhood of Teamsters made a tering it be made by a democratic the Federal Surplus Cmmodities All of the Junta claims to the sponsibility, the Inspector Corporation when there is a suring, most creative courage the world has ever seen! Their struggle the fascists, the reserves being proportions. The Junta has had But the masses have displayed not futility but the most inspirees.
The police came to the rescue of contrary, the fighting is of major fourth member.
vote of the people? The war monsald. didn want some plus.
has been again and again defeated because they have been misled by called out. They attacked the to bring a whole army corpe into The IO. committee consists of gers have not and cannot have John Lewis, leader of the any convincing answer to this crackpot to go there and break The grocer would take the those who serve not the interests of the workers but the interests picket Ine with clube, following Madrid to attack the Ighters in windows or interfere with Philip Murray, vice president question.
stamps to the bank and cash of the bosses, of the capitalist rulers of society.
Kuhn when he comes and up with a tear gas barrage. Pick the working class district of Cuntthem as checks.
of the United Mine Workers, and Gov Is Enemy of People goes.
ets caught some of the bomba bero Caminos. Thursday afternoon, Sidney Hillman, president of the In press Interview on Tuesday The plan is being widely dis Amalgamated Clothing Workers. Roosevelt, agreeing with Hull Guardia assembled the greatest On February 20 when LA The workers and soldiers in Madrid are proving again that fore they exploded and threw it was officially admitted that First comment from the rail earlier statement, tried to argue the various merchants associatheir will to struggle, guided and molded by a revolutionary party them back at the police, and two the rebellion was road unions on the proposal for that the war referendum was in concentration of police in the tions. They expect to increase that will unswervingly fight for a workers revolution, can and will oicers were injured, according ground in Cludad Real, south of history of New York around their volume of business by this put an end to the dying capitalist system that threatens to engulf One of the injured anti fascista captured by the rebels.
Toledo, and that Almeria had been unification came from Alexander conflict with the representative the fascist meeting at Madison Whitney, president of the form of government established new measure which would force us all in war, misery, privation, and death.
Square Garden, Kuhn thanked Brotherhood of Railroad Train by the Constitution.
the purchasing of goods from cerhad been picketing, with sign Valencian troops of the Junta the LaGuardia Police Depart tain outlets. The Retailers Nationmen, who stated that although he But what is this representaWe will fight Fascism by fighting capitalism and all its min. announcing that the bandages he were preparing to defend the city did not favor the term, one big tive government opposed to repment for its protection and led wore were the result of one of against advancing Communtate.
al Council will discuss the plan, ions, not by compromising with them. This in their hour of tragedy, Franco bombing expeditions.
wnion, nevertheless he favored resent? If it actually represents the assembly of fascists in an Communications between Madrid ovation to the police.
Wallace in Washington on March the Spanish workers are once more teaching us. Let us prove that The fascist meeting was under and Valencia had been cut. Pre(Continned on Page 2) the will of the people, then it 13.
their struggle is not in vain. Continued on Page. Continued on Page 3)
here in the problema e curing the proportiola, SWP PICKET LINE the prestrowat brotherhooded wm oe het latest super on the house preventative her the demanding the beginning operats. com seven cition workers and peasants and yoked them to the generals and the capi. FIGHTS FASCISTS som en favor of the referendum order to get to profits at the site and feminge cateredentiometion of the civil war in Spain and with perfect consistency, Miaja, IN LOS ANGELES antees.