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SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 10, 1999 Japanese Economy Strained THEIR By James Burnham To Meet Growing Burdens GOVERNMENT But Will They Ever Get Here?
Workers Menus Thomas Jefferson Strange Return to Life SOCIALIST APPEAL running to the World Fair is nothing but a trial bal.
Toon in this direction.
Vol. II, No. 14 March 10, 1999 Hundreds of millions of dollars to keep a few sePublished twice week by the curity holders fat, happy, and contented. union SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS smashing, wage lowering drive against the workers. at 116 University Place, New York, callous series of dismissals as fast as the administration Telephone: Algonquin 8547 can replace the present skilled workers with new ap Reports appearing recently both countries, excluding the yen nature of their enterprizes alto plicant from Civil Service rolls, who, because of prior here and in Far East Indicate bloc countries (Manchukuo and gether or close down their Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months the terrific strain to which the those sections of China under plants. In other words, in addi Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle application for Civil Service jobs and for no other The Fansteel Metallurgical Company is located in fabric of Japanese economy is be Japanese domination. declined by tion to the extractions being levNorth Chicago. During the latter part of 1936, the orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per reason, will have seniority over all employes no matter ing progressively subjected as a 31 per cent up to November 30 of ied on workers and peasants, the overwhelming majority of its workers joined the copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents. how many years their service. That is the Wicks. La. result of the present ruthless war last year, according to Domet, small business man, even the and asked the company for recognition. The Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for Guardia unification plan!
of aggression in China. The drain Japanese News Agency. middle sized industrialist, 18 management, however, had for year enjoyed the six months; 00 for one year.
on the country resources is noth Exports to the yen bloc coun likewise feeling the squeeze. Many Reentered as second class matter February 16, To these two attacks against the subway workers ing new, but it has now reached tries increased 46. per cent, but of them are being forced out of profitable blessings of an unorganized plant. They indignantly pointed out to the men that outside 1939, at the post office at New York, under there can be but one answer. Militant demonstrations the stage where the entire struc these latter increases are largely business, Othere are facing the unions were un American.
the Act of March 3, 1879.
against the vicious Wicks bill. Militant demonstrations ture of the country is so delicate spurious for from them Japan re necessity of reorganizing their en The opinion ly poised that a resounding blow. ceives no foreign currency, beterprises, reorganization that a normal one. After all, under Editor: demanding that there shall be no dismissals when uni from whatever quarter it might sides which a large part of the can only be effected with consid the blessed system of free enterprise. should not a MAX SHACHTMAN fication is accomplished, with the work divided among come, could very easily shake it total represents goods that have erable monetary losses to the in patriotic American boss be permitted to keep wages Associate Editors: all those now employed, but without reduction in pay. to its foundations been dumped indiscriminately dustrialists involved, and loss of as low as he pleases, to pile on the speedup when HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Unification to provide increased benefits for the This, of course, is not the same into these areas and for which the jobe for workers.
competition gets keener, to fire any employee who Staff Members: public, not unification for the benefit of a few rich as saying that a revolution can shippers may never receive pay. Currency Backing sneezes at the wrong moment? Outside unions certainly play hell with the good old fashioned ways of EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN security holders!
be expected momentarily in Jap ment.
Constantly Decreasing Business Manager: bosses It should also be noted that an. Recent history has given amInflation is a further sign of STANLEY ple proof that bankrupt nations Japan industries are feeling the the strain on the country econThe management told the nothing doing.
can continue to exist for seeming deleterious effects of neglect, due omy. Japanese statesmen and finAnd just to be on the safe side, the management did It is the belief of Michael Flaschetti, former a little organizing on its own account. It hired a labor ty indefinite periods without fall to lack of adequate financing anciers do not admit that infla FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST head of New York City notorious Italian detective ing to pleces, even though they plants are wearing out, and the tion has taken place, but facts relations magician who pulled a cozy little company squad, that most people have little use for police are waging a union out of his hat. It isolated one of the most WORKERS PARTY FOR: men.
war, so long as they quality of products is declining. belie their pretensions. Domel, in meet no determined, organized Domestic Prices a December 20 Tokyo dispatch, militant unionists in a job that prevented him from And, for the public information, he continued, resistance within their own ter Skyrocketing job and a decent wage for every worker.
stated: The note circulation in being in contact with his fellow workers. It fired a want them to know we still give the third degree, ritory, and no serious reversal on Another important index of the Japan has risen so high that the few others. It brought a stool pigeon or two in from Open the idle factories operate them under and it all that it cracked up to be.
the military field. Italy and Ger precariousness of Japan econ gold reserves of the Nipponese one of the best agencies. It undertook a well planned workers control.
many are striking examples. omy is the skyrocketing of prices state bank are insufficient to propublicity campaign among its employees, their familles and the community on the Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works at home, a telling indication of vide the legal gold coverage preof outside union lam.
Burdens On But somehow the men kept asking for recognition.
and housing program.
tho growing deprivation suffered scribed in the present Bank of People Increasing And the management each time kept refusing and It does mean, however, that by workers, peasants and small Japan law. Which is to say that then redoubling the campaign against the union. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wago 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Their Royal Majesties, the king and queen of the membenache company is also contained the Bank of Japan and quoted in is constantly shrinking toward Time to Stop the Run Around Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability penBritish Empire, are scheduled to visit our shores some brings with it an added piling up cember 31 shows that the retail So, on February 17, 1937, the workers decided that time in June of this year.
of internal difficulties, that con prices index in Tokyo, with 1933 the extremely shaky nature of There can be no doubt about sion.
the run around had been going on long enough. They had been, God knows, reasonable enough. They were Expropriate the Sixty Families.
But you ll forgive us for wondering whether they ll ing toisted on the back of the represented as 100, stood at 211. Japan economy, and the gruelgetting nowhere. They knew that the company acts All war funds to the unemployed.
ever get here!
people, and that the basic factors on December 17, while the No ling effects this is having upon vember wholesale price Iridex her people. But the end is not yet had been brazenly and openly illegal; and they knew In the shiny rotogravure section of America Sun capable fomenting revolt are again with 1983 as 100) stood at in sight. whole series of people referendum on any and all wars.
that neither the company nor the police nor the courts mounting so inexorably that a 141. In terms of purchasing power taxes are being put into effect: new gave a damn whether the acts were illegal or not. No secret diplomacy.
day papers these two decadent representatives of BritThe time had come to protect the right to a job and 10. An independent Labor party.
ain declining imperial might look mighty secure. miltary defeat, could readily snap consideration the decline in the tooth powder, ten and coffee a decent living by the only means left.
Their over upholstered uniforms and dress, along with the supports that now prop up the purchasing power of the yen raised consumption taxes on With complete quiet and discipline the workers wat 11. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and the swanky Coach and Four they drive about in, give government and the economie sy this means that consumers are sugar, sake and textiles; new down in two of the company key buildings. For ten Fascist attacks.
tem of the country.
the appearance of lasting forever.
It also means that even without much for articles of daily use as now paying more than twice as luxury taxes; etc.
days they sat there, maintaining their discipline, keepJapan budget for the current ing the buildings and machinery in perfect condition.
We wouldn be surprised, however, if Their Man overthrow, Japan has already they were in 1983. The tremen year, just under Yen 3, 700, 000, 000 The management discharged them; but the workers jesties found it unavoidably necessary to postpone their lost a major portion of the com dous rise in retail prices also in is the largest budget in the his were guarding their jobs and they continued to alt.
visit forever. The Irish are picking up the reins let mercial gains so assiduously dicates the extent to which specutory of the country. But this in Law and Order Yet to Work drop by the traitor De Valera; the British West Indies courted in recent years.
lation is rife because of the short cludes oniy portion of estimated recent government survey has revealed that more But, lo and behold, after the long, long months of are a seething cauldron; the Arabs are militantly deAccording to a New York Times age of consumer goods. Govern expenditures, for it does not take than half of the employed workers in the United States silence and reserve, the forces of law and order sprang manding freedom in the Near East.
dispatch from Washington of ment price regulation has been into consideration the special millive on insufficient food diets.
Feb. 24, Japan exports to this able to slow down, but not check, itary budget, which has been ansuddenly to life. The rights of citizens were being And India is set to give King George the biggest country declined 37 per cent in the fantastic soaring of prices. nounced to be about Yen 5, 270, invaded! Time for justice come to the rescue!
This survey, which was taken in 43 industrial centers headache of his life. The working class and peasant 1988 as compared with 1937, and in the Times report above 000, 000, making a total outlay for Did law and order clap summons on the manthroughout the nation shows that the American masses of this great country are preparing to straighten creased 30. per cent in the same fects of government limitations is 000. This figure is equivalent to agement for their illegal fostering of a company union, their illegal employment of a labor spy, their standard of living for the average worker is a pretty out their bent and bowed backs by casting off the period. This decrease is not con given as the necessity for a large Japan entire national debt at Illegal discriminations and discharges, their illegal low one. The average worker and his family eats entire weight of England slave masters.
fined to trade with the United number of small and medium the commencement of the war in refusal to bargain with the union? need not tell foods that stick to the ribs and stave off the feeling you, dear reader: law and order did not.
of hunger.
So keep an eye to those crowns of yours, Elizabeth States. Japan exports to all sized industrialists to change the China and George! How easily they can slip off and go Law and order, in the person of a dignified Judge To make him feel full after eating, the worker stuffs of a state court, bowed politely to the management tumbling down the hill after those of Czar Nicholas, and fasued an injunction requiring the workers to his belly with potatoes, macaroni, and bread. This the Kaiser and Alfonso. vacate the premises of the company. Bherit and takes from 25 to 40 percent of his income.
his merry men came to the buildings bearing the Only 12 percent of the families studied have good injunction order. But the workers believed that their diets, 38 percent have fair diets, and 50 percent eat right to a job was superior to the injunction; and the sherif, after an encounter which he was not an insufficient amount of food.
The Stalinists Do Violence To The Whole History Of willing to confine to words, retired in some confusion.
Negro workers and their families are worse off If Congress and President Roosevelt continue to lop Early America In Order To Present Jefferson As One than the white workers. The survey shows that 60 Justice in Action percent of the Negroes eat an insufficient amount of appropriations for the unemployed and succeed in Law and order were now very upset indeed. Justice Of The Patrons Of Twentieth Century Americanism came back to the buildings with a formidable enough food.
their campaign to jack up profits for the rich to newer (Concluded from last Issue) man constantly in public life. Jefferson died, atill blind to the array of thugs, cops, firemen, deputized gangsters to Where was it we read that there are no classes in and dizzier heights, it will take a planetarium and a have beselged Pearl Harbor. struggle, pictures of Stalinism has long ago aband traveller, observer of the French great historic forces gathering mathematical genius to give even a faint conception of America. which look like high points in the assault on the the astronomical proportions to which profits will rise oned that axiom of Marxism, Revolution, President of the Uni strength in the cities of industrin Alcazar, took place. Fire ladders were raised so that Tell the workers the truth. In ted States from 1800 to 1808, he Europe. Only 22 years after his over those now Howing into the coffers of the upper their indecent lust to become. was in the most favorable position death, the whole continent was tear gas bombs could be shot into all floors. Guns and spectable. the Statinist lickspittles to study these forces which were shaking with the Revolutions of clubs that would have stocked an arsenal went into 1848, and the young Karl Marx action.
Naturally the unemployed, the under paid work and tondies have made a ridicu to shape the future.
with eyes fixed to the future was The workers defended themselves with courage and lous cult of certain political fig.
Nalve Agrarianist slaves, and the young people facing a blind alley future 29, 000 workers on the transit lines of New York honor. But the forces and weapons against them were writing for the workers he honures from the history of the will be expected to continue their cheering over this American bourgeoisle. They bandy look on the agrarian life. Cultive Manifesto.
Yet it is the name of Jefferson had a most naive outored and loved, the Communist too much. They were routed, and placed under arrest.
City are facing two menacing attacks on their liveli.
Most were later fined and jailed for violating the hood.
stellar display.
about the names of Paine, And tors of the earth, he cried, are Jefferson, idealist who never comdrew Jackson, and others with a the most valuable citizens. and prehended the historical role of injunction.
One attack comes from a bill sponsored in the If you missed out on the juicy morsels celebrated The company then happily re formed its company Senate and Assembly of New York by Senator Wicks, during Dividends and Profits Week for the 1938 take, lunacy, going so far as to have are the chosen people of God, it bourgeois, mistrusted and feared feverish devotion bordering on Those who labor in the earth, the machine, and who, like any union, as the Rare Metal Workers of America. Some of the sit downers were graciously permitted to return a notorious labor hater, which would place all em sharpen up your shears for this week report. If you Earl Browder declaim, Our pro ever he had a chosen people, the workers, it is this name that to work. Many of them were not. Those who were ployes of municipally owned transit lines under Civil don own stock of these particular companies in your gram for Socialism is organically whose breasts He has made his the stalinist, Browder, would petitioned through the Labor Board to get their linked up with, is a necessary peculiar deposit for substantial write beside those of Marx and family vault, then just imagine as you tighten your belt Service provisions without guaranteeing them pension jobs back.
rights, Seniority over new Civil Service applicants, or a notch for dinner what you could buy if you did have American Democracy as founded er, large landholder, Jefferson No. Thomas Jefferson, a capable.
This was the Fansteel case. The facts, known to every worker in Fansteel, to every resident of North collective bargaining rights.
those dusty sheets silently earning millions for you by Thomas Jefferson whose po could easily forget that farm life Chicago, recorded by the Labor Board, are unconThis is a direct undisguised attack aimed at the through strenuous idleness and praise god that the litical descendants we are. This meant back breaking labor from and eloquent leader in the revolt teated. The Supreme Court did not question them.
union workers on the and transit lines. nasty workers don wake up and take over these indus. slippery Stalinist hedges and qual. day to night for all but a few, and mains just that and nothing more. The sit down, wrote Chief Justice Hughes in the The other attack, more covered up, is the proposed tries for their own benefit.
Court decision for the company, was a high handed unification of the and lines with the proceeding without shadow of legal right. The Remember, economie basis of an agricultural ure and culture which he could He is not the ancestor of revolucelebrating over anything less than a nation of small land holders has enjoy, browsing in the classics of tionery Marriomot svenor de conduct on the part of the employees manifestly gave present city owned line when purchase plans have been million dollar take, and bless Harry Hopkins for his completely disappeared, but that Greek and Roman literature. It litical descendants today, it is in good cause for their discharge.
completed between the LaGuardia administration and speech this week dedicating the Roosevelt administraManifestly, Justice Hughes, yes, manifestly.
these companies.
Jefferson humanitarianism. gentleman to understand what inn, dilettante reactionaries who tion to fighting for bigger and better takes for the Although it is generally understood that unification We have thereby a completo amals Marx so bitterly called, the tasoey seek to crawl backward into histor Labor Looks Through wealthy capitalist gamation of Jefferson teachings of rural life.
will lead to mass lay offs of workers who have been Again we congratulate the happy stockholders of with those of Marx, Engels, Lenin, in employed for years on these lines and who have no The Marxist understands the problems pobed by the collapse of other means of earning a livelihood, absolutely no the companies listed below, who according to the pub and Stalin. We have the full prolishable reports of their bookkeepers bled the point of gram of the Communist Party cities as the focal points of in modern capitalism. Their program The Press guarantees providing for these workers have been production for not less than the following fat items Misunderstands Industrial Revo dustry and progress, from whose proves their legitimacy. as exBy ARTHUR HOPKINS suffering working population have pressed by Herbert Agar, it secs lution forthcoming from the LaGuardia administration for 1938: The Wicks bill, if it is enacted, will reduce those and will come revolutionary lead our crials as primarily a moral This historical lesson thus Carl Winter, newly appointed state secretary of Libbey. Owens Ford Glass Company 3, 930, 460 left after LaGuardia lay offs to the condition of ser dissolves itself into a meaninglese ership for all the exploited. Jefone a sclnah and greedy people the Minnesota Communist Party, speaking before the Atlantic Refining Company. 4, 317, 297 and nonsensical Marxist Club at the University of Minnesota, declares vile, open shop slaves.
Armstrong Cork Company 1, 150, 796 Jefferson many utterances on piled upon one another in large return Jefferson to Agar, Allan that the new pilot training courses being instituted by What is particularly revolting about these under Mesta Machine Company 2, 909, 957 freedom, liberty, and so on, can be cities as in Europe, we shall Tate, etc. if he belongs to anyone, American universities will be of benefit in making the Gillette Safety Razor Company handed attacks against 29, 000 of New York workers 2, 941, 889 become corrupt as in Europe, and he belongs to them.
used and have been used by any air force more democratie, He adds that the United Arundel Corporation 1, 007, 783 is the solicitude of the city administration over the Expect Lles to Pass to back up any pro co to eating one another as they States army should be cleansed of dialoyal and reacPenick Ford, Ltd. Inc 1, 139, 921 demogos capitalist politician do there.
Why does Stalinism seek to security holders of the and the who tionary elements, and points to Spain as a horrible Reed Roller Bit Company. 1, 832, 112 makes similar remarks: what he On European Events wrap itself in these musty but example where the army joined the fascists in oppos have been bleeding the public for years and who have Radio Corporation of America 7, 412, 072 does in practice with power when In Jefferson own day, the patriotic robes? Betraying the true ing the Loyalist government. It will be a great consol received in dividends many times over what they laid New York Telephone Company 29, 377, 181 he has it is the important test. Workers of Paris gathered on the interests of workers everywbere, ation for foreign and domestic workers to know that General Foods Corporation 13, 577, 075 out originally for the securities.
The stultifying effect this faked Champs de Mars, to demand from it intends to deliver into the they and their wives and children are being bombed 3, 085, 119 Sun Oil Company Instead of expropriating these private holders of the and murky history has upon the the victorious bourgeoisie in the armies of American imperialism and murdered by democratic air men.
Mellville Shoe Corp. 1, 484, 061 young students and intellectuals name of those fine ideals the its befuddled and deceived followcity utilities through condemning the lines the city Scott Paper Company 1, 379, 950 associated with or under the in bourgeoisie claimed. full, man ers and sympathizers. Sweating owns the lines anyway and merely leased them to the Says President Roosevelt at Key West: Private Eastern Utilities Associates Huence of the is disagree. hood suffrage. They were ruth with the anxiety that they will security holders the staggering sum of 315, 000, 000 and Subsidiaries business, and the utilities in particular, need have no 1, 572, 435 ably evident to all who know lessly dispersed by armed troops not be recognized and accepted Wisconsin Electric Power Company 2, 228, 020 them. This has been turned over to guaranteeing them security and the famous educa under Lafayette.
as allies by the powerful Ameri, fear over New Deal programs.
Bell System 155, 543, 144 tion the Stalinists were going to comfort for life.
The unrest of workers in Eng can capitalists, the abandons American Tobacco 25, 435, 643 Pope Plus had the objective of a Christian renaisbring to their allles of the land and France, the birth strug Internationalism for patriotic sloWhy does the LaGuardia administration pay out Homestake Mining Co. 6, 940, 848 Popular Front!
gles of this new class could mean gans, and clothes itself in what sance which would have placed the principles of Jesus this enormous sum to the security holders at this parBeech Nut Packing Company 2, 527, 142 Christ In Russia and in Asia, says Father Coughlin in Abbott Laboratories In an effort to bolster up their nothing to Jefferson who believed, ever Stalin and Browder think ticular time? Why doesn it wait until the leases ex 1, 648, 326 recent radio spiel. We are to presume that Italy, Ger Electrolux Corporation 2, 040, 922 phoney ancestor, the Stalinista The mobs of the great cities ada will please the new found maspire, when the holdings revert automatically to the many and the democracles are plumb full of ChristGreyhound Corporation 5, 663, 989 tell us that Jefferson aspirations just so much to the support of ters. Thomas Jefferson and his inn principles!
Lambert Company 1, 277, 798 were wrecked by the Industrial pure government, as sores do to democracy. ble empty but eloDividend returns indicate the answer to these two Revolution, which he could not the strength of the human body. quent catch phrases, have been Who said the unemployed were starving?
esee. This is absolutely false One in every fourteen persons in the United States 16 questions. For the past few years earnings have steadily The Industrial Revolution dates class of a country to its farmers, contempt for his own following allergic to certain foods and other substances, according declined and the trend indicates that these securities from the middle of the 18th Cen he described as the proportion of is such that he expects the most to Dr. Theodore Beckwith, professor of bacteriology would rapidly become a losing proposition for their Found on the west side of the Huey Long tury, was producing its effect all its unsound to its healthy parts. stupid lies to pass unnoticed. of the University of California at Los Angeles. And all holders.
Bridge with his left arm nearly severed below the around Jefferson all throughout the unorganized, desperate revolts Nothing, however, will save the. of we are allergic to capitalism, only it doesn affect us his life, and was understood by of the laborers seemed elbow, a Negro identified by state police as Martin him Communist Party from the comall the same way.
An additional consideration is the very strong likelihood that unification of the lines will mean a ten cent Hays, 20, of Napoleonville, was taken to Charity hog many observers. Hamilton, for like anarchy, and senseless vio ing split in its own ranka, the repital by ambulance last night where physicians am. one. Had not Jefferson been blind tence consider the class of sults of the anger and awakening Persons who are not full fledged citizens of the fare under the fallacious argument that a ten cent putated his arm. Although state police were not able ed by his class interest as an age artificers (city workers of the of its long suffering rank and Ale. United States will be purged from PA, relief rolls fare will be necessary in order to pay off the 315. to say how the Negro was injured, hospital authoristarting March 6, according to Stolte, deputy state rarlan, he would not have so oom period) as the panders of vice, In so far as American history ties said Hays told them he had caught his arm in pletely misunderstood the impor and the instruments by which the becomes clear to them, the Stalin administrator of Minnesota. The boss will not be so 000, 000 gift to the security holders.
a pumping machine where he had been employed. tance of the machine and the liberties of a country are general. Ist nonsense about Jefferson will particular when they call upon the ex workers The present levying of a ten cent fare upon subways From The New Orleans Tribune, Jan. 28, 1989. new mode of production, for as ally overturned.
add its bit to the final crack up. to protect our investments overseas Bigger And Better Takes class.
Two Attacks