Anti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismLiberalismMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

around it.
By Paul Stevens The Case of Peter Forster: to share his fate. and Refugees You can do your part to prevent this, by giving every ounce of moral and material aid In June 1938, two courageous anti Fascista, to the American Fund for Political Prisoners The Daily Worker Finally Breaks Its Silence and Explains That It Sabotaged the Anti Nazi Rally Emil Bargatski and Peter Forster, fled the con and Refugees.
centration camp at Buchenwald near Weimar.
Because of Its Line Against Doing Anything to Displease the Professional Capitalist Politicians An armed storm trooper tried to prevent their New Repressions Against the ARTICLE ONE escape. He was laid low with a shovel. It was 4th Internationalists in Indo China progressive LaGuardia adminis the only chance these anti Fascists had of getBy FELIX MORROW tratlon. The anti fascist city ting out of the Hitlerite hell, where thousands Readers of the Appeal are aware of the ter administration says it wants no rible treatment accorded our comrade Ta Tu Mar. nearly two weeks after In the Dally Worker, Friday, demonstration against the Nazis of socialists and communists, Jews as well as Thau, municipal councillor of Saigon, by the 903 TA and the Stalinists agree.
Catholics are forced to submit daily to the French colonial authorities in Indo China. Hallthe anti Nazi counter demonstra sadistic outrages of the Nazi degenerates Just this is the meaning of the paralyzed, Ta Tu Thau carries on the struggle tion of February 20 Jerome Bargatskt was caught and beheaded shortly Democratic front. that in It from prison.
lengthlly answers, In Questions thereafter. Forster managed to cross the border from the People, why Comthere is no democracy whatso Now word comes from Tonkin, that another into Czechoslovakia.
ever. In it the progresstve onpiImmediately after the munist party did not see it to leader of the Indo Chinese Fourth InternationSudenten crisis broke out, Forster appealed to take any measures to stop the tallats, of the stripe of LaGuardthe Soviet consulate for an entry permit to the allets has been jailed in the hell holes of French Monday night Nazi Bund meeting la, have a veto power, no matter imperialism in the Far East. Comrade Thal van Time and again he was given the runor at least call for picket lines what the vast majority of the Tam has been arrested in that city and son workers say. In spite of the aparound. In the meantime, the Communist Party and the Stalinist Red Aid made ample use of tenced to a long term in prison for a series of peals of the city administration, Thc widespread indignation anti imperialist articles he published in Thoi him in publle meetings, where he was drummed of the Jewish press of the Stalin Dam; the organ of the Fourth International In within its own ranks and followiats, of the labor lleutenants of up for collection purposes, instead of being Tonkin. The articles were written at the time crs against its cowardly refusal guarded against the ever watchful Gestapo.
to meet the Nazi challenge has capitalism generally, the tremen Early in September, he was given to underof the September erlals, when mobilization was doua turnout of the workers on thus finally forced the Stalinist decreed in Indo China because of French fears stand by the Czech government that it would leadership to a public justification Feb. 20 is proof that, had the be best for him to get out of the country. Again of Japanese attacks in case of war, Japan belng of its opposition to the anti Nazl workers been consulted democratallied with Hitler.
he made frantie efforts to get the necessary demonstration.
ically, they would have overComrade Tam was one of the founders of the whelmingly declared for papers from the Soviet consulate. Again he was antiJerome answer is an importtold to walt. Even a temporary vion was reCommunist Party In Indo China and the first Nazi demonstration. But at the ant document, one which every heart of the Democratic front is fused him. An attempt to flee in a plane headed editor of its paper. He broke with the Staliniste anti fascist should read, for it re SEND LETTER TO YOUR GET ALL YOUR FRIENDS for Russia was stopped by the Czech foreign after the suppression of the Indo Chinese Convents that the Stalinist boycott FAVORITE CONGRESSMAN the anti democratic principle that, TO SIGN PETITION in the name of unity, all the mil office at the airport.
gress and organized the first Fourth Interns of the anti Naxl fight February Munich came and the Czech government, tionalist group in Tonkin.
lions of workers are outvoted or 20 was not an isolated Incident, JU!
vetoed by t: the handful of progres which had previously refused to turn him over Neither the arrest of Ta Tu Thau nor that not a blunder, but was an integral to the Gestapo, finally agreed to deliver him to of Tam has succeeded in stemming the growth part of a basic policy opposed to sive capitalists.
the German authorities on condition that his CAPITALISTS ARE LOYAL militant methods of fighting of the Bolshevik Leninists in Indo China. The life be spared. Meaningless condition! few banner of the Fourth International seems to be TO. CAPITALISM against fascism. Under the presdays later, Forster was beheaded in a Weimar firmly Implanted among the oppressed in the sure of the questioners, the Com2. The progressive capitalists prison.
colonies. An active movement for the liberation munist party. In Jerome article, are always opposed to militant The fate of this valiant anti Nazi fighter has of the two great Indo Chinese cinse war priewas compelled to state more openmethods of fighting against fasSW. DOWS recently been made public by Erich Wollenberg clem. This is proven by their con oners has been organized by our comrades in ly than ever before its opposition FASCISM duct in Italy, Germany, Spain, German revolutionist and author of a recent Indo China as well as in France.
to 01 class struggle methods smashing fascism.
work on the Red Army, in which he served as an officer for many years. Wollenberg also gives Universal Suffrage as Practiced Nor to this due in any way to EXPLAINS REJECTION is an insight into the behind the scenes mach! in Eastern Europe OF ANTI FASCIST STRUGGLE personal cowardice. It is due to something much more fundamennations that are back of the Forster case. On November last, elections to the Polish Front polley re christened the The Communist party Popular tal, namely the loyalty of the capiIt seems that High Commissioner Malcolm, Sejm (parliament) took place. The character of talists to the capitalist system.
who is in charge of evacuating the German elections in this Bonapartist state, hope of the Democratic Front here because And the capitalist system, whether emigrants in Czechoslovakia, has is his secre Staliniats and the democrats against Hitler of the flascoes of the Popular tary a certain German emigrant by the name in the form of monarchy, democthreat to Esern Europe, may best be Illumined Front in France and Spain inof Katz. This Katz has been in the employ racy, fasciam or military dictatorby a little court incident reported from Warsaw volves the rejection of anti Nazi ship, reats primarily not on the of the Stalinist since 1931, working for it The day after the elections, the worker Bara struggles such as that of Feb. 20.
SEND TELEGRAM TO THE IF ALL ELSE FAILS, BOYCOTT free consent of the working class in the Red Ald organizations, and finally land nowski was hauled up before a magistrato. The Jerome states this plainly enough: charge: He stood in front of a polling place all but on the ability of the capitalist SECRETARY OF STATE Ing. after being catapulted through various For what would have been ANTI NAZI DEMONSTRATIONS class to keep the workers down.
People Front committees, as Secretary of the day, constantly taking something out of one the result of an attempt to stop All sections of the capitalist class. Emigrants Recognition Committee in Paris. pocket and putting it into the other. Finally, the meeting after the progres should have been strong picket ocracy in Germany. For here is progressives within the Popular no matter how democratic, are This gentleman goes over the lists of emi some enterprising dick decided to arrest him.
sive LaGuardia Administration lines around the Garden not to what Jerome article means: Front, the Stalinists agreed to therefore hostile to the working At the police station, he was frisked. But, inhad granted permission for it to grants to be evacuated. Naturally he had charge close down the meeting but only No action could be taken by this policy which led to Franco class developing militant methods of the Forster case. Quite naturally, no refugee stead of Internal machines, it was found that be held? One could certainly as a protest gosture. simple the Communist party against the victories. The anti fascist cap. of winning working claus dewho has ever had any kind of a clash with the his pockets were full of. raw peas. In court, have differed with the LaGuard realistio view of the facts make Nazi meeting once the progres talists, loyal first of all to their mands.
Stalinists stand chance of getting a square Baranowski maintained that he almply liked to la Administration for granting it obvious that such peaceful sive LaGuardia Administration property, were against dynamitThat is why, for instance, such deal from this corrupt and conscienceless tool chew raw peas. But witnesses were introduced permission, not merely on the picketing would be an immedi had granted permission for it to ing of munitions and other fac great heroes of the Communtat of the Kremlin. Dissident communists, revoluwho testifled that Baranowski passed the peas question of free speech, but on ate target for the combined be held. Jerome reference to tories, preferring upon retreat to party as LaGuardia, Roosevelt, from one pocket to the other, in order to deterwhether the nterests tionary socialists are practically doomed in addemoc provocations the Trots! forcit preventing the meeting leave them intact to Franco and Attorney General Murphy, sto vance, their case has to be handled by Mr. mine the exact number of voters entering the racy could best be served by and their companions in arms, is of course a dishonest subter the Staliniats agreed.
are Irreconcilably opposed to altKatz. How many Trotskyists and other anti polling place. Naturally, the court belleved the one course or another. But cer the Bundists. The net result fuge; the issue involved that DO ANYTHING THE down strikes. So, too, they are Stalinist refugees have already suffered rank witnesses, and not Baranowski.
tainly the Communists could not would be the same danger as of a counter. demonstration, of ANTI FASCISTS ASK opposed to mass struggle against betrayal by this agent into the hands But even so, the magistrate was perplexed undertake to forcibly prevent before, feeding the Nazi objec. mass picketing of the meeting. The anti fascist capitalista in fascism, because in mass struggle Hitler Gestapo is not known.
when he came to the verdiet. Not for long, such a meeting once the City The Communist party will under France wanted an end to the the workers learn to stand totive of collisions between the Administration had allowed it. Bund and the vanguard of the take nothing of which ita bour June, 1936 strikes, wanted an end sether without depending on any Forster is dead, But thousands of non con however. Since no law exists punishing unbelief formist anti Fascist Germans are still at large democratie forces. Dally geols allies disapprove: this is the to the struggles for independence progressive friends; in counterin official figures, Baranowskt was sentenced In the given clrcumstances, for an attempt to obstruct normal traffic.
in Czechoslovakia. They must not be allowed such a course would have playWorker, Mar. 8, 6)
meaning of Popular Frontlsm.
in the colonies, wanted the work demonstrations like that of Feb.
ed directly into the hands of WON ACT WHEN The bourgeois progressives in ers to be docile and obedient, 20, the workers learn, not only the Nazl conspirators them. BOSSES DISAPPROVE Spain were against the factory wanted an end to the forty hour how to fight fasclata, but how to selves; It would have incited a Every anti fascist, we repeat committees, against dividing the week end the Staliniats agreed. fight the capitalist class too. Pre direct collision not only with should study this statement of the land among the peasantry, against The anti fascist LaGuardia cisely for this reason, the La the Bund, but with the city ad.
Communist party for it reveals giving freedom to Morocco, adminletration demanded an end Guardias want no such demonministration and the police who that the Communist party is pre against rousing the proletariat to to the building maintenance strike strations and by the logic of the Some of the strangest and queerest creatures upon to play ball with the guy who signs the were present to enforce the de paring to repeat here the debacles international solidarity, against and to the taxi strike to men Democratic front therr veto of cision of the city administraever seen by mankind appear immediately after checks of Spain and France, is preparing the use of revolutionary methods tion no others and the Stalinisto such demonstrations unquesto carry out to the end here the in the anti fascist struggle and told the workers they had to sub tioningly accepted by the Coma rainstorm. They worm themselves out of Atlach Themselves to And if it is said that there suleidal policy of the Social Dem in the name of unity with these mit, because you can fight the munist party leaders.
some small hole in the ground and proceed to crawl around with a smug expression and Government Jobs a new overcoat. Generally they head for the Now that there are numerous civil service jobs nearest trade union or other workers organizawhich require a knowledge of the labor movetion and attempt to attach themselves to it like ment labor relations boards, relief and old age leeches.
pension offices, etc. the leeches make every Heroically Making Ends Meet Parasites Ballening on the Rich Most of us have had some experience with effort to attach themselves to these govern Howard Waldron, 39, reached this varlety of parasite but a few words of.
NEWCASTLE ON TYNE, Eng. the end of his rope with his wife (Special to the Socialist Appal) the fascists and attacking the warning for the benefit of any who haven every effort to take each and every civil service land, March The Duke of and five children in the Erle NEW YORK, Mar. If the workers democratie right to plok will be worth while. These little insects can examination Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Morthumberland, 28 year old bach Railroad Terminal in Jersey City friends of capitalist democracy et the fascists.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. The prove to be a severe pain in the side of any Once on the government payroll they can Farmer. Cooperative and Labor clor who draws 345, 000 annually last night.
hope to win in the coming showCall for Prayer organization and it would be well to keep your devote their time to proving that Marx made They were penniless and home down fight against fascism in the Council of Minnesota, in the row from coal royalties, is economisWhere the fasciata denounced eyes peeled before they infest your union.
80 many mistakes, that the revolution cannot months of its existence, has more Ing temporarily quitting his 200 less. Two of the children were United States, they will have to war, denounced unemployment, suffering from malnutrition. Their stage a lot better show than the and drew enthusiastic applause We have all heard about the lawyers without possibly happen in the next twenty five years, that through Roosevelt reforms the workers than lived up to advance hopes room castle.
clients, the doctors without patients, teachers that the organization would fur The largest single owner of conl last food had been crackers and one they put on last night at without pupils and clothing salesmen without will achieve everything they deserve and that ther cooperation between the pro properties in England, the Duke milk two days ago at Chicago Carnegie Hall under the auspices from their audience when they customers. Well, this particular Insect might anyone who advocates revolution is a poor ducers of city and countryside. is moving to the 20 room Lesbury Ineligible for relief at Duluth, of the Council Against Intoler attacked the failure of the Roose velt administration to solve the be called a bureaucrat without a bureau. And misguided fool who cannot adjust himself to life basic economic contradictions of the eantime and until the The labor movement in Minne House near by. Heavy taxes and they had been given tickets to anco in America.
bis cured, When they arrived believe you me, there is nothing worse than a sota has in recent years often declining royalties dictated the Jersey City, these insects spend their time denouncing all Advertised as New York an the nation, the Carnegle speakers there was no place for them to swer to the Bund, the circus called for greater belief in God mealy mouthed faker out to carve a career for demonstrated its sensitive grasp move, he said.
himself in the labor movement or on one of who participate actively in the struggle against of new problems and the ability Death duties on the estate in go.
opened like the Bund meeting and a return to the religion of the many civil service jobs connected with war and starvation. They remain impartial to create weapons to deal with herited from his father are eatinounced that the family would be Star The Police Department an with the congregation singing the Washington. There a non logle labor.
and above the fight. Most of them are cheap these problems.
Spangled Bannernot so al part of the brain through cowards who cannot bear to face the working mated at 000. 000, during the given relief and that it would see lustily or vociferously as the which God speaks, said one Council Program They re Authorities.
class and excuse themselves from activity by The Council at present consiste 12 year period following his death what could be done about getting Bund congregation and contin speaker. What we need is less finding a difference with every immediate action. in 1930.
Waldron a job.
of 27 persons, all leaders in farmued with gusty Fourth of July dependence on the Intellect and on Everything Socialist Party As. New York Times, Mar. World Telegram, Mar. harangues on the real American more dependence on God.
Most of these leeches pose as authorities on Only one speaker, Fannie Hurst, all questions facing the trade unions, the work Breeding Ground Minnesota State Federation of and promotion of a comprehensive wood Falls and St. Cloud, result speech, a tradition which in their ing class and the world in general. Any one The source of many of these lice is the poor, Labor, the central labor bodies of educational program that willing in the signing of union agree eyes Includes above all protecting mentioned the 12, 000, 000 unemployed to whom the fascists had who disagrees with the authority is, of course dilapidated and defunct Socialist party. BureauMinneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth. achieve these enda.
ments with the local Producers appealed at their meeting, These and without question, dope who cannot see crats who can no longer find a rank and file to the Midland Coop Wholesale, the In pursuit of these aims, the Associations, people have nothing to lose, she beyond his nose. Anyone who expresses his pay their salaries and who realize that the ship Farmers Union Central Exchange Council has already sponsored said. They constitute the great The guiding body of the Farmerdifference with conviction and facts becomes, in and its Livestock Commission, the several public meetings in rural Cooperative and Labor Council is beyond rescue, are sneaking out in the night source of danger to the American the lingo of the self appointed judges, a stooge Centra like rats. They head for the nearest union and Coop Wholesale, the communities, at which spokes has been its educational commit.
form of Democracy. Something for the party line, etc. etc. This brand of insect apply for a job as educational director. they Grange, the Northern States Coop men for labor and the farm tee, headed by Miles Dunne, sec must be done. Not one of the is always Impartial and has no ax to grindare not hired there, they rush out for a copy of League, etc. are represented.
therefore he considers himself the mental sugroups discussed the Council retary treasurer of the Minneapo(Continued from Page 1)
other speakers so much as agreed the Chlef and read it with an avid eye and a The general purpose of the program, joined the new Junta 119 Teamsters Joint Council.
with her that something must be perior to anyone who belongs to a party. The Council, as formulated at its meet sly smile The meetings were successful, As soon as Maja adherence done.
John Bouch, former national hours not spent in trying to get on the pay ing February 11th, is: Among the Social Democrats we find many and resulted in the setting up of president of the Farm Hollday Barrio told the press: He is the was known in Paris, Martinez Morris Changes Mind roll are consumed with burning research Into To develop and create under local volunteer committees which Association, is serving temporarlly man who can come to terms with Ing Mayor of New York during such specimens who pose as great authorities all the world problems. The answers, when standing and mutual support bet. will carry on the work of the as Council representative Newbold. Morris, who was act found, will refute everything known to the on almost everything and lend an air of dignity and liberalism to sellout after sellout.
ween farmers, cooperatives, and Council in the locality for the human race. Until then one has to eat and pay Franco to restore peace to Spain. the Madison Square Garden meet labor unions; next period.
Soon after the formation of the At the same time Barrio re ing, climaxed the burlesque with rent, so why not pose as a labor authority Workers everywhere should be on guard To prevent any attempt to pit These local committees are com Council the Stalinist controlled vealed that while Negrin was an the following astounding declaraand cash in on a reputation. against these insects and trent them with fit. the farmer against the laborer, posed of three local people, one movement in Minnesota nouncing last Friday that Barrio tion: Last week told the people Most of these parasites are former members One dose of termite remover plus an explana and the laborer against the farmer: each representing the farmer, the applied for entry. The record of had accepted the presidency va of New York to shun the Bund of some radical organization and are quick to tion of the society which breeds parasites of To seek the active support of coops, and the unions.
the Communist Party wrecking cated by Azana, Negrin already meeting like a pestilence. Now point out the foot whenever it is necessary to many kinds should do the job. And until the labor untons in the development Settles Disputes the Farmer Labor Party was well had a communication from Bar. ve changed my mind. If you re prove their liberalism. On the other hand, social system is changed from its present form of the cooperative movement: In addition to this educational known to the Council members, rlo and other Loyalist leaders in for freedom and democracy you re not being a member at present of any organiza to Socialism, there must be no let up in the To maintain the Council as a work, the Council offers its serve and the request was unanimously Paris, declaring that Barrio would for it passionately. You ll fight for tion, makes them eligible for any little Job that fight against betrayers of workers confidence. sympathetic, conciliatory body ices in a conciliator whenever rejected.
not accept the presidency, and it.
comes along. No need to worry about party One day the workers will grab these parasites readlly available whenever mis misunderstanding or dispute aris Since then, the Staliniste have demanding early conclusion of No, the Carnegie Hall meeting discipline or having to differ with the labor by the right ear and put them to work with a understandings or diferenceses within its field. Already. It has charged that the union movement peace to prevent further need jof elders the answer of New American business men skates. Coming or going, they can be depended shovel arise between these groups; settled two disputes between is using the Council to lay the cas bloodshed.
was NOT groundwork for a labor party in How much democracy haa York workers to the Bund meetSpeaker: Minnesota. Though there is no been current in Loyalist Spainting. That answer was given on truth in this charge (the Council indicated by the way the over the picket lines around Madison IT NEED NOT boing strictly an economic group turn was made. Newspapermen Square Garden when 50, 000 anIRVING PLAZA ing. the charge is interesting arriving for the usual commu swered the call of the Socialist Auspices: HAPPEN HERE!
because it uncovers the hatred nique at a. saw nothing un. Workers Party and demonstrated Irving Place and 15th St.
felt by the Stalinista towards any usual, but were told to wait. At on the only feld that counts, the SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Admission 25. Ticket for sale at the move that even looks like it midnight they were invited to field of ACTION, that faucism Fourth International LABOR BOOK SHOP, 28 East 12th St. might further independent polito listen to the radio speeches an cannot rear its head in this coun ical action of the workers. nouncing the new government. try without a fight to the finish.
On the Line. with Bill Morgan tion.
Society Not28 RESPECTABLE ANTI FASCISTS STAGE VERY MISERABLE SHOW circles throughout the state. The To assist in the development unions and cooperatives, in Red tradition of democracy and free Madrid Generals Make Peace Plea Sunday, Mar. 12 P.
James Burnham UNITED STATES: