CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 10, 1939 In the Convention Marked by Red Baiting APPEAL ARMY Trade Martin Tries to Skip Unions Affiliation Question House Votes Huge Army Fund for Coming War DUNNE REPORTS TURNOUT IN 29 Sam Coloxford St.
STALINISTS GET The SOCIALIST APPEAL letters to readers of the Appeal VOTE LICKING rings the bell It the most inter in an effort to enlist their support esting radical paper ever pub in our Socialist Appeal Monthly (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
lished and proves that revolu Pledgo Fund. Continued from Page 1)
tionary paper can be made readNEW YORK, Mar. Stalin 1939 40, proposed by Roosevelt in able. From a reader in Seattle, mounting, with more Appeals beWith our circulation steadily ists suffered a two to one defeat in the election of officers at the measure passed the House, for far exceeded, The day after the 520, 000, 000 his January message, will be Washington.
ing sold and distributed each is Greek Foodworkers Club Inst example, Roosevelt presented a Attack Referendum Biu sue it has become necessary to (Continued from Page 1) ing slightly embarrassing, to put Friday night. The Club, located new bill asking for 123, 000, 000. This is to congratulate the seek additional sources of inBy WIDICK with the tul impact of a tepid it kindly to the Lovestoneltes at 783 Eighth Ave. la composed This money is to be used also for people at the prospect implicit onstration was put into effect at readers who have given the new the powerful teamsters union, re of every When Dan Tobin, president of dung heap. Foreigners, radicals The sentiment of the convention of Groek workers in all sections the Army, particularly in buying in the armament program, the fascist shin dig at Madison Appeal such an enthusiastic resigned from the of Lnopol of this convenon are the devils is to hell with the Isms and the of the food industry, regardless new anti aircraft, coast defense loose bloc of Senators has Intro Square Garden. Let us have more sponse to come to our help and Pat McCart word is out that Martin has of political afiliation tiation committee for peace with ney, Dies Committee witness and broken with the Lovestoneltes. So disastrous has the leadershi and machine gun equipment, and duced a much watered down ver and better counter. demonstra become a monthly pledge to our the Louis Stark, labor re large numbers of recently perfect sion of the Ludlow amendment. tions every time the fascist pigs Fund.
porter of the Times wrote reactionary without rival, is the Somebody said that the Love of the Communist Party crowded deadly Garamond rapid fre The virtual unanimity with which try to put on their Jew and red His action came as a surprise Ed Linder of Packard, alightly they do, historians will have to that outside of machine control At the same time, Congress to ing voted makes clear that no one nation of 00 Is enclosed. This MOVES AHEAD: hero of Martin gathering and stoneites would oppose Martin. It in the foodworkers unions been, rifles.
all of the armament bills are be baiting show business. do SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN to Administration leaders who rogarded it as akin to a calamity. Llonary la second in line for the an epitaph on a od career. These all standing among the rank and educational orders to enable be relied upon to hinder in the fund for the APPEAL coming week will be another all 32, 000, 000 bill for lo elther branch of Congress can is to be used for a clrculation Early indications are that this It was a definite set back to honors.
poor people are like the boarder Ale. While the latter may be ter factories to buy, with no expense alightest the march toward the of North Chicago, Illinois.
hopes of early labor peace. Tobin, time subscription high for the who doesn know when he has rorized to a great extent in union and much profit to themselves, war. In spite of this, the RooseMartin Is Bandmaster as lender of the largest and Appeal. There are still weeks Martin runs the shows like the outstayed his hospitality ho has balloting, once they get away machines needed to handle mass velt war mongers are so deter. PLEDGE FUND DRIVE ON: strongest of union, was to go on our campaign for 1, 000 mined to permit This week we are addressing new readers by next month!
tiones The same. moduelet come se lo ma cheer fonder, handmaster, a world of hard knocks and God for the throne ateh who production of munitions, of Thomas Ricket, Matthew Woll, Impresario and major performer knows the Lovestoneites have fato in bureaucratic hands by for the Army has already been wide attack on the proposal for SOCIALISTAPPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL 350, 000, 000 buy airplanes position to their plans that they immediately unleashed a nationand Harry Bates, is composed of su roled in one. He chairs the taken their sharo. even though having and say on Jobs, they front men.
None of them wield convention, practically delivers at times it seemed they liked it.
inevitably repudiate that leader passed by the House and is now a referendum on war, an attack Patriotic Oath Can be obtained at the following Newsstands the main reports, bats for the reship.
If any progressive manages to porters when they run into a The election in the Greek Food the proposed training of 20, 000 even harsher in content than that Church St. bet. Chapel Center Comrade Widick is now Cherry Katherine St. Monroe Madoriginal plan.
CHICAGO on a leave of absence because snag and receives all the tributes set by this convention, he will workers Club, giving the stalin young pilots is likewise handled whereby they smothered Laudlow MANHATTAN ison Sts. K Stationery, Store. Near Led by Secretary of State Hull Knickerbocker Villag villard General 16. Wells, Rm. 308 of appreciation and all the plaud probaby have to take a loyalty ists 106 votes as against 216 for in a separate bill.
of ill health. His column which Cor. 57th Blackstone its for Der Fuehrer. As Fuehr oath now being proposed by Tuc their opponents is eloquent evi Navy Funds Apart the usually appears in this corner New Kedrie war mongers exposed the store, Essex Delancey St. Houston All these appropriations for the cynical hypocrisy of their slogan tornty So Clinton dway. Sth St.
37 Moore er of this convention he set a cl, Regional Director of Now dence of this trend.
in each Issue will appear only BALTIMORE, MD.
Army are, of course, entirely of another war for democracy Store. Ind Ave. and St. 2nd Ave Frigate Hook Shop: Si North Howard St.
keynote that would make Mat. York area, whose blustering 19 Sam Weisberg, 1113 Baltimore St.
In the Friday issue for the thew Woll blush for shame in its greater than his following. apart from the even larger sums by bitterly rejecting the new call 4th St. 17 First Ave. 2nd Ave. sch St.
next month.
already appropriated to or pro for a democratic referendum of Stuyveant Casino Ave 10h Store jingo, red balting, out Hearstian swear, says the oath required of Robert Zellenanger as anilton St.
jected for the Navy: the regular the poople to decide whether or Naderly Place? Sawyear any real power in the of Hearst patriotism. There are two all applicants for membership Navy appropriation of more than not to enter a war.
armani Second Ave. Univ. 12th Paul Sherr, Hamilton St. the San 14. st. Univ. Pl: 14th PHILADELPHIA, PA of great importance to progresorted to the flash of photograph the Constitution of the US.
strengthening naval bases just from Roosevelt up and down, do 14th Ave 14th St Cor. Itu Ned Market St.
40th se. and Girard Ad sive trade unionists interested in er e bulbs with all the rabble rous against all enemies, foreign and passed by the House and now un not and cannot dare to give the Ave. 2nd Stand 14th St, 3rd Ave 8th and Arch St. united labor movement. Cering Invectives of the poison domestic. Tucci was signalled der debate in the Senate, the people who will pay the full cost th St. 3rd Ave NW. 14th St.
Esser Newstand tainly, he is hardly more busy tongue of Royal Oak. One of them out for honors along with Irvan mounting appropriations for ad in their own blood any voice in Perles Theatre in SA Front West Broad St.
than other union chieftains and is responsible unlonlam that Carey and Lester Washburn as ditional Naval alrcraft, and the deciding about the war. Roosevelt Sih Ave Labor Book Shop, Andelman Tremont St. opp. Hotel this reason was only an exou live up to contracts and serves the three Mohicans on the Execu Flag. Waving Rallysume running into several billion and his cohorts know that the 12th St. 23rd St. 7th Ave.
with honor and integrity. But, he tive Board still supporting Martin, Believes Lewis Is CAMBRIDGE, MASS emphasized: And if the progressivo eats Wes! She 2nd St. Sth. se Held by for dollars elther appropriated or war they plan is a war of ex Soch St 2E330S. Pelix s, Massachusetts Missat Harvard Sq.
authorized for opposed to Unity The revolutionist has a dir crow he will have to funu this obFoster construction. Tynn Labor Lyceum, Actually, Tobin attitude on ferent point of view. We have ligation: no member of the ComIn fact, a new armament bill is celvable from the point of view University Place. Rand Book Store only kind of war that is even con e. 131 Ved St. 104. 55 unity of the LO. and of seen that point of view at work munist party, or a member of any (Special to the Socialist Appral)
being sent to Congress by Roone of the United States. and they sw. and Stopp. Stern South Hike ROXOlympia Square 15th St. 23rd St. th Ave. 11th Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove Hall)
has changed considerably since in the local unions, under OLO group or organization which seeks control, where communist poll to overthrow the Government of MINNEAPOLIS. 20, 000 Fas velt nearly every day.
Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette Cll reactionary stand at the last cles have controlled, where com them or by the tuu. amana Meand to You was the subject by the Append, that the mighty it they had a chance to speak. Alamatan and rely Silway Swedi It is already clear, as predicted try would not support such a war 7, Ave. 64th St. 6th St Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; Kroman Fourth Nicolet.
convention of the Federation.
410 Washington Blvd.
Tobin strong plea for a more intrigue, deception and stealth. that henceforth, any member of of the record smashing forum sum of two billion dollars for Therefore, no chance must be Columbus Avech St. Ceny PK West ST. LOUIS, MO.
conciliatory attitude towards the The revolutionist seeks only to the shall be immedl meeting held in the Minneapolis armaments during the fiscal year given them.
Foster Book Company St. Niche Columbus Ave NE. 181. St. M450 SesWichst wie gave impetus to the trend destroy and to capture. Some of ately dropped from the member. Socialist Workers hall on Sunday Madison Ave. Och sen.
1919 and which is the mass na erson The Book Now Wear our members have not discover ship rolls of our union upon proof Feb. 26, when Dunne to towards unity.
CLEVELAND, OHIO tionalist movement of the coun. BRONX that he is a member of any ported on the historic events of However, his private conversa ed that foot yet. They are sthi 1072 105ch Sureet try with a membership of Longwoort Ave. Southern Boulevard such group or organization. This Nazl Monday in New York City Building. Room 214 Mers916 Euclid Avenue tions with Roosevelt adminstra deceived. But the majority, as million, has begun to reject 1718 St. Fulton Ave, SW 170th Even St. Jerome 167th tion officials and with LO, top wo scolt represented in this resolution, worthy of the most re. Schroeders Book Shop, Public Square hall, has discovered that fact actionary of the craft unton bu at the forum the result of a leaders apparently have changed St.
ures. The Congress rank Nick Wick Stand Commerce ind is determined that our un reaucrats, is said to have the sup good distribution of leaflets his mind on the position of the bitterly oppose the People Alleler Prop174th St. Boston Road.
South Side of Market St. towards unity. At the relon shall not be the tool of revo port of Martin himself. It origin throughout the city, together with methods employed by the Gandhi Micellan Grand Concourses.
olu Subway Station. 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
To newwand cent quarterly meeting of the lution, the pawn of mun ates from his pet local in Kansas a tag day in the Jowish working ist right wing politicians who BROOKLYN MacDonald Boolytors, 65 6th St. of executive counoll To Ist machine which has Interna City class alstrict. At least seventy(Continued from Page 1)
Sutter Pillmore St.
Dodges Question five of the persons attending were hold political power in out of Straut cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompkin cor.
bin told reporters he had no in tonal revolution as Its goal.
Golden Gate News Agency, 21 4th St.
Myrtle Ave. Havemeyer cor. 4th St. Fitzgerald News Agency, 57 3rd St.
of pulling out of the AF Martin dilemma on how to entirely new people. The impact processions, demonstrations and India 11 provinces.
The remainder of the speech At of The waning influence of Gandhi dengor Yas Senderen. Rockaway cor.
Room 11, 542 Valencia St.
had hinted at some such action of baiting and all to the accom and join the came to the evident in the question period, alon of the Thakor and his Brit was clearly displayed at the rest estich sBrighton Not so long ago, Tobin made pentment of sweet outpourings or front first in an incident on which was vigorous and long. 1sh advisor, Sir Patrick Cadell. cent election of the new president Donald Ditmars Ave. 9th Ave. 40th St. Cedar Cale Cigar Stand 955 Larkin St.
Beach, Axel 1316 Hebu Me Books Clear Shaikh Pelik ilmore)
a very significant statement when peace to the employers and the resolution calling for support of collection of was taken, in Police boatings, arreats, frings of the Congress when his nomiand terror did not the work noo was defented by the candi: QUEENS interviewed by Cu Tinney of the government. The old, old gag of the 20 point program. The rosolu addition to an entrance feo.
LOS ANGELES 3023 Grand Ave. 31 10 Broadway.
ers and peasants. Rajkot became date of the Congress socialists Broadway. Room 312 Matches German Rallies Post. Tobin blamed top the Chamber of Commerce was tion failed to make it clear that ROCHESTER, Shop News Sth Main Sts. leaders for the fallure of trotted out to frighten castly, not the same one as adopted last New York heralds the approach left wing nationalists and social who have challenged Gandhi 20 This Ingotent Bund meeting in outside this state thousands of new generation of radical fighters the symbol of Rebel India. From and left wing elements. It is this 237 Clinton St.
Candy Store Brooklyn Candy Store: 2141 Brooklya Ave.
peace negotiations!
Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklya Ave.
Authoritative reports from industry Chas been driven to the Apell when Martin made his first of an open and formidable Amer Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
SWCor. Mein Clinton Sts.
Washington say that Tobin now far corners of the country to es and only progressive move. So a ican fracism in this country. The ists poured in to add their broth year old leadershtp. Gandhl has Univers News Co. 22 Broadway ers.
undertaken his demagogle and Street East Clinton Ave.
has gone a step further. Ho ovl. cape irresponsibility and outlaw delegate from Milwaukee arose meeting more than matched the Main Street Bartheast corner Tool of Britain sensationalistle action in a des AKRON, OHIO dently blames John Lewis per ry among its organized employ and objected that point 17 of the Nazi rallies in Germany in 1931, Main Street East, front of Edwards News Exchange, si Main St.
Behind the Thakore Sahlb pernte effort to place himself once sonally for an incorrect and in Department Store stands the entire British Empire. again at the head of India mass 208 Clinton Ave. North at Cumberland St.
ees. But only the fools even at 20 polnt program called for con. Comrade Dunne stated.
Next cor. Bartges Main St.
transigent attitude towards the this convention believed that this tinued wholehearted support of Fascism in the United States This ruler is but a willing tool movement.
Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Ave.
A, of which has made nego industry whatever it was de the policies and principles of the will probably be led by a man in the hands of the British im7th and Washington Carli Brothers, 433 Clinton Ave. North tiations Infinitely more difficult. centralized for any other reason Committee for Industrial Organ with the cloquence of a Franklin perialist slave masters. They can Diverts Struggle 12th, bet. way and Washington That is why Tobin refused to be than to escape the high wages ization, including regular and Roosevelt, the personality of a feel beneath Rajkot surging of action against the British; inAndrew Williams Market Instead of drawing up a plan NEWARK, Broadway, near 19th Reitman s, cor. Broad William DETROIT, MICH put on the spot as a negotiator. low hours and decent humane prompt payment of per capita tax Floyd Olson and the brutality of current of mass discontent rapid stead of summoning the workers cor. Hawthorit Ave. Reeves Pi.
Socialist Appeal Club inte resignationcm evidente your working conditions introduced by son. Martin was clearly buffaloed police recent This meeting y gathering speed all over India. and peasants into mass action 3513 Woodward Ave. Room intended to force Roosevelt to put unionism. The auto industry can by this surprise Che wrote this movement of unparalleled swift are fed up with British military urging the peasants to selze the Eckhart News Agency, 10 Washington St.
PATERSON, Cor. 13th Market St. Guabello Stationery Store SEATTLE, WASHINGTON more pressure on Lewis in the be put on wheels and it can es Rymer Book Store, gos 3rd Avenue negotiations!
cape unionism unless the labor clause himself. and the resolu ness and violence and slave democracy. They are land and the workers to take over Roth Cigar Store. 1407 First Ave.
4633 University Way The Daily Worker skates open the front gates and tion went back to committee.
Defense Guards Needed ready for the third time since control of India industry Gandhi Nodelman Newstand, Then a conference of the press Sunday Forum at Independence Hall, Protests Too Much let it out. That what Martin is was called. Martin was asked nanced, organized, armed and ward and do battle with the hated tician he is 1e attempting to cen The fasciats are obviously the World War to march for: like the shrewd and clever poliIf Tobin again joins the trying his utmost to do.
about his future and present rela: openly presenting a political pro oppressors from over the seas. ter all attention upon himself and Worries About Government DAYS LEFT!
of committee, it would in our and he opinion signify his belief that How reactionary a labor lender tions with the he gramUnless big financiers The Rajkot struggle is but the divert the masses from the real Special Combination Offer!
some of the obstacles placed by can become when forced by his dodged the question with usual match dollar for dollar with the vanguard of mightier struggles business at hand. This is the real Lewis on unity negotiations had own illogion position is seen in a dexterity. But the newspapermen lascist rank and Ale, they win to come SOCIALIST APPEAL THE NEW INTERNATIONAL been removed. It goes without statement like this. Says Martin: pressed: If there was no technical lo control which they will not And so when the action of Gandhi will try to place himself meaning of his dramatic action.
America leading socialist and Outstanding theoretical monthly affiliation to the 29 Martin do.
revolutionary paper Rajkot of the Fourth International saying that the difficulties with the law of the land has guaran claimed, how come the Only by smashing the fascists that people had brought the at the head of India marching the diehard clique in the teed our right to have unlone but under Martin paid per capita tax by organized, disciplined Defense him to dismiss his British ad. them!
to his knees and forced armies the better to strangle PARTISAN REVIEW think Partisan Review is the best iterary magazine in America of are perhaps a greater prob derstand that the law will give to the CEO? How explain that Guards, will this rapid and alarm visor, the British decided to make and is keeping up its standards damn well. John Dos Prasos But this time the masses canAll Three Together for a full year 54. 00 There is another story circu. us that right only so long as we Martin and others were representing fascist thrust be stopped in a test case.
lating the rounds of of do not abuse it. think we need ed officially at the Pittsburgh con ng signed an agreement with Gandhi not be deceived so easily. If circles in Washington that is ex. to realize how vital our industry vention of the How ex permitting him to appoint a 10 Gandhi can offer nothing but his Or else the following combina (3) The New International and Partisan Review together for one tremely interesting. It says that is none other lovernmentAnd you with the Congress of Industrial FOSTER MEETING an, representative commisslon och dicks he thonet me loft ofar tions: to draw up a new democratic con ment of India since the war year 50.
For industrial unionism in mass boolther undermined or defeat the masthead of Martin news esota held a rally for Willom the British, he rejected the pro others in scope and in extent. one year 13. 00.
The Communist Party of Minnstitution. Urter pressure from threatens already to outstrip the New International together for (1) Socialist Appeal and The cola Foster on February 26, the day poned list Gandhi bad drawn up Previous Appeal issues have deAct now! This generous offer grant) but also protection of the ers of Michigan have till they sweat. And when someone asked of the P, Sunday Forum, in and announced the end of the cribed the wave of pes. sent ac san Review together for one year bin and others are ready to What rights did the auto work paperMartin was (2) Socialist Appeal and Partiexplres on March 15th. craft untons office work took the law in their own hands him how he explained the press the Eagles Hall. The meeting agreement. The British Resident Send all payments on the above ers, etc. under pressure of the This they learned today when the nice of Joseph Cummings, plumbed new depths of Stalinist announced a no comprombee fight tions and labor strikes now going 50 to the Socialist Appeal Stalinists who control that seg. Supreme Court loaded with Roose the convention, he was all but After distribution of leaflets of work immediately swept the be forced to resign due to masa was on. mas general stoppage that the Congress ministries may ment of the IO.
velt Iberals declared that the Is. entire state so vehemently denied inst week for auto workers, which put the only God asks questions and no the meeting continued that idea!
pressure from the Congress rank in the decoration of the hall Masses Desert Gandhi and flle.
the charge that Communists are Millosh on the open shop in Gen body else bears.
Interesting sidelight was Pat which looked like the haven of This is the background of the present Gandhi fast. But beneath Due to loss of second class mailing rights in the Bronx and Manhattan boroughs of New York City, the Appeal finds it necesyou protest too much, Megars. Hudson and Packard and Nash McCartney stool. pigeon paper an unrestrained rally The meeting opened with the India masses have long out. Shachtman Explain lies still more basic reason. 400 Workers Hear sary to increase subscription rates for these two boroughs only.
Browder and Hathaway. There was Megal. Preacher. Patriot which printed photostatic coples is little doubt that the of Martin is far les concerned with of membership cards held by Star Spangled Banner.
grown the conservative and comHenceforth, the rate of all subscriptions in Bronx and ManhatL will demand from the the auto workers and their union Plymouth workers in the Com. The first speaker of the evening promising tactics of Gandhl. Time munist Party the Department of was Carl Winter, the new Situation in France 50. months as one of the conditions of unity being undermined and defeated Justice will show its gratitude tolizer of the who after time have they been led by that Lewis dump the Stalinists. than het with the government McCartney by deporting these the discredited Nat Ross replaces the Mahatma into battle with the 00. year (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
In view of this fact, one can ex. of DuPont, Ford and Chrysler beBritish and then, at the decisive workers, no doubt!
This increase is necessary to cover additional mailing exSulent on Role pect open moves by the Stalinists ing undermined and defeated. moment, he and his middle class NEW YORK, Mar. Before to sabotage unity negotiations.
penses, and takes effect immediately, Super Americantem Shrilly deriding the idea that following have deserted.
an assembly of more than 400 President Roosevelt open in The whole convention followed ANNOUNCEMENTS the New York demonstration and the Indian Nationalist Con workers, Max Shachtman last tervention in the union dispute this keynote. Even a simple reso the Trotakyltos had anything in gress which Gandhi has led since night analyzed the economic and since political situation in France, preLERMAN BROS. Ready for Delivery!
arises from two convictions. 1) lution which would have been SOCIALS ALL INVITED. 231 common, Minnesota new com He belleves European war with passed at any other convention 37 EAST 14th STREET night, March 11 at P. Mundy misser admitted that 100, 000 ing cheers, Foster was honored dieting that unless supreme efBound Volumes American participation is rapidly with the delegates blindfolded to White Collar Local Commit people did demonstrate against with a large bouquet of yellow forts were exerted to provide the New York City coming and he therefore wants was referred back to committee ter Fighting Against WPA Lay the Bund in New York. But they flowers, lightly touched with pink. French workers with revolution of the Appeal, 1938 national unity here which means because it lacked the oath of did it spontaneously. and the Union Stationers and Speaking in a tired, wheel horary leadership France would above all peace and abject ser Americanism. The resolution call. PATIE DE FOIE GRAS? IT workers of New York demon sey voice, Comrade Foster told plunge into the barbarle chaos of Printers All 56 copies of last year vility of the labor movement, and od for joining any movement FREE!
strated not only against the the audience that think you fascism Phone Algonquin 8856 8 beneficial to fascists in Madison Square Gare people in Minnesota were pretty At the close of the question and APPEAL DETROIT (2) He knows the rank and fie in looking to lebbership. Adeleboth the of and the cits (U.
but against that thoroughly fool that last discussion period when the floor Selling to Labor Organizations WAS thrown open to any of the at Lowest Prices. wants peace and he thinks gate objected that this would al WORKERS Discussion Group: Trotskyist fascism that slinks in election.
he can strengthen his hold over low the dirty element with their Socialist Appeal Haii. 3513 their midst!
Foster then laid the defeat at audience who wished to express the working people by posing as theories and practises detrimental Woodward, Room Adm. free. The role of the In the the door of the Trotskyista agreement or disagreement with KARL KORSOH Neatly Bound in the champion of labor pon. CO. to the government of the to New York demonstration did not whose criticism of ex Governor the speaker, one worker joined Speaks on: Black and Red Covering However, the praotical difficul put something over on the patri SHERIDAN SANDWICH receive the attention of Winter. Benson was responsible for his the Socialist Workers Party.
Is Dead and What Is SHOPPE Foster Gets Pink Bouquet ties confronting the unity negott ota. He wanted a clause on Amer.
Marxism Next Sunday night at P.
PRICE (incl. postage) 00 114 University Place ations such as the wide differ loan principles inserted. The resUpon the appearance of Wm. When Foster address ended, James Burnham finish the next to headquarters SUNDAY, MAR, 12, 8:50 New Labor Center ences on the Wagner Act and on olution was referred back to comFoster, everyone roue and cheered. no question period was allowed. series of lectures on fascism by AT YOUR SERVICE!
Labor Non Partisan League, to mittee.
Soup, 15c Sandwich, Cortce or 137 13th St. New York City The occasion happened to coin Ag substitute, the meeting Speaking on the subject: The ADMISSION 150 Milk with Pastry!
THE APPEAL mention two main obstacles, will This fierce anti red breeze blow cide, it was announced, with Fos was treated to a dance number UNITED STATES, It Need Not Union Food at Unlon Place Auspices: Proletarian Group ling over the convention is provnot erally be resolved.
Happen Here!
ter 58th birthday. Amld ring. entitled Socialism in Swing.
POSTER SHOP Bear Store America SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE tan is in Whatsvins