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Mass Against WPA Cuts on April 1!
MADRID SEEKS TRUCE Martin Tries to Skip Affiliation Question Generals Take Over In Capital This shameful, criminal plot is already well on its way. The PATRIOTISM KEYNOTE DR.
DETROIT, Mariais Homer BOSSES ACT FAST over all 30 weekly minimum; a 20, 000, 000, 000 public works merry go round today and the di FOLLOWING COURT had erred in starting the contrap. SITDOWN הדג Get the Appeal At Your Local Newsstand Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly AN EDITORIAL On April mass cuts from the roils begin.
VOL. III No. 14 According to Col. Harrington, administrator, these FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1939 375 34 per copy cuts, as based upon the current appropriation measure, will have to total at least a million, more probably a million and a half, between April and June 30.
This prospect is not just a wild joke or a scarehead. As things stand, it is a cold sober necessity. The money appropriated by Con.
gress won go any further.
And the mass cuts are scheduled to begin on April The strategy of the administration is clear. It plans to begin the cuts suddenly, and on a huge scale, while the unemployed are off guard. It will keep throwing hundreds of thousands into the Job for Every Worker street until mass protests begin to arise.
Then, if disorders threaten, the President will propose a small additional appropriation. This will not be enough to put those already fired back on the rolls. It will not be enough to keep even the lowered figure.
Its only purpose will be to draw the tecth from the mass protest. Roosevelt counts on Lewis and the Workers Alliance Detroit Convention Delegates Represent swinging behind him. In other words, he plans to put across a mass Less Than One Fourth of Auto reduction of and at the same time to get the official leaders of the unemployed to help him, and to praise him after Workers in Nation Negrin Is Charged wards as the true champion of the unemployed.
With Plan to Flee entire With Funds the cuts, now only three weeks away. All the governmental and BULLETIN business big shots are yelling daily about the need for greater (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
MAKE PEACE PLEA economy. Neither the nor the nor the is DETROIT, Mar. Even the patriotic, anti LO. delegates of taking a single step to prepare for a fight Martin convention rose up in arms when Martin proposed that The unemployed will have to take matters into their own the question of future affiliation be left in the hands of the inIn the hope of heading off hands, or they are going to wake up a month from now in the coming Executive Board. At a closed session of the convention, Martin proposed this measure completely contradicting all prea growing wave of mass doghouse.
vious statements that he would leave this question up to the conhostility to the People If the unemployed wait until after the cuts have begun, it vention which would give him the necessary power to rallroad Front government preparawill be too late to save hundreds of thousands of workers, with the remaining locals following him into the The delegates their families, from destitution. They have got to prepare now.
refused to grant the power and after a hotly contested fight the tions for surrender to Franquestion was referred to other sessions of the convention for co, Loyalist military chief The question is no longer one of another fifty or a hundred action.
tains took power late Sunmillions in an additional appropriation. This is completely inade.
day night in the name of a quate, and a fight on such a basis would get nowhere. Special to the Socialist Appeal. National Defense Junta.
The unemployed have got to make known their real needs and demands: jobs at union wages for all unemployed; an Martin convention was on a But one of its first acts was to address an appeal for program; opening of all idle factories to be operated with govern rector couldn tell whether he ment subsidies under workers control; all war funds to the un peace to Franco.
RULING In the radioed manifesto employed. And no cuts whatever not a single worker taken from tion or how or when to bring it of the new regime, Col.
the rolls.
to a stop Segismundo Casado, head of the The danger must be proclaimed from the housetops there After two days the convention Wholesale Firings in new government, charged that can be no exaggeration.
of the Martin forces representing Jersey: Woll Hails the Negrin ministers abandoned The demands must be made known not by letters to Congress less than one third of the organ Decision ized automobile workers of Amermen or appearances before committees or back stage lobbying in their posts and sought in shame ful fight the means of saving Washington, but by large scale, militant mass action. This is the ica had accomplished exactly the The strengthening of the em their lives. It is intolerable only move that Congress and the administration will take seriously. equivalent of zero. The convenployer that while demanding that the As a first major concrete step, we believe that the unemployed tion was scheduled to end today Labor through the recent Supreme in each locality throughout the country should carry through simul but it could not because the main court decision in the Fansteel for a convenient and lucrative taneously on April the day the mass cuts are scheduled to be question is still undecided: will Metallurgical case holding aft: down strikes to be illegal was ginmass demonstrations at the local relief beadquarters. Thus Martin affiliate to the will the unemployed make known that they will not tolerate the Martin himself has been fear apparent this week on widely dif.
ferent fronte.
and army commander, denounced cut of a single man, and thus will they put forward in the most ful of answering this question. If he calls for affiliation, the remain of reactionary decision, the As an immediate consequence unmistakeable way their own positive demands.
in a radio speech the traitorous There was a day when the unemployed movement in this ing locals connected with him, Mergott Company of Newark, Last week, in an action unprec ondary character of the pretended Huge as is the sum in this and criminal conduct of Negrin, country knew how to act with an unparalleled militancy. Let us may jump the traces. And if he sent summary dismissals to edented in the entire history of Congressional objections to regular Army appropriation, it and declared that the Loyalist return to that day in this new emergency!
does not, where will the finances 248 of its employes who had on this country, the House of Repre. Roosevelt defense program; nevertheless is but a tiny fraction ministers are thinking of gather ing up the national treasury and of Let us turn the heat on these scoundrels who vote 100, 000. the cold cash come from to gaged in a sit down strike during sentatives voted unanimously, and doubt that the entire list of these of the total armament budget now fleeing while the Spanish people February when the company re000 for a single battleship without turning a hair, and in the next breath decree starvation for millions of unemployed!
convention which has already the union and began vicious single amendment, the colossal from the ALP Stalinist Marcan. The war appropriations are being revealing contrast between finance the union and even the fused to renew its contract with without even the proposal for a legislative harlots of Wall Street, being driven through Congress, are abandoned to the enemy.
reached a pretty humble status attack against the O, as regular Army appropriation tonio to the arch Tory Republic broken up into a dozen separate his public denunciations of the And let us act now, before it is too late!
So what is to be done? Bashful bargaining agent.
For nation wide demonstrations on April against the cuts Martin is waiting for the rank Fires Fifty bill, totalling with its supple ans, is 100 behind Roosevelt bills, in order to deceive the pub Negrin ministers and Colonel and for a genuine answer to the needs of the unemployed!
and file to pop the question. And Another wholesale dismissal ments 520, 000, 000.
plan to launch aggressive war in lic about the incredible size of the Casado private talks with them the rank and file, abiding by the followed this one when the By this unanimous vote, the the interests of American imper entire outlay.
were revealed by newspapermen good Victorian conventions are Archer Daniels Midland Langeed House proved the altogether secialism.
Sitting in Casado office, they waiting for suitor Martin to pro 011 Company of Edgewater, Continued on Page 2) heard him explain the overturn to pose which leaves everything In fired 50 of its employees who revarious Loyalist ministers over an uncomfortable muddle. cently took part in a five hour the telephone, including Minister sit down strike.
of Justice Pens and Interior MinWho Represented ister Saenz, Saenz said the min Who is represented at the Mar At a third New Jersey plant Million Scheduled to Go by June 30 as tin convetion? All the backwoods the jobs of more than 200 workers isters would come to Madrid, and the backwash of the auto were believed endangered by the No, replied Casado. With all Various States Also Move Toward workers union. According to the Court decision.
the friendship have for you, In Detroit the Chrysler Corpor(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Special to the Socialist Appeal) beg of you not to come. The report of the credentials commit Drastic Relief Economies tee some 236 delegates were em ation, responding to the Supreme TORONTO, Ont. Carl Hichin, former political feature writer LOS ANGELES, Mar. Speak people are tired of you. can powered to cast 629 votes at Court decision, struck a blow on the Dally Clarion and special correspondent for half a dozen ing before 1, 000 persons in South assure you that the Defense (Special to the Socialist Appeal) dismissal notices. The plan is the convention. This would add up against union workers, announce other Stalinist organs in Canada, this week made known his com ern California, James Council has more power than the Washington, The Roose purposely designed to measure to a total of 62, 900 workers sup ing disciplinary action would plete severance from the Communist Party of Canada and its successfully concluded the western government.
velt campaign completely to ab carefully the amount of resistance porting Martin if the constitution be taken against four United now Irrevocable reformism and social patriotism.
portion of his national tour. The change in government, olish and reduce emer to the firing. The next targe rules regarding representation to Automobile Workers members for To his public of the Third International, the for James spoke at three meetings therefore, can only be interpreted gency rebel to the absolute mini group to be dropped from the conventions were adhered to taking part in a strike last week.
mer writer an expression of his accord with the in the Los Angeles area. His first 24 maneuver to retain Negrin mum is now in full swing as the pay rolls will be notified this This is less than one fourth of the One of the union employees was principles and policies of the Socialist Workers League and an meeting held Feb. 23 at the Em policy of surrender, while droporder to fire 80, 000 workers clas month and will be fred as of organized dues paying auto work tired and three others were lata bassy hall was attended by 360 ping the previous ministers, hated appeal to his revolutionary colleagues still in the of that sified as alles was sent out this April off for two weeks to a month.
ers of this country.
they too, publicly repudiate the and join in bulking the true Gleeful as were the employers persons who were very enthusias by the workers and peasants for week.
Thousands Already Fired With the exception of Flint and party of revolutionary Marxism The Fourth International. tic in their reception of his lec their responsibility for the loss of An additional measure. designed Already thousands of workers Pontiac, where Martin claims over the decision none of them For the past several years Hichin was probably the most ture on the Twilight of the Brit Catalonia.
to provide a large and helpleas have received dismissal notices are highly exaggerated, the loents expressed more satisfaction over by lined journalist in the Canadian Stalinist press. Previously ish Empire. Their appreciation Appeal to Franco number unemployed workers while the Workers Alliance has represented at this convention the Supreme Court action than he was for many years widely known throughout western Canada of the talk was indicated by their Any difference of basie policy for the labor market and insure gradually become a company have no decisive weight in the Of sewer rat Matthew for his militant activities, donation of eighty dollars to the between the Negrin government plenty of recruits for the coming union in the service of the Roose auto industry. None of Chrysler Woll.
collection and its successor was not dis war. was the stipulation that the velt administration.
is represented in this list. None of Woll Pledges Allegiance Speaks on Negro Question cernible to the naked eye fired workers are to be ineligible It is to be expected that loose the independents, Hudson, Nash, Speaking before the Chamber The second meeting held at the Negrin terms for surrender, for relief rolle.
velt will ask Congress for a trif Studebaker are represented. Only of Commerce of the state of New Negro Hamilton Church summed up as independence for Eliminate Waste ling increase in funds Plymouth and Packard. Even York last Friday, he pledged alwas attended by 500 appreciative Spain and amnesty for Loyalist While this is under but unless the workers organize here, the true figures would reveal legiance to big business, stating workers who received the speech leaders, were echoed in the raby James on The Negro and dioed appeal of the Junta to received instructions drastically velt wil merely ask for funds these workers have already de eye to eye with the economie World Imperialism with marked Franco.
to tighten up the machinery of from Congress which has al. clared their allegiance to the royalista.
Since the article printed below. For the past four months the attention. Many members of the In your hands, not ours, is the offices and to reduce ready made clear its Intention of He commended the Supreme was written, Gandhi has ended workers, peasants and villagers audience were heard to remark the peace which Spain needs to office help to the minimum. doing away with the entire pro Bulk Not From Centers Court in the following words: his fast at the request of the of Rajkot have conducted a mill that this was the most brilliant recover and to end the bloody Wantes, says the order, must gram, The President knows in be eliminated.
advance that Congress will refuse made up of delegates or supposed the part of the Supreme Court of capitulating to British imperial. torial ruler and his corrupt ad heard by the Negro community placing it at the service of inThe bulk of this convention is This clear, unequivocal action on Viceroy of India, thus once again tant struggle against the dicta lecture on the Negro question war which is weakening it and The next list to be used for to vote more funds so he has detentes not from Detroit or the United States in outlawing ism. The analysis of Gandhi role ministration. The total income of in Los Angeles in many years.
vaders. Choose! If you offer us firing is now being prepared by nothing to lose by making a fee Flint or Cleveland or the main sit down strikes is a matter which in the Indian situation is, of the Reja in the past four years The final meeting was held in peace you will find generous Spanan Investigation of all ble gesture auto centers but from such sub we as representatives of the course, in no way changed; it has amounted to 2, 300, 000. This Pasadena where James repeated a hearts.
workere to determine whether Mass Action Needed has been sweated out of the 65 his lecture on the Negro and Julian Besteiro, the right wing they have outside sources of inPost cards, letters and tele. Masslion Ohio, and Philadelphia Wholehearted the ratio of Labor anything it is made clearer.
peasant villages in the State.
come. This investigation in many grams are not enough and unless the credentials committee has mention this fact and this World Imperialism before ansoolalat leader who disgraced By SHERMAN STANLEY Civil Liberties Unknown audience of 150 persons who lls himself by his cowardly opposiplaces takes the form of continual they are backed up with demon not yet completed its report it decision because it will disclose In tiny Rajkot minor state tened with the same enthusiasm tion to the proletarian revolt of hounding and cross examination strations, strikes and hunger did not have the brass to recog your minds as perhaps no other with 75, 540 people, located in the out of this money all but 8, 000 previous audiences.
Today the treasury is empty, and appreciation shown by his October, 1934, emerged from vir of each worker. This is designed marches, the Congressmen will is nize without mature delibera thing in the area of constitution Kathiawar area Western India tual retirement to enter the new to demoralize the workers and nore the needs of one third of the tion socalled rank and fie dele law how definitely the responsible and ruled over by a feudal lord was spent on the ruler and his James has made a Junta. In much the same lanprevent them from doing the nation which Roosevelt talle ao enter the major the more recente benader av ste Federation tool with absolute powerf. Mohandas pututes the cum total spent com creat improanton on the Negrowanie struke perinhoe declared: Hundreds of forms must be filled assist.
locals of the union.
the responslble leaders of Ameri promising leader of national As estimated that the Thakore have insisted on holding a private Spain is not assured. The Span education over four years! It community in Los Angeles and Our struggle will not end so mbers long It is as impossible for a pro can employers.
out each month and these are in New York the Unemployed as the independence India is conducting another of his sahib spends 720 per day on meeting with the speaker to hear ish people who lay down their carefully checked to discover er and Project Workers Union is gressive to breathe at this conNew Anti Labor Decisions himself. His despotie privileges rors. Home visits by stool planning a demonstration to pro vention as it would be for a revo feel confident that there will The 69 year old Gandhi, now pigeons and constant cross exam test the cuts and is organizing lutionist to make himself at home be other decisions following and weighing less than 80 pounds, be include that of making the people more of his answer to the prob. arms only when guaranteed a lem of the Negro.
peace without crimes. Establish Ination by Investigators are all thousands of workers to resist at a conclave of the American that other sotions shall take place launched another of his dramatie work at forced labor. Civil liber such a peace.
Minja Enters Junta the work relief program, relief. Unless the workers ATTENTION It was against this tyranny in the Thakore. More than 1, 000, 000 workers are now they will be without jobe, atmosphere is permeated with though we may approach the get yearold feudal torase to live up that the masses, organized in NEW YORKERS!
General Jose Miaja, whom to be fired by June 30th and each without relief and will be forced one hundred percent Americanism ution of the problems from a dit to an agreement that had been their Praja Manda (States PeoAzana quoted last week as having The SOCIALIST APPEAL is month until then hundreds of to lower levels of living than that hits one between the eyes ferent point of view or by differ made between Gandhi and him. ple Congreso. roke. Their mass placed on the newsstands every declared some time ago that furthousands of workers will receive ever before.
ther struggle was hopeless, also (Continued on Page 2) ent argumentation.
Wednesday and Saturday.
sell. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Army Bill Voted One More Step on War Road Cipriano Meta, CN. leader Thousands Fired from in First Slashes Carl Hichin Quits in James Ends Canada; Joins 4th Int Tour In California Gandhi Fast Is Forerunner Of Major Indian Struggles