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4 SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, March 7, 1939 Thomas Jefferson Strange ΞΙΝ IN THIS Return to Life CORNER SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 13 March 7, 1989 Published twice a week hy the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months, Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Bronx and six months: 00 ten subscriptions are: 50 for for one year Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Stalin Closed Doors or Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL. GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY to fully today.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCLALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion Dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party.
II. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
They Fear Referendum year ago when the Ludlow amendment was being debated in Congress, Secretary Hull opposed the bill on the grounds that if it was first necessary to hear the decision of the people before sending them to war it would tie the government hands in the conduct of its foreign policy In plain language, the government foreign policy means war and a popular referendum would put a crimp in starting that war.
This year when a similar referendum is proposed in Congress, Hull opposes it again on the grounds that it would be an infringement on the system of representative government handed down by the founding fathers.
In plain language, Hull conception the conception of the entire capitalist class of representative government, is a government by a minority with power to hurl the nation into war at will and they don want anything to obstruct that set up no matter how flimsy the obstruction might be.
That what the bosses really mean by democracy. and the whole rotten system they represent forever out of power.
The people of the United States have a right to know what their representatives know The people of the United States have a right to decide whether they shall follow the commitments made by the ruling class down the bloody horrible The Stalinists Do Violence To The Whole History Of pathway to war.
Early America In Order To Present Jefferson As One We demand that the genuine testimony before the Senate Military Affairs Committee be published in full. Of The Patrons Of Twentieth Century Americanism By Max Shachiman We demand that the whole veil of secrecy be ripped By CHRIS ANDREWS tive alike can be honest about self from France wrote to in In a recent debate had with social democratic away from President Roosevelt secret treaties and When in 1985 Moscow gave or it much eloquence and many quirers, approved from the first spokesman, who defended the Roosevelt war armaforeign commitments.
ders to its Communist Parties to fine pledges were needed to call moment, of the great mass of ments drive, he bought to play upon the anti fascist Let the American people see and judge!
make friends with the bourgeoisie, them to battle for their local ex what is in the new Constitution.
Taking a position of Independence the interpretation of American ploiters against their foreign, feelings of the audience by referring to the fact that Senator Nye, Isolationist leader, had been cheered history entered into a new period Workers Begin to Revolt from politics, he avowed, am to the echo by the Nazis at their Madison Square of agony. Stalinist speakers, glowThe colonial bourgeoisle were not of the party of Federalists, Garden meeting, and that, by implication I, an oppoing with their new and self bo not unskilled in this task. In the but hastened to add. But am nent of the Roosevelt program, stood on, all fours Soviet Russia has refused to provide asylum for refu.
stowed titles of 20th Century war propaganda the day, much further from that of the with the Nazis.
Americans, began to make halt. Thomas Jefferson, who had a anti Federalists.
This cunning device of identifying working class gees from Loyalist Spain, according to a statement ating but determined references to genius for resounding phrases, Madison, great friend and ally revolutionists with their extreme reactionary oppotributed to French Foreign Minister Bonnet, in the Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, and played well known part. Among of Jefferson, and the man Jeffer nents, is older than the labor movement itself, but New York Times, March Daniel Boone. Meanwhile the other things, he wrote the Decla. son chose to succeed him in the it hasn improved with age. It is the favorite device Bonnet also pointed out that the sum sent by the party hacks burrowed into the ration of Independence: its mov. Presidency, played a leading role of the essentially conservative liberal who, as has been said so well, has his two feet firmly planted in Soviet government for refugee relief, five million francs, is insufficient to care for the Spanish refugees happy shade of Thomas Jefferson, various classes and Interests of that purer form of democracy mid air. When Ferdinand Lassalle was trying to or to return rejoicing with the un been interpreted differently by the tution, helping to put shackles on now in France for a single day.
Sage of Monticello.
kanize an independent working class movement in our society ever since.
which existed during the Articles Germany, the Progressives accused him of being What possible justification can Stalin find for closof Confederation. The new ConThis historical burlesque evoked in the course of the revolutionstitution was most skinfully pre an instrument of the reactionaries. When the British ing the doors to the Loyalist soldiers and their fami. anger mixed with wonder from ary war the embattled masses pared so as to provide unbreakLaborites first put up their independent candidates, Jies?
the Liberals accused them of being tools of the the observers, and resentment in showed traits most alarming to Torles.
When it became impossible any longer to remain mong guri bersey meet recently tend tout de business men anded property it continues to do its job success So It has been ever since, down to the present day.
silent on the question why Stalin did not open the ranks of the where Co revolt. After the fashion of agra.
And there are, alas, many foolish people who are doors of Russia to the refugees from Germany and Bourgeoiste Quarrels impressed by kind of argument, and many scounvami has declared, The rians with arms in hand, they Austria, the Stalinist press finally, told us that those. is the ONLY organization in burned mortgages, destroyed After having united to consoli drels at work impressing them, refugees were predominantly bourgeois and petty the United States upholding de deeds, confiscated the estates of date their power for the defense That Vote On bourgeois and hence would not fit in in Russia this mocracy as defined by Thomas the Tories and divided them, and of their property and privileged Jefferson. His querulous protest, issued paper money with the inposition, the bourgeoisie quar the Guam Naval Base in the 22nd year after the victorious revolution. Take case the recent House of RepresentaThe Stalinist press has, however, never explained dowcourse, was futile and is tent of wiping out their status reled among themselves for prece drowned out: Thomas Jefferson as debtors. In the cities, the dence. Hamilton, leader of the tives vote against the 5, 000, 000 proposal for a naval why German and Austrian workers, technicians, doc is claimed by Browder and all workers that had previously merchant, banker, commercial base at Guam Island. The proposal was defeated by tors and dentists, etc. were not permitted to find asy his zealots. Their clamor does fought British Customs Officers groups, fought to lay down eco vote of 205 to 168. The reaction of the Stalinist lum in the Soviet Union. Nor have Stalinist apologists not abate, but only grows wilder. and soldiers showed equal lack nomie policies for the new nation press was most interesting.
been able as yet to find an explanation for the horrible what was his democracy? What erty. After the Peace and before industry and commerce The HOUSE TORIES AID TOKIO AGGRESSORS IN DEFEAT OF GUAM DEFENSE PROPOSAL, fact that Communist party members seeking to flee the did it mean to the workers of this the Constitution 1783 to 1789. planters, aware that the domishouted the big box car streamer across the top of Nazification of Czecho Slovakia, have been refused time? What could It mean today? they continued revealing a capanance of these groups would be the Daily Worker (Feb. 21. The accompanying disvisas to go to the Soviet Union.
To Stalin? or to Browder?
costly to them, aligned themselves patch was written in the same vein, To these unanswered questions is now added the Little Bit of History rights of wenlthy creditors and in opposition with them stood What we have here is a first class patriotic fraud.
latest: why will Stalin not open the doors of the The American Revolution was their courts. The bourgeoisie obspeculators, their lawyers, and Jefferson, Madison, and the other great names of the agricultural The truth of the matter is that brazen as the Stalinist Soviet Union to the flower of the Spanish proletariat, waged between the ruling class served and drew the indicated regions sergeants are, they are nevertheless a bit embarrassed of England, and the ruling class conclusions, in the same manner again the now hungering and freezing in the open air concentrapoliticians over the need of explaining away the fact that they of the 13 colonies merchants, that the property owner has almatched phrases and promises in are pretty solidly aligned not only with Roosevelt, but tion camps of France?
with Landon and all the Republicans, and big business It is understandable why capitalist France should bankers, shippers, planters. Re: ways faced the problem of en the fight for the support of the sourceful and intelligent men who foreing respect for his property the city workers sided with the in war drive which, as usual, is given the name of want to be rid of these proletarian fighters, and why dominated economic, political, right from the days of Rome defense preparations. In order overcome this capitalist England, America, etc. should want no part annoying difficulty, and to make it appear that there and social life, their victory got and Greece to those land holders Federalists, the agrarians rallied of these workers and peasants. We shall have to arouse is something democratic about the war program, him them most definite material gains and financiers who backed Gen behind Jefferson and carrie commercial freedom, the right eral Franco.
to the Presidency in 1800. They the Stalinists try to picture the situation as if all the the working class everywhere to win asylum for the to develop industry at home, the supported his attacks upon the progressives are for the super armaments program Loyalist refugees cancellation of the planters debts Minority Engineered Constitution banking interests, his concept of and defense of American imperialism, and all the But why does Stalin bar them from the Soviet Union to English creditors, the right to The capable American bourgeot a nation of small, independent Tory Republicans and Democrats are against it. Once. the Workers Fatherland?
expand to the West In other sie accomplished this is done, the Stalinists believe that it will be easier task without farmers, his opposition to centralwords, the power to exploit the war. There was no city prote ization in government, and his to denounce all working class opponents of the war Many officials of the Federal Bureau of Investiga Untapped resources of virgin tariat ready to oppose it. The eloquent speeches regarding the campaign as allies or agents of the Tories.
tion have long advocated universal finger printing as continent and its corresponding restless and bitter agrarians were rights of the common man. But They Did right under capitalism, the right confused and divided among Practice Different from Theory a means of identifying people who are killed in acci to exploit the labor of the work themselves. Quite Megally, hav.
Vote For the Program!
dents, dogged by impersonators and forgers or who are Elght years of Jefferson ad ers and farmers who lived and ing gathered together their best ministration showed that he was suffering from amnesia, says Dr. George Gallup in That the purpose of the Daily Worker headline.
were to live in the new nation leaders in a closed conference unable to carry out his theories The naval base at Guam Island Is defense measreporting the results of his poll which indicate that 84 per cent of the people favor such finger printing most handsome prize and ostensibly to discuss a minor nav of administration. Strict con ure; only the Tories are against it: they oppose it Damned handy too, in putting the onger on militant not to be confused with the gation problem, the bourgeoisie, structionist, arbitrarily because they are agents of the Japanese Mikado; and workers in strike struggles.
Rights of Man or the Pursuit including most of the great names assume broad powers in his pur anybody else who opposes it is an agent of both the of Happiness except as those of the Revolutionary leaders, chase of Louisiana. Foe of HamTorles and the Mike Mikado phrases applied first and foremost drew up a Constitution consoli ilton financial group and poll Simple, isn it?
to the above mentioned bankers, dating their power, presented it cies, he was forced to play poli But if the Republicans, who represent the most merchants, shippers, and planters to the nation, and forced through ties with the bankers, and ulti reactionary section of American capitalism, are agents During the preparations for the anti Nazi demonits acceptance of a population of mately his followers even had to of the Mikado (why they should be, nobody ever Masses Must Be Rallied some 4, 000, 000 It is estimated that restore the privately owned Bank stration of Feb. 20 a group of Yipsels called at the It is a commonplace of Marxiam about 120, 000 were allowed to vote of the United States to its con explains. then, by the same logie, Roosevelt, the New Deal Democrats and Earl Browder are also that human beings erect above on the question.
East Side headquarters of one of the Zionist youth or trolling position. Meanwhile the agents of Japanese imperialism.
ganizations, the Hashomer Hatzair, to ask these Jewish the economic basis of their soci As Charles Beard has ably workers continued to suffer un. For the same House of Representatives that deboys and girls to join us in the demonstration, mining source of their conduct shown, the Framers were bank der laws restricting and crippling feated the 5, 000, 000 proposal for Guam by a vote of Sorry, but we can join you, said their leader with one another superstruc ers, shippers, merchants, and their political liberties, and espe 205 to 168, adopted the Roosevelt bill for 48, 800, 000 Our Zionist policy is to take no part in politics out ture of religion, law, politics, and planters, men who had financial cally so in those Southern states for all the other naval bases by a vote of 288 to What more, according to a Washington dispatch side Palestine.
80 on. In the decades of prepara gains to make from the Constitu which were the strongholds of to the Times (Feb. 10. President Roosevelt In that incident is summed up the crime of the tion for the break with England, tion they created. Small farmers the Jeffersonian Democracy.
Inconsistent the colonial bourgeolele had writ. and workers there were none.
promise and emergency program for national defense as outlined Zionist leadership. Since 1918 it has devoured the en ten and argued eloquently and The Marxist, of course, draws practice like all capitalist politi in his message of Jan. 12 was approved today, in its ergies and minds and hearts of millions of Jewish men well; they had a remarkable certain grim conclusions from clans who depend on the masses main features, by the Republican Conference of the House of Representatives. The action of the con and women and boys and girls not to speak of the group of leaders. Not only did these revealing facts conclusions for support, Jefferson decided, ference indicates that there will be little opposition to hundreds of millions of dollars it took in an enter.
they have to organize themselves about the class character of the What is practicable must often for the dangerous task in hand government which has been de control what is pure theory. His the May bin, strengthening the air corps and other prise which revolutionary socialists predicted from the they were taking their heads veloped through the years, having ideal of a static society of small wise enlarging the military establishment.
first could come only to its present end: punctured by but it was necessary to rally beThat is, the Republicans (who include, according the British imperialists on whose favor the Zionists hind the masses. They were in such a manner. And that Marx. sible, given the material resources to the Daily Worker, Tories, Liberty Lenguers, traitors staked everything needed to face the British Grena lan analysis was once understood of the new United States, and and assistants of Japan) are in fundamental agreedlers.
by many of the present Stalinist the economic forces at work in ment with the Roosevelt Browder program. Or to put An end to this criminal waste! It is an immediate hacks. The hard facts of History the world. In spite of Jefferson it differently and more precisely: they are all united task of our party to get those boys and girls out on the Even the bourgeois historians have not changed but the Party cloudy ideals and incoherent huwill admit that in the Colonial Line has, and has produced those manitarianism, any realistic hisin a war program for the preservation and expansion picket line with us next time, to awaken the Jewish period a class society existed here. monstrous distortions of History torian must see that Hamilton, of American Imperialist interests.
But people to the realization that the fight against antibase, dwny Tories dld vote against the Guam naval Semitism, which is the fight against fascism, is here workers and farmers, indentured of the Daily Worker, and the gressive of his day. Hamilton they? How can you account for that?
Their vote is not hard to understand; there is and now, and that all the real fighters against fascism servants, debt ridden men and dulled minds of our Twentieth genius, his superior foresight, laid nothing mysterious about it. They were moved, just belong in the ranks of the Socialist Workers Party!
down policies which laid the founto eke out living in the back Century American Morons.
like those who voted for the base, purely imperial dation of a rapid increase in the country, kept by poll taxes, reli Role of Jeffersonlan Democrats productive power of the society istic motives. Only, they differed from them in what bill by Senator Rufus Holman (R. Oregon. to gious qualifications, property re This Constitution, conceived in they guided.
is essentially a technical question, very much like limit exports of Douglas fr and Port Orford cedar Jefferson gaze quirements from any political ac the class interest of the bour was averted from the future: it the technical disputes between military experts who logy, is designed to protect American lumber manu tivity. the record of their mis geoisie, was written and sup was Jefferson who advised the put grent faith in infantry while others emphasize facturers from Japanese competition. Now if someone ery can be found in the books; ported by most of the men who new nation, Let our workshops aviation, or naval experts who stand for heavy dreadwill present a bill to protect us from the lumbermen, it is far enough back in our his were later leaders of the Jeffer remain in Europe.
naughts while others emphasize lighter and speedier all might be well maybe.
vessels tory so that liberal and conserva sonian Democracy. Jefferson him. Concluded next issue)
All are in the Same Camp This was made perfectly clear by the WorldHow high is up? Nobody knows.
Telegram (Feb. We cannot think of a single good How low is down? Here how low it is. Continued from Page 1) their breach that is, at liberty and was always upheld by the purpose to be served by this move unless, of course, Commenting on the Supreme Court Fansteel decito fire them with impunity. Supreme Court only because the we wish to improve Guam for the benefit of Japan.
decision established the precedent Every informed naval and military officer admits sion, Stalinist Sam Wiseman, secretary of the Workers that the courts can pass not mere What this means is that a com Board fas simply recording, after that in case of war Japan first move in that area Alliance of Greater New York, declared, according to ly on matters of law that is, pany can sign a phoney ink con the fact. what the workers had would be to take Guam. could do that without the Herald Tribune (Feb. 28. interpretations of the wording of tract with anyone it chooses; and won by their own direct struggle.
much difficulty, and our expenditure of a mere The Workers Alliance will obey the law. We have the law as passed by Congress. then, if the workers strike for al in the current mood of political 5, 000, 000 or so on Guam would not delay the process never cherished sit down strikes as such. Whenever the but on all investigations of mat. bona fide contract, the company reaction in this country, and with an extra forty elght hours. Experts estimate that it ters of fact as determined by the is legally justified in firing them a retreating weakened labor would cost us from 50, 000, 000 to 100, 000, 000 to trans workers on relief sat down they did so because of in NL.
because they are guilty of a movement sabotaged by its cowtolerable conditions or to protest some injustice by the crime, a breach of contract.
form the station into anything like a decent naval ardly officialdom, the bosses take base, and it would still be surrounded by islands relief administration. The Alliance will continue to In effect, this reduces the fortified by Japan. to a shadow, since any of its These decisions are one more courage to strike back, and use lead the unemployed in their fight for their just deAs can be seen, the camps of both the advocates mands.
findings whatever can be upset by excellent object lesson, first in the thelr Supreme Court to express and adversaries of the Guam base stand solidly on the courts. The bossen can just go nature of capitalist legality and their desires.
Oh no, it won t, any more than it has in the past ahead and disregard any decisions second, in the futtlity of labor The workers will protect their the ground of what they consider the best interests of imperialism. Despite the frenzied efforts of couple of years. It won because, thank God, it a of the which they find relying on any thing but its own right to jobs and decent wages the Stalinists to sink to the level of military advisers organized class strength for pro and will win and defend their not to their liking law abiding organization, with a law abiding Stalinist tecting its rights.
of American capitalism, labor will do well to shy leadership.
Workers Rights Attacked bona fide contracts where they clear of both imperialist camps.
are firm and united and hard in The Nine Old Men of Capitalism say no sit down in the Columbian case, this Real Source of Decision point The future of sit down striker meeting the bosses on the arena of March has been set aside by the Socialist Worker even more elabstrikes. Okay! say the Stalinists, we never care for sit the class struggle and disputes Party as the month for a concerted national drive to downs anyway orately in the Supreme Court and of union contracts will not be decision settled by court decisions, as the over legal niceties can then be aid the New International, our monthly theoretical Tomorrow, the Old Men will say no strikes at all, bosses know perfectly well; nor well left to the petty squabbles of of the NLR. review. Social affairs are to be held throughout the and that the law. Okay! the Stalinists will repeat.
The Sands case decision, more will the or country, and the proceeds will go to the magazine.
and the Now we know how low down is. It as low as over, contained an even more de board prove decisive. For two any such the beswaddle of the Although the New Internationa) rarely calle for such the Stalinist Icadership. It so far down that not only cisive attack on the rights of years the Supreme Court did not stuffed shirts on the benches.
aid, its modesty should not lead you to believe that it workers. The Court contended dare make any ruling on sitis a stepchild; it is one of the party proudest achievethe Supreme Court, but anybody else who has some that the workers had struck in downs, because they knew their ATTENTION ments. urge all comrades and friends to give their dirty capitalist boots hanging around, is invited to send violation of an existing contract, ruling would not mean anything NEW YORKERS!
warmest and most generous support to the March them to the Wiseman and Co. to be licked clean and and that therefore the company while the labor movement was adThe SOCIALIST APPEAL Is social affairs for the benefit of our review. If they shiny. Satisiactory work is guaranteed by past perwas at liberty to treat them as vancing and in a position to fight placed on the newsstands every do it in large enough numbers, they will help solve having severed their relations effectively. For three years the formances.
Wednesday and Saturday.
many irritating and even dangerous financial probwith the company because of NLR seemed to be important lems.
An End To Zionist Musions!
Rip The Veil Away!
The dark veil of lies, hypocrisy, and silence covering the secret conference between President Roosevelt and the Senate Military Affairs Committee over purchases of airplanes by France was once again slightly lifted during Senate debate last Thursday. If the American people ever learn what was said there, and if Senators want to hear it, said Senator Lundeen of Minnesota who was present at the secret conference and should know what he is talking about. the nation would be shocked and stunned at the se crecy and at the conference we had.
Why would the nation be shocked and stunned?
What did the President tell the conference members under oath of secrecy about his war plans?
Senator Bridges of New Hampshire declared to the Senate during the same debate that the confidential of the testimony before the Senate Military Af.
fairs Committee tells a different story from the expur.
gated testimony made public by the committee.
The testimony actually published by the committee, then, is a fraud and a lie on the American public, a brazen bare faced maneuver to cheat an aroused and wrathful public opinion.
Why did the committee expurgate this testimony. We may some day give publicity to the secret con ference, Senator Lundeen told the Senate.
Are the real plans of President Roosevelt too damn ing to stand the light of day? Why? Must the war come first? Why not give publicity to the secret conference now. happen to know that the notes of that conference in the White House are in existence, Lundeen con tinued Why aren those notes published?
If Roosevelt has hidden them in his secret archives, why don the members of the Senate Military Affairs Committee make public what Roosevelt told them?
Where the lives of millions of farmers and workers are being bartered like herds of swine for profits and colonies and spheres of influence and the guns are now being loaded that will kill the voters who trust ingly put them into public office, why are these representatives of the people who attended the secret conference too cowardly to speak out?
Is a secret oath given to a butcher worth more than the lives of millions of innocent people? Honor has a strange ring in Congress!
Why are these cowards and cheap careerists afraid to tell the American people of the fate that sinister forces back of the White House have planned for them?
Senator Bridges gave the answer to that question. It is best for America and for the rest of the world (read international capitalism) that all the details of that White House conference never become known.
Senator Bridges fears that if the American people ever find out what was revealed in that secret conference the repercussions would sweep him, Roosevelt, Any Dirty Boots Around. Supreme Court Outlaws Sit Downs state