BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Tuesday, March 7, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL OFF THE British Sole Gainers In Palestine Scheme HOLLYWOOD RECORD In story about the next world war, printed in a recent issue of the English literary magazine, Seven, there is a marching song which today especially has a certain grim point to it. The author of the story is Fraser, and ho intro duces the song thus. As they marched, they sang a song which had become popular during the war now known as the dress rehearsal the Spanish Civil War, singularly ribald composition, it was said to be the work of a young English communist who had fought in the International Brigade. For obvious reasons (it was coarse, brutal, unortho dox. it had not been included in his slim, post.
humous volume. The song went like this, to a good marching tune. Many the skies and the omens above But few the defenders and feeble the love: Aa passed by Lerida, heard a man moan The beggars, the beggars won let us alone!
By our fine spoken friends we are left in the lurch Our cause was most moral, of words we had tons But the beggars, the beggars, who gave them the guns. We went to old Stalin until we were sick, He said we would beat them with dia lec tic!
He said that pure logic would see them in hell!
But the beggars, the beggars maneuvered too well. We went to old Blum, and he spoke very high, But he thought of Herr Hitler, and left us to die There ll be weeping and wailing in Paris cafe.
But the beggars, the beggars, they re well on their way. We went to Old England, her heart is of oak.
But she soon made us feel we were sorry we spoke.
She wrote us some verse, but blockaded Bilbao For the beggars, the beggars to give us tho kayo O, all you fine rebels, whose guns go rantan, am a poor sod of a Government man. fought tm blistered, walked till bust.
But of all the damned beggars, you aren the wust!
Gas Masks and the Class War Al over England these days the ominous letters, are blazoned on billboards, sprin kled through the news columns, discussed over tea tables. means Air Raid Protection a series of measures which have so far been put into effect with neither efficiency nor enthusiasm certain Sir John Anderson recently stated publicly: People write as if we ought to aim at making war safe for civilians. My opinion is that we cannot make war safe for civilians. Sir John opinion was heard all over England: he is Chamberlain Minister for National Defense. The reason for Sir John apathy is the simple fact that in England, as in the other great democracies, nine out of ten citizens are not people of importance. e. people of enough property to make any difference. except to themselves whether they are blown to bits or not. Those who can pay for it have all the they want, and of the very best quality. Even in the Labor Skates Back Mayor Kelly in Chicago Primary On the Way to the Trenches By Dwight Macdonald MERRY GO ROUND (Continued from Page 1) breaking privilege of tilling the The Zionist policy is particular not modify the Passfeld docudence from the Indian masses, soil, etc.
ly reprehensible because it has ment, was interpreted by the Nothing is more suited to the the rulers of the Arab kingdoms. This baalo conflict between the been clear for decades that no Zionists to revive the stream of whose delegates are working hand Arab leadership and the masses amount of servillty toward Brit contributions from American purposes of a capitalism bent war than the popular art mediin glove with the British in Lon. who still follow them has been ain would socure in return a Jewry.
don, are still trusted by the Arab cleverly obscured by a deliberate Jewish state in Palestine. The It simply never occurred to the ums. Commanding the popular workers and pensants. Whie in policy of turning Arab wrath Zlonist leaders cry, We are bet Zionist leaders to reorient away avenues of entertainment, capital gas masks issued by the Government to civilians the class lines are sharply drawn. am told by a India the native capitalists have away from Britain to the Jews. rayed, because the British docu from Britain: The tragic aspect ism is wholly able to pervert their returned traveller that there are three types of lost the leadership of the indepen Not British rapacity and the vi ment proposea to wipe out the of our situation is that though a use to its own diabolical ends.
masks, costing respectively 5, 50, and. 90.
dence movement to the Congress clous landowning and taxation League of Nations mandate of Government has falled us, we in a period when mass unrest is Every Englishman is free of course, to buy Socialists, in Palestine a clique of system, but Jewish Immigration 1922 which directed Britain to dare not court irretrievable fall widespread and when war is of reactionary landowners whichever of these he likes. How just are the Jewish National ure by falling the British, wrote tered as the only solution to miticap and land purchases have been establisha laws of the Republic, said Anatole France, italists still hold undisputed sway held up by the Arab leaders as Home. But. to mention none of a leading Zionist, Gershon Agron sate its woes, capitallom makes over the mass movement. which with stern impartiality forbid the wealthy the cause of the masses misery its previous moves against the sky, then.
every possible effort through the Zionists on October 20, 1930, the But irretrievable failure has facilities at hand to head off the as well as the poor to steal bread and to sleep in It must be said bluntly that the and poverty.
Zlonist Ulsterites Passfeld White Paper which Zion come precisely on the road of gathering discontent and to enthe parks. But somehow the well to do gener main cause of this backwardness This polley could never have lot leaders then correctly described courting Britain noble its macabre adventure on ally end up with the type, which is a really the battlefield.
Great Opportunity excellent commodity; the petty bourgeoisie with is that the struggle, instead of fooled the Arab masses so long as a complete annulment of the 50 type, which is retusonably effective, and the being centered against British tated by the insane policy pursued ing England to aid the establish waits any section of the Jewish zant that material preparations however, had it not been facili Balfour Declaration of 1918 pledg. magnificent opportunity a For capitalism is utterly cogni great mass of workers and unemployed with the imperialism, has been diverted to by the Zionists of every hue. Stak ment of a Jewish Homeland. Ste labor ninety cent type, which loses in a month or two e conflict with the Zionists.
movement in Palestine for its war are not enough. Equalthe ing everything on proving their phen Wise described it as de which would, once for all, recog ly as important and pressing is such slight protective value as it originally had Want Deal With Britain usefulness to Britain, the Zionist signed to undo and eventually nize that collaboration with Brit: the setting of an appropriate My informant also told me that in a recent London slum fire, a tenement dweller put on one The present reactionary leader leaders sought to build a loyal destroy the Jewish National ain is hopeless, and turn boldly mood among the masses. And ship of the Arab nationalists have Jewish Ulster amid the revolting Home.
toward collaboration with the thus, while Washington rumbles of these cheap gas masks to fight his way welcomed this diversion. This Arabs, and as a result have Passfield White Paper Stands Arab workers and peasants. Such ahead at breakneck speed to erect through the smoke and flames. He was found clique neither desires nor would brought down upon themselves a At that time, the Zionista de a step would enormously speed up a titan military force, Hollywood later, asphyxlated.
benefit by independence from Brit hatred among the Arabs as deep clared that withdrawal of the the process of separating the is not far behind in its special Suffer the little children.
ain. It wants only what the ruling as that of the Irish Republicans White Paper was the minimum Arab masses from their present effort to impose a star spangled Last Sunday New York Times carries a caste in Egypt and Iraq have: a against the loyal to Britain condition of restoring Jewish faith reactionary leadership revealing story on another aspect of in attitude of acquiescence among juicy junior partnership with Ulstermen. The Arab masses do in British intentions. But the pa Accepting the minority status the masses.
Britain as senior partner, in the not discriminate between the Zion per was never withdrawn. Prime which the Arabs demand, such a our sister democracy across the sea. The officials estimate there are 2, 000, 000 children in common exploitation of the Arab ist Revisionists, who propose to Minister Ramsay MacDonald gave Jewish group could thereupon Academy Award Is London and other cities who, in case of war, masses. Its basic interests are use physical force against the the Zionist leaders a face saving submit the British proposal to Case In Point must be moved out into the countryside if they therefore, in conflict with those Arabs, and the regular Zionists, letter, on February 13, 1931, which sharp exposure of its imperialist are to escape being bombed. They have been of the Arab workers and peasants. bourgeois or socialist. who pro Weizmann and others hailed as and anti independence content, yet to come out of Hollywood is The best symptom of what is whose miserable living standards pose to establish a Jewish major trying to find refuges for some of these children in the great English country estates. The procan only be bettered by putting an ity under the protection of British the plain truth was that Zionist tion of an Arab worker pensant revealed in this year awards of tests, comments the article, may seem surpris end to Britain blood sucking of bayonets and the Arab massos fund raising had collapsed after leadership. Only an alliance be the Academy of the Motion Pic ing to any one laboring under the impression the wealth of the Arab world, by are right for every wing of Zion the issuance of the White Paper tween the Jewish workers and the ture Industry. For the first time an.
that Britain is a democracy on the style of the putting an end to the monstrous ism is hostile to Arab freedom and MacDonald letter, which he Arab masses can save the Jewish since it started making United States or France. Most British taxes and rents paid for the back from British rule.
himself declared in Parliament dia community in Palestine.
ual awards, the Academy this year introduced an award for the children living in the cities are poor. And as a best pictures dealing with patri Suffolk doctor put it very neatly in a letter to otic subjects. Naturally, almost the editor: Children from working class areas needless to say, the award went in the towns not it in with middle class to Warner Brothers.
upper middle class families in the country. Their ways are completely different. glance at the production hunting squire in Gloucestershire urged the Good news for the French work, eign countries necessary for the schedules reveals that Warners er: The French Academy of Med proper formulation of our defense has for immediate action before government to remember that slum children Paper Boosts Man Responsible icine urges the government to plans. To accomplish this mission the cameras another service plewould not be happy in the country but would begin now collecting blood which we now have thirty two officers ture while Universal announces prefer the desolate South Wales mining townsfor Steel Strike Massacre will be kept in reserve for opera detailed to twenty military attacadet picture featuring its child more like what they were used to. Viscount tions required by wartime injuries. che offices maintained abroad.
Hailsham, until a few months ago Lord Chancel Since the article printed bestars. Nor are the other studios lor, asks a whole series of legalistic questions, the person of Jack Johnston. This is it also proposed to set aside a Military Intelligence is, of course, asleep. Metro Goldwyn Mayer has one of them being who will pay him for damage low was written, Mayor Kelly a high faluting term for spying.
is an outright piece of fakery reserve of arms, legs, heads?
all but clinched the rights to The has won the democratie noml since his candidacy is more a (Sh. done his property by the children. The United American Way, which can only nation in the primaries. As ex matter of Ratepayers Advisory Association has organized plained in the article, Mayor else. Aside from a speech or two The War Department has asked At the same time that British Slavishness, Metro will do the form than anything mean that with its usual superprotests in 150 tax districts. Its slogan: THINK Kelly nomination, which in made by him in his own favor the House Appropriations commit naval estimates for the current Kaufman play in those celebrated OF THE DANGERS DIRT, DISEASE, THEFT, VANDALISM, IMMORALITY, AND STRIFE!
Chicago is equivalent tion, was aided by the core bec few know that he is a candidate. tee for additional funds to enable fiscal year were announced. 600. technicolor pastels: Red, White Nonetheless, the article concludes in a more The Daily Record hardly men the opening of three more offices 000, 000 to be spent on new war efforts of the labor skates and tons his name since all space connected with the Military Intel ships. it was disclosed that next dently, no less a person than and Blue. Functioning indepencheerful vein, most of the better off are quietly the Stalinists.
is devoted to Mayor Kelly. ligence Division of the army in year would in all likelihood be Chaplin is engaged in shooting preparing to put children either in cottages or Heretofore the and the South America. Colonel War larger. Special attention is being the Dictators. from which farce, a separate part of the house where there is no By ALBERT GATES good furniture to be scratched. The Duke of Dally Record, following a nation Cabe, Connaught, great uncle of the King, has been As the Chicago mayoralty Wide practice, without in so many Intelligence, explained that the can, Canadian and Hong Kong It is safe to assume, will emerge pressed into service by the Prime Minister, who primary draws to a close it ap words calling for support of principal mission of his staff was defense; according to the Admi another long yell for Yankee Doodle Doo and Democracy. felt it expedient to ask the royal family to pears more certain now that Kelly, denounced Courtney as an to obtain the information on forralty.
show that such things are done. The Duke has Mayor Kelly will win the Demo enemy of the New Deal, progress announced that he will allow 200 Cockney kids to cratic nomination and Dwight peace and democracy. It is true national interests against the Foreign Films Green the Republican.
that Kelly was at all times ple.
And shelter in his country home. The article narrower interests of British cap in Same Key italists, British Labor Party The campaign of Bill Thomptured as the champion of all that hastens to add: The youngsters, to be As for the foreign cinema, it son is almost non existent, and is progressive, honest, virtuous spokesman Attlee shouted not be admitted to the Duke house itself but attoo is no slouch in the matter of Chamberlain in the House of patriotism, nor any the less aware will be put up in servants cottages. The in addition to the silence of the and beautiful. It was discovered Commons press in respect to his candidacy, that he is labor champion, the of its responsibilities to the FaDuke of Connaught suffers the little children to enemy of reaction and the busi What does it mean to the gov. therland. Most recent of the come unto him but by the servants entrance, he is certain to lose.
In the Democratic fight, how. ness interests. By inference, Kelly ernment if Gibraltar is in danger French Alms is a Sasha Gultry please.
if we get the Rio Tinto dividends? crumpet entitled Champe Ely ever, during the early days of the was presented as Roosevelt man. Continued from Page 1)
campaign, Tom Courtney was and this was strengthened by blow against those who wish to mines in the Basque country. The reference is to the copper sees, sentimental, nostalgic, not conceded an even chance to win biographical sketches showing continue the fight against Franco.
very droll, historical cavalcade over Kelly The hero of the Stalinists and which ends just short of a waving that some twenty five or thirty It asserted that the political ma other Popular Fronters, Anthony tricolor. The much renowned and Labor Skates Back Kelly years ago Kelly had actually chinery of State, Parliament, high Eden, rushed to Chamberlain anointed Grand Illusion, despite What has turned the tide worked for a few weeks. Need representation of parties, etc. defense, declaring that national the blurb that goes with it, is one have any more proof that has disappeared within Spain. interests The intervention of avor. Kelly was the friend of the work labor in support of the required It also asserted that the chief recognition of Franco.
immediate anything but anti war. Although The active campaign in behalf of we have come to expect a higher Kelly now carried on by both But on Feb. 28, the Daily Recapparently Miaja. told me in the of the Central General Staff level of cinematic excellence from the of and the Clo, the ord published its special local presence of the Council of Ministhe French films, the acute situa BY EMANUEL GARRETT tisan League, has become little equivocated. Kelly, the murderer bly lost for the republle.
tion that prevails in Europe canters that the war was irremedianot but result in a degeneration short of a scandal.
of striking steel workers, was Azana also asserted that the to panegyric and flag waving on in the national income of the country: the pro Within the last two weeks the labor cholce and the labor government counseled and organthe screen.
gressive reduction of working time would allow labor skates in the Kelly Nash movement was called upon to ized my departure from Spain In short, it will become more for the absorption of all unemployed workers, Arvey machine have finally suc cast its vote for him. The issue after he had proposed to make and more difficult to enter a thus keeping wage levels high; and in time the ceeded in rallying a large num contained paid ads of Kelly can peace with Franco. Coupled with theatre without having a national workers would be in a position to buy out the ber of local unions to their supaidates. Column after column his statement that recognition of (Continued from Page 1)
anthem thrown at you. So that capitalists and institute soclalism.
port. Every day a new list of was devoted to praise of his maFranco by England and France and larger in the business and the best that one can do on enterToday, in the light of working class experience and the teachings of the great soclalist leaders, Kelly is published. The Execu dates. In addition to the paid ads: juridical representation necessary Sam, The Lima conference, the ad nolay evening of bang up bunlabor unions who have endorsed chine and his aldermanic candideprives me of the international military speculations of Uncle ing is to check one faculties with the usher and dig in for a Steward program was, to say the least, inade Live Committee of the Chicago the Dally Record published a lot to make heard to foreign govern: dition of some twenty odd mill combe, bunting and bugles.
quate. As a program for overthrowing capitalism Federation of Labor through of its own selections of labors ments his proposals for peace, tary attaches to Latin American it bordered on the ridiculous; it nowhere fully John Fitzpatrick has den Nat Lovine, considered the process of capitalist overthrow, Courtney publicly and called list was culled from the Kelly counseled and organized Azana Military Intelligence force in the and certainly overlooked the detail of boss upon the organized labor move Arvey Nash machine.
unwillingness to yleld power.
departure in order to have him lands of our good Southern nelghment to support Kelly.
The Daily Record has been ex. try to get and France to bors all these, and more, attest But, in a general and very one sided way, it Forget Steel Massacre periencing financial difficulties did nevertheless posit the absolute necessity for Labor Non Partisan League and Its campaign for sixty thou act as in series in arranging the determination of Wall Street peace.
the working class to fight for better economic pursues the same policy as the sand dollars has been falling far Moscow and other forces which agents to step into the South conditions and indicated the trend of capitalist Yet good treacherously advised the Spanish show down in mind.
American picture with an armed Kelly conduct during short of its mark.
society towards concentrated production and the massacre of the striking copies of this special Kelly issue Loyalists to stake everything on Afrald of Masses stoel workers in 1937 has been were distributed free! Reliable currying favor with the Angloimprovement of technique essential economic four page leaflet in the Yidbases for the future socialist society. These are completely forgotten. No more information has it that the Kelly French imperialists, continue to have for some years been gradu Jewish workers to unite with all Germany and other countries dish language, calling upon the now accepted facts; in those days they were mention is made of the fact machine paid for this issue!
novel and significant. Especially so, since at the that during the great wave of In addition, it has been re wily foxes, Chamberlain and Dal ally increasing their business hola militant labor in the struggle to time he worked, it was a popular opinion among sitdown strikes in Chicago, it was ported, that hundreds of Kelly adier. Editorials appearing in in various of the South American smash rascism, has just been is many of the so called socialists that it was futile Kelly police who broke them up precinct captains have been com Moscow on March deplore Anglo been a potent factor. And for as Party in connection with the banke to ask for higher wages because these could not be won under capitalism.
tillty toward the strikers. In the Record! There, no doubt, is the short sighted and weak kneed. long perlod the has tussled counter demonstration called to Urged Organization did not openly advise voting by precinct captains who visit the Soviet foreign Office, exhort for control of the markets, and Garden meeting of the Nazis.
of the Unskilled for Kelly, but they did tell the workers homes carrying coples ing Anglo French imperialist at consequently politics, to the south. The Jewish capitalist and soBut Roosevelt is more afraid of cial democratic press, will be Beyond his specific philosophy of social change, or Green As the voting drew hort these workers to vote for den erfrench imperial communica a peasant and proletarian upris recalled, took a cowardly position Steward activities contributed considerably to near this straddling position gave Kelly on the ground that he is tions ing in South America than of any towards the Nazi mobilization, the early inculcation of socialist ideas in the way to open exhortations to vote labor friend and labor candiAppearing as the defender of amount of business competition calling on its readers to stay at One is a death thrust at American home and refrain from attending an labor movement. Hardly a pioneer of for the regular democratic ma. date. The proof is in the numersocialism in the strictest sense che chine ticket.
ous columns devoted Kelly in.
had been preceded by Joseph Weydemeler and Finally, there is the Communist the Daily Record!
feat and, he is prepared to pay but leaves it breathing. Hence the leaflet attacks this attitude, as scores of others. many Arsts are associated Party and its mouthpiece, the Plays Ball character of the well as the sabotaging position for it. There is no doubt too, that particular with his name. His work was perhaps more West by the fruitful than that of most in establishing the duct is far more scandalous than ment between the infamous Kelly. remuneration, no matter in what would do in the event of a The leatlet has already been disidentity of labor economic struggles with the that of the labor fakers only be Nash Arvey machine and their form it is given, because it fits revolution. And it is quite obvious tributed in thousands of copies ultimate socialist goal.
cause its pretensions are mightler. Stalinist bootlickers. Kelly no in perfectly with pattern of that good neighbor Roosevelt not in the city of New York and is In a day when the trend of labor organization Passing off as a working class doubt realizes that in his fight betrayals of the working class. only has in mind the trumped up also available for distribution was directed towards the skilled workers, he party the plays the game against Courtney he requires the great task of the workers revolutions which are financed among Yiddish speaking workers of labor misleaders with a great every possible vote and he is pre in Chicago, as elsewhere, is the by one or the other of the powers, throughout the country. Branches urged the organization of the unskilled. With members of the First (Marx s) International in deal more experience and finesse pared to play ball not only with establishment of a strong party but a real and bona ide revolt of are requested to order bundles of than its union counterpart. the trade unions but even with of their own, an independent la Latin America deeply persecuted leaflets from the National Office the United States he founded in 1878 the InterThe national Union of Labor the first really sizeable Chicago Stalinists have the Stalinists. He wants their bor party, representative of its masses against all the Imperialist of the party. They are priced at their own mayoralty candidate in backing because it may mean the interests.
powers. 25 a thousand copies.
move towards organizing the unskilled workers.
Steward writings were few. Works that he planned remained unfinished at the time of his Speaker: death. But in his speeches, in the articles he IT NEED NOT wrote for various Journals, above all in the IRVING PLAZA movements he created or helped bulld, we have a record of an important period in American Auspices: HAPPEN HERE!
Irving Place and 15th St.
labor fight for better conditions and emanclSOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Admission 25. Ticket for sale at the pation one in which Ira Steward served as Fourth International LABOR BOOK SHOP, 28 East 12th St.
leader and teacher.
CARIBBEAN NAVAL MANEUVERS AIM AT INTERVENTION Leaflet To All Jewish Labor IRA STEWARD (March 10, 1831. March 13, 1883)
Connecticut born, Ira Steward at the age of nineteen went to work as an apprentice machinist, working twelve hours a day. One year later his bosses fired him for his peculiar views, to wit: twelve hours a day was too long a working day.
What is more, Ira Steward was outspoken about his views to which he added the additional peculiar twist that olght hours a day was more than enough for a working man. And that, in the 1810 and 50 s, was indeed a peculiar proposal Steward and the Hour Movement Were One To the cause of the shorter work day, Steward devoted the rest of his life. Indefatigably, he pressed the shorter day, sparing himself not at all, with the result that movement in the United States for the ten and eight hour days was, properly speaking, one and the same with his life and activity. During his lifetime he served as organizer and president of the Boston Hour League and the National 10 Hour League, as well as active participant in other labor Orona.
to the convention of the International Union of Machinists and Blacksmiths which met in Boston in 1863, he proposed and obtained the passage of a resolution calling for the hour day the first such resolution adopted in the United States by an important labor body.
Thercafter, constantly agitating, speaking, propagandizing, his proposals secured an ever widening basis of support.
It was largely through his efforts that the first effective 10 hour law was passed in Massachusetts. And later, when the 10 hour day had by no means yet become established practice even formally, it was through the tireless efforts of Steward and his co workers that the hour day was accepted by various localities and industries, if only in limited application, Sborter Work Day Not An End in Itself Eventually, the fight for the shorter work day became part of the program of every trade union and social reformer. With Steward, however, the shorter work day was not an end in itself. For him it was the focal point of an attack on the whole system of capitalist society. Shorter hours would result in higher wages; higher wages would compel improvements in technique, and would give the workers an ever increasing share involved Sunday, Mar. 12 P.
James Burnham UNITED STATES: