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Newsstand Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. IIL No. 13 TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1939 375 34 per copy COURT OUTLAWS SIT DOWNS New Fight Begins for War Referendum Property Rights La Follette Group DIVISION PERILED Take Precedence Backs Amendment PRESIDENT, BUT HE PLAYS SAFE IN WIN VRGES BILLIONS FOR: ARMANENTS CARIBBEAN NAVAL MANEUVERS AIM AT INTERVENTION Court Decision or Not The Right To Decent Living Comes First!
AUTO UNION WPA Our Interests Must Be Defended!
DIVISION PERILED BY STALIN GANG Rooseveltians and Tories Join Hands In Striking Brutal Blow At Stalinists Seek to American Labor Movement Force Jobless Mass Sentiment Against War Punctures Into ALL NINE BAN SIT INS Roosevelt Plans to Evade (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Nation wide Vote Continuing the headlong policy of business appeasement, for DETROIT. The United Autowhich the lead has been given by the Roosevelt administration during mobile Workers Union first SERIOUS FLAWS IN BILL launched a campaign to organize the past month, the Supreme Court last Monday fawned on Wall the workers of Michigan Street and struck hard at labor in three vicious and reactionary in the early months of 1939. Michdecisions. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
igan, at that time, had over 150, The decisions were handed down on appeals by the Fansteet WASHINGTON, March The tremendous public sen. 000 workers on the payMetallurgical Corp. North Chitiment against plunging the United States into the rapidly approach tollsThe vast bulk of these men cago. the Columbian Enameling BARRIO NAMED ing world war managed to break through the iron barrier of Roose other mass production workers.
and Stamping Co. Terre Haute. velt war preparations Feb. 28 in the Senate with a proposed amend. This campaign constituted one of and the Sands Manufacturing Co. Cleveland. from the rulings of ment to the Constitution providing for a popular referendum before the most progressive steps of any the National Labor Relations union.
war could be declared by Congress.
Board made under provisions of The was the first importhe Wagner Act.
The new proposal, backed by a group of twelve senators headed tant International union that recby Senator La Follette of Wiscon attacked the bill viciously, declar The Fansteel case was the most ognized unemployment as a respectacular of the three, involv.
sin, is similar to the Ludlow Azana Reveals Waring as it did the legality of sit amendment which was killed in ing that it would interfere with sponsibility of the labor movement itself and assumed ita rightthe House last year.
representative government.
down strikes. During the bitterly ful obligation to organize the Given Up as Lost fought Fansteel sit down strike, The Ludlow amendment as orig. Unionists Support Referendum workers in the states inally proposed declared against which was finally smashed by the Support for referendum on where it dominated the labor Long Ago brutal terror of armed police and Congress engaging the United war is widespread throughout the movement.
The bold stand of the communique was issued in discharged a long list of militant company thugs, the Fansteel Corp.
lar referendum unless an attack unionists. Even though they real marked a sharp contrast to the Madrid on Wednesday announcing workers. The LR. investiga was launched against the main ize that a referendum cannot pre timidity and confusion of the that Diego Martinez Barrio, head tlon disclosed what was known land of the country.
vent war, they recognize the proc. national leadership. The of the Spanish Cortes, had as to every worker in the North ChlWar Mongers Attacked BIN gressive sentiment of the people only advice and leadership the sumed the Spanish Presidency, Both the Economic Royalists in demanding such a referendum leadership provided to its but Barrio, still in France, did not salgo area that the Fansteel Corp.
had been guilty of every sort of and the Stalinists attacked this and are exerting every effort to affiliated unions consisted of sevconfirm it.
proposal viciously. The Economie further any bill which will make eral mimeographed bulletins over criminal and illegal unfair labor On Tuesday Martinez Barrio practice. It ruled that the com, had informed the press that he pany should re hire the discharged the hands of the government in embarrassing to the Roosevelt ad National Unemployment Director, workers.
carrying out its foreign policy. ministration or lead to the exposadvising all local unions to hold The Stalinists, hoping for a war ure of its real war aims.
on to its unemployed membership. AND RUSSIA Bose Legality The company, however, was not alliance between the Stalin govern How this was to be accomplished, Mr. Hetzel did not know.
REFUSE TO ACCEPT ment and the Roosevelt adminiin the least Impressed with the stration, argued that it would ruling. In the eyes of In effect, the policy meant SPANISH REFUGEES commit the government to isolano organization of the the bosses, legality is never tion and in actual practise premore than a useful tool to serve workers.
Reporting a speech made by vent it from actively engaging Set Up Staff their purposes, Alded by the po Georges Bonnet, French Forin the fight against fascism.
lice and overwhelming force, they The Stalinists quickly stepped eign Minister, the Times As the attack grew in fury into this picture of confusion on March sald: United States had beaten back the workers on from the warmongering capital the battlefield of the class strug and uncertainty. Through their was among the countries that ist camp and the war mongering control of key central labor had declined to admit Spanish gle, and they had no intention of Stalinist camp. Ludlow aceeded to This site which Problem is How To bodies, they implemented the giving up their victory at the AN EDITORIAL refugees. He sald France had request of a namby pamby gove amendments national policy by the proprequested various governments greatly reduced any effectiveness Control South The Supreme Court has ruled that sit down osition that all other workers The capitalists, who would like to see labor to make offers to glvo asylum ernmental board.
it might have exerted had it reduced to the level of starving Berts, shouted: They refused to accept the rul to certain numbers of refugees been passed. The House Inter killed other than the enumerates, strikes are illegal, America be required to join the Workers The Labor Board cannot compel an employer Get out of our plants! They belong to us! They Great Britain had declined, but their high power lawyers, confl.
ing, and turned matters over to even this emasculated version.
Alliance. The central labor to re hire a worker who took part in such a are our private property!
Contains Grave Defects Fleet Problem XX, or what the bodies thus turned the strikes brutal blow was delivered at the working The workers replied: Here we stay until you to the Red Cross. Russia had dent of the final outcome in the The present proposed omend navy will do to enforce dom and unemployed workers over to recognize our union, pay us better wages, shorten refused also, but had sent 3, 000, courts since they knew that the courts, like the police, exist for ment to the constitution contains ination of South America, was the defunct Workers Alliance. In class and the labor movement by Roosevelt our working day.
000 francs, a sum Insufficient to very grave defects. The referen last week solved by the Caribbean spite of this shot in the arm, the liberalized court.
The workers were saying: Our right to live care for the refugees now in the purpose of guarding their dum would be called when in the maneuvers. That the theoretical Workers Alliance organized no Roosevelt direct appointees joined the out 23 decent human beings comes before your right France for a single day, as they property and thelr profits.
to private property.
opinion of Congress a national war fought somewhere in the or unemployed workers right reactionaries of the Court in declaring are conting 7, 000, 000 francs deity of capitalist property, did The Supreme Court, highest crisis existed, but only to decide southern Atlantic was more than during this whole period in the sit downs illegal THEY WERE 100 CORRECT!
on war in Europe or Asia. If the a routine drill is proved by the middle western states.
The Declaration of Independence about which Now, the Supreme Court anys: The right to not disappoint them. As a matter administration decided that the participation of Pres. Roosevelt The progressive character of all democrats talk so much, states that we private property comes before the right of the of fact, all of the Supreme Court had received Manuel Azana let. justices simply tool for granted war should be started in Latin in its direction as well as by the the automobile workers program have the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty and workers to live decently.
ter resigning the presidency and that sit down strikes are llega!
America, it could be launched im unusual secrecy with which the is obvious. For the first time, the Pursuit of ppine: It says so now, when it thinks labor is asleep.
had transmitted it to Premier this was assumed by the two organized labor stopped mouthing Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness not fighting.
Negrin with a request to convoke dissenting justices, Black and Moreover, wars in these days are games were surrounded As explained by the Times pious phrases about the unem mean absolutely nothing without the RIGHT TO It didn dare say a word about it before, started and sometimes ended with (Feb. 28) the problem was based ployed. An organization staff was JOB FOR EVERY WORKER and the RIGHT the Cortes (parliament) to pass Reed; in the same manner as by when hundreds of thousands of workers were in TO DECENT LIVING.
out even the formal declaration of on the President resignation.
action, sitting down in the plants of big capital, war, much less the declaration ing in the southern half of the per month, proper arrangements Martinez Barrio added that at These rights come before everything else and in no mood to be tripled with. Without Shadow.
that a national crisis exists, whether the Supreme Court or anybody else says Why was it silent? Because the Supreme Court, least 100 deputies are required to American Hemisphere, with sup were made with the other Interpass on the resignation, and that the majority decision, lleked his Chief Justice Hughes, who wrote Secondly, and more important, plies of both men and munitions national unions in Michigan and so or not.
like its capitalist masters, fears the power of if Congress wished to make a coming from Europe. While the the drive was all geared to start.
the last session of the Cortes at chops and put it this way: Nor The Supreme Court decision means: the organized working class in action Wrecking Crew in Action The worker does not have the right to a Figueras on Feb. had assembled is it questioned that the seizure We repeat: the right to job and a decent less than that number. He indicat and retention of respondent calling for a referendum, it could Panama Canal and the Atlantic Coast defense were of undimin Were the Stalinists going to decent living, because he has no right to fight private living comes ahead of the right do so if in its opinion any of the ished importance, the broader allow the workers to ac ed that, with the deputies even property were unlawful. It was a for one.
capitalist property.
more scattered by the collapse of high handed proceeding without The American workers found out that one of And labor will enforce that right with its The United States or its poses aspect of the problem involved tually be organized in a union the best and quickest ways of winning their own organized strength, whenever it deems it Catalonia, it would be impossible shadow of legal right.
slons had been attacked. b) The living effective military support not under their complete control?
demands for better conditions was the sit down for the government to get on the The crux of the decision turned proper, necessary and effective Supreme Court President resignation.
United States or its possessions to the long established Monroe Perish the thought, selain teari strike.
the Browder and his Michigan lleuor no Supreme Court!
not on the point of the Illegallty were immediately threatened with doctrine of Amerion for Barrio Past of sit downs which was thus tak.
tenant, Bm Gebert. The wrecking Barrio, head of the Union Re en for granted, but on whether with attack. c) Any non AmeriPurposes of Games crew got into action!
can nation had attacked or was publican party, was closely asso assuming the illegality of sitthreatening to attack any country The maneuvers then had a The first monkey wrench was ciated with Azana throughout the downs, the company was neverin the Western Hemisphere.
double barreled alm based on one thrown into the machinery by life of the Spanish Republic since theless compelled under the WagHow It Would work intent: to preserve America for George Addes, union secretary1931. If anything, he was to the ner Act and the LR. ruling Translated into the language American profiteers. On the one treasurer. He sent out a circular right of Azana, being the right to reinstate the discharged em used by the Roosevelt administra hand the objectives of the games letter to all local unions, counter hand man of the notorious Ale ployees. The Court decided that BY FELIX MORROW tion at secret conferences and in were patently directed against a manding, in effect, the previous round table conference.
jandro Lerroux, head of the Radit was not.
secret war commitments, this possible revolution in South Amer Instructions issued by the union While the Arab world joyously celebrates and Zionists in and The document contains no comical party, which collaborated mitments concerning provisions with the fascist Catholic Action decision, therefore, any company Under the general theory of this. the ica. On the other, they were de President. It was illegal, Addes, out of Palestine cry out against betrayal, the fact of the matter is people don want war and the signed to work out American stated, to charge 5c dues: the that the Palestine conference in London has benefited the British Serie de mecretis, elections for any party of Gill Robles in the govern may avoid any provision the body, or even in by framing up majority will vote against it, then strategy for coming war which constitution required that dues be government most of all.
portional representation according revolt of October, 1934. Barrio What do the Arabs actually have to show, to justify the jubila to population which would ensure not break with Lerroux until 1935, against the workers, from the the amendment, can decide that American countries lined up with was a auxiliary and the any kind of unlawful acts any nation Japan, Germany, Italy powers against whom the has men involved were earning 60 tion in Palestine and the neighboring Arab states? Upon close an Arab majority.
when it became evident that all inclusive disorderly conduct per month meant nothing to scrutiny, apart from whatever private promises were made to the In a word, peradlous Albion has Robles had failed to smash the upward, or one of the other capitalist ri. declared war.
has been Addes.
vals such as France or Great South America, Arad delegates and which as so often before will not be carried out, given nothing away that can mean labor movement, and a series of Wagner Act Stripped Britain, threatens to attack repeatedly proved, figures larger Several more weeks of wran the official British text of sug direction of Britain, and must anything to the Arab masses.
financial scandals put an end to The other two decisions remove Mexico, Brazil, or Patagonia, or (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
gestions as a basis for further contain adequate safeguards for Arab Backwardness the Radical party.
the remaining guts from the Wag one of the remote outlying islands discussion provides: British interests.
That this document is received Barrió himself was one of the ner Act. In the Sands case, the of the United States in the Pacific transition period in which The British statement brazenly so joyously by the Arab popula premiers during the bienfo negro company had, as shown by LOcenn.
Britain would continue to rule likens the procedure for working tion, both in Palestine and the. the two black years, 1933 1936 hearings, fired workers for Already those who are delibermuch as before. The many quer out this constitution to the way neighboring Arab states, testifies putting down with great cruelty union activities. The Board raled ately steering the nation into war Due to loss of second class mailing rights in the Bronx and have started their attack against Manhattan boroughs of New York City, the Appeal finds it neces.
tions which Britain proposes to that the Indian Constitution was to the immature development of an anarchist rising in December, that the company should rein settle during this period morn worked out at a time when all the Arab nationalist movement as 1933.
state the workers. Again the Supeven this mild and imperfect call sary to increase subscription rates for these two boroughs only. that this period will last as long India is up in arms against this compared, for example, to the This is the anti fascist pillar reme Court upheld the company for a referendum. Neither the Henceforth, the rate of all subscriptions in Bronx and Manhat as British diplomatic ingenuity British dictated document! Indian struggle for independence on which the Spanish Republe in this decision the Court based Economic Royalists nor the Sta. tan is: can drag it out.
The Arab and Jewish represent Whereas the rulers of the native now rests!
itself upon a denial of the facte inists can permit so much as the 50. months Azana Letter Guards British Interests atives to the round table which states in India are correctly hated discovered and shown by the idea to enter the mind of the pub 00. year The Constitution to govern would work out the constitution and despised as puppets of Brit Azana letter of resignation dia and the Inferences drawn by lio that there is a war referendum This increase is necessary to cover additional mailing exthe independent Palestine state would not be elected but would be ish imperialism and receive not not limit itself to his own retiro the Board from these factwo be in the constitution. In a public penses, and takes effect immediately.
which would follow the transition appointed by the British govern the slightest measure of conf. ment, but constituted vicious important point here is that the statement today Secretary Hull period will he written under the ment, as in the case of the Indian (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
the majority British Overlords Sole Gainers In Palestine Conference Plan SUBSCRIPTION NOTICE