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SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 3, 1939 Horatio Alger, 1939 Should Fascists Be Allowed THEIR The Right of Free Speech?
GOVERNMENT and housing proper weekly minimum wagonjobs Ex Convict 95 Krupskaya concrete SOCIALIST APPEAL By James Burnham Vol. II, No. 12 March 3, 1939 Frank Hague, Jr. was graduated from school in Published twice a week by the 1936 and to the sorrow of his father, notorious over SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS lord of New Jersey, did not immediately join his at 116 University Place, New York, father political machine. Then a series of events Working Class Point of View on the Question that Telephone: Algonquin 8547 brought him fame and success and made papa very happy Was Brought to the Fore Again by the Professional Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. We are an American Party, composed Judge Thomas Meany resigned from the Com Democrats When the Nazis Mobilized at the Garden AmeriForeign: 00 per year, 00 for six months. Bundle can Citizens. We view all our problems in the light of orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per mon Pleas Court to take a fat job as counsel to Louis It seems that the only point of must reflect ten times, a hundred and reduce them to helpless the national Interests of the United States.
copy in all foreign countries, Single copies: cents. Reilly, State Commissioner of Banking and Insur importance that the Professional times, before they come out with pawns of the employers.
Suppose we bumped up against this quotation on a Reentered as second class matter February 16, ance in the liquidation of the closed New Jersey Title Liberals and Democrats could see an appeal for acts of violence. Millions of workers have dark night, and were forced to guess the author. What 1939, at the post office at New York, NY, under Guarantee and Trust Co. Said liquidation reported to in the big mobilization of the WHAT THE PROBLEM learned the futility and deceptive would be our answer? Would we say the president of Nazis at Madison Square Garden REALLY INVOLVES the Act of March 3, 1879.
be very profitable financially to Hague interests.
ness of the academic discussion the Chamber of Commerce? or Chairman John last week, was their right of free Governor Moore, bosom companion of Hague, Sr. speech and assembly.
The question of democratic of the scab democratic rights. Hamilton of the Republican party? or Chairman Jim Editor: Farley of the Democratie party? or Leader Pelley of appointed Judge Thomas Glynn Walker of the Court rights for the Nazis cannot be as well as of appealing to the Mayor La Guardin kept reiter resolved on the basis of Liberal government and its police to ar the Silver Shirts?
MAX SHACHTMAN of Errors and Appeals, New Jersey highest judicial macheme Democracy compelled bagsion can produce is a bewilder. They try to solve the question, phrasemongers. All such a dis. bitrate the dispute involved. Any of these answers would certainly be legitiAssociate Editors: body, to fill the vacancy left by Judge Meany.
HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW mate, and we would have the right to demand a good Governor Moore then appointed young Hague to right to hold their meeting and tions. At a more decisive stage. struggle. The workers throw their him to grant the Fascists the ing tangle of words and abstrac as they must, in the course of mark for giving it. But we would nevertheless, be Staff Members: fill the vacancy left by Judge Walker.
JOSEPH HANSEN EMANUEL GARRETT provide them with extraordinary as all recent experience has picket lines around the struck Hague Junior salary will be 40 a day when he police protection The quotation is, direct and literal, from the lips Business Manager: proved, it produces a first class plant. The conflict between the The American Civil Liberties disaster not only for the working scal right to break a strike of Earl Browder. STANLEY works, or between 8, 000 and 9, 000 a year for the next six years. He will help make final decisions on all Union rushed into print to insist class but also for the Professional and the workers right to live, is The occasion, crowning and monstrous irony, was that the right of free speech beLiberals and Democrats them also settled in the course of strug. a publicity release for the February 27th mass meeting important New Jersey judicial cases.
extended to the Hitlerites.
in celebration of the twentieth Anniversary of the FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST selves.
gle in favor of those who plan Governor Moore, who sweated through all this job. One of the numerous commitHow many of them, indeed, are better, organize better, and fight founding of the Communist International WORKERS PARTY FOR: shifting to make young Hague a success, stated haptees of the Jewish bourgeoisie, there in the concentration camps, better.
The Ghost from the Past job and a decent wage for every worker. pily: have known Frank Hague, Jr. all his life. He loves fairness above all eise, dia continuing the thoroughly futile Ox BROADER SCENE There is an unutterable eynicism here. To link Open the idle factories operate them under has a fine legal background, having attended Prince likewise and abstract discussion over The same rule applies in the workers control.
ton and Washington and Lee universities. His father Even the wretched little Jewish whether or not the Fascist gang struggle against the much bigger these phrases of crude and vulgar chauve to the celebration the forging of that whose first aim was to be to teach the workers of the whole A Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works felt bady that he did not take up politics, but know awe hotele wareho nebybeshed. chen sters should he sranted the dem scab movement that Faselsm repthis appointment will make his dad happy.
world that they have no country, no nation, no fatherland except what they conquer through the fire of the Trotskyists for the lack of assembly! The story of Frank Hague, Jr. rise to success sense in demanding the right of The workers who spend all And what is most decisive their time and energy in the abtheir revolutionary struggle!
hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. shows that even the rich and powerful can make good free speech and assembly for this is the point which leads us stract discussion of the Nazis All socialists, in proving the class character of Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pen if they have Pluck, Grit, Honesty, and Do and Dare oneself and at the same time try, directly to a solution of the prob democratic rights. to say nothbourgeois civilization of bourgeois ing to prevent the freedom of lem that seems to agitate so many sion.
democracy, of ing of working themselves into bourgeois parliamentarism, have expressed this conspeech of our opponents. people is the fact that in Italy. Tather in defense of these rights ception formulated with the maximum of scientific Expropriate the Sixty Families.
FREEDOM FOR NAZIS in Germany, in Austria, in Czech will end their discussion under All war funds to the unemployed.
precision by Marx and Engels: that the most demoBUT NOT FOR PICKETS oslovakia, in Spain, the Demo a Fascist club in a concentration cratic of bourgeois republics can be nothing else than people referendum on any and all wars.
The Irish rebels, commemorating the martyrs exe Before a machine to oppress the working class at the bidding further into the crats were so concerned with pre camp. No secret diplomacy.
of the question of serving the rights of the Fas The workers who delude themcuted by the English after the Easter 1916 uprising in free speech for Fascists, it is cists that they concentrated all selves and waste their time beg.
of the bourgeoisie, to put the mass of workers at the 10. An independent Labor party.
merey of a handful of capitalists.
Dublin, used to sing: Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and interesting and important to re their attacks and repressive meas. sing the capitalist Democrats in So read the thesis of Lenin adopted by the found Twas in Kilmainbam prison gard our fifteen cord the fact that all the above ures upon those workers and office to act against the Fas Ing congress which Browder now celebrates by pro Fascist attacks.
martyrs died, mentioned who showed such those labor organizations which cists, will end up in the same claiming his dedication to the interests of that maAnd cold and still in Arbour Hill they are lying touching concern for the demo sought to conduct a militant place. just as the workers of chine to oppress the working class.
cratic rights of the Nazis are struggle against the Fascists and Italy, Germany, and Austria did, The New International Association of Workers is side by side, entirely concerned with the for the preservation and exten The workers have more vital founded with the aim of organizing the joint action of But we will yer pay back the debe for the spirit brutal police suppression of the son of their truly democratic concerns. They are and should the workers of different countries for one sole and All of the conscious life of Nadyezhda Constantin is still alive picketing rights of the workers rights and institutions.
be interested in defending and precise purpose, namely: the overthrow of capitalism, in men who stood ibro fire and blood with who assembled outside the Gar It is when the bourgeois demo expanding their democratic rights, ova Krupskaya was spent in the revolutionary move.
the establishing of the dictatorship of the proletariat den.
crats like Giolitti in Italy and But not in any abstract gense.
Convict 95.
and an international republic of soviets.
ment, from the time when as a young student she The Mayor simply refused to Bruening in Germany, had done These rights are the So read the first article in the statutes of the joined the first revolutionary Marxian circles in Czarist Convict 95, who led the rebels in Ring End sec. see a delegation which came to all in their power to smash the rights of free speech, assembly, second congress of the Communist International, whose St. Petersburg to the age of 70, which she reached tion, is now Prime Minister of the Irish Free State, protest against the violence of most progressive and active se press the right to organize, strike very corpse Browder now dishonors.
just a few days before her death this week.
Eamon de Valera. Under British rule, he served the police who rode down and tons of the working class as and picket, without which an in. La Guardia and his police tried dependent working class simply Whose Interests?
The widow of Lenin, whose companion she re prison term for treason. Under the same charge, 77 The American Civil Liberties to do on a smaller scale in New cannot exist mained till his death fifteen years ago, she was one of his closest comrades were executed 17 years ago Union, apparently exhausted by The national interests of the United States.
York last week that the Fascists decaying capitalism of which Let us translate the interests, that is, of the billion of the noblewomen of the revolutionary movement. by the Cosgrave government.
its noble efforts in behalf of the concluded successfully their Fascism is only a natural product dollar Cuban sugar industry which enslaves the masses zarist persecution, which she faced fearlessly, could De Valera is now only an Ex Convict. In the at Nazis, didn utter a peep about march to totalitarian power. Who. seeks constantly to restrict and of Cuba; the military dictatorship of Porto Rico, not shake her faith in the working class which was grinding and terrorizing the Porto Rican workers; the tempt to crush those Irish rebels who refuse to truckle speech, assembly and picketing from abroad, is a fool. Whoever not truly genuine even in nor deputized tyrannies over the people of the Philippines, so magnificently confirmed on November 7, 1917, to British imperialism, he has just revived the trea being dented the 50, 000 anti Pas tries to keep others ignorant of mal times. These rights can only Hawal, the Canal Zone ruled all of them by decree If, after the revolution, she transferred her activity son bill. The military courts are to be made to func. cists who came to protest the this lesson, is a rogue.
be defended from the assaults of enforced by the United States army: the threatening from corresponding secretary of the Bolshevik party tion once more against all Irishmen who refuse to Nazi rally. Ditto for the Jewish SIMPLE capitalism and its ugly offspring intervention in Mexico.
work with and serve under British democracy.
EXAMPLE committee Fascism, in the same to the quieter task of education, her new duties were way in This is only what is most obvious. But these same As for the anarchist Freie Ar Let us take a simple example which they were first acquired: national interests in whose Dight Browder now views discharged with no less devotion The Free State Premier hope is, apparently, to beiter Stimme, it says not a word which every worker has experi by the tireless, aggressive, un all his problems are what require the subjugation of In 1925 1926, she joined with Zinoviev and the become the Irish High Executioner for His Majesty about the police assaults, but vilenced dozens of times.
bending, independent struggle of the ten million Negrocs at home, the enduring unem George VI, by the Grace of God of Great Britain and vible Trotskyists were really at ties promptly jump into the situ The wailing and weeping about Trotskyist Opposition to fight against the reaction of strike is called. The authori the working class.
ployment, the armed protection of the fascist meetings, Stalinism. She knew, perhaps better than any one else, Ireland and of the British Dominions Beyond the fault because, Mr. Police Commis ation in order to protect the the Nazis rights can safely be the persecution of working class militants.
These interests the Interests of the ruling class of the unbridgeable gulf separating the rude and disloyal Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. sioner, they planned a violent at democratic rights of the scaba left to the prissy Liberals and the United States are what demand the nearing war Stalin from the incorruptible revolutionist Lenin. Had tack on the Nazis who were in and the company gunmen who the phoney Democrats.
of imperialist aggression, demand the tranformation she not insisted that Lenin Testament, which Stalin nocently celebrating Washing guard them. The right to work The self preservation the of the United States into a fascist concentration camp.
so desperately suppressed, be made available to the ton Birthday. Unbelievable, but of the scab, which is guaranteed working class demands that it It is these interests that Browder is defending, here are exact words: by the capitalist government. cut through all abstract chatter party?
What Else is Forgotten?
The stream of vile abuse poured onto the head of When State Health officials of Maine reported 5, 000 But there are times when people amounts in reality to his right and smash the Fascist gangs by Krupskaya by the Stalinist machine proved, alas, to be During the past months you will search vainly cases of scurvy in one county, and New Deal adminis. who endeavor to do social work, to starve out the striking workers decisive and relentless action too much for her. She retired from the Opposition trators announced that they were prepared to send through the Stalinist propaganda for the slogan. Defend the Soviet Union! What has happened to the and from all real political activity. The cynical gang oranges and grapefruit to the stricken area, Maine aim of defending the Soviet Union, which has been the in power compelled her to sign all kinds of humiliat Republican governor made the inhuman response that alleged justification for the policy of the during ing Loyalty Oaths to Stalin, whom she hated and there aren 5, 000 cases of scurvy and that his Repubthe entire last decade? Today, we are taught, all our lican administration can take care of them. Continued from Page 1) been given that Hopkins was be. Interested in, and the administra problems are viewed in the light of the national Infeared, but before whom she consented to bow out of terests of the United States.
a disastrously distorted belief that, in so doing, she Everybody understands that the Governor, at the new taxes would probably being put in to tron out all contro tion is already doing its full needed next year had met with versies between the government share in this direction.
Ah, but we are told in whispers the new phrase was serving the unity of the Revolution.
expense of 3, 000 scurvy victims, is attempting to resistance from Wall Street. The and business. This information Business appeasement cannot, is just a maneuver.
white wash this scandal of his Republican administra Kaministration quickly reversed has been fully carried in the pri nowever, he separated from the Her last semi public act was an attempt to intervene Let not the ranks of the Communist party be detion.
itself at the bidding of its mas vate letters of the special Wash crucial and decisive phase of the ceived. Politics is serious; you cannot play around with to save the heads of the victims of the First Moscow Trial, her comrades of a lifetime who, she knew as The tender solicitude of New Deal officials over ters. Secretary of the Treasury ington news agencies catering to present stage of the New Deal: politics. The new orientation, summed up in Browder the preparation for the war.
these 5, 000 cases of scurvy in Republican Maine is Morgenthau declared that not business men, Mincing no well as Stalin, were so utterly guiltless of the crimes words, Hopkins Along with his colossal armament phrase, has its own logic. Defense of the Soviet Union, quite understandable too.
even under the distorted Stalinst conception of such charged against them. Her efforts met with vicious taxes but present taxes objected promised business anything it building. Roosevelt is determined defense, is in the process of being sacrificed to defense rebukes from the Kremlin assassins. Her enforced Up until now, scurvy and other diseases attendant to by the asks for. No more reforms was to gather the entire country to business community of the national interests of the United States. This silence gnawed her heart to death upon a starvation diet have been notoriously exclusive would be revised in order to pro one of his chief slogans: With gether in 100 national unity for must he, because the imperialist interests of the the emphasis shifted from reform his approaching war.
ness enterprise.
to the solid South. The Democratic Party, naturally. mote are unappen. seable conflict with the interests of the We prefer to remember in Krupskaya not Happy Day to recovery. read profits. Seeks Unity cannot give up without a sharp struggle the distinction Soviet Union. Stalino patriotism is being transformed this Administration is now deterthe caged and broken serf of the revolution grave Taking the lead from Morgen mined to promote that recovery tion for Roosevelt sudden and This, of course, is the motiva of this more than a half century monopoly over the thau, Chairman Doughton of the into patriotism pure and simple.
diggers, but the calm, unassuming, pure pioneer and builder of Bolshevism in its heroic days.
nation scourge areas of malnutrition House of Representatives Ways with all the vigor and power at dramatte demand for labor to reLooks Through ly announced that his committee have to make money to hire gle docile labor movement to gear would begin preparation of new workers, he stressed, and made into the war machine. He has tax legislation. think it will be clear that the Administration was projected an ideal for himself of The Press The Daily Worker (Feb. 27) publishes a special happy day. said Chairman coing to do all in its power to see a happy Trinity of Government, By ARTHUR HOPKINS Newsreels taken during the German American Bund dispatch from Paris on the Spanish situation from Doughton, When government and that they make plenty of money. Inbor, and business joining hands business fully recognize their inHopkins stated in his speech to do battle for American impeLook Magazine poll of newsmen shows that Bruce meeting at Madison Square Garden on the night of which we take the following paragraph: terdependence and their mutual only one side of the current busi rialism.
Barton, New York, is the best dressed man in the Feb. 20, showing the attempt of Isidor Greenbaum, an British and French agents have been intensifying responsibilities.
ness appeasement line of the Unfortunately, Hopkins speech House: Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts is the unemployed Jewish plumber, to protest on the rostrum the heat turned on against President Azana, who is in the same groove was the re government. Another aspect was makes clear the real nature of best dressed Senator Many men have become Pressduring Nazi leader Fritz Kuhn diatribe against inbe: for business to now at the Spanish Embassy here; and although Azana cent peace pact between developed earlier in this session this Trinity. The actual plan dent with less qualification than this.
ternational communist Jewry, have been withdrawn has showed signs of weakness, he has not yet actually and the Utilities, culminating in or Congress: the drive against the turns out Wenden unemployed. The cutting down of make the money, government to from the theatres.
acceeded to the London and Paris demands that he wilikle Commonwealth South relief costs is the principal form do its bidding, and labor to sweat, Troops and militia were mobilized in Jamaica Ostensible reason: Managers of leading newsreel demonstratively resign.
ern Corporation. Throughout the of appeasement which business is starve, and die on the battlefiela.
following the declaration of a water front strike which threw the island into a state of emergency. It an houses are said to have reported that the scenes are For the statement that Azana has showed signs of length and breadth of the capitalweakness, the Daily Worker, which still tries to hailed as the most constructive too inflammatory and caused too violent a reaction Special Combination Offer!
emergency all right when the workers cease work, but the bosses could all go off somewhere and die from theatre patrons.
make its readers believe that it the stork who brings action of the government since SOCIALIST APPEAL THE NEW INTERNATIONAL and the work would go on better.
Real Reason: The newsreel shows LaGuardia police them, is eminently entitled to the customary award Roosevelt took office.
America leading socialist and Outstanding theoretical monthly for the Understatement Classic of the Week in action, mercilessly beating Greenbaum.
There was considerable wonder revolutionary paper of the Fourth International Like the newsreels of the Chicago Memorial Day when Harry Hopkins, much PARTISAN REVIEW Deductions in teachers salaries because of a drop touted idol of radical New Deal think Partisan Review is the best literary magazine in America in tax revenues can not be made up by the city.
Massacre which showed police shooting workers in SOCIETY NOTE ism, was given Roper place in and is keeping up its standards damn well. John Dos Passos the back, the films of New York police brutality were decides Judge Loevinger of St. Paul, in denying the DETROIT, Feb. 15. Society circles of Detroit en the Department of Commerce.
All Three Together for a full year 00.
claim of a city employe for 58. 75 deducted in 1932.
so frank and revealing and aroused so much indignajoyed a novel entertainment when the American Hunt The boys were tipped off, how.
If the teachers had a union which believed in going tion among audiences that the watchdogs who protect on strike the situation could well be different.
ing Dog Owners Association put on a banquet for ever, and much to the surprise (3) The New International and Or else the following combina the public from revolutionary propaganda thought 100 dogs this evening.
fight over his nomination devel tions: Partisan Review together for one it necessary to suppress the pictures.
The dogs sat down at four large tables and were oped on the floor of the Senate.
year 50. 1) Socialist Appeal and The Says Cordell Hull: Any government worthy of the served an excellent three course dinner prepared by Is it any wonder that the longest and loudest ovaSmoothing Things Out New International together for name would be derelict in its duty if it failed to provide expert dieticians, The reason why there was no one year 00.
Act now! This generous offer tion during the Bund meeting came when Fritz Kuhn the proper defenses which must go hand in hand with The owners reported that everything went well fight by business or the reactionexpires on March 15th. 2) Socialist Appeal and expressed the gratitude of his Nazi organization to unflagging efforts to prevent war by perfecting the except for a few minor, scuffles when the dogs were ary bloc in Congress against Hopsan Review together for one year Send all payments on the above machinery of peace and by eliminating the causes of New York finest, the police department, for its beraged around the entertainment not that had been confia appointment was because. 50 Ito the Socialist Appeal.
conflict. Military men and statesmen all agree that the brought along for the entertainment of the dogs.
splendid protection of the meeting. best defense is to attack Speaker: Sunday, Mar. P.
THERE IS Max Shachtman IRVING PLAZA series of three lectures by the only organization that knows how to fight fascism STILL TIME!
Auspices: Irving Place and 15th St.
UNITED STATES: It Need Not Happen Here. By James Burnham, Sun SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Tickets on sale at the Fourth International LABOR BOOK SHOP, 28 East 12th St.
day, March 12 Subscription to the series: 50c Single lectures: 25c Scurvy Moves North Hopkins Promises Bigger Profits The Nazis Applauded Understatement of the Week FRANCE: