AnarchismAndrés NinBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist ManifestoDemocracyFascismFifth ColumnFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

Friday, March 3, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL aegis of IN THE WORLD OF LABOR By Paul Stevens (Continued from Page 1)
Ukrainian Social Democrats Leave Our comrades have carried on a highly success ful campaign against it and for the revolution What can we do to help them?
2nd International for. Nationalist ary position of the Fourth International. the soldiers erled.
Intrigues printed paper, Die Rote Fahne has appeared as Because, specified the corLast September crisis showed up the sothe official organ of the group. 12, 000 lentlets poral, they are the real revoluwere issued by the group calling for the Novemtionists. And he added, after a called Labor and Socialist International (Second ber general strike and same amount of leaflets pause. Ah, if they had taken International) as a pretty hollow shell. Shortly were issued drawing the lessons of the strike power during those days in May after Hitler reorganization of Czechoslovakia, betrayal by Jouhaux, Blum and the Stalinists.
we wouldn have been smashed the Czech social democracy quickly crumbled Both the Rote Fahne and the leaflets got an and defeated now.
away from even this shell. It is now becoming excellent reception from the German speaking Those simple words, spoken by moth eaten in to hollow. The latest working class of Alsace. As a result the group that rank and file militiaman, are recruits to the nationalism within its has grown rapidly, drawing behind its leadera deeply true summary, and an ranks are the Ukrainian social democrats.
ship the militants of the Needless to unanswerable accusation an ac.
Meeting in conference at Prague (significantly mention, the German nationalists and clericals cusation that cuts both ways. It enough) on Nov. last, the Ukrainian Social Democratic Labor Party adopted a resolution are pouring out their daily wrath on our comwill be long engraven on the withdrawing from the Second International rades and their vallant paper, calling for its memory of those POUM leaders suppression by the Daladier government.
it deserves to be equally engraven The Secretariat has just made this resoluon many another memory.
tion public. Stating the view that the Ukraine Learning that a truck was the has undergone profound modifications in the Behind the Appeasement Policy immediate need, the soldiers last twenty. years which make the reorganirushed back to quarters and zation of a new party necessary, it declares of the Chamberlain Government brought round the garrison truck.
that, in order to build such a party, they must Some weeks ago we pointed to the opposition Again the strange load crept off LAST OF LOYALIST TROOPS CROSSING FRENCH FRONTIER begin by avoiding all ideological obstacles and of British labor against the National Register to the north.
therefore withdraw from the as one important factor in explanation of what In the dark just before dawn, Obviously, the modifications of the last appears to be capitulation before Hitler on the under a cold penetrating rain, During the last year the food a half years of a bloody and los. old bosses.
that the fascists were advancing twenty years boil down concretely to the revival part of British imperialism. Another phase of the open truck reached its goal, shipments from the Soviet Union Ing fight weren fighting for any The final destruction of all the 15 to 20 kilometers a day; that of Ukrainian nationalism under the the background behind Chamberlain appease the small town of Agullana, had been cut down to a mere abstract concept of democracy, gains made by the workers the the fortifications, on which eight Hitler Ostorientation (drive to the East. The ment policy is the situation in the British miles from the French frontier. trickle consisting mostly of and even less for the maintenance Stalino bourgeois return of prop months effort has been expended.
Prague resolution is, therefore, merely an an colonies, above all, in the largest of the colonies Shortly after, the guards found wretched canned milk and half of capitalism as they had exper erty to even such self avowed fas at Balaguer, the Segre, Las Bornouncement of the unhampered participation of. India. Seething rebellion, cropping to the sur the town jail, and duly locked bad bully beef, paid for, ifke all lenced it. Tricked into grudgingly cists as Portela Valladares these gas Blancas, had fallen almost the Ukrainian social democrats in the newly face in powerful spasms, marks the scene there. their prisoners up.
Russian ald, not only in gold in accepting the abandonment of facts Altering through to the without a struggle. On the last hatched national intrigues. The Second Interna Here is a brief review of only a select list of This village contained, they disadvance but also in concessions the struggle for socialism until front, finally sapped away the Monday night the Government of tional pours grist to the mill of the Fascists in Incidents: covered next morning, not only to Stalin demand that the Span the war is won, hoping blindly militancy and courage of the Re Victory met. It called on the even more than an ideological sense.
Burma, separated from India against the will the Soviet embassy, but also the ish revolution be ruthlessly that it would somehow come out publican Army. Hence although, CNT militants whom for 19 of the people in 1930: In the past three months GPU headquarters, the Commun crushed. Food from other quar all right, they suddenly saw at as a matter of historie record, it months it had been murdering French Party of Fourth a mass movement has swept the province ist Party Military General Staff, ters grew less and less. last how they had been trapped was the inexplicable collapse of and imprisoning, to fight to the against the new, oppressive constitution. It has and the temporary office of Liberals, Bureaucrats, and tricked into fighting the bat. sections of the Stalinist Fifth last drop of blood, established a International Forges Ahead just forced the resignation of the pro British Premier Negrin.
tle of their class enemies, and Regiment which was responsible state of war. swore to stay in As Ba Maw ministry. But not before 200 Burmese That was a pretty nerve Feasted While Masses realized that whoever won, the for the loss of Tarragona (involv Barcelona to lead the resistance, comrades in the French section of the Fourth workers and peasants had lost their lives in racking discovery. said Gorkin.
Spanish workers had lost. And ing such bad faith, not to use any and hastened home to pack vaInternational joined the Socialist Workers and street fighting with British troops. Had they had time to learn of Hungered the heart and the fight went out harsher term, on the part of the lises and warm up automobiles.
Peasants Party (P. in their desire to Bengal, seat of the completely British owned our presence and identity, they The masses might have borne of them Stalinist officers Lieutenant. That night the governmental exbring about a fusion of forces between this jute industry, the largest in the country: In certainly have sent their killers this, as did Petrograd workers Ever since the Negrin Govern Colonel Galan and Commandant odus began: high functionaries sizeable split from the French social democracy 1937, jute workers around Calcutta and other right over to wipe us out. But during the civil war in Russia, ment of Victory had been form Vega that they had to be re rolling north in their high power(which is recruiting adherents from other groups cities along the Ganges river spent 10 million the various stalinist organiza. but recurrent and increasingly ed, it had been stalinist practice moved. the real reason for the ed cars past the plodding thouwho have become disillusioned with the Popular working days on strike! For three months they tions cleared out almost immedi noisesome food scandals, proving to assassinate officers who would military defeat was not merely sands they had betrayed and led Front) and the Fourth Internationalists. This have conducted a general strike against the ately, as Franco bombers began that the liberal bourgeoisie, the not follow out in complete detail the fascists overwhelming mater. to disaster. On Tuesday, they did minority took the drastic step it did because of reactionary Huq ministry and its Jute Ordi to demolish the town.
bureaucracy and military leaders the Stalinist military policy. For ial superiority, but the total col not even bother to get out the its anxiety over the time element, regretting nance, fixing prices in the interests of mill owners Friendly Prison Doctor were greedily banqueting while an officer to let his men, for ex lapse of Loyalist morale. The press the radio grew spasmodic, that the leadership of the had not and native landlords and reducing wages beyond reacted favorably to proposals for a formal the endurance level. Now word comes that they Helps Liberate Them! came closer and closer to the line ample, dynamite a town arma bravest men, if they finally don broadcast more and more dance whom and what they re music and less and less news, unification put forward by the Internationalist have forced the withdrawal of this hated law The evening of the 31st, as the dividing hunger from starvation, making a forced retreat from it fighting, sink into fatalism, apa dried up.
Workers Party (P. the official Fourth In Strikes have been renewed wherever workers bombardment got worse and became a major factor in break was to sign his own death warthy, and defeat.
The doomed city, those eye wit ternational party in France. The latter is pro were locked out from company owned homes.
worse, their jailor Vicente set ing down waning morale.
rant; a shot in the back from When the Franco military jug nesses report, was curiously quiet, ceeding with its campaign for such formal Reora: Demonstrations of 20, 000 peasants doggedly out to obtain further in An even more important factor some Stalinist planted in his regt gernaut started to roll, the bour fatalistic, hopeless. As comrade joining of forces with even greater vigor than (Kisans) are an ordinary occurrence in this structions wherever he could find in breaking down morale was the ment. At the last National Coun gcois ministers called on the Casanov grimly stated it, with a before.
district of Bihar province. Recently such a them. He left behind him in the steady, savage repression of all cil of the Socialist Party, the situ. workers to defend every inch with free, cold anger, Barcelona, the Joint meetings between and demonstration brought about the release of an jail office his brief case, contain workers organizations.
ation had grown too horrible even their lives, shouted that the very city of barricades, died without groups for the purpose of carrying on united arrested leader, Sharma ing his official seal and blank In the Stalinist concentration for Prieto, who presented a list of stones of Barcelona will rise to a barricade being raised.
front actions are being held regularly in many Ranpur State. demonstration against the forms of various sorts.
camps, to take one vivid and more than 200 Socialist officers defend it and rented apartments for the departing government parts of Paris, in the Citroen and Renauit fac Rajah resulted in the shooting down of dem Aided by the sympathetic prison characteristic example, all revol. who had been thus assassinated. In the chic quarters of Paris, tories, and in many cities in the provinces. onstrators by British officer. He was killed doctor, Gorkin got hold of this utionary prisoners were divided The CNT had an even longer list had not overlooked this point: by Among the latter, the activity of the So fierce was the Stalinist ter its last orders, Assault Guards instantly. months of the year are spent in treasure, and by the light of a into groups of five, well documented cases, But comrades in Strasbourg is particularly note forced labor in Ranpur!
candle in his cell, with cool daring If one man out of such a group facts heretofore had never leaked feared than that of the Fascists. the raising of barricades, to proror in the army that it was worse patrolled the streets to prevent worthy, Rajkot. Militant demonstrations have forced filled out and officially stamped managed to escape, the Stalinists out of well censored Spain.
In Strasbourg, chief city of Alsace, our com signed agreement between the Takhore liberation orders for himself and immediately executed the other Revolt In This had sharp military effects. tect private property, and to see rades have had a particularly hard task in Voluntary enlistment fell to noth that anarchists did not destroy flocal ruler and his feudally oppressed workers.
combatting the Daladier policy of rapprochepresented with these documents, them: 14 murders to punsh one International Brigade ing. The severest military coer arms stocks or munition works ment with Hitler Germany. In Alsace, the Ger These are only a few samples of the Indian cion was necessary to enforce con This task a dastardly act of were puzzled but persuaded: the escape. That to encourage the man nationalists have been bringing tremendous Central Front ferment. Is it any wonder Chamberlain is for Even in the Stalinist dominated scription measures. Thousands of treachery to papers were certainly official. So others to try it, was the coldly pressure to bear in favor of the Daladier regime. appeasement. at midnight, the 24 revolutionary sneering explanation of Assault International Brigades, with their young workers who were eager was carefully carried out: all Bar set off through the night for the in one of thosen camps attenta volt mounted and mutinies broke formations of the anarchist youth works were perfectly protected by French frontier.
to fight against Franco for the the Assault Guards till they could but. The military observer menwith Bill Morgan de Nagaya in Lerida Province.
The French Gardes Mobiles ex Thousands upon thousands of tioned above estimated that at revolution, simply hid from the fall intact into Franco hands.
pelled them back over the border revolutionary righters, who asked least 50 of these internationals draft into a republican army Frente Rojo organ of the again, where by this time, Span only the chance to get back to the were in either secret or open re where shooting in the back seem. Stalinist shouted spec This week we were all on the line like ducks in and carrying school books under her arm. supish Republican Guards had al struggle against Franco, were volt against the Stalino bourgeols ed even more likely than in the iously for resistance, for barri a flood. More than fifty thousand New York pose you want more educational discussions on ready started a man hunt after thus immobilized, terrorized, and policy of crushing the workers front cades, while the Stalinists saw to workers can be wrong and the Nazis who shiv. the nature and theory of the class struggle.
More and more panicky grew it that there were none. Those of them.
ered inside the Garden were right glad that One worker a Negro was arrested for cruslaughtered, lest their right for revolution and supporting Spanish Hiding for days without food or socialism should compromize the capitalism. Nearly 500 of them the bourgeois government as the its own International Brigaders more than 2, 000 of LA Guardia cossacks elty to animals. Nothing was said, however, were on hand to save them from the workers about the officials of the city sending cops from these and then from the clamor for the support of Anglo prison camp under his immediate chist hack, Garcia Oliver, to turn quarter, cleaning out onlping fas: shelter in the mountains, first Loyalist government inits mad who had mutinied in favor of a defense disintegrated. It called who wanted to make a stand like faithful anar that at Madrid, mobilizing every wrath.
mounted on horses to ride down pickets and by Riot guns, tear gas bombs, blackjacks and nothing clubs were the instruments prepared to keep the ers, they finally succeeded, in one this very hour, of course, com jurisdiction at Castel del Fels, on again the faucet of militaney cists, and making every house a workers from smashing that meeting and believe thrown in and by but, me, the weapons were certainly needed.
of two or three, in getting secret. Loyalist Spain for the benefit of were scattered in concentration many times before turned on and treated as Trotskylte irreconcil of course, this was not cruelty in the eyes of boss ly over the frontier into France.
Eight thousand Nazis stayed away from the justice.
its own investors and Franco fos camps and prisons elsewhere in off at the behest of his capitalist ables and scum of the Fifth Column.
Garden. It is to be regretted hat they paid in last meeting at Perpignan to cism. Such is the end product of Loyalist Spain: there were 250, for masters. It was useless.
Newsreal pictures show mohs of police beating settle methods of communication, the Stalinist polley of realism. example, in the State Prison at advance for their tickets. And those who did get unarmed men and women and kids but this and these two dozen men, over fascists, and for Barcelona, long Tragic Scenes In escorted by the brass buttons on the edges is not considered cruelty, either.
Over 80 of these imprisoned Barcelona, with the POUMists.
whom the Damoclean sword of workers had never even had a of the seats and smoked cigarettes to steady Stalinist assassination (on Nin it formal charge preferred against ture that comrades Casanova and uninterrupted bombardment, the The roads, that night of the The Trotskyites Were It was a moving and vivid pic there began the hell or constant During Flight their nerves. The mere pop of a photographer had fallen already) had hung for them. Four or five months passed Gorkin painted of the feelings of Italian vultures shuttling back 28th, said one of the eyewitnessflash bulb gave the tin horn soldiers the jitters. On the Line 21 months of imprisonment, scat before they could even get them rage and indignation of these rev. and forth from nearby Reus like es, were something shall never No Concentration Camp We ve got enough police to prevent a revolu. tered to temporary hiding all over selves brought before a judge for olutionary nghters at the countercommuting trains.
tion, said Commissioner Valentine. Yeah?
forget. have been through variFor These Workers!
interrogation. And even when the revolutionary uses to which the ous kinds of hell in my time, but Well, he ain soen nothing yet. Just wait until Fourth Internationalists have judge and prosecutors had to ad Stalinists put them. They had Retaliation never have seen such a tragle The boos of the picket line penetrated the the workers are organized into Workers Defense grave political differences with mit that they didn know why come from all over the world to Refused By Negrin sight. The bourgeois press has Garden and the noise was very disturbing to the Guards. Just wait until the rained were for characterized it to the best of the self styled defenders of democracy. This time for meeting attempts to smash peaceful picket when they are ruthlessly hunted kept imprisoned. How this could against fascism! In the light of Revolutionaries demanded that literary powers of its star corresthey were saved by the police but we know they lines. Just wait until the workers are prepared by the bloodhounds of French occur is now being revealed by these revelations, it is easier to Negrin take the only measure pondents, but no words can even will think twice before trying to hold a meeting for a substantial discussion with the fat boys in imperialism at the very time it is the escaped comrades. GPU ter understand Premier Negrins which even the fascists admit approximate it. If could only like that again, Nazi uniforms. Then there won be enough cops making friends with the butcher rorist pressure was equally exer. idealistic haste to get these in would have lessened the bombard. convey to you On the line outside the Garden were young in the United States to save the fascist gangsters somehow well, Franco, it is not these political cised against the examining mag ternationals out of Spain before ments: retaliation on the bour things like the look on the faces workers who have no intention of landing in a from their just desert at the hands of the workdifferences, but our class soliistrates, who knew it was tanta they all began to wake up. geols business and residential of the plodding civilian refugees concentration camp. They were among the best darity which is uppermost in our mount to suicide to issue an order ing class.
battlers. They were determined to get around to minds.
The and the have shown the quarters of Salamanca, Burgos, caught in the ghastly half dimmed Destruction of for the release of revolutionary and Sevilla Bourgeois to the end, headlights as, in response to an the Nazi gangsters and it took the largest gath.
Our plans? echoed Gorkin as anti fascists. This way. The workers of New York know now who as the democ Workers Gains ering of police in the city history to hold he refused; and the infernal rain arrogant horn, they stumbled the real fighters against the fascists are. Not we separated. Well, for one that line.
the party of Norman Thomas, Not the party of thing. we are determined not to racy being defended against fasNor has the terror ended. In poured down its steady death. Ev deeper into the ditch to let pass cism.
ery bombing objective was known a Hispano Suizn containing some We saw one young comrade, who was about the Not the party of Louis Waldman. Only be a futile emigre party. Only Central Spain, thousands of revoke the palm of a hand. For while fleeing functionaries of their cov: four feet one and who weighed slightly more the Trotskylsts led the way. Only the Trotskyists about one hunderd of the most signs of Capitulation than copy of the Communist Manifesto. He called the workers to the struggle. Only the publicly recognizable have left Break Mass Morale in the prisons of Valencia and the SIM (Stalinist controlled in ernment. But. he raised his was defending himself from two huge plaintelligence service) was spending hands hopelessly It just be Trotskyists gave leadership to the workers who Spain; and even they, he added, the concentration camps of Al all its time and money on the yond words.
clothesmen with a piece of gas pipe which he The last stage of degeneration meria province. In Valencia, for were ready and willing to fight for their class.
with a narrowing of the eyes, had just picked up. The pipe was about two and Only the Trotskyists were on the line when only temporarily. Most deliber of morale essentially began with example, sentenced to 15 years, is persecution of the revolutionaries, It is equally impossible to con half feet long and every time he swung it he action was needed. Boy! were they there! See tely those to remain in Spain the publication of Negrin famous Luis Portela, Secretary of the the fascist espionage service flourvey in words the dismal, tragic, inhellble bat present, working al. 13 points which definitely pointed Valencia Province POUM organle government ministries, communi the whole area of the concentraalmost fell on his face but the effort was worth you in court!
the attempt. The dicks kept a safe distance from ready on the long hard task or to capitulation to Franco. Like zation, the man who, with Andrescating with impunity with the en tion camps, where, shattered and that little dynamo.
rebuilding a revolutionary party. Negrin latest terms for peace. Nin (murdered by the GPU. Juan sturdy red head with a volce like a fog horn Our day will come again.
We the 13 points asked only such Andrade, and Julian Gorkin, was omy, shelterless, the hundreds of empty formulas as national inde one of the founders, in 1921, of and two stout elbows, pushed and joered and must be readier next time.
Having by its counter revolu thousands of refugee Loyalist sol pendence, and no reprisals. Those the jabbed at the cops who were only too anxious to The March lue of the New International, Collapse of Morale tionary repressions imprisoned diers lie coughing on the bare Party of steer clear of her. She was continually up front which will be of the press this week, promises who were among the troops re. Also in Valencia are and murdered the most sin ground under the fine, cold, plere.
Main Cause of Defeat port that these fell like a bomb approximately 450 agricultural cere and most intransigent fighting rain their teeth chattering in and ever ready to trade nock for sock. There to be an exceptionally fast selling number. The must be something in the old saying about red feature article is by Leon Trotsky. Writing in So much for the story of their shell among the last illusions of workers, representing 46 out of ers against fascism and drained the icy winds that sweep down popular style, he relates anecdotes and reminisescape. Now for their description the Loyalist soldiers. In helpless the 47 committees that in the the spirit of resistance from the from the Another youth alight but determined Yipsel cences of some of the revolutionists and exthe collapse of Catalonia de rage. they stormed furiously, early days of the war collectivized rest, the government was finally their hearts heavy with defeat. wore a cap stuffed with paper. On the sidewalk of the Kremlin.
revolutionists who have lived behind the walls he just happened to find a rolled up newspaper Stalinist Russla had sent no for? For those damn 13 points? scale farming in Valencia Prov. its own raving imagination. Com probability that democratic which he used with skill and speed. Twice, dur The complete table of contents is as follows: arms whatsoever since April, 1988. Why they might as well have ince. Long before the war, group rade Casanova reports on the ait France will shortly send them. ing the rout of the polce line on 51st Street, he Behind the Walls of the Kremlin, by Leon turned to his comrades and sald, See, they are Trotsky military supremacy that won for the real difference between them acion de Trabajadores de la Tier ment deliberately set foot in the Towns like Perpignan and Bourgyellow. They are waiting for the mounted cops The Minnesota Farmer Labor Convention, Franco and Franco program and be reactionary large estate owners alons have just crossed the front of the French police, of the StalNo! No! ra, they had fought against the doomed city: Three French divi Madame swarm with sples (both to help them.
by Walter Krihi.
One old worker, a member of the Social Demo The Political situation in California, by ament did not enable us to carry trayed!
On the one hand, mu: belonging to Lerroux Partido fier The British Navy is steaminists, and of Franco. and with a crats, rushed into the fray like a youngster.
Norman Mini out a sustained offensive policy.
Later he remarked, m an old man and my doc Defensive Wars and Aggressive Wars, by a non political technician on the hand despair set in. And the cen Valenciana, affiliated with Go Ceuta. War between the demo who batten on the misery of the tor shouldn see me here but the kids are making Gregory Zinovlev Loyalist Army Staff admitted to sorship smothered all.
Robles CEDA. After the farmers cracies and the dictatorships is internees, bartering for example me realize that must fight. It would be better On the Jewish Question, by Charles Crompton this correspondent yesterday. It was in vain that such sadistic federation had collectivized the only a few days off. 100 French few hunks of bad meat for a my tombstone He died from hitting The Great Test, Czecho Slovakia, by Jullus there were nevertheless plenty of martinets as the notoriously brut farms, the reactionary elements Air Force planes have just landed. treasured family gold watch.
the Fascists than He died from the Fasciats Jullk arms for the defense unlimited al Stalinist General, El Campe were rallied together again by the will take the air again immedi. Here are infuriatingly and drahitting him! am old. can give my life the In addition to these articles the regular ediduration. No, it just suddenly fell sino. tried to maintain discipline Stalinists to form youth should be saved.
torials, book reviews, and Dwight MacDonald apart. What actually caused the by terror, shooting his men by the Federacion Campesina. Aided tanks are at this moment rum bitter fruits of the Government Another social democrat stood on the edge of column will appear.
rout was the final collapse of hundreds. Speeches about demoe by their private army, the Stalin bling through Figueras. of Vietory, which proposed to the crowd and sneered. Bah! What can you gain Advance orders should be rushed to the Busi morale under the pressure of hun racy were booed or received in ists gradually smashed collectivi. The Barcelona population lis. beat Franco by smashing the from this fighting? It only provokes trouble. neay Manager of the New International at 116 ger and counter revolutionary restony silence. The tough veterans zation, jailed the collectivizing tened in silence and distrust. True Spanish workers who were leadThe answer to that came from a girl in pigtalls University Place, New York City.
who had grimly stuck out two and committees, and re established the news, filtering through, told them ing the fight against fascism.
On the Line horses to protect the Nazi scum. The workers was. March New International Spain.
to have a