AnarchismAnti-naziAntifascismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, March 3, 1939 Boss Regime Aims Blows At French Revolutionists APPEAL ARMY In the Trade Unions a the Goodrich Workers Fight To Keep 30 Hour Week Fascist Meeting Picketed By at Los Angeles Calif. Devises New Anti Labor Trick to emaitaney Hit Chrysler Union Stalinists Endanger Jobs AKRON BOSSES Of 20, 000 at Auto Plant INITIATE DRIVE Only Rank and File Grouping Against AGAINST Special to the Socialist Appeal)
PARIS, Feb. 18. French Bonapartist capitalism, well realizing News of your inspiring work After a fine showing last week, Both Stalinists and Martin who are its most dangerous enemies, has lately been striking blow in rallying New York anti fascists the number of subs that have Throw Hundreds of after blow against the militants of the French section of the Fourth against the German American come in so far this week has Can Save Union Unemployed Into International. Last week. comrade Suzanne Charpy. administrator Bund reached us today. Words fallen of considerably. Quite a of Revolution, monthly organ of the Jeunesse Socialiste Revolu can hardly express our enthusi few branches have still to be (Continued from Page 1)
followers who see the beginning Streets tionnaire, was re sentenced on appeal to 10 months in prison for an asm. So impressive was it that heard from.
workers have been suffering for of the end their end. The article calling French workers our Party is mentioned in the In the next issue we will pub.
the last year under the incompe crowd doesn want any reds lish a full list of branch quotas and to fight against French imperial the overthrow of tent, bureaucratie rule of the Law around even the well effacing, AKRON, Feb. 21. vicious ism war plans. No sooner had capitalism and the establing local press. We want to follow up on your fulfilment of these quotas at the By WIDICK of socialism.
motte Stalinist clique.
strongly diluted pinks of the campaign to throw thousands off her successor, comrade Morel, activity by making it known in half way mark. There is still five The crooked manipulations of Lovestone group. So it is reported and leave them to starva: brought out another issue reContinuing its blows, French Akron. Will you send us one hun weeks left in the sub drive for was held recently in Massachu McCartney gang its opportunity trying to jump off the boat. But district this week to the resorand praise of the great Black Sea trator of the Lutte Ouvriere, Fielding, Appeal director of Ak IN THE MAILS: typical state convention this clique gave the reactionary that Washburn and Munger are tion was launched in the Akron printing an article by Mitard in capitalism yesterday sentenced dred (100) copies of the Friday 1, 000 new readers!
setts. It had, however, some extremely important nuancen of dit mouth workers. And now before the drink. The auto workers are the city officials and their as rested, the issue seized; he too Mationalist to six months The first statement on the semiferences that make it worth the issues are entirely clear to not likely to give this cringing, sorted stooges.
analysis weekly Appeal is now being mailfaces a severe jail sentence. But in prison for an article in which For example, a resolution coners and without the majority of Plymouth work lickspittle group any hospitality.
We might add that we sent the ed out and will reach your branch adequate the chapter of Lovestone un tors and assistants were hired to police repression: under a new ther for imperialist war, or for basis of similiar reports and ac Action, action!
Hundreds of special investiga the cannot be terrified by he said: We will not march, ei papers with pleasure. It is on the shortly. The key words here are: demning Coughlin for his Nazi preparation, a strike is called principled intrigue is rapidly be drive the chiselers of administrator, a new issue of and anti labor activities passed which ends in a disgraceful fizzle. ing closed in the And and to eliminate the aliens.
Four Power Pact directed tivities that the Appeal is forging Evety branch by now fully un Revolution, just issued, contin against the new ad ahead to mass circulation figures. derstands its responsibility in olymosure the of an margin! No one. Plymouth workers would do well there will be few mourners to Already 500 non citizens have ues to fight against French im ministrator immediately appoint Our paper is truly becoming the meeting its current Appeal bills.
to be sure, openly defended Coughlin. But the vote was eloquent testimony of walking papers before more irre hearse of Lovestoneism passed by. Ing project and bluntly told they young conscripts to turn any im to live up to its name, Rank and File Program would, under no circumstances, perialist war into a civil war for Workers Struggle. The in America!
the danger of Coughlin influencesponsible actions result in a The fight for a program and an receive any kind of relief REMINDER: It permeat wreckage of the local and the anized labor domination of its remnants by independent group continues with NOW IS THE TIME (1) How many bound volumes Four Cents Per Meal movement.
the reactionary, essentially com larger following and stronger The Stalinists were put neatly pany inspired McCartney crowd. support as the Cleveland Conven. the investigators intend to fire The thousands of citizens whom TO GET SUBS: of the Appeal (1938 1937) have With our Party name on the you sold? Remember we are still on the spot by the introduction of Martin Closer to lips of thousands of workers, now offering a generous commission the anti Coughlin resolution. They had tried to slander certain proMeanwhile Martin moved closer already signed the program and will receive direct relief amountis the time to press forward in to all agents who sell three (3) or to the as thousands of groups are now being organized ing to four cents per meal Stray dogs in the county dog.
your local subscription campaign. more bound volumes!
greselve union leaders as Coughlin workers previously supporting and beginning to function in the pound receive meals costing 10 ite agents, and had to eat their him, even in his fortress in Flint, largest locals of the General Mocents, and county prisoners reIssue in Los Angeles Strike Won ers introduced the anti Couglin The agents of Green and Frey Michigan.
ceive meals costing 15 cents.
As Ohio Men Vote on Yielding resolution!
This rank and Ale group, which Non citizens get absolutely no Symbolic of the changes within are now openly operating in the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
question of wages involved in the the during the past year auto situation through the mediu alone can save the union from aid of any kind and face actual was the fact that the total number um of Chester Wright, pub destruction and mismanagement starvation. Others getting an al LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20. The dispute. Continued from Page 1) suspected of throwing eggs at the of delegates to this convention tive Council. Wright has set up Lewis and Stalinist clique, stands perlsh in a more dignified man strike of 550 employees of the Special to the Socialist Appeal) colleges, Jewish and other minor. Nazis. As he was led away a large was 263, Last year there were 184. offices in one of the leading De on a constructive, fighting pro ner. They will starve The Ameri Goodrich Rubber plant was sucAKRON, Feb. 21 Goodrich Lo ity groups were reached and ank section of the crowd followed the Theme Song Is troit hotels and all Martin press gram. Some of its main points can Way.
police with jeers and boos, shoutreleases now emanate from there are: This brutal, terribly reactionary Local No. 43 of the United Rubber cal 5, United Rubber Workers of ed to attend. Save Wagner Act!
Mayor Turns Down Delegation ing demands for the release of Martin as much as stated that thirty hour week without action places the relief system in Workers Union obtained the ap a new contract which abandons The Mayor office was ap their prisoner. With this pressure The problem of maintaining and he is going to put die hard reduction of present weekly exactly the same class as that or proval of the rank and Ale to an the principal of the 30 hour week, pronched prior to the meeting by the demonstrators succeeded in rates; organizing unions received Insuffi chauffeur at the wheel of Nazl Germany.
agreement with the plant managecient attention at the convention. his jaloppy which by now has few closed shop in general Mo Hitler thrown the Jews and por ment maintaining the 30 hour which the leterne demands con delegation from the securing the release of the antiLittle mention was made of the aute workers left as passengers tors and the abolition of the litical opponents to the wolves of week and the four six hour shifts which the International Union was built. and Relief Workers Pro Fascist.
tective Union in order to secure a At 9:45 lights began to go out decline in delegates, reflection of completely confirming predictions infamous disciplinary letter starvation. does the same in the 24 hour production departUnion negotiators, headed by commitment on the right to pick in the Deutches Haus and it was the status of the unions.
made in the Socialist Appeal con granted General Motors by the to the aliens and other workers ments of the plant The theme song of the convencerning the inevitable trend of Executive Board; President L Callahan, came to et and peaceful assemblage. May reported that the Nazi meeting who want only a decent living. The strike beginning Jan. 30 an agreement with the company or Bowron, elected by the com was over and that the Fascists tion was Save the Wagner Act! Martin policy. In a speech over five billion dollar approprl. Unions Resist Attack John Brophy, director of the o. the radio last Monday night, Mar ation by congress for low cost The city fathers are already when the management declared weeks of negotiations which had bined efforts of reformists, liber. were leaving. With the end of the wondering whether the campaign plans to change the number of struck a snag on the vacation tisan League on the promise of declared the termination of the James Carey, secretary of 1o. tin blurted out the following housing and medical care for William Hynes, John Lewis gems: workers; will end as successfully as it be shifts in the production depart clause. Present terms call for one support of free speech and assem demonstration and called for an personal representative, and Jos. If the American Federation gan. unions excepting ments which operate twenty four week vacation for years of serblage, refused to see the delega organized adjournment.
eph Schlossberg of the Amalga of Labor does, perchance, look ize Ford and the competitive eno Workers Alliance, of course. hours a day to three shifts. Instead vice with two per cent of 1938 stion which, Anally succeeded in mated Clothing Workers spoke on upon a fight against dictator parts plants.
are fighting this attack with of the four six hour shifts, indi total wage and two weeks vaca meeting with one of his secreRank and Flle Stalinists Join the subject. It hardly needs bela ship with friendly eye, that vigor.
cating a move to return to the tion for 10 years service with four taries. The secretary refused to The Stalinists and their sympatboring that all of them said the does credit to the American Already joint action against the clght hour day.
per cent of the past year wage. make any definite promises to the thetic organizations refused to same thing. The fight for the Federation of Labor. You may cuts has been established, and The agreement signed is effecsupport the demonstration. HowWagner Act is an extremely im be sure that we are not going will be continued with ever great fore until October 31 and provides abandoned in favor of a six hour At P. the party and ever, a number of the and portant one. It must be won. But to discourag sincere friendto occupy half the convention with ship for democracy in the world The unions must obtain grievances or complaints concern for work up to 40 hours. Other the Deutches Haus and began its the internationalists to show their speeches on the subject means to against dictators and destroyers, the fighting support of the other in temporary changes in the provisions cover seniority, lay off picketing, bearing banners with solidarity with the anti Fascist neglect other burning issues. This nor in our part in that strug.
unions in the district, especially hours of labor by meetings be notices and eliminating furloughs. slogans of Fight Against Anti activity. The LG. and the happened.
The contract was described as a Semitism, Only Labor Action United Electrical and Radlo All the speech making becomes Reserves Final Stroke strength of 50, 000 union men, the management. There was no compromise by Callahan wm Stop Fascist Barbarism. Workers, and the Relief Workers a form of Alibuster. It takes too This is the most expedient man Frame Up Scheme fighting on a militant program, JOIN PARTY AT NEW Build Workers Defense Guards Protective Union officially upmuch time of a two day convenner Martin can put the question Aimed at All will send the Fascist minded to Anti Nazi Pickets tion. This is typical of state of his alliance with the llet officials and their rubber Trial Set Thursday YORK MORROW MEETING Solidarity with German Work ported the demonstration. Mem.
ers Against Hitler, Repeal Crimbers of a number of unions, inconventions labor skates without losing the Unions bosses beating a hasty retreat.
EN Oliver, head of Labor rest of his following. He is reThe thousands of rubber work. Special to the Socialist Appeal. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
inal Syndicalism, Repeal Anti cluding the attended and Non Partisan League, was enthu serving the Anal stroke for the ers thrown out of the gum mines NEW YORK, Feb. 28 Trial NEW YORK. Felix Morrow, and Anti Fascist Defendants, large delegation of Dura Steel siastically received by the dele Detroit convention on March Special to the Socialist Appeal)
for victims of police brutality onto public works know the truth associate editor of the Socialist gates. His blast against Senator where the locals that attend will LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20 Using of the saying: rubber worker At the anti fascist demonstra Appeal, last Sunday addressed Capitalism Breeds Fascism, workers adjourned a shop meetWalsh of Massachusetts who is already be expelled from the new method of attack on organ today, a worker tomor tion Feb. 20 has been set for the first of a series of three meetDoors To Anti Fascist Refing in time to attend the demonstration Sponsoring reactionary amend. by burcaucratic orders of red labor, the District Attorney row.
Thursday, March. In the by Local Ings ist Workers Party, court at 314 West 54th Street York, ments to the Wagner Act was Lewis and the Stalinists and will in Los Angeles secured indict Sound Truck Utilized Administrators Chisel Combats Fascism at 9:15 cheered heartily. Nothing was have no other alternative but to ments from the Grand Jury sound truck was parked on how to fight fascism. Comrade The demonstration received If chiselers are to be cleaned The defendants are Michael said about independent labor pol place themselves at the mercy of charging 15 officers and members Morrow spoke on: Spain: Could across the road from the Bund wide publicity in the daily Los ities, and no resolutions on the the craft union wolves of the of Chrysler Local 230 of the out, they should be cleaned out Naradich, Peter Shotes, Lionel the Workers Have Won?
Hall and was in constant use Angeles press and has aroused subject reached the floor. In this, United Automobile Workers Union of the highly paid administrative Sheppard, and Abe Dollinger.
throughout the demonstration, considerable interest and sympathe convention was a miniature of The audience responded to com: keeping up the spirit of the dem. thy for the David Stevens, They are charged with disor Martin is crossing the Rubicon with extortion and conspiracy. All positions in warm offices, far rade Morrow stirring analysis of onstrators by playing trade union local organizer of the party is the national convention. of progressive unionism with all 15 of the men were arrested and from the wintry blasts on the derly conduct.
his subject by manifesting a keen and revolutionary songs. The par sued the following release: The case of Peter Saunders, Democracy Disputed the lying hypocrisy of the preach released on bail fixed at 2, 500 projects.
The Workers Alliance made its interest in the work of the ty steering committee save all Negro worker, Arrested at the Two persons in The national policy of the So We find it very significant that is fighting dictator based on the theory that the union last bankrupt stand when, after demonstration, beaten by po the audience public directions over the sound cialist Workers Party is to com joined the Party after the speaker equipment, keeping the crowd bat all forms of Haguelsm, Coughthe only. serious dispute at the ship. When? Where? How?
lice, and charged with cruelty finished.
w? dia members threatened employees at certain recent cuts had already to animals and assaulting an disciplined for most of the dem. Linism, Silver Shirt and Vigilante convention was over the question this gang of dictators on the Ex the Chrysler plant with violence gone through, it called upon Con.
officer will be heard March of more democracy within the ecutive Council ever fight dicta or loss of jobs unless they joined gress and the President to prewhich is part of Local New York izer of Murry Welss of the united action of an labor and The next lecture in the series, onstration. Dave Stevens, organ: organizations in this country by torship?
the union. This was twisted into vent the cuts.
The case of George Mason, recruiting campaign, will be group of delegates from WorChief spokesman of this crew is extortion by claiming that to declared guilty at night court France: There is still Time Relief Workers Protective Union, me the L, John Murphy of the anti fascist organizations, through cester introduced a resolution on Hutchinson, czar of the carpen force these workers to join the of disorderly conduct at the with Max Shachtman as speaker. Bob Ontel, leader of the United of Workers Defense guards and the selection of vice presidents ters union, who denied the right union meant to extort union demonstration has been apmass demonstrations, formation pealed.
Electrical and Radio Workers Un similar activities. The Socialist who make up the executive board of 80, 000 lumber workers to vote dues from them.
SHERIDAN SANDWICH First of Kind at his convention in order to keep Legal defense for all the ion at Dura Steel Shop, Steve Workers Party is watching closeSHOPPE bers of the executive board to be himself in power. The other memabove defendants, medical at114 University Place Roberts, Chairman of the steer ty the Fascist activities in this rank and Alers! That is, delebers of the Council haven had a conceded that the prosecution was tention, and bail in next to headquarters ing committee, addressed the dem. country and stands ready to initigates who were not on the payroll convention of their unions in five unusual. The indictment is the of Peter Saunders amounting Ac Sand Lancee or 280 onstration by way of the sound ate united action to spl of any national or international and ten years.
first of its kind to be returned in to 100, has been furnished by Soup.
Milk with Pastry!
union, though it did not exclude Fascists.
No Change of Heart this country. It was the same Dis.
the American Fund for PolitiThe party and mem Union Food at a Union Place (Continued from Page 1)
business agents or those directly Every capitalist paper in Los bers maintained perfect discipline If the clique of Woli, trict Attorney, Buron Fitts, who cal Prisoners and Refugees.
answerable to local unions. Frey. Hutchinson and Co. has had secured the first conviction of sit the workers and peasants to The discussion got hot. Michael a change of heart on the score down strikers in the United abandon the fight for socialism and carried out all orders. Several Angeles gave front page headlines demonstrators gave way to their ist Workers Party and the Young Widman, chairman of the of democracy, why don they re States on charges of conspiracy in in return for military supplies hatred of fascism and began tossand Official, spoke admit the industrial unions of the the Douglas Aircraft slt down from England and France.
ing rocks, eggs, and rotten vege calling for and leading the demPeoples Socialist League with The MARXIST SCHOOL is being held at Irving Plaza, Irving tables nt persons attempting to emphatically on this point. The integrally and with full strike case in 1987 The local O, council issued socialism until the war is won.
They abandoned the fight for Place and 15th Street, Classes began on Feb. 27, Staliniste swung behind him, and rights into the L? PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM Sam Gordon, Widick.
enter the building housing the onstration, the resolution lost by a large Nazi meeting. Several of the a statement to the press claiming The Spanish executed and No! Far from having a change Lectures on the day to day activity of the trade unionist.
But The People World (Stalinmajority.
of heart, the scavengers in the these arrests and charges are jutled the flower of the Spanish Nazis were hit by eggs and toma ist) reported metration of 4, 000 led Mondays, 7:15 PM. 8:40 lectures. 00 as a sponOther state conventional leadership of the FL. with intended to injure the efforts of proletariat. In return they got toes and windows were broken. taneous II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICS have had similar controversies.
Martin help, are trying to utillabor in Los Angeles to secure promises from the Anglo French James Burnham, Albert Goldman, Max Shachtman Nazis Attack 4th International by a Reich refugee.
It is a manifestation of the rank ize the chaotle situation in the repeal of the anti picketing ord. diplomats for military supplies. Marxist analyses of the shifting American political scene.
Most of the persons attending Stalinist non participation in the and Ale suspicion and concern auto union to subvert the senti inance passed by the voters In The Spanish Popular Front Mondays, 8:50 10:15 PM lectures 00 the meeting were forced to enter demonstration was not mentioned.
over the set up ments the bulk of the auto the last municipal election. staked everything on Anglo III. WHAT IS TROTSKYISM?
John Wright workers, and carve a few craft Alm to Crush Unions Blast at trances. few anti fascists who given no advance publicity. But French support. and didn The truth about Trotskyism based on original documents.
kingdoms for themselves in this The local press has reported get it for the very good reason meetings, Tuesdays, 7:00 PM. 8:40 attended the meeting on the in somehow, 5, 000 antifascists, exUnlike most lectures 00 industry.
that since the arrest of the 15 that the Anglo French Imperial IV. ART AND POLITICS side reported that the noise of the cluding the Communist Party, this one began with a bitter blast Martin strictures against men, the District Attorney of ists wanted no Loyalist victory Six lectures by Phillip Rahv, Dwight Macdonald, James demonstrators and the sound spontaneously discovered the against of officials in Mas Lewis dictatorship fall wide of Alice has been investigating numer followed by a socialist regime.
truck drowned out the German event.
sachusetts by Thomas Burns, the mark. It is an undeniable ous similar cases reported to them.
Farrell, Dupce, Delmore Schwartz and will vice president. Burns fact that Lewis, Hillman and Co. The idea is obviously to use this ting out of the way the two main speakers and forced a quick adHaving succeeded thus in getPhillips. half year subscription to the Pertisan Review will be given free to every registrant. journment. The Nazl speakers The visited the Mayor about the record of John Gate are not one whit less dictatorial new method to supplement the obstacles to its plans, the Anglo Tuesdays, 8:10 10:15 lectures 25 wero bitter in denouncing the in advance demanding a stateFourth Internationalists as the ment that the police would not lee, former president of the Massor Hutchinson. They learned in ing the local employer organiza gone through with those plans, or bureaucratic than Green, Frey anti picketing ordinance in aldFrench imperialists have now THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. George Novack The American Civil War. What it really was and meant.
enemies of Fascism.
interfere with the picket line, achusetts Federation of Labor. the same school and their separations to crush the trade union recognizing Franco.
Wednesdays, 8:50 10:15 He branded Gatele a racketeer tion is only a matter of a few movement lectures 00 The demonstrators remained, prepared legal defense; and, util Registration can be made at the school office, 116 University continuing their militant spirit izing a sound truck at the dem and an organizer of violence.
Uw short years. But the auto work. If the District Attorney suc You are a traitor to Britain.
Place or at the Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12th Street, until 9:45 o clock, joining in the onstration, gave all directives, ally, a conciliatory speech towards ors cannot correct this out by crecimiento establishing the newestre: Parliament to Chamberlain. You.
beween p. and p. Registrations may also be made by shouting of slogans, the singing carried all banners, and lend the mail or by calling ST 0567.
of songs, booing people entering picket lines in shouting anti tasconvention. In many localities in dictators of the They can tonally are given a dangerous the Fascist meeting hall, follow. cist slogans.
Massachusetts, there is a working only correct it themselves inside weapon against the trade union Chamberlain did not betray the ing the active lead of the Party All this was reported in great agreement between the two organ their own union, and relying upon movement, with the aid of com capltallet class. He simply did its WHIRL TWIRL and who marched con detail in the press of the entire izations, however, the independent strength of the pany stooges and spies all efforts alrty work.
stantly in a plcket line before the nation together with many news Significant too, there was no rank and file.
of union men to organize can be The Real Traitors Bund building. Throughout the photos showing the struggle led resolution passed calling for Lovestoneltes Not Wanted used to frame charges of extordemonstration the flare of photo by the and the Those who told the Spanish third term for Roosevelt.
The struggle against bureau tion and conspiracy against them. workers to depend on the English Featuring graphic flaşh bulbs Illuminated against the Nazis, but The PeoContinued next Issue cracy in the can only suc Labor must be aroused and united and French governments, who OZZIE CASWELL HIS SWING BAND the massed throng. Toward the ple World reports, The so called ceed when the rank and file or against this danger.
revolution in order to curry favor end of the demonstration, the po Socialist Workers Party and the ganizes independently on a conwith the Anglo French ImperialLERMAN BROS. Entertainment Dancing Refreshments.
lice began masing radio cars and Young Peoples Socialist League structive, unton building and mill ANNOUNCEMENTS tsts they are the betrayers and motoreycles, announcing their ap Injected themselves into the dem.
37 EAST 14th STREET tant program at the contraltors of the working class. The SATURDAY EVE. MARCH proach by the wailing of strena onstration and attempted to proThe police were used as escorts voke a clash with the police.
New York City vention at Cleveland. And along ROOM FOR RENT: Comfortable, blood of a half million martyred with this pitches its strength to Union Stationers and AT THE AUDITORIUM 8:30 bright, steam heat, mile view workers and peasants killed in for the departing Fascists and defeat Martin craft union wolves 00 per week. See Stanley the civil war, and of those whom (15th St. Union Square, New York City)
Printers were compelled to force their way from edging their Insidious influ at the Appeal office.
Franco will kill hereafter, is on Auspices: Young Peoples Socialist League International through the ranks of the demonGet the Phone Algonquin 8886 8 ence into the auto situation. GIRL strators.
Martin love feasts with Green to the contact for who the hands of these labor ileutenants of the Anglo French Impe116 University Place, Demonstrators Relense Prisoner SOCIALIST APPEAL Selling to Labor Organizations at Lowest Prioos. and Co. have created consternawrite Kimmel, o Stanley. rialista the Staliniats and their Socialist Appeal, 116 University Socialist and Anarchist allies.
SUBSCRIPTION. 39c in advance (49c at the door) At one point in the demonstration among his Lovestone camp Place, tion the police arrested man at Your Newsstand PRES. AZANA AIDS co the District Atkindley a ottice DEMOCRACIES TO SUPPORT FRANCO cause NOW IN SESSION the event au PARTY DANCE has apt to