AnarchismAndrés NinAnti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Spanish Militants Describe Escape From Barcelona Bolshevik Leninists Tell of the City Fall Socialist Appeal TRAITORS KNIFE SPAIN The Support of the Democracies PRES. AZANA AIDS DEMOCRACIES TO SUPPORT FRANCO Paris SPANISH WORKERS the ization 1000 New Subscribers Escape With Gorkin and Other Leaders; Stalinist Police Left By April Ist!
Them To Be Slaughtered Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly SAY FIGHT WILL GO ON VOL. III No. 12 FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 375 per copy Terence Phelan, special correspondent in France of the Socialist Appeal, met and talked to leaders of the Spanish Bolshevik Leninists and the Workers Party of Marxist Unification) who managed to make a miraculous escape from Barcelona a few hours before the Fascists entered the city. Having barely escaped the executioners of Franco, these the police of Daladier, ortwhile hero of the French People ROOSEVELT ASKS Front who has LABOR TO FORM By TERENCE PHELAN Special to the Socialist Appeal)
PERPIGNAN (near the Spanish Frontier. Feb. 16 NATIONAL FRONT Deliberately left locked up in prison, at the mercy of Franco bombers and executioners, and saved only by a Political Ambitions, Head of People daring escape that reads like the wildest adventure story, War, Call For Front Quits the POUM leadership and part of the leadership of the Labor Unity Fourth Internationalist Bolshevik Leninists are temporarily safe in France. They are scattering rapidly for cover be UNITY FOR WAR FRANCO NO TERMS ASKED fore the police bloodhounds of French capitalism, which persecutes them as ruthlessly as did the Stalino bourgeois In an identical letter to William Green, president of the American Arriving at the logical conclugovernment of Spain.
sion of their non intervention policy, the British and French Moving with the greatest caution, this correspondent Lewa, head of the Congress or governments on Monday extend of the Socialist Appeal was able to interview Julian Gor dent Roosevelt this week called ed formal and unconditional rec kin, General Secretary of the POUM, and Casanova, cour upon the spokesmen of the two ognition to Franco fascists as ageous Bolshevik Leninist leader who, since the frame up representatives for a joint meet the legal government of Spain.
ing to discuss trade union re uni.
Facilitating this step, President arrest of the entire previous leadership of the Spanish sec fication Manuel Azana, who had permittion of the Fourth International, has directed the underground work Green announced almost imme ted French Premier Daladier to of our Spanish organization.
diately that the had ac From comrades Casanova and Gorkin, it was possible to de and appointed a committee of cepted the Roosevelt invitation quote him last week as having declared further struggle was use termine that among the known saved are: Manuel Fernandez Grand Harry Gates of the Bricklayers, less, left the Spanish Embassy in izo (Muniz. General Secretary of the Spanish Bolshevik Leninists; Matthew Woll of the Photo enParis to take up residence in an Casanova, his successor; Julian Gorkin, General Secretary of the gravers and Daniel Tobin of the Alpine resort, leaving the SpanPOUM: Juan Andrade, of the PO Teamsters to meet with a similar ish presidency vacant in fact. UnUM Executive Committee; Pedro Suddenly the POUMists realized committee of the Lewis.
der the constitution, his successor Bonet, POUM Trade Union See that the two Bolshevik Leninists who left New York for washing would be Martinez Barrio, presi retary: Gironella, POUM Propa were not with them and demand ton, refused to comment.
dent of the Cortes who, however, ganda Secretary (already arrested od that they also should be transBolstering War Program is also in France.
Vincente replied by the Fench Police and now in ferred north Although progressives and miliLeaders Saving Own Hides Senlis prison. Wilebaldo Solano, that another truck was coming in tants on both sides of the union Both United Press and Assoch General Secretary of the POUM a few minutes, on which Carlin conflict have stood from the be ated Press dispatches quoted LoyYouth; Juan Faire Secretary of and Zanon would be placed to ginning against the division and alist officials as preparing to comthe Lerida Province POUM Or gether with other anti fascists. It for re unification, they regarded plete the single proviso of the ganization; José Rodes, former was later learned that almost im. the Roosevelt move, irrespective armistice said to have been POUM Governor of Lerida Prov. mediately after the first truck of its outcome, as a step toward reached Saturday removal from ince: Juan Guer, Secretary of the departure, faselst elements seized bolstering up President Central Spain of some 10, 000 PopGerona Province POUM Organ the jall.
domestic and foreign policies.
ular Front officials by French and Andres Nin Widow That Roosevelt is not concerned English naval vessels.
Bolshevik Leninists Saved At Last Moment with trade union unity because it will help consolidate labor fightIn extending recognition, Prime Still Missing Perhaps in the general dising strength, has been demon Minister Chamberlain whitewashcd Franco terror against the Still missing, among others, are: order, Carlini and Zanon escaped strated by him repeatedly, most workers by noting with satisfacAdolfo Carlini, member of the Bolanyway. This happened in other recently of all by the Des Moines, tion Franco statement to take shevik. Leninist Executive Com prisons. Commandant Roviru o Towa, speech of Harry Hopkins, proceeding only in cases of those mittee, and Luis Zanon, the young the 20th Division, POUM lender, promising big business an end to Bolshevik Leninist comrade who against whom criminal charges for whom the Stalinists had de reform and an eager readiness ENGLAND are laid.
courageously revealed how Stalin anded the death penalty a week to serve capitalist interests.
ist torture had been applied to before, miraculously managed to Roosevelt is however, con The single mindedness of the obtain a bogus confession from escape in the general wild yelling cerned above all with two probFRONT ruling classes of France and England was shown by the fact that him, and was thereupon taken confusion when the fascists open. Iems in so far as the labor moveboth cabinets voted unanimously back to worse torture.
ed the Model Prison. The widowment is concerned: for Franco.
of the murdered Andres Nin, er The division in the labor rested ten days before for brave held has adversely affected RooseThey Sought This Goal Within the State Prison in Barly continuing the issue of the velt politiet fortunes in several For two and a half years the celona lay 24 of the POUM lend POUM illegal bulletins, escaped important cases, as was shown Anglo. French Imperialists had ership, condemned to long years from nothing less that a in the last elections. Looking steered toward this goal. Two tre.
of imprisonment; two leaders of secret prison. When the young toward 1910, Roosevelt is anxious mendous obstacles had blocked the Spanish Bolshevik Leninista, prison officers fled that to assure himself of a united their path: whose much postponed trial on a midnight, an old non political union movement in the expectasimilar frame up charge was prison functionary. his simple tion that it will swing solidly be1. The resurgence of the French working class, beginning with the scheduled by a historie irony for logie untouched by the fancler hind his ticket. The split between the following day (a week before. Stalinist slanders, released her the and played havoc great revolutionary strike wave of June July, 1936, coincided with the unbreakable Bolshevik Lenin with the words: You re a genu with Roosevelt candidates last the outbreak of the civil war in ist leader Muniz, because he had ine anti fascist; and these soldiers year, especially in Pennsylvania.
Spain. The onward. marching organized a hunger strike among that are coming here are genuine the revolutionary prisoners, had fascists; so think maybe better Wants Safety in Rear GOES DOWN LINE French workers made it imposbeen removed to the fortress of let you out, ch? Similarly, in his plunge to sible for the French capitalist reMontjuich. 250 members of the gime to support Franco directly.
Northward rumbled the truck want wards war, Roosevelt does not International Brigade arrested on with its mixed load of prisoners gering national unlty behind run the risk of endanBut then the Stalinists and so cialists came to the aid of the mass of convicted fascista, whese and guards. It was a strange re the war machine by the existence Complete Details of Demonstration whose lationship on that ride, said Gor of division Following out the rising trend bourgeoisie, Joining in a Blumlabor ranks. By AL LIEBECK known presence was all that pro kin with a tight lipped smile. The single, solidly and bureaucraticalTell of Militant Action Daladier Popular Front governwhich, during the past six weeks, tected the jall from bombardment. guards were armed to the teeth, ly controlled (Special to the Socialist Appeal) ment and three succeeding PopuCHICAGO For the Administration, Secretary of second time lar Front cabinets culminating in World War showed, is an The following is a more detailed account of the anti Nazi that the fascists would enter since the beginning of the News the elevation of Daladier to the demonstration led by the Los Angeles branch of the Socialis paper Guild strike us down without a tremor. Yet conducting speech delivered last Friday at war.
against premiership by Stalinist and Soconscientious Prison Director, an we were all jammed up together, Workers Party last Wednesday night.
Hearst Herald Examiner and cialist votes. The collaboration beAustrian Socialist, Vicente de man against man.
Progressives, therefore while Des Moines, publicly pledged the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
American, hired thugs aided by tween the left bourgeoisie and Vincente, telephoned to demand Next day this strange load was trade union unity on the basis of for big business.
intensifying their campaign for government to go down the line LOS ANGELES, Feb. 23 Five thousand anti fascists, responding the police proceeded to smash a the Socialists and Stalinists in of SIM Servicio de Informacion deposited in the tiny isolated guaranteed rights for industrial to the call of the and militantly demonstrated last demonstration, in front of the the Popular Front enabled capitalMilitar (Spanish In coastal town of Cadaques.
Hopkins speech had been pre night before Deutches Haus, and forced hasty adjournment of the Hearst plant on Saturday, Febru ists to break the back of the official charge of jails, a truck to unionism, are on guard against ceded by a month of careful prep German Bund meeting celebrating Washington birthday. ary 18.
But Franco troops were rollOnly a few Nazis were able to break through the picket line to transport his anti fascist prisoning inexorably north; it was ob this unity by subverting it to the January address to Congress make their way to the front entrance of the meeting hall, running and sympathizers, two of them ier Daladier, was able to smash Some six or more Guildsmen the Popular Front lender, Prem.
ers farther north.
vious that the village of Cadaques domestic and foreign political that 400, 000, 000 to 300, 000, 000 ini Let Fascists Finish Off would be cut off in a day or so. aims of the New Deal gang.
through a curtain of rotten toma members of the Socialist Workers the recent general strike. With (Continued on page 4) ARRESTED AT toes and eggs.
Their conscientious jailor again Party, were beaten with rubber the workers thrown back, the LEAFLET DISTRIBUTION the POUM Bastards started phoning government head.
The picket line and demonstrat hose and lead pipes by the Hearst Anglo French imperialists could On the other end of the wire, quarters in the next town to get a (Special to the Social Appeal)
ors held their ranks firm until strikebreakers. One of the strikers safely go over to Franco.
the SIM Director, a Stalinist, truck for their transport further Within Spain, the workers NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Police the Fascist meeting adjourned, suffered a fractured skull and the Garcea, snarled: No trucks for north, compelling the Nazis to disperse latest reports from the hospital and peasants, smashing the fasarrested Chris Andrews, a mem through the rear and side en are that he is still unconscious.
the POUM leadership: let the Again the answer from the SIM cist uprising and seizing control ber of the Socialist Workers trances of the hall and to leave fasciats finish the bastards off. was the same: Leave the basAfter the arrests of pickets the of the principal cities and proyVicente was indignant. He had tards to be finished off by the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Party, for distributing leaflets under police escort. Several of the strike lenders decided to lead the inces in July, 1936, took over the the strictest orders that, whom fascists.
DETROIT, Feb. 23. The first reverberations of the faction fight at the Madison Square Garden uniformed Bund members were demonstrators to Mayor Kelly factories and the land, organized ever else he had to let go, he Three times Vicente made a in the auto workers union inside the plants came to an end today hurt as they attempted to leave office in the City Hall to protest workers militins, and were the must hold on to the POUM personal telephone appeal to Ne when Plymouth men returned to their jobs after a one day strike.
rally of the Communist Party prior to the time the police against his cops actions in siding real power in Spain. If they con prisoners. He was prepared to grin himself. Negrin final remark This was a typical case of Stalinist mismanagement, involving the last night.
guards came to their assistance with the Hearst hoods. After a tinued on this road, establishing follow these orders faithfully, but in hanging up was: Forget your jobs of 20, 000 workers in the Plymouth, Chrysler and Briggs plants.
When Arthur Birch, aby Discovers Plans hour wait at Kelly office, they a revolutionary government, they certainly not to leave his prison truckKeep them there. don The dispute broke into the open rente stander, protested this police violation of the constitutional Although the German Bund headquarters where a mass meet but inspire a new revolutionary ers to be butchered by the want even to hear about the when Local 51 demanded resentatives. Upon Weckler flat POUMists. The situation seemed that right to fascists bute political lit Rally was called without advance ing was held.
the corporation negotiate refusal, they declared the plant He set out on his own and at desperate, for Vicente was equally only with it and with the on strike. This morning the erature, police arrested him too.
publicity, the discovered At the mass meeting the strike Stalin All To Chamberlain last found, at about a. determined not to free them, Hearing for the two defend the plane one day prior to the leaders reported on those injured How to strangle the Spanish McCartney Martin faction. workers walked through a small open truck, and had it At that moment, on the after Weckler, vice president of the picket line to return to work. ants was set for March 11 in brought to the prison gate. noon of the 28th, there marched Chrysler Corporation, pursuing a Blow at LO. Prestige preparations for the demonstra man, who was hit across the fore main problem confronting AngloWest Side Court. They were re Knowing that the fascist prison up to the improvised prison, in subtle anti union policy, insisted The first test of strength in any leased in custody of their law. tion.
head with a crowbar, to say a few French imperialism. Stalin proers would be released anyway by defiance of their officers, the on dealing with the shop commit plant, the events of the last two yer.
Thousands of leaflets flooded words. This militant young striker vided them with the solution. He the entering troops, he paid no Loyalist garrison of Cadaques, tees of both factions on an equal days at Plymouth are a heavy More than 10, 000 leaflets call. the city, publicity was obtained in offered the only possible solution did for the imperialists what they attention to them, but hastened led by a corporal.
footing Ed Hall, vice blow to the prestige of the ing on rank and Ale members all the daily papers, radio news for winning the strike. He asked could not do for themselves. His to turn loose the International Is it true, their spokesman president, and Leo Lamotte, Pres. which represents the great bulk of the Communist Party to joln bureaus announced the demon for the formation of defense Spanish apparatus secured an unBrigadiers and to get his special asked, that your prisoners are ident of the Plymouth Local de of automobile workers. It is the the Socialist Workers Party and stration, trade unions and unem guards to beat down the Hearst holy alliance with the Socialist prize prisoners off to some jall the POUM leadership? It is. manded that the management same kind of injury Plymouth fight fascism with AOTION ployed organizations, schools and thugs whenever they show their and Anarchist leaders to persuade farther north (Continued on Page 3)
deal only with the rep (Continued on page 2)
were distributed at the rally. Continued on Page 2) faces. Continued on Page 2)
PEOPLES FRANCE Carla SPOKESMAN Los Angeles SWP HEARST HIRED Pickets Nazi Meet GANGSTERS SLUG FOR BIG FINANCE STRIKERS AGAIN On that last wild night, certain and we well knew that if we at the last union movement, as has set in from every quarter of Barcelona on the morrow, the temped to run for it, they shoot essential part of preparing and Commerce Harry Hopkins, in a Stalinists Endanger Jobs Of 20, 000 at Auto Plant wave