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SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, February 28, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. INIL, No. 11 February 28, 1989 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, NY Telephone: Algonquin 8517 IN THIS CORNER FRANCE Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months, Poreign: 3, 00 per year, 1, 50 for months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per copy in a foreign countries. Single copiea: cents, Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY PEOPLES FRONT FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open idle ctories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. thirty! wage5. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. independent Labor party.
II. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
hour weekly maximum for all workers and jobe. Where There Are No Cuts GOV Carla Results Show Join Us on the Firing Line!
Dark Cloak of Secrecy Lifted From FDR War Entanglement The Socialist Workers Party has been on the firing line from coast to coast in the most militant challenge to Fascist provocation that this country has yet seen.
The front pages of the entire American press have told the story of the s bold leadership in the organization of counter demonstrations to the attempt ed Fascist mobilizations at Madison Square Garden in New York and at Los Angeles.
The Socialist Appeal in its first month as a twice weekly has succeeded in hitting hammer blows for the cause of united workers action against Fascism, for progressive unionism, and against the war preparations of the Roosevelt administration.
But these are still only the first steps! To make the needed advances in carrying the revolutionary, mili tant, fighting program of our party to the great masses of the American working class, the Socialist Appeal has to expand its circulation and gather the sinews that not only will enable it to continue as a twice.
weekly but will enable it in the nearest possible future to become a thrice weekly and then a daily!
Getting out the twice weekly Appeal places a tre mendous financial strain upon us. We took this bold step forward on the basis of calculated increases in circulation in subscriptions, street sales, and bundle orders. The party as a whole responded magnificently in raising the 3, 000 we needed to begin. It now must bend all its efforts to the task of making it possible to continue and to expand.
Party comrades and sympathizers! Expanding the circulation of the Socialist Appeal is a basic way of putting our fighting program across! There must be there can be no let up! We re asking for at least 1, 1, 000 new subscribers by April but this is only a mini roum figure. Get your shoulders to the wheel! Get out into the streets with the Appeal and help build a mass circulation. Here is the complete, damning sentence, at the end No Pasaran of the Daily Worker appreciative story on the Mayor whitewashing the cops. Mark it well, you workers 701 who were ridden down, slugged, kicked and beaten by La Guardia cops, you workers throughout the country who have seen the pictures of the cops attacking the demonstration. group of Trotskyites who came to City Hall to protest against action of the police in prevent.
ing serions provocations and disorder at the meet By Max Shachtman ing were not recevied by the Mayor. Daily Worker, Feb. 22, 1939)
Now that all the reports are in about the Madison Square Garden rally of the Nazis and the counter The only other reference by the Daily Worket to demonstration called by the existence of the demonstration against the Nazis up at least a tentative our party, it is easier to cust.
was also on Wednesday, in a piece by Lowell Wake The press of the Jewish bourgeoisie and Its social field which begins: Every loyal American inside democratie echo united in a joint plea to the Jewis Madison Square Garden the other night. was proworkers of New York to shun the vicinity of the foundly shocked. The Daily Worker is ready to give Garden on Monday night. These snivelling cravens haven learned a thing from the horrifying events in plenty of rats who attended the meeting the benefit of Europe and still hope that if they crawl on their the doubt; maybe they didn know what this widely.
bellies or stick their heads in the sand or play dead.
publicised meeting was about. Like innocent virgins the fascists will either forget they exist or, if they remember, have mercy on them.
they went there and were shocked, according to comrade Wakefield.
Stalinists Feature But the demonstrators outside get no bencht from Morris Statement Wakefield. His single reference to them is that they The Stalinists and Thomasite and Lovestoneita are nasty little provocative knots of Trotskyites.
press preserved a dignitled silence on the counter The Forward is no better than it ever was. But what demonstration. Every child knows that if the Stalinist has been established, beyond dispute, is that the Forpress in particular had issued a call to its supporters to come out to the Garden, the Nazi mobilization ward scabbery is not the lowest type. Way down becould never have taken place, and New York Inbor low it is the deliberate, conscious strike breaking of the would have registered a tremendous and inspiring Daily Worker against the anti Nazi fighters.
Instead, after days of silence, it featured prominently the appeal of another professional democrat.
Acting Mayor Newbold Morris, who urged the people of New York to stay away from the demonstration, The unemployed, who are being thrown off the re.
The bourgeois press took prins to underscore the lief rolls in accordance with the Guinea Pig experifact that neither the Communist nor Socialist party was supporting the counter demonstration, that only ment of Congress to determine just how low funds the Trotskyists were behind it.
for relief purposes can be cut without bringing dem.
In a word, everything was done by the official onstrations of protest, will be pleased to learn that anti fascist leaders to discourage attendance at the utterly fantastic profits for 1938 continue to be recounter demonstration.
ported by the country giant corporations.
None of the unemployed thrown off relief will want to protest about experimental cuts, naturally, Was Correct when they have had their feelings soothed by read.
Notwithstanding all this pressure, tens of thou.
sands of workers did come to the demonstration in ing about these enormous profits. Instead of cutting response to the appeal of an admittedly small organithemselves a non existent slice from an imaginary loaf zation, the Socialist Workers Party, which does not of bread provided by relief cuts, they will satisfy their yet have at its disposal the, Inrge numbers who follow hunger on epicurean delicacies the same luxurious way the Communist party.
the rich do. by just ordering whatever strikes their Now who, in light of the results, was correct: the Stalinists and their like, who called on the workers fancy.
to hide in their basements, or the Trotskyists, who The money for it? Don let the Guinea Pig expercalled upon them to come out?
iment of Congress stand in your way. People at long Let us enll as witness in our behalf two of the before Congress started cutting relief funds. The rich, writers on the Daily Worker staff, reporting the dem for instance, solved that problem a long time ago. Special to the Socialist Appeal. 4) Roosevelt denied to the ficials had differed with the Pres WASHINGTON, Further American people that he had ident over the advisability of this onstration in the Wednesday, Feb. 22 issue: Just open up your family vault, blow the dust off confirmation of the widespread made such a statement but both closing military secrets to the The Nazis came out of the Garden in little groups your stock, and clip a few million dollars worth of belief that President Roosevelt the Committee and the President French and British.
under police protection, writes Lester Rodney, and dividends for your year idleness. That an old secret has committed the United States categorically refused to make (11) Secretary of the Treasury scurried for the subways like rats for their holes.
to enter any war involving Great public the stenographic report of Morgenthau asked that previous Though brave inside, the Nazis slunk from the formula developed by the upper classes. We pass it Britain or France came today the meeting or to explain what secret testimony of his be made Garden, writes Lowell Wakefield. They gave their on to those of you who have been thrown off relief when Representative Vinson of had been divulged by Roosevelt public. The Committee refused. swastika banners, even the American flags they dis for what it is worth.
Georgia in a sensational address under onth of secrecy. 12) It became known that the played, to little boys and to young gl. is to carry home We will do our bit by sending to the unemployed to the House of Representatives (5) Fear and resentment swept secrecy surrounding the activities They felt the tenor of New York thoughts. am the glad tidings as to just which of the many stocks defended the sale of planes to the nation and the Senate was of the French experts in the not talking about the blood brothers of Hitler, those in their family vaults they should clip. After a week these countries and announced adjourned for ten days by Roose United States had come at the nasty little provocative knots of Trotskyites Well that America now finds it neces. velt leaders to avoid answering request of American officials, said, well said! But where were the non provocative of celebrating Dividends and Profits Week, we re sary to answer the dictators in questions over Roosevelt agree probably directly from Roosevelt Browders and Hathaways? but of the thoujoice afresh and join with the unemployed in satis their own language.
ments and commitments to himself, the denials of the French sands of silent antifascists, the after theater crowds, fying our needs from the following items: Congress convened again after plunge the United States into the Embassy that it knew anything of the workers on the way home from late shifts who The STOCKHOLDERS of the companies listed bea ten day adjournment called by coming world slaughter. the presence here of an air mis make the streets around there the city busiest low may clip from the following takes for 1938: low public opinion to cool off after make further comment on the af spired by the State Department.
Democratic Party leaders to al. 6) The President refused to sion being an ignorance in towards midnight. Note: We have listed nothing less paltry than a disclosures that shocked the pub fair, reporting that he was suf (13) The Senate Military Com What If There Had million dollar take. It is to be noted that all salaries of lic from coast to coast had indifering from a cold.
mittee carried on a bitter discus (7) The President left Wash sion about the leaks which have Been No Demonstration?
corporation officials have already been deducted but cated that the President and his The Nazis slunk from the Garden. they curried administration under cover of ington for Florida to indulge in been occurring despite the pledge this is a minor item, some officers like Fred Sarsecrecy have engaged the nation a little fishing in the Carribean of secrecy imposed upon all mem for the subways like rats for their holes. That part gent, president of the Chicago North Western of the Daily Worker report is entirely accurate.
to enter the coming world war, Ser. and incidentally take bers and urged that all members Railway, receiving as little as 50, 000 a year; that is, Vinson speech regarding the charge of war game maneuvers adhere to the rule against disBut suppose for a moment that the tens of thouaccording to the bookkeeping of the corporations. administration war policy was involving the entire Western closing any confidential testi sands who joined the around the Garden had Columbia Gas Electric Corp. 10, 244, 489 the that bluntly outspoken de Hemisphere mony. They then questioned Am heeded instead the appeals of the Jewish Daily For Brooklyn Union Gas Co. 1, 679, 818 ſense of Roosevelt war entangle.
ward, the Morning Journal, the Day, the Daily Worker (8) Senators who had been rag bassador Hugh Wilson, recently Public Service Co. of No. linois.
and Newbold Morris? Suppose the Garden had been 3, 635135 ments since the adjournment of ing demagogically about the right recalled from Germany. He would Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. 6, 825, 824 the Senate of the American people to know not speak until the committee Jeft completely free of the surrounding workers?
Kansas City Power Light Co. 3, 806, 729 It was thought by Roosevelt about their coming slaughter and stenographer and clerks had left Would the Nazi thugs have slurk away under Continental Can Co. 101. 973 partisans that the country wide alleging that they would rip away the room. After questioning him, those circumstances? Would they then have acurried Owens Illinois Glass Co 5, 383, 805 opposition to his secret diplomacy the entire dark cloak of Recrecy Committee members stated for for the subways like frightened rats? Would they Mead Johnson Co.
1, 608, 212 was without leadership and from the President entangle the benefit of the public that he have gone home with the fear of the working class Union Oll Co. of California.
6, 892, 75 Without plan And that after the ments with Britain and France, had given them no new informain their hearts?
General Baking Co.
2, 718, 425 ten day adjournment. members agreed that the anger of their tion for fear of injuring his fu Not for a minute! Rather, they would have said Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. 2, 213, 030 of Congress who depend upon constituents had died down ture usefulness.
to themselves Detroit Edison Co.
8, 218, 672 demagogie opposition to the war enough to make it possible for (14) The President enroute to We put over a bold and impudent provocation Southern California Edison Co. 11, 733, 479 plans would not be compelled by them to skip over the issue. The Key West gave press confer. on the New York workers, on the Reds, on the Pacifle Tel. Tel. Co.
17. 044, 411 an infuriated public opinion to Senate was again convened.
ence, during which he went off Jews. We shook our flats right under their noses Postal Tel. Land Line System 2, 916. 968 further criticize the administra (9) The Military Affairs Com the record twice to explain to and they ran away from the scene. They slunk away San Diego Gas Electric.
1, 470. 554 tion.
mittee continued its hearings on the reporters of the capitalist from work, they scurried for the subways, they beat Lone Star Gas.
5, 804, 101 War Negotiations defense needs (President war press his estimate of the war situ it for home in the hope of avoiding a meeting with us El Paso Natural Gas. 083, 689 That the President and Com program. and in secret sessions ation. No information of this ex Here we are just getting started, and our numerous Loulsville Electric of Delaware 1, 197, 006 gress are carrying on secret ne decided to make public an expurplanation to the reporters ap. enemy already fears an encounter with us.
York Railways Co.
2, 744, 738 gotiations with foreign nations to gated edition of part of the testi peared in the press, but the New And they would have acted accordingly. They Texas Corp.
23, 500, 000 plunge the United States into war mony to be given by witnesses. York Times mentioned that it would have strutted home from the Garden, imbued Underwood Elliott Fisher Co 1, 767, 596 is clearly evident from the fol(10) Senator Austin of the Com seemed to throw light on state with new courage, self confidence, insolence towards Carrier Corp. 1, 061, 000 lowing series of events: mittee disclosed that the United ments by Senate Military Affairs Cons. Gas, of Baltimore. 858, 140 (1) bombing plano developed States Army has a vast network Committeemen quoting Mr. Roo The outpouring of New York workers was the Quakers Oats Co.
6, 287, 405 for the United States army under of Intelligence Agents throughout sevelt as saying that this coun first important and salutary lesson taught the fascists Bayuk Cigars, Inc.
great secrecy crashed accidently the world, and that because of try military frontier was on the in this city. And we have learned enough, feel Bon Ami Co.
1, 889, 118 near Santa Monica and it was their special knowledge Army of Rhine.
from the shortcomings of the demonstration, so that Caterpillar Tractor Co.
3, 818, 300 discovered that it carried a memthe next lesson the workers teach the labor haters F, Goodrich Co. 210. 119 ber of a French Air Commission JAMES, RUSSELL DEBATE CAPITALIST and anti Semites will be it decisive one.
aboard 1, 831, 286 St. Joseph Lead Co.
Everybody through clipping? It really quite a task (2) It was revealed that an ofSYSTEM BEFORE LARGE AUDIENCE To Victory With ficial commission of the French when there so many profits. Someone should have (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
government was in the United the Party!
the oppressed of the world was the workers invent a machine that would do the clip States for the second time, and CHICAGO Before a crowd of socialism, Russell argued that That there were defects in the organization and ping automatically. Then the unemployed and the rich at the request of President Roose 650 at the Mandel Hall, University only the method of persuasion carrying through of the demonstration, is undeniable Some of them are pointed out elsewhere in this issue wouldn have to do any work at all.
velt, secretly, in order to buy war of Chicago, LR. James routed could improve society.
planes. Plans for these planes, Bertrand Russell in debate on James Analyzer Society by Dwight Macdonald. But without being smug about closely guarded by Army, the defense of capitalist democ.
We must persuade the capitalist our satisfaction, it is important to say: Everything in proportion.
were made available to the for racy. The debate, held on Feb. class that socialism is a superior eign power.
attracted considerable interest social order, he declared. Through We are frank to say that this was our first truly outside of the University circles. this means and by educntion he big mass action in New York, organized without the Sworn to Secrecy During the past ten years the Stalinist leaders of (3) President at possibility of knowing in advance all the factors in Roosevelt the Communist Party have organized literally hunA large number of workers at hoped to see the coming of social ism.
tempted to stifle widespread ap tended.
dreds of physical attacks on Trotskyite meetings.
volved. At comparatively short notice, all our forces prehension that he had engaged Russell, while contending that James, on his part, analyzed the were mobilized for a bold action which proved suc cessful far beyond all hopes because our party knew Their hooligans have assaulted our speakers and the United States to enter any he too, was in favor of socialism. class character of capitalist socislugged our news venders.
war involving the French or made clear that he was, above all, ety and demonstrated unassailably how to mesh the small gear which represents into the huge gear which the militant workers of New When Fascism actually reared its ugly head British by inviting the Military pacifist. Because of his pacifism that violence was one of its main Affairs Committee to a secret he endorsed the Munich pact since characteristics. He went on to York represent, thus setting the latter into motion openly in New York City in the very front yard of conference at the White House. it gave the world a little peace. show how every gain for the Next time we will do better. But only on the the Communist Party and organized a mass meeting members were sworn to di He abhorred violence no matter workers was obtained through condition that the small gear is strengthened and on a scale reminiscent of those just a few years prior vulge nothing of what the Presi from what source it sprung both uncompromising struggle that the enlarged. The place of every militant worker, of to the rise of Hitler, the Stalinist leaders were not dent told them about his plans. the violence of the ruling class ruling class always resisted with every revolutionary intellectual who means business merely discreetly silent, but quoted approvingly Act.
Nevertheless, it leaked out that against the workers and the resis arms any threat to its existence. is in the fighting ranks of the Socialist Workers Party.
the President had stated that the tance of the workers to their per Persuasion, said James, meant We do not have an eternity before us, and even if ing Mayor Morris, who pleaded with everybody to boundaries of the United States secution. In answer to James only reconciling oneself to the we did, history would not do our own job for us.
stay away.
extend to the Rhine.
statement that the only hope for continued existence of capitalism. Into the party, into the fight, and on to the victory!
Yellow Journalism the workers.
1, 300, 995 There was a time when no self respecting worker would be caught reading the Jewish Daily Forward; its scabbery against every militant action of the work ers was the most revolting spectacle in the labor move ment. But even that yellow sheet never sank to the levels now being plumbed by the Stalinist sheets, the Daily Worker and the Freiheit.
The Forward, like its bourgeois Jewish colleagues, exhorted its readers not to attend our counter demonstration against the Nazis last Monday night. In our last issue, we characterized this cowardly act for what it was. Following upon the counter demonstration, the Forward did not exactly get enthusiastic about the demonstration in its news reports; it did not report the police own estimates of the size of the crowd, cut it down to Ten thousand Trotskyists and Socialists, etc. etc. But at least it admitted the existence of the anti fascist demonstration and that the demonstrators ran into considerable numbers.
the In its Tuesday edition, the Daily Worker achieved. When Fascism Reared Its Head the unparalleled feat of running a copious story about the Nazi meeting but not one single word about the anti Nazi demonstration outside!
This was already outstripping the Forward, but on Wednesday the Daily Worker demonstrated that there is no bottom to the Stalinist pit of degeneration.
Whereas the forward had, at least, indicated in its story the fact that the police had assaulted the demon strators, the Stalinists went even further than La Guardia in whitewashing the cops. La Guardia contented himself with merely praising the cops. The Daily Worker went on to speak of the cops as preventing serious provocations and disorder. Sunday, Feb. 26 P.
Speaker: Felix Morrow Auspices: SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Fourth International IRVING PLAZA Irving Place and 15th St.
Tickets on sale at the LABOR BOOK SHOP, 28 East 12th St.
THERE IS AN ANSWER TO FASCISM! series of three lectures by the only organization that knows how to fight fascism FRANCE: There Is Still Time. By Max Shachtman, Sunday, March UNITED STATES: It Need Not Happen Here. By James Burnham, Sun day, March 12 Subscription to the series: 50c Single lectures: 25c