Anti-naziCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, February 28, 1939 APPEAL ARMY In the Trade Unions please.
Chicago. peper Boston of this was recur.
FINK RUN WAA MEETING WAVES FDR WAR FLAG SHOWDOWN NEAR Bosses Use Auto Union Split to Push MINNEAPOLIS CAB IN DETROIT AUTO Anti Labor Law as UAW Fails to Act DRIVERS STRIKE (Special to the Socialist Appral) Troblem is unemployment. The to fifteen thousand abolished UNION STRUGGLE TO WIN CONTRACT first time since the 1937 sit downs present unlon regime is creating means there can be no successful unemployment throwing men of picketing and therefore no suc FLASH IN THE MAILS: sent them to the dog house, the payrolls instead of putting them cessful strike in Michigan.
New York City sells and dis We have mailed out this week Two Meetings Show pot bellied moneybags of Michl on Labor Leaders Play Game Show Workers Can tributes 6, 000 copies of the Appeal Appeal Army Bulletin No. on gan are pressing offensive When labor can achieve leadLarge Majority What is the Michigan labor against the labor movement. The ership that will join with citizens movement doing to kill a bill that Handle Own covering the anti Navul demonstra: the subject of Mass Street Sales tion at Madison Square Garden. We urge all iterature agents to For giving them their opportunity, the build America, we ll all be on our vent mass picketing and force Problems Minneapolis orders an extra bun take into consideration the sugvigilante governor in Lansing a way to greater prosperity.
dle of 500 Appeals, Chicago orders gestions made therein. They have (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
unions to notify their enemies Special to the Socialist Appeal) over 300 extras! The Socialist been tried and have worked!
leader, and the new labor bill DETROIT, Feb. 20. The first slogan.
Conceals Purpose anywhere from 10 to 40 days in MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 19. The Workers Party shows the way in. Also, we have sent to branches By WIDICK showdown in the plants between the balance of our newsboy nprons Papor Attacks Unionism As the reader can ade, the edi. advance?
Minneapolis Taxicab Drivers and the struggle against fuscism!
Some 18, 000 dressmakers of the the and the Martin splitUnder the heading Support the toris carefully conceals its real When the bill was first pre Helpers Union, Local 958, backed We had the pleasure of ordering on hand. Branches will be charged GW. demonstrated last oft group was expected here when Governor Tuesday for one hour on Eighth Pat McCartney crowd attempts Detroiter, organ of the Board of for the poor persecuted DuPonta ments of representatives of Council. this week showed the fun in the history of our paper to remit this sum along with their Avenue at 35th st. against the to oust the stewards the local commerce, howls for immediate and Chryslers. The obvious fraud and indicated they might bosses and their stooges in the Yes, the Appeal marches rapidly regular payments on the bundle Dress Trucking Association for recognized by the order accounts Executive action before labor can once is that Fitzgerald Bill concerns take the bill provided it was city hall that organized labor is towards a mass circulation!
refusing to sign union contract. Board and demand recognition again get on its feet and unite itself in no way with inner union slightly diluted. There was even fully capable of handling its own refusiness and impressive sight. Cht from the Plymouth division of tore action. Here is the editorial Politics o reality, they are soy indication that the Lo bureau problems. Mayor George Leach THE BRANCHES AT WORK: SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE should bring results to the work the Chrysler Corporation. which covers the front page or ing to those who want to be crats would not raise too much tried to intervene to bring the Enclosed is a money order for HITS REAL PACE!
Two meetings of Plymouth the January 30th issue: Now in its third week, the Ap Suppose a similar demonstration workers were held hore yesterday. There was a period in the his or hos e contreprezentowe can het was directed at the and three independent cabe companies der, for two Appeal sulesmen peal drive for 000 new subscribthe LL. one day sooner as suspices of the was at its citizens pulled together, with ears. And to the fat boys on the Since that time they have be rebuffed by the drivers.
a protest against the Nazt meet tended by some 1, 000 while the only minor defections. That was Chamber of Commerce: Now that come genuinely frightened by the On Feb. 15 last year contracts scriptions Callender of San way with a bang! This week we labor is dis united let eram this nature of the bill and at least for between Local 958 and the cab, Calir.
can report receipt of the largest ing at Madison Square Garden: one sponsored by the Martin what made this country great.
Suppose other unions officially crowd drew some 300 workers. It Today we have Inbor leaders bill down its throat!
had participated in our fight is impossible to tell exactly how and subversive malcontents makpublic consumption they have operators, expired. Negotiations Enclosed please find 40 in number by far of new subscrip The provisions of the bill have dropped this cynical game. But for a new contract were started payment of my current bil. find tions we have ever recetved. Just against many of the workers in both ing their own bids for individual already been examined in a previ there is no doubt that behind the in anion and taking care of the n week paper look over the list! Particularly fascists?
anuary between the Picture 250, 000 workers surrounding Madison Square Garden wegs were bona flde Plymouth gains with no regard for the well. ous issue of the Socialist Appeal scenes, Fitzgerald is playing of the Yellow Taxi Co. largest of quite a job, but will manage it. notable has been the work of the and how many ringers being of the country at large. bo mulher bear repetition only one labor organization against the operators. On Feb. 10. an The Appeal ts splendia. Com New York Branches, Berkeley hours before the Nazi meeting brought in to swell the size of Members of the Automobile into the minds of Michigan ers are taking part in this game for reduction of hours from 10 which surely is in line burn the the bill and agreement was reached, calling rade of Worcester, Mass.
WAS called, Obviously there would the meeting for publicity pur Workers are engaged in a rod workers before they find them to the great peril of the organ to nine, and a guaranteed salary cess with the first three issues of since it has already fulAlled 90 We have had auspicious suc. for one of the prizes we ve offered poses.
have been no fascist rally.
hot Inter union row. Lewis in Powerful as the anti Nazi rally Plymouth For Washington is evidently of 18 a week, plus 10 of the the twice weekly Appeal. News of its quota and Cleveland, Ohio.
There is a good six weeka left Even at Plymouth, despite the ing to assume complete tempt. Belves facing prison sentences in ized workers, strikes was, It could have been invincible control.
Time to Act!
stands sold out their quota each proceeds over 15.
to go in this drive. However, if The bill prohibits sit downs Rival unions staged a Without real action and proselling at all union Demand Same Agreement time. We with cooperation of the union of worst kind of Stalinist misman we are to reach 1, 000 new subs and agement, the ficials majority sentiment Aght for the whip hand over and provides penalties for those test, it begins to appear that the is for the But if actual workers in the brewing industry, the paco. ReOno hour, before midnight, on meeting on the street engaged in them. The sit down bill will soon go before the state Feb. 18, the independent operators neighborhoods. Akron has been member a prizes to the best Labor Officials through canvassing working class we must quicken physical combat breaks out in the general strike was threatened, is the most effective weapon legislature and become law. agreed to negotiate. The union somewhat lax in the past in clr complete set of Lenin writings: plant the original responsibility to affect the delivery of all com the automobile workers have Michigan Abjectly Silent for it can be laid clearly at the modities, including food. Employ.
thus far devised. Without it ef into an anti union strait jacket. that had been signed with the culating the Appeal. We intend to (2) complete collection of the Instead, the labor officials were door of the LaMotte Stalinist gang ers have had no part in the war fective protest against speed up Silence in this way they have learnt whitepping stone wam oralten carpeted. The public inconvenience foromen, etc. bete, bin Hoogerna spective not the bill, while they were were stroke ment he was recents in the country. new liter Testeren on the lines, abuses by arrogant saying that they will strike irre was reached by midnight, so the ample for the rest of the branches books, pamphlets, etc. of Leon ously impaired. The scalp of Here the list for the week: ed from the experiences in Italy, political ambition and used its and large payrolls stopped.
Germany, Austria, Spain and else treasury (to the tune of 10, 000) Under such circumstances the the sit down is prize No. Gen please. Perhaps they will! But the agreement with Local 958, LETTER OF APPRECIATION: New York City. Lynn, Mass.
as pork barrel.
man who wants to work and the eral Motors wants from Fitz the difficulties will be immeasur and the next day hired about 40 really can find words to exA young reporter went around Reactionaries like McCartney employer who seeks to remain in gerald in the 1989 hunting sea ably heightened.
of the striking drivers, putting phaich shows so much courage Minneapolis to varlous prominent union head could never have been able to business are forced to stand aalde son against labor.
Now is the time to act all their cabs on the streets.
St. Paul quarters to ask them what they mislead such a large group of powerless to do anything about it. Cooting off Period against this vicious bil. Power thought or were going to do about workers of the Stalinista hadn In neither of these local brawls The strike is now four days old and clear, definite leadership to Akron, Ohio cooling off period for 10 ful protest from Michigan stiu the workers.
The working drivers have been California the Nazi meeting.
prepared the road for him. Works is there any altercation between days in all industries except util powerful labor movement will assessed a day each to assist As there is great deal of Sari Francisco The Amalgamated Clothing ers from this local testify that it capital and labor. Imployer em ties and transportation is manda frighten the big front politicians their striking brothers, and all muddling concerning what is real.
Florida Workers officials gave him around was the regular practice of this ployee relationships are not con tory before a strike may be called back under their beds with the signs point to an early and easy ly meant by unity, would sug.
Newark, victory for the union.
gest thnt if you could spare the ment. Joint Board members out of the floor and to how them have complained about wages, time to terrorize the weak sisters But the entire labor movement, space in the Appeal to give a Pennsylvania of town. Can lasue it myself. down if they attempted to volce hours, or working conditions. The In the plants, to import his thugs, both LO, and L, must act.
clear, definite answer to the ques declared one official who was in some legitimate point of differ point at issue is which group is to lay up his supplies of tear Philadelphia How?
tion: What is real working class terviewed.
Rochester, NY ence or opposition with the ad going to collect the dues. Such cas, to make all arrangements for unity. couldn get within a mile of ministration.
conference of all local Quakertown, Pa.
ridiculous condition must not fink herding and to fire the lead unions, L, and Railroad wish the Appeal every suc Dubinsky, the reporter said. OthUtah.
Another instance ers of the coming strike long Brotherhoods; cess and thank you for your invi Cleveland er officials privately said the counsiven Sunday morning when an Governor Fitzgerald inaugur enough before it is allowed to ter demonstration was a mistake. attempt was made to prevent at message proposed cquitable break out. In transportation, and demonstrations in every city program of mass meetinga tation to criticize or approve your Columbus, Ohio paper. Comrade Berkeley. Playing into the hands of the Socialist Appeals from being dis labor legislation. His bm, and aimed principally at the team of the state; Saskatchewan, Canada. Thanks Oakland, Calif.
fascists by giving them publicity tributed at the meeting. When others, now confront the House sters union, a 10 day cooli off march on Lansing: and a for these words of approval, Com.
one said. It was the old story of this falled, the goon squada posted and Senate Committees on Labor. period is made mandatory. 40 sit down in the state Capitol itIndiana (Continued from Page 1)
rade and your question will be St. Louis, Mo.
an ostrich sticking his head into themselves at the door and con. Write to your governor and logis days! In 10 days a union can be selt if the bill seems likely to the Roosevelt war machine westlon Box for a reply the sand when he saw danger Ascated copies of the paper from lators. Give them your opinions. wiped out!
turned over to the Appeal Ques Connecticut coming. but that didn elimin workers as they went into the 88; and Our legislature should see that Peaceful picketing will be legal. If possible, a general strike speeches of the leaders.
clearly indicated in the many New Jersey Washington, ate the danger, Look at the trade hall unionista in Nazi concentration Meanwhie a landslide of support should put an end to Internal That a real concession from whatever new law is enacted Ized but mass picketing outlawed. of limited duration.
APPEAL ARMY BULLETIN Said Mr. Herbert Benjamin, No. AND NEWSBOY APRON camps. They learned too Inte how continues to sweep on for the union quarrels that affect the Fitzgerald. As it a labor union gram, worth a million speeches Alliance: We do not want hunger SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL This is a concrete simple pro general secretary treasurer of the Total. 88 to keep Hitler from power, And as the Martin ship Deace, health, and safety of our needed his sanction to put a before a bunch of rubber necked marches any more in the United Stalinist controlled unlons fol begins to sink, the job holders commonwealth lowed the policy of complete and two bit politicians are begin. Honest labor leaders have the before a curiosity shop! But mass the only way to eliminate the years of unemployment we should MANHATTAN sleepy picket with an unfair monkeys in the legislature. It is States. We believe that after nine Can be obtained at the following Newsstands silence. So did Local 22, of the ning to scramble off as fast as welfare of the workers in their pleketing the auto plants em greatest danger to the labor be able to meet the problems of Cherry Katherine Sts. Monroe MadChurch St. Chapel Center Last week, the Love they can. Latest desertions were hearts. They realize our gred. est ploy masses, from a few hundred movement of this state. LES INSW.
stonelte Workers Age sald exact. Loren Houser and Charles Mad unemployment without such on SKK Stationery Store. Near. Romhe Knickerbocker Village Vállard General ly nothing about the coming Nazi den, two of the remaining five of means.
Store, Essen Delancey St. Jouston Cor 12th Kedrien meeting the Executive Board members Mr. Benjamin did not attempt Clinton. Meisel Bookshop Grand AtP. News, 37 Rank and File supporting Martin. Houser had to explain why after nine long Ave. So hat Sam Webbero Baltimore St.
been Martin Secretary Treasurer years of unemployment, there has store and stands 2nd and Frigate Bookshop is er dst.
Labor Took Action but the job apparently wasn been no reduction in the number (Stuyvesant Casino. Ave. 10th St Robert Zettlemoyer, 637 Hamilton St Organized Inboracted only very good one because, as Houser of jobless workers. He did not 2nd Ave. 12th St (near Cafe Roy Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton St through the splendid initiative of says in his statement, there explain why, after nine long, biterman. Second Ave. Univ. Pl. 12h PHILADELPHIA, PA rank and Alo unionists who joined wasn very much the way of ter years of unemployment, the St NE 14th St. Univ. PL. 14th 1806 North Franklin St.
funds to be treasurer of, and workers must abandon the only 148 Sih Ave. 14 St.
us in the anti Nazi rally.
Cor. Ilth and Market Sts. 40th St. and Girard Ave.
It was no accident that the very what there was Martin guarded (Continued from Page 1)
ventions to raise the dues, and to help the unemployed and weapon which forced concessions the Age of Sund 19h sh th, St. and Arch St.
QUAKERTOWN, PA cops who broke pleket lines pro with his own little hands. Houser ed, is 90 victory, then God stated that in the new organiza workers. We cast off our links from the Federal and State gov Sandra Stw. west Eser Newstands tected the Nazi assemblage Cops and Madden expect to find green preserve us from a 100 victory! tion dues would be lowered, not with the state and national organ craments in increased relief jobs, PR ve Testerelerden St.
and Fascists both are anti union er pastures in the IO. They pointed out in the resolution raised.
Andelman Tremont St. opp. Hotel to the core. Only powerful, well this tidal wave in support that what was really needed was We declare ourselves free of which they have helped destroy organize No, Mr. Benjamin coula 12th 23rd St 7th Ave NW.
CAMBRIDGE, MASS organized and militant pleket of the in no way indicates action against Washington, the this spineless lot of fakers who we leave them the name and not explain his reasons for want sechs RE: Felix MCAMBRIDGE at Harvard lines can preserve the workers blanket support the rotten ad kind of militant job marches that are afraid to put up a real fight we take the membership.
ministration of the Executive the unemployed organizations used rights against them, izations. He hopes to gain some 13 38 SM. 0125 Lynn Labor Lyceum, The rank and Ale in large num. Board dominated by the Stalinist to conduct, not the sending of recognition for his Party from the Greenwich Ave, 8th St. 6th Ave. Sam Corner.
Olympia Square bers have learned this lesson from wreckers. The large Chrysler telegrams.
Roosevelt Administration for his 15th St. 23rd St Ayes. 1riendly, Variety, Warree Grove Hall)
their own experience and the local voted at its meeting to betrayal.
For Labor Party Sand Stopp. Stern Southside The MARXIST SCHOOL will be held at Irving Plaza, Irving Silent on Needs Aves WS Lyric News Shop: IS NII linois St.
movement in Europe. That is why Convention but instructed them to The question of political action Labeo 159 Place and 15th Street, Classes begin Feb. 27.
Mr. Benjamin was silent on the dway Candy Store. hh St Send Sixth Hellette they joined our demonstration. vote against all the existing Ex also aroused considerable dispute. PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM Sam Gordon, Widick.
questions of immediate demands. day 22nd St. Hedway 3rd.
Columbus Ave. 96th St. Cent Pk. West 110 St Columbus Ave. E181st St.
Kroman, Fourth Nie This lesson must be understood ecutive Board officers. When said the resolution: For too long Lectures on the day to day activity of the trade unionist.
The problem of meeting the rent, 410 Washington Blvdeller.
by every union man if a victorious joined with the five locals who they have tried to substitute for Monday, 7:15 8:40 S, MO lectures 00 light, fuel, clothing and food bills Nicholas Ave. 157th St. dway Foster Bookca fight against fascism is to take have gone on record for a pro a militant labor program policies CLAYTON Company II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICS each month means nothing to this son Madison Ave. 90th St.
The Book Nook, 2A Merama gram of honest, progressive, mille of deals with all kinds of disered James Burnham, Albert Goldman, Max Shachtman miserable bureaucrat who can be BRONX CLEVELAND, ORTO And a real campaign to break tant unionism, this local added to Ited politicians. This reached its Rubin Drug Store Marxist analyses of the shirting American political scene, bought with the promise of pie Longwood Ave. Southern Boulevard1072 105th Street the lethargy and Inertia of the the groups in the large loents of climax in the last elections when Mondays, 8:50 10:15 PM card if the workers are misled swimu su Fulionen 170 il lectures 00 Meriam Building Room 214 trade union bureaucracy before Detroit, Flint and Saginaw, the the Workers Alliance of New III. WHAT IS TROTSKYISM?
John Wright successfully into the army and lerome Ave. Jerome Burnside Ave. 161 st the menace of fascism tu major rank and he will have a formid. Jersey endorsed a company union navy of the bosses, Book Shop, Paulic Square The truth about Trotskyism based on original documents.
ern Boulevard. 174th St. Boston Road task for every progressive worker. able voice at the Cleveland Con. lawyer for Congress and when all Nico WCS TOWN, OHIO Tuesdays, 7:00 8:40 lectures 00 Full support to the progress Kingsbridge RdJeront Ave, East Mosh SAN FRANCIS Commerce the Congressmen whom they had vention IV. ART AND POLITICS ives in congress and in the state Mcellan Grand Concours South Side of Market St.
Martin Repudiates Affulation supported voted in the House of and city government. pleads Mr. BROOKLYN Six lectures by Phillip Rahv, Dwight Macdonald, James Embarcadero newmtand Representatives against the inMacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St Martin himself took a more adequate 875, 000, 000 appropriation Farrell, Dupee, Delmore Schwartz and will Benjamin and his fellow scabCon Fillmore Bookstore open position against the o. in favor of the still worse 725, Sutter Fillmore Sts.
herders. The LaGuardia sales tex Mile Hikin Are Tompkins cor Phillips. half year subscription to the Partisan and the Roosevelt war burget are Piikin Ave. 495 Sutter Ave Bay Parkway Golden Gate News Agency, 21 4th St.
yesterday when he accepted the 000, 000. We have always stood for FACT PAMPHLETS Fitzgerald News Agency, 59 3rd Si bureaucratic order of Lewis as an independent labor party. No Tuesdays, 8:30 Mey.
Review will be free to every registrant. lectures 25 Progressive, and woe unto any 6th St. Ave 66th St. Brighton Store 20, 3057 16h St.
Ray Smoke Shop, 1203 Sutter History of Negro Revoltfact and declared himself ready longer shall we be tools for lying LABOR JOURNALISM James Casey who disagree. Frame ups, gangster Beach Ave. St S50h St. New Room 11, 542 Valencia St. SWP) LR. James to take the independent road. politicians.
Wednesdays, 7:15 8:40 lectures 00 methods and muck throwing are Donald Ditmars Ave. Sth Ave. 408 St. Best Cigar Sentai Porok Fillmore)
Desolation of the Highlands Once again he reiterated the ri VI. THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. George Novack the Stalinist answer to revolution QUEENS David Keir RO23 Grand Ave. SLID Broadway Cedar Cafe Coast Seads Carlin diculous assertion that the War Funds To Unemployed ists who are not afraid to expose The American Civil War. What really was and meant.
ROCHESTER, 283 Broadway, Room 312 Science and World Resources had never been formally affiliated The action of the Stalinists in Wednesday, 8:50 10:15 lectures 00 these cheap. petty parasites 413 Clinton St.
Smith News, Sch Main Sts. Richard Palmer 257 Clinton St.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2017 Brooklyn with the Whatever truth Jamming down the thronts of the Another reversal of policy in the Registration can be made at the school office, 116 University Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
Candy Store, 223! Brooklyn Ave.
Roosevelt and His New Deal there is in this statement, it is unemployed their jingo war proPlace or at the Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12th Street, fight for adequate relief brings to Cor. Fast Ave. Chestnut St.
Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
Stephen Bailey not recognized by thousands of gram drew forth the following beween p. and p. Registrations may also be made by light the complete and shameless Scor. Main Clinton St Sweet Shop: 2326 Brooklyn Ave cor Main South Ave Underground Struggle in Ger auto workers, even Martin sup protest: It is not the business of mail or by calling ST 0567.
role of Mr. Benjamin and Mr.
News. Co, 212 Broadway many Evelyn Lend Wiseman. This is the shifting of porters in the plants, who are an unemployed organization to The Truth about English PrisMain Street East, front of AKRON, OHIO wearing buttons. Whether call for larger and larger appro the responsibility for relief from News Exchange, si Main St Cigar Store, ons Mark Benney Martin has conferred with Dillon priations for war, planes, cannon, ANNOUNCEMENTS SHERIDAN SANDWICH the Federal Government. Now the 200 Clinton Ave, or Stormberland Levinel Delicate de cuinterlande SHOPPE OAKLASE CALIP Main SI Guide to British Liberties guns, as was done at the February plan is to make each State take James Curtis The bureaucratic move or convention; it is rather our duty GIRL wants girl to share a cozy 114 University Place and Washington 433 Clinton Ave, North What Up In Palestine Mich12th. bet. way and Washington to headquarters over the administration of homel Carli Brothers, nescal 25e Lunch: Lewis and Co. expelling all locals to call for the diversion of all war apartment. Located in Astoria, relief and work relief, following Andrew Williams Market ael Greenberg who go to the Detroit Convention funds to the unemployed to be Reit an s, cor. Broad William Soup. 15c Sandwich, Coffee or Broadway near 19th closely Roosevelt lateat lead.
Time Laland (15 minutes to Writing In Revolt Theory and. cannot but deepen the split in used for relief, for for an Milk with Pastry! MICH In order to insure in advance cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves Pl.
rent: write Edith Kimmel, o Examples Stephen Spender. Union Food at a Union Place ample cannon fodder for the gen3513 Woodward Ave. Rooms the With Flint stinadequate housing We PATERSON, Stanley, 116 University Place.
Cor. 13th Market St. Allen, etc.
strongly behind Martin, way want money to save erals, in order to insure advance Guabello Stationery Store SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Rymer Hook Store, 905 3rd Avenue Air Raid Protection 10 Cammust be left open for these locals not to kill them. We want to see ROOM FOR RENTComfortable For the large, cheap labor market for Eckhart News Agency. 104 Washington St.
Roth Cigar Store, 1907 First Ave.
bridge Solentists to return to the fold of the houses built, not blown up to see bright, steam heat. mile view NEW HAVEN. Cons.
the Tom Girdlers and the Henry 4633 University Way 91. 00 per week.
See Stanley New International Fords, the Communist Party advo Nodelman Newsstand Sunday Forum at Independence Hall Portrait of a Mining Town after the Martin Convention. The roads, hospitals and schools conat the Appeal office.
Philip Massey pitifully small forces and the structed, not destroyed. We do DANCE cates open slavery and full submisSkeleton of the Empire Leonrotten program will Job sion to the program of reaction. Dance Still Open!
ard Barnes cause many of these doubtedly not intend to accept the warmon MASS RALLY Jobs not Battle locals to turn sering policies of the Communist shipa! Hear WidiekENTERTAINMENT McKinney George Brelt APPEAL SALESMEN ChinaA.
Japan War on their backs on Martin. But not if Party.
man Rosenberg. Chairman: Upper West Side Headquarters tinue to wave the flag, to speak in Whirl and Swirl to Musle of WANTED!
Morgan Young the doors are closed.
The resolution also pointed out Plaskett. Sunday, Feb. 26 916 Ninth Ave. nr. Goth St.
the name of democracy and, Ozzie Caswell Orchestra 00 per day minimum Pocket History of the British Lewis and Co. are closing the that the Essex locals were denied PM Work Newarele, 190 Saturday, Feb. 25 Adm. 35e when the war comes, play the role SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 8:30 Workers Raymond Postgate doors so as to prevent the grow representation of their own only Chance to earn some real Aus SONGS BY MARY FRIEMAN of spy in the ranks of labor unless pices: Newark Young Circle Leag. Auditorium money. Drive Taxi Herbert Dodge with easy pleasant ing opposition in their own ranks because the state bureaucracy HELENE GARDEN the rank and file of the Alliance 15th St. and Union Square from being strengthened by lo wants to completely suifle all op HOUSE WARMING To open the Swing Music Peasant Dances LABOR BOOK SHOP and of every trade union and Entertainment Games See Abe Miller 28 Hast 12th St. cals and delegates who supported position to their rotten policies.
Greek Trade Union Educational All Proceeds to workers organization take steps Refreshments Martin out of antagonism to the it also protested the decision of LABOR BOOK SHOP Center, 167 29th St. AdmisThe New International slon 25e. Lavlah entertainment.
to drive out and smash this Althy Admission: 30e in advance Open 10 to P.
28 East 12th St.
rotten Staliniat administration the recent national and state con Saturday, Feb. 25, 8:30 and all its stooges. Monroe Jersey Locals Quit Alliance, Form Fighting Relief Union But BEGINS THIS MONDAY place.
Schroeders Acom 25 Southochat corredwards Universal St Next Belmont Ave work