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Socialist Appeal NOW Cents Copy Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party. Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 11 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1939 375 34 per copy FIGHT NAZIS IN LOS ANGELES Flint Backs Auto Convention 5, 000 WORKERS ANSWER CALL TO PICKET Fight Fascism With Workers Guards!
Representative in endorses neiPolice Battle To Protect Bund Meeting Martin Splitting Tactics Repel MEETING DELAYED Members Speciel to the Socialist Appeal. 23 THIRD GROUP MEETS. Following the example set in New York, more than Xperial to the Socialist Appeal)
FLINT, Mich. Feb. 20 Mem5, 000 workers responded bers of the United Automobile here last night to the call of Workers in this city staged a mass the Los Angeles section of exodus from the camp of Homer the Socialist Workers Party Martin this week, asserting their determination to stay within the and staged a militant counC. and to attend the Cleve.
ter demonstration against a lanel convention on March 27.
meeting of the GermanConsidered for months to be American Bund in the Deutan impregnable Martin strongThe Democratic horses of the Democratie Cosacks of Democratie Mayor LaGuardia are Defend The anti fascist workers, who were not sucker enough to rely on the Democratic horses of the sches Haus.
hold, this auto center neverthe ing Democracy outside Madison Square Garden by dick down and slukking workers who tried to Democratic Cossacks, are shown here protecting their rights in action, by a Little Lesson to a Nazi less has witnessed a wave of in pxercise their dentocratie right to assemble and picket the Nazi gangsters whom the police protected so Storm Trooper outside the Garden who mude the mistake of provoking and attacking them in the The anti Fascist pickets dignation against Martin split tenderly. That a Little Lesson that the workers are learning.
street. The Nazi is a Httle sadder today, but a whole lot smarter, sent the uniformed Nazis ting away from the Flint scurrying. An emergency auto plants were littered with discall from the Bund members carded Am for Homer Martin buttons, and even Charles Madinside the hall brought poden, formerly Martin main ruplice cars to the scene and from porter in this district, ran for cov er back to the camp of the 1o.
that point on the police protected cutive board Fascism is a movement of scabs and thugs.
Fascism is a national organized movement of scabs the cringing Nazis from the dem tion in New York.
While two weeks ago Martin We don have to GUESS at what it aims to do.
The 50, 000 workers who demonstrated against the and thugs, which threatens the very existence of the onstrators.
supporters were able to stage big We don even have to look at Europe to find out thugs and scabs showed that they want to fight them, working class.
moetings on his behalf, this week Several Los Angeles Unions only 100 men attended a meeting what it has been doing.
are ready to fight them.
The lesson of the Madison Square Garden mobiliza supported the call of the of Chevrolet local 156 called by and workers carried banners and tion of the Fascists is: How is the Fascist monster to be crushed?
All we have to do is see what it is planning to do and Bert Harris, Matin supporter, By the La Guardias and their police? By the demoLabor must have a counter mobilization!
placards calling for a militant what it is doing right here, under our very eyes. previous meeting of this local, two weeks before, was attended It wants to smash and prohibit every labor union, cratic politicians?
It must immediately organize its Workers Defense struggle against Fascism as the Guards!
only means of defending the very by more than 1200 workers every workers organization.
Foolish, criminal, fatal illusion!
It must put the fear of ORGANIZED WORKERS Third Group Conference La Guardia and his police PROTECTED the rights BULLETIN It wants to smash and prohibit every labor political (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
of the new POWER into the cowardly hearts of the Nazi hoodmovement.
of the Fascists.
third group.
It wants to deprive us of our right to free speech, free But they DENIED the workers THEIR right to asther Martin nor the Stalinist ExThe following telegram was Only a fool will wait until he is in a concentration ecutive Board majority, held assembly, free press, the right to organize, to strike, to semble and picket.
received today from the camp.
conference here to lay plans for picket.
When workers strike in defense of their jobs, hours The workers of Italy, Germany and Austria are sorry workers of the Dura Steel building rank and file support for their program.
The group door him out altogether.
It wants to send the Jew back to the Ghetto, or wipe and wages, how do they deal with scabs, strikebreakers THEY waited.
Shop: Dura steel metal workmands rank and file control of and thugs?
ers contingent, members of It wants to deprive the Catholic and Protestant of the union, adherence to the CI.
By relying on the police and their political bosses, Don wait act now. Act strongly! Act militantly! Local 1421 of the United Industrial union movement, and a the right to worship as they see fit.
who always take the anti labor side?
Unite your ranks into anti fascist WORKERS DE Electrical Radio Machine vigorous fight against the StalinLast Monday night was Fascism first big mobiliza No! They organize their pickets, their defense guard. FENSE GUARDS!
ist bureaucratic machine at the Workers of America, congratulate the Socialist WorkCleveland convention, Although the Martin faction ers Party and the Young Peoples Socialist League in takheld elections in the Chevrolet loca! 156 last week, the ing the initiative in organizelections in this local will be held ing the splendid demonstra soon, and will undoubtedly repretion against fascist thugs on sent an overwhelming majority of Washington birthday in Los the Chevrolet workers. The third group will run its own slate for NEW YORK Delegntions from attending an executive session of Essex County Majority Issues Militant Angeles.
Fink Leaders Drop Last Vestige of Action the Cleveland convention, on its the Socialist Workers Party, the the City Council.
own union building program, cal Declaration of Independence Young Peoples Socialist League, Demand to See Mayor existence of workers organizaand the American Fund for Po for Unemployed Workers culated to turn the union back in Mayor La Guardia, his aide tions.
to the hands of the rank and sle.
litical Prisoners and Refugees said, would not be back until Sperial to the Socialist Appol by BILL MORGAN The often heard remark, Every As in New York, the Comwent to City Hall last Tuesday Thursday. The delegations de NEWARK, NJ. The rule or ruin company union policies of thing th Communist Party touch. munist Party oycott the antiafternoon, to protest against po manded that his aide arrange for Special to the Socialist Appeal)
the Stalinist leadership of the Workers Alliance received a powerlice brutality at the anti Nazi an interview with the mayor.
es turns to lead. could easily be Fascist struggle but numerous NEW YORK The Stalinists applied to this phoney gathering. rank and file members of that ful blow this week when locals, representing 75 per cent of the demonstration the previous eve But Tuesday evening, La Guar staged a state convention of the All the delegates were hand picked membership of the Workers Alliance of Essex County, adopted a ning dia returned and immediately to Workers Alliance here last week, in advance, so the convention wis party joined the ranks of the Declaration of Independence, withdrew from the Alliance, and set City ufficials claimed that Act sued a statement to the press and from reports, including the nothing more nor less than a full led pickets.
up a new organization, the Worker Relief and Union. ing Mayor Newbold Morris was The break was in every sense a progressive step, forced tipon not in. The delegations lect. Ich herating the police from the Daily Worker, the rule or ruinnit meeting of the party memcharges of brutality, Associated Press Account the rank and file by the decisions of the recent Camden state returning later in the afternoon, The text of the protest handed sang has made short work of what bers.
was once a strong militant organconvention where the Stalinist John Spain leadership rode rough NEW YORK, Feb. 23 The As Activists Absent to be informed that Morris was (Continued on Page 3) ization, shodl over the demands of the Absent were many well known sociated Press reported the dem Specid to the Socialist Appeal)
workers whose untiring efforts onstration against the GermanNEW YORK, Feb. 23 sworn powerful Essex delegation, which and organizational abilities built American Bund meeting in Los statement by his physician thue he represented fully one half the An Open Letter the Alliance and established its Angeles in part as follows: had been so badly beaten by po zation, for program of action to Pelted with eggs and over ripe reputation as a class struggle lice in the street and again in the meet the state relief crisis and the weapon second to none before Mr. vegetables by a violent crowd of police station after his arrest that coming flood of layoffs.
Browder wrecking crew took it sons attended a meeting of the anti Nazl demonstrators, 300 per be could not appear today, won over.
In the Declaration of Indepen.
postponement untit March of dence, the grievances set forth The absence of these workers German American Bund here last the case of Peter Satinders, arrest against the national and state was explained in part in the report night at which Hitler was ed at the Monday night demon boards showed how far the organ of the Executive Board on mem likened to George Washington stration against the Nazi meeting. ixation had been run into the To All Members of the Comwww Parly from exercising their own elementary right to picket, and launched bership. It is true, said one of Seven radio cars of police an(See page for Saunder own ground by the present policies of and Young Communist League: dozens of brutal attacks against the anti fascists.
the organizers, that many locals swered a riot call at the Deutschen story. the leadership. The Essex locals and hundreds workers left the Hauss booing pickets outside On Monday night, February 20, in Madison Square Garden. We were warmed and heartened to find thousands of rank under the intluence of smashed windows with rocks and Ball of 200, medical attention, protested at the program offered and legal defense for Saunders by the national Office: For too, the Nazis and Fascists staged their greatest concentration so far and file members of the Communist Party and Young Communist Trotskyites. The split which drove uniformed Bund members in the history of New York City.
was furnished by the American long they have answered the de to cover, League fighting side by side with us at the demonstration in spite occurred last fall in New York City left the Alliance with only it One man, wearing Nazi insig Fund for Political Prisoners and mands of the rank and file for a This meeting of the fascist thugs and gangsters was a delib of the sabotage of their leadership Refugees.
program of action that will help few scattered locals and most of nia, was beaten. Another mal we erate provocation to every New York worker. This meeting, with The case of George Mason, ar fight unemployment with orders You want to fight fascism: we know that. But your Party, these are behind in dues hit by a flying rock.
its uniformed storm troopers and its wild hymns of hate, was rested at the demonstration and for us to send postcards, tele.
said another.
Meeting Held Up your leaders, will not, cannot permit you to fight in the only way Once during the meeting, which declared gullty in night court of grams and letters. The inade laying the basis for terroristic assaults on the Jews, the unions and that can promise victory. Their advice was: Stay at home! Let the The Workers Alliance dues was delayed more than an hour disorderly conduct was appealed. quacy of this program has result the other labor organizations of New York.
Fascists mobilize their gangsters in peace!
system is a sore point with the Stalinists and they suffer untold pickets attempted to gain en the demonstration, a wedge of Trial for four other victims of ed only in more relief cuts, more police brutality, Michael Naradich, layoffs, more hunger and It was the duty of every militant worker to show publicly, The Danger Is Here At Home embarrassment whenever the trance through a side door, but Peter Shotes, Lionel Sheppard, misery. It is now time for us to on the streets, his determination to resist and fight against the question is discussed out loud.
Have we learned nothing, comrades? Have we learned nothadvance of fascism, to fight it from its beginning to the end The continual jacking of dues, Officers sald Bund members were stopped by police.
and Abe Dollinger, was set for act.
Expose National Office ing from what has happened in Italy, in Germany, Austria, CzechMarch Pending trial they were initiation fees, and the many armed themselves with clubs for Your Party Prevents You released on ball furnished by the specialassessments lead many use in event the crowd surged inThey also exposed the attitude oslovakia, in Spain?
American Fund.
of the national office toward the From Fighting Fascism workers to believe that the Alli elde, and a length of Iron gas Have we not learned that liberals, democrats, capitalist ance is nothing but a collection pipe was taken from one of them.
In addition to legn) defense for Congressional appropriation of bere was your Party on that wghi? Where were your democratic governments will not, cannot fight fascism; that only agency for Mr. Sam Wiseman The anti Nazis carried placards these defendants, the American 728, 000, 000 as a 90 victory (as the workers, relying on their own strength and their own organ. and his stooges. Needless to say, of the Socialist Workers leaders?
Fund provided medical attention Lasser called it. If this appropriizations and their own socialist program will and can really fight for twelve other demonstrators ation, which according to Lasser Many of you, we know, were with us in the great demonstrasporty fascism?
this convention. who were seriously injured when himself, means a layoff of two Hitler. Fight Against Anti Semtions that proved the will of New York workers to fight fascism, The frantie haste of the Comitism. Build Workers Defense police protecting the Nazi meeting million workers by June 30 Will La Guardia and his cops and all the other La Guardias spurred their horses into crowded, unless more money is approprint. were with us while La Guardia police, guarding with tender care munist Party to hog tle the un Guards. Girls and youths were and their cops fight fascism? You saw the answer with your own employed and workers to prominent in the picket line, picket lines (Continued on page 2) the precious rights of the Nazis, forcefully prevented the workers (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) which sang the International. Locals Quit WAA, Mayor Stalls Delegation Alliance Meeting Form Fighting Union Protesting Cop Brutality Waves War Flag TRIAL SET FOR ARRESTED AT ANTI NAZI RALLY To Members of the Communist Party