Anti-naziBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceImperialismLeninMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainSpanish Civil WarStalinismWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, February 24, 1939 THEIR By James Burnham GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 10 February 21, 1939 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, NY Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States; cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents. Reentered as second class matter February 16, 1939, at the post office at New York, NY, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY EL (MARTIN UAW FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage 30.
hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars, No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
PROGRESSIVES Judiciary Crawls With Corruption The Craven Jewish Press During the anti Nazi mobilization against the fase cist Madison Square Garden meeting, nothing was more contemptible than the attitude of official Jewry.
its spokesmen and its press.
That the Socialist Workers Party call for an im posing picketing demonstration expressed the feelings of whole sections of the New York population, in cluding the Jews, was demonstrated by the extraordinary turnout But the answer of the Jewish daily press to this ducing the world deadliest and most destructive maSave The Union!
chines of slaughter.
After it had leaked out that in addition to the pilot cu an official representative of the French government had been injured in the crash, the American people learned that this was not the first time during the past year that a commission from a foreign imperialist government had arrived under cover of secrecy to purchase war materials.
During the past year, Stalinism has become the After then in swift succession it became known that chier agent of Yankee imperialism among the Latin American masses. Committed to advocacy and sup the cloak of secrecy was imposed by President Roose.
port of Roosevelt coming war, Stalinism is thereby velt himself and that in all likelihood he had comcommitted also to the steps needed for the preparamitted his government through secret alliances with tion of the war. Primary among these is the firm Great Britain and France to march the American alignment of Latin America as a base both for materiel and man power.
farmers and workers into the bloody trenches of the In order to accomplish this, the people of Latin coming world war.
America must be persuaded that the United States Secret conferences between the Senate Military Af.
ver is their friend and protector, and that their enemies fairs Committee and President Roosevelt further conare neither at home nor in North America, but acro firmed this, as did the statement of the President the wide sea, in Tokyo and Rome and above all in that the frontiers of the United States extend to the Berlin. This is the Good Neighbor doctrine, as put forth identically by Roosevelt and the Stalinists.
Rhine. The adjournment of the Senate and the Presi.
It was in the light of this doctrine that the Stal dent hastily decided fishing trip were but political inist press covered the Lima conference. The doc moves designed to allow time for public apprehentrine itself has been further elaborated at the recently concluded conventions of the Communist parties of sion and anger over these revelations to die down.
Cuba and Mexico.
Like all capitalist governments, the administration Browder Invents a New Theory of Roosevelt functions upon two levels: the level of The doctrine, however, is rather stiff dose for lying public declarations which correspond to the as.
the masses in Latin America to swallow straight. Do pirations, desires, and fears of the oppressed people their own lives and on their own backs they learn and the level of secret intrigue where the capitalist contrary truth: that Yankee imperialism is their owners decide what shall be the fate of the population.
man enemy. They have felt its lash swung by United Roosevelt realizes perfectly that if the American States marines and plantation owners and gun bonts people knew the machinations of his government and It is not so easy to persunde them that overnight what fate he has prepared for them, they would arise their main enemy has lost all of its spots.
in such wrath that he, his administration, and the en.
The Stalinista have evidently noticed this persistent tire system it represents would be utterly consumed.
fly in their social Imperialist ointment, and, not being able to get rid of it, are trying out new device to That is why he uses secret diplomacy to hide what he prevent its being noticed. This device is nothing short is doing of a brand new theory of imperialom, a great and Roosevelt fears only one thing the revolutionary comforting improvement on the old fashioned views of Marx Luxemburg and Lenin, upsurge of the workers and farmers in the United Browder and Laborde announced the theory at States. He fears it with good reason. That is why he is the convention of the Mexican Communist party. It opposed even to a popular referendum on war. Roosegoes something like this: The Roosevelt government velt cannot allow the American people to become is not merely non imperialist, but anti imperialist. It conscious in the slightest way that he represents nothis the representative of the democratic aspirations of the American masses. Yankee imperialism has ing but the will of a small minority not, however, completely disappeared. It is now ad Roosevelt has decided behind your backs that you ministered by the monopoly corporatione and Wall shall die ignobly defending profits for a few giant Street, and by the political opponents of Roosevelt the Republicans, conservative Democrats and other corporations and a handful of stockholders.
varieties of Tories.
Behind the backs of the masses he has signed The Cases of Judges Manton, Rudich and The Beauties of the New Theory contract with his fellow butchers for the unemployed, Others Bring to Light the Rottenness of This new theory is a very neat job indeed. The starvation! For the workers and farmers, concentra.
trouble that the Stalinists have had convincing the tion camps and trenches! For their wives and mothers, Boss Courts Where Justice Has Its Price Latin American masses that they were no longer Gold Star labels!
It is no news that corruption is Martin Manton presiding, decid. and the Brooklyn Daily Engle.
oppressed by Yankee imperialism ends. The Stalinistes That is what secret diplomacy means!
an integral part of any class so ed an important patent case in This thing is just beginning.
can now say: or course you are still persecuted by ciety. But when corruption passes favor of Warner Brothers. But the sky Prosecutor Amen. From now Yankee Imperialism. But that imperialism has noth certain point, when a society prize exhibit is No. The Lord on, there won e a dull moment.
ing to do with Roosevelt and his government. It is Is honesty so cheap a virtue that we sacrifice it ethical standards are so lacking Thomas Loan, which involves the All that Magistrate Rudich could the imperialism of Wall Street and the RepublicansTories, of the enemies of Roosevelt, in order to save a few cents? asks the writer of a in authority that even the ruling American Tobacco Co. Lucky think up though he is a famous feature called Points for Parents. Honesty, under class violates them constantly. Strikes. the fine old downtown judicial wisecracker, especially no The way to fight Yankee imperialism, therefore capitalism, is an undreamed of luxury for those on then it is reasonable to infer law firm of Chadbourne, Stanch ted for his puns was the old is to get behind Roosevelt! What a wonderful irony the make; for the rest of us it is a club over our general ill health of that social field Levy, and tbe big advertis. chestnut: This is a complete surTo support Roosevelt coming war is to Aght im heads wielded by the boss class to put the fear of perialism, including Yankee imperialiem. To be against system. The corruption of the ing agency of Lord Thomas, prise to me.
French nobility and court in the whose head, personally implicated, Endorsed by Cordell Hull.
God in us.
the war is to line up in the camp Imperialism.
eighteenth century, the corruption is Albert Lasker, once chair The awkwardness about the habit oft Hess of the Russian ruling classes in man of the Emergency Shipping And Dutch Schultz that one tie is always tending to contradict another Lying theories are not exempt from the general rule: our century these presaged the Board in the late war and now MAGISTRATE HULON CAP death of social one is always refuting another. Let us recall: the Oustrie and thes. Sotoo, one of Chicago leading citizens. SHAW of New York has also been scandals The sum involved in fittingly large: In the 1936 elections, as explained by the very well The latest reports indicate that not only Azana, but almost brought about the end of 250, 000, which was loaned to suspended because of his failure known Stalinist theory, the New Deud was the army also del Vayo is implicated in the peace negotiations the French Republic in 1931. And Judge Manton on May 11, 1932. to explain way he had thrown out of progress, the Republicans, led by Alfred Landon, with Franco; and del Vayo went to France as Premier so, too, we are living today in a while he was pondering his deci. or court certain big policy game the troops of reaction. This has continued to be the lineup: New Deal progress versus Republican Tory Negrin representative. It is clear, therefore, that the time of increasingly open corrupsion in a stockholder suit against cases. District Attorney Dewey reaction.
whole People Front leadership is involved in this ton in high places. As each scan. American Tobacco. The suit, save the Magistrate an uneasy One Lie Plus One Lie Equals Two Lies treacherous move to surrender intact to Franco the ities, in the judiciary, the bour which was alleged to have been two days in court as a witness in Up to date, the most grandiose public expression central zone of Spain.
geois press pretends it is unique. Miegally paid out to the company the trial of Jimmy Hines, Tam of Roosevelt Good Neighbor policy was the Lima.
In the Feb. issue of the Daily Worker there ap. exceptional, merely matter of executives in bonuses. On June many chieftain and until lately in Conference. According to the new theory of Imperial peared the following estimate of the possibilities for individual sinners. But this is not 13, 1932, Judge Manton decided the charge of New Deal patronage in ism, it would follow that the Lima Conference would true. The scandals that are now case in favor of American To New York City, Dewey proved have been fought tooth and nail by the Republicanscontinued struggle in central Spain: hinckening the headlines day after bacco. The 250, 000 loan has never that Magistrate Capshew dis Tories and by Wall Street, since the theory declares The position of the Central Zone for resistance is dny are tied into the very warp been repaid.
missed the cases at Hines request, that the conference was anti imperialist, hence dstrategically good. The army numbers around 500, 000, and woof of our system of society. Thomas and Rudick who in turn acted on orders from rected square against the imperialist They are bred like maggots by the the population is around 8, 000, 000 and the territory is Dutch Schultz Flegenheimer, On the Carpet decay of the capitalist system.
Wall Street and the Republican Torleone interests of deceased (violently) gangster. But, les for Stalinism, even the rancient les can: protected by natural defenses in the mountain ranges But the Manton case is by no Magistrate Capshaw. also was not wholly do away with facts.
of Nevada, Morenca and Guadarrama. By adapt. The Judge Banks means all. There are other items obliging enough to underline the Without single exception, every spokesman for ing their forces to the new situation the Loyalists can Million namely: rent significance of his crse when Wall Street and the monopoly corporations and the resist.
This week let us consider the JUDGE EDWIN THOMAS, of that his candidney for magistrate he proudly told the courtroom Republicans Tories came out one hundred percent for courts of justice, most hallowed the District Court of Connee the Lima conference. Their praise and rejoicing rang That estimate remains truc, even though every co. temples of bourgeois democracy, ticut, is being questioned in con had been endorsed by, among oth through the columns of the press and the radio mikes.
laborator of the Stalinists in the People Front leadUntil his resignation a few weeks nection with both the Mantoners, Bishop Manning of the No anti New Deal snarl or curse marred the touching unanimity.
ership is now prepared to surrender to Franco. Re ago, at the cordial invitation of case and the Conter Musica thedral of St. John the Divine and member this estimate! Remember it, and confront the President Roosevelt, Martin scandal. He was the judge who John Davis, chief lawyer for Especially noteworthy were the lengthy declaraStalinists with it tomorrow, when they try to find an Manton was a senior justice of the issued, overnight, the court order Morgan Co. and Demo tons of Henry Stimson, who is oh, painful mem alibi. to excuse the People Front capitulation to Circuit Court of Appeals, the that threw McKesson Robbins cratie candidate for President of ory the ex Secretary of State of that well known Franco!
second highest court in the land. into receivership a last desperate the u. in 1924. He also pointed progressive leader, Herbert Hoover.
And the leading delegate to the conference was learn, among other things, that of his suicide, to escape exposure cessfully) for admission to practice (did you remember, Browder, while speaking in The temperament of the people will tend to the 1, 000, 000 income of Judge Judge Thomas, who sailed for before the Supreme Court, his Mexico. none other than Alfred Landon.
peculiar moodiness, though as a whole they will be Manton between 1916 when that South America a few minutes para as Cordell Hulle After. of fairly good natured and hopeful this month, says it was quite leap of Federal Dr. Gustav Ekstrom, of the American Association of as it. Scientific Astrologists. Yea, verily, there are two bench) and 1939, only 250, 000 questioning only after a sharp things in this world wonderful to behold nay, three: came from his salary. But the radio from Washington, hopefully Roosevelt Sows The Press The way of a man with a mald, the way of a maid President should have been pre told reporters: This whole busie Few Scandals with a man and the way John Workox bears with pared for the revelation: rumors ness is a lot of hullabaloo.
By ARTHUR HOPKINS and charges have been flying Thoughtfully, he made clear the President Roosevelt has ordered Alarmed by these scandals, his masters!
about the head of Judge Manton real implications of his case: Attorney General Murphy to Inves Japan does not believe the United States has a for many years. It was not until have served as district judge for tigate the entire Federal Judiciafressive designs against her and the Japanese navy an anti New Deal newspaper and twenty five years under five Presi: ry. The men, with Edgar does not attach much importance to American plans to arm the far Pacific island of Guam. Admiral Mistumasa Yonal, navy minister, said in parlament For thirty months of civil war in Spain, the broke the case wide open last has ever questioned my integrity. Hoover personally in charge are at work on the Manton and recently: Japan navy 18 prepared to defend the Stalinists poisoned the Spanish working class and month that the President was forced to act.
MAGISTRATE MARK RUDICH, Thomas ceses. But even while he country in any contingency, Admiral Mistuma Yonai paralyzed its fight by the cry: Rely on the Great of Brooklyn, has been suspended is taking steps to punish erring told the house of peers in answer to questions regardDemocracies, France and England; they are the with details, six interesting ep by John Harlan Amen. Governor the necessities of his political poDistrict Attorney Dewey listed until he clears himself of charges Judges, the President is forced by Ing American plans to fortify Guam and other Paelfie friends of Spanish Democracy!
islands. sny. Addy, old boy, you should let your sodes in the Judge fiscal career. Lehman special investigator into sition to sow what may well be the upper lip know what the lower is doing.
On Feb. 16, the Daily Worker printed two dis. Several of them were compare the administration of justice in seeds for future scandals. Thus patches, one from France and one from England, Lotsch Matter. which involved accused of bribery, active and eral Circuit Court in Kentucky one Minneapolis parachute jumper who went out to which appear side by side under the following head merely 20, 000 loan to a municipal airport to look over the army bombers lines: enterprise, the National CelluloPassive, and of dealing in fake Shackleford Miller, Jr. who man bail bonds. The Amen investiga aged the unsavory campaign this recently bitterly complains: Those planes were paid Guns Cover Vets in French Camp. Held Like Corp, by a bank president under tion has uncovered so much dirt fall of Dear Alben Barkley, the for with taxpayers money. When some self important petty officer, whose wages are paid for by the taxjail sentence a conviction that that a second grand fury has been Administration leader in the Prisoners; Franco Propaganda Fails; Ask Aid.
was speedily reversed by Judge impanelled to deal with overflow Senate. And the Senate has lately payers, tells taxpayers that they can get within Chamberlain Recognizes Franco Regime. Cabinet Manton court. But others in cases. This jury is specializing in confirmed another blatant political mile of the ships, then something should be done Votes De Facto Recognition; Presses French Gov volved bigger about it. Poor John Public couldn even get a fish. Harry employers bribery of police in appointment to the Federal bench, That the balance sheet of the Stalinist Democ magnate, who has recently or involved the murder of a striker. Texas, whose chief qualifiention is glimpse at what his dough has been paying for.
Warner, for example, the film labor cases at least one of which that of ex Governor Allred of Why doesn someone tell him the FACTS OF LIFE?
dered the Star Spangled Banner to Brooklyn police commanders are his loyalty to the President during be played at least once daily in reported to have been rewarded the Inte purge. The President No Early WPA Cut Seen, declares Linus every Warner Brothers theatre with cash, furniture, automobiles formally announced Governor An Glotzback.
Minnesota Administrator. He said Missing lowa banker found in Little Rock, with this superheated patrioteer lent and vacation trips for their fine red appointment last summer that the present national policy is to avoid 16, 000 left from the 18, 000 lifted from the First the Judge 50, 000 on September 11, work in such recent Brooklyn from the dignified and judicia) reductions in northern states during the winter.
National Bank of DeWitt. He ll probably be charged 1933. On September 12, 1933, the strikes as those at the Todd Ship eminence of the e rear platform of They re waiting for summer when the unemployed with bad judgment. Circuit Court of Appeals, yards, the May Department Stores, his Purge Special.
can sleep in the parks and eat grass or call, and to the queries of their readers was to unite in Central Spain on a single slogan: Stay away from the demonstration The German, Austrian and Italian experiences have taught nothing to the proprietors of this press. They repeat here the contemptible exploits of their prede cessors in Europe; they call the workers away from the real struggle against Pascism. Reports have come to the Forward that certain ir responsible organizations are sending people to to day Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden in order to demonstrate there. There can be no more shameful thing for the Jews and opponents of the Nazis than such demostrations which will lead to bloody fights and riots. Avoid the area around Madison Square Garden today and do not participate any demonstration around the hall.
The Day developed the thought that if we all lay down and play dead, nobody will ever hear of fas.
cism. Jews of New York, do not let your sorrows guide you! Avoid Madison Square Garden this evening, Don come near the hall! Don demonstrate! Don give the Nazis the chance to get the publicity they desire The Morning Journal combined the same language with an additional nauseating touch of rabbinical piety.
The Freibeit, Yiddish organ of the Stalinists, solved the problem by printing not a word about either the Nazi rally or the workers counter demonstration.
And these cowardly fools, all of them, call them selves opponents of fascism! They dare to claim the right to speak for Jewry in the fight against fascism!
They got their answer, in the outpouring of Jew ish workers at our rally. In spite of these spokesmen for Jewry, the best sections of the Jewish labor move ment joined their fellow workers in the real fight against fascism We are confident that the Jewish workers will an swer the advice of theit press in the language it deserves!
whicon. rappointed ashim woodete and content manueel eeue te buten Schultz and his mob Labor Looks Througla Balance Sheet Long considered by advocates of the capitalist system as the model democracy, Switzerland gained the additional distinction on February 14 of being the first of the world democracies to formally recognize the innate antagonism between the democratic nations and fasciat dictatorships by officially recognizing Franco Insurgent regime as the legal government of Spain.
racy fraud.
Behind the Fireside Chat When one of the Army secretly developed war planes crashed recently in Southern California, a great deal more was brought to public attention than the mere fact that the United States government is proDR. WILLIAM BOHN Thursday, Feb. 23. 8:15 DEBATE. Editor of the Socialist Appeal)
Educational director of the Rand School)
Rand School E. 15th Street Chairman: ELIAS TARTAK Admission 250