Anti-naziBolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalLeninismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

unem Thousands Called Na To Picket Bund Socialist Art Socialist Workers To Ring Garden All de mer baru Garden de recent years were taken yesterday KWAY.
planted inside Madison Square 24 HUON following report the CNN Garden, Anfor AS Deut De andre animais MEASURE Peasants Ave had Sinum werkers in the GUARD ON RiotGuns, 1, 300P07 To Guard Bund RA Telegr; NAZI FOES EXPECT 60, 000 TO PICKET BUND MEETING DAILY NEWS MONDAY, FEBRUA Socialists Oppose Rally Cops Guaro WORKERS OF NEW YORK!
th Share to eing cente mer Stop the Fascists!
Jhe itse Sunta her lork Time wari OW. Ere el PICKET MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, MON. FER, 26.
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Take awe What meet the ere. There As we got twee tot Sube labor Hurta Mandarbe the Les dades Welt May Ask As. pe of the motor on the Erden heat DAN that Os te Madloos Suare Garden Monday Night AUSTRIGSTART More NOU INICIO New mary AN SLOM Apeber Penn Dinamo porno The Bay Recall the rurfus ed Madu Nurd als Telegr other spokesmen of the Party The speakers included James Burnham, Martin Abern, manager Workers of New York!
cists prepare to spew their anti labor and Be there at 6:00 sharp!
of the New International, Nathan Rally to stop the Fascists!
anti Jewish poison throughout New York By Paul Stevens Gould, National Secretary of the Let the Fascists feel the anger and the City They are mobilizing at Madison Square might of the worlding class Get out and Widick, the Party How Leon Blum Saved the Present Garden Monday night, These gangs have already gone too February 20 picket!
All honor to the Rumanian Bolshevik Leninists labór secretary. Bill Morgan, Hitler German American Bund gang: far. They must be stopped.
Don wait for the concentration camps leading militant in the who have fallen vietims to the royal fascist terFascist Mayor of Barcelona sters, Pelley Silver Shirt scum and What are you going to do to stop this ployed movement, Richard Ett ror by their valiant struggle in the front ranks Act now!
murderous crew? certain Matteu was named mayor of Barce of Rumanian labor! Aid them by supporting Coughlin mob of labor haters have linger, prominent among the prohurled a brazen challenge at the workers On to Madison Square Garden Mon.
lona immedintely upon Butcher Franco entry We must not let this filthy creeping the American Fund for Political Prisoners, gressive office workers, Paul day night!
slime get a foothold in New York.
of New York into Barcelona at beginning of the month which acts in the cause of such heroes as these.
Stevens, Irving Pankin, of the Wrapping themselves in the cloak of. Socialist Workers Party Senor Matteu is the head of the trust that has Gather in front of Madison Square GarY. and numerous others.
patriotism and Americanism, the Fas. den Monday by the thousands! District for years controlled the electrical Industry, not Parade Down Broadway only of Spain, but of Central France as well.
At the time of the heroic uprising of the rench 4th Internationalists Suddenly, after having stood their ground for three hours, the Barcelona workers on July 19, 1936 against the Join the Franco insurrection, Senor Matteu, among other workers veered around upon the On January 28, the Socialist Workers and signal of the demonstration reactionary capitalists and their lackies, was Peasants Party (P. carried through a spokesman and marched down fast in the grip of the revolutionary workers mass demonstration in the heart of the Paris the street in a tremendous column committees boulevards, calling for the opening of the What happened How was Matteu relonged?
Official Orgaw of the Socialist Workers Party. Serties of the Fourth International for a parade down Broadway.
French Spanish border (that was just before the It is a long time since New Who is responsible for his escape and for his fall of Barcelona) and for the right of asylum by endly are the York most famous avenue has transformation from prisoner to jailer of the to the Spanish refugees. No less than 1, 500 Barcelona workers?
The mo Nander of all der To Worken de American Bund rally there tonight.
seen such a militant, vociferous, arrests were made in the course of the demondetermined and large a working An amazing revelation of the facts in the case stration Today Deildinadan class parade. The police, concenis made in the February number of the French In light of the development, the journal Juin 36. An article signe Rous reveals trated around the Garden, were the Mangleniterintethet ne droite et the following facts: minority of the French Fourth Internationalist 80 scattered along Broadway that stadion Senor Matteu was linked to international and party has recently joined the following Federboleh halt they did not even attempt the parade.
particularly French finance through Forgeot, the convention of their party. The statement of Shouting their slogans as they director of the famous Hispano Suiza concern these Fourth Internationalists is printed in the marched along the almost equally ind a former French cabinet minister in the official organ of the Socialist Workers and days of the Andre Tardie crowded sidewalks, the paraders, premiership. Hispa Party. prefaced by a note from the Consive Shirt led by the banner bearers of the Suiza has been defended in French courts by lendership greeting it. It declares that the leadSocialist Workers Party, turned none other than Leon Blum.
ership of the did not accept such a south from 51st Street and, after On July 30, 1936, the socialist and communist proposition. Pressure of time and the fact that important numbers of advanced workers who reaching 42nd Street with unbroworkers in the region of the Eastern Pyrennees learned with astonishment that Matteu had been have broken with the People Front have ral ken ranks numering thousands, moved West to 8th Avenue again released and thus saved from the course of lied to the the statement continues, At that point, the marchers revolutionary justice. At the Catalan border, have convinced the signers that they must at once join these forces in the closest daily activwhere the news was tracked down Anally, it turned North and proceeded in the direction of the Garden, which became known that this arch capitalist was ity in order to develop the resistance of the is located between 49th and 50th released on demand of Leon Blum, then heading working class as a whole against the assaults Streets.
the first French People Front government!
of capitalism, war and Fascism.
In fact, he had crossed the French Catalonian To be sure, the statement concludes, it is Cops Attack border that day in the company of the Social known that we have not at all abandoned our Just as the head of the march ist Monte, confidential secretary of Leon Blum, ideas and that particularly, we retain our comreached 47th Street, it ran smack Men der er who came to call for him in his automobile! plete loyalty to the Marxist transition program As Con Party into a newly formed line of cops.
Thus, while Blum and his French Socialist Without a word of warning, they adopted by the Congress of the Fourth InterParty were participating in the farce of the national in September 1938. We believe that this plunged into the parade, mounted Non Intervention Committee and denying aid program would constitute an incomparable BUND RALLY TO Pued by the show. the cops in the lend, with rows of The Row Wars: to the hard pressed Spanish workers under the The weapon in the struggle for the While foot copa behind them.
HUGE POLICE care SCOLN pretext that it would involve Europe in a world horses were driven straight into we have given up our affiliation to the Fourth war, he was actually giving aid to the forces Mb Internationali we must, however, declare that the ranks of the marchers, first 000 Members of the leaders that were out to crush them.
we do not at all renounce the right reserved to Stationed in worked for de in the center of the street and For Matteu, once released, continued to aid us within the framework of discipline, CA then on the aldewalks. Shop win.
the Franco rebellion with his financial resources, He used the teab to work for the unification of our party with dows were shattered to smither Mom being rewarded with the appointment as mayor the World Party of the Fourth InternationRESTRICTIONS Autoutons by eens, and workers wounded by of Barcelona upon the Fascists occupation of al.
Yere1 the jagged splinters. Others went the city.
In Absence the en dat down under the horses, as is so These facts speak volumes about the inner Aww Lao graphically revealed by the senMr. Arthur Horner in of corruption the People Front. They are a Any De de de sational photographs which were demonstration of the baseness of its proponents Footsteps of Ramsay MacDonald published in press Clubs in the so called socialist and communist parties. Among those who are beating the drums for Steerden were drawn and swung freely and AWON British war preparations is Mr. Arthur Horner, Word viclously.
a Stalinist leader who after many years has inue. Our se This was not in Czarist Mos.
Rumanian Fourth Internationalists reached eminence as President the South Staroperty is cow, in Hitler Berlin or Mu990de calor Under the Blows of Reaction Wales Miners Federation. While miners are lini Rome. No! This took place engaged in a hard strike struggle to unionize The recent attacks upon the Fascist Iron in the domain of democratic Guard, culminating in the murder of its leader, the Cory Pits in South Wales, Mr. Horner is New York, under the administraCodreanu, were followed up by the enrollment feted is dinner guest by. Mr. Iestyn W11tion of progressive Mayor Le of some 70. 000 Fascists in King Carol Rullams, Secretary of the Coal Owners Association Guardia, successful candidate of manian Guard with the Iron Guard out of (South Wales Echo, January 23, 1939. the American Labor Party in the his way, the King Dictator of Rumania has Another guest at the same dinner, the Echo glimpse of the New York press on the eve of the Fascist mass meeting at Madison Square Garden, the headlines proclaim last election!
moncentrated his fire on the left.
Notwithstanding the assault, ing the unprecedented police mobilization ordered after the Sodalist Workers Party issued its call for the counter demonstration.
informs us, was Sir David Morgan, intimate Among the latest victims of Carol drive are the lines of the march were still friend of the late Ramsay MacDonald.
Lower loft is the leaflet, reproduced by the New York Daily News Monday morning. Above is the same call as it appeared comrades Stegan Stefanov, Ion Donitrescu, Lucia re formed. Tho parade turned Arthur Horner is well on the road of Ramsay in the last Issue of the Socialist Appeal.
down 47th Street and proceeded Niculescu and Oscar Fraenkel, of the Rumanian MacDonald and only picking up speed. Stalinonce more to Broadway. There a Section of the Fourth International iam is Twentieth Century MacDonaldiam.
fresh attempt was made ize a meeting at the Duffy monument. But another police concentration was on hand and a violent struggle ensued.
The workers refused to be shoved around. They had seen In the waiting room of the agency you just Everyone talks in whispers. The boss walks sit and wait. There are about Arty others ahead around in rubber soled shoes. We eat in silence.
many of their comrades seriously (Continued from Page 1)
of you and fifty behind. The room is small and son Square Garden even before to the Nazi meeting. purchased this point, that even a large injured and beaten. When the o clock in the evening, that is, in advance.
papers in New York City the the air stinks. One dirty window tries to allow Kathering of workers cannot the police sought to disperse The Union? says one, This boss won allow more than two hours before the conservative Morning Journal, the The smallest gathering of work easily attain its objective unless both air and light to enter but without success.
marchers, they encountered the us to join a union.
At the other end of this room, behind a small progressive Day, and the social Nazl meeting was scheduled to ers, even of ordinary passersby. these workers have been organ stiffest resistance. But he has nothing to say about it. You just railing, little fat guy with fishy eyes and a democratic Forward united in open!
was instantaneously broken up by ized thoroughly in advance and Mirch Terminates stubby cigar keeps watching the crowd and join and after everyone is a member, the union printing virtually the same news It goes without saying that the cops in order to prevent a trained to act in sharp coordicalls him on the phone for an appointment.
smiling to himself.
stories and editorials, using, in all they were not Trotskyists, these concentration.
nation. It was evident, in other Finally, after breaking through He has to talk with the union when everyone After a while he stands up and calls out sev.
cases, the same arguments and thousands who, by o clock, the police line, the crowd drove But in spite of all their efforts, words, that for the complete joins.
era! names. half a dozen thin young kids through to 49th Street, where the in many cases even the same reached enormous proportions. thousands of workers from all success of such a demonstration march was terminated by an an We had union once and it was no good.
step forward eagerly and say, Yes, sir! They Jewish workers to demonstrate Garden, in response to the appeal begin to collect along the streets Defense Guard is indispensable.
from an nouncement They only collected dues. We didn get a thing.
are sent out on a job. You are called in the We have nothing now, have we? This is up against their sworn enemies, the of a comparatively small organi immediately outside the blocked The fury of the workers in leasly trying to break through the next batch speaker whom the police, help us. and clect our committee fascista, they joined hands in showed that the Take It or Leave It!
Street on the South and 51st kept shouting angrily at the Cos vain to reach so that he could be This ain no permanent job, see? It only like this are always open.
readers to do anything in the gauged the sentiments of the best Street on the North, pressing in sacks, and booed them for every torn down from the taxicab be for a few months. Ya want it. He ll get others to take our places. Besides world Monday evening go to the sections of the New York working both cases towards 8th Avenue, vicious plunge into the crowd. What are the wages? How long do we work?
the counter girls won stick together. And the movies, stay at home, go to the class.
on which the main entrance to Ya get paid by the hour and the hours are dishwashers they don like the counter girls Down with the Nazi terror had mounted in order to address mountains the sea shore any Rank and File Comes the Garden is located.
iats! they roared the cry of the As the militants short.
disbanded and the bus boys.
thing except go to the anti Nazl Rank and fle Stalinists, per Thousands Cheer Socialist Workers Party, There is no choice. Take It or leave it. Any. Will you join if do? Then you speak demonstration. See editorial plexed and irritated by the crimalong about midnight, the TuesThe placards and posters of the We demand the right to pick day edition of the Dally Worker way, try it out. Besides the agency has your three buoks. And, after all, a bus boy gets to your friends and ll speak to mine. Let elsewhere in this issue. inal sabotage of their officialdom. Socialist Workers Party were upet! they shouted.
appeared on the street. Unbeliev.
see what happens in a week. And don mention but nevertheless determined to lifted amid the cheers of thou Surrounded by an unbreakable able as it sounds, while the Stalhis meals that something to consider.
Morris Radio Appeal word the cashier she stuck on the boss.
demonstrate unofficially against sands. Almost simultaneously, on phalanx, one speaker after intet sheet had a report of what Take the local to City Hall station (a Acting Mayor Newbold Morris the Nazin, whom they realize to both streets, which by this time another, lifted on to the shoulders went on inside the Garden at the nickel is exactly one fourth of your total amount Things Begin to Happen issued a special last minute appeal to the population of New be the mennce they are, came to were choked to capacity by huge of huskies, made terse and mili Nazi meeting.
today. and then walk south to Fulton Yanno, a dishwasher, was six feet tall and our rally by the thousands.
Street. It is cold and you hurry in the hope had hands the size of dinner plates. He didn York City to stay away from our crowds reaching from Broadway tant speeches to the workers, it did not even mention the fact that employees eat before starting work.
rally No less gratifying was the fact to 8th Avenue, a spontaneous who cheered so lustily that they talk much. He just looked and said, Union?
that one of the banners borne in drive was launched to get through could be heard literally, that there had been tens of for The onshier sends for the manager. He looks Sure join. Information has come to me, the demonstration signified that the police lines and into the im blocks away.
thousands of workers gathered you over and asks for the agency card. Then said this near the Garden In stormy, Helen, a counter girl, was scared and refused professional the youth organization of the mediate Garden area.
Max Shachtman, editor of the down to the kitchen. An apron, swab for at first, but when Joe, a cook, Joined the union, democrat, that some citizens, in Thomasite Socialist Party had anti Nazi protest meeting! From viping of tables and a heavy metal tray these Action began on 18th Street. Socialist Appeal, was the first to dignant at tonight Bund meet come to the anti Nazi rally in From the corner of 8th Avenue speak. He pointed out that the she decided to sign up just to be with the rest its report, one would conclude are the tools of your new trade.
of the bunch.
ing at Madison Square Garden, spite of the shabby indifference where that the Nazis held their mo Wat hore until send for you.
a solid line of mounted La Guardia administration, eleet are planning to be present at or of the party elders.
In two weeks all but three workers had cards bilization undisturbed by the cops was stationed, stirrup to ed to office by the vote of New All the new bus boys sit down and look at in their pockets. The boss knew something was about the Garden entrance to expresence of a single worker.
Equally inspiring was the con stirrup, they made a furious at. York labor. was showing an one another. The kitchen is hot and the dishgoing on and he tried to pump something out press displeasure. In the interest tingent of Negro workers who tack on the assembled demon amazing concern over the sowashers are wrapped in clouds of steam. Every The encouragingly huge protest of the counter girls by hinting that business of publle order, want to urge enme spontaneously to the tumul strators. Moving in both dire called democratic right of the demonstration, the police bruthing seems greasy. It is 11:15 a. And you was bad and that he might have to lay off a citizens having no business at tuous gathering, bearing their tions, one group of cops trampled Nazi assassins to hold a mobiliza tality, prominently featured by are hungry.
couple of people.
every capitalist newspaper, was the meeting to remain away from own posters and placards, includ down a throng of patriotic war tlon meeting which was an insult Hurry! Hurry! The Then everything happened at once. tray deliberately and completely supthe Garden and its immediate ing one signed by the Universal veterans and cut their big Ameri and a provocation to the working crished to the tile floor and a bus girl fainted.
Negro pressed by the Stalinist paper!
Boss Is Watching can flag to ribbons, while another people of the city. The same ad The boss rana out on the floor and said, Get This statement, broadcast on Squadrons Move on Garden however, group smashed brutally into the ministration, which Stalinista Sabotaged At twelve the manager appears and shouts, downstairs. Turn in your apron. You re fred!
the radio before the meeting and of course prominently featured squadron of members of the SoBy P. the first organized mass of workers.
gave such unprecedented police But that incredibly stupid de Upstairs, all of you, and step, lively. Up you He followed her down into the basement and protection to the Fascist gang, vice will not save Browder and go and he assigns each boy a section of tables kept shouting. She started to cry. He slapped later by the Daily Worker, was cialist Workers Party and the Manses Reform Rank to keep clean.
her across the face. Then Yanno, the dishwasher Although the Cossacks made was using the police to deprive Co. from giving an accounting to the workers of their democratic their mombers as well as the The ability to load the tray with speed, and stepped up and let him have it. Right on the stration called by the to catch International here from a repeated sallies into the workers rights, notably the right to a workers in general. Everybody in at the same time with as many dishes as pos button. The strike was on.
an insignificant handful of indi central assembly point for the crowd. the mass formed and resemble and to picket rights sup and around New York knows sible is the trick to holding this job. And, since And it was twelve, noon, just when the place viduals who could be dispersed Garden Area. It was followed in formed.
determined to posedly guaranteed by the Con about the demonstration, who ineach employee pays for all the dishes he breaks was crowded.
by the army of cops with a wae swift succession by three other hold their own until they gath Istitution and by several decisions Itiated, sponsored and led it.
of the hand. well, you have to be careful. And another squadrons each Assigned to det ered sufficient strength to cxerlittle thing don spill food on the customers, It a Union Shop Now Yet, in spite of this imposing specifle concentration point.
cize their right to assemble and of the Federal and Supreme Everybody knows that the StalinCourts.
ists sabotaged it from first to last.
For two long weary hours you rush from The police arrived to find a picket line march: array of sabotaging talent from Upon their arrival, they found to picket whether the cops granttables to kitchen. Snatch up the plates and ing up and down and a cafeteria full of be the ranks of the fireside demo what the y. Times subsequented it or not He warned the workers of New And thousands, including rank York against being caught asleep and file Stalinists, of the Party glasaca almost before the food is eaten and wildered customers. People were walking out Meanwhile, sist crats, whose efforts were supple. ly described as a wall of cops, in Street was in the struggle against Fascism, and the Young Communist load up the tray and then rush to the kitchen. without paying their checks. Others were yell mented by the repeated emphasis uniform, in pisin clothes and jammed from Broadway to sth as was the case in so many coun. League, are so disturbed by this The dishwashers snatch the trays and empty ing for service. The cashier was crying. The given in the capitalist press to mounted, who made of Madison them with a smooth, swift motion. Out to boss tryli to call the agency on tele the fact mand an answer that the World Tele Square Garden an almost impreg packed together that it was vir tries of Europe. It can happen policy, so ashamed of it, that they tables again. Hurry. Hurry. The boss is watch phone that no longer worked. It was a won. gram put it, neither the Socialist nable fortress to anti Nazis.
sually impassable. Just as come here, he cried, but it will when the concen question that is being asked on ing cach trip cach lond.
derful sight.
Party nor the Communist Party The Garden was blocked off for a line of Cossacks stood at the Inte to stop it One fellow almost trips with a complete lond, At the trial, when Yanno testified how the in this city had announced up to blocks around in all four dire sth Avenue end, backed by hun tration camps are being filled. His all sides.
appeal for the Workers Defense Meanwhile, the answer to the boss slapped the bus girl, all the strikers cheered, this morning (Monday) any in tions. Traffic, both vehicular and dreds of police on foot. The for We catch our breath. The counter girls smile Guards as a protection against bigger question How fight Faswhen he returns and they say, Watch yourself, and the judge cleared the courtroom.
tention to demonstrate or other pedestrian, was detoured in the ward surge of the workers bent Parcist assaults, so strikingly un cism? was given in thunderous The boss finally had to settle. The picket line wise take cognizance of the meet most elaborate way.
Mister. Don scare us like that.
that line over and over again. derscored by the conduct of Newtones by the magnificent demon AAt two thirty things slow up and the em and the business agent were on the line every ing, and that only the Trotsky Cops versus Workers but did not succeed in breaking York democratic police was stration which reached its highest ployees eat in two shifts. Thirty cents worth morning and there was hell to pay when scabs ists would be thereNobody was allowed to pene through enthusiastically hailed by the note on the cry: tried to get past the line. Now It a union each. The counter girls are friendly and the Defense Guards Needed thousands of New York workers trate the solid wall of cops who crowd.
Workers Defense Guards to cafeteria. Yanno is the shop chairman.
portions of food a little larger than usual began converging upon Made was not in possession of a ticket It was evident, especially at Shachtman was followed by crush the Fascist danger!
organOn the Line with Bill Morgan POLICE BRUTALITY FAILS TO BREAK MIGHTY ANTI NAZI DEMONSTRATION to talk to the boss. What eine ve loge? Jobs Sniceline, town Hally appear to their workera part yn hade scoprietary off quadrangle primarily on 18th creased with every minute. They bromly selecteren voor de trought in stoutly the