AntifascismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, February 24, 1939 Inside the Garden APPEAL ARMY In the Trade Unions Coughlin JEWISH OAKLAND CIO HITS STALINISTS FOR FINK ACTION IN ARRESTS posed to be REGISTER NOW NAZI RALLY HAILS Because of the extreme importance of the anti fascist COPS FOR ATTACK day evening at Madison Square Garden, it was necessary to By ARGUS hold over a considerable amount of material until next issue.
ON PICKET LINE The Pro American Rally and tect job. How about house The inspiring struggle against the German American FLASH!
cial installment plan subscriptions George Washington Birthday painters, Dr. Van Bose?
Exercises, to give the affair its Nazi Bund and Mayor La Guardia police crowded every The New York District of the offered by the Appeal to Continued from Page 1)
official title, Alled practically all thing else out of the limelight.
Socialist Workers Party and the and members.
Isolated from Masses the seats of the Garden with an (2) Send in subs on the gener Young People Socialist League Judging from this rally, the Order Division marching up the Next issue will carry everything we had to hold over sold and distributed 5, 000 copies ous combination offer of the enthusiastic crowd. It was notice. Bund is still isolated from the aisles behind the guard and because of the inescapable requirements of space.
of the APPEAL in preparation Appeal, New International, and able that in the balcony there American masses. It apparently drum, Afc, and bugle corps of the EDITORIAL STAFF.
for their demonstration at Mad Partisan Review.
son Square Garden.
one in five of the spectators. As major demagogic line except anti banners pinned to the balconies (3) Have your branch canvas The APPEAL marches with a spectacle, it was a fairly good Semitism. Very little was said, spelled out the sinister mean.
great strides towards a mass cir By WIDICK all contacts ex Appeal subscribshow. with much marching and even demagogically, about jobs or ing of their uniformed ranks: culation!
ers, New International readers. WAKE UP AMERICA! SMASH Over 100, 000 stoel workers are countermarching of uniformed living standards or economic isDEMONSTRATION SIDELIGHTS members of the American Fund 1, 000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS for Political Prisoners and Refuexpected to obtain pay increases stormtroopers, massing of flagssues, although the strong ap JEWISH COMMUNISM! STOP BY APRIL 1!
this month under the recent rul(mostly American. ruffling of plauso OF By WIDICK DOMINATION for gees, ete.
Father With less than weeks gone ing of the United States Depart drums and blaring of trumpets(whose demagogy is more posl. CHRISTIAN AMERICA!
by, the drive for 1, 000 new readers (4) When your Party branch ment of Labor under the provi though the young man on my tive, hence more effective) and The Party and Yipsels went to from trampling over the marchThe audience chanted the Star town Monday night against theors. He tried again, and It took is really getting under way. The sells the paper in the streets, sions of the Walsh Healy Public left insisted it was nothing to the lively response to the few such Spangled Banner and extended fascint meeting six cops to stop him.
branches Contracts Act covering wages what Hitler used to put on at the remarks that were made at the their arms in the full Nazi salute.
Tens of thousands of people in New York City are make sure each salesman carries heading the list. This week paid on government work in the Berlin Sportpalast.
rally, showed that the audience Then when the color guard had watched the Socialist Workers After the brief skirmish at 48th Teachers Branch of New York Catch subscribers right on the steel industry.
was thinking of its livelihood as halted at rigid attention on the Party lead the anti fascist forces Street and 8th Avenue, group handed in a total of 20 subscrip spot!
This represents victory for the sw. o. which has put up a tradictory mixture of American of the evening was the loud cries under a 30 foot painting of George who joined with our forces were that. This turns a new light on ers in our second issue for this The speeches were a wildly con most spontaneous demonstration row of American and Naxlings Inist and Socialist rank and Alers never thought they a dare do time record list of new subscrib REMINDERS: strong fight for enforcement of ism and anti Semitiem. One after of No! No that went up all over Washington, the chairman an stek at the abject fallure of their the cops! Nothing but cos week. Watch for it. 1) few newsboy Aprons are the Walsh Healy law. It is how. another the grey shirted, leather the house when a speaker ornnounced that trouble might well parties.
still left. Have you ordered ever, a victory with dangerous booted leaders of the Bund mount torically asked, Has the New develop from the enemies who sacks! were typical comments.
potentialities unless further steps SUBSCRIPTIONS: are taken to aid the steel worked the platform, to stand before Deal solved unemployment. were against their holding the (2) Are you taking care of your a thirty foot painting of a rather tour of the Madison Square Perhaps the hardest job anyone (1) Take advantage of the spe current Appeal bill?
spectral George Washington and meeting, and that whatever might Garden area two hours before the had was legal defense work 18 Wages as Low as to praise Amurricanism in The bitterness of tone of the happen, the ordinary Nazis were anti fascist demonstration began sistance. Far away from the scene The speakers was at least partly e re to keep their seats. Let forces was reminiscent of a trip through of the demonstration, comrades 36c an Hour Father of his country was men flection of a feeling of isolation. intended for that purpose handle an army camp. Blue coats and sat tensely all evening waiting to Briefly, under the federal rul tioned in every speech, and was that they are looked on with hos any disturbance.
dicks swarmed around every hear from the demonstration in ing, the provalling minimum always good for a hand. One ello eyes as aliens by most Hear Protest Outside street like bees in a hive. This the event that legal defense was wages whether arrived at on a speaker enthusiastically described 147 telegrams had been received crowd WAN extremely tense fascists in the least.
Americans. It was announced that time or piece work basis are sup the landing of the pilgrims on congratulating the Bund for its Sounds from the demonstration During the entire evening the didn daunt the spirit of the anti necessary. The strain was terrific By midnight, the comrades were (Continued from Page 1)
exhausted. It was tough to be fense and to expose the slander. Bishop Rock. Another 45 cents per hour in the lo came right out with it: Toua rally. Four were read out, one outside penetrated the nuditorium the center of the biggest rally. job had to be done, and it was and defense organization, has not ists against these two militant 51st Street and 8th Avenue was away from the firing line, but Defense, Stalinist controlled legal now being directed by the Stalin from an individual who cality consisting of the states of Americanism means we will night vroudly identified as a former ser fashion, sounding like deadened Tens of thousands joined our done.
was occasionally inmuffled and dull found it possible to recall the ball anti fascists. Workers and liberLouisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, international Jewry. Organ it put up for these two defend als everywhere are urged to send North Carolina, South Carolina, music throbbed softly as the audi seant general in the US Army. few brash Nazis tried to raise ents along with that put up for to their protests against this Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Alaence rose to take the oath of and the others from such phoney explosions deep underground forces there in a splendid demon hama, Tennessee, Georgia, Vir allegiance to the American flag paper groups as The National Many wondered if it might not stration against the fascists. We Demand the right to a little hullabaloo among the anti the other four arrested at the arrest to City Manager John ginia and West Virginia (except As the music dies away, the grey Federation of Patriotic Societies. When a photographer dropped a Picket!
fascist demonstrators early in the demonstration. It is clear the Hasster and Police Capt. Frank the counties of Hancock, Brooke, shirted trooper at the mike barks The ones not read must have been Hash bulb inside the auditorium Stop the Fascist Meeting! evening. It didn take long to Stalinista are afraid that working Lynch. Onkland, Cal. Protests Onto, Harrison, Monongalia and out a word of command, harsh from even less impressive sources, thousands sprang to their feet, Wor Workers, Unite to Fight Fas convince them forcefully that it class opinion, already outraged against the informing of the Marshall. by the belly crawling attitude of People World should be went to and was a mistake to try anything.
turning apprehensively toward No Middle Ground the Stalinists, would rise in that paper at 583 Market St. San Long Live the 60 cents per hour in the lo parado ground, and the flagbear.
the entrances, the speaker halting We are These slogans roared from the righteous wrath against the Com. Francisco, Cal, Copies of all proagainst all isms. in mid sentence. Those sounds of Two arrogant fascists going to cality consisting of the states ofers march stiffly to the rear of Washington, Oregon and Califor the platform. Is it Valley Forge. Fascism. Communism, Zionism, the vanguard of the demonstra: Commander Kuhn wound up struggle outside might presage crowd and rolled down Times the meeting got smart in a submunist Party if this were to hap tests and funds to aid in the deSquare and into the fascist meet way. professorial looking gen. Meanwhile Tanner Bates De Trimble, chairman Tanner Bates fense should be sent to Glen nia; one wonders or Potsdam?
etc. etc. Except, of course, the tors battling their way in. Police Ing!
teman broke a good tennis racirense Committee is being organ Defense Committee, 2013 Grant 60 cents per hour in the 10most potent ism of them all men quet cally consisting of the states of moved nervously toward Nye Gets a Hand Americanism. But one of his leur doorways and stairs.
Cheers thundered as speaker them plaining anti fascism to ized to raise funds for the do. Avenue, San Francisco, Cal We were told that his arguMontana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming. New Mexico, Utah, Colorado fresh from a coast to const re parently was following the old The Bund national organizer. tenants earlier in the evening ap.
after speaker called for the for ments made an impression, and Arizona; Guards to fight fascism. In turn, cruiting tour, reports that eleven Third Period ine. The battle of members were over heard abend mation of Perhaps the best way to de. 58 cents per hour in the new branches have been formed. not between democracy and for down the stairs toward the street. Widick, Marty Abern, James at the demonstration is to say sing the evening as they went Max Shachtman, Natie Gould, scribe the spirit of the comrades locality consisting of the states four of them in Texas, the home cism, he said. It is between comof North Dakota, South Dakota state of our patriotic congress munism and fascism. There is no see the cops beat that fellow on aroused the huge gathering to experience by the magnificent disThe MARXIST SCHOOL will be held at Irving Plaza, Irving It was worth 40 cents just to Burnham, and Bill Morgan that it was only equalled in our Place and 15th Street, Classes begin Feb. 27, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, man, Martin Dios. Dies got a big middle ground. Evidently Com PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM Sam Gordon, Widick, Towa, Missourl and the area in hand. So did for different rea mander Kuhn and Comrade the stage.
demonstrate their hatred of fas play of militaney of the Akron Lectures on the day to day activity of the trade unionist.
and about Fast Saint Louis, Tsons Senator Gerald Nye, of Browder both have their troubles And most significant of all the cism, Lifted to the shoulders of rubber workers and the Flint auto Mondays, 7:15 PM. 8:40 lectures 00 nols; all people.
in stretching the star spangled reply of his companion: Yes. But some husky Yipeel comrades, the workers in the days of the great II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICS5. 62 cents per hour in the banner over all portions of their all this is just practice of what speakers castigated the cops who o. strikes Hats off to the James Burnham, Albert Goldman, Max Shachtman locality consisting of the states of coming sat nervously on their mounts a New York militants! They came movements.
The Americanism was laid on Marxist analyses of the shifting American political scene.
Wisconsin, Illinois (except the few feet away. Boos at every men through with flying colors in their Mondays, 8:50 80 thick that, if it were not for lectures 00 area in and about East Saint the Jew balting and a few cracks 10:15 tion of LaGuardia name indi. Arst big test in nction!
Louis, Minols. Michigan and InJohn Wright about the Administration for cated the temper of the workers The truth about Trotskyism based on original documents.
diana; present.
eign policy, one might have Tuesday, 7:00 8:40 62 cents per hour in the thought one self at Stalinist lectures 00 Yocality consisting of Ohio, Penn rally IV. ART AND POLITICS tional was written in every com sylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Six lectures by Phillip Rahy, Dwight Macdonald, James rade fnce as thousands of peoKentucky, New Jersey, New York, Farrell, Dupce, Delmore Schwartz and wiu Dreary Jew Balting (Continued from Page 1) him up to the veterinarian right ple joined in our parado down Phillips, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massa (A half year subscription to the Partisan Whenever the name of Father to his friends: Help me get up away. Book your prisoner for dis Times Square and around Eight chusetts, Vermont, New Hamp Review will be given free to every registrant. Coughlin was mentioned, even in to speak to the police for two orderly conduct and separately Avenue. Sidewalk spectators freTuesday, 8:50 10:15 lectures 25 The effect of this decision will passing, the speaker had to walt minutes, they ll leave us through for cruelty to animals. Where is quently applauded as the cry of LABOR JOURNALISM James Casey be to remove certain definite in until the cheers and applause if we appeal to them and explain he? We got him upstairs, the Smash the fascists them Wow (Continued from Page 1)
cop answered grimly. lectures 00 York. came from the marchers. lieutenant of the motor barons in Wednesdays, 7:15 8:40 equitable wage differentials which died down. These demonstrations we just want to picket.
VI. THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION George Novack give competitive advantage to a for Coughlin were the most fer few minutes later those he Past a group of cops at the The streets and sidewalks were the ranks of labor.
The American Civil War. What it really was and meant.
number of steel manufacturers went of the whole meeting. Cough sought to appeal to were grinding curbstone gently caressing the in jammed.
In March 1935, Dillon drove the Wednesday, 8:50 10:15 lectures. 00 who clung, through the years, to lin seems to be the only big per him down under their horses jured horse, a cop came dragging workers of the Chevrolet Transa low wage policy. Philip Mur sonality the fascists have at pres. hooves.
a young boy who was saying, Outstanding among the march mission plant in Toledo back to Registration can be made at the school office, 116 University ray. appointed chairent. Fritz Kuhn, the national As the main contingent of the over and over, Let go my collar. ers were fifty Negro workers who work without a contract after Place or at the Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12th Street, Y, commander of the Bund, aroused man, sald.
beween p. and p. Registrations may also be made by In Gadsden and Birmingham. little onthusiasm, and delivered demonstration pressed against the you re choking me. The cop came down to ald in fighting fasbitterly fought strike when vie.
mall or by calling ST 0567.
Albamt, for example, wages are speech o dull and academie thaf horses on 51st Street, the veterans shoved the boy in front of the cism. It was their first contactory was almost in their resp.
from Brooklyn sought a simpler lieutenant desk, and a minute with the In the summer of 1936, after a as low as 36 cents an hour. people began to walk out in the solution. With their big flag at later the boy fell heavily to the social democrat remarked, ucts Co. conducted by the militant strike at the Motor ProdCertainly the wage increases middle of it. He gave an exhaus their head, they marched to 63rd floor, unconscious. Involuntarily, there will be welcome.
There Is an Answer to Fascism tive aurvey of Jewish traitors in street and 9th Avenue, then down a newspaper reporter moved to ve always respected the Trot and the with the Big Southern Companies American history. a worthy com. Sth Avenue to sothand attempted pick him up. The cop shoved the skiste for their brilliant theories, company ready to capitulate to SERIES OF SUNDAY EVENING LECTURES panion piece to Earl Browder to turn east toward the Garden reporter away with all his and now ll have to give them these unions, Dillon announced famous monologue on Early May Pay Less YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS As they marched they sang strength, and kicked the boy credit for their action!
that the workers would reBut the tragedy of the ruling American Trotskyists Have fallen hat into his unconscious to work through the picket Fascism can be defeated. Reaction can be smashed. In this is that it recognizes, with the known. It seems that the most Hallelujah with its original ruce. Didja notice how casy he perplexed Stalinist said, How lines with the aid of scores of pious words, and shouted to onturbulent period, we need clear thinking as never before. For approval of the a clear authoritative pieture of what happened in Spain of runner in the Civil War was it what is happening in France of what is ahead for us in the and his finks crashed the comrade replied, The point is picket lines and broke the strike.
right of big companies to pay few bit of data which left the in democracy march behind the Just slid down. It ain gonna do et the fascist meeting? To which cops and their nightsticks Mr. DIItheir southern workers United States less that they aren fascists, and Dillon was assisted by Ed Hall, wages than northern workers. Audience quite calm. He also gave American flag. As they tried to him a bit of good.
Mood Changes difference of 174 cents an hour detailed biography of Judah. lice stopped them. We re veterwhere is your party?
HEAR THE THREE LECTURES: As the evening wore on, and in. now high ranking official of the is allowed between wages in the Benjamin Ice president of the ans. the front line shouted, cident plled upon incident, the Staliniat Executive Board, and SPAIN Felix Morrow, Sunday, Feb. 26 An army officer looked at the Loren Houser, Martin Secretary South and North Confederacy. The Bund line on We re good American citizens. mood of the crowd changed. parade scornfully. Bash the Treasurer.
FRANCE Max Shachtman, Sunday, March New England is landscaped the Civil War, by the way, scems Then came the shambles. Curiosity seekers. as the press heads of a couple of their leaders with Ghost towns whose textileather confused: a few minutes The horses drove them on to the called them, who stood watching and they ll all run, he said. The progressives in the Auto Workers In August September 1936, the UNITED STATES James Burnham, Sun. March 12 industry moved south to get later, Commander Kuhn was sid P.
cheap labor, The United Rubbering violently with the Ku Klux sidewalk, then followed them at p. were shouting slogans teen minutes later, the cops tried Union drove dictator Dillon out of there eight mounted cops driv. at the direction of the Party it but didn get very far.
Workers delegation from Akron, Klan.
the auto industry. Martin was one IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th St.
ing them down on the street liko squad marshals at pm. At 10:20 Ohio, gave at the convenGarden Is Betrayed so many hunted animals. At 51st they fought back, blow for blow, According to the papers, Major An unknown hero showed how sives, and Martin took Dillon of the leaders of these progres tion vivid pleture of decentral Auspices: Socialist Workers Party Fourth International.
place as head of the auto union. Subscription to the series, 50c, Single lectures, 25c. Tickets caure of cheap labor elsewhere of the Garden, said Bund officials back at full speed, driving those Avenue between 47th and 18th: When the cops rode into the collaboration between Martin and!
on sale at Labor Book Shop, 28 12th St.
and in particular in the same city. had assured him there would be who had hidden in doorways out they would not give way even demonstration, he grabbed the bit Dillon today is slap in the face no Anti Semitle utterances, and into the open where they could when the mounted cops took to of a horse and tried to stop him at all the traditions of the United Gadaden, Ala. Silent appear in any speech. The Major fought back wildly and hard and against the plate glass store win. ANNOUNCEMENTS betrayal of its best interests.
Special Combination Offer!
On Danger was the victim of one of the most gave the cope more than they dows. Clear and musical, came the Trade Workers for Contracts SOCIALIST APPEAL There is not one word about wholesale acts of trenchery and took at the end of the fight, their sound of one window after an GIRL wants girl to share a cozy THE NEW INTERNATIONAL For Martin to unite with Dillon America leading socialist and Outstanding theoretical monthly apartment. Located in Astoria, revolutionary paper of the Fourth International speeches from beginning to end loft on the flag staff. The cops had pressed against the windows by Long Island (15 minutes to today is only the first step to carried on by Steel Labor, torn it to ribbons. It was 9:15, the horses, and determined not Times Square. 15. 00 per month wards a unity of Martin Dillon PARTISAN REVIEW of.
organ of the over the Before the evening was over, es two hours after the veterans had to retreat.
rent; write Edith Kimmel, o and the corporations against the think Partisan Review is the best literary magazine in America Stanley, 116 University Placo. auto workers. The day after the and is keeping up its standards damn well. John Dos Passos Cops In True Light The question of organizing the cry Jew of the lightest promin appeared. lesson in democracy.
The Jolly Lieutenant ROOM FOR RENT: Comfortable, conventions are over, the fight All Three Together for a full year 00 South properly belongs at the top once in song or story had been For hours thereafter, even when exposed. to the accompaniment In the 17th Street police station bright, steam heat. mile view. will get under way in the plants of the agenda of a national steell of automatic boos and jeers. The the lieutenant was laughingly rue the Socialist Workers Party to at the Or else the following combinaconvention. In particular steps to (3) The New International and spokesmen had concluded the acoffice.
agreement. Dillon and his crowd tions: implement the federal ruling to Devil list ran from Ezra, of the fully as the work piled up. tion and the format demonstra MASS RALB. Widiek Eclal talents will not be averse to Partisan Review together for one Old Testament, to a weird mix young student was brought in, and that one of Dillon speshipa. 1) Socialist Appeal and The year 50.
boost all wages should be drawture of Barney Baruch, Felix pleked out of the demonstration tion had censed, the demonstrata McKinney George Brelt trading the working conditions, New International together for up with rank and file participa Frankfurter Madame Francis on one pretext or another. There walked up and down Brood Act now! This generous offer tion. Plaskett. Sunday, Feb. 26 and wages, which the auto work one year 00.
When are expires on March 18th 30 days P. Workmen Circle, 190ers won in spite of him, for a con steel workers go Perkinsvodsky and Franklin lieutenant sought to question him. way, and the appearance of a (2) Socialist Appeal and Parti only!
ing to get a genuine national con Rosenfeld. Nor was the Jew Kari Am under arrest the boy patrol wagon or a mounted or Max Mordecal forgotten, he asked. If so want to telephone for spontaneous boos. They had Belmont Ave. Newark, Austract with the bosses. Reduction san Review together for one yerr pices: Newark Send all payments on the above vention to form their own inter of wages and destruction of shop 50.
to the Socialist Appeal.
national union affiliated with the whose oriental cunning inflicted for a Yah smart, young learned their lesson: the cops the lieutenant.
steward systems will not be very o. elect their own officers and on us all the greatest scourge feller.
whom Ready for Delivery!
had been taught in they decide their own program of how and enemy of mankind: interna. Well ain booking you, whatwuhlie school were civil servants, hard medicine for Dillon to swaltional communism.
do you know about that? Take they had found to be friends and low, to build a powerful and militant Bound Volumes For the him upstairs and make him talk! protectors of the Nazis, and vicThe workers want none of Mr. Jobs Still Open!
industrial organization?
Isn it about time that John The Poor Horse New International of the Appeal, 1938 pillon and the part of the APPEAL SALESMEN America, said one oberkom.
lous, brutal, sadistic attackers of Lewis and Murray and WANTED: DANCE and top leaders stop. prating democracy America is a repub injured when he had ridden him rating mandant profoundly. is not that not forget you to her feed peaceful anti fascist demonstre tion.
All 56 copies of last year now carrying on against bureauc racy and dictatorship and which 00 per day minimum ENTERTAINMENT about dofending democracy1te.
APPEAL was started against Dillon win guaranteed into the demonstration; he had abroad, and instead be forced to not subside now in order to return Upper West Side Headquarters arrested a demonstrator who had allow a little of it in the SHERIDAN SANDWICH Chance to earn some real 916 Ninth Ave. nr. 50th St.
to Dillon fold. On the contrary, SHOPPE money, with easy pleasant Saturday, Feb. 25 Adm. 350 The Reverend Dr. Sigismund grabbed at the bridle when the 114 University Place there is every reason to believe it Von Bose, who delivered the ofri. borse came at him, and he blamed work.
Get the SONGS BY MARY FRIEMAN next to headquarters will go forward until it cleans out Neatly Bound in clal Washington Birthday Speech, the bridle puller for the horse See Abe Miller HELENE GARDEN Lunch!
SOCIALIST APPEAL his suspicions or Jew. injury.
Black and Red Covering the bureaucrats and dictators expressed Swing Music Pensant Dances Soup. 15c Sandwich, Coffee or from Lewis and the Stalinists to LABOR BOOK SHOP Ish statesmen: One does not hire Is he hurt bad. the lieuten Milk with Pastry!
at Your Newsstand All Proceeds to PRICE (incl. postage) 00 Union Food at a Union Place Dillon and his pals in Martin 28 East 12th St.
house wreckers to do an archi ant inquired solicitously. Take The New International camp.
All Races, All Creeds Join the Protest Line pride in the Fourth Interna. Save the Union Rank and Filers Win More Locals.
pa! Hear not Battle Special