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Save Union Move Gains More Locals Socialist Appeal ANSWER CALL AT THE GARDEN PICKET LINE 1, 780 La Guardia Cops Protect Nazis from Workers Wrath in Brutal Attack on Demonstrators COITOL PET SHOP OAKLAND CIO HITS STALINISTS FOR FINK ACTION IN ARRESTS 1000 New Subscribers Francis Dillon, Professional Union Pay Roll Leech, Crawls Into Auto By April Ist!
Faction Struggle Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party. Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Special to the Socialist Appeal)
DETROIT, Feb. 18. Local 210 of the MeCord Radiator VOL. III No. 10 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1939 375 34 per copy Co. roled at membership meeting to send delegates to the Cleveland convention and join forces with the four locals fighting for the program One Convention, One Union, One Fight Against the Bosne and against Stalinist Lewis domination of the United Automobile Workers of America. The four locals previously on record for this program are Local 15, Fleetwood Fisher Body of Detroit, Willard Storage Battery Local 88, Weatherhead Local 63 and Baker Rauland Local 451 of Cleveland. DETROIT, Feb. 15. Mister head of the Ladies Garment Francis Dulon is in town!
Workers Union, bad united orFrancis Dillon, the labor skate ganization and no rivals when he who sold the auto workers so far quit the CIO, and assumed an Independent existence. But Martin down the river they could see the must fight for his very life against ocean back in 1935 1936, is fishing the sentiments of the overwhelm.
for a conference with Homer ing majority of the auto workers, Martin who are pro He will need Dillon is in Detroit now as the support. And willy. nilly he will be personal representative of Wile compelled to fall back on the Liam Green, vaguely empowered This is first confirmation of by the Executive Council of the what we wrote in the Socialist American Federation of Labor to Appeal, Feb. 14: Martin is comconsummate the split in the auto pelled by necessity to align him workers union through some kind self with the Green Frey Hutchinof deal with the waning forces of son diehards of the Executive Homer Martin Council the No Comment Prom Martin Represents Corruption Martin Lesued formal dental Those who mistakenly believed that he would meet with Green that it would make no difference but had no comment to make on at this juncture whether the auto the intentions of the craft union workers were affilinted to the bureaucrats of the to or to the got a rude wangle a tochold in the present shock when Dillon turned up in factional conflict in the Auto town as the representative of the An imposing, fighting demonstration of fifty thousand workers assembled near Workers Union. It is not unlikely Dillon represents every that a conference is in progress thing that is rotten and corrupt Madison Square Garden on Monday evening to protest the first big fascist mobilization at this very moment, or at any in the craft union structure of the in New York City.
rate that interested third parties It was on who hold the In addition to the fifty thousand demonstrators, who responded to the call of are attempting to arrange one. harness over the auto workers William Green properly charac. during two eventful years when the Socialist Workers Party for a labor rally against the fascist concentration, official terized Martin dilemma after the organization could have swept the latter had withdrawn from the industry. He was the agent of the police estimates given to the press counted another fifty thousand among the e spectators. Obviously. Green com cruft wolves who were waiting to With few exceptions, the latter made clear their sympathy with the aims and slogans mented, it will be more difficult split the Auto Workers Union into of the demonstrating thousands. With a brutality recalling the days of Czarist Cossacks, for him to retain an independent a thousand morsels. He was the status than Dubinsky. Dubinsky. Continued on Page 2)
1, 780 of Mayor La Guardia poNAZIS CHEER NEW YORK COPS lice, the largest number of cops ever collected in the city against FOR CLUBBING OF PICKET LINES single demonstration, slugged and trampled under horses hooves scores of workers in an History Is Written Not in Ink; But in unsuccessful attempt to break up Tanner Bates Defense Committee Formed Blood! Declares Jew Baiting the demonstration. From pm As Gang Leads Boss Chorus Swastika Leader until 11, the workers engaged in a series of bitter clashes with the Against Two When Fritz Kuhn, leader of the German American Bund, police.
Sine Exceeds An Hopes Spread to the Socialist Appeal)
finished his oration in Madison Square Garden Monday evening, he The edge of the workers coun SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15 sharp rebuke to the Stalinist thanked New York finest, the police department, for the splendid ter demonstration far exceeded stoolpigeons who rushed to inform the authorities of the guilt of Max Shachtman, editor of the SOCIALIST APPEAL, addressing a protection it has given. His voice was drowned indthe longest and the expectations of even the most Myrx Tannet and Roland Bates, militant anti fascists and members section of the huge crowd that jammed 51st Street on Monday night in loudest ovation of the evening, the Nazi audience arising and ap optimistic.
of the Young People Socialist League, was delivered Monday night Efforts had been made on al the counter demonstration called by the Socialist Workers Party against the plauding the police department vociferously.
by the Oakland Council.
Outside on the streets, New bands, prior to the Nazi meeting, letter from the League, proFascist Madison Square Garden meeting, York finest were clubbing the call igued by the Socialist testing the action of Estoly Ward, fascist demonstration in the city All Races, down the workers who had come Workers Party, to mother items Stalioist secretary of the councilcil and favorable action taken on Feb. 10, Was read at the counto exercise their right to picket a campaign of silence, and to Creeds Join the fascist meeting sabotage It directly.
in cushing to City Manager Hass on it.
ler to disclaim all responsibility Ward Tries to Crawl Out Jew Balting Prevails Supercllious critics Trotskylats in the social demo for the militancy of the antiWard was forced to take the Picket Line History is not written in ink cratie camp sought to dlepose of floor and deny having made but in blood! With this as his the counter demonstration by statement which WAS printed By FELIX MORROW theme, Fritz Kuhn had begun his ridicule and disdainful talk of in the press that the The fighting anti fascists who harangue, bringing 18, 000 of his our socialist Party of Norman members of the League had reinsignificance. Neither answered the call of the Socialist followers to their feet roaring the fused to obey orders during the Workers Party were of many with approval. It will take more Thomas nor the Social Democratypes.
than words to answer our protic Federation would take any of the disturbance which took Among thone who pressed gram! We are preparing with the place, ending in a police attack on the anti fascist picket line and against the horses, fighting for only language international Comevery inch of ground, were Span munist Jewry understanden! ARREST, BEAT the arrest of six demonstrators ish and Latin American workers, Thc climax of the meeting Frenchman Acts As including Tanner and Bates.
aching to strike the blow at fas came near the end of Fritz FOR PICKETING Ward failed, however, to explain cism which had failed to strike Kuhn oration against the vile Azana, Franco why he had waited so long to down Franco: Negrocs standing role of international parasitism deny this statement which is in Five workers were arrested Go Between up against the racial myths of and the Jewish Mordecai Karl after being beaten Into uncon conformity with other actions the Nazis and their 100 Amer. Marx.
taken by the Communist Party.
sciousness, by La Guardia cops ican allies: German. American Aman broke through the during the workers demonstra Senator Leon Berard, French Two days after the demonstra workers seeking to avenge their phalanx of uniforms surrounding tion Monday evening.
envoy to France, has delivered to Lion Stalinist speakers, at a meetbrothers under the heel of Hitler: the press section and gained the the fasciate a message from ing held near the California Uni Italian anti fascists singing Ban stage. He sprang bare handed to George Mason was convicted Spanish President Manuel Azana, versity Campus, denounced the dera Rossa. groups of Jewish ward Fritz Kuht at the micro by Magistrate Lindau on a disagreed to by Foreign Minister League members provoca Julio Alvarez del Vayo when he teurs just as Ward and others boys and men, coming together phone in the center and front of orderly conduct charge and fined ten dollars. The arresting from their neighborhoods, the rostrum. As he fought to was here in Paris, that the Madrid had done during the domonstraPOP Mas had broken two strike a blon against pogroms reach hin objective, the Order government will abandon the war tion itself when they and other everywhere: Irish republicans Division smashed him to the floor plate glass windows.
surrender the territory it militants called on the crowd to conscious of the struggle for the The audience rose excitedly. Peter Schopes, Lionel Shep holds without bloodshed if it has take more effective action against freedom of all peoples Ireland women screaming, men breaking hard. Abe Dollinger, and MiResurance that no reprisals will be the fascists than holding a meetis to be free; veterans of the from their seats and milling in chael Nerevits, charged with taken against Loyalists.
ing half a block away from World War: office workers, girls the aisles.
disorderly conduct, will be tried This, the most concrete report the hall in which Alleen Brien, and boys, joining the roughly clad Some thirty police scrambled on March 2.
yet made on negotiations between Franco nurse, was speaking workers in shouting and fighting: onto the rostrum. They muscle They are being defended by the People Pront government Sheet Alds Court workers of every trade and neigh away the Division Order from counsel provided by the Ameriand the fascists, which has hith against the League members the Joining in this hue and cry borhood of the city their victim and began beating can Fund for Political Prison Can Stand Nazi Smell the man as he writhed on the end and Refugees, cito been cautious about previous People World, Stalinist slander They had come, the overwhelm floor, the whole vast crowd of rumore, on Monday, sheet for the West Coast, practiHere how Mayor La Guardia Cossacks protected the Fascist meeting majority of them, not because 18, 000 Nazis yelling at the top of cognizance of the call for the Stalinists Murn cally declared that the charges they were adherents of the So their lungs, as if they were watch demonstration, much less endorse No denlul of the various re of assault and battery and in. ing, bottling the anti Fascist workers in the sidestreets facing Eighth Ave. cialist Workers Party to most of ing lynching it. They were nowhere to be ports on moves to capitulate to citing to riot with which there Several workers were hurt when the cops rode their horses into the crowd.
them indeed the name became Laud Fascism found in the demonstration.
Franco have come from the Loy two demonstrators are faced, etched on their consciousness for During the evening. before alist government.
were true. The World declared Role Despicable the first time but because that Fritz Kuhn took the microphone, After much blustering last week Trotskyites who had joined party, alone among the working speaker after speaker gloated The Stalinista played a particuabout continuing the struggle, the in the demonstration set up class and anti fascist organiza over the bones of the workers Tarly despicable role, which Stalinist press has become very cry to return to the picket line tions of the city, had clearly and who have died in Italy and Ger aroused widespread bewilderment uncommunicative about develop directly in front of the audiunambiguously called them to many under the bestial attack of and confusion in their own ranke, ments in the central zone of torium where NO PERMIS.
The following telegram was sent on Monday confront the hated fascists. the fascist storm troops of Mus which contain thousands of workSpain.
SION FOR MEETING OR Some of them brought home solini and Hitler. They broughters who really want to fight It to clear, therefore, that far PICKETING COULD BE OBmight to Mayor La Guardia: from going to the central zone to made signs, eloquent of their anx great shouts of jubilation ringing against Fascism.
TAINED NEW YORK, Shouting On the day of the demonstra iety to speak out. Give me a gas from the topmost balcony as they carry on the fight, Negrin and del Roland Bates, Trotskylte Drive the Fascists out of New In name 50, 000 demonstrating work mask, can stand the smell of described the new victory of race tion, all that the Daily Worker Vayo went there, as we charged, leader, responded to one of the York, the members of the Joe the Nazis, read one, perched on prejudice, ignorance, and fascist had to say was its report of a to arrange for surrender to the blows (from a cop) by knockHill unit of the plcketed ers we vigorously protest your police the end of an umbrella rib. Hit reaction in Spain.
speech in favor of democracy by fasciats.
ing down an officer.
a meeting of Coughlin fascist lerism is Political Gangsterism acting Mayor Newbold Morris, But they drew even greater spslugging and riding down anti fascists Franco Terror Grows So anxious are these informers Union for Social Justice held at read two others, identifying their plause as they cursed interna Not single word about the That Franco promises to bar to finish their work by helping to the Audubon Hall in Washington while solicitously protecting Nazi gangbearers as German Americans of tional Jewry for two solid hours, would have been a little embar Yorkville. One group of Jewish and denounced anything but for rassing even to much braxen penclear from reports from Barcelonvict Tanner and Bates that Heights Inst Priday night.
they insisted yesterday in court The meeting was one of the sters meeting stop Elected Mayor by World War veterans cist, gentile, Christian, right slaves as Stalin employs in New Numerous executions of on bringing the case to trial Im many neighborhood rallies held from Brooklyn brought a large minded unionism in terms as York to write, on this occasion, workers have already taken place mediately despite the fact that throughout the city in their effort thousands labor votes you have beAmerican flag.
venomous and vicious as Hitler diatribes against the TrotskyFranco is making a Roman holl Bates is still in the hospital as to build up the Feb. 20 fascist trayed the confidence by day out of these murders, broad a result of the beating he re meeting at Madison Square Garand comLearn About Cops ever dared use prior to his rise fascists. Many of the demonstrators to power.
As for the Monday edition of Citating them by radio ceived at the hands of the police. den.
fort to sworn enemies of all labor rights learned for the first time what We have been called reaction the Freiheit, Yiddish organ of The Peoples Front government Even the judge was shocked by The Young People Socialist the cope are. While the Socialist aries. We admit we are definitely the Stalinists, it solved the whole leaders, equipped with passports their zealousness. Herendthe Lengue called on the workers of stop We demand you hear our protest Workers Party spokesmen were reactionaries! We are for tolerannoying problem by not printing and airplanes, may flee. The mass. Stalinist lawyers an affidavit from Washington Heights to Smash doctor describing the the fascist meeting at Madison and consider evidence of police brutaliaddressing the huge crowd on ance, but tolerance must cease one line about the Nazi demones cannot. Yet the democrats or Bates 51st Street, making clear to the when it is confronted with that stration or about the counter the Peoples Front have no com youth condition and put the Square Garden. They further ty. Ernest McKinney, Socialist demonstrators the role of the po parasitie international hook none demonstration. It just shoved its punction is surrendering the case over for two weeks.
called on the workers to join the lice a protectors of the Nazis, The meeting began with almost head into a deep pile of sand.
masses in exchange for safe pas So far the International Labor picket line in front of the Guru Workers Party, Local New York.
an impatient Jewish boy appealed 450 members of the well drilled The three other Jewish daily wage for the treacherous lenders (Continued on Page 2) den. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)