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SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, February 21, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. February 21, 1989 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months, Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Entered ne second class matter September 1, 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Is Stalinisi Foreign Policy Moving Policy Moving IN THIS To Conciliation with the Fascists? CORNER Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Stall Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent wage for every worker. Open the idle testories operate them under Dividends and Profits Week workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage 30hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor party.
II. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and Fascist attacks.
Two Votes In The House Colonel Batista Visits Mexico Roosevelt cut the relief appropriation to the tune of a billion dollars. No funds.
Congress cut the appropriation by another 150, 000, 000. No funds.
The big majority of Congress, including Democrats and Republicans, were denounced as Tories, reactionaries, eriemies of the people, heartless scoundrels especially by the Stalinists.
ButBy almost unanimous vote (367 to 15. the House voted last Wednesday to increase the Army Air Corps to 5, 500 serviceable airplanes. With other expenditures in the May bill, an outlay of more than a third of a billion dollars (about 376, 000, 000) is involved.
No funds for the millions of hungry and homeless unemployed.
Plenty of funds with which to plunge the masses into the massacre of imperialist war.
The Stalinists leading the cheering squad for Roosevelt war armaments program because it is in the cause of democracy.
Then how does it happen that virtually every single Congressman, including all the Tories, reactionaries, Liberty Leaguers, enemies of the people, heartless scoundrels, and friends of Fascism in the House of Representatives voted for this democratic war program?
The professional liars of the Communist Party try to explain away their embarrassing position by say.
ing that the reactionary Republicans were afraid of the people, who are allegedly aching to leap into an other war.
But, they weren afraid of the people when they cut the relief budget right through the bone.
The real reason for the almost unanimous vote of the House is, as every child should know, that the Roosevelt arms program is a reactionary imperialist program Both the Democratic and Republican parties, and all their factions, are imperialist to the marrow.
They differ slightly on how much to starve the jobless.
They are solidly united in preparing a war to defend and extend Wall Street imperialist interests throughout the world.
the mantle of Abraham Lincoln. Herbert claims the mantle. We are not concerned about who wins this squabble over the mantle. Neither Franklin nor Herbert look much like the giant rail splitter.
Yet it would be completely unrealistic not to see that untess a third alternative is presented before 1940, the Republican party, no doubt with a stream lined New Dealer to replace Hoover, will stand good chances of winning the election.
The dissatisfaction of the workers and farmers ex Recent Steps by the Kremlin in the Trade Pact With By Max Shachtman pressed itself at the last election with substantial ReItaly Indicate New Trend for Post Munich Times nation, no more than a woman, is excused for publican victories. And Bill Green criticisms of the the unguarded hour when the first adventurer who New Deal fit nicely into that pattern.
Two weeks ago, a few days after contrast to almost all of his pre trend which set in immediately comes along can do violence to her. There remains So long as the people are presented with only two the fall of Barcelona, the news vious major speeches. following Munich and which has to be explained how a nation of thirty six millions can appeared rather obscurely in the Franco Used been gathering strength.
parties to choose from, the pendulum will shift fur be surprised by three swindlers, and taken to prison world press that the Soviet Union Munich brought to a close one without resistance.
ther and further to the right had just contluded a new trade Russian Fuel In the financial section of the ley of exclusive orientation on the period of Kremlin policy the polWhat Karl Marx wrote about Louis Bonaparte Only a party that is really the workers own can pact with Italy. The report stated France of 1851 applies not only to the Czechoslovakia hope to break through this combination. The first step that Soviet Italian trade was ex Times of Sunday, February of 1938, or to nations and women in general, but to Franco Soviet Pact. This policy on the road to ending all capitalist politics whether of pected to increase under the new 12, there appeared a solid and democracies, the period of the pact from around 20, 000, 000 year. circumstantial article by the ace simply blew up at Munich.
men and parties and all political leaders.
the Hoover, Roosevelt, or Daily Worker variety is the ly to 50, 000, 000.
reporter Carmichael on the ques The liberal, of the Stalinist, social democratic or Stalin turns, then, toward Hitler formation of a Labor Party.
old fashioned persuasion, has thickened the atmos Several years ago the then ex tion of the present trend in Sovies and Mussolini: there is no other foreign trade policy, particularly phere for months on end with a wall of agonized and isting Italian. Soviet pact was with respect to petroleum, He way to read what has happened.
broken off with recriminations showed the enormous sales of be envisaged: The turn might The giant flying fortresses recently seen in Minnebewildered grief. Like the incautious lady who is reTwo possible variants seem to apolis can perform feats unequalled by any other from both sides, and the majority petroleum, and plans for sales, to peatedly yanked into an alley by escorts who turn out to be a bit on the caddish side, they continue, between plane in the world. kill more damned workers of the respective consulates and Germany and Italy, and related fully succeed deal might be excruciating sobs, to tell soul searing tales of how they per square yard than any other kind of plane. commercial representatives of the these to the new Italian Soviet Mussolini or both, preferably the were betrayed by the Democracies with whom they two countries were withdrawn pact.
kept company.
The new development thus sharpNo general criticism in princi dreams (quite vainly) that he former; and in such a case, Stalin You can hardly pick up a copy of the Post in New ly reverses the action taken at ple can, of course, be made to that time.
York, where Mr. Ludwig Lore runs a column of forSoviet trade with the fascist coun would be sitting safe and pretty.
eign news comment, or the Dally Worker, where Mr.
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas are celebrated by Notoriously Silent tries. The Soviet Union is isolated Outcome Depends Harry Gannes does the same, without reading lurid most people as the two days in the year when everyone on the Refugees in the world economic market of on Hitler confession of how they were done dirt alas, not for should rejoice, give thanks, and overflow with peace imperialism, and it must attempt The pact with Italy seems to fit to utilize that market for its own Or, assuming that a deal is un the first time by some Democratic statesman In and goodwill toward all living creatures, including in with whom they put their girlish trust.
a number of incidents purposes. That, in passing. Is threat of such likely or even impossible, the the boss.
which have occurred, and rumors basic reason for the absurdity deal can be used Betrayed by Their But the workers on starvation wages, for relief which have been circulated, since the Stalinist conception of 80 liance out of Great Britain and urdity of in an attempt to blackmail an al Best Friends Munich. Several delegations have cialiam in one country.
They hail Schuschnigg, and he betrays them. Genclients, the unemployed, and the 3, 000, 000 American been travelling back and forth be It must, however, be confessed Chamberlain: you wouldn play France. Stalin is trying to say to eral Syrovy betrays them. So do Chamberlain and youth permanently locked out from industry, the happiest days of the year come in January when the tween Berlin and Moscow. During that the signing of the new pret ball; very well, unless you come Daladier. So does King Carol of Rumania. And it is the autumn, Walter Duranty, un with Italy under the given circum around ll turn to a new friend all beyond their comprehension.
giant corporations of the country publish their re official but authoritative Kremlin stances and at the given time was and leave you on a limb, permit Why do Chamberlain and Daladier, spokesmen of ports of the year shakedown.
spokesmian, wrote several articles an act, at the very least, of the your empire to be plucked to British and French Democracy, allow Hitler to take We therefore add our voice to the happy rejoicing putting forward the notion that most contemptible eynicism and pleces, and if you don believe Arst Austria and then Czechoslovakia without a fight of our supporters over the rosy items in the financial Sestrian yang the eterorento no hypocrisy. Rusein supplies the me, keep your eyes open Austria and the Sudetenland, had fuel which Italy otherwise lacks The outcome, however, does Why don they send their mighty Armadas to prevent sections of the capitalist press and move that an become the major force in Europe with which the armies of their rival, Mussolini, from swallowing up first Ethinot depend primarily on Stalin. opia and then Spain? Why does British Democracy official holiday be declared the better to commemorate for peace and stability required Franco destroy Spain! But this That Hitler should make a deal sit by idly while the Japanese ogre carves up China the agreeable profits and blessings capitalism has by Germany, said Duranty, in or was precisely foreshadowed by with the Kremlin is not excluded and even encroaches directly upon the southern provwrung from us during its year exploitation of our inces in which millions of good English sterling are and its new domination of the Italy in Ethiopia also enme Inrge high, perhaps so high that Stalin labor power.
invested? Why has Browder failed thus far to con greater part of the Continent. ly from Russia During DIVIDENDS AND PROFITS WEEK we acceptance of It would mean his vince Roosevelt and the Chamber of Commerce to During the height of the Nazi Munich Ended fall internally. But the first cards send an expedition to Asia to protect Wall Street celebrate gratefully the following sweet tidbits gouged persecutions this nutarimusind wit: Period in Soviet Policy are now being played.
investments in China?
from the point of production in 1938 (nothing less Above all the new events dem Why, in a word, have not yet the Great Democrathan a million dollar shakedown mentioned. ted any offer of refuge, and in Likewise are these incidents a onstrate again that Stalin and cies started a Holy War against the Fascist Aggres general had very little to say. In sufficiently obvious commentary Stalinism can no longer in any TO THE sors to protect the Little Democracies instead of beHitler recent speech to the upon the Staliniat campaigns for sense defend the interests of the traying them?
Stockholders of National Biscuit Co. 12, 799, 770 Reichstag. It was widely remark. boycotts of Italy or Germany car. Soviet Union. That job belongs to Stockholders of American Snuff Co. 1, 654, 984 ed that he turned his attention ried on within the democratic im the workers, of Russia and of the Sassoon Explains.
Stockholders of Beneficial Industrial. 6, 185, 949 away from the Ukraine, and con perialist nations entire world; and to do their job Business Is Business Stockholders of Cream of Wheat Corp. 1, 232, 291 centrated on Germany need for But much more than this is in they have got to finish once and thousandfold sounder answer than you can find in any of the Stalinist, social democratic or liberal Stockholders of Link Belt Co. 1, 106, 041 he had a few standard phrases throw additional light on the pres and their ways that have led and Stockholders of Murphy Company. 2, 489, 866 about Bolshevism, he said noth ent trend in the orientation of the will lead only to defeat and disas press, was given the other day by a man who has more to say in deciding the foreign policy of the Stockholders of Nat Bond Invest. 1, 213, 450 ing about Russia In startling foreign policy of the Kremlin, alter. democracies than half a dozen Prime Ministers and Stockholders of National Lead Co. 4, 499. 797 two thirds the members of their respective Parliaments. They come and go and are forgotten. Ho and For SPECIAL GRATITUDE DAY during the feshis like remain. We refer to the gentleman who retive time of DIVIDENDS AND PROFITS WEEK, cently passed through the United States on his way we nominate the net profits of eight chain store home, Sir Victor Sassoon, of the House of D. Sassoon and Co.
corporations for the year 1937 (figures just released by the Securities and Exchange Commission) The Man Who Established Bloodthirsty Regime of The House of Sassoon, International bankers and investors, has existed for generations. Ita interests le 59, 000, 000 Terror Against the Cuban Masses is Being Dressed in Bombay, Shanghai, Istanbul, Cairo, Salonika, LonWhen the shouts of joy and hallelujahs over this don everywhere. It is part of that upper circle of chunk of pie have died down, we propose commem. Up by Stalin Hirelings As Snow White Democrat moneyed overlords like the Lazards, Rothschilds, Barorațive exercises for the following profits in the ings, Goldschmids, Morgans, Rallis, etc. which domBy MIGUEL SANCHEZ years mentioned for these same eight corporations: leaders, however, who made open the paramount fact in the cur: inates not only the counting rooms of the world, but The good will tour is one of obeisance to Batista the high rently seething Cuban sugar bowl most of its governments, and has doninated them for 1936, 61, 000, 000; 1935. 57, 000, 000; 1934, the standard commodities of the point of his visit, made a publie Is that the Communist party there years 56, 000, 000. Praise capitalism!
Latin American polities of our declaration of an entirely differ doing everything possible wants, he aid in an interview with the Now for those rolling in the wealth of a time, and Colonel Fulgencio Ba ent order: namely, their kinship prevent the emergence of the Post (Feb. 2) Great Britain to hack Japan and not tista recent mission to Mexico, with a pan Americanism, which Cuban masses against Batista. It Russia. And the United Democratic Front? Nonsense!
salary or spending their way to happiness on a relief mostly glossed over in the hour harbors grave dangers for the is ham stringing the deep felt Business is business.
check, we are happy to report that their fellow seois press was just this type of millions of English and Spanish wish for genuine trade unionism Suppose the Japanese crushed or won over its workers on the Board of Directors of these eight visit. At the same time it gave speaking workers of both Ameri. and militancy by a cynical policy opposition in China. They have to have a great companies were not far below them in benefits re new prominence to Issues which cas.
of class collaborationism.
deal of money to develop or make anything of it.
ceived during the year of capitalist economy, such tours are supposed to clonk. These dangers relate first, to in the realignment of political The only places to get those sums would be the For lolling in a mahogany chair at a few directors The diplomatic intrigues his the war plans of the democratic forces now taking shape on the United States and Britain and perhaps France.
trip involved need command but bloc of nations; second, and cut island, the Stalinists have the lead They re facing what Italy faces after conquering meetings one company paid its board for a single little of our attention. Washing from the same cloth, to the prepa in the People Front, formed on Ethiopia: What can they do with it, lacking enoryear slavery during the four year period covered by ton, for example, was supposed to rations by American finance capt behalf of Batista, by the mous capital! All the Japanese bankers, econothe Commission report, the sum of 1, 168, 328. disapprove of his visit, while Are tal for an economic stranglehold Sergio Carbo of the old Partido mists and diplomats ve talked to see that clearly.
If the army doesn The smallest of the eight companies during 1937, gentine watched it with malicious over the life of the raw material Revolucionario Cubano and the the worst year of the four, had to cut down to 89, 250 Interest. Mexico, 80 It was said, nations to the south of us, ac Partido Liberal, Machado old Statesmen Are Loyal for the year, but the other companies made up for it expropriations policy: how, was dictory. In this connection, a foot called Civilist Front, composed To Their Class in democratic fashion, paying anywhere from a half ever revealed. Batista dema note can be written to the Lima of Grau San Martin, Menocal, But why doesn this British patriot and banker million to a million dollars to its directors and gogic invocation of a Mexico City conference, at which the United Miguel Gomez and the dis advocate at least that economic embargo against Japan which, we are assured by the Champions of officers, to each according to his needs as the saying Havana Washington axis, the axis States made its deliberate bid for credited politicians all. Between goes without resorting to war? The Post story explains Democracy, would bring the Aggressor to his knees When we have cleared away the dollar signs, the ho pantom reality to the field in that the strongest support masses are ground as between tion of Cuban sovereignty. Over and most vociferous praise for two millstones. The difference bethat, too: ticker tape, and clipped coupons of this week cele and above all this, there for us such a course was voiced in the tween them is one of degree, not Japan doesn want to declare war on China, bration, we will spread around the check stubs of another phase of the whole affair Communist press throughout of kind.
he explained, because that would bring down the some more corporations for another week of grateful that is very much our immediate United States and Ibero America Over reach Themselves American embargo on exports. Seventy percent of thanks and joy for capitalism.
The reason behind this is clear.
the essential materials for war that Japan Yet evidences are at hand that Whitewashed by Stalinists The Stalinist parties act not in the Stalinists are over reaching Import have been coming from us, Great Britain and France not the dictator nations.
For some months now the com the interests of the landless peas themselves in Latin America, and world peace conference to settle once and for munist Party of Cuba has striven antry or the exploited proletariat, that hatred of Yankee imperial Ho admitted that if the democratic Powers all the problems of international relationships remains mightily to sell Batista in his new but as sooth sayers for Russia ism is far from quenched. The clamped an economie embargo on Japan they the ultimate aim of the British government, prime guise of democrat. The party foreign policy.
could stop undeclared war in Chin. However, beginning of political wisdom Minister Neville Chamberlain Indicated in the House this probably would bring on a Japanese economie of Commons. He reiterated that much spade work of the him as a true son Their vicious maneuvers are does not consist in playing Wall press plenariat a man in turn calculated to hold the United Street looting game. Their mercollapse and that would likely bring Communism must be done and added that Great Britain was barber, tailor, carpenter, cane States in line as an ally of Stalin ger success in palming off Batista to Japan.
doing everything in its power to further these preparatory efforts. He and the other gang leaders are preworker, railroader, soldier and in a European war. Because of as the democratic white hope Three paragraphs from Sir Victor are, as we see.
stenographer who, at this late that they do not merely overlook of impoverished Cube 18 a dan more important and more revealing than Popular paring to dig another ten million graves and all in date, after years of bloody rule American imperialist drives, test gerous stimulant to Stalinists, Front speech by Daladier plus a Fireside Chat by the cause of peace!
as dictator, is repenting his un. they step on sensitive corns in who are even less lovely in wav Roosevelt plus a House of Commons report by Cham savory past and nostalgically re Washington; they go much fur ing the banner of democracy berlain plus a Peace. Through. War manifesto by calling his humble origin. James ther and act as advance agents in the colontal and semi colonial Browder, with a maudlin Nation editorial thrown in.
We rise to defend the good name of the statesmen the United States, for instance, warks for tottering straw bosses in draping themselves with the of Democratie capitalism. They are loyal to their class Stars and Stripes at home.
and its interests. They defend them stoutly. They are text of an article cabled to the Moscow Pravda by return to Havana from WashingIn its issue of Feb, 15 the Daily Worker prints the ovation et de test is a lead in the like Batista.
not traitors to their avowed cause. But the labor leaders who ask the masses to follow them, are!
Earl Browder, boss of the Communist party. Here is ton some months back.
There Is an Answer to Fascism one of the little fables Browder tells the Russian The Stalinists in Mexico helped masses: this cause along on the occasion SERIES OF SUNDAY EVENING LECTURES of the official reception in Mexico YOU CAN AFFORD TO MISS The progressive camp, with Roosevelt leadership, City by putting on an impressive Fascism can be defeated. Reaction can be smashed. In this has clearly come out for a policy of halting the ag show of trade unionists, marching The Press turbulent period, we need clear thinking as never before. For gressor powers, and for armaments adequate to sur in review before the very man a clear authoritative picture of what happened in Spain of By ARTHUR HOPKINS port such a policy. Republicans and Tory Democrats who, only three years ago in his what is happening in France of what is ahead for us in the own country, destroyed trade The Japanese finance ministry calls upon all Jahave equally demonstrated their support to an AmerUnited States.
unionism, murdered its leaders, panese women to stop eating sweet potatoes and help ican equivalent of the policy of Chamberlain, modified jailed and tortured the rest in HEAR THE THREE LECTURES: win the war. Potatoes are needed for conversion into badly needed alcohol. This applies only to the upper by opposition to American armaments.
what has been denounced as one SPAIN Felix Morrow, Sunday, Feb. 26 classes, of course, since the lower don know what The very same day, Feb. 15, the House of Repre of the most atrocious reigns of terror in the history of the New FRANCE Max Shachtman, Sunday, March sentatives voted almost unanimously for the May war sweet potato tastes like. All the latter is called upon to sacrifice is the blood of their male relatives.
World planes bill. All the Republicans (except 14) and all UNITED STATES James Burnham, Sun. March 12 Soothsayers for Russia the Democrats, Tories included (except 1) voted for at P.
It is one thing for Mexican In Louisville a hill billy appealed to an attorney to the Roosevelt Administration armaments bill.
labor, at the bidding of its lead IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th St. take his case against a cigar salesman who sold him The cable companies must have a grand time and ers, to parade its armed militia, a cigar for 50 with a guarantee that it would grow an honest profit) by carrying Stalin lies about Rus even before Batista; for, In a Auspices: Socialist Workers Party Fourth International longer as he smoked it. Tho cigar burned down like sia to the United States and Browder lies about the consciousness of its own deep re way it proudly advertises thereby Subscription to the series, 50c. Single lectures, 25c. Tickets an ordinary cigar, he complained. Don laugh, gentle reader this is no stupider than the theory that what United States to Russia.
on sale at Labor Book Shop. 28 12th St.
servoirs of strength. The Stalinist goes into the bosses pockets benefits the workors.
Exhuming Mr. Hoover On fitting occasions such as high holidays and me morial ceremonies for capitalist politicians long ago laid under tombstones, the bourgeois press dedicates a few columns to Herbert Hoover, ex president of the United States His photograph generally illustrates his statements, staring accusingly at the voter from above a profitable underwear advertisement, with all the expression of a fat man in a butcher shop window.
Everybody knows that Herbert Hoover as a political Fables For The Russians Labor Looks Through deluder of the workers and farmers is nothing but a memory. No one takes him seriously except possibly Bill Green, who is as fast on his feet as a sack of of coal, and even Bill must wonder sometimes if Hoover will ever really be president again.
The capitalist press prints Herbert face and Herbert statements with the same nostalgic longing for the good old days of the past that a doddering octo.
genarian exhibits when he turns back the pages of the Family album. See, here great grandpaw; he shot the Indians. Grandpaw, there slaughtered the Mexicans.
Next to him is great uncle. He got all the national forests, the richest deposits of minerals, the water pow.
er of the nation, and organized fraud, corruption and the big corporations.
And this is Herbert. He was the most promising of all. He promised us prosperity forever. If Herbert were in office now. Do you remember how he ran the bonus army out of Washington?
Lincoln birthday was the memorial occasion for Herbert last appearance in the capitalist press. He gave a long speech accusing Franklin of usurping