AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarKamenevKirovLeninLeninismMarxMoscow TrialsMussoliniParis CommuneSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

OFF Refugee Commitfee Decides To Abandon All Its Efforts British Officials Prepare pursuing this probe conspired by to the 1915 negotiations between the Jews were told that there is strengthened by this moves Tuesday, February 21, 1939 CIALIT PRESIDENT AZANA OLD GUARD. Seeing the By Dwight Macdonald AND NEGRIN SEEK UNITY PUSHED BY Plays JOINT BETRAYAL READING SCHEME THE AMERICAN WAY, by THE RECORD The Inter governmental Com ed to be capitalized at 100, 000, George Kaufman and Moss Would Trade Spain mittee on Refugees, after wecks 000.
Groups Ask National Hart, with Fredrlo March and of parleying in Berlin and Lon. By comparison with the halfFor Personal Florence Eldridge, staged by don, wound up last Monday by million Jews who are to be taken Office for Single Mr. Kaufman and presented at The trouble with lying is that, as Gainsbor music seemed to be a symbol, in its noisy trivial deciding that the work of hand out of Germany, this is a tiny ough remarked of Mrs. Siddon nose, there the Center Theatre.
ity, of something else again.
Safety ling emigration of Jewish rofu sum. The claim that it is a re Charter Messrs. George Kaufman and no end to it. What begins as a simple, unas Those Men Are Here Again gees from Germany was beyond volving fund available ench year suming frame up is likely to end up by requiring Moss Hart have written and (Continued from Page 1) its scope.
is preposterous in the light of the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
a wholeanle revision of history and art. Having In Yutkevitch The Man With the Gun we see staged a star spangled cavalcade Irate comments in the Italian READING. What is undoubt of America. It is, in every sense.
successfully used the Moscow trials to destroy once more those twin demigods, Lenin and StalJust what took place at the economic difficulties facing emiall potential leaders of an opposition, press testifed to the progress committee secret sessions is un grants who are slated to repay it. edly the first step of the formal aspectacle, staggering in its size, Krem in, pulling off the 1917 revolution practically lin now finds itself committed to the extraor single handed. Their first appearance was in made by the Anglo French bloc known, the press being informed Hitler banditry was the albi National unification of the So in Lenin in October. Here once more, they steer the in wooing dinary thesis that all the great leaders of 1917, Franco away from only that one or two members of which hitherto justified the great cialist Party and the Social Demo in its talents, in the amount of revolution to safe harbor in the teeth of treachMussolint and Hitler.
except Lenin and Stalin, were even then traitors Anglo the committee had unexpectedly democracies in refusing to open cratic Federation has taken place it. It is housed in no less play and spies. This campaign of falsification, proberous opposition from their closest collaborators.
French offers of big loans, which expressed reluctance to incur any their doors to the refugees. Now in Berks County. Sixty house than in the colossal Center ably the most ambitious in all history, has cor Never mind Zinovlev and Kamenev, Lenin tells the Italo German bloc are unable financial responsibility.
rupted every sphere of Soviet life. The cinema, Stalin on the phone. They are flens which will to duplicate, are frritatedly revalue Hitler promises to permit jointly petition the of the with the strange exception of ferred to, and the uneasiness Jews for the committee British emigration and have abandoned for a charter. Negotiations Robert Benchley, the crities have Even a plen of above all has been pressed into service to docualways Irritate us. He fails to explain why he which the fascist powers feel in endorse the refugees to private efforts. have been under way for more given The American Way ment the trials in celluloid. year ago the first didn crush these feas then and there. He ment of a private corporation to Roosevelt verbal sympathy now than four months with the ap. unanimous and, in the case of of such films, Lenin in October, arrived over takes Trotsky more seriously, however, Keep a here. And now two close watch on Trotsky! he counsels Stalin. But democracies is clearly apparent. Cecilitate enigration was not ac: stands out in all its mealy mouth proval of the of both the some, a wila and eulogistic en the little cinemas: Ermler The Great Citizen more are being shown in later on it appears that Trotsky has escaped Democracles Sought this End laking cognizance of the plans dollars worth of anti fascist Committee of Local Berks and Yutkevitch The Man With the Gun. These from his keepers long enough to see to it that Thus the great democracles for the corporation. With most of propaganda out of it, and now he has given its approval of the Immigrant to Industrialist sure two the leading directors in the so called the wrong calibre shells are sent to a crucial are seeking to achieve the objec the money coming from private washes his hands of the whole unity move. The American Way, is the Stalin School which has come to dominate the sector of the battle front. When the news is tlve they set for themselves when citizens, the corporation is expect business.
If the charter is granted a way of the Immigrant entreSoviet cingma in recent years. In 1932 they brought to Lenin, he makes it clear that he sus the civil war broke out: to preworked together on Counterplan, monumen pects the fine Italian hand of the commander in. vent a victory of the Spanish more general unification will be pencuts who comes to the land of attempted at a ajate wide confer the free and the home of the tally dull and now forgotten Alm which was the chief of his army. Stalin bustles off to repair the masses over the fascists resultence to be called early next sum ual effort rises to become a benevbrave and through honest individfirst major effort to introduce Socialist Real damage at once.
ing in a Socialist Spain, while mer. The group will re ism into the cinema. There is no point By now such films have worked out a formula assuring Anglo French spheres of olent tain dual membership in the SD. the inalienable freedom one en industrialist, thankful analyzing their Allms from a cinematic point of for portraying Lenin. On the one hand, he is influence in a safe Spain. until the conference at least. joys on these shores. So thankful, view: there is nothing in either of them that shown as a simple, homey sort of old fellow in That the British had a definite will their creators Into trouble with the set the memorable phrase of Robert Forsythe in the understanding with Franco was authorities, which is to say they are the tamest, New Masks: man who might easily have By FELIX MORROW the Henry apparent as early as July, 1937, 15 battalions would be available stump. James Maurer. War March) makes a personal appear made good that he (Fredrie flattest, most banal sort of Hollywood realism.
played third base for the Brooklyn Dodgers. when Bilbao was surrendered by Horse of Socialism, Raymond He is constantly slapping people (usually Stalin) well nigh fatal blow at Zlon. when war broke out.
But they are more interesting from a political the Basque bourgeoisle without a st hopes in Palestine is about to Among the delegation are selt. Hofses, editor of the Reading nounce the pirate flag that flies ance at a rally of Nazis to de standpoint.
munching apples or cold boiled potatoes in demo amicable arrangement for Joint mient, it was indicated by develop clared against the imperialist war Rhondes, President of the Federbeaten tendens the way the uniformed fight, and France entered into an be struck by the British govern styled socialists who in 1914 de Labor Advocate, and George over Germany and is mercilessly Down with Tractors!
cratie fashion, nd otherwise demonstrating that exploitation with Britain of the ments this week at London and who, in the intervening years, ated Trades Council (A. Ermler fllm shows us the struggle of The he a regular fellow. But this unprepossessing mineral resources of the aren brownshirts. Moral: The Demoorference of British officials have condemned any possible war Great Citizen evidently intended to be KirovThe main problem the Anglo. with rab and Zionist deleg engaged in by Britain as a repeti Brow of the of the him, all roads from now on leadThe is lead by Mark cratic forces of every color, creed, old gentleman has the most extraordinary effect on all who come into contact with him. Their French bloc faced was, not in its ttons.
erstwhile radical, and race and nationality will avenge tion of the 1914 1918 struggle beagainst a sinister elique of saboteurs, evidently member awe and reverence approaches the mystical; meant to represent the Bukharinist right wing dealings with Franco, but in pre Malcolm MacDonald, British late date they associate themtween rival bandits. Yet at this youth.
opposition to the Arst Five Year Plan. The their faith in him is the complete, touching Taith venting Loyalist Spain from em spokesman, informed the Zionist selves with a pledge to drag the ing to Berlin.
of little children. When the simple soldier who is Planned Move plots and counterplots effective war delegation that preparations for revolve around what barking on an Although the members Appropriately enough, the play would seem to be a simple enough question: the hero of The Man With the Gun learns that ench feared, above all, that if stential concessions to the 18, 000, this is the degenerate conclusoviowed negotiations of over four actors.
Jews into the coming slaughter as are technically acting only as in ends with singing of the national whether it was desirable that the level of prohe has been talking. quite unsuspecting, to Lenin, dividuals, the fact that the action anthem, the audience joining the duction should be raised. The Great Citizen he rushes back to his comrades, Assembles them the Spanish workers and peastakes a firm stand for Industrialization, and around him and of No Mention of Labor ents took over the direction 000 Arabs in Palestine and the sion of the Zionist dream: recruit months, involving consultations talked to. out. have just the war, they would decree inde neighboring Arab states, whose ing sergeants for British imperial netween local and national and progress during the last foun Quick fadeout on his also comes out strongly in favor of more tracHere is a history of democracy crazed, ecstatic face. Later on, he persuades a tors. The Bukharinista, motivated by that parapendence for Morocco, thereby caders are demanding an end to in lenders; conferences attended by Jewish immigration into Palesnoiacal malignancy which seems to afflict the whole company of enemy soldiers to join the instigating revolts behind Fran tine and ban on further land hid their contempt for the fawn Roy Burt and local leaders of word or whisper of labor strugThe British spokesmen scarcely Paul Porter, Arthur Medowell and decades without so much as a co lines which would spread sales to the Jews.
opponents of Stalin, try to persuade the workers Reds simply by telling them he has talked to that tractors are evil and industrinlization Lenin and that Lenin 1s and has their in through African colonies, and ing Zionist lenders. According to the and volume of gle for unionism let alone its curse. It is never made clear why they take this terests at heart. Thus on the one hand, Lenin is would rouse the Spanish persThat concessions would made human, all too human to the point of antry on both sides by decreeing made was plainly indicated on Jews were apparently told that groups, indicates that the move capitallam.
between both struggle for emancipation from position, nor, for that matter, why they are willing to gamble, and as it chances to lose. vulgarization; and on the other, he is elevated to when Prime Minister the British Government did not wis planned by national leaders What makes their silence on that the land was to belong to Chamberlain informed Parliament regard them as any help in time as a means toward hastening fura or even more remarkable is a living Ikon, a leader whose mere presence, the peasantry.
their high governmental posts in this campaign for a lower productive level. It seems to Be a whose very name indeed, has magical powers. Stalin Served Chamberlain that he had agreed to the Arab of war, despite their explanations ther state and national unitica that Kaufman and Hart pretend matter of art for art sake.
Both sides of the contradiction serve well the How prevent the masses from delegation request for the publi of the possibilities of a Jewish de tions. The hand of the extreme they are unaware of the role of to be anti fasciat; presumably interests of the Kremlin today.
cation of the documents relating tense force. On the other hand, right wing of the is immense labor in the struggle against fasEverything comes to a head in a mass meet Uncomfortable Posts ing, at which the Bukharinists are sandbagged Front, inspired Sir MacMahon and ness with the Arabs, both in Palwith everything from mother love to the theory the Stalinists, provided the way. Hussein of Mecca, in which the estine and in the surrounding na. that the political differences Liberty Loane campaigns during cism! don envy the actors who have to play Stalin wus seeking an alliance Arabs claim, Britain pledged rections was essential to the defense Which caused the split have been the war. One is overtaken with Spokesmen for the state There is a scene depleting the of socialism in one country, and are finally Lenin and Stalin in these tableaux. In this driven from the platform in deep and well merit. film, both parts are taken by different performwith the democracies. let him ognition of all Arab areas as inde of the Empire.
ed disgrace. After that, there is only one course ers from those who played in Lenin in October.
demonstrate his usefulness by pendent nations in return for Neft. The film ends with their first meeting with This Lenin is Comrade Shtraukh (Honored Art strangling the Spanish revolution.
Which, translated into plain argely removed RS result of horror at the sum effect of the Arab support in the war.
the changes in policy of the spirit which it so completely reHe did so. In the name of secun English means: You Jews are althe emissary of an unnamed foreign power. As ist of the Republic. and he has evidently taken Your Typical British Hypocrisy ready committed to supporting something big was in the offing Who could ever again want to exing the good will of the great correspondent knew that captures. What bloody insanity!
they plot, loud bursts of band music come in the heart Krupakaya criticism of his predeceswindows from a passing demonstration of work sor ever expansive gesturing. He seems none democracles, the masses were For 20 years the Arabs have the British Empire in the war. by a conversation with Mark perience such fanatical days! And ers (who are celebrating the birth of a tractor. too easy in his part. Nor does Comrade Gelovani, exhorted by the stalinists to revainly endeavored to get the now you must make it easier for Brown, leader. But it was then there appears a mother drowning out their talk. This is supposed to who plays Stalin, seem to be having a good time.
frain from revolutionary meth British government to publish us to secure the infinitely more only until the capitalist press dressed in mourning watching the ods. Over and over again, the MacMahon documents. But important support of the Arabs carried the news that the facts soldiers return, while her husband symbolize the ultimate triumph of the healthy These are posts uncomfortably close to the light.
masses. But could not but remember that this ning. What has happened to Comrade Gelovani throughout the civil war, every Britain war promises to the and the whole Moslem world.
were made known.
proposal to conduct the war in a Arabs were in direct conflict with predecessor do not know, but the Times recentThis is the dead end to which reassures her that their son died music, the cheapest sort of Sousa brass band Leftists Not Alected stuff, was advertised as by Dimitri Shostakovthat democracy might live on.
ly reported that Comrade Schushkin, who played on the basis that the favor of made to the Jews in the Balfour sed the Palestine Jewish commun former Councilman Charles Sands revolutionary way was frustrated the equally deceitful promises the false course of Zionism has group of leftists led by itch, the once brilliant young composer who was Lenin in the earlier film, has been placed under No Longer the Satirist admonished by Stalin several years ago to write arrest. Perhaps he took Leninist line off as England and France must be Declaration of 1917, and Britain ty. Except as an increasingly less and Ralph Bigony is not affected One remembers the same Kaufcourted.
rulership of Palestine was formal important auxiliary to British im by the move. They opposed the man writing his entire of the tunes the workers can whistle. And the offstage well as on the stage.
The Stalinists, backed by the ly based on a Mandate issued in periatiem, a foll to Arab demands. uniftention moves from the start. American way as he know it to liberal bourgeoisie and the So 1922 by the League of Nations, Zionism is finished.
However, their opposition the be in 1932. One remembers his Or MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR cialist and Anarchist leadership, delegating Britain to secure the New Course Imperative went to any lengths to curb the cstablishment of the Jewish Na Can Palestine Jewry retrace its consideration and hate and does pokes at the America of seven action is based purely on personal Thee Sing which dealt such workers and peasants. Thousands tional Home. Fearful of Arab steps, and take a new course, to not constitute of revolutionists were executed or demands for independence. Brit. ward unity with Arab workers tor.
progressive fac years ago. But that was 1982.
Satire was then an easy luxury imprisoned, their collectivized ain justified her occupation of and peasants against British im. About six months ago a break and the halcyon days of the midfactories and farms returned to Palestine on the Mandate, and re perialism? Only on this road, by between the Bigony group and dle Twenties were still fresh in private ownership.
fused to publish the MacMahon Arab. Jewish agreement would the Brown group occurred as the thelr minds, if indeed it wasn All this, to the end that the documents.
there be any future possibility for final result of a bitter factional just around the corner again. But great democracies can now buy Now, however, the Arab nation resolving the problem of the Jews fight which began several months it is now a long way since 1982 BY EMANUEL GARRETT off Franco from his Italo German alist movement, ever more turbuafter the August 1936 split with Satire in these troubled times is backers.
lent, has forced imperia) Britain But this course requires a dir, the Old Guard. At the time or in strictly bad taste. There are to seek a compromise with the ferent leadership than the Zion the Nov. 1938 elections Loont more serious things to occupy the AUGUST BEBEL bune of the Reichstag that some of his most in Feb. 22, 1840 Aug. 13, 1013 spiring speeches were delivered. forthright Arab landowners and capitalists ists. Weizmann contemptible Berks of the was suspended bright boys of the theatre. By gnd, representative of the workers he reviled the inwho lead the movement. The com statement last Monday that the as a result of the refusal of the the blighters must be stopped, by There a time, and not so long ago, when promise thato be arranged in one Jews realized that Mussolini Bigonyites to support the r, war it by anything the name of August Bebel was among the best betweeners, the Swamp the Wise Guys who always prick up their ears as if to say which cordance with the usual British and Hitler were behind the candidates at the polls as ordered Manifesto for War known the international socialist movement.
way is the wind blowing now?
combination of imperialist real. Arabs: the Marchioness of Read by the State Committee of the In short, Kaufman and Hart Today, time, the sweep of tremendous events It was on this tribune that he rose on May 25, ism and moral hypocrisy. Chaming statement in New York the The organization was or have written a manifesto declarsince his death, and above all the degeneration berlain will now discover the same day, speaking for the United dered into a state of reorganiza ing for a democratic war against the party which he helped create and build, of which was being celebrated by bourgeois Germany: juridical validity of the Arab Palestine Appeal, that the ex tion. The present action is the fascism and prayer that all have contributed to the shrouding of his one18 as exemplified by MacMahtreme nationalists did not real product of the process of reorgan. good Americans will see their Even though Paris may now have been put time prominence in the gallery of socialist down, must tell you the struggle in Paris Sugar Holdings Are on promises, and will render jus speak for the Arab people, ization. The Bigony group has no way clear to fighting it out for giants.
tice with Olympian impartial these services to British Imperial further basis or purpose for ex Rockefeller and standard On.
Bebel was the rather unusual leader, especially is only a small outpost skirmish, that the main Expropriated In ity.
ism will affair in Europe is still ahead of us, and that lead to Arab Jewish istence. Many of its members will Nat Levine for the pre war days proletarian who before a few decades have passed the battle cry There is stark tragedy in the unity. The first step on the rond go to the Democratic party.
Mexico formal education, but with intensive reading and So confident are the local study added to a brilliant capacity, became one of the Paris proletariat: War on the palaces Jews in Palestine. Fleeing from preservation of Palestine Jewry leaders of unity that they are al lands: the development of Guam of the first rank leaders of German socialism, peace to the cottages, death to poverty and idleas a strong advanced tell fleet ness! will become the battle cry of the entire the father of the Social Democratic Party.
MEXICO CITY, Feb. 14 Effec. persecution, they came to their will come when the Jewish mass ready making plans to bring Nor tivo today, approximately 50, 000 Homeland, more than willing to ex repudiate the Zionist agents of man Thomas to speak at Socialist the Pacific picture, and we will European proletariat.
Guided Workers First Bismarck acres of sugar lands were expro work with their hands in field and British imperialism.
Park next summer.
heard the speech, called it the priated by the Cardenas govern factory. Their labors are embodenter upon a struggle with JapStrides in Organization ray of light which showed him that socialism ment in a decree made public in ied in fertile gardens wrested an for predominance in the He was not a creative theorist, and his main was an enemy to be crushed. He eventually saw The Official Gazette this morning from the desert and in the most Western Pacific. Our Influence to it that Bebel was incarcerated for two years in the Pacific already secure in and lasting contributions to socialism lie not in The lands had been held until modern factories of the Near his books and tracts. Women and Socialism.
for high treason, and nine months for lese today principally by the United East, the East and made even more majeste.
etc. They lle in the magnificent ability which States Sugar Co. an imperialist so by the other buse develop Zionism in Blind Alley within a few months the ing. according to the Anancial ments now stirred the German proletariat to organization Workers Flocked to outfit whose stockholders reside But while they labored, they United States will have in varl secretary of the British Admiral pushing fuelected, we will be westward: the in trade unions, and above all in a party which Hear Him Speak in the United States. The com surrendered political direction of ous countries of Latin America ty, have alrendy been purchased idea of Hemispherical defense expressed their social hopes.
Bebel two outstanding abilities were as or pany is notorious for its anti labor their course to the Zionist leader twenty nine army officers, in polley and for the high profits it ship which, whether of the bour The first gigantic strides towards mobilizing cluding the air force, in addiwill have to be modified, a new, Indhentions that war may ganizer and as orntor. When Bebel spoke, there the workers of Germany to express in political more far reaching formula for has wrung from its holdings in geois Chalm Weizmann or the tion to naval attaches and mis come in Europe at an early was a packed nuditorium of workers come to activity the interests of their own class were Latin America. defense. and a new phase of sions already there. These men Socialist Zionist stripe of Benhear his relentless denunciations of Junker date were the chief reasons guided by Bebel. By Bebel who began his adult foreign polley Initiated. And Land to Exploited tyranny, his impassioned words. There was even Gurion, sought to assure itself will in many cases direct or as indvanced by the House Military above all we shall have definite life as a journeyman, turner, working in Leipzig.
The expropriating decree permanence in Palestine by curry sist in the military colleges of Affairs Commission an occasion when, the auditorium packed be present and who remained the worker, acutely conscious ly committed ourselves to the charged the company specifically ing favor with British imperialthe republies. Their purpose will yond stuffing, workers lifted the tiles of the ing a bill authorizing the of the needs of his class; so that, where other, Orient and its problems. Feb.
with maintaining unsatisfactory ism instead of establishing an al roof so that they might hear him. The splendid be to offset the attempts by to crease in the air corps from 12. Which is by way of indicat and later, leaders of the German socialist move.
living conditions for its employees. liance with the Arab workers and talitarian states to penetrate vigor, the surge of his speeches did more than 4, 000 (already voted) to 500 men sought to dilute the stream of socialism ing that we are already with paying inadequate wages, pensants.
Latin America Times, attract listeners they were the eloquent instruserviceable planes. 300, 000, 000 with class collaboration, he, the simple worker ficiently committed by Investments for proletarian organization.
and with maintaining an absolute Feb. 15) e, their purpose will would be spent for this purpose remained steadfast British Recruiting Sergeants menty, by loans made for diplolack of sanitary facilities.
bo to prepare Intercession in exclusive of the money needed matie purposes, etc.
The logical culmination of this feeble beginnings of the world workers toward Between 2, 500 and 4, 000 persons Latin America for protection of While already an active and leading figure in to train an augmented air the German working class movements (the Yankee business Interests. This international organization (the First Internation were being exploited by the im road came when the Zionist deleforce.
is in line, says the Times, with Worker Improvement Society, the Congress of perialist concern at the time of Eation in London last Monday of al) and the lusty, self confident strides into mass Ready for Delivery. 32. 500. 000 is asked for eduWorkmen Societies, the Association of German organization (the Social Democratic party, the the expropriation. The land will fered to provide a Jewish army the policies adopted at Lima. cational orders to familiarize to help Britain in event of anothWorkers, of which he was president. which be divided for their benefit.
Second International. Under his guidance, the Bound Volumes industrial plants with the duties were then only beginning to feel their way, to socialist movement grew, workers learned the Secretary Hull, representing the er world war! They pledged that Brazilian Foreign Minister, Os they will have to perform in spread, Bebel studied the doctrines of socialism, importance and strength organization.
interests of the American stock waldo Aranha, is now in Washof the Appeal, 1938 war time.
the works of Marx. Sometime about 1865 he met Betel did not live to see the organization he holders, asserted that the commis. Pity the Companies. ington, discussing defense and Wilhelm Liebknecht, father of our great martyr, had created yield its life into the hands of Ger sion set up last November for adother questions with officials.
All 56 copies of last year Two mighty fleets, composed of Karl. Well on the road towards socialism he was man imperialism. He, whose proletarian firm justment and compensation of ex AKRON. Feb. 14 Profits for 140 warships, are now in Caribfurther influenced by his contact with the elder APPEAL ness, whose hatred of German militarism stood propriated agricultural lands, 1938 were the best for the Inst ten As an answer to Germany bean waters for three weeks Liebknecht. Together they founded the German out, did not live to deny and condemn the social would consider this new expropri years, reported the Mohawk Rub. navy building program, the Brit battle to test Panama Canal de Social Democratic Party in 1869.
patriotic calumny which impudently sought to ation with the hope of obtaining ber Comparty when it filled its re ish have announced plans for the ſenses.
As a representative of this party, Bebel served justify its own vile course by an appeal to his compensation for the former port today. Net earnings were construction of a number of deNeatly Bound in 1871 to defend the Paris Commune, the defeat name. The Second International, one might sny.
American holders. 273, 230 or 07 for each share of stroyers during the coming year. The Times has this to Black and Red Covering in the Reichstag with few interruptions for the died when he did. whole period in the develop Preliminary steps for the expro. common stock, Sixteen trawkers. which say about the plan to fortify remainder of his life. And it was from the tri ment of international socialism was at an end, priation began three years ago This was almost 19 times the would be most useful in wartime Guam which Hes in the midst of PRICE (incl. postage) 00 and were completed December earnings for 1937.
for minesweeping and minelny. 1, 400 Japanese mandated in Out of the Past in Palestine CARDENAS GOVT.
CONDEMNS LAND OF OWNERS claims On the Way to the Trenches