BolshevismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Not Guinea Pigs!
AN EDITORIAL On November 5, 1938, the enrollment stood at 3, 262, 000 persons.
On February 11, 1939, Administrator Har.
rington announced that the relief enrollment had gone down to 2, 985, 881.
In three months, more than a quarter of million persons have been thrown of the rolls and into utter Workers of New York!
Rally to stop the Fascists!
They are mobilizing at Madison Square Garden Monday night, February 20.
Hitler German American Bund gangsters, Pelley Silver Shirt scum and Coughlin mob of labor haters have hurled a brazen challenge at the workers of New York, Wrapping themselves in the cloak of patriotism and Americanism, the Fascists prepare to spew their anti labor and anti Jewish poison throughout New York City These gangs have already gone too far. They must be stopped.
What are you going to do to stop this murderous crew?
We must not let this filthy, creeping slime get a foothold in New York.
Gather in front of Madison Square Garden Monday by the thousands!
Be there at 6:00 sharp!
Let the Fascists feel the anger and the might of the working class Get out and picket!
Don wait for the concentration camps Act now!
On to Madison Square Garden Monday night!
Socialist Workers Party District misery Socialist Appeal 34 JAPAN MENACES USSR Unite Azana, Negrin Seek California Labor Protests Joint Peace Action Oakland Police Brutality Popular Front Leaders At Madrid Said WORLD SAFE FOR DEMOCRACY 23 PICTATORSMED NAZISM frame ur case FASCISM MAKE THE That the first result of the Billion Dollar relief cut of Roosevelt and Congress.
NOW week ago, Congressman Dudley White of Ohio, speaking at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York, Cents said that the Congressional Relief Bill reduction was an experiment to see whether relief expendiA Copy tures could not be cut down somewhat as economic Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issue! Tovice Ir eekly recovery progressed.
Only a scientific experiment, you understand!
When you experiment with cutting up guinea VOL. III No. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1939 to 375 34 per copy pigs it doesn matter much. If the pigs die, you can get millions more cheap.
But the millions of unemployed and their families are not guinea pigs you can experiment with, or cut up, and leave to die!
Guinea pigs can fight. Workers can. They must.
They will!
to smash the experimenters. Don be a guinea pig!
History of Social Patriotism FAR EAST CRISIS Demand all war funds to the unemployed!
MAKE THE PUSHES WORLD CLOSER TO WAR To Agree That New Minister European Diplomats Myra Tanner, Organizer, Shall Replace Negrin in Wrangle Over Slugged by Cops for Aiding Spain Pickings Roland Bates DEMOCRACIES WOO FRANCO WAR FUNDS JUMP (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
President Manuel Azana, who has declared for immediate peace SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. The brutal slugging of Myra with Franco, and Foreign Minister Alvarez del Vayo, Negrin The long awaited Spring war Tanner and Roland Bates by Oakland police has aroused intense spokesman, were closeted together in the Spanish Embassy tast weekIndignation in labor circles here.
crisis is developing swiftly both 1974 in Europe and in the Far East.
Long notorious for anti labor brutality and frame ups, this end in Paris, seeking agreement for joint action.
attack upon ploket line by the Oakland pollee force has Azana has proposed that Negrin resign, to make way for a On Thursday Japan served a brought fresh realization to the labor movement that Workers government further to the right. Negrin is reported to have agreed Defense Guards must be formed If so much as the elementary to this point, according to a thinly veiled ultimatum on the right to plcket is to be safeguarded.
Soviet Government over the SiFunds being rushed to the Defense Committee as the United Press dispatch. It is significant that it was published MUNIZ SAFE. BUT first step in the Aght to save the picketers.
berian fisheries. But it is precise without comment by La Voz.
California labor is determined that Myra Tanner and Roland Spanish language Popular Front CARLINI MISSING ly upon this issue that Japan is Bates shall not be rallroaded to prison in a new Tom Mooney ist New York daily. The dispatch preparing a fresh test of strength said that Nogrin. taposed to (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
between itself and the Soviet Jo agree. If the naming of a new (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
PARIS, Feb. 16 Manion and for this purpose has mo prime minister will facilitate ne OAKLAND, Calif. Myra Tanner, Division Organizer for the gotiations that would bring peace uel Fernando Grandizo bilized troops along the Siberian and Roland Bates, University of California student and to Spain.
Muniz, leader of the frontier and warships near SakY. L, member, face charges carrying penitentiary sentence of up! That Azana and Negrin are not Spanish Bolshevik Leninhalin, opposite Vladivostok.
to five years as a result of an ani fascist demonstration held here last far apart in their perspectives is ists (Fourth InternationIn Europe the final stages of Friday night, February 10. Comrade Bates was clubbed unmercifully Negrin representatives are con al) who was in prison in 1938 the strangulation of the Spanish by the police and lies in the hospital as physicians fear a possible ferring with Azana after the latskull fracture revolution are paving the way for ter has openly indicated his Barcelona awaiting trial Despite the fact that he was cial, were pald for their services treachery to the fight against on Stalinist frame up the resumption of the military charges, succeeded in makWORLD SAFE the victim of unprovoked police by being arrested by a zenlous fascism. Instead of denouncing and diplomatic see saw between FOR DEMOCRACY brutality and that cområde Tan police squad which charged him for the rat he is the other ing his escape from the the London Paris and Rome Ber lin axes which will have to end ner only crime was an attempt Police everywhere were riot selves close enough to him to city before the Fascist to go to his assistance as he lay ing pushing and shoving the seek common basis for the next army entered, it was learneither in another Munich conferunconscious and bleeding in the crowd this way and that, seizing steps.
ed here.
ence or this time in war. Democracies For Franco street, both are charged with as placards while the bulk of the Mussolini was expected to for Meanwhile the British govern The fate of Adolfo Carmulate openly his Mediterranean sault and battery, inciting to riot crowd stood their ground singing ment decided to grant the faslini, second Bolshevik demands this week. In anticipaand resisting arrest while the cists de facto recognition while, the International, tion of these demands both the Leninist leader awaiting Stalinists Twin Copper Stalinist faithful alternately sang in close cooperation, France British and French governments Meanwhile the leading Stalinist America and shouted Trotsky paved the way for a similar step. trial, was unknown.
have been tumbling all over functionaries involved in the situate provocateurs.
its emissary to Burgos, Leon BerFriends here feared the themselves to secure footholds in ation have given every indication Bater Clubbed ard, being instructed to inform Franco capital, to speed up the worst had befallen him of an intent to turn copper by It was at this stage that com Franco of France intention to final abdication of the Loyalist Issuing statements published in rade Bates had his banner seized recognize his government. during the evacuation of. the entire Bay area capitalist and was then driven to the center Chamberlain and Daladier, once 1939 away from his German and Ital.
press charging the Yipsels with of the street and clubbed into an understanding is reached with disobeying orders and provokunconsciousness by half a dozen Franco, plan to utilize a formal All leaders of the ian mentors.
Arms Increase ing a riot. cops. few minutes later Myra resignation of the presidency by already serving sendemonstration was Tanner was manhandled and Azane as the pretext for accordIn hopes of either extracting a directed recognition tences after the farcical better bargain this time or of sored by Catholic women clubs she asked the police to call an Franco, even if any forces are crial of a few months being better prepared if an armec for a Miss Alleen Brien speak ambulance for comrade Bates. still holding out in Loyalist ago were released in time showdown proves unavoidable ing on Social Reconstruction in Clearly, in their own words, she Spain.
Great Britain has stepped up its Spain Under General Franco. was a trouble maker. Clearly, Refugees Persecuted to make good their esThe Young Socialist League, to also, the clubs of the Oakland Spanish refugees in France felt cape, it was also reported.
to 580, 000, 000. 2, 900, 000, 000) and anti fascist police force are at the service of the weight of the Anglo French The British government gether with many has increased its borrowing plans workers and studenta, turned out Social Reconstruction. a la orientation. They were subjected of Britain into compulsory labor camps just like those in Nazi from 2, 000, 000, 000 to 4, 000, 000, 000 to protest this brazen fascist Franco, Mussolini and Hitler. to harsh treatment and short Germany.
to complete the five year arms propaganda picket line was Accuse. the PL tions, unless they clected to be program due for completion in formed early in the evening and 1942. This includes provision for Saturday aftermath showed sent to fascist Spain. Those dra designed to set up a compulsory labor service as a means of priming grew steadily until the top sto the Stalinist leaders leaping into gooned into wgreeing to go to the unemployed workers for service in the army.
naval building which, it com inist functionaries moved in to print with a demand on the City Franco controlled territory were Prominent Conservatives in Parliament have come forward pleted, would give Britain a fleet restore order.
Manager for an investigation, not immediately taken to the frontier, openly with the proposals that the government does not yet dare in capmany, Italy, and Japan ships larger than those of On the pretence of reorganiz of police brutality, but of the while those insisting on remainshameless cynicism of utilizing skillful propaganda and proper LaFollette Facts combined ing the line they diverted the Young People Socialist League. ing loyal to the fight against Show Anti Union In Washington this week Con across and down the street where charged the with respeon would be interned for the dura Bosses Yield After forces. The next step would be enforced Conweription: gress voted 376, 000, 000 to add These proposals are similar to those in such American newsthey launched a scemingly intersibility for the riot, and admit tion of the war.
Violence Twenty two Week 3, 000 fighting planes to the Army (Continued on Page 2)
minable meeting chiefly devoted (Continued on Page 8)
papers as the Daily News which advocates the complete militarizaAir Corps, making a total of tion of camps in the United States.
to the theme that the real CathStruggle (Special to the Socialist Appeal) 5, 500 planes. Secretary of State At the same time, the plans for converting England, Scotland, olics are for democracy.
and Wales into twelve regions ruled by twelve absolute dictator the crying need to form Workers have to undergo revision in the WASHINGTON, If ever Hull indicated to Congress that Police Close In Special to the Socialist Appeal)
upon the declaration of war prothe Neutrality legislation would In the meantime, the hall was OMAHA, Nebr. The fighting ceeded methodically with the ap STALINIST KNIFE MEN Defense Guards was obscure to unpicketed except for a single exteamsters finally pushed their pointment of four dictators, de BREAK UP MEETING any worker, that obscurity should direction of freeing the hands of Lincoln Brigader who refused to 152 day strike to victory last spite widespread opposition from now be completely peeled from the Administration to sweep the follow the lead of the Stalinist (Special to the Socialist Appeal) his eyes.
country into the war that was chiefs. The crowd grew more and MAX Shachtman. editor of the At the conclusion of the debate, major trucking companies Wat Sald Sir John Anderson, Minister NEW YORK. Stalinist gang. After the most thorough expos, Congress as inevitable and close.
accepted by all the spokesmen in Brothers more restless as reorganization Socialist Appeal, will debate Dr. questions from the audience will son threatened to go on all night. William Bohn, prominent 80 be answered by the two speakers Union Transfer, Red Ball Transfor Civilian Defense, to a hostile sters invaded meeting of trade ure ever made in this country of With the rapid development of Transportation.
Our comrades protested and many clal democrat and educational in turn.
fer and On Time Transfer (all or audience at Glasgow: We are unionists, broke it up and with the employers use of organized the war crisis in all quarters the of the crowd took up their slogan director the Rand School, on Considerable interest is at Omaha. and the Dougherty Van simply forging another link in the knives destroyed a score of cane and armed force in repressing imperialist powers in the demo chain of preparations we are chairs, last Friday, workers, the Senate Civil Liberof You can fight fascism with the vital question: Should Labor tached to this debate, as it is Storage Company of Sioux City.
making to meet any emergency words.
Support The United Progressive Fur ties Committee under the leader cratic camp are more and more unashamedly The police, given time to gainedness Program War Prepar probably the first time that the signed closed shop contracts cov that may arise under the circum riers, the opposition groups in the ship of Senators LAFollette and few, thin trappings of democracy abandoning the revolutionary Trotskyist positionering both city and over road stances of war.
Stalinist controlled Fur Workers Thomas recommended to Conreinforcement, closed in on the which still adorn their capitalist Bohn answers Yes! while will be counterposed to the social operations.
Spanish Veteran and hustled him Shachtman will argue for the democratic stand on the burning Adhering to the standard 11. Many local authorities were re. Union, were holding a meeting at gress on Feb. 13 that the evil be nakedness. In Britain the estab into the wagon. Thereupon the opposing position.
at overcome by legislation prohibit lishment of compulsory labor question of the Roosevelt arms stato over the road agreement in ported in opposition to the plan tended by about 300 workers bulk of the crowd, despite the program, and related to it, the practically all particulars, the since it abrogates their power as the Greek Trade Union Educare companies from employing camps and forced concryption des pleas of the Stalinist speakers The debate will take place at question of the Administration Omaha contract calls for the uni elected officials.
that they disperse, surged back the Rand School, Fast 15th St. foreign policy and the attitude of form scale of c a mile for when a gang of Stalinista march have previous crirainal records openly on the order of the day toward the scene of the picket New York City, on Thursday, the working class towards war.
loaded trucks and mile for The establishment of concen: ed in and attempted to take showing a tendency toward vio In France the press is already line they had been tricked away Feb. 23 at 8:15 sharp. Mr. It is urged that all who plan to dead heading for operations out and youth of England will charge of the meeting. When the lence or the dangerous use of tors are arrested for merely erits under censorship and demonstra tration camps for the unemployed from. Three of the chief trick. Elles Tartak, director of the attend the debate come early in side Nebraska. This is a substan. tremendous impetus to the forces their own meeting, the Stalinists give workers insisted on continuing deadly weapons.
cising the government in publle!
Nothing on Private Armles sters, including Estoly Ward, Ala School Forum, will act as chair view of the limited number of tial increase over the old sonle of advocating similar measures in drew knives and proceeded to In this country, we may be sure meda County and of man. Admission will be 25 cents. seats available in the hall. Continued on Page 2)
They further propose that leg the screws will be tightened in the United States.
wreck the place. Oontinued on Page) ratio as the orlede sharpens.
and the city.
British Head Jobless for Compulsory Labor Camps preparing to herd the Jobles milions LIBERTIES REPORT OMAHA TRUCKERS Parlament opened debate in London this week on proposals PROVES NEED FOR WIN UNION SHOP, WORKERS GUARDS WAGE INCREASE Shachtman Will Debate Bohn on Support direct