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Friday, February 17, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Opens London Parley on Palestine Issue wide.
lasts, Negrin Asks Franco for OPENS NEW Safe Peace to End War DRIVE ON BRITISH RULE IN IRELAND On the Line.
IN THE WORLD OF LABOR By Paul Stevens How Daladier Was Really this latest convert to the People Front reply Sprinting Into Communism The NY Times reports that Welcomed in North Africa to a quotation of his, which is constantly held Moscow streets are usually teem.
up to him, such as this, in 1934: Truth travels slowly indeed, the new labor laws There must be no compromise over socialon tardiness went into effect When Premier Daladier recently toured ism, no coalition or arrangement with others Punctuated by seven death sen will of the rest of the Arab speak Ben Gurion, the Zionist head of serve us? Then understand that workers fairly sprint along in the French North Africa in national demonstra who were not socialists. That way lay sul tences against Arabs by a British ing and Moslem world.
the Jewish Federation of Labor, we need the collaboration of the morning hours. At the same time tion against Fascist Italy colonial designs, the court martial at Haifa and a Jews are Pawns has put it crudely enough: the Arab world more than we need Premier Molotov announces: We press was full of accounts of the enthusiasm of Or this, in 1935: threat of punitive action against The 400, 000 Jews living in Pales. Jew who does not collaborate you this is what MacDonald Is are now passing from Socialism the natives. Everywhere, every day of the tour. The National Government had done quite Arab strikers by the military tine, surrounded by a hostile Arab traitor to Zionism, he has said.
rith the mandate power is a saying. And the Zlonists, trapped to communiom. Bang, bang, thousands of indigenous Tunisians and Alge well for a capitalist government. There rians, it seems, manifested their loyalty to is really very little case at all for an alternaelection the Palestine conference leadership are nothing but pawns zichiet vereadership enables the truth is that, having put their Peace Loving The very subservience of the in their false position, have no another late comer bit the same French democracy. To the initiated, this was tive government within the capitalist system, opened in London last week.
very strange news. Why should the colonial don think we should fix our eyes on The seven Arabs were sentences in England maneuvers with the British rulers to drag them deep trust in Britain and turned their Give me three thousand five Jewish national slaves pay such vibrant homage to their impe the ex Liberals and the middle class people, to dle for the crime of resisting Arabs. The rialist overseers?
based on the League of er and deeper into the service of backs on unity of Jewish and thousand ten thousand bombing but that we should fix British troops with arms in hand. Nations mandate eyes on the work.
Only now, a month after the event, the real Arab workers and farmers, they and pursuit planes, battleships ing class.
for English Arab shopkeepers MacDonald Sneer state of affairs is brought to light, on the basis His present position can only gain him the that future protest strikes would were notined rule of Palestine, serves England Under Secretary of State for are dependent upon British bay and cruisers by the score, pilots of reports carried in the local Tunisian press onets, allegiance of the British Communist party, is pretext for maintaining its be punished by forcing their iron rule of the Arabs in Pales demonstrated this on Feb. when by the tons of thousands, billions Colonies Malcolm MacDonald Everywhere, in Tunis, in Bizerte, in Bardo, in which has never amounted to anything and is shops to remain closed for as long tine.
The present conference is not for arms, the sky the limit and Bab El Khadra, the natives demonstrated under now in even greater decline. Before the broad an additional period as the strike he contemptuously asked the really a conference. The Arabs our frontier is now in France.
the banner of their nationalist organization, the rank and file of the Labour party he appears, Subservient to this pretext, the Zionist delegation in London will not meet with the Jewish Boy, isn it great to have a presi Destour. Daladier was greeted everywhere in view of his previous stand, as a ridiculous Coercion and Cajolery Zionist leaders reject all roads to whether they expected Britain to delegation, and vice versa. The dent who hates war!
with cries of Long live the Destour. Down mountebank, Sir Stafford is out on a limb and These are not the only facts in collaboration with the Arab mass. continue to maintain the Jewish British imperialists remain on top.
with the privileges, We demand a Tunisian so is his Popular Front.
dicating how inequitable the pares against Britain, and seek in national home in Palestine at the impartial arbiters in a game Patience, Brother, Patience Parliament. In other words, the demonstraHowever, as the reaction of British labor to ley at London is. The Mufti, un stead to demonstrate their useful point of a bayonet.
in which all the rules are made by To those who may become imtions were really for national independence.
You Zionists are patient in the vain search for a anxious to the victor.
and not for French democracy.
the National Register (see the Socialist Appeal, doubtedly the most authoritative ness to Imperial Britain.
job, we recommend the story of The balance sheet: Two Destourians arrested Feb. 10) shows, the Labour Party Executive is not at all rid of healthy opposition to its reacLeopold Desfourneaux of Paris, lowed to come London. numat Tunis and sentenced to five years of exile.
ber of his spokesmen came to whose patience was finally re.
Mass arrests at Bab El Khadra with blanket tionary policies, despite its advantage in. combating Sir Stafford somersaults. Quite the con London directly from the British warded when on the death of sentences of one month and fifteen days for headsman Anatole Leibler he bewomen and two months for men. Nine arrested trary jail in the Seychelles Islands.
Continuing to use the maximum came the official executioner for at Bardo with similar penalties. And so on down In addition to the Trades Councils listed last the French government and on the line coercion possible to force the week as opposing the conscription plan of the February 4, at the age of 80, cut Demonstrations for French democracy. Pure mockery.
Chamberlain government and its Labour agents, Arabs to remain under British rule, the imperialist statesmen off his first head. To Andre Naturally the Stalinists go along the whole the following. In more important cities, have Obrecht who also sought the job hog for the safety of the empire. An indica joined forces with them: The Trades Councils of supplement the mailed flat with cajolery and horse trading.
we offer condolences, along with tion of the success of their agitation for French Bristol, Derby, Brighton, Chichester, Kent, Dartthe consoling thought that 80 is a imperialism may be gleaned from a recent elecford, Slough and Dundee, aside from numerous landowners and capitalists, are ripe old age, man is mortal, and tion result in Algeria the vote for Municipal local unions and the National Amalgamated perfectly susceptible to British so for him also prosperity may Councillor of Algiers, the candidate of the revoUnion of Shop Assistants. revolutionary group be just around the corner.
lutionary Party of the Algerian People, Bou in the Labour Party can do tremendous work bribery of one kind or another is an obvious fact. The problem con.
mandjel, received 2, 074 votes against 659 for the now as a leaven in the ferment.
Pillars of Society Tronting the British, however, secretary of the Algerian Communist Party, goes much deeper. The present The Judiciary The Stock ExBoukhort, who was running against him, Glad Tidings: New Party of Fourth venal Arab leadership is Infinitely change and Business Attingly International Formed in Denmark preferred by British Imperialism represented by Judge Manton Sir Stafford Cripps Out on to a leadership that would honest.
Richard Whitney, and CoaterAt the September Conference of the Fourth Musica.
ly express the aspirations of the Limb with his Popular Front International, held in Geneva, Switzerland, there Arab masses for land and freeSir Stafford Cripps, member of Parliament and appeared among other representatives, those of dom.
Union Wrecking Recipe of the Labour Party Executive, has been expelled the Leninistisk Arbejdsgruppe, a group of The British must And some way, To one dozen fat reactionary from the British Labour Party for issuing Danish revolutionists who had recently broken therefore, to reinforce the present bureaucrats add a bunch of overmemorandum to local branches, over the head with Stalinism.
Arab leadership by giving it some Chaim Weitzman Malcolm MacDonald David Ben Gurion ripe Staliniats, season with Brow of the leadership, calling for Popular Front Equipped with the program of action adopted concessions which will enable it derian advice, top the dish with policy in order to oust the National (Chamber there, the Danish comrades returned to their to retain the confidence of the an ex preacher, and garnish with lain) Government.
homes to expand their activities in Copenhagen masses, democracy a la Lewis. Serve with Always considered a left winger, the previous and in the provinces. The result of this expanDivision of Spolls shovel. Makes sufficient por attacks of the reactionary Executive had raised sion of activity has culminated in the formation What concessions? Certainly 66 tions to satisfy all Auto Compaa large following for him among the rank and of the Internationalt kommunistik Partl (Inter nothng which will substantially nies.
file. His adoption of the Stlinist People Front nationalist Communist Party. Danish Section reduce British domination of Palpropaganda as part of his policy has reversed of the Fourth Intornational. Our heartiest greet eatine and the neighboring Arab this relationship entirely in favor of the Labour ings and pledges of the warmest solidarity to Insect Life (Continued from Page 1)
states. Nor do the present Arab conferring with Franco lieuten Stalin gift to Massachusetts, party leadership. They now quote Cripps against the new Danish section of the World Party of leaders desire an end to British granted by Franco, means noth ants, seeking to exchange gener Cripps and with especial effectiveness. What can Socialist Revolution!
popularly known as Filthy Phil.
domination; they prefer to con. ing to the masses. Are the work ous loans for guarantees of curof Italy and Germany less op tailment of Italo German influi(Continued from Page 1)
tinue the partnership of Arab is now starring in a New England Hayes, Peader Flaherty, Law version of The Informer. He is landlords and capitalists with the pressed by fascism because those once in Spain, That the Anglo French moves rence Grogan, Patrick Flemming. eminently qualified for the part.
with Bill Morgan British against their common vic countries are independent?
tim: the Arab peagants and work. This proposal reveals in the were making headway was indi George Plunkett and Sean Rusers.
crudest fashion that Negrin is cated by the bitter vituperation sell.
Holding the Bag Burn War Lists They want only better divi merely the puppet of the Anglo with which the Italian press comIn the days when the in There are many workers today who believe workers in American labor history. Its strikes sion of the profits of the partner. French Imperialists who don mented on the successful British Police in Northern Ireland and stood more for Organiza.
that industrial unions were conceived by John and free speech fights were many times actual ship, and this England, even if care how bestial Spanish fascism maneuver at Minorca.
in Eire tore down the posters. tion and less for Orders from Lewis and first organized by the This battles with the bosses as a class and with revo reluctantly, can give them.
is so long as it remains their Britain Intentions In England to date at least 15 above, trouble developed in is far from the truth, however, and it would be lutionary aims as the immediate demands. Through the continuation of sphere of influence and not that Chamberlain bluntly made clear men have been arrested there and steel plant in New England. The well for workers who are concerned with organ The too, however, could not stand up this partnership, Britain hopes to of the Italo German bloc. to the House of Commons on are being held under Section youthful and enthusiastic local How much of a puppet of Ang Monday that at the first oppor of the Explosives Substances Act leaders sent a telegram to the izing the unorganized or attempting to preserve against the bosses the one hand and the have at its disposal in the coming the great gains made in the recent wave of the majority of workers who were not yet ready war the services of 16 million 10 French Imperialism Negrin is tunity he was prepared to recog of 1883. The arrests followed a local in a sister plant in industrial union movement, to look back upon for the social revolution. It declined as a result Arabs, not to speak of the good was revealed clearly by the Min nize France government as the nation wide hunt by Scotland Yard Pennsylvania. Planning strike, the early struggles of the labor movement for of its failure to hold gains made in the struggle orce incident. In return for ruler of Spain. Pressed by whin detectives and the police. In the will you join with us, or leave advice and inspiration.
and the many internal factional fights which Franco occupation of the island ing Laborites as to whether Com. London court were produced high us holding the bag? Promptly The Knights of Labor in the early Eighties, were but a reflection of the objective conditions fortress with purely Spanish mons would be consulted before explosives, pistols, a rifle, detona came the reply: Ship the bag to was an industrial organization. It included all in America. The today is but a shadow troops, thereby forestalling Italy any such fundamental change in tors and the Proclamation of the us, we strike tomorrow.
workers regardless of trade or skill. It carried of a shadow of its former self.
getting a grip on the island policy is taken, the Prime Minis. Irish Republican Army.
on national campaigns through occupation by Italian ter declared that Commons would Reports from Belfast, mean: Glorious Empire and a to better the working conditions and to shorten the hours of the Bureaucracy and Stupidity volunteers. Britain urged the not be consulted. The Govern while, said that hundreds of Noble Purpose American working class. Despite the many Loyalist government to surrender ment must take the responstbil copies of the British National Bore the ity.
Average net earnings of a Punfaults of the Knights of Labor, it will always be the island without a fight.
Service booklets, part of Britain jab farmer are three farthings The fight for industrial organization went on The Minorca Loyalist authoriremembered as the first national labor organizaFriction between the Anglo defense program. e. conscrip. 1c) per day. Average monthly One of the most recent steps in its development (Continued from Page 1)
ties did so, undoubtedly with the French and Italo German bloestion fink books) were burned in earnings of a miner in the best The Knights Failed to was the Trade Union Unity League the brainnatures on its various pacts and agreement of Negrin. For if it has intensified during this wooing the streets of Londonderry, North mining region of India, 25 to child of the Stalinists. This sectarian set up was assurances and occupled the is was against the will of Negrin. of Franco. The real course of the Ireland. house to house collec 00. Indian population 352, 837, Fight for Better Conditions the cause of some of the bitterest factional land. French and British pro why did he not denounce the war. Stalinists and Socialists in France tion for the cause was sala 178, illiterate 321, 828, 003.
sruggles ever recorded in labor history. The tests were brushed contemptu render as a betrayal?
The eventual decline of the Knights as a is indicated by the fact that they to have been made while the It is only when you get to see was an industrial organization and it ously aside.
How Minorca Fell voted unanimously for Daladier crowds cheered the blasing pile and realize what India is, that force the labor movement was due largely to was revolutionary but in no way did it repreStep Towards Indies its failure to conduct a serious fight for inSeeking to cover up this piece law renewing the two year mill of burning booklets.
she is the strength and greatness creased wages and shorter hours in the shop.
sent, for instance, the tradition of the or For the Japanese Imperialists of treachery, the stalinist Daily tary service requirements. In the Stalinists Support Traitor of England it is only then that It was far Hainan is not only supremely Worker had the effrontery to re honeymoon days of the Popular concerned with improving the any preceeding split with the of The These events and the develop you feel that every nerve a man useful base for operations against port that the British cruiser Dev. Front, the was the result of stupidity and bureausoul. The leadership of the Knights became Stalinists justified ment of a renewed struggle for may strain, every energy he may involved in such schemes as co operative gold cratic misunderstanding.
the British, French, and Ameri onshire pointed its guns at Min votes for military laws on the the independence of Ireland from put forward, cannot be devoted mines, stores and farms. Powderly, the gulding It divided the workers, particularly in New cans, but is also a stepping stone orca and the surrender followed ground that the government the British Empire have been re to a nobler purpose than keeping southward toward the rich oil. The faithful were thereupon to which would carry them out was ceived by the Stalinists with the tight the cords that hold India to spirit of the Knights, carried on a campaign for York and Chicago, Into two armed camps and flelds of the Dutch East Indies understand that Minorca fell, not progressive. Now even this pro charge that the wave of bombings ourselves. Lord the eight hour day but when the workers of only gains made throughout the history of Chicago went on strike to gain their demands, the were made by the bosses. It was which are definitely included with because of treachery, but vecause tense is dropped!
and subsequent burning of Na Vol. 1, page 193.
in Japan program of conquest of British guns! The Stalinists Service to their own bourgeoisie tional Service booklets are inand when the Haymarket bomb was thrown by pure and simple Stalinist controlled movement Thus the occupation of Hainan, treat their following as if they by the reformist Socialists, ser. spired by the Nazis and that, all provocateur, he abandoned the fight and de from beginning to end and the workers stayed coming at a time when the other were idiots, but no amount of vice by the Stalinists to the same this is an attempt to further (sic. Slogan for the Workers serted the cause of labor. The Knights gave away from it in immense numbers. The fac powers are in no position to re blind falth can conceal from these bourgeoisie in the hope that Eng. harrass the democracles at this Alliance way to the American Federation of Labor. tional strife which ensued caused the death of sist it, is in reality preparatory misguided workers the ever more and and France will yet several workers and only played into the hands found time and are to be condemned by Stand behind the President.
The of was a craft organization then as it is now, but many attempts to break up the of the red baiting officials of the of event of the first magnitude in ad. clearly etched treachery of the on the same side as Stalin in the all lovers of peace and democ. He wants to fire only 1, 000, 000 After a few years of unsuccessful attempts to vance of the coming war People Front, coming war these are the prim racy. crafts and form industrial or horizontal unions workers.
win influence and members the disThis thrust comes at a time while Negrin and del Vayo in ary motivations of the Second and were made. In 1901 Daniel De Leon, a leading BILL The Daily Worker, official or socialist of his time, split the labor movement solved and its members went back to the they to Third of and the Socialist Party on the issue of industrial battlefields. The Diet is in the pro bloc, the great democracies Negrin traces as he seeks to frame up gang, reprints the an. Aight for national independence unions. He believed that only through industrial Industrial Unionism Is cess of passing an all time record were wooing Franco on their own. make horse trade with Franco nouncement of the passage of De can be effectively fought and won.
organization and a revolutionary program could budget of 3, 694, 000, 000 yen, with a British and French representa on behalf of Anglo French impering for vicious repression of the urge the workers and small farm the workers achieve substantial gains. And he Basis for CIO AFL Unity special military budget of about tives were in the fascist capital, lialism.
was, we will agree, correct. But his mistake, without a single comment! ers of Ireland to unite and to link 6, 000, 000, 000 yen still to come. and the mistake of all the later attempts to What, then, is the difference between the making a total equivalent to the and has concentrated heavy gar Japanese claim to fishing rights says. There is but one govern people of all British colonies. Only In other words, when De Valera thelr struggle with the oppressed split the labor movement, lay in the manner in and all other attempts to organize induswhich he proceeded.
trial unions? Why did the O, succeed in entire Japanese national debt as risons along the Manchukuo bor in Siberian waters.
It stood 20 months ago der.
building a movement of millions of workers?
Masses Ignored De Leon In other words, Japan is prepar. tnent in Ireland and it alone through a revolutionary struggle All these moves suggest a plan ing itself on all fronts for the ex speaks for the Irish people the in which the brond masses of the Why has the 0, made great gains where all In China the forces of occupa Dual Union other splits failed to win even a foothold?
tion are trying vainly to cope with for a military and naval demon tension of imperialist conflict into Stabolists are setor agree and to people are prepared to take part can victory be assured.
The Socialist Trades and Labor Alliance or The difference lies in the manner in which the throughout support this infamous tractor.
the conquered areas with the anticipated showdown occupation of Hainan essentially The criminal partitioning of ganized by De Leon became a dual movement to fight against craft unionism and its leaders was The so called mopping up opera. over the fisheries dispute the means.
All revolutionary socialists will Ireland is the historic tactic of the already established American Federation of conducted, and, what is more important. the CLO. was formed when the industry of America tions continue to call forth the disagree with use of individual perfidious Albion. Divide and Labor. The mass of workers stayed with the utmost effort of the Japanese terror and isolated acts of vio Rule. and in this particular of I, and the was short lived.
was predominantly a mass production industry. forces along the railways and on There Is an Answer to Fascism lence because such methods will case it means the virtual starvaThe withdrawal of hundreds of able, experienced Industrial unionism was not the result of John the outskirts of all the largest ci.
win no real gains for the Irish tion of the people of Southern Lewis decision to embark on a personal SERIES OF SUNDAY EVENING LECTURES organizers and leaders from the of had ties, including Shanghai and Can.
people or any people. Such Ireland. Ulster, in the North, has its effect on the movement and the starp fight campaign against William Green and Matthew ton.
YOU CAN AFFORD TO MISS methods only play into the been the pet of British Industrialbetween the of and the De Leon unions Woll. It was much more than that. It was the Troops To Siberian Border Fascism can be defeated. Reaction can be smashed. In this hands of the reactionary police ists and has been developed with result of the obvious inability of the old craft caused great dissension in the ranks of labor.
Simultaneously, with an eye turbulent period, we need clear thinking as never before. For officials and the traitors like De large industries and continually The Socialist Trades and Labor Alliance became unions to cope with the rapid growth of masscocked on the developments in a clear authoritative picture of what happened in Spain of Valera, who use the explosions to subsidized in order to further the production industries in America.
known as a dual union. It carried on a fierce Europe, the Japanese still hope to what is happening in France of what is ahead for us in the arrest and execute all true ene division between Ulster and the war against the of and it died within a Lewis merely took advantage of the growing extricate themselves from their United States.
mies of British tyranny.
agricultural south, Now. in a few years.
discontent of millions of workers. And further, predicament by striking at the But no revolutionist will doubt fierce attempt to maintain the The Industrial Workers of the World the the Aght to establish industrial unions was The New York Times HEAR THE THREE LECTURES: for one minute the sincerity or artificial division, a British army Wobblies also an industrial organization, was carried on within the already organized labor.
correspondent reported last week SPAIN. Felix Morrow, Sunday, 26 the motives of the Irish Republi. occupies the six Northeastern formed in 1905. The hide bound conservatism movement, There was no split untit every wholesale troop withdrawals from can Army. That is why the Stal counties.
and the reactionary leadership of the of worker in the country was fully aware of all China for the Siberian frontier.
FRANCE Max Shachtman, Sunday, March inist attempt to connect the blasts sent thousands of militant workers into the the issues and ready to take up the Aght, Although these have not been UNITED STATES James Burnham, Sun. March 12 with the Nazis is criminal, ranks of the For ten years the Workers Educational Forum The did not break away from the confirmed, it is definitely known at P. vicious bel. Now the Irish workPresents that the government in Tokyo has ers can clearly see and underwas a force to be reckoned with. It carried on hundreds of strikes and at one time claimed of unth it became large and powerful. And KARL SCHOLZ the question of unity between the and IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 151h St. stand the reactionary role of the Noted been gradually completing at 100, 000 dues paying members. The althe capital all the the of will be settled on the basis of army Communist Party in its desperate on Conflicting Forces in and navy specialists in Russian though it made many mistakes will always be industrial unionism not on the mere dissolution Auspices: Socialist Workers Party Fourth International.
Europe Today attempt to lick the boots of demremembered by militants everywhere. us the of the was the case in the other, futile affairs, has moved warships to the Thursday, Feb. 28rd, 8:30 ocratie Britain!
Subscription to the series, 50c. Single lectures, 25c. Tickets Rashin base, on the Korean coast most colorful and inspiring organization of 810 Locust Street attempts of the past.
on sale at Labor Book Shop, 28 12th St.
The Socialist Appeal, in an edi.
near the Soviet Siberian frontier, torial few weeks ago, pointed PHILADELPHIA, Pa.
HAINAN SEIZURE GIVES JAPANESE STRATEGIC BASE problems at home and on Chinese woo Francs for the Anglo French has now led them to covering up can of the Communist Party out the only road by which the economist