CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyFascismIV InternationalMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Friday, February 17, 1939 Auto Locals Vote 0; Who Claims Relief Not Needed?
Rank and FileGroupGrows APPEAL ARMY In the Trade Unions.
Oakland Cops Beat, Arrest Akron Moralizers Anti Franco Picketers Slander Laborers on Public Works Mutual Exposure Features Fight DOES HILLMAN LETTER PRESAGE PURGE IN Jersey Alliance Members Fight Wrecking Crew barrassment. It the Half Thousand Women Stampede For Twelve (Continued from Page 1) Martin says that people who sign Jobs, While Young Girl Despondent Over Executive Board. The attack of contracts like these can with all FLASH: written in accepting their quotas Murray and Hillman is centered grace accuse him of company Lack of Work, Decides On Suicide Branches of the Socialist Work and boasting of how they can against the Stalinists only in the unionism.
Last week in obscure item unskilled nature such as washing lunches, those who could, and ors Party located in the key auto easily top them in a short period.
local unlons.
Martin Helped buried in the Times re glassware, sterilizing equipment, newspapers for warmth in the cities of America (Detroit, Flint, So far New York City is doing Reactionary Objectives Yet it is Martin himself who ported the suicide of Evelyn attending animals, cleaning out wet street, for they expected to Cleveland and Toledo) sold and the best job, with Chicago close Furthermore, this letter to the has bolstered the declining for Hardenberg, a young girl barely their cages, 239 women had been stand overnight outside the build distributed 4, 000 coples of the last behind.
Last week we sent around an locals is probably designed for tunes of the Communist Party out of high school. She had standing in line to file their appli. ing. The jam was reminiscent of issue of the Appeal containing two reactionary purposes: wrecking crew and their father. climbed through the window of cations, some of them as long as the stampede of 5, 000 men last our Party stand on the auto offer that would enable all mem1. Not to fight Stalinism but to confessor. John Lewis. her meagerly furnished room and 18 hours at the time of the press August 31 for a few porter jobs. workers union crisis.
bers of the Party and to subscribe under an easy installBy WIDICK drive out all militant politics from First his bureaucratic actions plunged to the sidewalk four report with another hours to Indeed, it was a scene typical of ment plan. Let have returns on Perhaps the most interesting the and thus give a free helped hide the bureaucracy of stories below. Her mangled and go before the office would open. any American city.
CAMPAIGN FOR 1, 000 NEW those immediately.
single feature of the of field to the class collaboration the crowd. Then he moved broken body was gathered from At least several hundred more CAPITALISM OFFERS.
And now, to further aid the Executive Council meeting cur politics of Lewis Murray. Hillman away from the towards the the pavement and taken to Re women were expected to join the STARVATION FOR MILLIONS half thousand women desperA. L, and gave the Stalinists the construction Hospital. Three hours line before morning. Probably Early reports on the Appeal campaign drive, we are offering rently taking place in Miami, and Co.
Florida, has been the admission To tighten the stranglehola (last powerful argument they later she died.
thrce or four hundred addition ately in need of jobs here in campaign for 000 new subscrib. the following for thirty (30) days of the power of rank and Ale pres. of top domaiseredit by his virulent red balting eam an American family just 23 when partment officials, will file for the capitalism. The solution offered couraging. Many branches have its plenty tempting!
domination over the needed. And now he is building, She was an American girl from to this, according to Health De miniature is the problem racking ers by April are greatly en. only: Look it over and you ll find sure on the top leadership. Auto Workers Union by William Groen new tone in ing the ability of the workers to paign, a reactionary force second she died, the daughter of a New 12 Jobs before February 23, the by the richest capitalist democraSpecial Combination Offer!
speaking of the and the run their own organization. to none in the trade union move Jersey farmer. She took her life final date applications will be accy in the world? Jobs for SOCIALIST APPEAL TWELVE for the rest slow starTHE NEW INTERNATIONAL prospects of labor unity were the This letter, it is quite apparent, ment. This too helps the Commu not because of some obscure cepted.
first indications of this pressure is only an introductory note to a nist Party pose as progressive and pathological maladjustment. but THE SAME MAY BE vation, or like Evelyn Harden America leading socialist and Outstanding theoretical monthly Green openly admitted that the steamroller machine which Lewis hide its really reactionary face.
because of utter hopelessness over SEEN IN ANY CITY berg, a quicker death four stories revolutionary paper of the Fourth International down upon a concrete sidewalk.
of ranks wanted peace Co. will have in operation at The newspaper published by the finding a job.
These hundreds with the PARTISAN REVIEW applicants In the face of incidents such as the Cleveland Convention. And Martin caucus Plymouth Local 239 WOMEN WAIT standing in line all day and all these, which occur almost daily in think Partisan Review is the best literary magazine in America Ignore Rank and this machine will in all probabil 51 publishes damning evidence of 28 HOURS FOR 12 JOBS ity attempt to put the same rot a regime of corruption, misman night for the 12 jobs represented any city of the United States, and is keeping up its standards damn well. John Dos Passos In the same issue of the news all sections of the working class, President Roosevelt brutal proFile Sentiments Three Together for a full year 00.
ten gang of Stalinists and job agement, and typical Stalinist paper which reported the suloide from mothers with babies at gram of curtailment and reBut the muddling around with seekers back in office, while de union wrecking of the LaMotte of this girl, appeared another home, and single women who trenchment on relief and public the Wagner Labor Act was even stroying at every point the demo administration which formerly item: For twelve jobs available have been seeking jobs for works shows with impressive clarOr else the following combina (3) The New International and more pertinent, Authoritative recratic rights of the membership headed the Plymouth Local. They to women in the New York City months, to girls who boasted colity that it is the program of a tions: Partisan Review together for one They brought capitalism in its death agony.
year 50 the Executive Council was divided ray is concrete evidence of the 10, 000 of local funds are missing Department of Health, jobs of an lego degrees. 1) Socialist Appeal and The in its attitude towards modifica charges made by representatives that a check for 7, 025 was made New International together for Act now! This generous offer tion of the Wagner Act. In fact, of the third group in Detroit and out to cash and no itemized ac one year 00.
expires on March 18th 30 days we were told, it came almost to Cleveland last week.
count given of its disbursement: an open and public division on the that 2, 495 was collected in dues (2) Socialist Appeal and Parti only!
question. Here again, the sentifrom members of the local but san Review together for one year Send all payments on the above ments of the rank and file were never turned in to the local treas to the Socialist Appeal.
an important consideration ury (and they name names in a (Special to the Socialist Appeal) fusely, Comrade Tanner rushed In typical OF fashion a partial list of the Stalinist La larations by Hilman and Murray compromise a bad one, to be OAKLAND, Feb. 11 Police last to his aid and demanded the poMotte stewards and cite amounts may be only continuation of sure Was worked out. The that were not turned in; that night attacked demonstration tice to call an ambulance.
of Council demands an end to La Motte himself had borrowed against a pro Franco meeting and Police responded by clubbing Investigation Proves On the other hand, these decthe present National Labor Rela(Special to the Socialist Appeal) 175 from the treasury of the brutally beat six of the demon her and then handcurring her to DETROIT, Feb. 13. The swing local union and had returned only ner, National Council membeb of strators, among them Myra Tan a telephone pole.
City Fathers larations may well be the opening tions Board set up with its threeman membership and its replace of locals of the over to 100; that at least one check for Bates, who suffered possible shots in a campaign to clean the Young People Socialist fractured skull, was permitted to Are Liars out the Stalinists. If such a drive ment with a five man board which the side of the March 24 conven 60 was sont by the Local off!
League (Fourth were launched, the bureauwould be composed of new peo. tion in Cleveland is assuming the cials to the Chicago Stalinist ras and Roland Rap International. receive treatment only much later.
Special to the Sociali Appeal crats would find that there is no ple. Details of the of pro proportions of a landslide. The the Daily Record.
Ball of 1, 000 was demanded for AKRON, Ohio. Feb. 15. After More than 300 demonstrators the relens of the six demon brutal police attacks upon Continued from Page 1)
posal are supposed to be worked largest units of General Motors, gratitude in politics, and that Damning Evidence out by attorneys, the Idea having Chrysler, and the independents For all of these charges this carrying placards appeared at strators.
workers and attempted wholesale anti Martin been approved in principle.
have already voted for the LO. paper cites documentary evidence Oakland Auditorium where Aileen layoffs failed, the city fathers posed that both sects. It pro their bootlicking of the old line be made to keep leaders would be no protection In playing around with vital by Archle Robinson, well informed cheeko Unless the Martin sup insurgent Spain, was to lecture in have lined up on the moral front That was the policy of the co the stalinists have rendered in their hands out of the for them, In spite of the assistance which legislation, the of Execu Detroit News reporter, reveals porters at Plymouth are engaged favor of General Franco and his and bitterly denounced publle works labor for drunkennes ordinating committee That is our more than one instance, Lewis the interests of the entire Inbor that the CI. leads the Martin in colossal forgery.
tive Council is guilty of injuring have bandit program of conquest.
rela mancea and associated evils. Among other policy today.
As Stalinists attempted to di.
and Hillman have been finding Suppressed By Daily Worker things, they sweepingly declare The Daily Worker, official or them an increasing source of empart of the Council recognizes 50 largest locals and seven to five in one of the worst piece of swind vert the crowd of Indignant workthat 80 per cent of all law violat. It is known, for exthis fact. The specter of Oregon among the smaller divisions, ling and pork barrel politics in tion of this fascist agent in Oak ers protesting the brazen provoca tions were committed by Kan of the Communist Pay ample, that a good deal of preswhteh printed a special Washing sure has been exerted from Roosehaunts them. In this state, a suiRecall Green Rule the recent history of unfoniam.
cidal civil war between the So strong, in fact, is this sweep ton dispatch about this circular BUT But how have Martin and his land away from the hall, six poand of has brought the in. and so deeply are the workers gang led by Pat McCartney at icemen under Sergeant Charles (Special to the Socialist Appeal) An Independent investigation of in its ipsue of February 10, develt governmental circles in favor troduction of suppressive legisla imbued for a hatred of anything Plymouth tilized this scandal? Holmes sent in riot calls bringing CAMDEN, NJ thirty five additional policemen to ting the police records reveals the asserted liberately suppressed the two last of of unity on the tion against labor which has that will return them to the ro to educate the workers against above, which basis of sacrificing. e. of dumping the Stalinists a point on frightened even the oldest labor gime of Dillon Collins Green the vicious, corrupting influence the scene.
largest and figure is more than 60 per cent dealt specifically with the opposition of the skates.
Lcraft unionism that Martin of Stalinism, to drive the thieves Fire Teur Gas most militant locals of the ortoo high, The Investigation showed that Two days later, according to an which the Green gang is adaUsual Blast Against official organ, which also calls it out of the local union and above Automobile self the United Rochester, Sidney Hillman that Lewis and Himan win try Swinging clubs and firing tear through their program at the less than 20 percent of all vlole Associated Press dispatch from mant. It is quite possible, slao, Progressive Unionism to steal some of Homer Martin Worker, carries the legend under progressive unionism? Not on demonstration. Roland Bates fell Workers Alliance of New Jersey. despite the fact that they and proclaimed tabor drive against thunder in the Auto union by posoble all to initiate a regime of honest, gas guns, the police charged the nual state convention of the tions are due to workers, It is commonplace that no the masthead: Affiliated with your life!
all foreign isms, in an interview under the onslaught, bleeding pro held in this city last week end.
their families comprise approxiing as anti Stalinfos Executive Counell meeting has the Congress of Industrial OrganThe Martin paper in where the organization is strong mately 40 percent of the popula given in that city. Leaders of organized labor, Red Baiting Drive been normal unless some blast at izations.
local its est and most militant.
progressive unionism issues there This despite the fact that only opintons looks like a junior edi the UA. WW. PA Auxiliary to Should such a purge be he declared, are determined to While the moral souls are yellHoping to lessen the struggle ion was singled out as the hot peared Martin had made the fan Justice. It runs second to none union Workers Alliance.
from. This time the Tercher Un few days before the paper aption of Coughlin sheet, Social diaband and join the company against themselves, the Stalinteting, here what one of their own purge their membership of ism launched in reality. It cannot but elements through education and be an unprincipled Red batting bed of communism and a drive tastic statement in the press that in red baiting.
Similar news comes from To union held the convention in this ston, whom they surely must re: John Spain leadership of the boys is tike.
One Colonel Joseph John and other from union leadership progressive unionists. Not that barring of Communists, Fascists drive, in the opinion of all truly against all political tendencies the was never affiliated within the Teachers Union is in with the And later that Martin Red Balting Have Full Power ledo where the same crowd is elty, far away from Essex County member, because they brought It quotes, apparently with Apattempting to smash the autoBut if the Stalinists thought him to the district to function as he didn give a whoop whether How strong a position the Communist party is yellower than the offing union auxiliary through they could get away without a publication of a resolution by the elected or the convention on This blast coincided with the the IO. recognized the officers proval, paper sponsored by some kind of specious reorganiza fight they were mistaken. The strike breaker in chief of their purgers are in to carry out this a quince but because any camthreat is indicated by the fact paign Inunched by such notorious leaders which states a various law and order commit March 4th.
climax has reached between Marton which while place these Waipa Essex county majority delega tees, was recently convicted of United mine workers in the Exernment patriots as Lewis and the tender of the tion of adequate funds for Affiliation or non affiliation with tin and the Reds. In the be Dies committee. It was Green the is the one and only Binning of the activitiea of the Stalinist agents. Meanwhile the more than one third of the drunken driving fined 100 and ecutive of the Philip Mur Hillman could have nothing in co had his driver license sus way of saying to Dies. We ll take taking point of the Stalinist Ex. in Michigan some two Executive Board sits by and coun strength of the state organizipended, and was sentenced to 30 Fay, his right hand man who rep Common with the best interests union wrecking tion behind them.
resents the Steel Workers Organ of the labor movement.
care of the reds in the of ecutive Board majority. Without years ago, the work was directed tenances, these even approve the militants pointed out that days in the county workhouse.
izing Committee, and Sidney The trade union movement can But because the workhouse was man who represents the Amaga only be ruined if members of st you can devote your energies else. it they would have long ago been solely by the four big Reds, themes where. By which he meant a fur wiped off the boards. They have Lewis, Murray, Foster and Bro Reaction Launches Attack collaborationist policies of the presumably filled to overcrowding mated Clothing Workers and the are to be expelled merely for ther investigation of the no program to advance the union, phy, assisted in minor positions union. The Essex organization, tence was suspended.
with workers his sen Textile Workers Organizing Com their opinions. That the Staliniats Once again the attack of reac The overwhelming support the no program against unemploy by the Communists. As soon which increased its membership Dies committee obtained in Con ment, no program against the as Martin saw the real condition tion breaks through from the out mittee have enough votes and have made the name of their parThe defending attorney rencry honest worker by their reckof any activities the coming anti red drive in on the defensive as far as Mar being exploited, and that industry Aght to destroy the powerful pued zates how they aid so by militant dered heart bienking plea for now rumong them to decide upon ty a stench in the nostrils of evIt is, of course, too early o es less unlon smashing program and America. In this connection it is tin attacks are concerned: Mar that was paying them their wages union. Tory Governor Fitzgerald George Breitman, militant New National Guard (rend strike tablish with worth telling a story of the atti tin accuses then of being reds benefit or his Red Associates, he steam through his anti Tabor bark loader of the unemployed. bore a good reputation, and had bureaucracy has in mind. It is maintained, the way to fight the degree of cer activities, is entirely true. But, was for has all greased to breakers) on the grounds that he tainty just what plans the Oprogressives have always firmly tude of the top LO. leaders on and communists this problem.
whimper back feeble, puling de who had the bit in their teeth. what is to come, Fitzgerald takes velt 875, 000, 000 will still mean never been previously arrested quite possible that, as on previous poison of Stalinism is to started a purge of the radicato in Lansing. And as a foretaste of showed that the Heral Roose nials for any offense.
When the Dies committee was layoffs for a half million For is a siap at the occasions. tho Lewis Hillman on the basis of principle, to fight engaged in its ludicrous but extremely dangerous performance, speech on Feb. 1st: The majority mittee witness, Pat McCartney, Commissioner that vigilante, corspeech on the man fordto an abberation of the Dies com Workers by appointing in labor workers. Lasser did not even as kumber one stara Guy for his clique is covering itself in pub it by countering its destructive The Essex County delegation Ohio. Insulator strike, won his musclo work in the Barberton, lic with pious protestations program (still shared, on alles against the Communists.
various Washington newspaper members elected by your instinst fenst your eyes on this tidbitporation office boy. Mayor Daniel presented resolution calling on good reputation by firing terr continuing in retuality the game machine) with a constructive, milsentials, by the Lewis Human meho urged the to take a convention want democratic from the Martin dominated Local Knagge of Monroe, Michigan. the Jersey labor movement and gas into the picket lines, Into the they have been playing with the democratie unionism.
tough stand against it and Aght union affiliated with the 203. The leaflet reads as follows: of intimate collaboration which itant program of class action and against its continuation. The Nothing in the record of this As leaders scoffed at the effect the Board proves they want democ. members of Local 203 Insist that to defeat It? Nohing except a few to launch an independent labor and into the midst of school chilStalinists for the past three years.
American citizens, we doing to counteract this bill and old capitalist political parties and windows of neighboring houses, Unless all signa are deceptive.
Dies committee was having. Now racy, everything proves that they Continuing Old Course the true significance of the Hill Thus, it will be recalled the man Murray declarations will be the Gallup polls revelation of the have trampled all over the demo our President, Homer Martin bebigh sounding speeches before a party. This and was defeated er neither beast nor man nor workers last year formally ap rate than they are now during given chance to state his post public hearing at Lansing. No by the Stalinists motion was opposed dren on their way home Since the rubber workers, who convention of the United Mine made clear far clearer at any widespread support of the Dios cratic rights of the rank and Ale. Rive committee reflected in the Con. Yet Mr. Addes is on record now, time a membcom moun 1200 200 demonstrations, no action, noth by a slim margin.
Cressional action has brought the We will see how democratie to support our President Homer Similarly, discussion on a reso strike breakers what tough guys Vision against Communists being land convention of the Auto un Colonel Johnston showed the proved the old constitutional pro the sessions of the crucial Cleveing planned cold facts to the leaders. Addes Co. are at the Cleveland Martin because of his American But more on that some other convention. We win see how Ideals and his Union Principles. peace The Communist Party wants lution exposing the coming war time democratically they organize the Local 203 has been looked up to Roosevelt boat while it glides diversion WP and calling for are really like, the Colonel seems members of the union, but no ion, Militants will be well advised and order don rock as a bosses of all war funds for to have taken to drink.
steps were taken to put the pro to keep on the alert, eyes open union at Cleveland.
vision into effect. The latest dec and ready for action.
Refugee Stand Is ANNOUNCEMENT Pot Calls Kettle Black by all other locals. Let us con out to war. And Homer Martin unemployment relief, and Contemptuous keep it clean from all new attorney, George Barnard, is housing, brought forth a Stalinist Martin has carried the offensive other than American Unionism. the Michigan chlef lender. resolution brazenly supporting appropriations for war and nation.
apartment. Located in Astorin, The of Council got in all along the line. To charges of. Be proud of the Red, White But behind this Inaction is the ternational minded, too. It pro dictatorship, of which he is no and Blue.
clique fight that continually exal defense. The Stalinists were Times (15 minutes to posed to revitalize moribuna doubt ot guilty, he replies by digging rent: write Edith Kimmel, o The MARXIST SCHOOL will be held at Irving Plaza, Irving Latin American unions in Pan up the whole unsavory record of stems directly from the top circles dangers.
All of this reactionary garbage poses the union to ever greater so obviously war mongering that even their own ranks wavered Stanley, 116 University Place Place and 15th Street, Classes begin Feb. 27.
American labor conference to of the John Lewis machine. of the Martin gang. The newly and many abstained on the vote. ROOM FOR RENT: Comfortable PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM Sam Gordon, Widick.
set the John Lewis maneuvers His paper digs up the smelly revised 20 point Martin program downs of 1937, it is imperative Once again, as in the great sit quickly withdrawn.
bright, steam heat, mile view. Lectures on the day to day activity of the trade unionist.
In the elections the progressives 00 per week. See Stanley in tying up with the Stalinist con bones of Lewis dictatorship in the states in point 20: The life of that the rank and fe take mat won 40 percent of the votes for Mondays, 7:15 8:40 lectures 00 at the Appeal office.
trolled Mexican and South Amer United Mine Workers where he our union depends upon the pro ters in their own hands and put all Officers. Although they dem.
II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICSican unions in the form of the lifted charters by the bushel totection of our democratic rights the IO, in the automobile in onstrated this strength they were Another Astoria James Burnham, Albert Goldman, Max Shachtman Latin American Labor Federation. beat down his opposition.
and we will oppose those who dustry back on the path of mill. denied all representation on the PARTY and DANCE Marxist analyses of the shifting American political scene.
No unionist will object to the To charges of an underhanded would attempt to impose upon us tant, aggressive unionism.
Mondays, 8:50 10:15 PM SATURDAY, FEB. 18 lectures 60 Executive Board, of s approval of a plan to deal with Harry Bennet of the Fascism, Nazism, or communism.
John Wright permit entry of 10, 000 refugee Ford Motor Co. Martin protests This is the hoary formula that 28 40 31st Street, Astoria The truth about Trotskylam based on original documents, children to America. But this is innocence, saying he was doing every two bit Chamber of Com(IRT or BMT to Grand Ave. Tuesdays, 7:00 PM. 8:40 lectures 00 such a meagre answer to the refu what Lewis did with Myron Tay. merce politician has used to beat IV. ART AND POLITICS gee problem that scorn and con lor of Steel. What he is down unions and persecute miliSHERIDAN SANDWICH Six lectures by Phillip Rahv, Dwight Macdonald, James tempt for the attitude of the saying is: the negotiations with tants. Neither Fascism nor StalSHOPPE Farrell, Dupee, Delmore Schwartz and Win Council is well founded. What Ford may have been lousy but Inism can be fought in this way.
The American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees has 114 University Place Phillips. half year subscription to the Partisan about opening the doors to all was taught in a good school!
They can be fought only by pro next to headquarters The aim of this drive is to forge a personal link between the friends refugees? What about supporting to accusations that he is play. gressive unionism that guaran of the Fund and the refugees it is assisting.
Review will be given free to every registrant. Special 250 Lunch!
Soup. 15c Sandwich, Coffee or Tuesdays, 8:50 10:15 lectures 25 SOUP. Mulk the trade unionist refugees? What ing a game of love me love me not tees to every worker full freedom Pastry! LABOR JOURNALISM James Casey about blasting Roosevelt for his with the corporations, he cites the to think and being as he pleases, Each of the local committees of vividly the personal predicament Union Food at a Union Place Wednesdays, 7:15 8:40 lectures 00 crocodile tears for the refugees contract signed by Murray and and that fights the bosses and the Fund is being asked to take and specific perils these victims VI. THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION George Novack while he refuses them entrance Co. of the swoc.
with the their fascist gangs by methods upon itself the responsibility for of reaction face AT YOUR SERVICE! The American Civil War. What it really was and meant.
into America. One of the principal means that Jones and Laughlin Steel Corpo of action and not cheap tallo Wednesdays, 8:50 10:15 lectures 00 Yes, it the same old Executive ration, Aliquippa Works. This THE APPEAL The Stalinist gang is already and to provide the necessary, local committees are using to get Council, blind on industrial union agreement recognizes seniority beginning to tear down those pro means for helping them get funds for the maintenance of POSTER SHOP Registration can be made at the school office, 116 University shtalghted from even the most ability, skill, efficiency, physical guished the In South adoption should make the friends sale of Helped Refugee but Get Your APPEAL Place or at the Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12th Street, ek entary trade unton point of efficiency, family status, number Bend the Stalinist. dominated of the Fund realize even more tons.
beween p. and p. Registrations may also be made by At Your Local Newsstand of dependents, place of residence. councli has given orders to mall or by calling ST 0567.
while tinue to REGISTER NOW Start Help a Refugee Campaign