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Demonstrate Against Fascist Garden Rally on Feb. 20!
at it.
On February 20, under the guise of George Washington Birthday Exercises, the allied Fascist Nazi organizations are planning to hold a mass mobilization in the Madison Square Garden.
The Garden meeting is being built up by a series of smaller rallies already held and planned during this weck in various parts of the city the Bronx, Brooklyn, Harlem and Queens.
The mobilization is backed by Hitler GermanAmerican Bund, the notorious Pelley Silver Shirts, the Social Justice gang of Father Coughlin, the Hague gangsters from Jersey City, and a further assortment of anti Semites, labor haters, Red baiters and similar scum.
The Madison Square mobilization of the Fascists is an impudent provocation to the workers of New York!
The provocation must not go unanswered.
New York City has one of the strongest and best quiet, drugged by illusions, until they wake up some organized trade union movements in the world. The day in the concentration camps, under the whip of Garden meeting is aimed at it.
triumphant Fascism?
New York City has the largest Jewish population Are the workers of New York going to let La of any city in the world. The Garden meeting is aimed Guardia take care of the problem LaGuardia whose New York City has the largest radical population police always give the Fascist meetings the maximum of protection?
in the country. The Garden meeting is aimed at it.
New York City is the center of all progressive Are the workers of New York going to follow the Daily Worker, organ of the belly crawling Stalinists, thought, all liberal movements. The Garden meeting is who beg District Attorney Dewey to do the job that aimed at all of them.
only organized, militant labor can do?
Can these insolent scoundrels be allowed to carry through their provocative mobilization unchallenged?
If the workers act that way then chalk up another Are the workers of New York going to sit by victory for the Fascists, another setback for labor.
quietly and wait until these Fascist assassins grow arroThere is another way, however. That way means gant and powerful enough to carry their war against a triumph for labor, a crushing defeat for the Fascists.
labor and the Jews into every district, with daggers, That way is blackjacks, brass knuckles and guns?
Organize a militant, mass counter demonstration at Are the workers of New York going to remain the Madison Square Garden on February 20!
There is not a minute to lose in preparation.
Tens of thousands of New York workers. Jews and Gentiles alike, employed and unemployed must be at the Garden at o clock in the evening of the crucial day.
Let the Fascist scum see the invincible batallions of the working class of New York massed in imposing array.
Let the would be Storm Troopers learn that American labor will not let them take another step in their drive to impose a Fascist dictatorship on the masses.
Answer the Fascist provocation with labor mass counter demonstration!
Workers of New York! Turn out in such numbers that your demonstration will never be forgotten!
NOW 1000 New Subscribers By April Ist!
Cents Copy Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Vol. III, No. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 375 per copy Socialist Appeal AUTO LOCALS VOTE FOR Negrin Begs Safe Peace from Franco Refuse Support for Uses Madrid Zone Move Toward To Hold Up Franco STRATEGIC BASE HAINAN SEIZURE GIVES JAPANESE Applying Their Trade Union Line!
GANG MARTIN 17 HILLMAN goons invaded a meeting of LETTER PRESAGE PURGE IN COMMUNIST PART GANG 703 PEUS Rank and File Group, Fighting Martin and Stalinists, Records Growing Influence Commands Maritime Among Members Routes Of Major Wants a Safe Peace for Himself and Powers LOOTING DISCLOSED Friends; Seeks Fight, Not for Victory But Pending Arrival of Peace Japan last week occupied the (Special to Socialist Appeal)
Chinese Island of Hainan in the DETROIT, Feb. 13. Turbulent fighting continued in the South China Sea and thereby ACTS ONLY FOR POWERS opened up new chapter in the Auto union at high pitch this week as local after local voted in the changing history the Imperial convention battle. Detroit (Martin) or Cleveland (C. The Ist balance of power in the Pacific largest and most influential of the locals put their names in the Premier Negrin of the Spanish People Front con Hainan sits astride the vital list.
firmed this week that he is ready to make peace with the British route from Singapore to Violence in local after local characterized the fight. Goon Hongkong. It is less than 200 Fascist Franco.
miles across the Gulf of Tong.
squads organized by both sides broke in and disrupted meetings king from the coast of French In Flint, a goon squad led by Bert Harris broke up a meeting He wants peace but a safe peace.
Indo China. It is only a little more Safe for whom? For the millions of workers and than that from the American outwhere Frankensteen spoke at the auditorium.
post in the Philippines.
Pat peasants handed over to the mercies of the Fascists?
In the approaching imperialist DOES No, safe for the hides of the People Front leaders war Hainan will have the utmost followers in the Packard strategie importance. The Japan.
Local The Executive Board and safe for the imperialist aims of Britain and France. ese have made it plain that this crowd threatens reprisals in kind This is the essence of the proclamation issued by is what they have in mind, for no WORKERS It is interesting to note that these Negrin in Madrid calling upon the people to fight on. than work was begun on air unionists, so militant and brave pending the arrival of peace.
dromes and fortifications. Dredgagainst other union men, are tame This is no call to revitalize the struggle against the harbor of Hoihow to permit entry in Open Attack On as lambs before the corporations The rank and file group, which Fascist beasts.
Suggests New of the larger warships came into existence last week (its Threat to France Course militant program was published This is no call to fight on until the victory is won.
The importance of Hainan has in the last isette of the Appeal)
This is no effort to use the great resources that still long been recognized in Far EastIs the Lewis. Murray. Hillman and which has created widespread ern inter. imperialist arrangeexist in Central Spain turning the tide against the ments. In 1897 France extracted clique, which dominates the sympathy for itself among the preparing to carry out a purge of members, extended its influence in Fascists.
from China an assurance that the its Stalinist associates in the near unlon ranks. In many of the Island would be handed over to no This is just using these resources to squeeze a better third power. In 1907 France and future?
large locals, groups have already The news of the past couple of been formed and in others groups bargain out of Franco for the Loyalist government leaders Japan agreed mutually respect each other Sphere of influence weeks, especially in connection are under way, with the crisis in the United Au At the meeting of Chevrolet and their mentors in London and Paris.
in China, and Hainan came with tomobile Workers Union and the Plant of the Flint the The Stalinists hailed the return of Negrin and Foreign Minister in the French zone. Since the feelers for a reunion of the reactionaries succeeded in tabling del Vayo to Central Spain as proof that they were going to carry on beginning of the conflict in China in 1937, the Japanese have held and the of. Indicates that the resolution voicing the policy an irreconcilable struggle.
the idea is being entertained, and of this group by only two votes the occupation of Hainan over the Now it is revealed to be nothing but a crude attempt to haggle heads of the French as a constant that if a full fledged purge is not Several hundred votes were cast.
launched, vigorous gestures will Progressives Mobilizing for better terms at the expense of threat at least be made in that direction for the third group indicate, a In the near future, spokesmen Bowing to these threats France the masses and the soldiers in deleted the above paragraph of Hillman Letter Negrin from the United Press disclosed the Indo Chinese border to Central Spain.
patch, which it then published un arms traffic destined for the On February 9, right in the conference will be called of all midest of the fight in the auto un locals and groups in local unions Negrin dropped all pretense of der the lying head, Government Chinese armies but this compliion, Sidney Hillman and Philip to organize the fight before, durBy THOMAS REILLY opposing Fascist reaction. He Fully Set To Battle Until Victory. ance did not help. Taking advanMurray, IO. bosses who have ing and after the Cleveland Contage, as usual, of the acutely asked first that the lives of the Says Negrin. Franco Assurances strained situation in Europe, most startling and dramatic revival of the long, bitter struggle of the Irish been trying to establish a receiv vention to place the union on government leaders be spared and The day after Negrin procla Japan cut away the seals and sig: people against British tyranny is at present in full swing. wave of bombings, attrib circular letter to all locats or that clique politicians of the Stalinist Second, that Franco pledge to remation, Franco met him part way (Continued on page 3) uted to members of the Irish Republican Army in England, began on January 19, as organization which, while center and Martin stripe.
move Italo. German influence with a decree formally granting Meanwhile the entered a protest against the long occupation of the six northeastern counties of Ireland by from Spain civil rights to all persons in Spain, tin, rade the first direct attack the situation through a report by British Army.
It was significant that a third sible for subversive movements except those politically respon.
other 26 counties of Ireland.
delivered in the name of the CI. Hillman and Murray who were The extent to which the panic has spread among British Proclamation leadership against the Communist Appointed administrators over the demand previousiy made by Neg. who, however, are threatened party. The circular placed the latsummer. They rin, for a plebiscite on the future merely with exile or loss of citiScotland Yard greatest experts, for a house to house search for tion which was posted up in vari Lovestone group.
Spain, was not The nub of the matter is that, Martin in of the Execu government Special to the Socialist Appeal) clues in the Irish districts of reiterated by him in his proclama whatever Franco verbally agrees ous sections of both Ireland and The committee, said Hillman tive Board. Their findings and LOS ANGELES, Feb. 15 Five England, suspects continuously for seventy England. The proclamation reads and Murray. condemned the recommendations admit the heintion. The key paragraph of the to, there can be no assurance that latter, indicating that other forces he will abide by it and it is cer. hundred and fifty striking work The Houses of Parliament were two hours without preferring as follows: Wo call upon Ens practice of certain political secta ous influence and practices of the in Loyalist Spain were demanding tain that if he spares the Popular ers at the Goodrich rubber plant closed to the public for the first charges and to keep them in cus land to withdraw her armed a Inst ditch fight, reads: own way, they confirm once again their capitulation, he wil never picket lines today, established Ing a blast in the wall of Walton high army officers empowered to all kinds from every part of Ire Chalmers local, Milwaukee, the made that at the bottom of the hould their time since the World War follow tody three weeks before sending forces, her civilian officials, and injecting their factional war cries Stalinists in the In their There is no room for other It recommended in the Allis the charge we have repeatedly discussion than absolute identiclass conscious masses, without their drive against the six hour ber of persons are being held in impose the death penalty. land as an essential preliminary right of the International Union sickness in the auto union is the fication with the government, which he could rule day to the West Coast.
connection with the explosions. leader of the LRA. was to arrangements for peace and to restrict and climinate those virus of Staliniam.
as the latter is preparing the Spain for long Employes had been working six quoted in the local Irish press as friendship between the two coun who would use the local for Comuninvaded Spain But their statement can only be defense of In essence, Negrin is offering up hours daily with an average four De Valera Shows Colors pending the arrival of peace in the masses to a blood bath at day week, when the company, no. in Dublin, De Valera, once a for the purpose of calling attenhaving sala: The bombings are tries.
munist party purposes. In Lan construed as a shamo faced white Declaring. fight must be sing. Mich. it an atmosphere of independence, Franco hands, in return for am torious in its main plant at Akron leader in the fight for the nation to the fact that British made, and recallinga enendence ite Communists to manipulate to Stalinist influence they alno recommended wash of the Sta Hulst Executive safety and liberty.
previous against permitting the Loveston Board Majority. While they refer nestý for the Popular Front tead for its labor baiting, attempted to tional Independence of Ireland, Army now occupies the six North declarations of Irish The Stalinists, seeking to cover increase hours under the guise or introduced and had passed in the eastern counties of Ireland and of Ireland as a Republic it the local for their sectarian pur point on the other side to Love up the treachery of their accoma Rexible work week.
Negrin Masters Dail several bits providing for against the will of the Irish stated further: The hour has poses, stone influence negligible the plices in the People Front, sim.
Blasting the boss pretense juryless trials, traltors. who the effort Negrin request for guarantees increasing hours wounde trent mean the right at police to arrest or caly plain that they do not want make both effective. We ists and Lovestone Communists do they speelfleally identify the ply omitted from their press the In condeming both Commun tor in the union. And nowhere sections of Negrin proclamation that Spain will be independent of lay offs or pay cuts, the workers detain anyone suspected of plan foreign soldiers on their soll and pledge ourselves to that task. the coordinating committee took real danger and the real culprite: referring to moves for peace! Italo German influences, even struck Jan 30, and threw picket ning to commit an offense and that they want to end the parti.
The signatories were: Stephen the side of neither Martin nor the Executive offers and the The Daily. Worker of Monday (Continued on Page 3) lines around the plant.
the right of the police to question ton of the six counties from the (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
Carlot Irish Republicans Open New Drive Against English Rule RUBBER STRIKE IN THIRD WEEK officials is evident in the mobilization of 75, 000 policemen, including The IRA, issued a proclama bar on the bande enge with the naturally come out detry against hop ers