BourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, February 14, 1939 For Grynszpan: IN THIS CORNER Against the Fascist Pogrom Gangs and Stalinist Scoundrels Twelve Dictators The Auto Union Crisis Negrin, Azana and Company Dicker for Capitulation Terms not insignificant sum of 54 the year idleness. By Leon Trotsky SOCIALIST APPEAL This, of course, does not take into consideration the Vol. III, No. Tuesday, February 14, 1989 take on treasury stock nor such other transactions in the company books as do not rise to the level of fit Published twice a week by the for publication.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Both the abysmally paid Latin American workers at 116 University Place, New York, NY who sweat out these good round profits under the Telephone: Algonquin 8517 rifles of company supported dictators and their brothSubscriptions: 2, 00 per year; 00 for six months.
ers in the United States whose relief allowances are Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle now being slashed far below the starvation level, will By Max Shachtman But those who It is clear to anyone even say of these venal journalists and bestiality.
orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per be overjoyed at the good news of United Fruit copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents. superprofits. Once again they will wonder comslightly acquainted with political who no longer have any vestiges like Grynszpan, are able to act Not as widely noticed as he should have been, a history that the policy of the of shame? Since the beginning as well as conceive, sacrificing distinguished visitor has arrived in the United States, Entered as second class matter September 1, 1937 fortably with the lucky shareholders as this 10, 272, Fascist gangsters directly and of the socialist movement the thelr own lives if need be, are on an important mission. He is the once powerful ediat the post office nt New York, New York, under 746 take is distributed: How can you want a revolu sometimes deliberately provokes bourgeoisie has at all times at the precious leaven of mankind.
tor of the Berlin Vorwarts, central daily paper of the the act of March 3, 1879.
tion in a country as rich as the United States? terrorist acts. What is most as tributed all violent demonstra Seek Another Rond! German social democracy. Mr. Friedrich Stampfer. In tonishing is that so far there has tions of indignation, particularly In the moral sense, although exile with the rest of the party leadership. he has Editor: been only one Grynszpan. Un terrorist acts, the degenerating not for his mode of action, Gryn been from its inception editor of the emigre party MAX SHACHTMAN doubtedly the number of such influence of Marxism. The Stalin szpan may serve as an example weekly. Neue Vorwarts.
Associate Editors: acts will increase. We Marxists ists have inherited, here as else for every young revolutionist.
You would think that after the ignominious capituconsider the tactic of individual where, the fithiest tradition of Our open moral solidarity with HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW lation to which they brought the German working The opening barrage of high explosives in the terror inexpedient in the tasks reaction. The Fourth Internation Grynszpan gives us an added Staff Members: class in 1933, the best thing for the social democratic EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN coming war will shatter first of all England last of the liberating struggle of the al may, justifiably, be proud that right to say to all the other leaders would be to retire from the labor movement remaining pretense to democracy.
proletariat as well as oppressed the reactionary scum, including would be Grynszpans, to all those Business Manager and polities and hope that if they could not be forA single isolated the Staliniste, now automatically capable of self sacrifice in the nationalities.
This is not just a revolutionary apothegm on the STANLEY given they would at least be forgotten. But the old nature of capitalist democracy from one of the many hero cannot replace the masses. links with the Fourth Interna struggle against despotism and and now army less bureaucracy lingers on. It is But we understand only too clear. tional every bold action and pro bestiality: Seek another road: articles in the Fourth International press warning the ly the inevitability of such con test equipped with a generoys supply of funds which it every indignant outburst, Not the lone avenger can free the thoughtfully took along into exile. It is as vociferous FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST workers that war is an inevitable part of capitalist vulsive acts of despair and ven every blow at the executioners. oppressed but only a great revoand active as if nothing awfully serious had happened.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: democracy, but a cold, deliberate pronouncement from geance. All our emotions, all our it was so similarly with the lutionary movement of the masses And it is just as rotten as ever.
one of the official government spokesmen of one of sympathies are with the self sne International of Marx in its time which will leave ne remanant They Would Fight. job and a decent wage for every worker. the world greatest democracies.
they have been unable to discov of open moral solidarity to Gryn ploitation national oppression of They Were Not So Old Open the idle factories operate them under Sir John Anderson, Minister for Civilian Defense, er the correct road. Our sym szpen and not to his democratic and racial persecution. The un Rudely deprived of their old fatherland by Hitler, workers control.
told the House of Commons in session on February pathy becomes intensifled because jailers, or the Stalinist slanderers, precedented crimes of fascism the social democratic leaders have nonchalantly hired Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works 2nd that democratic England will convert itself into Grynszpan is not a political mill who need Grynszpan corpse to create a yearning for vengeance themselves out to other capitalist nations. They have and housing program.
an open dictatorship second to none immediately upon tant but an inexperienced youth, prop up. oven if only partially wholly justifiable. But so monchanged national flags, but not their nature. They were Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage. 30 the declaration of an emergency condition by the seller was a feeling of indigno Moscow justice. Kremlin diplo that this yearning cannot be satgood patriots under the Kaiser and behind the lines they fought like tigers in the great War to Defend hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. present government.
German Democracy from the Russian Cossack. Now Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pen England, Scotland, and Wales will be divided into the hands of capitalist justice, attempts at the same time to lated fascist bureaucrats. For they are ready to join in the new War to Defend sion.
twelve regions and over these twelve regions twelve which is capable of chopping or utilize this happy incident to that it is necessary to set in mo.
Democracy from the German Nazi. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
dictators will rule, each with a power over his region ist diplomacy, is the elementary, international agreement among of millions of the oppressed To be sure, most of them being elderly ladies and All war funds to the unemployed.
as absolute, arbitrary, and authoritarian as that wielded immedinte task of the interna various governments including throughout the whole world and gentlemen, they would probably have to repeat what at any time during the bloody careers of Mussolini lonal working class!
that of Hitler and Mussolini, lead them in the assault upon the people referendum on any and all wars.
Henry Hyndman, the English social democrat, said the last war: If were not 72 years old 9. No secret diplomacy.
and Hitler.
for mutual extradition of strongholds of the old society, The Stalinist Campaign terrorists.
go out and fight mysell. But thank God they 10. An independent Labor party.
Most of these dictators will be APPOINTED by All the more revolting in its fraud! The application of such a of slavery, only the complete de do have enough strength left with which to exhort 11. Workers Defense Guards against Vigilante and next month. They will be ready at instant notice to re police stupidity and inexpressible law will necessitate the immediate struction of fascism, only the the more ablebodied conscripts of imperialism to fight Fascist attacks.
to the death in the coming war.
place the entire democratic process, all the demo violence is the campaign now be deliverance of Stalin to at least people sitting in merciless judg.
cratic representatives of the people, and every one ing conducted against Grynszpan a dozen foreign governments. ment over the contemporary banIf the joints of some of them are properly lubby command of the Kremlin in The Stalinists shriek in the cars dits and gangsters can provide ricated by a little Democratic money not much; they of the democratic institutions. This is of course are modest folk their strength is as the strength of the international Stalinist press of the police that Grynszpan at. real satisfaction to the indignaquite understandable. Precisely so long as the danger They attempt to depict him as tended meetings of Trotskyites. tion of the people. This is preten, and their zeal even greater. There is the case of Max Braun, exiled leader of the Saarland social democto their existence is not great, the capitalist owners an agent of de Nazis or an agent That, unfortunately, is not true. cisely the task that the Fourth racy, who was exposed last year by the German socialThe present crisis in the Automobile Workers permit the workers to choose which capitalist agent alliance with the For had he walked into the milieu International has set itself. It of Trotskyists Nazis. Lumping into one heap of the Fourth International he will cleanse the labor movement ist Max Sievers. Together with two bourgeois emiUnion demonstrates once again that Stalinism is a shall rule them. To the exact degree that danger to the provocateur and his victim, would have discovered a different of the plague of Stalinism. It will grants, Braun approached the French government for rotten cancer that eats away at the vitals of the labor their domination nears, the capitalists abrogate that the Stalinists ascribe to Gryn and more effective outlet for his rally in its ranks the heroic genfinancial aid to his paper and movement in return movement. Either all honest union men will join ranks democracy, and under war conditions they rip democ szpan the intention of creating a revolutionary energy. People come eration of the youth. It wil cut for a promise to impress upon the exiled German youth the desirability of joining the French army.
and destroy Stalinism or Stalinism will destroy the racy away from the naked reality of their dictator favorable pretext for Hitler po cheap who are capable only a path to a worthier and a more ship like a fouled garment from a hideous body. grom measures. What can one of fulminating against injustice humane future.
labor movement. There is no third road.
One, At Least, Found His This is lesson No. for all union progressives. This was true during the last world war. Now Sympathies Profitable Once they have grasped this, they will know how democratic England rulers have affirmed that it will Another great lover of the new fatherlands is to organize the broadest anti Stalinist group of all be true in the next world war. England rulers have Albert Grzesinski, former socialist police president of genuine militants to fight for the honesty and in no illusions. They are preparing for the coming Berlin, now in the United States, where he has just published a book on Germany. According to the same tegrity of the union movement.
slaughter like any other professional butcher.
Sievers, Grzesinski found while he was in Paris that For two years, Martin and his supporters have at All the venal slush about the democratic nations the secret supplying of arms to the Loyalists in the lining up against the fascist dictatorships is just (Continued from Page 1)
tempted to fight the Stalinists, not as union militants, simply abandoned Catalonia is Spanish War Democracy was a highly profitable that VENAL SLUSH.
press (Daily Worker, Feb. 8) adclear enough. It is important, but as reactionary union politicians. If the Stalinists enterprise, at least until the scandal became widely mits that Negrin made the offer however, to point out the reason enough known to make a sea voyage desirable.
were dictatorial, Martin fought them by his own In the coming war there will be no capitalist demThe sole point of diekering now they did so.
Most of the German leaders, however, seek no dictatorship. If the Stalinists signed rotten union ocracies to defend against capitalist dictatorships. All is over the hides of the Popular The fact is that at no time dur personal gain in the business of promoting a new War the workers of the capitalist democracies will suffer Front leaders.
agreements with the employers, Martin fought them ing the civil war have the govern for Democracy. They are moved only by the loftiest of under a yoke as rigid and bitter as that under which by signing equally rotten union agreements.
All Avenues Closed ment leaders ever made a strong motives. They want, you see, to free prostrate Gerstand in defense of an industrial With what results? Martin made the auto workers If Franco finally refuses to per many from the heel of fascism.
the workers of Italy and Germany are now bleeding.
mit the Popular Front leaders in city or area. The industrial cities When they had a magnificent opportunity at the The choice between the concentration camps of the easy game for the demagogy and slander campaigns of the north Bilbao, Gijon, San head of an army of millions of free, organized workof the Communist party and finally succeeded in fascist nations and the concentration camps of demconduct, it can hardly be expected central Spain to leave under safe tander were never besieged by ers, to prevent Hitler from coming to power, they pushing the most progressive sections of the union ocratic England, of democratic France, and yes of that the Loyalist troops will conthe fascists: as soon as they ap demonstrated their complete bunkruptey. They coulddemocratic America will be the choice between a long duet a struggle to the death mere proached, the cities were surreninto the arms of the Stalinist controlled Executive t and didn do the job of winning socialism. They dered intact to them in 1937. The Board.
couldn even do the job of preserving capitalist demochangman rope and a short one.
ly for the sake of getting pass same thing has now happened in racy, or their very own conservative labor movement.
Last year Martin had every opportunity of rallying Twelve dictators over democratic England! The ports for the leaders. Actually, therefore, the Loyalist governCatalonia To make up for all that, they have developed the the majority of the membership behind him and enemy is not across the national boundary lines. The ment lenders have left themselves Saving Their Property ingenious idea of asking the capitalist class to do the beating the Stalinists hands down. But by his dicenemy is at home!
job at which they failed! What Weis and Stampfer no way in which to continue the The bourgeois leaders of the tatorial methods, his rotten relations with the corporastruggle, even if they actually de IN and Hilferding didn do, they are asking Chamberlain Loyalist government and general and Daladier and Roosevelt that is, the General cided to renew the fight.
tions, his campaigns against unauthorized strikes, staff, infinitely more loyal to capiStaffs of the English, French and American armies his incompetant and discredited reactionary co work The peychological moment for a Juan Negrin talist property than to the fight to do for them. They wouldn organize the German declaration for continuation of against fascism, preferred to surers, he turned the rank and file against him and missed the struggle was offered to Prem units arriving at the frontier, as render their property intact to workers to smash fascism at the right time and bring his opportunity We agree 100 with the following estimate of ier Negrin when Azana arrived in well as the truck trains of muni Franco, with a prospect of even liberty, peace and plenty to the land. Now these hope less people hope to bring liberty to Germany on the The struggle of the last year demonstrates one the possibilities for continued struggle in Central France on Monday and announced tions accompanying them, are tual reconciliation with him, rath point of foreign imperialist bayonets!
thing if it demonstrates anything at all: You can Spain: fight Stalinism successfully only in one way By daily The position of the Central Zone for resistance is But Azana open treachery met Matthews report of the conclu ele involving destruction of their Stampfer Comes Here preaching and practicing a militant and democratic strategically good. The army numbers around 500, 000, with not a word of comment from sion reached by French military property.
To Try His Luck Negrin! Although he had been circles.
Rather than submit their propbrand of unionism. Neither Martin, nor the pitiful the population is around 8, 000, 000 and the territory profuse with promises, immediate It is this kind of a holy crusade, another War for Stalinist Alibis erty to serial and artillery bomLovestoneite politicians have ever understood this. is protected by natural defenses in the mountain ranges Democracy, that is preached every week in the New ly broken, of making a stand in Their futile reactionary campaign has only succeeded of Nevada, Morena and Guadarrama.
Barcelona, Gerona, Figueras, etc. ernment and the general staff and The Stalinists, part of the gov bardment, the Peoples Front lendmember, Mme. Tony Sender. Another former member, Leader by the emigrated social democratic Reichstag Negrin kept silent once Azana therefore desperately seeking to in building and expanding the Stalinist strength for. By adapting their forces to the new situation Gerhard Segers, does his stint in the columns of his the last year.
the Loyalists can resist made his declaration. Azana as Neue Volkszeitung.
sociates insisted that he had left provide an alibi, have resorted to Lacking the support of the decisive sections of the Yes, we agree to this estimate, appearing in the Spain on the basis of numeroits ludicrous explanations.
When France and England failed to launch a war omplete That provided by Harry Cannes membership. Martin was inexorably forced into his Feb. issue of the Daily Worker. These facts damn against Germany a few months ago, during the Munich agreement with Negrin in the Daily Worker of Feb. days, Mr. Stampfer Nelle Vorwarts was, positively suicidal step of breaking with the cho and calling the Peoples Front government, Negrin, Azana, Gen Supplies Abandoned achieves a new record in invenpurple with rage and indignation at this outrageous Press reports from the frontier tion, Gannes declares: his own anti convention in Detroit. Martin eral Miaja, etc. who instead of resisting are capitu betrayal of its fondest hopes.
is now definitely headed towards an alliance with the lating to Franco. These facts damn, above all, Stalin that hundreds of truckloads of The spurious talk of surrender Now Mr. Stampfer has come to the United States war materials were drawn up at to fascism comes from the dives reactionary leaders of the of Executive Council and the Spanish Stalinist machine, who were pri to try his luck here. Rabid war monger and provider the customs barricade, gave the of the Munich traitors in London and an attempted deal with the Michigan automobile of socialist cannon fodder to his Royal and Imperial marily responsible for putting the Spanish masses lie to Negrin government alibis and Paris.
Majesty Wilhelm II from 1914 to 1918, he is ready to manufacturers. The automobile workers cannot and into the hands of the traitors who are abandoning the that the abandonment of Catalon. Even after the fall of Barcelact now in the same capacity for the Democratic Trinwill not follow Martin on this road.
la was necessitated by the exhaus ona, the Loyalist government ity. He wants, he indicates in his first interview, to see tion of all munitions.
In spite of the tup bureaucracy of Lewis, Hillman When, tomorrow, the Daily Worker tries to find proved its determination to resist.
the United States supporting Europe democratic naThe precipitate abandonment of Despite the gruelling battles, the tions. He boasts of a considerable force behind him and Murray, the c1. o. still represents the industrial an alibi for these traitors, justifying their failure to Catalonia without any attempt to Loyalist Army reformed its lines in Germany, ready to overthrow Hitlerism from with union movement of America and therefore the most continue the struggle, remember its own estimate of make a stand, either at Barcelona numerous times. Despite exhausin. No doubt he will generously offer to put this force progressive section of American labor. The automobile the possibilities in Central Spain.
tion at the disposal of the United Democracles to help them workers must remain part of the o.
kept up the fight to the last shot win the sacred war of Justice, Decency and Humanity.
It is therefore the obvious duty of all progressives and to the last inch.
Whatever may be the reception he gets from the What battles? There was none American ruling class whose notorious love for democof the to attend the Cleveland Convention at Barcelona, or thereafter. No atracy he seeks to enlist, we hope the working class and to reorganize the ranks of the progressive for a Dr. Eduard Benes, former President of Czecho.
tempt was made to defend Barsalutes him with the contempt that an imperialist new fight against the Stalinist cancer not by lining slovakia, has come to town and immediately hailed celona, which was not even subrecruiting scargent deserves.
up with discredited reactionaries, nor by preaching jected to a siege. No attempt was Manuel Azana the United States as democracy last great and truly made to defend the rest of Cata era abandoned Barcelona and the respectability, but by an educational campaign for powerful bulwark.
a responsible and aggressive union building program Not so long ago he hailed the regime he headed. Inch which will command the support of the rank and file in Czechoslovakia as another great and truly powerful jast hundreds of miles of inches fascists.
and rebuild the anto workers union.
bulwark of democracy.
was surrendered intact. Gannes The Press Now, with Azana racing in the simply lies to befuddle the anx. lead and the others trying to keep Somehow, the bulwark didn seem to hold up very By ARTHUR HOPKINS ious and heart broken readers of up with him, they are rushing to The figure of Lenin which will top the palace of well when it was given a stiff blow from Fascism the Daily Worker.
show Franco that they deserve at on the outside and its Czech lickspittles on the inside.
the Soviets, now under construction in Moscow. win The International Brigade his hands restitution of their priv be twice as high as the Statue of Liberty. The build The other great democratic bulwarks, France and The official Spanish News Agen ate property. Haven they shot ing will be taller than the present world tallest While Congress and the President quibble over the England, which Benes served so faithfully and cy presented an alibi which in workers and persants who dared building, the Empire State. The teachings of the exact depth to which relief appropriations can be lauded as fulsomely as he now praises the United cluded the following, published by to socialize property? Didn they grand old revolutionary, however, will continue to lowered without creating internal disturbances. States, didn seem to hold up very stoutly either. So the Daily Worker on Feb. 7: The fill the cemeteries and prisons remain buried by the Soviet regime.
Army of the needs of the unemployed naturally are of no Ebro was greatly with revolutidhists?
Dr. Benes decided that the democratic institutions weakened by the withdrawal of In the final act, the French and Eugene Lyons, author of Assignment in Utopia, concern to these gentlemen the unemployed can re of Czechoslovakia were either not worth fighting for, the International Brigades, which British governments the great and new editor of the American Mercury, upon hear joice and find comfort in the fact that profits continue were replaced by young recruits. democracies whose favor the or else beyond saving. Anyway, he abdicated and took ing a description of Doris Duke palatial new man with a merry tinkling ring to lift the dollar sign in the next boat train West.
Alvarez del Vayo That the brigades were with Stalinists. Socialists and anar sion in Honolulu, sighs: It enough to make one a the cash registers of the wealthy.
drawn by the government, with chists cought to curry by crushing Trotskylte. say this because in these days a person Now he is headed for the University of Chicago, to The United Fruit Company, only one of the many doesn know what to be, as a protest. You can join lecture on democracy, democratic institutions, and how or elsewhere, continues to puzzle the approval of the stalinists, in the revolutionary wing sent their showing to Max Eastman in his contemplation of his navel, but pirate enterprises operating in the Caribbean Sea, re to keep them going. We can imagine anyone better Times, reported on Feb. aliat subservience to France and attractive loans, without waiting we Trotskyites will continue to build the labor and ports to its shareholders that the take for last year qualified by experience and record for such a job. that in high French military cir England and thus securing out for Negrin Co. to conclude their revolutionary movements.
was not less than ten and a quarter million dollars, By the same token, we suggest that the University blamed.
cles the Spanish General Staff is side munitions, which of course surrender. As in Czechoslovakia, were never forthcoming of this the Peoples Front government man Hoover (Public Fink Number lays the and that each share of common stock in the family invite the leader of Tammany Hall to lecture on The excellent condition and the Daily Worker says nothing! Puppets are cast aside, despite all blame squarely at the door of parental over indulgence vault of its owner gathered not only dust but the Civic Virtue and How to Preserve it.
morale of most of the Loyalist That the Loyalist general star their servile treachery.
for one of the greatest factors in crime Can Spain Still Fight?
Dr. Benes Comes To Town tonia. The last shot was never adjacent industrial towns. the in. Labor Looks Through Let Us Rejoice.