AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyLeninRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpartacistStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

Wilson. Jones Co. Brewery Union Success Points to Martel Ouster OFF THE WAGE HOUR ACT STALINISTS WOO BOSS DOMINATED OIL FILLERS ASS Tuesday, February 14, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Rank and File Fur Judge Issues By Dwight Injunction Against Mnedonald Unionists Condemn Chi. News Guild Tied Up By Office Jt. Council Regime (Special to the Socialist Appeal) Goods Union Strike (Continued from Page 1) ion has effectively challenged CHICAGO, Feb. The strike of RECORD all white collar departments of County Federation of Labor to Martel phoney practises. When Progressive Group the Chicago Herald and Examiner Loose Leat Workers Ukewise. Martel had the telegram the final decision arrives from the is now in its tenth week. In an in his possession but suppressed a Executive Council, the central laHits Slanderous effort to break the strike the In Two Cities reading of it at the last meeting bor body will be obliged to repuTwenty years ago. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl door of the hotel, where a military car was of the central labor body. The diate his arbitration decision Hearst management is suppleLiebknecht were murdered by reactionary army waiting. As they were leaving, one of the com Charges menting its appeal to the courts Out Solid teamaters were present in a body which will leave X high and officers acting in collusion with the Social pany cried out: See that these swine do not by vicious gangsterism.
and when Martel secretary an dry Democratic government of Berlin. As we draw reach the prison alive. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
nounced that there would be no steadily nearer to another world war, as refSuperior Court Judge Niemeyer NEW YORK In a sharply As soon as Liebknecht got into the car, Private CHICAGO Ending to the Wook further discussion on the team in the teamsters union will live up ormism once more prepares a blood bath for Runge aimed two blows at him with the butt Forrier Joint Council, the United forbidding the Chicou Nowak Monday in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was heard from the Executive 38, with committees of Local 271 worded letter addressed to the has issued a temporary injunction the masses, the tragedy of Luxemburg takes on of his rifie. One blow missed, the other cut his contemporary overtones. can think of no Progressive Furriers, a rank and per Guild, which it conducting the and Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois, Council, every drivers delegate the de facto bargaining agents.
head open. Ober Lieutenant von Pflugk Harbetter beginning for this column of comment on the events of 1939 than to reprint a newsreel tung, the officer in charge, then got into the the Council with being responsible Istions between advertisers and the strike of the United Loone left the meeting. That practically And when the agreement comes car. He told the Court that he had taken quite compiled last year on the death of Luxemburg up for revision within the next a fancy to Liebknecht in the hotel, thought that for a dictatorial regime in the the Hearst papers, from picketing Leaf Blank Book Workers, emptied the hall, advertisers, and from interfering Local Industrial Union No.
Won Take Cut month, the brewery drivers will in 1919 union.
for a Socialist he had interesting views and a This is the first time in Detroit have adequate guarantees that From the New York Times, Jan. 18, 1919 good way of putting them. He drew his revolswer to the accusation of strike. pers. The injunction limits the wilson Jones Company, manufac the American Federation of Labor wage cut offered by brewery unThe letter was sent as an an with the distribution of the 148, continues strong against the labor history that any group in their union will not take the 18 Berlin, Jan. 16 (Associated Press) Dr. Karl ver and told him that he would shoot him if Liebknecht was killed by soldiers yesterday he tried to escape. Presently, in a dark breaking made by the Council number of pickets at the Hearst turers of office supplies. as powerful as the teamaters union officials to the brewery bosses.
against the Progressives. The plant to two.
while he was trying to escape from custody.
corner of the Thiergarten, the car stopped.
Continuing the gangsteriam Progressives assert that they were The strike was called to secure Liebknecht was shot and killed, and evidence of the Island from the act, de.
Rosa Luxemburg was beaten into insensibility was accepted as satisfactory that he must have found guilty without being given against the union which has the reinstatement of two ElizaPUERTO RICAN by a mob and afterward was shot to death.
claring enforcement would kill an adequate opportunity to answer marked the strike from the begin. beth workers, Frank Bailey and been running away. Pflugk Hartung was ac the Industry, which is dependent Virtually the entire Berlin press regards the the base calumny a democratic ning with slussings of union men, Hurley Middleton, leading untonfate of Dr. Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg as quitted, with great applause.
a union truck was hijacked from ists, discharged after being for its profits on sweated labor.
having something of divine justice in it, as BOSSES SPIKE About an hour later, Rosa Luxemburg was its garnge and dumped in the framed and assaulted by company Trial Threat Falls To employers who paid the great majority of their river, workers the Tageszeitung phrases it. The press in taken to the front door of the hotel. There, Having attempted at a long remen and stooges In addition, general deplores the lynching of Rosa Luxem for some reason that was not inquired into, less than cents an hour in 1936drawn out trial, lasting close to the Hearstlings pany. sponsored Christmas Eve 37, a wage of 25 cents an hour burg, but declares that she fell a victim of the Private Runge was also waiting for her. As three months, to obtain confes broke the race issue wide open party.
naturally seems basest passions which she herself had awa soon as she got into the car, he swung his rifle sions from the Progressives, the Club to cancel its lease to the kened.
Employers in other industries are By taking militant action and clubbed her on the hend. It was doubtful if The whole city is now swarming with soldiers, his blows had actually proved fatal, and it was bad sob. Instead, it wrote tne Guld he ormou strike dhenefit dance seemneteineken pay to a terbert Gov Sabotages As no less opposed to the not, for the wearing steel helmets, carrying loaded rifles, suggested that he was mentally defective. And tion, the most outstanding result and with hand grenades hanging on their belts.
Rican labor in 1936 37 was beso he was given two years imprisonment.
Labor Conditions which the latter were denounced Negroes present.
has been the gain of over 100 new tween 13 and 14 cents. Karl Kautsky, former Under Secretary in Lieutenant Vogel, the officer in charge of this in vicious language and then Worsen the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Ebert Gov.
Labor Situation Worse The strike on the Chicago Her members for the union in Chicago ernment. was arrested yesterday morning.
party. then got into the car, accompanied by warned not to misbehave on painald and Examiner was the out. Blone, including persons who!
two other officers. Fraulein Luxemburg, he of having action against them.
He was liberated later.
But the SAN JUAN, The only ones dested to kill the The letter sent by the United come of a series of firings of un scabbed in 1987 when the workers testified, received two violent blows on the are not the From the New York Times, Jan. 19, 1919 head from the butts of rifles of helmeted soldiers.
Progressive Furriers to the Joint son men and the refusal of the struck to establish their Union administration is none too subtly Wages and Hours Bill in the IsCouncil reads, in part, as follows: management to meet with the Over 1, 000 Involved Berlin, Jan. 16 (via Copenhagen. Dr. Karl She collapsed, and when we came to a bridge sabotaging its own wages and land. Even the Socialists 80 Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were arrested the thought came to us all to throw her body We regret very much that you Guild to discuss a contract coverOver 1, 000 workers are involved Hours Bill in Puerto Rico. On miscalled and the chicken heartlast night and while being transported to the into the river. According to the other officers have rejected our proposal for an ing the commercial employees in the struggle, with about 800 the Island we have the spectacle ed Federation of Labor which Moabit Prison were thrashed by Infuriated howeter, she was shot through the head by Lieuimpartial committee of the Labor The Hearst manngement deliberpeople and shot like mad dogs, the latter by an tenant Vogel. He testified that he threw the Movement to examine the charges ately forced the strike at time of them in Chicago alone. The of an Administrator appointed by they control are doing their utand counter charges and to let the when its contract with the union tied up that production can be act, but hampered in all his ef tant force in the Island that is unknown man whose pistol may have saved her body into the river to save the honor of the from a worse fate. Their end, however cruel, Garde Schutzen Division. He was given a committee pass judgement. In for the editorial department was noted as almost absolute zero. forts by that very government. actively supporting the Wages will certainly do much for the restoration of sentence of two years and four months imprisonstead, you have chosen to appear near expiration.
ment. Already, however, his escape had been as the accuser and the judge.
peace and order. Military Governor Noske The Guildsmen have had ton. The fight is harder in Elizabeth, Employers are being advised by and Hours Bill is the siderable success in appealing to but with solidarity government officials to pay no The situation of Puerto Rican Charges Against Council is conducting sharp investigation for the contrived. man in officer uniform drove up Social Democratic government, but it seems that in a motor car to the prison, presented a forged of squandering the Union tres have wit drawn their business doubt. The teamsters are ington backed Administrator Cial. The reduction in the sugar quota We accused the administration the public. As a result, advertisers in action, the outcome is not in attention to the act. If Wushinbor is black in other respects.
the soldiers conduct was faultless in both cases.
warrant and released the prisoner.
to ury, We accused the administra from the paper, and the home cir not delivering goods to, nor transborne, something might be ac From the World, Jan. 18, 1919 The Freiheit, the organ of the Independent together Socialists, is alone in denouncing the proceedhonest election, of using fascist ganized at considerable cost has plant there. When the Elizabeth ful forces in Puerto Rico work with concessions to Cuban sugar, Berlin, Jan, 17 went to Gustav Noske, miliings. The other newspapers think that in workers established a picket line ing to make the law a dead letter, will badly hit the largest industry tary governor of Berlin, and asked him how it case of this kind, where political feelings are making a secret supplementary methods in time of elections, of completely collapsed.
around the company New York but Washington has strongly of all. Tobacco has already gone was possible, with 40, 000 troops in the city, that involved, perhaps the whole story has not been City sales office, Local No. In hinted to the Administrator that agreement with the bosses.
a crowd could get a prisoner away from the sifted, but they are satisfied that substantial During the strike you placed ternational Typographical Union it prefers him to do nothing. He the way of citrus fruits and cofsoldiers and kill her. Herr Noske replied: Only justice has been done. L) members also walked the has even been refused means of once done but which are now a few soldiers were with each automobile, as the leadership of the strike halls line. The printers, working transportation around the Island. negligible. Soon many more will such an attack was unexpected: the crowd. From a statement, signed Hussar Otto just because they were good folin the Elizabeth plant, are strik Boss Protests Work be thrown out of work with the roused to intense anger by weeks of agitation ing in solidarity by both the victime, were too much for the Runge, printed in Freiheit, Jan. 9, 1921 lowers of your political party The protests of the Industrial restrictions on sugar production, soldiers to handle. Unfortunately, said, lines. You. made the workers Local 148 won a week struggle ists to Washington, particularly Again the ta alone in preOn January 15, 1919, between seven and nine the incident is going lose faith in ability your make a bad impression with the Wilson Jones Company of thos the needlework indus paring to meet this contingency.
o clock in the evening. was stationed as sentry leadership to win better condiin the spring of 1937, and in 1938 try, have evidently had their ef. The has a marvelous opabroad. It is regrettable. Herr Noske before the chief entrance of the Eden Hotel Lions and if anyone was guilty Provokes AFL CIO traded a closed shop provision in feet. No sooner was the Wages portunity to capitalize on the sureplied, but they are dead and we can now.
of strikebreaking activity it was only make an inquiry. Do you expect it its agreement for a contract cov and Hours Bill passed than the pineness of the Federation of o clock there was a great to do and excitement: you, the leaders of the last genJurisdiction will lead to agitation again here? If it does, ering the workers in the Eliza needlework employers began to Labor in the face of the growing it was rumored that Liebknecht and Luxemburg eral strike. But in order to cover Gov. Noske replied, we must put it down.
beth, New Jersey, branch plant. bring pressure for the exemption unemployment and mass misery.
had been brought in. Several orders were at up your deeds, in order to confuse Fight From the New York Times, Jan. 25, 1919 once given me by officers and sergeants, and the issue you are now trying your the remark was dropped that these creatures utmost to build up a case against Amsterdam, Jan. 24 The body of Rosa LuxMEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR must not be allowed to leave the hotel alive. Special to the Social Aprenstemburg, the Spartacist leader who was killed us. But, although you rehearsed MINNEAPOLIS The Concerning Liebknecht, received strict orders your acts you don dare put on a controlled International on by a mob recently, was found yesterday in the from officers to knock the fellow down with the Landwehr Canal, according to report from show. You handed down your de Workers Union of Minneapolis butt of my rifle. As for Frau Luxemburg. cision to us in the dark. this week resumed its strikebrenk.
Berlin. The body was terribly mutilated. The officers came e to me and said: order you to Squander Money ing news is being kept secret for fear of anarchistic see that Luxemburg does not leave the hotel You collected three daya wages Filling Station Attendants Union reprisale.
allve. Mind you swallow that! Lieutenant von from over 12, 000 fur workers, a Local 977, when it met with staFrom The London Times, May 22, 1919 Pflugk Hartung made a note of my name and sum that is far over 300, 000: you tion lessees, organized into the Berlin, May 21 The leading facts leaked out sald to me: First Lieutenant Vogel will send even put a special committee in Retail Gasoline Dealers Associs BY EMANUEL GARRETT gradually, and there was little inclination among her straight you; all you ll have to do is to charge of that money. Yet, before tlon, to consider affiliating the or those in power to make a fuss over the end of strike hard. When Frau Luxemburg was being the strike was declared, two. ganization to the union dragged into the motor. somebody jument a a pair of rebels. But these rebels were the idols up BILL HAYWOOD thirds of the money was gone and the association is under the dornpaid provocateur, Harry Orchard, who implicated the three.
when the strike was on you ination of the big oil companies.
of the people, and their passionate sincerity had (Feb. 4, 1809 May 18, 1928)
bullet into her head. could see that very commended them to many prominent radicals The proposal of the o, union starved the furriers out, and borThe trial began in May 1907. Borah was atBig Bill Haywood described his family backwhose support the Government required. And clearly, as was only short distance away.
torney for the prosecution, Darrow for the de rowed an additional 100, 000, add is directed against the local trade ground as so American that if traced back it 80 after months of waiting, the Government He then jumped down and re entered the Eden ing another burden on the shoul union movement, whose spearfense. Unions all over the country contributed would probably run to the Puritan bigots or the Hotel from the Nurnberger Strasse. Mean ders of the fur workers. While head is the Drivers Union Local to the defense. Meetings protested the arrest, decided that some sort of trial was necessary.
cavalier pirates. Neither would give me reason while the others had returned and were boast you kept on denouncing everyone 544, and the Teamsters Joint for pride.
and demanded acquittal. There were witnesses Herr Scheidemann remembered that the ac ing: We ve done for Liebknecht nicely. trick as an enemy of the union who Council. The latter two organizaBill pride lay rather in that by heritage and everywhere to prove Orchard a liar. The jury brought in a verdict of Not guilty!
cused were soldiers and that the Peace had not was played on him. We got him to try to dared ask few conts more bene. tions helped organize Local 977 life long activity he was a member of the work been signed. The form of trial he selected was escape. Of Luxemburg it was said: The ing class. From the age of nine up. Bi During the war, the drive against labor milia court martial, the court being appointed by old sow is already afront.
picked committee men from mine tendants revolted from the antics worked as miner, as cowboy, and above all as tants was particularly vicious. Union offices the Garde Schutzen Division to which the acto fifteen dollars a week. To cover of the Communist Party people in labor militant. In 1896, he joined the Western were everywhere raided. Workers were jailed.
cused men belonged. The adherents of the Editorial from the New York Times, up all these squanderings you are their union.
On April 1, 1918 there began the biggest of the Federation of Miners, becoming a charter mem victims refused to take any part in the pro trying to divert the attention of Local 977 brands this move of anti labor trials in the United States with Judge ber of the Silver City Local. Aggressive, incorceedings.
Jan. 18, 1919 the fur workers from you to the the Stalinists as one calculated to ruptibly anti boss, he quickly rose to a position Kenesew Moontain Landis presiding. Haywood The accused were not brought to the dock in LYNCH LAW IN BERLIN opposition.
and 94 other Wobblies were charged with place the lessces in the middle of of leadership. The Denver convention of the the usual way, but were introduced from the sedition. The defendants and their lawyers Regrettable as is the manner of death, the Cannot Deceive Members the fight between the and union in 1901 elected him secretary treasurer of challenged the entire boss system. Bill called Judge rooms. They arrived laughing and ra work of private violence, the law, that came Your letter to us expresses O, oil workers unions. It has the union.
diant, their breasts decorated with orders.
the six month trial a protracted propaganda to Dr. Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, it was concern that our group may be cisely where the Stalinists have Wrote Many Pages meeting.
Throughout the trial, they conducted themselves nonchalantly, one of them reading a newspaper to be expected, and does summary, if irresand the Defense witnesses testifled to the horrors to fomenters of robbery, murder clique that may become a tool of managed to secure control of a of Labor History which labor militants had been subjected the when he felt bored, another eating sandwiches, anarchy. These two leaders, the man violent the bosses. You need shed no tears union that the and Bill towering figure he was als large in body third playfully trying to get hold of some massacre of Frank Little, the lynching and torbut weak, the woman a termagant of the familabout that, as the history of our engage in jurisdictional strife.
as he was unyielding in his devotion to the hand bombs which one of his chums in uniform turing of workers by mobs of business men.
iar revolutionary type, have perished miserably Stirs Faction Fight fight against you shows distinctly happened to have in his pocket.
cause of the working class) is associated with that it is precisely because of your by the sword they drew. The defeat of the Cited is an example of The fury, in the hysteria of war time democracy many stirring pages of labor history. Many are decided, after being out one hour, the defendants On the evening of the murders, soon after imitation Bolsheviks, the victory everywhere class collaborationist policies. AFL cooperation is the joint the names of labor great leaders whose work were Guilty, as charged in the indictment.
sunset, Liebknecht and Roan Luxemburg were where elections have been held of the parties of your bureaucratic methods and battle these two groups are wagis linked with his Eugene Debs, Vincent St. Haywood was sentenced to twenty years, and taken to the Eden Hotel, where they spent some order Conservatives, Centrists, Democrats, MA your disregard for the needs of Ing against the Mid Continent John, and others.
fined 30, 000. On July 28, 1919 Haywood was hours in charge of their guardians. There was jority Social Democrats are of the best omen the workers that we are fighting Petroleum Company in Tulsa, The Telluride strike, in which the union chal. a good deal of conversation, some of it against you.
for a representative moderate National Assemreleased from jail, pending his application for a where the International Brotherlenged the Guggenheim interests and after many new trial. BM immediately plunged into the animated, in which the two victims discussed We were not tried and we were hood of Teamsters and the CI.
bly, for a responsible and stable government.
months marked by violence against the strikers, work of the movement touring the country, and defended their views. Orders were received The Allies and the United States have hardly not found guilty. It was you who International Oil Workers Union under the protection of martial law, won its that they were to be transferred to the Moabit raising money for his imprisoned comrades.
less interest than Germany itself in such an exposed yourselves as the party are giving this labor hating outfit demands for an eight hour day and wage in In the meantime the split in the Socialist Prison, and Liebknecht was taken to the back outcome.
guilty of disruption and faction the battle of its life.
creases; the long campaign in Colorado for an In Minneapolis, however, the alism. We therefore disregard the Party between the left and the right was matur eight hour day in which the courts, the Rockecircus which you call a trial. You commissars who direct the o.
fellers and other mine barons combined to per ing. When it came to a head in September 1919, Bill went with the left and became a member of secute the union men with floggings, jailings, the Communist Party soon after it was orgathe eyes of your close followers into a jurisdictional battle with nized The February number of the table of contents of the February but you can never do that to the Local 977. These misleaders have deportation or death; the Lawrence strike New International has been of Issue consists of: which drew into its many months of activity, membership at large. You are demonstrated beyond a doubt that In the Soviet and finally victory, dozens of the best strike orthe press now for several days. The Editor Comments a bureaucratic machine which they are the organizers only of Featured are articles on the fall ganizers, including Elizabeth Curley Flynn, Land of Freedom of Barcelona and Spain by Felix ture. by Felix Barcelona and functions with the blessing of the defeats for the workers. In debaCommunist Party.
cle after debacle they have ted Joseph Eltor and Arturo Giovanitti in all these, His application for a new trial was denied.
Morrow, and the and Zionism and the Arab Strugtheir blind followers into one pitand others, Bill played his part.
Haywood decided to leave the country in disArmaments Program of the gle. from The Spark.
When the Industrial Workers of the World fall after another. This move to guise. Saluting the old hag with her uplifted Haya de la Torre and Democ. CURRENT PAMPHLETS Roosevelt Administration. Many (Continued from page 1)
racy, by Diego Rivera.
was founded Bil sat in the chair. He continued place the lessees into the o.
America Permanent Deprestorch, said: Good by, you ve had your back other significant articles also The German Left and Bolslon Art Preis 30 union, will only furnish the bosses a member of the even after the Western turned on me too long. am now going to the shevism, by Walter Held 1st or a spaced out cut from then make up a very attractive and inland of freedom!
with another means to fight the Federation of Miners, moving away from the People Front James BurnBehind the Farmers Vote, by until June 30 which would total teresting ispie. The complete David Cowles. unions of this city. militancy on which it was founded, left the The Russian workers greeted him enthusias.
ham 180 Karl Kautsky, by Leon more than 1, 500, 000. If, however, tically. Bill, arriving in the early years of the Revolution and Counter RevoTrotsky proper reserves were maintained Bill had also joined the Socialist Party. In lution in Spain Felix MorReady for Delivery!
Russian Revolution, felt himself a part of the. employment (on WPA) at the more than that: maintaining Nation? by great edifice the workers there were trying to Charles 1907, while in prison, he was nominated for row 500 governor of Colorado by the and polled end of June would drop. to a proper reserves would demand a bulld. In the Alm, Tear to Lenin, you can Declaration of Bound Volumes Principles figure of only slightly more than cut of well over 500, 000 even if etter and Victof Serge and The Editors.
16, 000 votes. In 1912, the Socialist Party, which see him standing shoulder to shoulder with Rusthe additional sum should be ap1, 000, 000 persons. 10 Reading from Left to right, could no more abide revolutionists in its midst sian workers, smiling, at the second congress of by Dwight Macdonald What Is Socialism. Albert of the Appeal, 1938 He asks, therefore, for the res propriated.
Chronicle of the French Gen Goldman106 the Communist International. In 1928, disheartthen than now, expelled him from its National Executive Board for advocating violence.
But the truth is that Roosevelt toration of the 150, 000, 000 which ened by the Stalinist bureaucratism which he Stallnism. and. Bolshevism he had originally suggest the rolls measly 150, 000, 000, totally inade This will not fight seriously for his The Paradox of Australian The Bosses Were Always All 56 copies of last year saw growing around him, he died of a paralytic Capitalism, by Stan, Bollard.
Leon Trotsky 100 stroke sum, far from keeping Will India Accept Federation. Fascism and the American Out to Get Him APPEAL by Stanley.
at their present level, much less quate as it is. He wants only to newspaperman tells the story that before Seene Dwight Macdonald Bm was ever a target for the bosses and their Bill left, he met Bill smoking an expensive cigar.
providing jobs for those who the make the record and to forestalli Copies of the February Issue 100 Neatly Bound in police. They were always out to get him. In message itself states are in bit. a genuine mass struggle by the may be purchased for 20 cents How, asked the news reporter, can you, leader Combination all seven for Black and Red Covering 1906, the bosses saw their opportunity. An exter need, envisages a reduction of unemployed for what they really copy, subscription price two dolLABOR BOOK SHOP of the proletariat, smoke a rich man clgar. Nothing, answered Bm, Is too good for the governor of Idaho had been murdered in Decem the rolls to an average of 2, 700. need: WPA jobs for all unem lars per year, by writing The New 28 East 12th Street. PRICE (incl. postage) 00 ber 1905. Haywood, Charles Moyer, president 000 workers in June. Actually, ployed workers at trade union International, 116 University PL.
proletariat. Big Bill Haywood lived his life Open 10 AM P.
of the Federation, and Pettibone were the reduction would have to be wages.
New York, in that conviction: Nothing is too good for the arrested for the crime on the testimony of a proletariat!
Out of the Past Justice to ROOSEVELT SEEKS THE FEBRUARY NEW INTERNATIONAL may be able to put the wool over the contexte de inte helle With TO HUSH PROTEST ON RELIEF SLASH eral Str