CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL Tuesday, February 14, 1939 Dunne Asks APPEAL ARMY II In the Unity Convention ONE CONVENTION ONE UNION Trade For Auto Workers ONE FIGHT AGAINST THE BOSSES!
Unions fight 10 Newark HOW DO YOU LIKE which will enable almost every THE NEW APPEAL. party member to become a subProgressives Cannot This is the second of the Twice scriber. Take this offer up at Week Appeal. The firat one has your next branch meeting and Support Dual An Independent Program of Action for the United Automobile met with nothing but praise and send in the results. Subscriptions Union Move acclaim from all sides. We like obtained this way will be credited Workers Union of America in the Crisis Created by Martin all branches, friends and sympa to your branch quotas.
thizers to send us their opinion Remember our slogan: Every (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
By WIDICK Pull Away from the and the Stalinist Wrecking Crew of the semi weekly Appeal Next Class Struggle Fighter a Twice aMINNEAPOLIS. Progressives week we intend to run extracts Week Subscriber!
In the daily and pressing strug in the Auto Workers Union must from comments received. Send gles which militant untonists face gather their forces and force the yours in now and don forget. STATEMENTS NOW IN there is little time left for a con Martin and Thomas groups to The faces the worst AUTONOMY: We propose to serious criticism is a healthy THE MAILS: sideration of the broader ques meet jointly in a unity conven crisis of its history. Will it de establish local union autonomy thing for us.
Already supported by such locals as Willard Storage We are now mailing our final tions before the labor movement.
from Executive Board dictatorstatements on the old, weekly The split in auto, crisis in iton, Battery (88. Weatherhead of Cleveland (463) and ships; and autonomy from NEW YORK CITY BRANCHES Appeal. This will give each textiles, and other trade union noted labor figure and organizer open shop? Or will it survive the a Lewis dictatorship. Let us SWING INTO ACTION: for the militant Drivers Union crisis and go forward as matters deserve and obtain seri Local 544 of Minneapolis.
branch an opportunity to clear ing organization to improve and Fleetwood Fisher Body of Detroit (15. the program fight for democratic rights for all ous study from progressive union Under the able direction of up its old balance before we bill ists.
Dunne reported this to a large protect the Interests of the autoincluding protection of any minor comrade Abe Miller the branches it on the semi weekly paper.
of the independent forces is making headway in all mobile workers?
ity opinions.
However, the life and death Socialist Workers Forumlast The answer to this question lies parts of the Auto Workers Union. The genuine pro6. UNION DEFENSE GUARDS: and comrades in New York are many branches have done 80 question of the attitude of trade Sunday at Socialist Workers Party Let us organize union defense beginning to solve distribution but there are some large branches unions towards war seems much headquarters, 919 Marquette. He squarely in the hands of the rank gressives are determined to remain within the ranks guards to protect our unions from problems on the semi weekly which, instead of cutting down neglected, especially in compari had recently arrived from Detroit and file of the union, Today two factions in the top the violence and attacks of thugs, paper. First, a highly efficient their bills, have added to them.
necessary for us to increase son to the history of the labor ing figures in the auto situation. Leadership of the union are hurlof the in spite of the Stalinist Lewis provoca vigilantes and fascists hired or squad of professional salesmen It is movement from 1914 1918.
sponsored by the corporations to has been organized. They can be our income beginning right now.
In the days of Woodrow Wilson, We will support the March 27 ing damning accusations at cach tions, but they want a program that will build and smash the union. DEFENSE seen during the day covering New We feel that no agitation on this the anti war sentiment was so Cleveland convention, and wheth other. The Martin gang accuses strong that the Democratie prest er or not to send delegates to jority of betraying the automobile the Stalinist Executive Board me. srengthen the union instead of allowing it to be deGUARDS TO PROTECT THE York garment workers area, point is needed the thing to do TO PROTECT THE CLIQUE IN.
UNION, NOT GOON SQUADS Times Square and Union Square is act immediately. Send in payDressed up in their newsboy ments on your balance to the America Out of War! program. March 4, is purely a tactical con workers. The Stalinist Executive stroyed by the Stalinist Hillman Murray combination TEREST OF SOME FACTION.
aprons they look like the real Appeal.
Hundreds of thousands of mill sideration, said Dunne. No pro Board Majority accuses the Mar now at its head. BOLD FIGHT AGAINST McCoy. All of them are cracker Here the list of new subscrip tant workers expressed their op. gressive can support Martin in his tin gang of betraying the automobile workers.
ALL OPEN SHOP, ANTI UNION jack salesmen, too!
Branches have LEGISLATION: We propose a position to war at union meetings, move for a dual union and his begun mass tions obtained during the first mass meetings, and other forms plan to carry off a segment of the It vigorous campaign of economic street sales activity, Last week week of the Campaign: auto union into either the that BOTH ACCUSATIONS ARE cuses Martin of conspiring to seat all bona Ade delegates includ and legislative action to defeat the Upper West Side branch New York City of protest.
California Eugene Deba grew in stature to of into an independent set up like TRUE Let us look at the record build company union at ing Martin and his supporters on the vicious anti union legislation turned out en masse to distribute Chicago Ohio.
of the working class because of Garment Workers Union, The IL munist Party. dominated Execu Martin negotiations and instruct. The crying need of the hour is of Michigan and the governors of Square and thentre areas. With Rochester his fight against imperialist war. seceeded from the tive Board majority.
great success, too! Branches are ed him several days previous to the organization of a new group other states.
Pennsylvania Militant work kers understood for the same reason Martin is General Motors making their charges to continue representative of the rank and RED SCARE: The red scare Issuing leaflets, small cards adMassachusetts very well the implications of a now threatening to Inability to Dozens of key union men and inist crew hails with Joy THE and Ale. This new group must be smash our union. Both top fac our paper folders, etc. And on the the negotiations. This same stat file and controlled by the rank is the weapon of the employers to vertising newsstands that carry Detroit War to Save Democracy! in deal with the Stalinist union bustKansas 1917.
ers on principled basis stewards have been fired by the SAME KIND OF BACK built on the lines of a fighting tions in this fight are guilty or subscription drive, New York has War Mongering Dunne advanced a minimum management out of the STAIRS DEAL WHICH JOHN program and on constructive employing this dangerous anti gotten off to a flying start with St. Paul four point program around which plants because the International LEWIS ENGINEERS WITH UNION BUILDING principles. union weapon. Martin calls his 15 in one week. The Twice aWisconsin In the Unions the struggle for unity must be Executive Board (the entire 24) MYRON TAYLOR OF The Only Union opponents Communists. The Week Appeal is putting a little Foreign Today, the foreign exchange fought: the organization of Ford submitted to a letter giving STEEL Communist party brands all opwest into the New York party and stock market prices Jump the renewal of the contracts with the company permission to all The Ford campaign has become around at every rumor of war! the auto bosses, the organization in locals and a worse con principled factions, while the inBuilding Program Total ponents who oppose its criminal blood stream! ABOLISH UNEMPLOY. We are opposed to union men em. We are organizing the Appeal anti union policies as fascists. AND FROM OTHER SPOTS: The following new bundlespeak of 1939 19 the war year! ization of the unemployed in the tract now in existence than over a terests of the Ford workers have MENT IN THE AUTOMOBILE ploying this anti union weapon Brigade to handle the circulation Roosevelt blunders and admits auto centers.
his plan to make France AmerINDUSTRY. We propose the im and we propose to fight any group of our press effectively. Already orders were received during the with the company completely at a Union Democracy? atic, asgressive campaign through red scare mediate launching of a system within the union that raises the 18 comrades are participating in weck: ica frontier! Another war to standstil.
the work. We should raise that (1) New Brunswick, bemake the world safe for democ ARMOUR YIELDS Who is responsible? Obviously Both gangs are guilty the union action and legislative pres. CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND number. to 30 over a period of sins its history with an order of both groups on the board!
racy with American workers dyworst autocracy towards the rank sure to establish the 30 HOUR MENTS: We make the following time. Minneapolis will build an ing in the same trenches in AT FARGO (2) Fresno, Calif. has resumed Organize the France is in the offing all opposition members. Both IN PAY throughout the automo amendments to our presenta con Freed, Appeal director of taking the appeal and likewise How different labor today is re(Special to the Socialist Appral) Unorganized? Martin and Mortimer voted to bile industry.
stitution: Minneapolis. Incidently. pls begins with an order of 5, acting to this crisis! Recently, we FARGO, Scoring another kick out of the union two memThis week we take pleasure in CLOSED SHOP IN GENER a) Simplify and speed up pro has ordered and paid for newsWhat progress has been made bers of the Lansing Fisher local. AL MOTORS: We propose the cedure for the authorization of boy aprons.
introducing and greeting a bunch unions that have passed anti war and company, 500 Armour Work posed to have been launched These men were expelled without immediate convocation of a rep. strikes all strikes to be called We have every hope that your Appeal. McCreary of Fresno, resolutions. They seem like a ers in Fargoy went back to wor among the unerganized workers trial. Martin, when in power, auto rementative came and file. com within the constitutional proced. projcet to bring out the Appeal California Meyers of sex mere drop of water compared to after a three day strike.
semi weekly will meet with suc Brunswick, New Jersey, Paul the ocenn tides of protest that b) Establishment of a monthly cess. letter from the Social Fielding of Akron, Ohio; For 14 years speed up on the parts industries? Zero! No progors over the Flint local and many shop contract, with a 30 hour swept the country in 1917. Beet Kill has been an outstanding resu! And that goes for the map other locals. The Staliniat con welke ande no reduction in pay conference of local union officers. ist Workers League of Johannes Mounjie of Toledo, Ohio; and Warmongering is more com grievance of the Fargo workerstin Regional Directors as well as trolled Executive Board majority clause. The conference shall rather than the present set up finally. John Margo of Los An today Today it is ended, for the Mortimers as autocratically took charge of elec abolish the infamous disciplin district councils.
Frankensteen ON THE SUBSCRIPTION where in the country because of In its customary high handed Regional Directors. Both gangations at the Packard local and ary letter granted by the geles. We wish all these comc) For a ten member Interna DRIVE: rades the best of success in their the power of the Stalinists who tional Executive Board one from This week has seen a fairly new jobs.
are determined to chain the work way, the Armour management were too busy playing shoestring other locals when they were in entire Executive Board of 24. FORD AND PARTS each region.
good start, considering that it is ing class to another imperialist sent home all workers of the Beef politics to bother about organizing power. Both gangs are guilty of destroying democracy in Kill when the Grievance Commit. the unorganized.
the PLANTS: We propose the immedd) For reducing the number of only the first week. But we must FEW REMINDERS: war.
iate launching of a big drive to vice presidents to two Yet, Day will bring a virtual tee protested against the speedFord Drive increase our weekly list of new (1) Have you ordered your e) For provisions giving the subscribers to at least 100 if we newsboy aprons yet?
organize all Ford workers and fascization of the union move up.
For over six months Franken. Which Convention workers of the competitive parts membership right of referendum nre to reach the 1, 000 goal by (2) Act now on your Appeal ment. And death on the bloody Rallying to the support of the steen was director of the Ford We must openly condemn the plants. We propose the signing April 1st.
bill: f) Submission of quarterly battlefields of Imperialist war will Beef Kill other departments put Organization Campaign. During tatal step Martin proposes to take closed shop contracts with or vote on all important questions bet the lot of millions of union in their protests. One after anoth. this period he spent thousands of to split the automobile workers ardized rates of pay and stand Anancial reports by the Interna offer to branches and comrades (1937 and 1938) have you sold?
We have sent around special (3) How many bound volumes militants, not only here but in ever, every department in the plant dollars of our money. How many from the We are against ardized working conditions, upon tional Union and Regionaj Directery country was shut down. The Armour Ford workers did he organize the autocratic rule imposed on the the successful conclusion of or ors to all locals.
SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL War Means End workers were locked out. Three When Frankensteen finished with by Lewis, Hillman and ganizational campaign. The Only Answer! WPA WORKERS: We proour that it was playing with fire men in enou. than at the dustrial union movement of Amerpose a great economic and legis and file will save the We MANHATTAN PSEU Can be obtained at the following Newsstands Of Unions Only quick action of the rank ALLENTOWN, PA Save the Unions! is the slogan Telegrams poured into Fargo time of the Milwaukee Convenica, and as mass production work Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St of every serious unionist in tight from Armour plants all over the tion.
ers we must remain part of that tative campaign for a five billion licked less than a year ago. Fourth Ave. at Fourth Ave. Otto Yost, 23 Hamilton St.
dollar PHILADELPHIA, PA WPA appropriation for We can defeat the union wreckers at Fourth Ave. and Wat Third ing the Stalinist rule or ruin pol country insisting that the plant Now Martin has made some movement we must remain part low cost housing and medical care inside our own ranks. Third Ave NW. ORP: icy on concrete issues today. Too reopen and the grievance be set backstairs deal with Harry Ben of the Jelena Theatre. Second Book Store Cor 1606 North Franklin SEW 11th and Market Sts. for the workers. We propose to JOIN WITH US TO DEFEAT 15th St. 12 st. and University. 40th St, and Girard Ave.
few unionists understand how tled at once.
net of the Ford Motor Company. We stand for ONE UNION IN use our union power to establish UNION WRECKERS WITH ANE: Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Ave and what THE INDUSTRY. We stand for a thirty hour week and QUAKERTOWN, PA.
Forty Second St. at Fifth Ave. at week UNION BUILDING PROGRAM Esser Newwand ever, that the union wrecking tac The Fargo unionists themselves What Martin pwobody knows. ONE CONVENTION, but inside ty psy the only decent standard tics of the Stalinists are part and stood firm. The avatanche of Bennet offered, Sixth Ave. Seventh Ave. opp. Stereo 23rd se.
Front West Broad Sts.
parcel of their political line. And wires that struck the manage. We stand against negotlations the We therefore call upon on WPA, We propose to ask the If your local is in agreement First Ave: Clinton Base Broadway: 4th Ave. NW Candy Store: that unions can be saved only by ment made it clear that conducted behind the backs of the all locals to attend the Cleveland to charter the WPA work with this program of action, no Cane Broadway uptown 7th Ave. sub Fetis s, Massachusetts Aves at Harvard Sq.
CAMBRIDGE MASS Store: Broadway, bet. 61 65 combining the fight against the locals stick together. There was membership.
convention and to insist upon the ers into WPA industrial unions tify us at once. Send all communith St.
bosses with the struggle against nothing for the company to do but But the Stalinist controlled Ex. formation of an impartial ar. affiliated with the labor move cations, letters, etc. to: 12808 seine Macboga the Stalinists and their war mon GIVE IN. It did!
ecutive Board majority, which ac rangements committee which will ment.
Shaw Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. Nd. St. 36th St. 7th Ave gering Save the Unions! from the 12th St. rederman, 1842nd Me. bar Emex and Delancy Sts. Bookstore arriendly World Warten St. Grove Hall)
trap that the General Staff Srandendorpe St. Candy Store, Lyric New Shop, U15 Illinois St.
has planned in war time. No man Book Store Send Ave. Bieder: MINNEAPOLIS, MIN.
strikes, no shop committees, no Ave: Wigerunt and Sad Nicholas Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette Ave. 110th St. and Columbus Ave.
direct negotiations, no unlon (Continued from Page 1) ences that have subversive, unler, who used to peddle his reaccrnor Fitzgerald is seizing the opBRONX: Jerome Ave. 1701h cler Kroman Fourth Nicollet 410 Washington Blvd.
meetings if it can be helped. There By BILL GANNON one. Ave. 167h St. app. Loew Thea is only one way to fight this dan In the strong Chevrolet local intents. The conference also went ther West Side Conveyor, is car islature his anti picketing las tre. Sorkin 206th St. Bainbridge Ave Foster Book Company ger. clear and unambiguous (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Jerome Burnside Aves. 160th St, The Book Nook 244 Meramic struggle against imperialist war Flint, workers have been heard on record against Indecent motion rying on a little red baiting of his which will take the heart and in the union paper. He says guts out of strikes. No protests the growing misery of the unem Jerome Ave. com East Moshiba Sabay SAN FRANCISCO Because of Freeman Se Alle Aves Station CREVELAND, OHIO is the method that Martin was once a member have been organized, no demon. ployed and workers, plus tard Sedewick Avenuta 1072 105th Street Both the and top local built up to almost a closed young people.
On the other side of the fence a of the left wing of the Socialist stration or any other kind of ac the thoroughly dishonest nature Stor Pornoki Myrere el Sr Sos Meriam Building, Room 214 5716 Euclid Avenue leadership are for support of shop, this gang on top tears it Public Square Roosevelt war plans. Conserva down with its faction fighting. heated squabble was reported in Party and that he is now ad tion organized YOUNGSTOWN, of the Workers Alliance leader. Acar Piikin Ave, Sutter Ase near Van Nick s, Wick St, and Commerce tive labor leaders in every union Meanwhile, the Martin crowd progress among the Executive vised by the Lovestone Commun While these cliques squabble. ship, a new relief workers union Sinderen Ave Soner Ave. 98ch.
dicker and wrangle, General Mo has been organized in this city Ave. Third Tremont Aves. northwest also will support the war! And moved closer to an open Board members. Frankensteen ists.
when the federal government sup position. Martin, questioned by re. made a publie declaration against The Executive Board has not a tor Man Friday in the State and is laying the basis for a re 19. southwest corners: Candy Store, 15101 Kings Highway: Stand, 1510 Kings High shallmare Bookstore presses all unionism in war time porters, refused to commit him Fred Pieper of Atlanta and is word to say about the organiza Capitol prepares a real body blow vival of class conscious and way.
Golden Cute News Agency. St.
the same people will make a fee Belf on the matter of and said to have planted left hooktion of WPA workers in industrial to the whole union. It becomes militant movement among the un LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th Ave.
Fitzgerald News Agency. 3rd se Sportland Smoke Shop 31 Massion St.
ble criticism too late ation. But Martin new attorney between Pieper eyes Reuther union set ups under the CLO. The daily more apparent that unless employed. It is called the Union Street Nd Bridges, scored is George Bernard, well known and the Stalinists were vielng for Stalinists are keeping a watchful the rank and Ale group gains of Progressive Workers.
Sridge Plaza So.
Ferry Grocery, Mast Key Mason Pacific Sts.
Time to Get Tough lawyer and intimate associ. positions as President and Vice eye pooled for the interests of power and momentum and forces Firmly convinced that the inROCHESTER, their company union Workers Al this issue to the front, the anti terests of the unemployed cannot Kobliks Stationery boy stem entr.
The Job of every progressive ate of Frank Martel. Even the Presidents. Clinton S!
unionist has become tougher. The conference of Martin supporters, Cor. Cumberland monitors RoRay Smoke Shop. 1203 Sutter consideration that question of a cut in WPA appro law in Michigan, Cor. Avec Chester St union wreckers from within the held in Northern High School is the only set the swag! That liance. Two weeks ago when the picketing measure will become be served by singing hymns of Room II, 412 Valentin St. SWP)
praise to capitalist mayors, gov cor. Main Clinton St Book Clear Search The Stimore)
labor movement, the class ene here last week, voted to table a this pot pourri of Stalinists and priations was before Congress crnors and presidents, the memSw. cor. Main South Ave. Cedar Cafe Cigar Stands Main Street East Clinton Ave.
mies from without, are deter motion breaking from the former Martin supporters pay this Executive Board favored bership of the believe that South, southeast corner at all. They mined to crush the workers in so strong is the antipathy to the any attention to Roosevelt slash as against Gar233 Broadway. Room 312 only independent working class Main Street East, front of Edwards the interests of Wall Street and craft union bureaucrats are blissfully unconcerned with ner action, both on the economic and 208 Clinton Ave. North at Cumberland St.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
its profit.
Yet Martin is compelled by neces any program that will push the They have not a solitary word TOUTETI political fronts can wrest any real Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Ave. Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
Now is the time to take stock of sity to align himself with the union forward except of course to utter against Roosevelt jingo gains from the bosses governSweet Shop Brooklyn Ave.
Carli Brothers, 193 Clinton Ave. North war program and armaments budthe situation, tighten up the belt Green Frey Hutchinson diehards when some statement is ro ment. These ideas are clearly exUAN DIEGO, CALIF.
NEWARK, get. Nor do they have any proWews Co 242 Broadway another notch, and get tough. of the Executive Council of the quired for public effect.
pressed in the preamble of the Reitman cor. Broad William ARRONI th St.
The union struggles of today are AFL Characteristic of the mentality gram to fight the attacks of the Constitution.
cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves News Exchange, si Main St.
preliminary training bouts to the Red Baiters For Martin of the Stalinist gang was the split corporations or to defend the inThe program of this new, but PATERSON, N, Next cor. Bartges Maia St.
real battle ahead. It is time to get His following is largely made ting statement of Wyndham Mor. terests of the unemployed or regrowing, organization contains Guabello Stationery Store OAKLAND, CALIF.
in shape now for the knock down, up of that backward section of timer that locals who attended turn them to their jobs.
7th and Webington NEW Straight St.
for: Meanwhile General Motors is NEW HAVEN, Conn.
drag em out fight with capitalism the membership which has been the Martin convention would be 12th, bet. way and Washington Work for all at union Andrew Williams Market and its war dangers.
Church prompted by Coughlin and the suspended from the Mor making the best of the factional. bet. Chapel Center Broadway near. 1911 yellow newspapers to believe that timer statement came from New situation. Last week it issued a Immediate increase in all Ps 150. Weil Rm.
Workers Educational Forum John Lawls and the are York where he probably just had statement to the press saying SRA and budgets.
3513 Woodward Ave. Room Cor 12th kackstone Cor. 13th Market.
Presents communist. Moreover Martin emerged from conference with that it would not negotiate with Large enough housing and SEATTLE, WASHINGTON KARL SCHOLZ lack of a majority will result in Earl Browder. The rest of the either set of officers until their Noted economist publie works projects to absorb Ceshinsky Booksho Eckhart News Agency, tot Washington St.
all the unemployed BALTIMORE, MD.
an isolation that will compel him Executive Board Immediately dis positions and authority have RoccBook Store. 905 Srd Avenue on Conflleting Forces in 1407 First Ave Sam Weisberg, 1113 Baltimore St.
been clarified.
Europe Today Sunday FontStore10 decent living for every to seek support in the reactionary owned Mortimer, saying in a Frigate Book Shop, S15 North Howard But although local unions have Way Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 8:30 human being.
810 Locust Street Yesterday a conference of Cath Mortimer personal opinion.
proved strong enough, despite the ANNOUNCEMENT The Constitution also provides SHERIDAN PHILADELPHIA, PA olie, Protestants and Jewish Silent on WPA Unlon split, to force them to deal with for democratic control of the orYOU HAVE HEAVY DATE!
priests met here and plunked The new editor the United shop committees, workers can exDale Edwards of the Lower ganization by the membership and Saturday Eve. February 114 University Place AT YOUR SERVICE! down one hundred percent for a Automobile Worker, official organ pect a first class battle on their East Side Branch, Local New guarantees that all funds collectnext to headquarters et Show and Dance will be given at the Brownsville headman who received his training as of the Executive Board of the hands when the inter union fight York, making up the banners ed from the membership shall be THE APPEAL Special 250 Lunch!
quarters of the and which were awarded in the Twice used to build, and carry on the a minister of religion. He is wag. is that well known Stalin subsides. LA 1779 Pitkin Avenue, Soup. 15c Sandwich, Coffee or POSTER SHOP ing stirring battle against influist scribbler, Carl Haessler. Haon. While this fight is raging. Gove week Campaign. work of the organization.
Milk with Pastry!
Brooklyn. New Lots Train to Rockaway Ave. Admission 20c. Union Food at a Union Place with standAndelman Bent St. opp. Hotel Postordes Lyceum PLYNN, MASS Sam Corner, ROXBURY, TAPASSquare AUTO LOCALS OPEN FIGHT FOR UNITY Form Strong World Mason Store 20. 339 16h Stassion SOCIALIS, RKERS demands to wages.