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Socialist Appeal NOW Cents Copy Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Vol. III, No. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1939 375 34 per copy LAUNCH FIGHT TO SAVE People Front Deserts Spanish Anti Fascist Struggle Negrin, Azana Dicker The Bulwark Against War and Fascism? Three Automobile Locals Reject Capitulation Terms Martin, Stalinists, Favor FOUGHT BY FLINT MEMBERS FASCISM SPAIN COVERS UP CUT IN RELIEF FUNDS רוס CZECHOSLOVAKIA LEFT WING WINS Brewery Union Success IN MINE WORKERS Points to Martel Ouster UNION ELECTIONS See page for the comSeek to Save Skins of Government plete text of the union build. Call For Immediate Action To Save Union Leaders While Abandoning PEOPLE ing program issued by the From Suicidal Battle of Martin The Anti Fascist Cause newly organized rank and file group in the United Auto And Stalin Factions BASE TREACHERY AT END mobile Workers Union. See alen editorial on page 4: The HIT DISRUPTIVE LEADERS Crisis in the Auto Union.
American, English, and French press services continued over DETROIT, Feb. Interest in the auto situation was focussed the week end to make specific references to Loyalist government today in all local newspapers on the statement issued by John negotiations for surrender to Franco. Formal denials by People ANTI PICKET LAW Anderson, vice president of Fleetwood Local 15, on behalf of his Front leaders were not taken seriously. Even the consistently proown and two other locals, announcing the formation of a third grouping distinguished from the Martin and Stalinist factions by People Front correspondent Matthews has finally, in a its clear cut militant program.
Perpignan dispatch of February 10, reported that the Negrin government seems to be wavering in its decision to continue the Martin could not be reached for comment on this important fight.
development. Thomas, asked to comment particularly on the Can Negrin and Miaja get the half million soldiers in central seat all bona fide delegates, including Martin and his supporters Spain to surrender? It is one thing to induce soldiers to make Union Demonstration at the March 27 Cleveland convention, refused to say anything retreat after retreat without a fight, as happened in Catalonia on the except that any delegates elected in a constitutional manner will basis of declarations by the government that it would make a stand Answers Boss be seated.
farther north. It would be an entirely different task for Miaja and Attack Negrin to call upon the soldiers to lay down their arms in their DETROIT, Feb. The most promising sign for the future of present positions in central Spain. For this reason, it is likely that Special to the Socialist Appeal) the auto workers union appeared this week when a third group, the pattern laid down in Catalonia, of pretending to continue the FLINT, Mich. Flinging down representing the interests of the rank and file and fighting for a struggle but actually abandoning the basic positions, may now be the gauntlet in the face of a militant program against the unprincipled cliques, publicly announced attempted by Miaja and Negrin in central Spain.
militant demonstration of several its position.
Although Loyalist army of thousand members and hundreds of other union men, the The group is solidly for the and its delegates will attend half a million men is still in the City Commission of Fint voted the Cleveland convention on March 27th. But it is dead set dgainst to last week country, in a position to fight on enaet a vicious the Frankensteen Addes combina anti picketing law aimed at stif. tion directed by the Communist Motor Co. can be laid directly at ganized, in unionizing the Ford and, under revolutionary direcling all union activity in the city.
tion, to carry on a political and Part of general campaign party wreckers and controlled by the door of both groups. It finds military offensive into Franco the Lewis Hillman bureaucracy. that both gangs are responsible the part of Michigan manufaccamp, the People Front leaders Locals Back Program for destroying the internal democare to all practical purposes giv.
AUSTRIA Aula turers, the Flint law provides for Three locals have already voted racy of the auto union, that both ing up the struggle.
proaching men at plant gates for for the program set forth by this cliques have placed administratGives Pretty Speech Minorca Surrendered union membership and in general group, and the volume of support ors over locals and that the StalTo Hush Protest The heavily fortified stronghold is beginning to swell as the rankinist Reuther combination wants is one of the most flagrant viola is of Minorca, the island base held Movement by the Loyalists since the war be.
tions of the rights of organized and file is informed of its pro to end autonomy by plae labor in any section of the coun gram and aims. The locals are ing the union in the hands of a gan, was surrendered intact to the Willard Storage Battery (Local IO, receivership.
try 88. Weatherhead (Local 463) of In a special message on relief, fascists on Tuesday, government Representatives of the United Cleveland and Local 15. FleetFavor the CL.
Nevertheless the new rank and sent to Congress last Tuesday, officials trading it in return for Automobile Workers Union led wood Fisher Body) in Detroit. file group is emphatically in favor President Roosevelt tried to clear er Devonshiro British officials arLocal 271 Strike Threat Brings the protest demonstration. In Chevrolet Transmission of Sagin of the o, as the industrial unhis skirts of responsibility for the ranged the parleys leading to the Bosses to Terms Quickly which the workers gave most aw. Mich. Local 467) voted to at ion movement of America, and as drive against the unemployed surrender.
Sperial to the Socialist Appeal)
militant evidence in every way of tend the Clo, convention but re mass production workers we must which he launched in November Reports persist, despite denials, SPRINGFIELD, III. victory Appeal)
their determination to fight the fused to comunit itself to either remain part of that movement.
and which is now being carried central Spain has secured at the election for officers of the the teamsters union took a long work during busy season. The that General Miaja, commanding for the progressive elements in DETROIT, Heb. Local or men were present out of a poster det who faction while sentiment van high We stand for one union in Will Picket City Hall for the program of the independ the industry. We stand one forward by a division of labor French visa on his passport and Progressive Mine Workers of step on the road to victory today meeting rang with cheers as Flint auto workers are planning ent group.
convention, but inside the between him and Congress asked the rench government to America was recorded here in the in its fight against an alliance of teamsters officials. Red. a campaign to for the fink cated agreement or sympathy with to attend the Cleveland convenOther locals have already indi. We therefore call upon all locals Basic Aim Accepted assure his safe departure. tabulation of votes made public brewery manufacturers, corrupt Laughlin, Bert Brennan, Harry sioners who voted recall the commis The special message makes President Azana capitulation here by the oriclal organ of the officials of the brewery union and Apers and General Organizer bin, and are going to post the program of the independent tion and to insist upon the forstartling reading, Roosevelt pro to Franco, indignantly denied by union. The which broke Frank x Martel.
mation of an impartial arrangetest is directed only against the the Stalinists who were his close away from the United Mine Workrate and manner of the Congres associates in the Peoples Front ers union in a fight against the breweries, Schmidt, Detroit, Ek Local 271, was in the chair.
Trucks of all the major Detroit Frank Ford, Sr. President of This move on the part of the additional names should appear ments committee which will Flint City Commission indicates on this roster which will yet be a seat all bona fide delegates insional plans to reduce relief, while government, was finally admitted Lewis bureaucracy a few years hardt Becker, Stroh, Pfeiffer.
it accepts fully the basic Wall by the Stalinist Daily Worker on ago, and recently received a chart Old Brew left their barns today Martel Sure To Go the intention of General Motors roll of honor in the United Auto cluding Martin and his supportmobile Workers of America. ers on the Executive Board.
When this battle ends, it is the to take advantage of the ployed to the hone. In effect. displayed a skyline banner, In body or its membership in Thinois playing Loonl 271 buttons on their standarta Martino President of ane by means of a vigorous anti union in major locals in detroit, Flint program of the rank and sle Frank to being union building Roosevelt cape.
Detroit Federation his own way of conducting the says Azana, and had denounced that Dave Reed defeated the reBosses Settle Quickly be among the casualties.
Martel again that a union split serves these groups attain a majority in hour weck with no reduction in drive against the unemployed is as capitalist press lies the fact tiring secretary treasurer, Claude their locals and send delegates to pay: an aggressive drive to organmore effective than that of Con that Azana had fled to Paris and Pearcy, for the presidency of Committees of Local 271 went strictly prejudiced arbitration de the interest of the bosses.
Cleveland, they will be a strong ize the Ford Motor Co. and the the state and national organiza into the managements this morn cision against the gress, and will cause less trouble. called for surrender.
teamsters call your attention, the mes Many auto workers have al leaven in their plants against any competitive parts plants: a bil tion. Another prominent progres ing and declared that they were brought around his ears the ready come to realize this fact, corporation attacks, and in their lion dollar congressional appropri Negrin Terms sage reads, to the fact that the Premier Negrin, his first offersive was elected to the Executive All members of LOCA! 271 And wrath of Dan Tobin, Internation and have launched a campaign to locals against the vicious Stalinist lation for bousing and medical rolls have already been reduced to cease resistance on three conBoard, would not drive trucks unless all al Union president. Tobin took the The defeat care and the chartering by the by 350, 000 since the last week of ditions having been rejected by Pearcy is seen 271 men were reinstated and scabe matter before the Executive Coun preserve the unity of the crew.
calling for all locals to attend the Call To Action of WPA industrial unions; as doubly significant, The Pearcy. imported by the phoney Local 38 cil of the L, now meeting in last October. But this cut was, Franco, is reported by the AssociCleveland convention, and of course, engineered by Roose. ated Press as ready to capitulate converting the from trucks. In all cases, with the ex ganized drivers and the decisions Executive Board factions who is a call to action to all honest defense guards to protect the un Ozanic faction had succeeded in of the brewery union put off the Miamt, and backed by 400. 000 or fight the irresponsible Martin and printed elsewhere in this issue. Board and clo. dictatorships The program of this group local autonomy from Executive velt alone, without any participa: on the sole condition that his as rank and fle militant organization ception of Tivoll s, the manager of conventions awarding plunged the union into the pres and progressive auto workers when, in fact, Congress Wassociates in central Spain do not into one committed to the mostments instances, trucks were tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, tion on the part of Congress to this demand. brewery drivers to not face Franco firing squads.
ent split situation.
against vigilantes and fascists even in session.
reactionary and bureaucratic poli. In many in Won Rely on Lobbying Board Majority. and the Mars not goon squads used against union men Negrin original terms, as the cies at least so far as the leader tied up in the barns for an hour secured a repudiation of Martel tin gang.
Were these 350. 000 pe absorbed Socialist Appeal pointed out in its ship was concerned. At the same or two until the committee forced decision from the Executive Counand a final point Rank and file sentiment in Flint against the red scares stirred up It examines the accusations and by the reactionaries of the Martin sage gives the answer: As no basti mieste merecemerlang fee time, ie bitterly opposed the as the bosses into line. Tivoli will cl.
is demanding immediate militant charges made by the self seeking and the Communist party camps.
new assignments have been made saving device the demands for pirations of the best elements in probaby get into step before 24 William Green wrote a long action to force rescinding of the officials against each other which the program concludes with a strongly worded telegram to Mar Flint anti pleketing law, and to have all but disgraced the number of constitutional amenda large accumulation of able bod core having tror and forei de hip of fighting unity with the United This demonstration of success ciston buenos aires dhe eine member teach the manufacturers that the in the state of Michigan. It finds ments proposed for constitutionai need of roller people, however, service from Franco. The Stalinist Battuello represent the growing terday morning at Schiller Hall, ship of the Detroit and Wayne power which cannot be beaten in petence and negligence in General (Continued on Page 4)
who have not been able to secure forces clamoring for that unity. called by Local 271. More than 600 (Continued on Page 3)
to submission.
That the sentiment of the millMotors, in organizing the unor tants in the auto union was over places on the work program.
whelmingly in favor of the That is to say, the 350, 000 were was indicated this week as local thrown on the street.
after local went on record at its Does Roosevelt then propose that the WPA rolls be increased During the past few weeks the policy of the STATEMENT OF THE POLITICAL COMMITTEE formation of a new and independent progressive local meetings in favor of the to a point where they could take with respect to the crisis in the grouping. If this continues and gains real scope, Cleveland Convention. These incare of all those in need? Not in has undergone sharp change, and has not reclude the largest divisions of GenHowever, this perspective, though in our opin the party members actively engaged in the ceived a clear and definitive formulation until it will solve the problems, however difficult and the least. He says only that the ion decisive in the longer run, did not in itself party work in auto, these events clinched the eral Motors and Chrysler corpora acute, of the preservation and extension of the rolls. ought not to be reduced tions and of the parts plants.
this current issue of The Appeal. This has unanswer the specifie questions raised by the open argument against an orientation on the Detroit union in auto.
during February and March. Aft doubtedly been evident to the party members as split the calling of two separate conven Convention and demanded an orientation on Oppose Union Wrockers er that, reductions can start well as to the other readers of our press.
tions; in particuar it did not answer a crucial Cleveland as the only effective way in which to We are aware that these sudden shifts that During the past period there has been a Yet the strongest sentiment curagain, with the full consent of question now posed before the auto workers: carry out the general perspective in consonance our party has made in the policy it has presented rent is antagonism and hatred on the President unanimous conviction throughout the party that which convention to go to.
with the aim of preserving the unity of the prohave created a certain temporary confusion. But the part of large sections of the Fears Sharp Opposition the central task for the auto workers and the The lead editorial published in the January 28 gressive industrial union movement.
decision has now been reached and will be vig rank and file for all Executive only solution which will be able to re establish But Roosevelt is afraid that the issue of THE SOCIALIST APPEAL, oriented to orously carried out.
Board officers who brought their the unity, democracy and militancy of their unrate of reduction planned by ConThorough discussion and consultation, though ward attendance at the Detroit convention, was union to the brink of disaster.
ion and at the same time make possible the gress will excite too sharp an opdrawn up immediately following the calling of it did not remove differences of opinion, led to The difficulties created by the delay in arriving complete organization of the Industry, lies in the practical conclusion that the Detroit orientaThe large Chrysler local fallposition. more gradual rate, he the two conventions. At the time of its formulaat a definitive decision and the inconsistency 00 ed to take a vote after a lengthy THE BUILDING OF NEW PROGRESSIVE tion contained in the party earlier policy must figures, would paralyze resistance tion it represented an opinion opposed by many curring during the past three weeks, serious as meeting in which both sides from the unemployed. He uses GROUPING WITHIN THE UNION, BASED ON party members. Subsequent to its formulation be abandoned in favor of a Cleveland orientation they have been, are, however, outweighed in our as stated and motivated in the current issue of Colonel Harrington estimates to presented their case. William estimate by the benefits obtained through adherA DEMOCRATIC, MILITANT PROGRAM, AND and just prior to its public appearance there Marshall, president of that loThe Appeal.
show that the 725, 000, 000 approtook place the recognition by the leader ing to a regime in our party under which deciFREE FROM ANY SUBORDINATION TO sions are reached through democratic collective cal, openly declared that he was printed by Congress will necesst.
ship of the Cleveland Convention and Martin Quite independently of any differences, we besitting on the fence. In the tate either an immediate cut of EITHER OF THE TWO MAJOR PRESENT effort and not by bureaucratie decree.
publication of his letter of withdrawal from the lieve that the most hopeful sign for the long Dodge local, meetings contin1, 000, 000 from the rolls on April FACTIONS. THE MARTIN CONTROLLED CLO. Executive. In the opinion of many mem term future of the Is to be read in the POLITICAL COMMITTEE, ued from week to week and a (Continued on Page 3) CLIQUE OR THE STALINIST OUTFIT.
bers of the and of a decisive majority of news reports of the concrete beginnings of the Socialist Workers Party position for the 10.
Interna POLICY OF THE IN THE A, SITUATION definite (Continued on page 2)