BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

4 SOCIALIST APPEAL FEBRUARY 10, 1939 THEIR By James Burnham GOVERNMENT SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. Friday, February 10, 1939 Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months.
Foreign: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders: cents per copy in United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
Entered as second class matter September 1, 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. SV.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Staff Members: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY NOW FOR THE NEXT JOB This is the first issue of our new twice weekly So cialist Appeal.
Hundreds of tirelessly devoted militants went over the top in the 3, 000 drive and now it is our job to go over the top with a bigger, better, punchier Appeal which will help make our revolutionary program become the program of ever widening circles of workers.
There will be no opportunity for a pause! Every body get those shoulders down to the wheel again and carry through the next drive with equal speed and efficiency.
For one thousand new Appeal subscribers by April 1!
COMMUNIST PARTY THE POST TAKES STEP Huge Swindle Seen In Gov Security Fund Bond Scheme The Post of February published a lengthy editorial, Now We Must Decide, which constitutes an object lesson for all those who seriously want to fight against war. For several years this newspaper bas placed its faith in isolation as onr best national shelter in this storm driven world. says the post. We have predicated our foreign policy on geography and made Mp our minds to live, withdrawn and alone, bebind forir of oceans. Recent events bave shaken Our faith in isolation.
The Post proposes a three months Congressional debate on foreign policy, at the conclusion of which a final decision shall be made whether isolation or collective security shall be our fixed policy. But that the Post, for years the outstanding spokesman for isolation, has already made up its mind to swing to collective security, is clear from this sentence, among others: If it be isolation, then let us consign ourselves to the business of preserving democracy here, giving it up as hopeless for the rest of the world.
The Posi turn demonstrates once again what we have always maintained that the battle between collective security and isolation proponents is a sham, for as soon as war preparations are begun in earnest, the isolationists join up with the collective security war mongers.
Isolation and collective security share the same fundamental assumptions: sacred union of all classes for the defense of the capitalist) nation.
All those who share these assumptions end up in the same camp: the bosses side of the class struggle.
They may not like each other, but Wall Street and Main Street bankers and businessmen, John Lewis and Bill Green, Stalinists and Social Democrats, all join hands for national defense not only against the aggressors but also in lynch gangs against the anti war workers. Many realistic people joined the Keep Ameri ca Out of War Committee of Norman Thomas and the Lovestoncites, adopting its isolationist doctrine, on the excuse that it provided a vehicle for fighting against collective security. That vehicle has already arrived at the point of conceding armaments for national defense. Its next port of call is anticipated by the Post.
The struggle against war is the struggle against capitalism, which breeds war as inevitably as it breeds hunger and insecurity this is the only fundamental starting point for anti war work, and it is in irreconcilable opposition to the warmongers, whether they call themselves isolationists or collective securityites.
war. truce was to be declared. All foreign troops The Dis semble Line. and volunteers serving on both sides would then be immediately withdrawn from Spain. During the truce no battle lines would be shifted. Non Spaniards hav.
ing been eliminated, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union were to devise a scheme, which the Spanish government pledged itself in ad.
vance to accept, whereby the will of the Spanish nation regarding its political and social future might be About three weeks ago special attack bomber, authoritatively ascertained.
newly developed by the Douglas Alreraft Company, crashed during a test flight in California. The inclWhen the immediate move for peace then fell dent would scarcely have been noticed had not astonthorough, the Popular Frontists indignantly denied ished onlookers pulled from the burning wreckage the injured body of a man who turned out to be Paul that it was projected. But Fischer revelation reChemidlin, representative of a French governmental mains indelible. What is more, when we sharply air mission assigned to purchase military planes in characterized the proposal as a betrayal of the struggle this country. Chemidlin presence in this country, against fascism, the Daily Worker and the New and his purpose, were closely guarded Administra Leader remained mum. Neither ever commented on tion secret.
Fischer revelation!
During the same week, test pilot reported that in Curtiss Wright pursuit plane he had achieved the The Stalinists and Social Democrats cannot pose as incredible speed of 600 miles per hour. Very few of innocents. They deliberately suppressed the facts when the news dispatches that carried this story mentioned that this plane was one of several hundred on order there was still ample time to ward off the treachery by the French government.
now being consummated.
Secert White House VERS Conferences IT WAS PREMATURE William Bullitt, Ambassador to France, and Joseph.
Kennedy, Ambassador to Great Britain, left their posts a couple of months ago and have since been in Warning against the premature rejoicing of the this country. When they first arrived, they went at liberals and labor leaders over the anti Hague de once to Warm Springs, Georgia, to report to the cision of the Philadelphia Circuit Court of Appeals, President. No news of this conference was released: we wrote last week: the conference was secret. They later attended several discussions at the White House, and testified before Anyone who thinks that the pieces of paper on Congressional Committees. Both the discussions and which the majority of the court in Philadelphia wrote the testimony were secret.
its decision, are enough to guarantee the real exerThe Military Affairs Committee of the Senate has been meeting almost continuously since Congress cize of these rights, is duping himself or others.
opened. stream of General Staff officers, diplomats. It wasn paper, not even legal sized foolscap, that War and State Department representatives has apdecided things up to now in Jersey City. Paper isn peared before it. All of the key sessions have been going to decide them from now on, either. It was secret power that decided.
The members of the Military Affairs Committee few days after the Appeal appeared, Judge were summoned to the White House on Tuesday, Ezra Nolan of the Jersey City Traffic Court, a January 31. For more than an hour they met with the President. They were told to regard everything Hague agent who is also boss of the Quinn Post spoken at that meeting assecret. When reports noneof the American Legion, gave added emphasis to theless leaked out as to what had transpired, these our editorial. Addressing the Legionaires, he told were three days later brazenly denied by Roosevelt. Roger Baldwin, Morris Ernst, Norman Thomas and but along with the denial there was not a single word about what had actually been said at the Tuesday the rest of your ilk that no matter what the courts conference.
might decided about Jersey City, the decision would Last year a number of authoritative British repre.
continue to rest with Hague hoodlums: sentatives came to this country to visit the White If you insist on invading our city, the veterans By GRACE SAUNDERS the government has to pay inter which these payments can be House, including Runciman (subsequently hero of will be compelled to give you a lesson in democUnder the guise of providing est, a charge which must be met secured.
the rape of Czechoslovakia. Montagu Norman (head racy. that you and your kind will never forget as old age insurance, the United from other income, that is from But every working man and of the Bank of England. Anthony Eden, and several long as you live. The final victory in this matter States Government is currently further levies in the form of a every working woman has the military attaches. No news of what transpired at any of these meetings has ever been published. They were of the preservation of democracy in Jersey City rests engaged in one of the most fan general tax. Thus, in addition to right to insist that the moneys all secret.
with patriotic veterans and the large army of patriotic tastic financial swindles of all the payroll tax, which is supposed collected for insurance be spent citizens in Jersey City who want no part of your Coster Musiek afrate shrink, by age pensions, the people of the The old age benefits cannot be When the Bolsheviks took power in November, 1917, activities within their boundaries.
one of their first official acts was to publish to the comparison, to the dimensions of country are even now being called looked upon as a gift from the In other words: If labor tries to hold meetings in insignificant petty larceny. upon to pay supplementary funds government. They are insurance world all of the secret treaties, alliances and agreements of the Tsarist regime. They made remarkably Hague domain armed with nothing more than a The government, through spe for interest on this same money, premiums, being paid for by the inst cial legislation setting up the old funds which by 1970 will have workers today, tomorrow, next etive reading slip of paper from a court, we, the organized hoodthe workers of all the warring nations.
lums, will break up the meetings by force. Whoever Age Benefit Plan, has rigged up reached the not insignificant sum year and all the years to follow in the form of a definite deduca scheme whereby it will acquire of 19, 000, 000, 000.
Those documents showed the true nature of wars has a piece of paper has only a piece of paper. But tion from their monthly salaries.
a cool 47 billion dollars, which 57c Back on Dollar for democracy. They told what democracy means whoever organizes his power has everything! will be used for any type of ex To put it briefly, by 1970, the Stop the Swindle!
to imperialists. The undercover, double crossing deals In their own way, Hague hoodlums are right. God penditure. not excluding arm people will have paid to the gov It is monstrous and criminal for colonies, mandates, spheres of influence, rights of exploitation, were duly listed The phrases about knows they are trying their level best to teach labor ments expenditures. except the ernment a total of 75, 000, 000, 000 that this money should be raised single purpose for which it is o in payroll and general taxes for to any extent from the already civilization and freedom were omitted: those were a lesson, a very simple lesson, a lesson which we tensibly being collected, namely, interest on the reserve account, underpaid workers. It is still reserved for the public speeches continue to emphasize.
providing security for the aged. whereas the Treasury during the worse for their money to be used Men who have nothing to hide do not need secrecy.
It is nothing more or less than this. Reserve to Big Swindle same period will have paid out a for other purposes than that for The Bolsheviks told, and tell, the truth to the masses little over 34, 000, 000, 000 in old which it is being collected. If the If labor wants to exercise its right to free speech because they have nothing to hide from the masses.
John Flynn, in the February age pensions. The balance. or payroll taxes are higher than nec Their aims, their full aims, are entirely open, for every and assembly, it must first exercise its elementary worker to know and to judge.
right to self defense.
poses the mechanism by which roughly 11 billions of dollars, will essary, either they should be re If labor wants to hold meetings in face of the this hoax tuis being perpetrated to meet other expenses in no way ments to people 65 years of age Workers Must Demand with the full blessings of com connected with social security. or older should be corresponding Full Accounting Hague threats, it must prepare to protect these meet ings. piece of paper won wave the fascist bands ing taxes which would be merely have in its reserve merely a stack be created then that reserve must But imperialism can never tell the truth. For public away. well organized Workers Defense Guard can sufficient to cover the moneys ac of bonds which can be redeemed be maintained as a reality and consumption it offers only the multitudinous lies of and will.
tually to be expended in the pay only by further taxing the people not a fletion, a reserve which its demagogues. Its real aims and plans are men Hague fascists number only in the hundreds ment of old age premiums, plus up to the face value of the bonds when dipped into will produce tioned only behind the locked doors of secret chamLabor in Jersey City alone has the power of more ment is busily engaged in collect paid in 111 billion dollars for so fuls of promissory noies, paper By 1980, the people will have handfuls of hard cash, not hand bers. Imperialism cannot tell the truth openly because if it did the masses would recognize their real enemy than a quarter of a million people to draw from. Alling in addition a sum which tscial security, 47 billions of which which can be redeemed only by and would turn their anger away from the scapegoats it has to do is organize this power and it will have to be carmarked reserve for will have been diverted to other further taxes on the masses. conveniently provided and direct it against that enemy.
the Hague hooligans on the run in the twinkling of old age pensions, it is this mythe uses. In its simplest terms, this The swindle is only just begin against their own imperialist government, cal reserve which constitutes means that for every dollar paid ning, but it will continue at an an eye.
All conspiracies are nourished in secrecy. The great the gigantic swindle.
in by the people for social secu accelerated rate, for the means conspiracy of the Roosevelt government through The Old Age Account, as the rity, they will receive back in by which it is made possible have which it hopes to reserve is termed, will never be old age pensions only 37 cents. been written into the law of the ON MEXICAN ANTI SEMITISM a war for the salvation of the Sixty Families is no dragoon the people once more into realizable in cold cash and in Benefits Not Gift land. It will continue, and the exception. The secrets will remain until the workers Workers have no desire to see workers will be fraudulently Early in January 1939, Correspondent Fred Pasley reality will never exist except as a bookkeeping fiction. The money insurance done away with; on gouged of enormous sums week themselves bring the imperialist conspirators to their full accounting. completed a series of six viciously anti Mexican art will be collected, is in fact how the contrary they desire that so by week and year by year, unless icles in the Daily News, organ of the reaction being collected, but it is not and curity be extended, both upwards immediato pressure is brought to ary McCormick family. The articles argued that Leon handled that it can be converted downwards in the age limit at force its cessation, rotsky the instigator of Mexican when the need arises, Instead.
propriations, was responsible for the Cardenas gov the money is dumped into the Ty bitter as is shown by the fact The Press ernment policies and was thus doing vast damage to Treasury, and in return the Old that for the first time in many Mexico position at home and abroad.
Age Account receives interestyears no compromise was reached By ARTHUR HOPKINS bearing government bonds. In as to who was to be the new From January 26 to January 29, 1939, anti this way, according to Mr. Flynn, president. The defeat of Gandhi Mexico expels Frank Kluckhohn, New York Times Semitic riots broke out in Mexico City under the di the government will have ac will undoubtedly sharpen this correspondent, for his reports, which were full of rection of fascists. Mingling with the cry Death to quired by 1980 the astronomical Mahatma Gandhi and his fel struggle between the opposing Inaccuracies and blas against the Mexican governthe Jews! was the cry Death to Leon Trotsky! An figure of 17, 000, 000, 000, money low. compromisers with ment. These Mexicans act like they owned the which will naturally be spent imperialism have been sharply The Congress right wing and country!
attempt was made to get the rioters to march on through the years for whatever defeated!
Gandhi, representing the interests Trotsky home in one of the city suburbs. Mexican purposes the government secs fit. At the recently held convention of native capitalists and landA courtroom mural depicting a child laborer with fascists and their Nazi patrons have repeatedly tried The reserve held in the Old Age of the All India National Congress lords, will in all probability at his hand caught in a machine is not allowed to be to force the deportation of Trotsky.
Account will consist solely of the rising power of India work tempt to expel the left wing as hung (by Federal Judge Guy Fake) because it.
might influence a jury.
On January 29, at the height of the riots, the Double Dealing Bond Scheme Gandhi candidate for Presidency mass action.
Dentists offer simple rules for teeth health: Secure fascist demand was heard again at the congress of If money from this fictitious re of the Congress was defeated by Victory Welcomed adequate food, chew it well, and have a happy, conthe Mexican Communist party. Secretary Laborde de serve is needed, the Old Age Ac. Subhas Chandra Bose, candidate count will have to get it from of the left wing. Bose, who won freedom cannot but rejolce at the Those who stand for India tented frame of mind. Sharecroppers and relief clients, take note.
clared in his report: the Treasury in return for the by a majority of 200 votes over victory of the working class and Those millions of nickels alleged to have been stolen Trotsky presence among us brings irreparable bonds which it holds, and the Gandhi candidate, is known socialist wing of the Congress. Tt Treasury in turn will have to go throughout India as a sympathiz remains to be seen whether this from the New York subway company by several minor damage to Mexico international prestige and domes fic politics. The struggle must not end wiil Troit once more to the people to raise er and supporter of the Congress section of the will take full employee now turns out to have been only a few the money to thousand, according to a New York Times dispatch.
is chased from his Coyoacan lair and expelled from In financial cuidate the bonds. Socialist Party leading left wing advantage of its splendid oppor circles, such practices party of India.
We knew that no mere worker could have got away Mexico for good.
are termed double dealing, cortunities for advancing the revoluFederation Plan Hit tionary cause by launching an im with that much sugar this is the exclusive province rupt practice, swindle. When the of the front offico.
The significance of this event mediate mass struggle against These two sentences perfectly sum up the program government indulges in the same The Christian Business men of Minneapolis are termed high lies in the fact that the right wing British Federation plans and for of the American interventionists and the Mexican trickery, it of the Congress has been prepar freedom, finance holding a rally and inviting all Practical Chrisfascists. Under the heading of The Struggle against The further one delves into the ing for some time to accept the Unfortunately, in the past, tian Business Men to attend. The hall manager is Trotskyism, the Mexican Stalinists have now put proceeding to nail everything down.
scheme, the more shameful and British scheme for a Federated many of these left wing leaders India two demands. including Bose, the new presicorrupt is it revealed. The govMrs. Edgerton Parsons of New York, chairman of This plan of Federation would dent) have shown all too great ernment is now collecting a two Carry out the wishes of American imperialism!
the Far Eastern commission on the Cause and Cure willingness to compromise of War, asks for protection of American investments Carry out the wishes of the Mexican anti Semites! per cent payroll tax, one per cent bind India more closely to the. with Gandhi and his conservat in educational and religious institutions in China, per cent from the employee, the create a one man military dic tive followers.
and for an embargo by the United States on war tax to be gradually increased un tatorship in best Fuehrer fashIndia today is one of the few materials and credits to Japan. So we re all set for NICE CLEAN WAR another War to end war. til employer and employee are lon over the entire 364 million countries in which the workers cach paying three per cent. Up people of India.
and peasants are making great Buddhists want all of us to refrain from killing any The left wingers at this Con forward strides towards their living creature even an insect in an effort to eradi program of national defense, competent to deal to October 31, 1938, according to Flynn figures, the government vention advanced their candidate emancipation. The struggles of cate the war spirit from the world. But if we don with any conceivable set of circumstances, need not had so collected close to a billion on the program of uncompromis. India masses will assume greatget rid of parasites like flies, for instance, they get involve placing the United States upon a militaristic dollars, which was deposited in ing opposition to the British Feder and greater importance in the us. This also goes for bosses.
the Treasury.
cration as well as no support to near future. As ardent supporters footing. Boris Shub, in the New Leader, Feb.
In return, in keeping with the British imperialism in any war it of the colonial people in their In Milan, Fascist police confiscate all available fight for liberty the Fourth In copies of a popular dictionary which defines the word In a word, comrade Shub gives us his guarantee practice above outlined, the old may conduct.
Age Account has received treas The conflict between the two ternational stands by the side of anti Semite as a poorly civilized person who is that it will be a nice, clean war.
ury bonds. But on these bonds wings of the Congress is extreme. the Indian masses.
hostile toward and fights Jews.
ex will not be sekere kated on were in actual cash payments and because to expose the swindle and Labor Looks Through INDIA CONGRESS DEFEATS GHANDI British forces 1s IT NO LONGER NEWS Within a few days the Stalinists and the Social Democrats will proceed to wail with wounded and ever so innocent astonishment at the fact that President Azana and Premier Negrin have proposed to make peace with Franco. The groans will be designed to convince all listeners that such treachery comes as a bolt out of the blue.
No amount of crocodile tears will, however, wash but the plain and simple fact that they have known for nearly two years of treacherous moves by the Spanish People Front government for capitulation to Franco.
At one point, when conciliation with Franco actually seemed about to be consummated, no less a Stalinist spokesman than Louis Fischer proceeded to prepare his audience for the coming embrace. Writing in the Nation on Sept. 4, 1937, he stated. Spanish government representative who attend.
ed King George VI coronation outlined to Foreign Minister Eden, Valencia plan for ending the civil