Civil WarCommunismCommunist PartyMarxismMoscow TrialsOpportunismSocialismSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FEBRUARY 10, 1939 Local Offers Program to SaveUAW APPEAL ARMY JCLEVELAND AUTO Stalinists Stage Patriotic Assembly In Los Angeles Relief Cut Protest the Appeal drive for 1, 000 new sell the new Appear in the streets Oakland.
28 10 10 100 35 38.
Louisville 40 41 10 Bambrick LaGuardia Force Shabby Compromise on Elevator Operators CIO AFL Responsible for Oregon Anti Labor Measure SCORE BOARD In The TRADE UNIONS Ind. SWOC Pushes Organization Here are the branch quotas for blanks around with you when you By Widick As Governor Mediates Demands readers!
Strike while the iron is hot. 3)
LOCAL ATTACKS By SHILZONY fornia State Alliance President In most cities the contest is Have your branch comrades take Akron, Ohio rubber workers (Special to Socialist Appeal)
themselves. 4)
successful that it far exceeded the Alex Noral with humble thanks already well under way with launch a local campaign to visit FACTION FIGHT Special to Socialist Appeat)
have learned many valuable les EAST CHICAGO, Ind. Govern fondest expectations of even tho to the Mayor and Police Commis many fine results. Rochester sons in the course of their six or Clifford Townsend of Indi most optimistic official.
LOS ANGELES, Cal Cooperatsion for without their coopera gotten off to a fine start with the all friends and sympathizers for Mayor Bowron and were se unton fshat the powerful ever hithe question of he signed the overwhelming majority of all not alone in our own welfart, but the relation parlement of tworfety never have been such a success scribing en masse!
the police department of this city. tion this protest meeting would entire branch membership sub subs.
The new Appeal is America best labor and revolutionary pathe rubber shops of Akron to set Lodge of the sw. and the has demanded that the contermeny national Union and all auto work the steps of the city hall to pretreachery of Stalinism in the un mer Appeal subscribers branches 3, 000 campaign over the top and Inland eligible workers in the plant, also in the welfare of our Inter Alliance today gathered meeklyrat The utter prostration and on your quotes (1) Visit all for readers by April 1st! We put the Here how to get those subs per. Let prove it with 000 new of a nation wide wave that Inland Steel Company, brought success to the in sult of the Governor promise to it has been twice ordered to do Wil Fight For Program tening to sympathetie words from employed feld has now reached have these liste (2) Carry sub we can go over with this!
1936 37.
bring the Company officials in by the LR. This the bosses We, the Executive Board of the mayor and the prayers that the stage where its whole proIt is a tragedy that the magni conference with union represente. refused to do, arguing that since Local 88, feel that at present the the reactionaries in Congress lence of the police, and the gram rests on God, the benevothey are appealing the order of 1, 000 New Subscribers by April Ist!
ficent history of the rubber work tives, the union has agreed to reers should be faked to serve the rain from taking any direct ac. the Labor Board to the higher welfare and the very life of the might by jarred by these protest stunned condition of the work International Union is in danger meetings and introduce a God incourts, they do not have to ne and that Local 88 must raise its spired program Branch ers. Every protest demonstraQuota ends of the Stalinist rule or ruin tion.
Branch Quota the unem tion conducted by the Workers Berkeley 25. Clayton clique. For that is exactly what vigorous reorganizing drive, sotiate per the the union on order voice in no uncertain terms and played does in her reminiscent of the days before contract, the union may have to cers of our International Untoning of the Star Spangled Banner anything for the unemployed and Alliance is but another demon Los Angeles 50 26.
Ruth McKenney Newark The meeting opened with aing stration of its impotence to gain 20 27. Patterson 10 book, Industrial Valley, just the Little Steel strike has enresort to strike.
San Francisco 30 Rochester published. Mekenney was a sob abled the Lodge to reWary of Governor Offer San Diego.
ruin or we shall use our power and the Mayor then explained those on Not even a minor 10 29.
sister on the Akron Bercon gain the dues paying membership Ithaca The Governor offer of arbitra and votes to remove them from that although he was not at all diversion of funds from Roose Sacramento.
10 Journal most of the time from it once held in the sigante local tion should be watched warlly by office and replace them with offifamiliar with the facts he was velt program of armaments and 30. Syracuso Denver.
31. New York 200 1992 to 1936 about which period plant of the Inland Steel Com all union militants. They should cers who will be responsible to the coula certain that the and county war for the unemployed instead New Haven. 32 Fargo nothing whatsoever for of relief funds can be obtained Hartford.
belthiest and makes no bones steel production, the dues paying past of other friends of labor We shall not enter this fight he invited citizens who have a 33. Toledo those laid off nevertheless except by militant action.
10. Washington, 10 34. Cleveland about it.
membership of the union fell off such as Governors Davey and to promote the selfish interests or considerably Today demonstration of the 11. Chicago.
Columbus Fakes Stalinist Role Karle who smashed the last Little opportunism of any individual grievance to come to the city Alliance once more unEast Chicago 10 38. Akron.
Reorganization Drive hall steps at any times and he will Steel the fact that a new fight 13.
Evansville However, during that crisis, the 1992 Strike in the Summer of we shall fight for militant and be glad to speak with them.
37. Youngstown In Union Growth 1937. They should also look with Ing organization of the unem 12. East Chicago 10 Portland Benediction at the close of the played must be built from the Akron, unlon, militants who Lodge held its own despite the suspleton at the activities of Gov. experts en men det ainet the 13. Evansville 39.
spent the hardest and best years hugo tayoffs in the plant. As soon ernor Townsend who is booming didate for office in the Interna meeting was pronounced by Call ground up Philadelphia Kansas Reading of their lives making great sacri as steel production pleked up and the campaign of Paul MeNutt tional who is willing honestly 10 Allentown fices to build a union movement more workers were rohired, the for President in 1940. McNutt is and sincerely abide by this pro16. Baltimore 10 42 Quakertown will be aroused by McKenney Lodge began regain post nationally known as a labor hater gram shall receive our support.
17. Lynn.
25 43. Houston Impudence in trying to fake a tion it once held. Two months and is the man who became fa We shall carry our Aght against 18. Worcester 11. Seattle story of the growth of the United ago a fast moving reorganizing mous for smashing the Terre any person or group whose policy 19. Boston 30 Rubber Workers of America drive was started which was so. Haute general strike in 1935.
20. Detroit is one of rule or ruin.
50 Total 1, 036 which is supposed to convince the Local 88 owes no debt to any 21. Minneapolis 100 EVERY non bellovers that the Stalinists NEW YORK The strike. of boys who took the floor and 22. Austin.
CLASS STRUGGLE individual or group within the Inwere responsible for developing 23 St. Paul 50 FIGHTER 2 WEEK SUBternational Union. We have kept 000 building service workers warned the members to accept the union.
24. St. Louis. 25 SCRIBER: our own door step clean, and we which virtually tied up all busi LAGuardia proposal.
During the days, thoudeserve the right to take our place ness in the garment and fur dis Bambrick Forces Closed Voto sands of Akron rubber workers of leadership in helping to clean tricts for four days ended last cry went up in the hall for flocked into the of fedthe doorstep of our International Friday night when Mayor Lt voice vote on the proposals proeral unions. The Communist Last full the voters of Oregon jurisdictional battle between tho Union, Guardia and James Bambriek, posed by LAGuardia. The men party, however, spent over a year went to the polls and voted for and the In 1937 In order to make our voice union president, forced the men knew that only by an open ballot trying to build dual Red trade a plece of legislation which ranks the battle in Oregon came to a heard we recommend the follow. to accept an entirely unnecessary where they could see with their is not the last of the drive. We must continue unti EVERY branch This is the last Score Board to appear in the paper. But this unions. It missed the boat com second to none as an anti labor head when the lumber workers ing action: That a committee of compromise in the agreement.
pletely. McKenney omits this measure. It is known as the Inl in the camps were led from the three be elected by the Executive The decision to accept LaGuar could they be assured of an hon has fulfilled its quota 100. Beginning next week, the Score Board chapter from the history of the tintivo Mensure, an amendment to Into the clo. The sw. Board. This committee to meet dia proposal for a weekly in est vote. Bambrick insisted, how. The initial funds to start the twice a week have been raised.
Communist party in Akron, McKenney vaguely mentions pensation Law.
manner cals in the city and state who of the work week from 18 to 47 The mayor placed two proposals ments, the reserve fund must be increased through completion of But if the paper is to appear uninterruptedly and make improvethat union progressives fought for The Initiative Measure prohib. Since that time there has been are interested in such a program hours came immediately following before the strikers. The first was the quotas, prompt bund Industrial unionism and formed its the calling of any strike not virtual warfare between the two us we have outlined briefly. That stormy strike meeting of the totet him appoint an arbitrator contributions from Individuals, friends and sympathizers of our caucuses to organize a national directly connected with wages, factions. The lumber industry is we instruct our committee to ar Building Service Workers Union, the union to accept any recom movement.
range, with other local commit Local 32B, where rank and fle mendations the arbitrator makes ber workers International union. Outlaws strikes for UNION REC deserted, saw mills and factories tees, a rank and Ale conference to members denounced both the This proposal was overwhelming: Chicago, 00: Brooklyn, 00; New York, 00 Individual receipts since last report: New Haven, 00; that this was done mainly at the fore a strike can be called legar of workers are on the reller rolls. resolutions to be presented and ed that the union hold out for trust him or his arbitrator. The Cambridge, 50; Madison, 15: New York, 00 Progressive Workers School it must be called by at least afty carpenters refuse to carried out at the coming con the original demand for a 15 other proposal, which was finally New York, 10. 00; because the school leaders be per cent of the workers in the rive nails into boards cut and vention.
wage increase and a 10 hour week. carried by a slim margin, was to Detroit, 00 came Trotskylat sympathizers. plant. It outlaws all sympathy milled by lumber workers. Local 88 position is being fav Hiss Little Flower Drive Paid accept the weekly increase and Durham Percent 00 It was here that H. Dalrymple, strikes and secondary boycotts. Longshoremen refuse toorably received by numerous oth The wrath of the union mem the one hour a week reduction in 10. 00 200 now president of the There can be no legal picketing load and unload Lcut and er locals of the Kansas 10. 00 20. 00 200 bership was aroused when Mayor time. The contract will last for Sacramento 10. 00 20. 00 Buckmaster, president of except by those directly involved sawed lumber. Teamsters LaGuardin took the floor at the three years.
200 St. Louis 50. 00 91. 00 Firestone Local, Callahan, in a strike. All unions are sub refuse to truck lumber. The meeting and presented the The successful tie up was In182 New Haven president of Goodrich Local and ject to examination of their books boycott is complete 20. 00 28. 00 140 strikers with the ultimatum that sured by the complete solidarity Detroit 26. 00 scores of other rubber workers and correspondence at all times Early last summer the Assoch30. 00 120 they must accept his proposal of the union workers in the garAllentown 25. 00 studied and discussed industrial upon the demand of one member. ated Farmers came into the pic29. 00 The Litue Flower was greeted ment and fur industries who re116 Chicago 10. 00 unionism and other labor prob Fosters Company Union ture. Since the election some very by the book and hisses of the fused to pass a picket line of the 11. 50 St. Paul 100. 00 It prohibits jurtsdictional dis interesting facts and enlightening 111. 00 lems to prepare themselves for audience.
building service workers. The 111 better union leadership in the fu putes. It also makes it possible statistics about these farmers Plentywood 00 50 110 Lynn.
ture. Out of this school in 1934 35 for an employer to form a com has come out.
50. 00 54. 50 109 or stooge told the men, You in a frenzy for four days Wash.
20. 00 Phony Farmers Assn.
21. 00 came the ideas which brought the pany union out of any small 106 cannot defy City Hall. The men The building service workers formation of the United Rubber group of workers who do not go For instance, the head farmer 10. 00 10. 50 (Continued from Page 1)
100 answered with more boos and are well aware of the sell out Boston Workers of America in the fall of out on strike with their fellows in charge of the Association C. is reactionary. To the chanted a message to LaGuardia: role played by Bambrick. They 200. 00 205. 25 103 Denver, Colo.
10. 00 1935. The Communist Party was and thus turn a legal strike headquarters in Portland was 10. 00 in office, and we ll are thoroughly disgusted with the 100 Fresno, Calir. 00 nearly negligible force then into a jurisdictional dispute. Knight, attorney for the in bered and communist is the lever take you out 100 dustrial Relations Association device to smear and squelch any took the floor to urge continuance ion affairs are handled. This Hartford, Conn. 00 Warfare 00 Goodyear Strike 100 Houston, Tex.
How did it happen that the His chief assistant in charge of progressive tendency in their of the strike was wildly cheered strike has showed to a large sec10. 00 10. 00 100 History Distorted voters of Oregon allowed them collecting finances for the cam ranks. Even in this case, where by the strikers.
Minneapolis 500. 00 tion of union workers that LA500. 00 100 Marston Mills, Mass.
Perhaps the most amazing perselves to be duped and hood. Paign was George Baker, former they know that the Union leaders 00 Bambrick, seeing that the men Guardin, who claims to be a 00 100 formance McKenney gives is her winked into passing such a meas mayor of Portland, who faced reare ers (and therefore not insisted on holding out for the friend of labor, is nothing but a San Francisco 50. 00 Toledo, 20. 00 writing about the Goodyear ure?
term in office for Reds or Communista. they still original demands, summoned his strikebreaker.
20. 00 call during 100 Yellow Spes. 00 00 100 strike. Any Akron unionist will For the past four years the his reactionary labor policies dur resort to this action to stifle Fast Oakland 20. 00 20. 00 tell you that Carney, now West Coast has been torn by the ing the Longshoremen strike in groups annoying them and to 100 budget and the grant do not coNew Jersey director, won Evansville, Ind. 00 00 100 incide and there is a deficiency Quakertown, Pa.
his spurs in the LO, movement annoyance to the Stalinists that with the Oregon Manufacturers that the bureaucrats of the Cen15. 00 15. 00 100 the Department of Public Relief Akron 50. 00 00 tral Trades still have that organibecause of his leadership of the certain Akron unionists known as Association 100 refigures the budget from its own Seattle 10. 00 10, 00 100 rank and Ale in this historic Trotskyists did their part to The entire Associated Farmersantion firmly under condive the direct relief budget and as a con Newark 100. 00 However, this does 100. 00 strike. McKenney fails even to help win the Goodyear strike. is made up for the most part of 100 This writer, example, was such rugged rusties as bank whole story. There are other unmention him. Why?
sequence the family lives on Philadelphia 50. 00 50. 10 100 bare subsistence level instead of New York 1, 050. 00 001. 65 95 Because she has Stalinist party biegate scarichiector and as sterks and contendent department ions in the CTLC, which the the adequate minimum budget Los Angeles 200. 00 180. 00 which it is supposed to get Punta Gorda 5, 00 50 the role of the Stalinists in this ber Workers of America, after company officials, Chambers of pend, but against which they dare the Goodyear strike because he Commerce secretaries, etc. who not take action. Why were the Shipstead Vote Is Shipstead Spikes Rellef Chicago.
strike. Carney, the genuine leader 250. 00 193. 50 their land tilling from Teachers Unions pleked? Their 50. 00 of the rank and Alle, had the repu lost his job for aiding the do most 36. 00 Factor In Minn.
behind glass topped desks.
On Friday, January 27 MinnesoLexington.
10. 00 tation of working both with the strikers, 00 organizational weakness is such Yet McKenney blandly quotes The Association collected 32, 440 that they cannot by themselves Cut ta liberal Senator Shipstead Rochester.
Trotskyists and Stalinists. He 25, 00 16. 50 Jim Keller, the Stalinist organizer, Ifor the campaign to put over put up any real Aght against the helped spike all hopes for a raise Gardner Fitchburg was an independent. He was 15. 00 in the Minnesota quota by Cleveland The Stalinists 200. 00 125, 00 close personal friend of this And. Trotskyite isn com this measure of this amount leaders, munist. He works for the com 32, 336 was contributed by the themselves are forced to admit MINNEAPOLIS District Five his vote against the 150, 000, 000 Baltimore 10. 00 00 writer.
10. 00 50 But McKenney does even worse. pany! Proof? None!
San Diego 10. 00 She fails to say a word about the strike, to frame this writer on a honest to goodness dirt farmers. to take such action.
organized teachers allowed the week that all women eligible for Local 544 intends to fight this is 50 The Stalinists tried, during the mighty sum of 104. 60 came from that the lack of a solid force of of the announced Inst raise in the appropriation.
South Bend 10. 00 50 Aid to Dependent Children would 55 West Oakland 20. 00 10. 00 Party fraction in the Goodyear claim that he published a leaflet! Yet this measure was known Unionizing Program Needed be dropped from on Feb. sue with all of its power. Plans attacking the strike lenders and popularly as the Farmers Meas.
Louisville 10. 00 50 strike, the only real militant the Militant unionists in the sus According to the Offlare being Inid at present to enlist the entire organized labor move Portand, Oregon 00 0 Stalinists had in those days. He rging rejection of the final strike ure. It was put over largely on pended locals must realize that cials this is being done to reducement in the state.
is Lloyd Holmes, a member of the settlement. Adolph Germer, of the propaganda about the terrible the best way to insure readmis the rolls and to force othFirestone local, who organized aC. and Powers Hapgood, in light of the farmers in the hinsion to the Central Trades is real er agencies to take care of those vestigated this claim, and terlands who were forced to let work in the rubber unions found it to be a frame up. There their crops tot in the felds hely to organize the mass of work who logically come under their Holmes is now under suspicion of never was any such mimeo cause of the labor trouble.
ers involved in their field. These jurisdiction. Trotskyism. although he an graphed leaflet. At the time that can only organized behind a Federal Workers Section of LoThe MARXIST SCHOOL will be held at Irving Plaza, Irving independent Nor do many independent rank passing out the leaflet, according period, that fight to toss out the Stalinist leaders.
this writer was supposed to be and during the entire election real union program, and the only cal 544 is protesting this move way that can be accomplished is Many meetings with officials have Place and 15th Street, Classes begin Feb. 27.
been held but as yet the matter PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM. Sam Gordon, Widick.
and fle lenders like Barthol, to charges, he was in a waged unabated. Howard, Joe Vaught, Skip conference with leaders, es The issue is most clearly de remains at stalemate as everyone In Washington and in Califor fined in the case of the WPA passes the buck to everybody else.
Lectures on the day to day activity of the trade unionist.
Mondays, 7:15 PM. 8:40 lectures 00 Harrah. Cari Hooper and others Rose Pesotto of the ILG. no. hereheke maand weet. Teachers. There the workers shy Ask Women to Turn Cop II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICS get any serious mention in this recommended this writer for the joined forces and defeated them union leaders sacrifice the inter ble for a woman who is In order to make herself eligiJames Burnham, Albert Goldman, Max Shachtman Marxist analyses of the shifting American political scene.
book. Only two stalinist stooges job with the afterwards, decisively.
are given credit. The union men Today, McKenney seeks again to In Oregon 33 of the 36 counties the President.
ests of the WPA ers to support not a widow, but who has been Mondays, 8:50 10:15 Only a group divorced or deserted by lectures. 00 mentioned here are not Trotskystir up the frame up charges.
passed the measure by large ma which believes in independent band must turn cop and swear hus.
John Wright ists. Far from it. Some are opThe truth about Trotskyism based on original documents.
ponents of the revolutionary this writer for nearly three years communities, populated by union working class action can put pop out a warrant for his arrest on Tuesdays, 7:00 PM. 8:40 WPA charges of child abandonment. If lectures 00 movement. That does not justify in the Akron Newspaper Guild. Ized workers, the measure went any kind of fight for Seepud Artel workers ignoring their good work in the we were members of the same over by many thousand votes!
IV. ART AND POLITICS her husband is physically handlA WORK PAPER Oy strike. But McKenney is forced progressive caucus. She supported Harry Bridges with his union.
capped to a point where he is unSix lectures by Phillip Rahv, Dwight Macdonald, James Farrell, Dupee, Delmore Schwartz and will to ignore all but true party linera. my candidacy for vice president wrecking Communist party poll.
able to work, or if he is insane, Russell Blackwell Phillips.
How else can a fake history be of the Guild, a post to which cles, William Green with his blind or feebleminded and in an institu(A half year subscription to the Partisan Review will be given free to every registrant. built up?
was elected. Later, became greed for power, and John BACK FROM SPAIN tion or if he is in a penal instituTuesdays, 8:50 PM. 10:15 lectures 25 Frame up Part chairman of the Ohio District Lewis with his equally avid de Will Speak! therefrom she is also eligible to tion or a fugitive from justice LABOR JOURNALISM James Casey council of the And in 1936 sire to have everything his own of the Stint Friday, Feb. 10th receive this form of relief for her practical course given by the former managing editor of at the convention, even way, can be blamed for the plight children.
Daily Worker.
Naturally, book written by a the voted approval of the in which the Oregon workers find Stuyvesant Casino themselves.
Stalinist can not contain merely writer work.
The maximum grant 20 for Wednesday, 7:15 8:40 lectures 00 2nd Ave. and 9th Street the Arst child, and 15 for each SOMETHING NEW FOR distortions, omissions and lies. McKenney through her personVI. THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION George Novack Since the Moscow trials, frame al experience knows better than Chairman: Anita Brenner APPEAL AGENTS!
University Luncheonette additional child. If there is a deThe American Civil War. What it really was and meant.
ups are a necessary part of the to believe the slanders she prints.
100A UNIVERSITY PLACE Admission 250 ficiency in the family budget, the Newsboy Aprons!
Wednesday, 8:50 10:15 lectures 00 Stalinist literary stint. McKenney Yet, once you join the party of near 12ch St right near headquarter Other speakers from organizaDepartment of Public Relief is does right by Earl Browder on lies, you must live a life of Hes Best Food at Best Prices tions participating in Comrade supposed to make up the deficien Made from tough, brown canvas!
Registration can be made at the school office, 116 University this score too. Her methods are and tell lies. That is the tragedy Special 280 Lunch!
Blackwell defense.
cy on the basis of a budget com Neatly lettered, heavily stitched, Place or at the Labor Bookshop, 28 East 12th Street, clever, to be sure, but nonetheless of Ruth McKenney. It should Soup, any 10c Sandwich, Coffee, Auspices: Blackwell Defense puted by the department of Aid pouch for holding change, section beween p. and p. Registrations may also be made by obvious and despicable. It has serve as a warning to Akron Tea or Milk with Cake or Ple.
Committee to Dependent Children. However, for holding papers comfortably.
mail or by calling ST 0567 ONLY centa always been a source of extremel workers.
in every case where the ORDER NOW! DISRUPTION IS EXCUSE TO HIT PROGRESSIVES Bambrick. acting as the may boses in the garment center were 115 Worcester 00 50. 00 ខ ន៩៩. ខខ ខ ខខ MEAGER CHILD AID BARS JOBS FOR MOTHERS Youngstown 90 90 77 72 70 68 63 62 60 55 50 KO 15 REGISTER NOW Socialist Appeal