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Socialist Appeal NOW Cents A Copy Issued Twice Weekly Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Friday, February 10, 1939 VOL. III No. 375 34 per copy ROOSEVELT PLOTS FOR WAR Negrin Government Seeks Deal They Fear the Decision (PLANS SECRETLY For Surrender To The Fascists of the People ABANDONS SPAIN By Leon Trotsky TO MERCIES OF FASCIST HORDES The Tragedy of Spain CLEVELAND AUTO LOCAL ATTACKS FACTION FIGHT of proprietors ready to drows only the greed three the ship TO HURL NATION INTO CONFLICT AN EDITORIAL Last weck sensational events in Washington laid bare only Cynical Denials Do a small corner of the secret diplomacy by means of which the Not Conceal His lives and fate of millions of people are disposed of as if so Intentions many match sticks were involved.
But enough was revealed to show the cynicism and perfidy WANTS FREE HAND used by all governments Roosevelt included in preparing wars and plunging the masses into them, without asking their opinion about it, without giving them knowledge or warning in Acting behind the backs of the American people, President Roo advance.
Treacherously Quit Unanimously Favors sevelt has in effect committed the Roosevelt makes secret munitions or airplane deals with United States to direct participaOne of the most tragic pages of modern his for a better future. But Messrs. Republicans did Militant Unity Struggle To Flee tory is now drawing to its conclusion in Spain everything in their power to trample, to be other governments. He doesn even bother to let Congress know tion in the war that is brewing in On Franco side there is neither a staunch army smirch, or simply to drown in blood the cherProgram about them, much less the people.
To France Europe. There is Ished hopes of the oppressed masses.
Roosevelt talks about measures short of war but he and Now he is maneuvering to SPIRIT OF MASSES DULLED AZANA FIRST TO GO fourths of the population if only to maintain CALLS FOR ACTION his War Department have fully completed plans for conscripting break down the weight of isola their rule over the maining one fourth. How As an army and sending it to fight a new war for democracy along tionist opinion in Congress and result, we have witnessed during the ever, this cannibal ferocity is not enough to last two years the growing distrust and hatred (Special to Socialist Appeal)
our new frontier in France. What he so cynically denies today anti war feeling in the country Having held on to the helm win a victory over the heroic Spanish proleta of the republican cliques on the part of peas.
will prove to be a fact tomorrow. Isn that the way we were generally. His immediate aim is ants and workers. Despair or dull indifference CLEVELAND. The Executive long enough to prevent anybody riat. Franco needed help from the opposite side gradually replaced revolutionary enthusiasm and Board of Local 88 of the United tricked into the last war by Wilson?
of the battlefront. And he obtained this ald.
to remove the hampering Neu else from organizing resistance to Auto Workers, meeting here on His chief assitant was and stiu is. Stalin, the the spirit of self sacrifice. The masses turned the fascists, the Spanish Popular gravedigger of the Bolshevik party and the Roosevelt doesn tell the people about his plans. He doesn trality legislation from the books.
their backs on those who had deceived and January 18, unanimously decided even tell Congress. He assembles a committee of Senators and His broader aim is to hasten the trampled upon them. That is the primary reato take steps, Independently of the Front government has now aban proletarian revolution. The fall of the great gives them some idea of what is really in view. When the inMartin and Stalinist factions, to development of a war psychology doned all Catalonia without a proletarian capital, Barcelona, comes as direct son for the defeat of the republican troops.
unify the auto workers on the The Inspirer of decelt and of the massacre of evitable leak occurs, he takes refuge in calling everybody a liar. which will make it easier to swing retribution for the massacre of the uprising of fight.
the Barcelona proletariat in May 1937.
the revolutionary workers of Spain was Stalin.
basis of a militant program.
Behind the backs of peoples everywhere these cynical lackies the whole nation into the con The government leaders, fleeInsignificant as Franco himself is, however The defeat of the Spanish revolution falls as a In a statement, the local board of the big capitalists are preparing for a new blood bath.
flict for which he is preparing.
ing to France, split into two fac miserable his clique of adventurists, without new indelible splotch of infamy upon the already declared: That is the real meaning of the tions, each with its own formula The fine phrases about democracy mean no more today honor, without conscience, and without military berpattered Kremlin gang. Since the Milwaukee convenevents in Washington last week.
talents, Franco great superiority lies in this.
The crushing of Barcelona deals a terrible tion the International Union has for capitulating to the fascists than they meant 22 years ago. Great Britain, preparing for the That is the real meaning of the blow to the world proletariat, but it also teaches been plagued with a factions. war for democracy publicly announces that twelve regional present debate in Congress on General Miaja, commanding the that he has a clear and definite program: to safeguard and stabilize capitalist property, the a great lesson. The mechanics of the Spanish fight. This fight among the offiLoyalist forces in central Spain, is rule of the exploiters and the domination of the dictators will rule England in time of war. Isn this a sinister the broadest issues of the admin People Front as an organized system of cers of our Union has been a kind of joke when we realize that our bosses, fighting among istration foreign policy.
reported by Havas, French news church; and to restore the monarchy.
deceit and treachery of the exploited masses hindrance in carrying on the work has been completely exposed. The slogan of themselves for markets and raw materials, are preparing to sec. Frontier France agency, to be negotiating for POSSESSORS ARE WITH FRANCO of organizing the unorganized and defense of democracy has once again revealed Two weeks ago the crash of a in strengthening the local that rifice mil lives for their own miserable dollars?
peace with Franco Douglas air bomber being tested The possessing classes of all capitalist coun its reactionary essence, and at the same time, are organized.
Yet these people whom we permit to be our masters have for the army in California and the President Azana, accompanied tries whether fosclat of democratica provide its hollowness. The wants to per Unprincipled Fight by President Luis Companys of petunte its rule of exploitation. The workers to tread softly, they have to mouth vile lies in order to deceive want to free themselves from exploitation. These Since the last convention the The Spanish bourgeoisie has gone completely Catalonia, President Aguirre of us and put over their monstrous plans secretly and in the dark.
International Executive Board the Basque Republic, and exover into Franco camp. At the head of the are the real tasks of the FUNDAMENTAL has met thirteen times, and most They have everything possible to confuse and befuddle us, republican camp there remained the cast off classes in modern society.
of the time spent in session was the better to lead us to the slaughter when it suits them.
premier Jose Giral, arrived in democratie armor bearers of the bourgeoisie.
Paris, in search of a plan for these gentlemen could not desert to the side of ARTISANS OF DEFEAT used to discuss factional Issues Why? Why this deceit, this hypocricy, this deliberate conpeace with Franco. Having scut. Fascism, for the very sources of their influence Miserable cliques of petty bourgeois middleand fighting to retain control and fusion?
jobs rather than in the earnest tled the boat, the rats are leaving and income spring from the institutions of men, having lost the confidence and the substbourgeols democracy, which require (or used to dies of the bourgeoiste sought to salvage the consideration of the problems of The answer is a simple one. THEY FEAR THE DECIpast without giving any concessions to the the rank and file, and in carrying require. for their normal functioning lawyers.
SION OF THE PEOPLE. They fear that if the people have the Another crew, led by Premier deputies, journalists, in short, the democratic coming day. Under the label of the People out the organizational work 80 much needed in Ford and the opportunity to express their own views they will, with a thunderNegrin, also fled to France, after armor bearers of capitalism. The program of Front. they set up a joint stock company. Under ous voice, make plain their horror, their repugnance, their repucompetitive shops. These many requesting that Britain open ne Azana and Co, Is nostalgia for the day that has the leadership of Stalin they have assured the meetings of the Executive Board diation of the war plots of the bosses.
most terrible defeat when all the conditions for passed. This is an altogether inadequate basis.
gotiations with Franco to end the have been an expense to the In That is why last year the Ludlow Amendment, which offered The People Front resorted to demagogy victory were at hand.
civil war.
ternational Union which is not and fusions in order to swing the masses behind The Spanish proletariat gave proof of extrathe possiblity of giving the people a voice in these fateful de itself. For a certain period, this proved success Catalonia Deliberately Abandoned justified.
ordinary capacity for Initiative and revolutioncisions, was smothered by Roosevelt and all his minions, includ.
Both groups paved the way for ful. The masses who had assured all the pre At the present Board meeting ary herolsm. The revolution was brought to Franco by deliberate abandon ing Earl Browder and his Daily Worker.
vious successes the revolution still continued ruin by petty, despicable and utterly corrupted which was called some two weeks Good God, cried Senator Johnson last week, don you ment of Catalonia without a fight. to believe that the revolution would reach its leaders. The downfall of Barcelona significs ago, factionalism was again the Twenty four hours after a solissue, and it has finally ended in logical conclusion, that is, achieve an overturn above all the downfall of the Second and Third think the American people have the right to know if they are In property relations; glve land to the peasants emn pledge by the government to Internationals, as well as of Anarchism, rotten the calling of convention to be going down the road to war?
held in Cleveland March 20th.
defend the city to the last, Bar and transfer the factorles into the hands of the to its core. Forward to a new road, workers. Since the Milwaukee convenYes, we say they have the right, not only to know, but to celona was surrendered to the workers. The dynamic force of the revolution Forward to the road of the international Socialtion Local 88 has taken no sides fascists without a slege. similar DECIDE whether they shall travel that road that ends only injuries sustained by a French rir was lodged precisely in this hope of the masses ist revolution!
in the factional fight. The result in death and suffering.
ministry official who was aboard assurance to defend the munitions industry, located just north of is we have one of the best locals in the city and in the state. We The people must and shall demand the right to decide their inadvertently revealed the fact Barcelona, was followed by a sithat by Roosevelt express order, own fate.
milar abandoment without a fight.
have spent our time in fighting the latest designs in American the employer against wage cuts The power to go to war shall be the power of the people fighting planes were being made Then, on February 1, came the and for higher wages and better alone!
available to France. This started meeting of the remnants of the working conditions. Today we Let every man and woman over 18 say for himself whether where it was learned that the have a well paid up membership.
a minor storm in Washington, rin returning from France for Conditions under which the influx from Catalonia, and with we have kept our per capita tax he shall permit the capitalist class to drag him down to a the occasion wore.
president had authorized the sale that We Nazi regime will permit the or the British government taking paid to the International Union; state of barbarism!
of 600 fighting planes to the ahal pointed out that Loyalist Excessive Sum Paid want to leave Germany on ac move on within two years, the ed any other local to do likewise THE MASTERS FEAR THE DECISION OF THE French government.
Spain can hold even part of CntaOn Jan. 31 Roosevelt summoned Assures Electric count of their political opinions, main initiative offering a solu we have carried out, to the best PEOPLE lonta It will mean a considerable religious beliefs or racial origin tion is now up to the Roosevelt of our ability, the decisions of the to the White House all the memTHEY KNOW THE PEOPLE WILL BE OPPOSED TO bers of the Senate Military Affairs prolongation of the war.
Rate Rise will be communicated to the In administration.
convention and the rulings of the But two days later the Loyalist ter governmental Committee on Two far reaching decrees promUNLOOSING ANOTHER FRIGHTFUL SLAUGHTER IN Committee and there read them a government abandoned Gerona, THE WORLD lecture to the general effect that again without a fight, and the Having finished up on Friday Boy Fuentes commid on Febetetz ulgated Feb. ale by the Czechoslo. We are and must be interested this country had to be prepared next day evacuated Figueras, 15 with its Bill to reduce the George Rublee. Continued on Page 2)
tens of thousands of Jewish and FOR POPULAR REFERENDUM ON WAR!
to line up with Britain and miles from the frontier. Even in unemployed to starvation, the The long drawn out discussions political refugees to the hundreds France against Germany, Italy, and Japan.
the little village near the frontier New Deal on Saturday an between Rublee and Hitler rep of thousands from Germany and In the papers next day he was where the host outpost was estabenounced another of its generous sesentatives in Berlin were con Austria already clamoring for quoted as having said that the NY Times on Feb. we could gifts to Wall Street, this time in munique was issued which gave One decree took their citizen American frontier is in France find no government, no press the form of an agreement by little hint of the actual terms of ship away from Jews formerly reand that the Senators would be bureau.
siding in territory now ceded to (Special to the Socialist Appeal) clique headed by such old time eration of Teachers. The dele ty criticism of his acts when the well advised to refrain from petThe Popular Front govern of approximately 80, 000, 000 the Rublee indicated, however, that Germany, Poland or Hungary, ment postured as a last ditch about 200, 000 Jews would be per. and those who became citizens tack against progressive members thew Woll and Bill Green.
Tennessee electrical properties MIAMI, Feb. Opening an at fakirs and reactionaries as Mat gates of these Locals were re threat of war was so close.
defender only in order to delude since Nov. 1, 1918. The same de of the of under guise of moved as un American and comBelated Dental the soldiers, workers and peas the Commonwealth and Southern mitted to emigrate.
It is now up to the democ cree will nlso be applied against an attack upon the Teachers Un ed his barrage against labol pro case of the WPA Teachers were ports went uncontradicted by the At the same time as Woll open munistic. Specific charges in the For nearly three days these ants who wanted to fight to the Corporation racies to make it possible for antifascists falling into the two ion for not expelling commun gressives, William Green made that it participated in the Con White House. In Europe they had end. This pose enabled Negrin. Gov Pampers Magnates Azana to persuade the fighters these refugees to enter these For five years the utility magcountries. Will they?
to make strategic retreats.
dered all immigrants. including Won, ultra reactionary labor fakir Executive Council favoring a peace and Democracy, and that clear that Roosevelt was prepar nates have been shrewdly attack With the French government under this non eitizens and and chairman of the all the way into France.
ing the program, realizing already declaring that it can take those who fled from Germany and Committee on the of Lpropriation of adequate funds its banner with that of the ing to line this country up with Education released for the notoriously reactionary Workers Alliance and the Young the so called democracies when In the dispatches there sudden that if the should actually no more refugees in view of the Austria to leave the country a statement to the press today. Dies Committee which has led the Communist Langue) appeared at war breaks out. In this country ly appeared the name General undertake on a large scale the MONTANA UNION OPPOSES within six months.
Sebastian Pozas, as military gov. production of cheap electricity Roosevelt Won Budge denouncing the Teachers Union offensive during the past year a demonstration welcoming home there was turmoil and confusion ernor of Gerona province. The the public would come to underROOSEVELT WAR PROGRAM Meanwhile, the Roosevelt ad charter. Indeed, stated Woll, in the United made of liberalism group of soldiers of the Abra and a slew of contradictory reand threatening revocation of its against every last heard of him was when he stand the extent to which it is beStates.
PLENTYWOOD, Mont. Clay ministration remained dead. set the action of the Central Trades In a further resolution to inves charges were not made public by bam Lincoln Brigade.
was deposed and jailed for trea. ing robbed by the inflated rates eraf Labor Union, of L, has to drop the bars against immigra. expulsion of three teachers un the Pacific Coast which sponsored them at a meeting of the Execu home in the land. Then he called These ports on what actually transpired.
ton McCall. secretary of the Fed against all attempts to induce it and Labor Council of New York tigate the Associated Farmers on the CT. LC, but the Union dele of the coming war had dramatieRoosevelt waited until the 1ague son after the fascists last March of the privately owned utilities.
broke through the Aragon front However, the utility magnates Roosevelt condemned the hypocrisy of tion. No bills have as yet been in ion locals) is only the beginning. the recent anti inbor campaign in which he then commanded. Pozns have always been more than will and relief cutting program in agress on behalf of the refugees. Son would be set up by the Exe Oregon, Washington, and Califor tive Council just previous to the in the press and 19sued a diploarmaments. building troduced into el commanded Gerona long enough ing to let the government bail telegram sent to Senators Burton either house of Con. Woll threatened that a rival unto abandon it without a shot them out of their less profitable Wheeler and James Mur lutely impossible to remain in less the Teachers Union purred West Coast labor that this vicious Local of the Local of sentations. Meanwhile he had Desperate and finding it abso tive Council of the of Lun. vice to the insistent demands of matie denial of all the newspaper nin, Green paid reluctant lip ser suspension.
All Teachers Now Out fired, reports, calling them bunk and Germany, many Jews are simply itself of all elements labelled combination of bankers, shipping the Teachers Union was suspend fully accomp Hehed his purpose As the remaining New York deliberate Hes and misrepro Workers Stripped of Arms paid by the government would en Roosevelt, says the telegram, embarking on German boats, hop red by Woll and company.
Before fleeing, however, Pozas sure that the government would has asked funds for the future ing all soldiers in the vicinity to couple of years ago experts murder of millions of unemploveing to find a haven somewhere in Woll attack against the com. Interests, and land owners beled by the over six months The press and all his politionl ophad issued two orders, one order have to charge high rates.
South America. One such pathetic munists in the Federation of fought on a militant basis.
ago for sponsoring a joint ponents were caling for the ab.
rejoin the units under his com hired by the estimated that these victims are now being turn shipload is now cruising along the Teachers is not an attack directed conference, all three Teaching of American foreign polley About two weeks ago, the Cen ers unions are now out of the and the whole issue was thrown workers and pensants to deliver physical plant of the common dreds of thousands, hungry and permitted 86 to disembark at cles of the Stalinist in the Teach tral Trades and Labor Council of city organization.
open on the floor of Congress any arms they had to Pozas head. Tennosce could be put at 866 butter to sustain our families and were turned back. Whether they of a fresh offensive against a WPA Teachers Union and the cals are under stalinist control. Hiram Johnson, don you think Undoubtedly the suspended 10 Good God, exclaimed Senator quarters. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
not bullets to bring about thelr might be landed at another port progressives in the of who College Teachers Union, Locals Nevertheless the action of the the American people have the murder.
was not known.
oppose the barnacle. encrusted 453 and 537 of the American Fed. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)