AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismParis CommunePopular FrontsPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FEBRUARY 4, 1939 705 STES Spain: Lesson For France ARMAMENT BILLIONS Carlo New Soviet Decrees Reflect Acute Crisis In Production an In a strike, the unions organize their pickets Your Interests in South America Are Menaced!
SOCIALIST APPEAL to defend themselves from company gunmen, Vol. III No. Saturday, February 4, 1933 from scabs, from police. The unions are right, every time, for that the only way to win.
Published every week by the That what is needed in Jersey City and SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS every other locality where labor faces the same at 116 University Place, New York, 18547 problem.
Let the trade unions organize thousands of months. Foreign 50 per year. Bundle order Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six workers into a Workers Defense Guard, one cents per copy. Single copies cents. capable of protecting their meetings, and we ll All checks and money orders should be made see how quickly Mr. Hague Hitler topples off AN EDITORIAL Entered as second class matter September 1, his high horse.
ste. the Paris Commune of equipped with passports and mon1937, at the post office at New York, New York, 1871 was drowned in blood by ey. The masses cannot.
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
ne French reaction, Karl Marx Today in France, where the Call Their Bluff!
set himself to studying the les life and death struggle is on the MAX SHACHTMAN sons of that defeat so that in its order of the day, the workers are Pitor The big, propertied farmers of the National next great struggle labor would being blindfolded, drugged and HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW Grange threaten higher food prices unless all not lose again paralyzed by Popular Proptism.
Associate Editors processors and food handlers are exempted from When the Revolution of 1905 The workers of America, who STANLEY, Business Manager the Wage and Hour Act.
went down in defent under the face the same kind of struggle The Independent Telephone Association heel of Czar Nicholas the Bloody. against fascist reaction tomorrow, Lenin set himself to studying the are being inoculated with the The Hague Decision threatens to go out of business, and throw out lessons so that next time the dearme Popular Front poison by of work the employees of its 12, 000 exchanges, seat would be wiped out by the Stalinista, the social demoThe professional democrats are in a dither victory.
crats, the liberals and the labor if it is compelled to raise wages and reduce of joy over the decision of the Circuit Court bureaucracy.
In November 1917, the lessons There is still time to learn in of Appeals in Philadelphia. It upheld and ex The trick is not a new one. Every time the of the 12 year old defeat were tended the injunction issued three months ago learned by the Russian workers France. There is certainly still capitalists want to smash or evade a law which by Federal Judge Clark restraining Mayor Hague and peasants. They did not re time to learn in the United States.
Popular Frontism ended in a of Jersey City from interfering with the right gives labor even the tiniest bit of protection, peat the old mistakes, but avoidthey resort to similar threats.
ed them. The result was the first fascist victory in Germany, in to free speech and assemblage of the in Czechoslovakia, in We have always held that if the workers magnificent victory of the masses Austria, the American Civil Liberties Union and numer over their oppressors, Spain.
do not protect their own interests, by their own The workers of France were ous individuals.
WPA Now the Spanish working class told to follow capitalist politicians class action, there is no law on paper that will The court two to one decision is saluted by has gone down to defeat, as did like Daladier and Bonnet. These do it for them.
DISMISSAL attorney Morris Ernst as more than NOTICE its brothers before it in Austria gentlemen then proceeded to They threaten to raise food prices if a minand Germany.
we had hoped for. Soft headed liberals and break the workers general strike imum wage and a pretty low minimum it is!
Popular Front Disease labor leaders echo the triumphant sentiment.
with arms in the hands of the is paid? Then call their bluff! Let joint The cruel disease that paralyzed Popular Front army.
We are ready to join in the rejoicing over the workers in face of the fascist The workers or the United this victory for labor and free speech. But committees of poor farmers, agricultural labor, foe, carries the name of Popular States are still being told to fol.
the trade unions and the consumers establish Front.
not until we have actually seen labor all sec low the American Daladiers their control over processing and handling tions of it actually exercizing the right of free Remember the Popular Front Roosevelt, Lehman, Olson, Mur plants and control over prices.
speech and assemblage day in and day out in said, Don fight your capitalist phy and Co.
They threaten to close down the telephone class. Unite with it. Rely on it.
Jersey City Learn the Leason!
Subordinate yourself to it. That exchanges and throw tens of thousands out of If fascism is not to triumph in Anyone who thinks that the pieces of paper make you respectable, and you France, or in the United States: on which the majority of the court in Phila.
work? That a frank admission of capitalist will be able to win the fight. labor must learn this simple Idea: delphia wrote its decision, are enough to guarbankruptcy. They admit that they are incapable Remember the Popular Front No capitalist party, no capital antee the real exercize of these rights, is duping of running their industry and employing their said, Don fight for socialism. ist politicians, no capitalist leadworkers at minimum wage and hour conditions.
Don try to take power and con ers, are going to fight Its battles himself or others.
trol your own destiny. Don for it. All that labor has to do They admit that the profits of a handful of It wasn paper, not even legal sized foolscap, bloated stockholders stand in the way of even make the capitalists angry with mer, winning blows, is to free its touch private property or you ll to swing its mighty, sledge hamthat decided things up to now in Jersey City.
the lowest level of decent human living for you.
Paper isn going to decide them from now on, arms from the chains of the rul.
masses of people. Either they continue to get Remember: the Popular Front ing classes.
either. It was power that decided their profits or more tens of thousands join said, Don irritate the foreign The workers are invincible Who has that power today? The same people the ranks of the unemployed.
imperialists of France and Lon once they realize their own By JOHN WRIGHT who had it yesterday and will continue to have Call their bluff! If they can run industry, or Article 119 of the Constitution ety. Monstrous trials were staged, don and Washington. Otherwise strength and how to use it.
it until it is taken from them: Hague, his unirefuse to do so, then run them out. Let them Fascism can be crushed like an On December 29, Stalin official: Bustrantees, among other things, and great successes were prom there will not help you defeat formed thugs of the Police Department, and ly promulgated the latest of his rest and leisure to Soviet citizens. ised after the process of rooting fascism. Otherwise they will not egg shell once the workers fight make way for those who can and want to. labor decrees, to accompany a We quote this guarantee. The out the enemies of the people send you arms and food. Other as a class, with their own organithe fascist hooligans who wear no uniforms The masses need a government that will take previous decision to increase the right to rest and leisure is en had been completed. No such wise they will not recognize your nations, their own leadership.
but are at his beck and call.
over industry under workers control.
productivity of labor by 25 sured by. the institution of successes were forthcoming. And government.
their own methods, their own Who has an even greater power? The work while cutting wages 14 and annual vacations with pay for now the blame for the chaos in The workers really run the industries now.
Remember the Popular Front weapons ers of Jersey, who outnumber the forces of workers and other employees and industry is being placed on the said, Don free the colonies. In Spain, the Popular Front What they need is to take the ownership and The publication of this decree the provision of sanatoria, rest disorganizers or discipline; the Don give independence to the was so worried about maintaining Hague ten to one, fifty to one, a hundred to control of industry out of the hands of the whi completely invalidates the homes and clubs serving shirkers and slackers, other Moors in Morocco. Otherwise capital property, so worried one.
self confessed bankrupts!
labor laws of the Soviet Union in needs of the toilers. But Articte words. on the entire Russian England and France will aban. about maintaining its respectabilWhy has Hague, with his smaller forces, Chamberlain, been able to keep labor on the run? Because ber 1922 at the beginning of the Henceforth social security will be racy, then, completely lost its of losing their own African colo Daladier and Roosevelt, that it labor is not conscious of its enormous strength, New Economic Policy was pre provided on the following basis: senses? No, it is reacting to a nies.
couldn carry on effective Spain and the Pacifists ceeded by a ritualistic campaign 100 per cent only if the worker grave emergency in its custom Everything the Popular Front fight, working class fight.
of the need of exerting its strength, and of in the press of only two weeks has remained in one and the ary manner. leaflet recently issued by several pacifist auration. To believe Stalin (and same factory or Institution for promised and guaranteed the against fascism. Its allies and its the ease with which it could win once it In the columns of the Socialist workers proved to be a fraud, a patrons brought its strength into play.
groups, including the youth committee of the the Dally Worker) it was the more than six years: 80 per cent Appeal we have time and again delusion, a death trap. Under the Let the workers of France and If the workers of New Jersey are going to Fellowship of Reconciliation, Pax, the Catholic workers of Russia themselves this labor booklet shows a explained the underlying econom whip of the Stalinists, the sociat the United States learn from depend upon a paper decision of a court, they Worker, the Student Peace Service of the Amer. who insisted on the passage of record of three to six years stay ic roots for the oppressive meas democrats, and the anarchists, Spain how not to face fascism, are doomed to disappointment. In the first place, ican Friends Service Committee, and the Na laws which are almost without per mente not the same places 60 ures, purges and frame ups of the Spein workers riend in peasant sur prepare now before it is too Hague doesn bother about courts. He relies on tional Youth Committee of the War Resisters lation. Only the system of link and 50 per cent for anything be from solving his internal difficul Now they are at the tender merey in the bud by organizing labor his power, he uses it to the full and very boldly, League, reveals more clearly than ever before books is comparable to the syscohorts everywhere into militant.
and labor might well take a leaf out of his the pacifist downright treachery to workers tem of labor booklets introduced this paragraph of the decree with laying the foundation for new pit Leaders Flee, Masses Remain determined, aggressive Workers struggles book. In the second place, Hague can still pull by Stalin as a New Year boon, the caption High Benefits.
falls. The explanation for the The leaders can flee to safety. Defense Guards!
Tying Workers Down a hundred legal tricks out of his sleeve with The leaflet is at one with Father Coughlin 22 years after the October Revo These benefits are indeed so of Stalin to maintain his shaky latest and most drastic measures which to confound and confuse the workers. followers in calling upon the Roosevelt admin As for the other provisions in hish me to be inaccessible to the regime is to be found in the pages He can still appeal to the Supreme Court, istration to continue its arms embargo against the decree, they violate only vast majority of Russian work of the Soviet press itself.
and he going to. He can change his dictatorial Spain. It calls for solving the Spanish civil war all previous labor legislation but ers, who have been constantly Economic Crisis law, as the Philadelphia court decision admits, by mediation if possible by a non governmental the great Stalinist constitution migrating from factory to factory In the middle of December so that it is one hundred percent legal and still international committee composed of such peo in the Dally Worker as follows: lot. In point of fact the foregoing Soviet economic life took an ab. We notice with some astonish stoneite when Lovestone was prohibits the exercise of the right of free ple as George Lansbury. And if Franco does SOVIET ACTS TO INCREASE measure, along with others, is in rupt plunge Production in all ment in the last issue of the Kingfish of the Communist party, speech and free assembly.
not consent? The leaflet has nothing further SOCIALIST PRODUCTIVITY tremendous abonemen over the cent and more. The only figures of a class in Marxism which is was shown the door. In the for Or he can do better yet: He can adopt the to say right kind of law, one that will satisfy every We can scarcely find words to describe this HAMPERED BY THOSE WHO Russin, to tie the workers down, made public are those for the key being organized in Chicago. Our mer capacity, he was a Trotsky ABUSE SOCIAL SECURITY. somewhat in the manner in which industries, and we can only cite astonishment aroused by the killer of the first rank; in the latcourt in the country. He can let labor meet piece of swinishness. Elsewhere in this issue the serfs were tied to the land. these. Falsified as they are, the name of the instructor, the not ter capacity, he added to his repwe make clear that we have no illusions about Democratie Procedure in public, with a permit or without one. And Harry Why these drastie decrees? The picture they present is unmistak. entirely unknown Mertory the the amount of aid anti fascist Spain can expect The decree was issued without official explanation is very, very able. In the table below we repro Wicks then he can as most likely he will send his against ty invective At least up to recently, Brother His principal claim to fame, tough guys down to the meeting to break it even consultation of the sur simple. The overwhelming ma duce the plan figures in thoufrom Roosevelt Co. nor do we believe that preme Council which is scheduled jority of workers and office em sands of tons) for December to Wicks was one of the luminaries however, goes back quite a few up anyway.
the Loyalist struggle must stand or fall by to convene shortly. It sufficed for ployees, declares Stalin pream gether with the output during the of the Stalinist party. standard years. In 1920, he appeared before Who is going to defend labor at these assault such aid. But no sincere anti fascist can stand the passage of this law for Stalin ble work honestly and sincerely period of agitation for the new ized bureaucrat, he was a Love the businessmen of Gary, Indiana, on any other ground except that the Loyalists to sign it in the name of the. But there is a handful of labor laws: ed meetings?
as a renegade radical to expose Communist Party of Russia disorganizers (it used to be have a right to purchase arms here and in Molotov signed it for the Council wreckers remember. and it is Iron Plan Dec Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 the inner workings of the comThe ges from Philadelphia? Will they 45. 37. 34. 28. 26. munist movement. The Gary France, and that those who deprive them of this of People Commissars (the ma. these individual ignorant, hack steel 56. 31. come down to fight the battles of the working 32. Post of March 25, 1920, quoted right are thereby aiding Franco.
jority of whom have been purged ward or unscrupulous people who Rolled products. 13. 39. 36. 28. class right in Jersey City? If they do, it will 25. him as saying: With very few 356. wreckers in the past year. cause industry, transport and Coal. 390 347. 291. Among leaders of these pacifist groups are exceptions, he said, the radicals be the first time in history it ever happened.
while Shvernik invested it with the whole national economy great! Car loadings which had reached are not Americans. Most of the The Hague police? Will they protect the important members of Norman Thomas Sothe authority of the All Union damage. Stalin and his gang do the daily total of 100, 000 in the 1936 Socialists are people of foreign meetings? Nine chances out of ten, they ll join cialist party: Paul Jones, of the national board Central Council of Trade Unions not bother to explain either to summer dropped from 85, 000 on It will be some time before we birth and citizenship and many the hoodlums to crack the workers skulls; the of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, is state And if any further proof of the the Russian workers or to the Dec. 13 to 50, 000 on Dec. 18. The learn the whole truth about the of them do not even speak the tenth time, they ll stand by laughing themselves chairman of the Ohio Socialist party: Jesse legality of this decree was re: world just how these individual same trend is shown in all the actual occurrences in Russia in English language. Bm Haywood sick.
Holmes, a leader of the Friends Service Comquired, the Russian worker could shirkers and slackers can cause industries for which figures are the latter part of December, and and his satellites should not be Is it hopeless? Not at all!
mittee, is state chairman of the Pennsylvania sue of Sovetskaya Yustizla (the nor just why millions of workers and unprecedented drop was first time. But it is no guess work on Wicks sald, he had been advising turn to the pages of the latest is billions of damage annually available. When this catastrophic for that matter, at the present tolerated in this country, Mr.
It is hopeless so long as the workers lie down Socialist party; a prominent New York asso official organ of Vyshinsky De have to suffer for the sins of a made public, the official explanapart to assert that there is no American Legion members not to on their backs and wait for someone else to ciate of Thomas, Jessie Wallace Hughan, is partment of Justice) wherein it few.
tion was: snowstorms. After other explanation for the sudden permit these vermin to talk to Workers Blamed Now do their fighting for them.
secretary of the War Resisters League: others is proved that all former theories are Devere Allen, Charlotte Bentley and Winof labor and labor laws in the There is a force capable of smashing Hague short time ago the disorgan storms, they then proceeded to subsequent emergency legislation That, he said, is the only language have been permeated. ization of industry was laid at the print even lower figures without than this, that the Russian work they understand.
and his agents.
ston Dancis. That these traitors to the struggle of the Spanish workers will not be expelled ary spirit. Why consult the Su teurs, especially of the Trotsky pretences have been dropped. It plants or struck on the job by the years of faithful service under with capitalist counter revolution door of wreckers and sabo any official alibis. Since then, all ers either stayed away from the That force has plenty of strength more than Now, it appears, after several enough to protect itself, to protect and guar by Norman Thomas, we take for granted. What preme Council on such a detail? Ito zinotievite Bukharinite vart has been publicly admitted that millions. Cortainly, there was also antee its rights.
is important is what the remaining militants in the plan for 1938 had collapsed. the customary phenomenor of Mr. Browder, the well known paThousands of Old Law Tenements The plan figures for January breakdown of machinery and of tron of the American Legion That force is the organized, militant working class itself!
new piece of treachery.
There are thousands of other have been slashed. Production to production, inadequate supplies, Brother Wicks has decided to condemned old law tenements in day, it is claimed, is back where etc. But the scope of the break throw in his lot with his former New York City, many of them it was in the early days in De down and the steady improve tillycumbs, Jay Lovestone. We are this amendment will have no ef joint committee as physical science points out, fect whatever in getting rid of occupled, which likewise present cember, which is below the pro ment since the low point in the not indignant about this because For the unemployed to take the manipulation of the relief set this relief action of Congress Slum Tenants M4 constant threat to residents and duction of three years ago, e. in middle of December can be ex sewage cannot rise above the levpassers by.
plained only by labor shortage.
el of its source, up for the benefit of the Repub lying down would be about the The fact that Pravdia has been lican or Democratic party organWhy do the city authorities fail Move Against same thing as to commit slow Nevertheless, it does seem to us LETTER BOX izations, to take the necessary precautioncompelled to thunder against lax suicide.
But the catch is that it will be Owners executives, the fact that it went that in the interests of public ary measures to protect the lives the Lovestone paper Congress will change its mind, of the people living in and travel Letter from STEIN received. so far as openly to admit that hygiene, utilized to try to prevent the enling through these danger spots? We insist upon your meeting an certain directors are afraid to owes its readers some explanation (Continued from Page 1) ty of unemployed organizations will wake up and take notice, as future. It is allegedy designed to into working classe politiciend. as soon as the unemployed show occur tenement something on their own hook. of an take polities out of rollet and stop the workers to the perspective of Since Congress opened, the unem Eleventh Avenue and oth Street to eradicate these hazards. The will do nothing. until compelled, TENTION MARTIN.
bor supply (Jan. 15. the addi inist party and came to the Lovetional fact that the administra stone group. Otherwise, some peothe entirely true charges that re independent labor political action. ployed have trusted Roosevelt, collapsed last week, and bricks city fathers, although fully intion has been compelled to soft ple might think that what this spotless revolutionist did was to en its original regulations and sneak out of the one and into the LERIVAN BROS.
lief has been used by the New Deal machine as a major means a joint committee of the House win concessions for them. These to the sidewalk below. few moing to supply the necessary com 37 EAST 14th STREET permit re employment of workers other under the cover of darkness for garnering votes.
and Senate so that the slight dis aime novel heroes have by nowments before, a group of children puiston New York City fired from plant within six The amendment prohibits all of crepancies between two had a chance to show how much had been playing there, unaware months, etc. all these and other and in the hope that nobody That compulsion will come on Union Stationers and ficials of from making branches of Congress may be they are going to accomplish for of the impending disaster, facts support the view that the would take note of his shirt. And final formulation the unemployed: exactly nothing. They had moved on, fortunately from the slum dwellers ani Russian workers have entered in surely the Lovestoneites wouldn bids any solicitation of funds agreed upon.
electioneering speeches and for ironed out ince both branches The unemployed have now got toily, and at the precise moment or from the workers generally. They Phone Algonquin 8886 8 to the phase of an open struggle ke to have it noised about that ugainst the Stalin regime that is the way people prefer to from workers for politie have approved the 10, take their own job on their own the collapso no one was in front rust protest against living Selling to Labor al purposes. All the political his igure, there is no reason to su shoulders, or look for the nearest of the building. The only casualty such buildings and such neighthat the latter is defending itself join them.
tory of this country proves that pose that it will be raised in the hole to crawl into.
At any rate, certain people!
was an empty automobile.
the only way it knows.
low that. The Daily Worker headsties in this way. Stalin was only of Franco 2. 88 sains.
HARRY WICKS TURNS UP UNDER LOVESTONE WING AGAIN 41. the Socialist party will do in the face of this OLD LAW HOUSES PERIL WORKERS SENATE CARRIES HOUSE SLASH OF RELIEF BUDGET NEW YORK Swiftly and with the tenement owners have ade absolutely trustworthy comrade. Fre shirkers for fear of creatine of the circumstances in which the Printers at Loweat Platone