AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyKropotkinLeninMarxismMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

ernment prosecutor: Jose Vega, THE GREAT DEMOCRACIES. THE UNUTTERABLE TRAGEDY OF THE SPANISH WORKERS IS THAT possession of the world by force civil governor of Toledo; and THE CRIMINAL POLICY OF THEIR STALINIST SOCIALIST ANARCHIST LEADERSHIP PREVAILED TO and then defend the robbery with Jaime Aygunde, who, as Minister moral theories is perhaps comof Publle Order of the Catalan THE BITTER END.
forting and certainly convenient government, on May 3, 1937 orfor the possessor, but is uninterdered the police to drive the Why was Barcelona abandoned without a But the Stalinist and socialist leaders, when light must be sought within Spain itself. Indeed, Moors under the dictatorship of the Foreign esting, immaterial and without workers out of the Telephone fight? Why is the Loyalist army fleeing, disor the great revolutionary strike wave of June July, we say without hesitation: the collapse of the Leglon. break with this past policy, a decree obligation the have nots.
Building of Barcelona, precipitat ganized and demoralized? Why is Franco win1936 threatened like a tidal wave to engulr the Loyalists is due to their dependence on Stalin granting absolute independence to Morocco, Europe Has Jitters ing week armed street fight ning? Every anti fascist wants to know the capitalists of France, turned that wave into the and the democracies. The Caballero and Neg would have opened an entirely new period in the For weeks now London and ing.
answer to these questions. Every anti fascist channels of collaboration with the capitalists in rin governments staked everything on securing relations between the Moorish peasantry and the Paris have been waiting to see An press dispatches from the must know the answer, if we are to defeat the government. The capitalists, having thereby the aid of Stalin, Daladier and Roosevelt. To se Spanish masses. If overthrowing Franco would where the next blow was going to frontier state that the Loyalist fascism elsewhere.
been saved from the danger of revolution, were cure this aid, they became the puppets of those mean independence for their country, the Moors fall. In the process both capitals government is preparing to evac The social democrats, the Stalinists and the able to refuse to provide arms for Spain. whom they were courting, and were therefore would have revolted against Franco.
developed a first class case of the uate Catalonia.
anarchists answer by blaming the great democTherefore, even if we accept the simple ex partners in the appeasement of Hitler and But, subscrvient to England and France, the jitters, Mussolini began his unofRetreat Not Justified racies for not providing the Loyalists with food planation that the collapse of the Loyalists is Mussolini. One has only to recall that the Cabal Caballero and Negrin governments would not flctal campaign for a slice of Strategic retreats are often jus and ammunition. This explanation of the Loyalist due to lack of arms and ammunition, we must lero and Negrin governments agreed to the in decree freedom for Morocco. The democracies France empire mentioning Cor tifiable, in civil war as in wars be failure to make a stand at Barcelona is given blame for this lack, not the great democracies, famous non intervention system!
wanted no revolt in Morocco as a flaming sica, Tunisia, the Somaliland port tween nations but, as observers weight by reports that military experts on the but the Stalinist and socialist traitors to the To secure the outside aid which never came, ample to the French and English colonies! Abd of Djibuti in the Red Sea, and pointed out, Barcelona and the scene make the same explanation. Indeed, it working class who made it possible for the the Stalinist. socialist. anarchist bloc destroyed el Krim, the leader of the Moroccan Riffs, exiled even Nice and Savoy in France neighboring industrial area enseems as simple as two plus two equals four: the French and other capitalists to refuse arms for the inner forces and program which could have by France, asked Premier Blum to let him go to proper.
compassed the major industrial Loyalists couldn be expected to fight without the Loyalists.
led to victory. They had it in their power to dis Morocco to organize a revolt against Franco. Daladier staged a tour of the area possessed by the Loyalists. food and ammunition. Hence, the blame for the Furthermore, If outside food and ammunlIntegrate Franco forces in Andalusia and Mor Blum refused. The negotiations on behalf of North African colonies and CorMilitary observers of various collapse of the Loyalists must be laid at the door tion were so decisive, we must stigmatize the occo: the peasant boys and Moorish peasants the Rift leader were conducted by Moise Rosen sien as a demonstration of French countries, stationed at the frontof the great democracies.
Stalinist regime of the Soviet Union as a bewho constituted his army. How? By two funda berg with Blum; an interesting aldelight is that determination to resist and sucler, were puzzled to explain why trayer of the struggle again fascism. Why mental moves: the facts are in the hands of the Anarchist inceeded last month in preventing the Loyalist army did not make FEAR OF REVOLUTION didn Stalin provide arms and food for ternational organization, which has never made Chamberlain from bargaining stand in Barcelona, or at least But this answer explains nothing. For it could Spain? Could not a country of 170, 000, 000 REVOLUTIONARY PROGRAM them publie. way some part of French holdimmediately north of the city to be foretold and we did tell this, over and over, people covering one sixth of the earth pro1. Nationalization of the land. The most pow With no perspective of freedom, the Moorsings when he went to Rome for protect the munitions factories since the outbreak of the Spanish civil war that vide the Loyalists with enough supplies to erful weapon the Russian Revolution had in de wreaked their vengeance for past humiliations an inconclusive parley with Musaround Sabadell.
prevall in a country of 26 millions. feating Allied and White Guard armies on twen on the Spanish mainland. under Franco solini The explanation is not to be Loyalla democracies would not provide the with the means of warfare. We pointed STALIN ALIBIS ty two fronts was the rousing of the peasantry leadership Slows Eastward Drive sought in military but in political out that the rulers of the great democracies, The Stalinist alibi, in the first months of the by giving them the land. The Spanish peasantry Meanwhile between Mussolini factors.
the capitalist class in France, England and civil war, was that the sea route from Odessa to were even more land starved than the Russian. TRAITORS AT THE HELM and Hitler a less obvious tug ofHow Bolsheviks Fought America, could not be shaken from their realiza Barcelona and Valencia was too long to make The decree nationalizing the land and turning it war was in progress. Hitler There were periods during the tion that a Loyalist vietory in Spain would mean over to the possible arms and food shipments. But in Nopeasant committees for tuning Azana, Barrios, Companys, the Basque capitalists, all the left bourgeoisie, disloyal to the whole orientation after Munich Russian civil war of 1918 1920 socialist revolution in Spain. No amount of vember, 1936 supplies were sent from Russia, brought the peasantry of Russia over to the core, finding themselves only by accident on the was towards the East toward when the Bolshevik regime was protestations that the future Spanish govern especially for the defense of Madrid, Why did Boheviks. Not only in Bolshevik controlled terthe Soviet Union. He signed a in worse plight than the Spanish ment would be a de capitalist regime, no these shipments cease?
workers side of the barricades, were permitted ritory, but behind the Allied and White Guard to Icad the fight against Franco. The result declaration of friendship with Loyalists. Hemmed in on all sides amount of Stalinist repressions of the The fact is that Stalin, seeking an alliance armies, where the peasants seized every occasion France and embarked upon by Allied And White Guard arrevolutionary elements in Spain, could reassure to conduct guerrila warfare, spy on the enemy, was the open betrayals at Bilbao, Santander, with France and England, sought to demonstrate Gijon, Malaga, Toledo, etc. etc. The worker and diplomatic and propaganda cammies, the Bolsheviks fought back the Roosevelts, Chamberlains and Daladiers. his usefulness and reliability to the democratic desert and cause desertions. Before this elementpeasant militias could not prevent these betraypaign designed to facilitate a despite lack of food and ammun!
Why should the Spanish masses maintain capl. capitalists by relieving them of the fear of social al power of the peasantry, the White Guard arGerman thrust through the new tion. Surrender was out of the talism after they had finished off Franco? And revolution in Spain. In return for scanty supmies melted away.
als; their elected officers were deposed, their committees dissolved, and they were ordered on Carpathian Ukraine toward the question.
a socialist revolution in Spain would light up plies, he got the anarchists and socialists to The same process could have taken place in pain of death to give unquestioning obedience greater Ukraine that now forms At one point the Bolsheviks Europe.
Spain. Instead, currying favor with the Anglopart of Poland and of the held little more than a section The democratic rulers were therefore deto their bourgeois officers.
to a governmental coalition with the progressive bourgeoisle in Spain, and secured French bloc (and with Stalin who demanded Mussolini exerted counter pres.
of Petrograd And Moscow prov termined from the first to give no decisive aid free hand for the Spanish Stalinists to destroy, subordination to this bloc. The roster of the crimes committed against Stalinist socialistsure, sending his foreign minisInces. Banking on subversive to the Loyalists. No matter who stood at the by all methods including assassination, the revoanarchist leadership maintained private property the Spanish masses by their Stalinist socialistter, Ciano, to Budapest and Belpolitical work inside the inter head of the government in the democracies, that lutionary elements in Spain.
anarchist leadership cannot be continued in deIn Spain, sent punitive expeditions of police to ventionist and White Guard tergrade, and in other ways indicatdecision of the capitalist class was enforced.
tail here. Enough has been indicated, however, When Stalin was through with this bloody and destroy the collectives which sprang up in the to make clear our point: the salvation of pain ing to his axis ally that the time ritories as a more potent weap When comrade Blum was Premier of France, first months, restored their lands to landowners, counter revolutionary work, French and had not yet come to turn faces on than its own armament, the his People Front government obeyed that de English rulers were still determined to apand gave the peasants no hope for economic lay, first of all, in following a policy of class exclusively eastward.
Italy had to Red Army extricated itself and cision, for so long as the capitalist class retains betterment.
struggle in Spain, and it was abandoned for the pease Hiter and Mussolini by letting Franco be assured of her loot in the went on to victory.
its property, it is the real ruler of country, and win in Spain. Whereupon Stalin washed his Instead of word seeping into Franco Spain fatal perspective of currying favor with the Mediterranean first. great democracies.
In the face of this great his socialists and Stalinists who sit in the govern hands of Spain altogether; no more supplies of a new life under the Loyalists, peasants in It is is not merely to please his torical precedent, the Negrin gov ment act as capitalist flunkeys.
came from Russia.
territory captured by Franco could report The unutterable tragedy of the Spanish work axis partner that Hitler agreedernment allbl of lack of food Even if one accepts the explanation that the only the repetition of the old regime. The ere is that the criminal policy of their stalinistWORKERS AID STEMMED as he apparently has to slow up and ammunition must be viewed Loyalists have collapsed because of lack of food Layalist policy made it possible for Franco socialistanarchist leadership prevailed to the his eastward drive. There have skeptically.
The only conceivable situation in which the and ammunition, therefore, it is clear that those to retain his army of pensant sons.
bitter end. Imprisoned, terrorized, assassinated, been many straws in the wind Workers Not Warned capitalists would consent to substantial exports responsible are: the Second and Third Internacrushed by every conceivable means by the Loy. recently concerning possible Even if that were sufficient reaFREEDOM FOR MOORS of arms to Spain would be if to say No meant alist government, the revolutionary elements Soviet Nazi understanding of some son for evacuating Barcelona, It tionals which, subservient to the democratie revolution at home. Had the French working Freedom for Morocco. The Moors had no never were able to establish the revolutionary kind. Walter Duranty called the capitalists and Stalin, made it impossible for the does not explain why thousands class directly threatened overthrow capital Loyalists to secure outside supplies.
reason to look upon the Spanish workers as their party that could challenge the treacherous refor.
card on this right after the Munof trade union militants, marked ism, then to save themselves for the moment the brothers. For both the Socialist Azana govern mist leadership.
denials of the Daily Worker, there for death by the fascists, were French capitalists might have agreed to open DEPENDED ON FALSE ALLIES ment of 1981 1983, and the bourgeois socialist That is the real tragedy of Spain. Let it not pact and despite the indignant never given a chance to flee.
the frontiers.
But this is only a partial explanation. Real Stalinist government of February, 1936 left the be repeated in France and America!
have been indications of careful When retrents were necessary soundings going on by both the during the Russian civil war, the AMERICAN FUND GROUP Nazis and the Kremlin bureau workers were given time to reFORMED IN NEW HAVEN crats.
treat with the army No Mention of Russia But so suddenly and without NEW HAVEN, Conn. local In his speech on Monday Hitler warning did the government dellvered his usual tirades against evacuate its troops from BarAmerican Fund for Political Refu.
Bolshevism and the Jews but selona, that many workers were omitted entirely his usual referstill busily engaged in erecting NEW YORK More than 250 All funds be turned ov gees and Prisoners has been or ences to the Ukraine and the barricades, unaware of the gov.
youths filled Webster Manor au er to National Youth Ad ganized in this city. Consisting of Writing from his dungeon coll, tory of the Fourth International Soviet Union. In Moscow the press ernment decision to abandon NEW YORK Five Workmen ditorium last Friday night at a ministration. troops Circle branches in New York, meeting of the Young People al leaders, the committee has al. Poullopoulos, secretary of the comrade Pouliopoulos greets Simply of the evening in ready begun a wide campaign to group of Greek Communist Inter pocially the decision made at its speech. While Pravda festure came down the avenue The pros arch of Time pre open the doors to the worker nationalists in the jail of Algina, World Foundation Congress for without comment, a London edi.
calling for fusion of the Socialist Socialist League to honor the cluded a Face Firing Greece, has greeted with the the unification of all the revolutorial about the possibility of a party with the Social Democratic memory of Lenin. Liebknecht, sentation on the lives of Lenin, refugees.
oners were left behind to be freed invitation to other branches for ing fighters in the struggle the newly organized dramatic committee are the following: Dr.
While thousands of fascist pris: Federation, last week issued an and Luxemburg, three outstand Liebknecht and Luxemburg, by Among the members of the greatest enthusiasm the foundationary Fourth Internationalists Soviet Nazi understanding.
tion of the Fourth International. into one unified section of the These things never happen by by Franco troops, it appears conference on Sunday, February against militarism and war. group of the The long Fleming James, Berkeley Divinity In the name of his imprisoned new International for the beneat accident in present day interne that great numbers of anti fascists for exerting moral pressure Ernest Erber, national educaworkers, imprisoned by the Negupon both wings of the Socialisttional director of the told round of applause that followed School: Dr. Arthur Mizener, Yale: Pellow revolutionists, comrade of the Greek and the world labortional politics. Having been left rin government in its assaults on movement for unifloation.
out in the cold by his democratattested to the success of the dra Sacob Belford, prominent labor Pouliopoulos pledges our undy movement.
the audience how these three so matic group first venture. The attorney: Harry Feinmark, Pres. ing will to continue fighting from ic friends. Joseph Stalin may the collectivized factories and We feel confident that the ide cialist leaders fought against the Yipsel chorus led the singing. of Central Trader and La the depths of the Metaxas dietaP. Pouliopoulos, ex secretary of very well make a pool of some farms were left behind to face logical issues which brought capitalist war mongers in their Among the highlights of the bor Council; Frank Trainor, Cl torship dungeons for the the escaped from prigon sev. kind with Hitler. That possibility about the split in the former 80 own countries, as well as the meeting was the induction of new o. steel organizer; Alex Driessens, liberation and final victory of the eral months ago. reward of remains one of the major imponSuch ardent pro Loyalist cor cialist party have almost entirely people frontists in their own members who have joined the secretary New England Cigar Greek proletariat. 25, 000 was placed on his head, derables in International affairs.
respondents a Vincent Shen disappeared and that there is now parties. Erber showed how to League since the New Year. These makers Council: Mrs. Cella Ros Hails Greek Unification and he was re arrested soon after. It also explains why Japan is Matthews have no logical justification for the milar struggle must With unlimited confidence in with others of his comrades he is still coy about clinching millcabled horrifying descriptions of the principles and ultimate vic today in the jail of Algina. tary alliance with Germany. Last the utter disorganization which present sald situation, the call to by the young workers today to follow the example of Lenin, has transformed the retreat into week the chief Japanese diploApparently the conference is to the Roosevelt administration.
the recoleccine and preparations of Liebknecht and Luxemburg and theyt League of Women Voters.
do all in their power to bring mats in Europe met and reporta rout. Sheean, after a survey of edly decided to shelve the idea of north Catalonia, fatly declares both the socialist party and the the transference on that war funds socialist revolution, without ever converting the so called anti Comthe war is over. Matthews says Social Democratic Federation, for to unemployed youth. He called betraying the ideals and princiintern pact into a hard and fast that only a miracle can save document says that the con upon the students to insist that ples of the socialist movem The School announc its Spring with the Partisan Review.
military ce. Japan, whose the Loyalists.
ference will addressed by terms to be held at Irving Plazo Hall, Irving Not dispersed by a destructive prominent speakers from the SoPhillip Rahv General View of Proletarian eyes are still fixed on the maribattle, the Loyalist forces can cialist Movement.
Place and 15th Street, beginning Mon Literature.
time provinces of the Soviet Union, does not want to wake up have been dispersed for one rea. The date set for the conference day, February 27, 1939.
son: treachery and cowardice of is on the heels of the February William Phillips Marxism and Literary Crittomorrow to discover that its the government leadership. So meeting of the National Execu The courses will be: icism.
Nazi ally has suddenly become a friend of Joseph Stalin.
diers were reported to be station tive Committee of the Socialist ed at the frontier to turn back party where it is a foregone conI. PRACTICAL TRADE UNIONISM James Farrell The American Novel. Spanish Tragedy Is Prelude deserting officials and officers.
It is hardly necessary to comment on the following passage Sam Gordon While this question remains unFolated upon the Spanish mass for fusion with the Old Guard.
clusion, final steps will be taken from Mrs. Woodrow Wilson reminiscences, now running in the Delmore Schwartz Contemporary Poetry. Widick decided and while Roosevelt cones as the government of vietory tinues his drive to swing this The cut and dried plans are in Saturday Evening Post. She is describing a visit she and President course dealing with the concrete day toDwight Macdonald Left Wing Journalism.
the Peoples Front regime has dicated by the calling of the Wilson paid, in 1918, to an American hospital in France: country into the pro war column, demonstrated that its sole capa Workmen Circle conference in day activity of the trade unionist. Special at Dupee Two Political Novelists: MalHitler and Mussolini are driving city is to organize defeats. It reHaving been through toward a new squeeze play on advance. The conference is de the boys were enduring without tention will be given to those problems pre raux and Silone.
Britain and France for a colonial mains at the helm now only to signed to provide popular sanc wards, we were shown the very murmur. There they were, some modern operating room. was with sented by members of the class. Mondays.
All those registering for this course will resettlement. The last act in the further the rout of the anti fastion for the fusion with the pro counting the minutes until we with their entire nones blown cist forces. Its bombastic promises Roosevelt, pro war Old Guard.
7:15 to 8:40 Six sessions. 00 Away, some totally blind, others ceive free a halfyear subscription to the could get away and breathe God with China and half their faces cluded, is serving as the curtain to continue the struggle serve pure air free from the odor of gone. Well, shook myself free enable it to continue the rout. Partisan Review. Tuesdays. 8:50 to II. PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN POLITICS raiser for the broader tragedy RYAN, LINCOLN BRIGADER, 10:15 Six sessions, 25.
anesthetics Still Suppresses Workers!
about to be enacted.
TO SPEAK AT MEET disinfectants and of horror and stayed on and The government does not stop when the doctor opened a door talked, and told them how proud James Burnham Play For Another Munich the fascists, but it has plenty of CHICAGO Bill Ryan, a mem and stood back for me to enter. was just to touch their hands Albert Goldman LABOR JOURNALISM James Casey. The issue of war or peace will time and forces to continue, even ber of the Lincoln Battalion who Never shall forget that awful My husband made a little talk to Max Shachtman depend on how the cards fall in practical course in which reporting. edit. this ghastly game of Internationworkers. It announces the suples of Spain and Alba Ryan who turning upside down, and through the likes to regathered around New parties, new leaders, new political cur.
orial writing, copy reading and headline al poker. There are already re ports of demonstrative German Pls spent many months as a nurse for a mist saw human forms with rents are appearing on the American scene.
ing at Puigcerda by the carabin the Loyalist armies will speak on faces so distorted and mutilated 25 Sale writing, make up, etc. will be taught. WednesThree lectures offer a Marxist analysis of: the days. 7:15 to 8:40 Six sessions, and Italian troop movements near REVOLT the Libyan border in North Africa eros (police. Fighting between the Tragedy of Spain and Its that the place seemed an inferno.
new New Deal. the middle class in politics stalinists and anarchists is re Consequences at a meeting of think for an instant only my 00.
Lamar Middleton by Italy, near the Dutch border ported from several north Catalan the Socialist Workers Party to be will to hold on and not let them BONAPARTE Eugene Turle third parties: Labor in politics: Fascism in the by Germany 23 threat to Britain. Revolutionary politics in the etc.
held Sunday, Feb. at p. at co my horror kept me from ETHICS Kropotkin Government officials can fee to the Capitol Building. 159 North fainting.
DYNAMITE Louis Adamla Mondays. 8:15 to 10:15 Six sesVI. THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION Hitler and Mussolini are playFrance, but the vast masses must State Street.
Suddenly heard the doctor Add sions. 00.
ing for another Munich that will. George Novak.
3c per book for postage fight or die. This is literally the The Ryans will recount their even voice saying to my husband: Special TRAGEDY OF THE give them what they want. Chamalternative for hundreds of thou experiences gained during their Yes, this is the facial ward. You CHINESE REVOLUTIONThe Civil War of 1861 1865. Marxist berlain and Daladler still don sands of class conscious workers lengthy stay in Spain where they see, we put them all up here to Harold Isaacs 00 III. WHAT IS TROTSKYISM. John Wright analysis of how the American bourgeoisie com.
know whether the price will be and peasants, their names already both participated actively in the gether, so they won get sensitive LABOR BOOK SHOP course for those who want to explore the pleted its revolution. Wednesdays. 8:50 more than British and French in Franco fles of those slated struggle against fascism, capitalism can afford to pay 28 12th St. facts and documents about the history of the to 10:15 Six sessions. 00.
for execution. For the rest of the Albert Goldman, of the Socialist help each other. If each were off Their attitude may also depend workers, fascist regime would workers Party, will apenk at the to himself they would not know University Luncheonette Left Opposition in the Soviet Union and in part upon the assurances they mean endless humiliation and meeting.
about the others, and would get the emergence of the left wing movement in 100A UNIVERSITY PLACE Registration is now going on at the school get of American support in the slow starvation, morbid and self conscious. This near 12th St. right near headquarters other countries that grew into the Fourth In office. 116 University Place and at the Labor event of war and this Roosevelt Surrender is out of the ques erous leadership of the Peoples brought me up with a jerk, and Best Food at Best Prices ternational. Tuesdays. to 8:40 Bookshop. 28 East 12th Street, New York City.
has now promised them, tion. But to fight back, to regain Front, and organize the fight have never ceased to be grateful Special 280 Lunch!
Six sessions. 00.
from P. to P. Registrations will lost ground, requires that these against Franco under the leader to that wise doctor. felt so Soup, any 10c Sandwich, Coffee, workers take the fight into their ship of Workers and Soldiers ashamed that should grow faint also be accepted by mail to the school office Subscribe to Tea or Milk with Cake or Pie.
own hands, repudiate the treach Councils at merely looking at what these series of lectures given in conjunction or by calling Stuyvesant 0567.