CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismIV InternationalLeninNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FEBRUARY 4, 1939 APPEAL ARMY Split In Auto Workers Union Deepens DETROIT BEER Hear James DRIVERS SPURN AS UNION Independent Action in Move to Right CRISIS SHARPENS WAGE CUT PLAN Minneapolis contract.
The Two a Week Is Here! in. All efforts to fulfil your quota Beginning next Wednesday the of new subscribers!
Socialist Appeal begins its long News From Branches awaited twlce a week appearance. San Francisco has cleared up And we promise our readers and its entire back bill and is starting.
agents that they have an exceed off with a clean slate. We extend ingly pleasant surprise in store our best wishes to this branch for them then they see the new for its new efforts on behalf of CHICAGO Over three hundred Appeal with its galaxy of popular, the Appeal and urge other workers gathered to hear the lecexciting features.
branches with large back bills ST. PAUL, Minn, Jun. 28. The Labor clubs and all organizations, hold any position in connection ture on the Twilight of the BritEvery branch in our party by to act accordingly.
state convention of the Minnesota. accepting the program. with the activities of the Associa ish Empire given by R.
now should have made tull prepaFarmer Labor Association, Janu Trade unions affiliated under this tion of the Party.
James, on Friday, January 27th, Union Makes Public tion and Anancing of the new and those who give me addresses If it continues really cold, rations for the handling, distribu think ll mail the papers to clubs (Continued from Page 1)
ary 27 and 28, spent most of its clause, and after the body of the advanced and pro time on issues growing out of the changed its line, a host of workThe provision is in harmony at the Capitol Building with the dropping of independent The meeting opened with a five Double Cross by Appeal. There is still time left Our branch is starting to concengressive industrial untonists who activities of the Communist Party ers orders, culture clubs, literary political action. It will have no minute speech by Brother Henry for branches to send in increased trate its efforts on some mill in are at present organized in the In the Farmer Labor movement. societies paper locals of the more effect against the Stalinists Weinberg, a representative of the Frank Martel bundle orders on the semi weekly Allentown. This summer (seems ranks of the strong movement by honest Workers Alliance also came in. than the old rule did, it will be Chicago Newspaper Guild which paper provided heard we will as to cover Thousands Provoked rank and fle delegates who want. The new constitution restricts used against real lett wingers in Is now engaged in strike against Badgored by the Stalinists anded to get rid of the Stalinist membership to Farmer Labor the working class movement, and the Hearst papers. He called for DETROIT. Detroit beer If no word is hy act at once. long ways off. m planning tant their slander campaign for more wrecking crew was seized by policlubs and chartered trade units purpose is to substitute pub the support of the strike by drivers are continuing their min sume that the same bundle order cover our amusement parks on et This than a year, and sickened by the ticians who had their ow braxenly bureaucratic measures sons for wanting to put the Stalthe Stalinists to include unem with the Stalinists.
the Hearst newspapers and adding scheme engineered by compect branches to increase.
new Appeal will sell to everyone!
of the Lewis combination in inists into the background (but ployed organizations and ladies depriving the union the autonomy not necessarily out of the party. auxiliary were defeated by large would require a break with their strike bulletin and strike buttons Brewery Workers Union officials. member that the former le per real break with the Stalinistsvertisers. Many copies of the bination of the breweries and Literature agents must also re On Those Newsboy Aprons!
We ve been somewhat disapBy tens of thousands of leaflets copy promotion price no longer pointed in the failure of most votes.
which the membership laid great More Conservative Proward program, a break with the New were sold.
store by, thousands of the best This change, to eliminate the Deal and political trading, and The result was a step James spoke for almost an hour and pasters, the membership of exists and that every copy wil branches to snatch up the real bargain we are offering in the rank and fle members of the to a more conservative program, plague of paper organizations was that is just what the L politi and a half, tracing the rise of the Drivers Local 271 took their case cost your branch 20.
way of newsboy aprons. The ApThe 1, 000 New Subscribers peal has invested some money in to react to such extremes as made tonal machinery, and a purge an Important step forward. Other membership and change the the world crisis upon British economy auto workers of this auto center. Nine hundred brewery drivers dressing they put in a new and the weakening of British imthese because we re absolutely turn that Martin has taken away were inseated as delegates, and The constitution committee reit purge.
plausible to many of them the of Stalinists for publicity purposes amendments were decided steps down for the old rule and call perialism. The crowd remained and helpers are being locked Campaign Is On!
only. dozen Insignficant figures backward.
orward to the convinced of their possibilities for more than an hour afterward of their jobs, the leaflet declared. new Appeal? Then the first thing Especially now when our emphafrom the CLO the real problem of Stalinist ac moved Independent political acto ask questions and listen to the They are fighting for union to do is to get going on our cam sis is on mass street sales we are Swing Back to Old Partles As a logical consequence of this tivity in the Farmer Labor move tion from the purpose of the The Stalinista pogram of liqui. Splendid and concise answera principles, against wage cut and paign for 000 new subscribers positive it could be of great serturn, moreover, many outright ment was not solved. Even the Association. The purpose was, dating the farmer Labor move given by the speaker.
reactionary elements, who have unseated delegates continued to to unite the members of all far ment into the old capitalist parfor union democracy. They are by April Next week we publish vice Equip your entire profesfighting against a gang of unscru in our column the list of new sional squad of Appeal Minute nothing in common with a pro sit in the convention and vote. mer, labor and other kindred or ties was put in a nutshell by the FLINT, Mich. James pulous officials, who call them subscriber quotas that have been Men with these aprons.
gressive Aght against the Lewisselves labor londers They were The Farmer Labor convention ganizations, and unorganized ele. Daily Record distributed at the noted English author and lecdesigned, printed to the various branches. The daily press has made it Stalinist machine, have attached ten months before had ignored ments which support independent convention: Convention to all meeting of the Flint branch or appear as if this WAS jurisdicseriber now gets twice as many our Appeal Poster Shop. Those themselves to the Martin group the Stalinist issue, but that was political turer, spoko bofore the first open forget that every new sub and executed by comrade of action by and have, indeed, in many cases just before an election. It would groups, into a political associa contrase manexotDeappeath the socialist Workers Party; tional war between two union papers for the same price as be one piece pointed with wine worke succeeded in becoming its spokes have been bad publicity to face tion.
men and guides.
the turmoil in the movement. At The committee draft read, to vention by the Minnesota Section in an auspicious manner the par Labor Skate Conspiracy have sent in subs which are cred work he does. These aprons How erroneous was Martin this convention, after a defeat, form a political association to The leaflet then describes in de ited to them in this campaign. which, Incidently sell at practidecision to give up the clo. there was nothing to lose no carry on an extensive program of of the Socialist Workers Party Activity in this elty movement without a fight, by patronage machine to hold the education and organization inci was dragging the Farmer Labor Twilight of the British Empiro labor skates of the Brewery ner and Bob Dullen handle the postage charges are guaranteed Speaking on the tople The tall the conspiracy between the Cleveland, Ohio, where John Dep cally cost price if we include Browder and Co, to be identical ticians needed a goat. The Far. Hitical campaigns of the Farmer concrete working class program workers, James traced the he. Whereby the charter of Local 38 with new subscribers. Newark, are made of mighty powerful canwith the masses of the mer Labor members were aroused Labor movement. By amendment for the Association. It also point tory of domination and oppres of the Brewery Workers, covering is second. Who next?
in members who have no use for the at the work of Stalinist fractions from the floor this dishwater was ed out the futility of trying to sion of the British Empire, and the drivers, was revoked in NoAnd now for the rewards in this Stalinist wreckers, is demonstrat in the ward clubs, and at the diluted even further by striking expel the Stalinists, and added: the spirit of revolt that has pre vember, 1938 and the men ordered campaign! We are going to pre This week we went a little over ed further by the fact that the hordes of delegates from non ex out the word political and sub Now here is the irony of this vailed in the colonies. stooges in the Auto Workersistent paper organizations which stituting educational.
into a previously established dual sent two sets of rewards to the our quota of 50. But let rememtea pot tempest: The Johnson. The meeting was presided over local, in order to institute wage two branches which, in the opinber that that was on the old, Union are now gleefully exerting swung control for the Stalinists Communists Barred every effort to turn the attention in county and district organizeLommen group who are trying to by Gonora Johnson active mit slashes ranging from to 18 ion of the Appeal staff, conduct weekly Appeal. With the semiThe other important change in throw out the Stalinists, propose tant in the auto strikes, who re per week. To protect their wage the most successful subscription weekly paper our goal must be of the membership away from tions.
the constitution barred commu a program identical with that ofcently broke with the Socialist standards and jobs, the men un campaign.
100 subscriptions per week.
The more conservative political nists, with a rule. There had been the Stalinists! They both want party to join the First prize will be a complete.
their own inglorious record and directing it instead to Martin leaders had no quarrel with the a rulo against them in the con the party to stay conservative.
New York City. 18 animously voted to join the International Brotherhood of Team new set of all of Lenin writings Chicago.
ill considered and dangerous New Deal program of the Stallnstitution since 1924, and it had They want even closer unholy NEW DEALER GETS JOB: sters, which had previously been for your branch library.
ists, had worked with them dur. not worked, so the convention wedlock with the New Deal. They er IS REWARDED granted jurisdiction of brewery Second prize will be a complete Philadelphia By making this the sole and ing the past year, and they leaders decided to have another want to gng the trade unions. ROCHESTER, Former drivers. Chartered as Drivers Lo set of Leon Trotsky writings Callfornia exclusive question of the day in stay in the background they be rule. The old constitution barred What we suggest is: REPUDI Congressman George Kelly, the cal 271, the men proceeded to en. books, pamphlets, etc. also for Washington, tho Union, the Stalinists hope to all right. But we ve got to change any person advocating change ATE THIS TEA POT TEMPEST: ardent New Dealer candidate force the original your branch library, Michigan escape the criticism and attacks our window dressing, with these by means of revolution. The We are sure every branch will. Nebraska which thousands of progressive leaders in control the Stalinists Minnesota Stalinists elther deny FIGHT FOR MILITANT REVI. recently been rewarded by the the Brewery Union officials se want to possess either one of St. Paul elements in the Auto Workers, were fought only with organiza membership in the party or say VAL OF PRINCIPLES! good citizens of this city with cured an injunction to force the these prizes. And, incidentally. Illinois who are not mere agents of tional maneuvers, and not with a (truly) that it does not advocate Massachusetts itical program.
men back into the phony local the Appeal is counting upon the Martin, expect to deliver against revolution.
conservative line the problem will gional Director of the Wages they had established. The judge success of this new subscribers Washington, the wreckers at the Cleve Constitution Revamped The new constitution reads, remain for solution. If the ban Hours Act. Mr. Kelly, from his decision was seconded by an arNewark, NJ.
and convention which the Execu Besides the credentials report Provided, however, that no per on paper organizations is really East Boulevard Apts. expressed bitrator decision of Frank attractive paper, selling at a Foreign tive Board members have called which unseated. the handful of son who is a supporter of any carried out it will improve the himself pleased with the 5, 600 Martel, head of the Detroit Feder reatly reduced price we expect for March 27.
delegates the main business of other political party than the changes of working for a work job and assured the local Cham ation of labor. Since then, Mar a flock of subs to come pouring Total. 51 Rank and Fille Action the convention was a revamping Farmer Labor Party shall be ad ing class program in the Minneso ber of Commerce that he would tel middle name is spelled XX That Stalinist gang will be tion. Previously the Association ent of communism, fascism or tion action that did not complete the employers as well as the em Detroit of the constitution of the Associa mitted membership. No adher ta That is the one conven make every effort to be Fair to double cross by the workers of OVER WITH BANG!
far from successful in this cun had been a federation of Fermer Nazism may be a member of, orly duck the central issue.
their numbers, locality, financial ning maneuver to save its hide, Drivers Press Demands (Continued from Page 1)
is indicated by reports of rankEven before the of Ex status of members, etc. But we and Alle action which are coming ecutive Council, meeting at MiThe next Socialist Appeal will did not anticipate that we would be dated February 8, the FIRST have eighteen branches to choose in from all parts of the country.
ami, repudiated Martel verdict of the twice a week Issues ON from. That makes our job a tough Very significant in this report the brewery drivers had already is the action reported by the By ALBERT GATES gress from voting on entering a Captain Jack Gilbert, of the Cht determined to press for their oris at the same time be the last issue we have decided to awardelight Union Council representing the CHICAGO, Ill. Another primary contest to select mayoralty foreign war. But his main trouble cago police force, has just been inal demands for at union of their in which the Score Board will ap banners and three books as folAuto Workers Union in Wiscon candidates representing the two major parties is under way here.
is that he cannot be heard. The Indicted in the Milk Trust cases, own choosing and the original pear. That means that the branch lowes.
sin, Illinois and Minnesota. While The democratic nomination is being contested by Mayor Edward press is deliberately silent on the and is a well known labor batter. wage contract. minority who obeyed Martel opportunity to come in with 100. ton, Detroit, Denver, East Chicaes which are still behind have an BANNERS TO Allentown, Bosit decided to send delegates to Kelly. co leader of the Cook County machine, and Thomas doings of Thompson. It will re. Big Bill a reputation is too wellthe Cleveland convention called main so until the campaign acknown to need much comment. quickly discovered what it meant, LET MAKE THE by the Lewis combination, Courtney, present state attorney.
be corrupt to the core, he is regard On seeking to re register at the SCORE on the grounds that it would not state lichide and Hearing on Dwight Green also demands sins he will be smeared as richis ed as a poor fourth in the cam. Brewery Union, they were ven 100 from top to bottom: we BOOKS FOR Fresno, Houston BOARD RING WITH SO Minneapolis, St. Louts, away from the o, the Council better business elements.
go along with any course that led the Chicago Daily News and the honest government, an economic as he deserves.
al administration. He too is an What About Relief surprise candidate.
permit cards racket which per How about it, New York and Cleveland is still in the run, nevertheless indicated its firm vades the Brewery Union, where points West?
views against the Stalinists by None of the candidates has a The regular candidate for the ardent crusader against crime. He though their balance has not Green is typical of the rear by great number of the men in stands as the man who Frankly we are in a dilemma. come in before the first, due to congratulating Homer Martin for Republican nomination his fight against these elements. Green, young. vigorous, and the eral distriet prosecut deen fed that really concern the Chicago actionary he stands for cutting the union, neither voice nor vote.
Originally, we offered three bad alrmall conditions.
during workers. Relief, the sales rellet rolls, and slicing relief. Young Republicans man. Big banners and two autographed Other local bodies of the Union, Bill Thompson, denied the regu Credit has been given to branch no seniority, and receive a lower copies of James books to the es for individual contributions rethe Capone trials tax, the right to picket, the right in all parts of the country, which lar nomination, is running as an Big Bin Thompson is against to organize in unions without poThe Stalinists have withdrawn wage scale than union members branches making the best show celved from their respective elpreviously have taken the side of independent. He has his own ma Republican machine which pre much as mentioned by these ad ted to supporting the Democratic all the machines, especially the lice interference, are not 80 their candidate. They are commitReturn to Local 271 ing by January 15th, considering thes, the progressive forces who were chine, so many times routed butyented his nomination. He stands vocates of good city government. party, but are writing critical ediThose who went back also resisting Stalinist corrosion of never destroyed.
the organization, are taking a Draft Icken Campaign for economy in city government, Kelly is head of the administratorials about Courtney. Conclu found themselves re hired not as similar position, voting to attend and for an the Cleveland convention, unrelenting war tion which is responsible for the slon: they will support Kellyt Dia drivers but at the lower rate of threatened for time to compil. promises to take politics out of politician, with a nominal salary, yards strike peacefully? The Mo by scabs hired during the strike.
draft Icker campaign against crime. Like the others, he Memorial Day Massacre. local he not attempt to settle the stock helpers, the trucks being driven Quota Paid Percent Durham It is yet too early to estabilahcate the primaries. Chicago per the school. The humor in this he owns a 50, 000 Florida home. morial Day massacre was the re. When the minority realized what 00 10, 00 200. definitely how accurate are the ennial political reformers. Pro Kansas 10. 00 20. 00 200 claims made by the two factions fessors Merriam and Paul threat lies in that not so long ago, an Eagle River estate worth more sult of a little flat foot enthusiasm it was in for, practically all of Sacramento as to the percentage of the mem 18, began the Ickes boom in school treasures were found to home.
Doug: when Big Bill was mayor, the than that, and estafaryo Chicote for which Kelly must not be held them returned to Local 271, scores 10. 00 28. 00 200 responsible. After all, they were leaving their trucks standing in St. Louis bership that each represents. Both much the manner of the first LA have been looted.
50. 00 81. 00 New Haven Courtney has with impunity defending property, and the stal. the streets.
20. 00 28. 00 140 sides are, of course, voluble in Guardia fusion campaign. They But, above all, he is the man raided union offices, fought the inists are now firm defenders of The Brewery Union labor Allentown 25. 00 29. 00 116 their publle estimates, but it to rallied all the Chicago liberals of the people. Big Bill is only for and was part and parcel of private property skates still trade on the prewar Chicago 10. 00 11. 50 115 considered that the intervening and their movement grew daily, a defensive war, consequently he the local administration until he reputation of the union as an inThe Chicago section of the IlSt. Paul 100. 00 11100 weeks, to say nothing of the Plentywood The Stalinists and their mouth is sponsoring an anti war referen joined the Horner forces in the linois Labor Party has not yet dustrial union with progressive 00 150 weeks to follow both conventions 110 policies. Actually, the present Lynn 30. 00 may bring forth events and issues piece, the Chicago Daily Record dum which would prevent Cond 1988 elections. His alde de camp. announced its position 54. 50 ion bears no resemblance to the Wash.
20. 00 21. 00 that will produce many shifts in places. became at once the most ANNOUNCEMENTS YOUW. HAVE Boe man met een pro prohibition organization. The Worcester 10. 00 10. 50 106 active drafters. The paper carried Teamsters Union has demon 200. 00 Boston.
WARMING! The best puppet 200. 25 Progressives Mobilize daily dispatches from Washington strated that it secures far superNEW YORK show ever. Swing music!
Denver, Colo.
10. 00 10. 00 Games! Swell food! Dancing ior wage scales and working con Detroit, Mich.
25. 00 In any case, there is a growing on the latest doings of Honest 23. 00 til dawn! At the NEW proditions for drivers sentiment among the most pro Harold, as true a liberal as ever FOR SOME RARE entertainFresno, Calir. 00 5, 00 letarian headquarters of the 100 ment, come to the VALEN.
gressive forces that it is neces graced God country, and cerHartford, Conn.
Lower East Side Branch, 168 TINE PARTY, Sunday, Febru5. 00 00 100 sary, above all in the present tainly the equal of LaCuardia. ary 12, Irving Plaza, Irving Pl. Norfolk Street, Satur.
Houston, Tex.
10. 00 10. 00 critical situation faced by the But. Ickes refused to run. and 15th St. An all amateur day, February 4, at 8:30 SAM BAUMAN Minneapolis 500. 00 500, 00 100 union, to together all those Roosevelt demanded his presence program, with FELIX MOR. Admission 21c.
Narute Mills, Mass. 00 00 100 ROW as a Singing Waiter, and It is with extreme sorrow that elements who refuse to act as in Washington; he could not be ATTRACTIVE ROOM in comother features. If you have any San Francisco 50. 00 50. 00 we announce the passing of one talent you want to display get mere voting cattle for either of spared in this critical period for on the foyer Toledo, o.
20, 00 20. 00 100 markably furnished. 2 peothe Roosevelt administration.
in touch with your branch so the two factions.
of our most active and militant Yellow Spes. 8. 00 00 ple. Reasonable. Meals option100 cial committee representative.
fighters. Comrade Sam Bauman What About Programs al. Apply Martin Diamond, 605 Subscription 49c. Get your tickEast Oakland 20. 00 20. 00 These progressives, on the basis Programs are of little Importsuccumbed to an operation, made ets at your branch meeting.
142 St. and way.
Evansville, Ind. 00 of a clearly defined and indepennecessary by tuberculosis of the 00 100 Bring All Your Friends. Ausance in the race. Kelly speaks of Quakertown, Pa.
18. 00 15. 00 dent program of action for rekidneys, in the New York Medica!
100 pices: Local New York.
fost del Last Call. Akron 50. 00 50. 00 100 storing the fighting unity of the increasing government costs, and Bronx Branch Opens Doors!
Center last week. At the youthful A WORASES PAPI Seattle 10. 00 10. 00 100 Auto Workers, will go down the praises his administration for APPEAL SALESMEN!
age of 30, comrade Bauman was Newark 100. 00 100. 00 tine against both the Stalinist keeping such costs to a minimum. CELEBRATE the opening of the new Bronx Headquarters. Plen.
a veteran in the class struggle New York 1050. 00 00 per day minimum guaran.
970. 68 92 wreckers and anybody who seeks Efficiency, honesty, and above alt ty of entertainment. Lots of and known to hundreds of workPhiladelphin 50. 00 43. 85 draw the membership away return services. an economy surprises and refreshments.
ers as speaker and organizer, STARTING NEXT WEEK Stay away at your own perilfrom the main industrial union He joined our movement in 1930 200. 00 Los Angeles 150. 00 75 Courtney is for low cost city 1334 Wilkins Ave. Freeman St.
Pleasant Work Chicago.
movement today.
250. 00 176, 50 and at once took up the fight of 71 Sta. Feb. 4, 8:30 Adm.
government. crusader against Lexington 00 10. 00 70 All the experience of the auto the gangster and the gambler, he 25e.
Fine Commissions!
the unemployed for jobs and rePunta Gorda 00 70 See ABE MILLER at: workers with the of relief. Comrade Bauman was one Rochester 25. 00 16. 50 66 gime in the past has only served ling joints for almost a year. As has been hacking away at gamb. RUSSELL where LL back from he was kid Labor Book Shop of the founders of the Unem.
15. 00 Gardner Fitchburg 50 68 to emphasize to them that the state ney.
ployed and Project Workers Un napped and jailed by the secalready has a SOMETHING NEW FOR 28 EAST 12th ST.
10. 00 00 60 IO.
ret police, will speak at a despite its disqualified ion.
powerful machine behind him.
meeting called to greet his re50, 00 Youngstown 58 leadership, is that movement. Unfortunately for him, however, turn on Friday, Feh. 10. in The red banners of the Fourth Fargo Newsboy Aprons!
10. 00 50 55 Stuyv Casino. 2nd Ave, International are dipped in tribute These progressives do not in his downstate allies and his Cook San Diego 10, 00 55 and 9th St tend to allow the latest Stalinist County friends cannot help in this St. at P. Other AT YOUR SERVICE! Made from tough, brown canvas! to this fallen comrade and we South Bend 10. 00 50 speakers will include represen55 campaign of demagogy against local election. Governor Horner.
tatives of all the organizations Neatly lettered, heavily stitched, pledge to carry on the fight for Cleveland.
200. 00 105. 00 THE APPEAL 53 Martin to silence them in their head of the state machine, is con who aided in his defense.
pouch for holding change, section socialism with ever greater vigor West Oakland 20. 00 10. 00 50 fight against the gang at veniently tll, and has been silent Chairman: Anita Brenper. Adfor holding papers comfortably. and determination.
Poster Shop Louisville.
10. 00 50 15 mission: 25c. Auspices! Blackthe Cleveland convention. about the primaries. And Courtwell Defense Committee.
ORDER NOW! ONLY 50 cents Portand, Oregon 00 Chicago Primary Candidates Avoid Main Issues SCORE BOARD 111 100 106 103 100 100 109 100 Socialist Appeal 100 100 3. 50 Spain 50 0