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Over the Top! The Twice. Weekly Begins Feb. 8!
The Twice a Week Socialist Appeal campaign has gone over with a bang!
The goal of 3, 000 which was set for the minimum sum required to launch the new enterprise, has been subscribed with speed and enthusiasm hitherto unknown in our movement.
From coast to coast, branches of the Socialist Workers party, units of the Young People Socialist League, friends and sympathizers of the party and the Socialist Appeal, hastened to make their contributions.
For many, the size of the contributions which ranged from fifty cents to a hundred dollars represented a real sacrifice, but it was given gladly.
And now that the financial goal has been reached, we announce that the first issue of the Twice a Week Socialist Appeal will appear under date of Wednesday, February 8, 1939.
The very next issue will be dated the following Saturday, and the Appeal from then on (at least until it becomes a daily!
will come out regularly every Wednesday and Saturday. network of correspondence has been established all over the country, including militants who are right in the thick of labor battles and are in a position to report events as they should be reported in a living, fighting socialist paper.
All important developments in the American scene, in labor struggles and in politi will be followed consistently in our pages.
And as an earnest of the brighter, more attractive, more informative and more universal character of the new Twicea Week Socialist Appeal, we announce the apparance of a number of new features, by our best writers, to appear regularly, some in the Wednesday issue, some in the Saturday issue, some in both.
Covering the international field with news and views of what is happening in the labor, socialist, communist and revolutionary movements in general all over the globe, is a feature department: IN THE WORLD OF LABOR By Paul Stevens.
The happenings in American politics, analyzed every week, will be covered by another feature department under the sigtitle of: THEIR GOVERNMENT By James Burnham What is going on in the labor movement, the struggle of and the of the development of the left wing movement in the unions, pictures of what is going on in the unions which are not drawn in other labor papers, strikes and fights of importance will be dealt with regularly in the feature: IN THE TRADE UNIONS By Widick column of comment in which the author will have a free hand and will be responsible for his own opinions about the fields of labor, industry and finance, the cultural world, the rad.
ical groups, and the world of literature along the lines already so popular in his column in the New International and to which from time to time he will invite guest conductors: OFF THE RECORD By Dwight Macdonald Readers of the Socialist Appeal from the very beginning.
who remember the sprightly humor and snappy observations on the world at large and the labor movement in particular, will welcome back as a regular weekly column: LEFT JABS By Bill Quite another Bill will cover the labor movement in a different way. The more human side of the working class struggle, pen pictures of what the men and women of labor have done in the past and are doing right now in strikes, on the picket line, in the unions, wherever the workers fight for their cause will appear in story form regularly under the heading of: ON THE LINE By Bill Morgan column of political comment, sometimes critical, sometimes answering critics, dealing with events and problems of the day in less formal style than is devoted to them by the regular editorials of the Socialist Appeal, will be conducted under the heading of: IN THIS CORNER By Max Shachtman To keep alive and fresh the memory of the great militants of years gone by, of men and women whose stories are a constant source of inspiration, we are planning a regular feature of short biographies, appropriately entitled: OUT OF THE PAST By Emanuel Garrett These are only some of the new features. The new books and pamphlets of importance will be covered; so will the sig.
nificant moving pictures of the day: so will everything else of interest to our readers those we have and the many more that we plan to get.
So, on with the Twice a Week Socialist Appeal!
More subscribers, more readers, more financial and moral support than ever before!
We ve put it over as we planned. Now let put it over bigger and better than it ever was in the past!
Open the Doors To Europe Refugees!
Socialist Appeal AII War Funds To the Unemployed!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. III No. Saturday, February 4, 1939 375 per copy ADMITS WAR AIM Auto Workers Union SENATE SARKHESE New Crisis Brews in Europe; Negrin Abandons Barcelona 2400 Faces Deeper Split Suicide or Struggle. These (Continued dustry OVER WITH BANG!
By ROSE KARSNER Appeal Campaign Director We ve made it, just as we said we would!
Our goal 3, 000. Our dead line February 70g And our total to date is 3031. 78 That an achievement which even the most hardened skeptro 2100 and severest critie of our small SLASH OF 1800 group will have to admit. vicusoo tory which every branch and evRELIEF BUDGET ery. member in it, as well as our 1200 sympathizers who made it pos900 sible have good cause to be proud Shipstead, Farmerof.
600 But we are not satisfied. Why? BORDER IN CITY GIVEN UP Labor Senator, 309 Because it was our hope that this Martin Resigns from Executive Council of Decides Cut Indicates Break Away Into WITHOUT FIGHT; ALL branches 100 fulfillment of FRANCE, their quotas. However, we have one more chance.
Independence or Towards Last week the Senate, by a vote 46 47, sustained the House fig QUIT IN PANIC TELLS SENATORS (Continued on Page 2)
ure of 725, 000, 000 as the sum to DETROIT. The split that has been developing in the power carry WPA for the remainder of ful Auto Workers Union took a new turn last week when Sidney the current fiscal year (until June Premier and Other Issue of Colonies Hillman and Philip Murray, representing the leadership of the 80. and thereby made certain a Officials First Forced by Axis Choices Face the Unemployed few months.
authority of the Thomas Addes Frankensteen group.
Partners To Desert If the BILL as passed by the Homer Martin, ousted as president of the union by the 15 Senate differing only in certain By BILL MORGAN Ruth Friedman were removed neighbor walked into the from the scene by a partol wagon members of the International Executive Board whom he had sus. amendments from that already ALL HOPE NOT GONE MOSCOW DEAL?
home of Leonard Bencivenga in an attempt to scare of further pended from office, countered. The Martin move, obviously the law, and it no additional measure and his wife in New York City action.
this move by a letter to John result of the systematic provoca is passed, it will mean that ap Repudiating its pledge of a With the uneasy truce of Munthe other day to inform them Then Mrs. Marcus was arrestea. Lewis in which he tendered his tions of the Stalinist unton wreck proximately 150, 000 work day earlier to fight to the finish, ich running out, President Rooseof the passing funeral of a mu She had been turned over to the resignation from the Executive ing crew which has done its best ers will be dropped between now the Negrin government has surtual friend. But they did not police by the bureau.
Council of the to discredit the Cho. In one held and april ist and that more than endea barcelona without GUAM BASE PLAN that he intends to thrust this answer his repeated calls. They Prepares Case themselves were seeking death But Local is made up of many To Consider Affiliation militant workers to be an inde thrown out between April and fight, and has followed this up in a gas filled rear room. militant workers and the arrest In his letter, Martin indicated ſensible step away from the main June 30. This result would be ab by evacuating the industrial area SHOWS OFFENSIVE talitarian threat to American When police and physicians of two members and the client that he would present to the conon Page 2) solutely necessary, because the just north of Barcelona, inclurevived the aged couple the will not prevent carrying on the vention he has called for March sum appropriated could not pro ding the entire munitions instory came out. relief check case until satisfaction is granted. in Detroit the question of dis.
vide for any more.
had failed to arrive. The bur.
OMAHA DRIVERS INTENTIONS He called members of the The bureau knows that a defeat affiliating from the o. and of Shipstead for Cut Senate Military Affairs Commiteau had discontinued their case for the on this case will remaining independent or joining The reduced figure was carried Premier Negrin himself has tee to the White House on Tuesbecause one of the three adult establish convenient albis for fu with the A, of SOLID IN 22nd in the Senate by a coalition of crossed the frontier into France. Admirals Find It day and told them this country children had refused to assist ture CASOS.
From the letter, and all the Republicans and Democrats head according to the press services.
them out of his weekly earnfrontier was the French border.
Arresting the most active work events leading up to what has Hard to Explain ed by Senators Byrne (Dem. ings.
WEEK OF STRIKE He also apparently told them ers and the client will give the become a definite split of the and Harrison (Dem. Miss. See article on page 3, and Bencivenga is jobless, 81 years Its Purpose that he had already committed bureau a breathing spell but in into two fighting camps.
In the final roll call, however, editorial on page the United States to support of old and a cripple. His wife, the deciding vote was cast by paring its case and getting ready were leading the Martin group Bosses Quit Parley: Shipstead, Farmer Labor Senator At the time that he was issuing the heat puter of the base about against Germany and Italy, and Rose, 78 years old, blind and a The Hepburn Naval Board let Britain and France in a war cripple.
for a real battle.
and its followers to a break with Suicide is one way out. The This is only one of many cases, and isolation from the Demands 60 from Minnesota.
The workers of Minnesota proclamations assuring the Bar American war plane when it pro promised unstinted aid in money.
bureau and the city officials no but it serves as an example of the under whose banner the auto Settled should mark this vote well, and celona population of a fight to posed the fortification of Guam supplies and munitions longer have to provide for clients endless work carried on by the workers, in a series of dramatie This dramatic and almost unremember, when the time comes who are dead. But to make a fuss organized unemployed who know struggles, built up an imposing the end, and that the government little rocky island 6, 000 miles precedented White House meetin the relief office to raise hell that only a relentless, determined industrial union, whose birth the percent of the operators niready OMAHA, Neb. With over sixty that Shipstead lined up with would not leave the city, Negrin All week long Admiral William ing was Roosevelt way of bolis the last thing they desire. And struggle will win relief for work. old line bureaucrats of the signed up, the teamsters strike the Minnesota business men had already, it develops, rented a Leahy, chief of Naval Opera stering his allies in Europe where, that there sure was hell to pay around and the Raw Deal in New by their preposterous craft union week against the remaining oper.
when Mrs. Fanny Marcus did just ers who are getting the run of had systematically prevented continued for the twenty second farmers, not with Minnesota villa at Le Perthus, its front door tions, and Rear Admiral Arthur over the strangled body of the workers.
in Spain and its back door in Hepburn, have been before the owers are moving into the midst Spanish revolution, contending in the bureau at 178th St. and York City.
During its last hours of consid France.
Military Affairs Commission of Webster Avenue, the Bronx, this ators, when the bosses broke of negotiations last week. ering the BII, the Senate, with Other Officials Desert the House trying to explain how of another full blown crisis week. The papers all sent phoSpring is no longer the time the Guam project fits into the The break came when the boss no debate or roll call votes, tack Other officials deserting tographers, the police sent cops for lighter fancies. It is open son to defense of the United States.
es refused to negotiate on the ised on a number of amendments. France included: Juan Molas, govto make arrests and the bureau sue of a closed shop clause for One of these is particularly danernor of Barcelona province: Ed Leahy was compelled to admit son for the threat of war that officials were sure embarrassed.
contracts covering local Nebraska gerous in its possibilities for the ward Ortega Gasset, former gov Hawaii could be defended withing capitalist world.
that the west coast and even hangs so constantly over the dyLocal Acts drivers. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
It all happened over night and African Colonies Balk At Closed Shop out Guam and was all but forced is still front page news because (Special to Socialist Appeal)
Last year it was Austria and to confess that Gunm, 1, 365 miles Tentative agreement had alowners to change the croppers inMrs. Marcus has no intention of ST. LOUIS, Mo. Endorsing the to day laborers in order to de ready been reached on a number from Tokyo, would in reality be the Sudetenland. This year it is letting the Reliet Bureau get off easy with a mere Patters Field campaign of the Southern Tenant prive them of the Government of basic Issues. On over road funeral. She intends to fight. Her Purmers Union to give rellet to cotton reduction payments. rung, the bosses had agreed to marine and aerial offensive action African colonies. In his speech on against Japanese positions.
Monday Hitler indicated that tosmall child is going to eat and the homeless sharecroppers of Southeast Missouri, a mass meet the landowners when they re Evicted from their shacks by the uniform minimum 11 atate North Central Area rate of The only thing a base on Guam gether with Mussolini he win put that can be of the Unemployed ana ing of 500 people held here today, fused to accept this change in hour. On Omaha and local runs growing pressure of the of Le cerned have multiplied. You know perialism in China and the Philip resuming his drive eastward to cents a mile, roughly 75 cents an MIAMI, Fla. Evidence of the far as peace prospects are con perialist interests of Yankee im for colonial settlement before would defend would be the im the squeeze on Britain and France Project Workers Union swung in called upon Congress to approprer status, the croppers were then agreement had been reached for membership for unity of the how dificult it is to merge al pines.
to action when the investigators ate funds for the establishment of ejected from their roadside en ward the Ukraine.
a wage scale of 60 cents an hour. American unlon movement was ready existing unions, and he campments in the bureau refused to discuss farm resettlement projects.
Another Aspect of the private In other words, the German and Mrs. Marcus case and demanded back to the farms and put an immediate interview. When Louis Committee for Rehabilita at the mercy of the planters. Sev closed shop for over rond runs to ciliation towards the in the an early peace main terminals Kansas City, Chi remarks of William Green, presi In referring to the auto workers paration for war was brought to hoarded loot of the British and Roosevelt administation in pre take another crack at the longthe committee from Local was ton of the Sharecroppersonale eral hundred families who could cago, etc. but balked at the dent of the of before the union split as a cho family light when it was learned that French racketeers, refused an interview Mrs. Marcus decided to empower the sponsor not be immediately returned to closed shop for local Nebraska quarterly meeting of the execu. quarrel he used different lan. bombing plane secrets were just sat down and stayed down ing Committee to call a confer their Have Nota Ask Cut camp, a barren 40tive council of the A, of here. guage towards that situation than being put at the disposal of first one woman sitdown strike in which would plant further step screentract which was made to meeting of the union voted to changed. It is much better. That ligerent tone of Green reaction to be sold with the government ing to step into this gang war and enthusiastic membership The psychological situation has was generally expected. The bel France, to whom 600 planes are can boss racketeers are prepar And in this country the Amerhistory and it brought results.
aid to the of real shelter as thelr make shift Arrests Made croppers.
camps along the Highways.
Her furniture, dumped on the closed shop and authorized Far Andrus among both the officers copronouncements against the permission and approval.
Poverty Increased Whitfield estimated that at least rell Dobbs, leader of the North and the this The vast maneuvers now under by the name of foreign relatione sidewalk by a city marshall, was Owen Whitfield, leader of the 250 persons were living in cold, Central Area Negotiating Comtime.
carried to the bureau by members mass exodus and roadelde demon unbeated shacks and barns and mittee, to send individual letters way in the Caribbean are design in the capitalist world, The of executive boarded to present a sharp and unmis The members of both organizaof Local Her child was pepresstration of croppers which began are in dire need. tenant on the to the thirteen, remaining operations are pressing for a settle converteive an creport on the Clo, takable warning to potentini riv scan thugu want to nord onto for by friends. The newspapers Jan 10, described in detall the government resettlement projectors, calling upon them to deal di ment That goes for the leaders convention and on Secretary of als in Europe primarily Germany what they have sweated out of Labor Frances Perkins efforts to that the United States will fight the peoples of the earth. The Gertentando all the front pages in cotton growing using machinery the extension of this project of through the bosses negotiating He made an exception, however, settlement of the of and markets of Latin America. The jackers want a cut for themselves bring about a behind the scenes to protect ita grasp on the rich man, Italian, and Japanese hitown.
which replaced croppers and la 100 familles to include the thou committee.
This sudden publieity aroused borers, he stated, Increased the sands of needy croppers and la Most of the operators have when speaking of the attitude of Hepburn plan at the same time Hitler put it quite neatly when the anger of the officials and soon poverty of these workers. The im borers.
Green, it appears, believes the makes it clear that Imperial he said on Monday: since signified their desire to the leaders.
two militant members of Local mediate cause of the croppers te About 100 was collected at the meet directly with the workers Green pointed out that the dif what from the position Lewis showdown with Japan in the mitted certain nations to take convention retreated some ism is preparing swiftly for a TO Assume that God has perwere arrested. Mrs. Sabelsky and volt was the attempt of the land meeting.
ficulties on the mechanical side so took in negotiations last year. Continued on Page 3)
St. Louis Workers Demand Funds For Sharecroppers Green Tone Changing As Workers Press For Peace The meeting, called by the St. forced by the State police. The bosses had conceded the reflected in the new tone of con did not express any optimism for arrangements being made by the Italian hijackers are ready to a drivers.
for twenty one hours! It was the ence of interested organizations concentrat were corraled in An the was lack Pacific.