AnarchismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceHitlerMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers Party

QUESTION BOX Carlo corre Socialist Party. Old Guard Fusion Nears Ratification is Best Labor Paper Our Goal SOCIALIST APPEAL JANUARY 28, 1939 address (Daily Worker, Jan. 20) he pictures SOCLALIST APPEAL Let Us Arm Ourselves, Too!
the warmaking nations which are trying to Vol. III No. Saturday, January 28, 1939 gobble up innocent little America and de nounces as fascists those who deny those dan Published every week by the gers which are forcing our country, for the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS first time with such unanimous popular support (Conducted by the National Party and the Socialist Party. In at 116 University Place. New York, NY.
Educational Department)
that even includes the Communists, to unprethe Communist Party, the most Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 cedented armaments for defense.
QUESTION: What does the fundamental policies are adopted Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. Foreign 16 per year. Bundle order The Stalinists and their Social Democrat term democratic centralism or changed at wilt by the top committee alone, without any dis3 cents per copy. single coples cents.
mean? San Diego, Cal.
allies persuaded the Czechoslovak workers to cussion and decision by the party All checks ks and money orders should be made ANSWER: The Declaration of ranks.
vote for military budgets to fight fascism; the The decision is then out to the Socialist Appeal.
Principles of the puts it handed down to the party memEntered as second class matter September 1, guns they voted for are now at Hitler service.
1937, at the post office at New York, New York, The same tale was told to justify Stalinists as follows: The organizational bers at the same time that it is structure of the revolutionary made public and put into pracunder the Act of March 3, 1879 and Socialists in voting for the huge military party, enabling the party to carry tice. After all this, the leadership budget and for a military loan to Poland: Dalthrough its historic task, rests theh begins a discussion which MAX SHACHTMAN upon the principle of democratic is limited to explanations by the FAitor adier used the guns to crush the general strike HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW and seek an alliance with Hitler, while the centralism. This means the fullest leaders of why the line is correct, inner party democracy combined and discussion by the members Associate Editors Polish anti Semitic government is using that UNE UNITE ACTION with centralized direction and of how the line can best be apS. STANLEY, Business Manager loan to wipe out the Jews and the radical labor rigid discipline in action. Inner. plied no more. The attitude of movement.
party democracy guarantees full the Stalinist bureaucrats toward and free discussion of all party, the membership is: Their not Spain Friends Doesn Browder know all this? Of course.
But like any hireling who troubles himself not problems, and freedom of criti to reason why.
Wherever workers congregate, the anguished cism both of policies and of the The opposite extreme was true at all about the future consequences of his leadership. The leadership, up to of the Socialist Party some years cry irresistibly arises: why don the democratic deeds, he does the bidding of his master. And and including the highest bodies, ago. There was comparatively a powers and the Soviet Union provide the Spanhis master, the Ghengis Khan of the Kremlin, is freely and democratically high degree of democracy Interish Loyalists with arms? Give the peasants and gambling for Roosevelt favor, plays with the elected by the membership, and nally discussion of policies, right workers a fighting chance, and not all the forces lives of tens of millions of American workers subject to its control and reto disagree with the leadership.
of Franco, Mussolini and Hitler could prevail moval. The administration of ete. But at the same time, there as if they were so many poker chips. Neither the party centralized, with was no thoroughgoing disciplme against them: hopelessly outclassed in arma he nor Browder worry about what will happen lower units subordinate to the required of the membership nor ment, the anti fascist masses have nevertheless higher units. In public and in centralization in the actions of to the chips.
fought back with sheer manpower for two and action, all members are required the Party. members in the a half years.
to carry out the discipline of the trade unions openly pursued antiparty.
The Irish Bombings The spokesmen of the Second and Third InSocialist or anti progressive pollNotice that the term democies, and nothing was done about ternationals are attempting to clear their skirts The newspapers have recently featured a cratic centralism combines two it. The state organization enof responsibility for the unarmed condition of series of bombings in England and Ireland, on ideas: democracy in internal joyed state rights and to a the Loyalists. In the French Chamber of Depu the Ulster border. Presumably, the explosives party life, and centralized disci large extent were not subject to ties they are going through the motions of de were set off by the Irish Republican Army which, pline in the external and public the control of the national organactivities of party members and izaion, so that the in difmanding that the Spanish frontier be opened. though silent for several years, again came to But the Rightist spokesman, Deputy Vallat, a public life last Sunday morning with a fiery units. These two things are supferent states could and did folplementary to each other, like the low diametrically opposite poliFranco partisan, taunts the Stalinists and so proclamation posted everywhere in the streets of two sides of a coin. We believe cies.
cialists: am of the same opinion as was Leon Dublin and Belfast.
ARMAMENTS that the most effective means of Left Wing Disciplined Blum when he was in power. He decided then While Scotland Yard busied itself with ferBILLIONS Insuring disciplined action of In more recent years, with the against intervention. He resisted those who de reting out the responsible persons, the boss party members is the fact that growth of the left wing movethe members themselves have ment in the more and more manded planes and guns for Spain.
press has yiped in horror at the outrages. For first determined what policies the restrictions were imposed by the During most of the Spanish civil war, Popu our part, while we deplore the methods of the party should forward and right wing leadership in order to lar Front governments, twice with Blum as pre as ineffective, and consequently as wrong, who its leaders should be. curb the revolutionary sentiment mier, were at the helm in France. Those gov. we do not share the anguish of those who were Once this has been decided by of the membership the majority of the party, after a spondingly. disciplinary control ernments existed only thanks to the Stalinist. never horrified by British oppression of the discussion in which all partici was exercised more and more Socialist bloc, which supported them and closed Irish masses.
pate with complete freedom of strictly over the left wingers its eyes to their strangling of the Loyalists. The has held its forces together admirexpression, any who disagree are while the right wingers continexpected to abide by the decision ued to act independently of party Spokesmen of the British Labour Party whine ably, training and drilling its recruits illegally, which they have themselves par control up in the hills. Unfortunately, it about their government refusal to help Spain.
unguided ticipated in making. Even then, party that is organized on But it is their government by the decisive crite by a revolutionary, Marxian program; hence its The shattered remnants of the centrated in the hands of the ex ary socialist and all other organi the question can be re opened democratic centralized lines rion that the Labour leaders vote for its military resort to the dangerous and feeble methods of Norman Thomas Socialist Party treme right wing of the party. zations which stand for or sup when the next discussion period the only one that can really overto fight fascism!
terror. But the charge (which has been promi are being secretly burgets In addition, these democratic port dictatorship of any kind. previous to a party convention throw the centralized, tightlyGuard sociailsts who are cooking up a Patriotic Partner comes around knit capitalist state, and at the President Roosevelt solemnly announces that Social Democratic Federation in shoddy deal behind the backs of In Other Parties nently made in the press that the movement to fusion with the ed initself is today inspired by Nazis is a bald same time, faithfully reflect the The New Leader, Federation government lawyers are investigating to deterthe course of negotiations that the members, are seeing to it It is worthwhile comparing wishes and interests of the admine whether he has the legal power to lift the calumny.
have been going on between the that a minimum of publicity organ, is the stamping ground this to the state of nairs that vanced workers upon whom the 18 for avowed patriots who call England crisis is Ireland opportunity has leaders of the wees to consum fact of the unity negotiations, in the United States and for a given in the press even to the for a super armament program exists arms embargo against Spain. The arrant hypocinside the Communist party is based.
risy of that statement is obvious. At any time for long been the slogan of the Irish revolutionduring the last two and a half years, Roosevelt ists. It is one to which we give full support. The mate the reunion will be taken, much less to the details.
Nevertheless, all the indications cism, and in general for an excould have determined that fact and, if he Irish masses must at every opportunity seize the National Executive Committee are that the unity will be tension of that support to RooseBy WIDICK didn have the legal power, could have appealed upon England crisis, small or big, to advance of the scheduled to open in achieved on the basis already pro velt and the New Deal fraud to Congress to lift the embargo. Instead he has their own revolutionary aims.
The best labor paper in America, Chicago on Feb. The measures vided by the program of the re which the Federation has backed It is this prospect for the twice a week Appeal that makes systematically prevented the Loyalist from se Sabotage, explosions, will not, however, serve will complete the process of liqui formist Old Guard which broke from the beginning the present campaign so vital to every trade unionist in and the purpose. That will only be served by a seri has been in a state of rapid dis years ago. Indeed, the reformists the attempts of the Thomas lendcuring arms on this continent. Closing their eyes It will be interesting to watch near the Party. Already the Socialist Appeal has made its mark to all this, the Stalinists hail him as savior of ous, carefully thought out campaign of mass re.
integration for the past two are not even bothering to conin the union movement with lively articles on burning issues the world and, a little more urbanely, the Social sistance and offense.
years, ceal the fact that the union is to ership to ram down the throats before the labor movement. Now, we have the possibility of We repeat, only the masses, guided by a revoof the remaining membership the Democrats vote for him with both hands.
be marked by a capitulation to becoming a powerful influence through the medium of our Membership in Dark twice a week Appeal.
lutionary party and policy, will be able to con their point of view all along the proposal to unite with as unapWhen it served Stalin purpose of smother Despite repeated attempts by line.
petizing a gang of social patriots Nothing succeeds like success. Our Party can and will vert England crisis into Ireland revloutionary rank and file left wingers in the Writing in the Jan. 14, 1989 is as is to be found in ing the revolutionary elements in Spain as proof Second make, am confident, an impressive record in the labor movethat he deserved a military alliance with France opportunity to have the party officials sue of the organ of the International which is saying a ment, especially through the expansion of our press. It signifies render a report of the negotia the New Leader, the prominent rood deal.
and England, he sent some airplanes and guns a giant step forward in building a mass base in the working Thomas, however, is not standtions begun without asking the right wing socialist, Adolph Warclass. It means that the Trotskyites are not only here to to Spain. Now that the revolutionary elements membership approval or get show, points out that the Thomas ing. on any such ceremonies as stay but are the march. In this period of confusion, indeare crushed and Stalin no longer needs to bribe Chief of the defense measures to come beting it in any form, no report group has degenerated politically setting the preliminary approval cision, and muddling through by the and of the Anarchist and Socialist leadership to give fore Congress this week and last, is the prohas been forthcoming.
to the point where unity is now of his membership before com mitting his organization irrevocatop leaderships, our steady advance on the road of revolutionhis assassins a free hand, he sends no more arms In fact, so exceptionally cau desirable and possible: posed improvement of Guam into a major bly. He feels the need of a ary socialism will serve to draw all advanced union militants naval base. Already as much a part of the navy to Spain. Just as he remains silent about the tious has the Thomas Altman Whatever ideological differ broader field for his talents and in our direction.
as the fleet, the little island of 22, 000 inhabi Leidler clique been in its discus. ences existed at the time of the hopes in vain, as he will learn The twice a week Appeal with spot news strikes, on Hitler pogroms and keeps the doors of his retants lies on the direct route between Japan and sions with the corrupt old split have since almost com that unity with the will general labor developments, on the national and international gime closed against anti fascist refugees, so he her mandated islands. The proposal sharpens the Guard group that not even one pletely disappeared. Those who provide it. In any case, it has issues that face the workers today, can become the best read is silent about Spain: his policy of making peace significance of Roosevelt studied disavowal of single member of the Zam Tyler now constitute the membership become obvious to him and his labor paper in America. It must become indispensable to with capitalism has led him toward rapproche any thought of taking part in another war on faction of pink centrists has been of the Socialist Party have by colleagues that the heart sickenevery union militant. And when we hear the unionists say, ment with Hitler, and he will do nothing which European soil, instead of the more usual permitted to take part in the their actions, as well as by ing job of trying to breathe life don agree with all the policies, but the Socialist Appeal phrase, foreign soll, in his hypocritical defense work of the negotiating commit specific resolutions passed at into the more than they certainly has the inside information and facts on everything. may offend Hitler.
tee. Everything is carefully con their conventions 1937 and bargained for that why read it, then we know we will have broken This is the record of the friends of Loyalist Guam, a rocky island of slight economic im1938, discarded the Detroit decThe showing in the last through the ice and will be well on the road to a genuine mase Spain whose realism has so often been con portance, is 5, 100 miles from San Francisco and laration and have adopted as elections was a first class calami proletarian party.
thelr basie policy the attaintrasted with the unrealistic program of the 3, 400 miles from Honolulu. It does not lie in the ty, especially in the last of its two Build the Party in the unions through the twice a week path between the mainland and Japan. It is ment of socialism by demorevolutionists for irreconcilable class struggle.
traditional strongholds, New Appeal!
however only 1, 400 miles south of Yokahama; cratle means.
This is the deadend of the road of reformism.
York, where it was dropped from and more important, it is right next to sixteen They no longer speak of de the ballot for lack of enough ready for our branch. We are onEvery honest anti fascist must now seriously turn other Mariana Islands, mandated to Japan by mocracy as bogun and have votes. pathetic party press has ly a few members and most of to the only other real alternative: the road of the League of Nations.
emphatically repudlated the no continued in a comatose state, them are unemployed.
the socialist revolution.
torious Road to Power resolu barely breathing despite repeated Therein is the key to Roosevelt intent. Defensively of no importance assuming the fanA contemptible document was Louis of Quakertown, Pa.
tion. They are now entirely at injections of adrenalin and digisends a check to complete the tastie prospect that Japan would sail 000 miles recently been exposed and has provoked considerable discussion one with us in their opposition talis. last desperate effort has quota and says: This does not to attack the coast it is a vital offensive not only in the ranks of the Unto Stalinism. Finally, their Recruiting Sergeants just been made to keep the end our efforts and if funds are position in a war with Japan, Guam could not employed and Project Workers present position on the united party former weekly and now block a mythical raid of Japanese ships and Six months ago the Stalinists were virtuously front, the trade union move fortnightly organ alive by movraised the amount will be for warded.
Union, in whose name the docuplanes on San Francisco. It could, however, ment, and the Labor Party is ing it to the graveyard of Ameridenying that they would ever support Roosevelt ment was issued but also in the (Continued from Page 1) Hess of Youngstown, Ohio serve as a base of operations against the Japanessentially the same as ours.
ranks of the Socialist Party.
can socialism, Milwaukee. In that Pledge Fund card No. 2? Encosed is another payment. m in an armament building program. month ago ese mandates (not to liberate them, but to conOur apparent differences on city, furthermore, the once 80 Another reader, of New still quite certain that we shall the Stalinist Fuehrer, Earl Browder, came out tinue their exploitation. and even the Japanese It appears, after investigation, collective security and the apmainland.
cialist Milwaukee Leader has York writes: Enclosed find check have our quota fulfilled by Februfor armament, but if only by bad grammar rethat one Henry Rourke, an of proach to the New Deal are no ficial of the and a mem just announced its demise in fa for hope to see the Socialist ary 1st.
longer so violent as to prove frained from making his Yes entirely unconber of the Socialist Party, issued an insuperable barrier if a genvor of its successor, the Mil Appeal a dally paper soon, with Mark Knight of Los Angeles: Discovered by Magellan in 1521, Guam was ditional.
waukee Post which, on its ap pride that will never disappoint Am enclosing a money order to originally called Island of Thieves. And hypoa statement in the name of the uine desire unity permeates pearance, declared that it win us. May call your attention to apply to our Appeal quote. We Now he has gone the whole hog. In a radio crites and jingoists too, it should be added! without consulting eiththe deliberations of the com not be a party organ or own the need of a publication, in Yid are still plugging away. We may er the Executive Committee or mittees who are soon to dis allegiance to any one organiza dish and open forums in the same be a few days late in fulfilling it able.
the City Central body of the or cuss the question.
The management of The Newganization. That in itself is bad tion or group of organizations. language? Comrade will be but we ll get there.
International also states that enough, but an examination of the nate all the remaining preten.
The coming fusion will elimi Collapsing glad to learn that a Jewish group this announcement serves as of statement, which was mailed to sions of the present socialist reported at the last meeting of ganization. He will hear more The party membership, it was is already in the process of or ficial announcement to all So members of Congress by Rourke ciaist Workers Party, brings to light some of the crafti wing position which was, in in Baltimore, is at the lowest figParty to a revolutionary or left the Pi Executive Committee about it.
The following sent in their inand all other New International est red baiting we have yet seen fact, given up more than a year uro in decades. Whole state and dividual Eddie While the January number of tralia has appeared in the maga agents that any agent in arrears Also, it is evident, that the state ago at the time of the bureau city organizations have simply Grey, 15, Abrahams. The New International, with its zine columns with payments on the magazine ment was intended as a personal cratic mass expulsion of the mill collapsed, including, most recent. Coney Island, 83: David A, timely informative and polemical Biographical and political will not receive the February Is bid for recognition from either tant socialists who subsequently ly, the once substantial up state. 2; Samuel Smartville, Calir.
articles, is stirring unusual inter review of the late Karl Kautsky. Sue, and requests that settlement reactionary Congressmen or the formed the Socialist Workers New York party. In New York 1; Matt Waukeegan, 3: Bob To the Socialist Appeal: est and discussion in labor, polit theoretical leader of the Second of accounts be made immediately. Dies Committee.
State as a whole, the party has Yonkers, 50c: Wellsley, send you herewith a copy of The January issue is still availLike the the Social Demo recently been officially dissolved Mass. 2; Gates, Kansas, 50c: a letter that sent to the Workical and scholastic circles the International by Max shacht able to those desiring to obtain is to be commended for cratic Federation, kept alive by as an independent political orga Cottekil, y. ers Age, organ of the IndepenFebruary issue will be fully up a The Jewish Question and In copies. Price per copy: 20e; Sub its prompt action in repudiating the rotten Jewish Daily For nization by the decision of the Friend, C, 20; Jersey City dent Labor League (Lovestoneto the high standards of The perialism in Palestine by the scription: 2, 00 per year the document and censuring its ward machine, is an educa right wing to liquidate into the Group.
Address: author. Evidently the workers of tional sect led by doddering old American Labor party.
New International. New fea editors of The Spark, official FROM OUR BRANCHES Sir: tures will appear in the February organ of the Workers Party of The New International the are on guard against has beens who long ago aban With the party purged some Ken of Houston, Texas, writes: In a recent issue of Workers 116 University Place, the personal, ambitions of any doned socialism in the hopes of time ago of almost everyone who Our next unit meeting is going Age it was announced that Issue. Among those already South Africa.
New York, NY The leader and also against red bait living comfortably from the took revolutionary socialism sescheduled to appear are: popular column be devoted entirely to discuss am to be among the speakers in ing in any form. The rule or ruin crumbs thrown them by the trade riously, the final step of re union ing ways and means of selling the a series Is Austria a Nation. by Dwight Macdonald, Reading of lectures to be given Charles Crompton, pen name of From Right to Left. Editors American City tactics of the Stalinist controlled unton bureaucracy and the capi with the Old Guard, who were Appeal. Discussions of this char at the Independent Labor InstiWorkers Alliance and the cheap talist parties they support in and denounced by Thomas and Co. a acter should be on the agenda of tute. To keep the record straight an Austrian writer of competence. Notes, and other important ar Rank and File History of betrayal of the rank and Alle by out of elections. The Farmers and the Recent ticles to be announced in the Minneapolis and the Teamsters David Lasser are lessons well few short years ago in terms all branches. Distribution of the d like to state that actually had The Federation and its paper which would now bring the blush twice Elections by Dave Cowles. forthcoming Appeal.
Strike of 1934.
week Appeal raises new told the Institute several weeks learned by these workers who are vicious red baiting institu of embarrassment to their faces, problems.
before that could not give a Survey of the Political Bound volumes of the 1938 se By C, WALKER broke once and for all with both tions and their editor, a typical will mark the fitting culmination John Brucker of Allentown, talk there, for various reasons.
and Labor Movement in Australia ries of The New International Our Price 750 Originally 50 the Stalinists and Lasser. We democratic socialist, has called of the decay to which Thomas, Pa. Enclosed find money order Apparently, there was some sort. by Stan. Bollard, of Sydney, are now available: price, 00 per LABOR BOOKSHOP wonder what the Socialist Party repeatedly for government sup Altman, Zam and Tyler doomed on our Appeal quota. We will of misunderstanding.
Australia. This is the first time volume. First come first served. 28 East 12th St. will do in this case. We remem pression and outlawing of all the by virtue of their un make our final payment before Sincerely, An exhaustive article on Aus Only a limited number still avail (Send for catalogue) ber the cases of Lasser and Lash. Stanist. communist. revolution principled reformist course. the 27th so get the big banner DWIGHT MACDONALD Improving Guam What Does Say On Rourke. 2, 800 IS DRIVE TOTAL WITH ONE MORE WEEK LEFT Varied Content In Feb. New International Letters to the Editor of