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JANUARY 28, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL La Guardia Chisels New Leader Promises Nice War To Greek Dictator Stalinists Kowtow Times Leads Pack On Housing Funds Attacking Mexico If We Are All Good Patriots ROCHESTER UNION FIGHTS BOSS WAR Drop moral indignation at the Mr. Monahan was the complete funds!
Senate Stalls On Relief As Evades Responsibility Signing individual declara tions of repentance, several hunLittle Flower Talks Big But Curries Favor of dred Stalinists have capitulated to General Metaxas, whone bloody Press Barrage Presages Sharpened Landlords by Whittling Down By MAX SHACHTMAN regime has hounded the labor movement ever since he came Demands; Kluckhohn Proposed Expenditures So revolting and complete has been the re tions of radicals. Normaley: the breaking of into power in 1936. All the promiversal by the Stalinists of the traditional revolu strikes from one end of the country to the Is Kicked Out tionary attitude towards capitalist armaments nent Stalinist leaders Sclavainother. Seargent Bohn memory is phenomenal.
as. Manoleas and others have By GRACE SAUNDERS endorsed an appropriation of and war, that attention is often concentrated In Great Britain, the World War marked recognized their errors.
Paving the way for stiff demands by the government upon NEW YORK Mayor LaGuar 300, 000, 000 for re housing. Even upon it to the exclusion of the no less vicious creat advance In democratic controls.
position taken in what was once the opposite din, he of White House hopes, the use of this entire amount Already inoculated with Stalin Mexico, the New York Times is leading the American capitalist Yes, especially for the 743, 702 fallen Britons has given another striking ex. would not begin to solve the tre camp the social democracy. not counting the colonial dead) who were burist patriotism, it was an easy press in a systematic campaign of vicious propaganda to justify in ample of the system by which he mendous housing problem of the Some former radicals have taken advantage jump for these cynical function advance armed intervention against the Mexican people.
led democratically in common war graves and aries to the better patriotism expects to realize his political city and state. Why, in his bills, of the widespread indignation at the crudely who were, consequently, unable to enjoy the speeIts own hireling, Frank Kluck whole armed might to bring ambitions. Its simplicity recom does the mayor whittle down this pro war position of Browder and Co. and covof Metaxas. Their conversion fol hohn, having finally been ousted about restoration of tacle of such democratic controls as were exerAmerican mends it, plus the fact that it sum to only a little over a third of cred their retreat to the social democratic camp towed the vialt of King George from Mexico for deliberate falsi properties in Mexico and the cized in the notorious Defense of the Realm II to England, and the weakenhas worked many times in the the total the voters advocated?
under a barrage of indignant denunciation Act, the murderous suppression of the Irish Reagainst the Stalinista. or that particular brand past. Briefly, it is: talk liberal Perhaps he is unaware that althy.
ing of Metaxas friendship for Mentions, the Times has estab. elimination of Nazism from that publicans, and the forcible crushing of strikes.
and humanitarian; act conserva crowded tenements are just as in of renegade, there has lately been more than Germany following the Munich lished him at the border town of State is prominently displayed War Is Just like peace in one respect. In Pact.
Brownsville, Texas, from which in the Times on January 22.
tive and reactionary. The work jurious to the health and morale one representative both ways of life, the biggest capitalists take he continues to write as coplously To bolster up the case for pure era and the unemployed, who rep. of slum dwellers as is reduced inThe current New Leader (Jan. 21. organ advantage of the citizenry. But it need not as ever, since honest observation idealist of the gentleman inaug.
resent sizeable bloc of votes, come of the Social Democratic Federation, offers us be so. The capitalists are our capitalists; the never was the basis of his re urating the campaign, Roy will the hopes) be taken in by Currles Favor with Landlords more evidence if more were needed that quit armament plants are our plants. We, through porting Monahan, a Wall Street attorney, his words; the moneyed inter But chiselling on the amount of ting Stalinism for democratic socialism is like our government, can do with them what we Anti fascist Racket the adds that eats, whom an astute politician the appropriation requested is not leaving one recruiting sergeant to enllat with like, must also consider, will judge the only way in which the peo another, Ugh! what sickening, stinking drivel! Mr.
fact that Mexico is selling to ant against the German American him not so much by what he ple friend hopes to curry favor Under the fitting headine, Must Arm Bohn, says an advertisement of the Rand School, Italy and Germany oil produced Settlement League, six officers of says, but by what he does. with the landlords and banks. or Join Appeasement, Mr. William Bohn, is to lecture on Isms in the American La. Special to Socialist Appeal) from expropriated British and which were recently tried for viIn The mayor bills likewise pro spokesman for the and one of the New speech last Saturday, bor Movement. We suggest that he specialize ROCHESTER, Declaring American Wells, and the plain im olation of the State Civil Rights dripping with compassion, the vide that cities be permitted to Leader feature stars, takes the floor with an on the subject: Toadyism to the Imperialist its firm opposition to any war plication that this means a pro Law. In other words, the endorsement of the Roosevelt war program as Little Flower told 1, 200 make rehabilitation loans to mulWar mongers and How to Practise it. And we launched by the United States cess of political identification be Times vouches for Monahan workers what a fine job they tiple dwelling owners. helping enthusiastic as any you can read in the Daily suggest further that in view of the approach government, the Brotherhood of tween Mexico and the fascist pure anti fascist motives: his had done in New York City un hand to the struggling slum landWorker. Let our readers hold their nostrils ing union between the Socialist Party and the Locomotive Firemen and Engine countries, is the main theme of cheap gesture against a fasclat whilo we present a few samples of Mr. Bohn der most difficult conditions, lords. and that limited dividend Social Democratic Federation, Mr. Norman men, Lodge 99, passed a resolu this unscrupulous campaign. organization is employed to jus garbage: Thomas, as a gesture of good will and appease tion last week condemning the Truth Untold tify holy anti fasclet war consequences to the health and ing semi low rent buildings are to Civilization, decency, culture, liberty are ment of old rancors, nominate Seargent Bohn as gigantic program of naval and That Mexico would be only too against Mexico. spirit of the unemployed in the be aided by tax exemption at stake. No one should make his decision Director of Anti War Propaganda of the united military expansion proposed by glad to sell its oil to the demo Atrocity Stories Chiselling down the housing aplightly or on the basis of old catch words.
the Roosevelt administration.
cratle countries, but is prevented Shots at the home of a consurepresentatives and senators persisted in cutting 150, 000, 000 from propriation, aid to landlords, as If war is worse than fascism, then we are Associated with him we continue our free The resolution further states from doing so by a boycott im lar employe in Mexico City, already inadequate extra these provisions are of direct sistance to prospective Inndlords the lost, for war we shall probably have whether suggestions should be Madame Tony Sender, as that wars are not fought for de posed by British and American American businessmen who are appropriation requested we arm or not. But don believe anything Director of Anti War Work Among Women. The mocracy, but that the slogan of oil companies backed by their afraid to make puble comte benefit not to the slum dwellers, by President Roosevelt.
qualifications of this former social democratic else is as bad as fascism.
Pleas but to the slum owners and the democracy is used to dupe the governments of this neither the plaints, information which wenn such as these are expedient, Maybe not. But nothing could be more sickReichstag deputy are revealed in full by one sen workers and farmers of this New York Times nor the rest not be sent in detail by American cheap. and safe, for the question financial interests which back ening than the social democracy which showed tence in her article printed in the same issue of country to protect and expand of the kept press says anything. correspondents and similar atof funds is something on the New Leader, right next to Bohn s: its impotence by not lifting a finger to stop Workers Need Maximum imperialist interests.
American imperialism has es rocity items figure largely in tablished a new defnition of Kluckhohn concoctions.
which Congress, and not the Hitler from coming to power and keeping it to Mr. Certainly, no mother wants to sacrifice Commenting on the housing mayor, has to act.
Au War Funds to Unemployed anti fasciam. Any ruling clique of Kluckhohn has no imagination: this day, and now asks the capitalist class to her son on the battle field. But does she prebills, the liberal New York Post do that job for it. As we recall, Woodrow Wilson Mayor Whittles Housing Fund Warning the workers that the gangsters who agree to serve the same items are being em fer to have him sent to a concentration ascribes what it terms the government When we consider the housing mayor timidity to his overonce forced us to the trenches to do a similar camp! The sooner we stop the march of faspreparations for American financlers and capital ployed by Nazi Germany in pre.
problem, on which definite action weaning fear of the Republican job on the Kand Prussian militarism and cism, the better this nation is served.
labor as already revealed in the which murdered thousands of upon Holland. Retuting his as is demanded of the mayor and legislature at Albany. The Post thorough it was.
Madame Sender gave plenty of proof of her day plans and the Sheppard. trade unionists in Cuba, the Ver sertions about secrecy and sup his henchmen, we get another may not be taken in by the Little The that war necessarily means ability to stop the march of fascism when HitMay bill which provides for the gas camarilla which rules by the pression, Associated Press dlapicture of the would be humant. Flower public lamentations and fasciare is pure bunk.
ler gangsters were allowed to walk quietly into prohibition of strikes, punitive sword in Brazil, etc. is christen patches from Mexico City have tarian wringing of hands, but it lees on power without meeting the slightest semblance discipline of unions and labored democratic.
There are it, on the solemn word of Only tive days before his that it is.
hono carried the details about Mexican Bohn. And the proof is given by of resistance from her and her fellow party leadW. apeech, and immediately But the workers and the inleaders, and the government con But the Mexican government, trade with Germany.
histor which our Democratie Socialist Is as ers. But lest we appear to doubt her prowess, trol of press and radio, the reso upon his return to New York empyed who are the victims of much home as he will be tomorrow in a bewo hasten to add that we are quite sure she will which is attempting to free Mex Mexican trade with Germany hind lines uniform.
from Washington where he like what the mayor does, in contra lutton declares that the pacifist, ico from the grip of imperialism, can be ended by the American prove to be far more energetic in getting mothwise urged larger appro distinction to what he says, can. the minute war the Civil War and ers to sacrifice their sons on the battlefield in non working class opposition to expropriated big foreign oil and imperialists and their governpriations on Congress, LaGuardia not afford to let themselves be the World War) was over, our men shed the Roosevelt sacred and ever so democratic war war has already collapsed and land holdings that the American ment very easily: all they have said that two bills embodying the duped.
hated military uniforms and went to exagainst insciem.
that only firm working class op kept press has the effrontery to to do is put an end to the boyposition can stop war.
link with frusciam!
provisions of his Committee on tremes In demanding the return to normalThe citizens of this state have cott they have been waging She didn do so well in that war when it cy.
Housing Legislation were being expressed themselves unequivocThe union further stated its Armed Intervention Demanded against Mexican oil and other started in Germany several years ago, but then unalterable opposition to all war sent to the State Legislature.
Normaley: the American Legion mob that campaign for use of our products!
ally in favor of the maximum, not she only had about Afteen million workers to The bills ask for 120, 000, 000 tho minimum, of new housing.
lynched Wesley verett ntralls Wash. Nor back up. Now, she guaranteed to do better, preparations and demanded that the military and naval budget for housing for all of New York Mayor LaGuardia, the humanit malcy: the breaking up of socialist meetings and for with Wall Street by her side nothing can be transferred to the relter State, of which 100, 000, 000 would arian, has no intention of carry headquarters. Normalcy: the suppression of the stop her.
Communist and Communist Labor parties. Norbe allocated to New York City. ing out this mandate.
Not even the sacrifice of every conscripted of the unemployed. It also de matcy: the red raids and the mass deportaBut a full 10 per cent of this Pressure from workers and unmanded that the United States mother son.
immediately withdraw its armed amount would be set aside for employed alone is the only means forces from foreign shores beparks and recreational features, by which mayor and his cause only big business and leaving only 90, 000, 000 to be henchmen and the president and not labor have financial interests (Continued from Page 1) and maintains the workspent on housing.
his co workers will be made to The voters of New York State realize that workers, too, judge by abroad that need protection. maximum of 1, 950, 000 by the end ers at the sub human average last November overwhelmingly deeds and not words.
The firemen and enginemen ex of June: that is more than 1, 000. wage of 52. 50 per month, It the unemployed are to get pressed their desire to join to 000 workers will be thrown on anywhere in protecting themgether with all forces in the In the street.
bor movement who share these Nor would the pleture be basic selves from literal starvation, not (Continued from Page 1) that reason, Roosevelt has on. mittee. e, issued by the Stalin. views and called for the consoll ally altered by the increase of to speak of advancing the postIs there any possible justifica sineered a sham battle with its and their stooges Iles when dation of all of labor forces to 150, 000, 000 in accordance with tive struggle for Jobs and decent tion for Roosevelt orders to cut Congress.
It says that the Tory Congress resist every move of the war Roosevelt recommendation. Col wages, the first step will have to Here is how he did it: down relief? On the contrary, unonel men cunningly killed the attempt mongers.
Harrington statisties, be a breakaway from subordina Why doesn the Soviet government open its doors to the employment is as widespread 28 He Issued his figures. The arch of the New Deal Congressmen to placed before the Senate Com tion to Roosevelt who is himself refugees from Fascism?
ever. Even the New York Times reactionary Republicans and have their votes recorded. On Demand Popular Referendum mittee, show that a 875, 000, 000 the most skillful leader in the Another resolution passed by appropriation would require e re. drive against the unemployed.
Why doesn Stalin government invite the Jews to settle business Index reveals the fright Democrats, as was to be expect the contrary, the New Dealers in Biro Bidjan, the Jewish Autonomous Territory in Soviet ful situation: it dropped three ed, proposed an additional cut of aldn ask for a recorded vote and Lodge 89 of the Brotherhood asks duction of the rolls at least to wholly independent perspec points this week and stands at 150 millions. Had Roosevelt de most of them voted with the for a popular referendum before 2, 660, 000 (370, 000 under the current tive, content with nothing less Siberia?
the same level as in June, 1933! aired to settle the matter qulckly. Tories.
any war can be declared by the total) by June 30th, and in all than jobs for all unemWhat has happened there since its leaders were executed? In June, 1933, Roosevelt sought he would have Having thus engineered a re sovernment. The union stated probability more than this. ployed workers at trade union Why hasn Stalin uttered a syllable in protest against the to revive American capitalism by out against the sharply spend volt against his proposed apt forced to fight wars for imperialent battle with Congress is all war funds to the unemployed, appro that workingmen are constantly In actuality. Roosevelt presi wages and the turning over of persecution of the Jews by Hitler. priming the pump. Jired un he has to put pressure on the of the prompter box, strutsist robbers, but they are never sham, designed only to paralyze implemented not by lobbyists in Four mii have used the numerous means priation, Roosevelt now comes out Why hasn the Stalin government taken at least one hunlion unemployed were dred children of Jewish refugees if England has accepted 2, 000?
der and thelr Democratic congressmen, he down center where all heroes given the democratic right to an independent Hght by the labor Washington but by militant masa wages were to increase purchaus would have broadcast Ar stand, and to the shrieking ap vote on whether or not they want movement and the unemployed actions, is the only hope for the Why has the Socialist Fatherland refused to give visas ing power and start industry go side speech. Whenever Roose plause of the Stalinists and 18 to fight for democracy. Since for adequate rellet provisions, unemployed.
even to Czechoslovakian and German communists?
ing again. That spending pro. velt really wants something, these sorted labor skates, comes out for 18 year old boys will night Roosevelt is just as determined gram helped the business index are his methods. only a billion dollar cut in resolution also demands that all as Congress to carry through the Why don the American Stalinists, like the Socialist Workrise from 90 In June 1933 to 110 Instead, he encouraged the so relief.
persons over the age of 18 be smashing drive Against the unors Party, fight for the admission of political and religious refuIn August, 1937. At no time, how called economy bloc. As the New And millions of unemployed permitted to vote on the question employed, which started under gees into this country?
What is happening inside the Soviet Union and its ruling million unemployed who were uary 23, last week New Deal called upon to parade on January enough to fight, old enough to lowing the November elections.
that can explain such things?
not given jobs. leaders on the Hill sald that the 28 to back up the President. vote.
He differs with Congress only as Now Roosevelt has abandoned President was willing to accept The whole thing a fraud. Not to the ways and means of andling it and of dealing with opposl. Special to Socialist Appeal)
ugees was put on the agenda of pump priming. He and the rest the cut. When the House of Rep the Tories. but the shrewdest of the executive committee of resentatives, on January 13, pro and most coldblooded political tion from the workers.
AKRON, Ohio. Despite a haz the Artists Union of Chicago, the capitalist class us whole ceeded to vote, the New Deal leader the capitalist class of this Unemployed Can Rely Only On ardous snowstorm, more than 60 of L, at its regular mem that what the government is leaders in the House had an ob country has had in a century.
Themselves people came from a radius of 300 threat to call the cops against Roosevelt maneuver has al miles to attend the second anmembership vote. Introduced by gigantic armament program ever on each restrictive amendment to condemning millions of youth to revolutionists is contained in a ready succeeded in swinging Johnnual Ohlo Michigan district cona militant union member, the res proposed in peacetime America. record just who were the con permanent joblessness, is con letter to the editors of the New Lewis, David Lasser and May: vention and active workers conSAN FRANCISCO. The pro olution met with a favorable re They are preparing gressive slate made a clean sweep sponse. Referred to the Execu American capitalism by a world of the votes of workers and un of millions of men, women and Harrison, whose recent break him. These three have dropped Party, held here last Sunday.
revive gressmen who thought so little demning to slow starvation tons International by Charles Yale or LaGuardia into line behind terence of the Socialist Workers in the annual election of the tive Committee for consideration war for the re division of the employed. But when Speaker children.
with Marxism was condemned in their own plans without a mur 20 increase in party memMarine Premer Union, cleaning of its form, the resolution has not world.
Bankhead inquired If any mem If these millions could see an article by James Burnham and mur, and are now merely plead. bership was reported for this out the last Staliniat yet been brought back to the billion dollars less for re ber wanted to exercise his right Roosevelt and his system of Max Shachtman appearing in the ing tearfully for Congress to district during the past year.
It was a straight contest be membership.
llet, bullion dollars more for and demand a separate roll call hypocrisy and deceit for just current issue of that magazine. stand behind the President. in tween the Stalinists and the proarmament that the first fruit on amendments, no New Dealer what it is, monstrous device The letter from Harrison, whom other words, they have become Widick, National Labor groselves who had rallled Afteen of Roosevelt war plans. Bul demanded a roll call, and none for keeping us all in subjection, the New Dealers have just ap the spokesmen for Roosevelt Secretary, reported for the National Committee on party pro months ago against Stalinist lets Instead of bread!
unem they would put and end to that pointed Public Relations Counsel own drive against the domination of this key union.
Then, to cap it all, only six Had Roosevelt proposed apsystem. Let us concentrate on gress and perspectives. Special to the United States Housing ployed, which dropped 350, 000 Defeat Stack propriation been adopted by Con Democrats voted against the helping them open their eyes authority in Washington, an from the rolls during No reports on the transitional progreas immediately, it would have bul as finally bowdlerized!
Walter Stack, the one Stalinist then they will really be able nounces his intention sue the vember and December, plans agram and its application to this (Continued from Page 1)
been plain that he was respon The leaflet issued by who had managed to be elected the fight for bread and for social editors for libel. Gathering wind further drop of 370, 000 by June, heavy industrial section us he sails along, Mr. Harrison made. Reporters were Art Prelo, last year, due to a split vote tal and Stalinist circles. Writing sible for the real cuts. Just for United Labor and Citizens Com Ism.
Ted Belander, Bert Cochran and demands nothing less than a pub. Blackwell Will among the progressives, was de on January 23 from Barcelona, he anti fasciat feated for the post of San Fran said it was hoped to keep on demonstrators, Blake Lear. Helen Merch, of the the itc retraction by the editors and cisco patrolman by Joe Golden Aghting for some days to come.
Stalinistsorated against the public apology by the authors. Speak at Meeting District Council. spoke stupid hooligans using Brown in the article, the authors had on the problems of the youth or.
who polled 1, 568 votes against if not longer. The day before, Shirt tactics. Despite the made some pointed references to ganization Matthews wrote: 1, 009. Elther the Negrette Russelt antes, five rank and file y. What Harrison himself calls his just returned from Spain where for national unemployment Blackwell, Adoption of special programs Malone, unopposed for drive will be halted in the next Joined the pleket line.
Te election as secretary, polled few days or the city will be lost.
By AL LIEBECK 2, 337. Joo Helke, treasurer, and since it is absolutely untrue, Communist League members who Liberals Protest Democratically ing and his no less low attacks Spanish in Barcelona, will campaign and concentrated Jimmy Greathouse, Seattle pa from military point of view, CHICAGO, II. mass picket tried to sabotage the line instead trolman, were re elected by four thut the fate of Barcelona could ne of 75 and Lindividuns carried such burning nounced their intention to pro: Trotskyism, from which he bom 101, P. at the Stuyvesant tured the convention conference to one votes. In every case a proposalbly be settled in a few days, members and sympathizers slogans as Roselli Here Today. test, organized a silent pisalvebastically dissociated himself, Casino, Second Avenue, at Ninth Flint was welcomed into the disThe newly organized branch in gressive won by a decisive ma Matthews dispatches may indl. rounded the entrance of the Un! Gone Tomorrow. In contrast resistant non hooligan picket line. in the pages of the social demo Street jority.
Blackwell was held on chargestrict. It was well represented at Once a plaything of the union plans to abandon Barcelona inversity of Chicago International Fourth Internationalists carried That is, they stood outside the cratic patriots organ, the New of high treason after participa the conference.
wreckers, the Marine Firemen stead of making last ditch against a dinner and meeting for Fascism wherever It Raises Its ful, though respectful, looks to Mr. Harrison letter will apting in the armed realstance of After considerabe discussion, have rebuilt their union. Here stand.
all who entered. That done, they perr in full, it is announced, in the Barcelona workers to at proposals for a district organizais an example for the long Tens of thousands of anarchist Prof. Bruno Roselll, a representa Head!
entered the hall, listened atten the February issue of the New tempts to disarm them. The prestion with a committee of slx and From loud speaker which tively, and democratically helped International, so that its roaders sure of labor groups in America an executive secretary were shoremen, the furriers, the New and socialist milltiamen were tive of fascist Italy. Quentin York painters, and other unions sleughtered after they had sur Ogron, a member of the may get his full measure. Ap. upon the Department of State adopted, wrecked by the disease of Stalin rendered in Gljon and Santander. bodhly evicted from the linista concentrated their attack escort Ogren out of the hall.
hall when he rose to protest on the militant line. whenever pended to it will be a brief reply onco secured his release only to Art Preis was elected district At the end of the meeting, the by Burnham and Shachtman. have the rearrest him on secretary. The former district ist leadership!
will be remembered by the work against allowing a funciat to they could be heard above the plaketa entered the building and board the vessel that was to take secretary, Ferguson, was un ARTISTS UNION CONSIDERS shouted slogans of the picket. astounded the assembled guests ers of Barcelona and that, no speak.
him home.
RESOLUTION ON BEFUGEES matter what the Negrin governable to attend because of sleknees Sabotage Line Subscribe to The meeting is under the aus and his report on the work of CHICAGO, III. resolution ment does, the masses organize the picket line was greeted tographers were copying and pho with their singing of the InterSocialist Appeal pices of the Blackwell Defense the past year was read to the calling for the open door for ref the defense of Barcelona. after a half hour by twelve Young tographing the slogans of thenational.
Progressives Win In Firemen Vote Barcelona Can Be Second Madrid Chicago Party, Picket Dinner for Fascist Committee