BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Goal. 2, 800 IS DRIVE TOTAL WITH ONE MORE WEEK LEFT Drive Success Seen Twice Weekly Fund Only 200 200 Short of the Socialist Appea SAVE THE AUTO UNION!
Barcelona Can Be Auto Auto Workers! Stop Stalinists Move To Second Madrid Smash Organization month or at either or both of the projected MEMBERS MUST INTERVENE be a mere dog fight over posts, the fate of the MICH. TEAMSTERS The struggle in connection with the special BATTLING COURTS, union, or else it will not make the slightest dif COPS AND SCABS Open the Doors AII War To Europe Funds To the Refugees!
Official Weekly Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International As It Enters Last Week VOL. III No. Saturday, January 28, 1939 375 54 per copy By ROSE KARSNER Appeal Campaign Director Total collected to date is 2, 800.
This puts us well on the way to the twice a week Appeal the first step ON THE ROAD TO DAILY: Our organization has good reason to be proud of the results obtained thus far, but we must not rest until every branch and every member in It has fulfilled the quota 100 One final push, and we begin publishing twice a week. The last lap of any race is as a rule the most arduous. But we can make it. We have already given evidence of the mettle Fourth Internationalists are made of. So don The Workers Saved Madrid and They Can Martin Group Shares Blame for Crisis delay. Send in the balances.
Let reach the 8, 000 goal, and Still Save Barcelona; Negrin and Co.
Which Is Imperilling Union thengo beyond it!
The present open crisis in the United Auto The issue is now one of life or death for Prepare Their Exit Existence Remember, the Twice a Week mobile Workers Union, which has already split the union. It will not be solved in a week or a Appeal is only the first step ON THE ROAD TO DAILY. Our The siege of Barcelona has begun. In little more than a month, the General Executive Board in two, brought next steps are: building a success. Franco forces have traversed eighty miles of Catalonia and are about the naming of a dual president and the March conventions; but if it is ever going to calling by the Stalinists of a stooge convention, be solved, action will have to be really begun setting prompt bundle order pay at the doors of the biggest and industrially most important city threatens, literally and immediately, the de during the next week and month.
DETROIT, Jan. 23 The United Automobile Workers of ments.
of Spain.
struction of the entire union movement in the It is time for the militant and progressive America, which fought and defeated the biggest monopolies in the To outflank inadequately equipped troops in the field is one industry rank and file of the to assert their country, is now being split wide open by two contenders for power 3000 thing, however, and to capture a city of two million people is a Into the creation of this movement went own rights, to take over their own union in Unless the rank and file speaks up, and speaks up soon, the task of an entirely different order. Given any serious intent to some of the most magnificent chapters of United their own name. The locals must elect their union will be a smoking ruin, powerless to fight the corporations, 2700 struggle, the Loyalist leadership can retain Barcelona for many States labor history. Today this movement delegates to the Detroit convention, not to sub unable to shield the interests of the unemployed. The entire labor Make months, at least.
faces a prospect where it may be wiped out mit to Martin but to re establish the rule of the movement will suffer a major disaster.
The siege of a great city is an officers was an important factor, members over their own union.
2409 On the one side, is the Executive Board Majority, consistIt enormous military undertaking, and Afth columns were in the altogether.
Primary responsibility for the crisis rests upon They can do so only by an independent ing of the union wrecking Communist party Unity Group trowd in as was demonstrated by Franco open long before fascist troops the vicious gang of union wreckers known and 2100 struggle of all genuine progressives on an alliance with the reactionaries who formerly supported Martin. On failure at Madrid in November, Will Barcelona follow Burst path 1936 March, 1937. Air bombing of Madrid or of Bilbao? Reports dishonored throughout the labor world as Stalinists.
tion of the warring cliques now composing the heavy office holders and backed by a very smelly alliance of re1800 Through and artillery have to this day not are already insisting that, like Everything healthy in the labor movement leadership.
actionaries and the Lovestoneites.
reduced a total of more than a the Basque bourgeoisie, the Ne the Wrecking the Union fourth of Madrid buildings to Barcelona. The terrific rate at withers under the touch of Stalinism.
If the members allow the present struggle to 1500 The Stalinists, with not the slightest respon Within a brief two week period ruins. Barcelona, more modern which the fascists have advanced Top!
indicates these cliques have inflicted a more than military sibility toward the unions, with no aim other union is sealed.
deeper wound on the than 1200 See Editorial on Page strength, resembling the disorga than to swing the unions into line for their own the motor barons with their bilnization and demoralization of the counter revolutionary and pro war political ends, convention must be utilized to advance a real lions of dollars and powerful procity, could withstand much more Loyalist lines during the Northern found obstacles in the to their plans.
the paganda machines were able to 900 intensive attacks than those which campaigns, which the Negrin do in two years. They have disMadrid have had to endure.
government later admitted to As in innumerable other instances, the Stalgraced the union in the eyes of have been due to treachery.
ference which clique wins out over the next inists in the set out to rule or ruinHow Madrid Fought the labor movement and the pub1600 Times Hints to tie the strings of the union firmly to 13th two months.
In the siege of Madrid, the lic at large, and all but crippled Fight Court Order It is alarming to note the line What kind of program is needed? The min.
fascists were faced by a deterStreet and through it to the Foreign Office of its magnificent fighting power.
indicated by the New York Times 300 mined resistance. Even if they the Kremlin, or to smash the union.
imum essentials are given by the situation in to Brewery The Detroit capitalist press has broke into the city, the workers correspondent, Matthews the union and the industry: heen having a Roman holiday, its Workers They have now taken their final step. Fearand their wives were prepared for known to be close to governmenaline writers competing with 30 hour week with no reduction in house to house fighting. The in(Continued on Page 3) ing with good reason to face a really democratic another for the most comical itiative of the masses was un and representative convention of the rank and weekly pay, throughout the industry.
DETROIT general strike escription of a very tragic situleashed and gave results. Work2. real organization drive to complete the all Michigan teamsters was tem ation.
FROM OUR READERS er committees went through the porarily postponed on January 23, unionization of the entire industry.
in the executive board and called their stooge Compromise Abandoned when Drivers Local 271 won its What we need to keep the streets, Impressing all able bodied Organization, and negotiations with the About ten days ago compro convention in Cleveland, men into building barricades and first major victory in the fight to mise was reached for a joint contwice weekly going and imbosses, backed up whenever and wherever necWhatever illusions part of the membership prevent intimidation and coercion vention. Now that compromise is trencher proving, is an army of readers House to house searches were of its membership. After refusing ancient history, with two convenessary by the weapons that first built the union like Joe of Iliopolls, may have made by workers committees for and got it everything it has ever won: by mil. to review the case last Saturday. tons planned, one by the Board who says: My subscription to fascist suspects and arms. Over itant mass action, pickering, strikes, and sit. the National Labor Relations in Cleveland, a supposed Com the Appeal expired, am therefive hundred Assault Guards pomilitant delegates to it, it is guaranteed in adBoard consented to an appeal to munist party stronghold, on fore enclosing with which lice were arrested and impris Eastern Conference vance that the Cleveland meeting will be a Washington. Rank and file control; full and genuine to renew it. Soon shall send March 20, and another by Martin Meanwhile whirlwind action by in Detroit, where he believes he you to cover the Stamps you oned as fascist suspects. As a 100 Stalinist stooge assembly. Every move, result, no Arth column appeared Plans Struggle democracy within the union.
Drivers Local 271 has kept the has an edge on his opponents, on sent me. am desirous of helpin Madrid.
every motion, every resolution, will be dictated An end to the Hillman Murray receiver. brewery trucks off the streets, March ing the Appeal hope to be Liberal Traitors For Jobs by Earl Browder in exactly the same manner ship. Autonomy for the union in running its Where scabs succeeded in operat Meanwhile the contending able to make a regular monthA very different story unfolded that he dictates the proceedings of the American ing their trucks, they never got groups have been mobilizing their ly contribution soon.
own affairs when the fascists marched on By BILL MORGAN League for Peace and Democracy, the to their destination, and if they foroes at a feverish pace and the the Northern cities, Bilbao, Gijon PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22. Elimination of the influence of Stalinism dia break through the tight net last two weeks have witnessed a or the conventions of the Communist party We welcome comrade s action and Santander. The Basque Sixteen work of union cruising cars, delegates, in the union leadership and policies.
representing itself.
spectacle of shameful activity unin starting monthly Appeal bourgeoiste was in complete con more than 9, 000 unemployed and Bona fide representation of the entire innever sold their beer. After two paralleld in the annals of the laPledge Fund to help cover the trol, the workers were permitted workers, gathered here The future of the union movement in auto of their cars were found wrecked, bor movement.
ternational at the Detroit convention, with an deficit which every revolutionary no initiative, and the cities were over the week end, in an Eastern does not and cannot lie with the Cleveland arrangement and credentials committee including taxi companies are refusing to The Board majority fired ten publication operates on because it scarcely approached by the fashaul scabs.
Martin supporters, among them a cannot secure advertising.
puppet show.
cists they were not even be real struggle all groups, and competent to guarantee the dem.
Fight Court Order for jobs and inWho will apply for Appeal sleged when the Loyalists sur creased relief for the unemployed.
But Homer Martin carries also his share of few Lovestoneites (the bellyocratic rights of the locals in getting fais and The strike was precipitated by crawling of this miserable chique (Continued on Page 1) rendered. Open treachery of high Stressing the need for united responsibility for the disaster. His irresponsibil.
a court order by Circuit Court has surpassed all records for cal proportional representation. Exposure of the action against the slashing of the ity, his willingness to bloc up with anyone, Judge DeWitt Merriam, dio loused abdomens. projected Addes Mortimer Thomas convention relief appropriations by the tating to drivers what union they however reactionary including at the start the at Cleveland as a Stalinist scheme to smash the must belong to. The drivers, mem 15 out of 24 Board members. The Martin countered by suspending Roosevelt administration in its Stalinists themselves for some immediate purunion and certain to be run as a standard Stal bers of Teamsters Local 271, were Board impeached Martin and apcynical haste to build a monstrous pose, his failure to carry issues to the rank inist stooge assembly directed from beginning ordered by the Judendo con un pointed Thomas, president.
machine, delegate Paid Quota Percent stead the Brewery Workers Un Both groups speedily dispatched and file, his ineffectiveness in the organization after delegate cited to end by Browder and his gang of unionmiserable Kansas 20. 00 10. 00 200 ion, Local 51.
condition of the unemployed and 10. 00 Sacramento 200 20. 00 drives planned for the last year, his secret meet wreckers relief workers who were betrayed St. Louis Local 50. 00 Originally these drivers were their strong arm squads, armed 60. 00 120 ings with Coughlin and Bennett, his dampening by the Stalinist leadership of the of the militancy of the locals in order to make The genuine unification and consolidation members of Local 38 of the Brew with ball bats, to take over the Durham, 00 00 120 of the which is possible only on the cry Workers. Then Brewery In records at the Griswold Building, 10. 00 Chicago, Ind 11. 50 Workers Alliance in every section 115 of Pennsylvania, New York and the union respectable in the eyes of the bosses basis of a program of militant struggle and ternational officers signed a closed International office of the union, Lynn, Mass.
50. 00 54. 80 109 everywhere the Communist Party all these factors have played into the hands of democratic control of the union by the rank shop agreement with out of town and then to the printshop to cap Boston, Mass.
ture the union newspaper, 200. 00 103 of the Stalinist union wreckers.
wreckers got control of unemdistributors, and established Lo and file.
10. 00 Denver, Colo.
The funds of the International 10. 00 cal 51, with wages under this con Union are tied up because checks 100 ployed organizations.
Detroit, Mich.
25. 00 28. 00 100 tract running 20 a week less than Adopt Program Fresno, Calif 00 09 100 The Conference listened to reunder the contract held by Local must be signed jointly by George Addes, Board Secretary Treasurer Hartford, Conn.
38. The International officers or 00 00 100 ports from delegates and then Houston, Tex.
10. 00 10, 00 proceeded to draw up program dered Local 88 drivers to join Lo and Homer Martin, opposition Minneapolis 500. 00. 500, 00 100 which would answer the needs of cal 51. Revolting at this high president.
Marston Mills, Mass.
The whole business has now 00 handed order, the drivers joined been taken into the courts. 00 100 New Haven, Conn the workers. This program, based 20. 00 20. 00 100 on the experiences of the many and unemployed work Last year about billions Roosevelt own program means the teamsters union in a body.
Last night the strong arm When Drivers Local 271, repre: squads invaded a meeting of Ply San Francisco 50. 00 50. 00 locals present, means actioners are being called to parade in were spent for and other gradually Aring seven hundred St. Paul, Minn.
100. 00 Some of the demands are a fol New York on January 28, in a forms of relief. Roosevelte the next six months and that, to enforce the superior provisions by staging battle royal which pro thousand workers during senting these drivers, proceeded mouth Local 51 and broke it up Toledo, o.
20. 00 20. 00 100 Yellow Spgs. 00 100 comployedwarna funds to the very bor and Citizens Committee for igure down to 23 billions for the without waiting for Congression of the contract previously held by was ended when some 300 lopte Washington, 20. 00 100 worker at trade union wages and Jobs and Recovery under the current year.
East Oakland 20. 00 100 hours with a 30 minimum week slogan Back up the President Colonel Harrington, Roosevelt already being carried out, nearly Brewery Workers went to the cleared the hall with nightsticks.
Evansville, Ind. 00 00 100 recent appointee as Ad 350, 000 having already been fired. courts for an injunction. Since Most of the workers present took ly wage guaranteed! Open the and the Mayor!
no part in the conflict.
15. 00 15. 00 100 Quakertown, Pa.
idie factories! Against the The sole demand made by this ministrator, has revealed that (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Passing the Buck 00 Plentywood, Mont. 50 90 Means Teat!
committee and others like it Charges are flying thick and 1050, 00 New York City 872. 45 to committee on organization throughout the country 1s fast, the capitalist press running Los Angeles 200. 00 150. 00 was elected and it prepared plans go forward with Roosevelt by columns of statements and counAllentown, Pa.
25. 00 18. 00 72 for the united action of all the insisting that the Senate reter statements. Each side is seek10. 00 70 Lexington, Ky 00 unemployed and workers stores the cut voted by the House ing to throw responsibility on the Punta Gorda, Fla. 00 50 70 against the relief cuts and buck of Representatives in the other for rotten stewardship in Newark, NJ 100. 00 69. 00 passing of the responsibility from One amendment passed by the the past year and a half.
Philadelphia 50. 00 33. 60 67 Federal Government to the States propriation proposed by RooseSenate Committee provides that In this way they hope to capiGoes Through Devious Maneuvers to Rochester, 25. 00 16. 50 and countles. Delegates from the The national headquarthe rank and file not more than of the 3, 000, 000 talize on Baltimore, Ma.
10. 00 00 trade unions will be invited to ters has declared itself in simiHamstring Protest Movement workers now on shall be mounting indignation at leaders Worcester, Mass 10. 00 00 assist in this struggle lar terms, asking that Congress dropped before April 1st, and a who abused the democratic rights Chicago 250. 00 143. 00 57 representative committee of accept Roosevelt figure of 875, Fargo, D 10. 00 50 55 seven was elected to carry on the 000, 000 instead of the House bill Retreating slightly in the face of the threat of mass protests and second leaves the road open for of the membership, bent a humble 10. 00 50 55 San Diego additional appropriations knee to the corporations, falled at work of the conference. Lester of 725, 000, 000 the complaints of Governors and Mayors that their treasuries cannot in the Spring.
the job of organizing Ford and South Bend 10. 00 50 55 Heckman, of Allentown, Pa. is Not a word is said by these stand any increases in local relief costs, the Senate Committee on Roosevelt Protest a Sham the competitive parts plante, and Cleveland 200. 00 105, 00 53 the secretary of the committee organizations about the mean Neither amendment, 50 course Appropriations last week added temporizing amendments to the relief alters in the slightest what would 10. 00 120, 00 Oakland, Cal wasted the treasury of the union which consists of Pat Brennan of ing of Roosevelt own figure.
Though the Stanista bear Youngstown.
50. 00 23. 00 Wilkes Barre, Pa. John Justin of Yet, to back up the President bill passed by the House of Representatives.
be the net outcome if Congress is chlef responsibility for the de Gardner Fitchburg 15. 00 50 Harrleburg, Pa. John Monroe of means to back him in putting Though the Senate Committee fiscal year, it is possible that allowed to get away with the bacle, Martin cannot escape hte 10. 00 00 Seattle, Wash Baltimore, Md. Rhoda Pearson over program of bullion sustained the House figure of open debate on the floor of the 725, 000, 000 Agure. If that remains share.
Akron, 50. 00 00 and Henry Rourke of New York dollars less for and reThe major accusation and the 725, 000, 000 as the total deficiency Senate will restore the Presl the total, cumulative layoffs will Louisville, Ky.
10. 00 0 City and Mrs. Briggs of Wis liet for this year than was appropriation to cover dent suggested figure of 875. have to cut the rolls to a chief scandal of the present tight Portand, Ore. 00 consin spent last year!
costs during the remainder of the 000, 000 (Continued on Page Continued on Page JOBLESS PARLEY file of the entire union, they have forced a split IN FIGHT AGAINST RELIEF SLASHES ever locais may in honest confusion send genuine downs.
100 100 100 100. 00 00 20. 00 20. 00 83 75 Senate Temporizes On Relief Slashes While Roosevelt Evades Responsibility 69 66 60 16 20 16 0